TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1919. 17 ft WAMKD TO KENT. Houses. WANTED .Furnished cottage at Seaside, liearhart or Cannon Beach; repiys should a;ive full description, location and price rer month, or fracuon thereof. 3u3 Gusco ids. WANTED to rent furnished house, will lease. J r vine ten. Hose Ci ly Par It. laurel hurst pref rre d, about $-",u. Phone Mr. Robinson, Main IK). Eqyt 5n43. WILL PAY MONTHS RENT IX 'AD vance, modern 5 ok 6-rogm un ruhmsh ed house; p.efekknces. Main 2:153. emu, oregqni.vn. A 5 OR G-HOUM bungalow, with all rao'lern convenieiK.es, on or uelore Kept. 1; adulta n ly ; prater clusti-in location. AG feOb, On gonian, A 5 OH -ti-KOOM modern home, bungalow or flat: Irvinston, Laure'hurSt or west aide; $:'.V$40 er month; threa aduits; bes t reft r.-nrf3, V ;''-, On.-gorsiiin, Apurtmenis. I WANT a small, modern, unfurnished apart n? lit. with to?, tli and gas range, on or shortly"- before September 1. Must not be ovr 12 or 1. b;.ckri from Oresonian bldg. Will be perni; nenu Phone Mr. Fink. Main 770. or M.ir.-hall 4stl. HOTEKEKI'i.; rooms in private family by iady and high s-linol girl, in vicinity nt Lincoln. where, daughter can use pia.no. "B 5iV Orenian, WANTED By in c ma n. f urn ished jiving loom with f ir- p re. h-d room and hat li and priviirf- of breakfast if de-nred. O 7bl, Oregonii-n. TOUf mn desire quiet room with pnate f.imlly. C. H. family desired. L 454, Ore- Rooms With Board. YOUNG MAN desires mom and board in a modern. onRnial Jewish home; ran fur ni?h refer-mr s; walking.,- distance pre ferred. AL 4o', OreguniarU Bnrdnes Places. WANTED Ofiicr space with, uee of atenog- ra ph-r. M ai n 04' 4. ' . Mwpllitnfoi. HALL to seat 4'Mi wantfil bv 3 locals; wish to rfnt by month. F. MeCormick. 7o5 FJ. 21st st. South. Portland, Or. Phone tjll wood 1 1 72. " - yOK REM. Furnished lipoma. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of jJeriL HOTEL CLIFFORD. -Ea.st Morrison and Sixth. Hotel -Clifford is the principal east Mlde hotel and a not-sl of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates $1.00 uq; two in room, $1.75- weekly rates, J.' and up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th et.. half block trom Morrison t., clean, mod -m rooms, centrally locat ed ; transient. $l.."iO; with baxh, month ly. $25; with. bath. $30. FREE room register, tor young men; listing rooms la all parts of the c&y; also in V M. C. A, bldg..; shower baths, tele phones aud club iciiturta. AK till. Ore gonian. HOTEL NAVARRF, 427 Alder u. Corner 11th. Elegantly f urmshed. central location, clean and orderly. Rates by day or week ANSOX1A HOTEL. 14th and Washington Clean, respectable home for business peo ple; transient, tl up; permanent, J4 up; private bath, $S. EMPRESS HOTEL. Oth and Strk, under new management ; thoroughly renovated; rotimu by tne. day, week or montn. HOt"el"()CKLE Y, .Morrison st. ai Tenth Rate $1 per day up: weekiy. $4 up; rua D!;n water, free phone and bath,. FURNISHED parlor bedroom and sleeping porch to rent. close in, wet side, very reasonable. 201 Stout st. 425. PALACE HOTEL, 416 Wash, at.; downtown location, respect a I4e and strictly modern. sua n In"- at. ro mi sl a r ti e ele iiri. PLEASANT well-furnished room for busi-n-s man, furiKtcf, hot water, walking distance. BroHilwiiy 1:240. THE FENROSL 140 Grand ave., at Boi mont; clioice single rooms for meu SARGENT 1IOTUL, apt. Jrid sleeping 1 Grand a ve 1. E;-st 21. NICELY furnished Broa.d way. urns for rent at 361 LCREST onth up; 1 HOTEL Bath, phone; $'J2.5U without bath, flO up. 733 Wash. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th All conveniences. J4 and 5 week; $L day. ie. $1 DAY. $-. Hoinl Cauillae. week d near ; outside rtioms. 'flerson. HAVE good sleeping room, suitable for tie muii. Main :V.n. 2 00 Chapman. NICELY furnished front rooi tance, No. 17 Morton Apt. 1. walking dlf Marshall 320. Furainlied libom in private Family. NEAT furnished room, home comforts, lady only; heat, light, g.is and use of kitchen; walking distance'. 353 Ross, near BUwy. bridge. TWO dandy rooms close in with plrasant pur round 11 trs. all home comforts, use of piano; breakfast served; reasonable. 400 Clay ft. Main 222S. MCE, Clrl modern hum K.ast T.12S. f r it ro m. n n el' f urnisiHd, miers; close in. I.KN1SHED ! rom ; w ulkir.fi reasonable. 0-J -. p i : 1 g room. la r a e , co 01 distanfe: 1 blot-k from car; Belmont. East 7UO. NEATLY furnished Fleepinp room, use bath, phone, piano, hniiw conveniences. 779 Maraliall st- Main 1071. NICELY furnished room in private family for gentlemen; 15 min. walk to center of r-ity 2i'5 E 1st N. Phone C lOOrt. FRONT kate family, modern 0 each; Irvington. 1 32, Oregon Ian. house; 2 I block fron FI" HXI.SMKI) fr.nt room in model h:ith. phonrt, li tri t.s, use of piano, ption- Woo.Knwn 01. home : ill $10. NEATLY furnished f.i." Hoyl at. A 1 norths i n modern home. 01. NICE room for gtMitleman, walking distance. SLEEPING room tng distunre, private ftMnily, -ni;tn onl-. , M air walk 4 141 NICE, r private A FEW" furnished run for rent in moms. 1 w 1th trtkail way 22'I. N J t ' E, clean I"u rnisfi private family. 74 rent st. NICE, furnished ro,n suitable- for two men. LARGE modern room, ,-. block from car line. 777 Irving et. Main 43.YS. ' FURNISH ED room in Vh west side. Broad" private home FO P R1-1XT nn .T fft-rxon hih f or .1 r. Bro n. lu rizc f u rn ishrd ri 'chool. Uinnllawij Room YV Itu Board. NORTON ! A HUTKU Portland s downtown high-clas: family hotM; rooms tn suite or single, with or without board, for families ird business men aud Women. We give uu all the cumtorta of home. Reason- 4bie rates. C'HESTKKBl'KY A meru ait plan e ellent IH bit: . 1 IOTEL. 2i1 N. 20TH. hotel , desirable rooms; neals seived transients. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SSu st For business girls and stu dent; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. 7'2 Morrison, board, mode 1 .'it h, choice rooms and n t iiieuceti, w alking dis- ROO.M and board for businet-s gins. tl. modern convenVnrt s. walking distance, $4 per wee k. Ea-st 4 TS2. 12 E. 7th st PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent ta P le ; cloa tn. Montgomery, r-ar W est Park. ROOM and board, home cooking; special rate to couples, ijansient mea 2til Uth sl Rooms With Hoard in PriTate Family. LARGE, well-furnished room for 2. excellent table board. al con eniences. in one of : n est homes in city. 223 E. 20th et. East M'"!'- A Sl'ITK of rooms w i 1 f urnished wit h ex-ielb-ut tnbt- bvarJ will be vacant AurusI K lit ou.-iti s eouple. '2 men or J luUles. w.--t side. Phone M am 4254. NU 1 i E il g" v e moi her'a rare and aiten tien to nTi.nl children whe.e parents may mho 11. 1224 E. .Mum st. I ,. Ri ? K room In pri v;te home, bre kf;u.t if ct-slT'd. CiO.tlet11.111 preferred. 14 E. 16th t-1 . i ' b o n E.it 7 :i,T furnished room suitable for 2 lie., separate beds. excellent in. Mam !'325, 547 6th st. K X.C1 -USI V E home offers rnomi young meals. A N . with bread. BOOd home cooKinn . norne-mnde 14. n;; N. lVth st. !i-o:.d . k LAIUiE, leii. front room, good location. Close in. t-reakfast if d?irea; reasonable. HV 1 0; h st. Main 1 2".3. NfCELY furnished room for rent, men only, pood i.-ible board, close in. luti 2Jd st, N., M. 716;:. Room and b lleer- Mar jii " n ; home pn v 42 5- MH1 st. ONE lai ge room in modern home. 431 ' Park st. "WOULD like 1 or 2 chilr1rn to bird, the r-est of references. Seliwood 2S36. ROOM and boa rd for lady, private amily, home p-iv1eges. reasonabl. East 2;4 Furnished Apartment. BOZANTA apts.. 1SI N. 23d St.; room arartments. furnished. 5 and 4- COMPLETELY furnished -room apartment. FOR RENT. Ftirnlaned ApartmenM. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Franlr's store ; good surroundings, st rictly modern, 2 and a-room furnished apts.. all outside, with French doors and balcony. RATES BY WEEK OR MuNTH. STELWYX APARTMENTS. HI'JH CLASS. Furnished apts., suite and single room with bath. Also 1 room and kitchenette for bachelor or persons employed di; ring t he day ; reference required. Mar. 2S30. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Moat modern furnished apartment oc the Pacific coast. Roof Gardes in Connection. Walk-ng distance. References. STELWYX APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. S and 5-room and sleeping porch, beau tifully furnished in Chinese and Turkish rui;s and willow, available at once. Mar. j.v;o. -ROOM furnished apt., private bath: 1 single housekeeping room and 2 sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. Klein apts., loth and E. Humaide. KINOSBt'KY apt?., ISO Vista ave., one nice ly furrtished 3-room apartment with 2 dis a ppeanng beds aud outside balcony, bo. M din S. THE PENROSE, 14U Grand ave.. at Belmont. Tnree-room piruoeou completai fur nished. East 4J4S. THE BURNS apartments and rooms; mod ern, clean, good location, reasonable rent. :ib? Hawthorne. THE STAN FIELD, apts. completely Main 73'.'2. 24 Porfer furnished; THE DEZEXDORF APTS. 208 lth St.. Near Taylor St. Completely furnished 5-rro. apartment. -ROOM apts., J3..j0 and $4 per week; not modern but clean. The A It a Vista, 044 Pfttygrove st. Broadway :io40. TH REE-ROOM apts. with bath., toilet and dressing room, 27.50 to $40. Phone Eat 2840. Jackson opts. THE CABLOId Modern brick, outside apts.. living room, kitchenette, bat h, private phone, 9-'-; adult 341 14th, cor. Market. LARGE front rooms, private bath. Mississippi ave. : PENINSULA APTS., 1135 Albina ave. Con crete bldg.. 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln. 1332 SUITE two rooms with kitchen and p rival bath; 110 children. 30 Russell st. COM PLETE apartment. $19; concrete biuit Union ave. and Killingswortjl. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 4Ul Alert Transfer. 411 Stark. LAM BROOK APTS,, East 7th and Yamhill Two-room apt- East 4062. GARFIELD 3 roc-ms, sloeplng porch. $37.50. 361 East Failing, block 'west Union. L'nf urnTohed Apartments. UNFURNISHED 2-room aptT 1 b!ockf"rom library. 215 11th st., cor. Salmon. Phone Mam fe07; adults. FOR RENT 1-room apartment, west side: steam heat and hot water; $22 a month. Inquire W Hd et. Main 7O20. Furnished or fcnfurninhed A oart meats. ONE- modern 4-room unfurnished or fur nished front apartment. 5 blocks from Mor rison st., west side; $5 and $45; adults only. Main 2500. Flats. S.;5 P. FURNISHED 5-room lower fiat. t40 Mallory ave.; private residence; 2 blks. Union ave. 3 blks. to Williams ave car line. liOOMS, $15.50; gas, electric lights, bath. screens, right on Riverview ( b ulton car, west side, minutes out. 12D5 Corbett st. FOR RENT Artults. 91' -Large, modern, 4-room . flat; 's Williams ave. 4 AND 5-room flats. $0 to $13. Tabor Furnished Flat. TO RENT for 30 days, very pleas-ant 4 rooms and bath, furnished; 'M. 1042 Grand ave. N.. near Alberta. UouseKeeplag Rooms. THE CADILLAC, 3d near Jefferson. $4 werk uu. lurnished H. K. suites; single H. K. rooms $2.50 up, including baths, hot water at all hours, etc rave eariaie. i5 A MONTH and up. single H. K- roornn. team heat, free hot water for laundry 2-room apt. $10 and up. 203 Stanton. Wdln. 4405. FUKXISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance, hot and cold water. A 1 ut over either phone. 501 Harrison st., near 14th. CLEAN, attractive front apt., thoroughly renovated, nuiet. central, summer once also sleeping rooms, summer prices. 247 r.th at. THE M OX TG O M E R Y". corner "E. 8th and E. Morrison Completely furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apts. LNOLE housekeeping I basement housekeepin and sleeping room g for bachelors. 150 11th St. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, cheap rated; busiuess center. 18'J West Park. 2 NEAT housekeeping rooms for floor, corner 1'ark and Salmon, utfer of Nobby Cleaners. . rent firs: See man' TRl'NKS BAGGAGE, delivered In down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Service, phone EAfcl 8434. - TRaGG A GE and furniture moving; phon Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 Vfc Stark. FURNISHED cheap. The housekeeping Gil man. 142 4 room a, 1 st st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms at 510 Flanders. MouneaeepTng goonw In Fnvate Fainlly. TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep inn euitable for 4. 424 3d St., corner Hal Phone Main Ss30. - 3 FURNISHED light- .housekeeping room Phone, water, lights; 1 block from 3 cars. Adulta only. Call Wood lawn 315. a AND 4 ROOMS in private residence, with sb:eDing porcn aim b a. ruse. a aiii 1117 E. Market. N H 'ELY furnished front room enette for one employed, $ IS. with kitch 288 13th 2- ROOM furnished housekeeping apt., t'pv court. i'hone i-.ast i-u-i. LIGHT l r.26. housekeeping rooms. Plione Tbo rlooeew. WII-I rent home for four or five weeks to rTMimth p rartv : B rooms, nicely rur nished: piano and sewing machine. Call Seliwood ecu vrJ VOTT MOVS Use NORTHWESTERN ELBCTRIC Ugh service. Broadway 530. A 674T. FOR RENT Well located house. 21st St.: will accommodats 3 families. Ji per month. Call Main 01H3 week day. MODERN S-room house with sleeping pore and sunroom : best residence district on wsst side. AK 57. Oregonian. , MOVING Piano, tance hauling s Service Co., 40 furniture and long-dls Tecialty. O. W. True 2d ?t Phone Bdwy 5121 NEW furniture in a five-room modern house for sale, house for rent, very, reasonab! rti"J Knott st. ' MAIN 1261, local and leng distance Let our auto truck move you. Transfer Co.. 202 h Aider at. L 7261 Green i-o rv:t ITnose on East fit h M and Harrison ts. inquire at 528 Grand av Phone Sell. 7.".1. . nous. 2 5-R iOM t.'i4 4th Sheridan Main filSd. GOOD seven-room house. $25. E. 7076. Copyright, 1919, by N-nrapaper Fatibir S.nrica, Inc. Gnat Britain Rif hi. RhmtmL Rgitrel Im FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. 11-ROOMWiouje near X. W. steel yard, con crete basement, first-class furnace, money maker as a rooming or boarding house; furniture now ready for sale at a bargain; call Main 4574. WILL rent my home, strictly modern. 7 rooms, completely furnished, baby grand piano, etc., adult. Call Seliwood 2tt7. FURNISHED S-room house in Irving ton, to rent for one or 2 years, $75 per month. 6 so Tillamook st. -ROOM E. Oth 52X5. modern furniehed cottage, st. S-, near Hawthorne; 25. East FURNISHED modern bungalow for rent and garage. 42ti Webster st. Phoae Wdln. 2450. ICELY furnished 4-room lower floor. 543 E. 17th. 1 blk. from R, M. car; adults only: ?30. RCMJM furnished house for rent, close in 30 MiTinesota a ve. Summer Resurta, acLEAX'S CAMP. Oswego lake; camp cot tage lor rent, rurnished wltn essentials, swimming, boating, fishing. Appiy at camp, reached from Oswego station on Fourth-street red electric line. FOR RENT Summer home at Seaview, fur nished, Aug. and Sfpt.; ail modern con veniences; 0 bedrooms, large living rootn. R. J. Linden, 3bl Holladay ave., or O. R. Stout, Sea view. Wash. OTT AGE on Ocean Ridge at Peavlew, Wash., living room, dining room, kitchen and 5 bedrooms, fireplace, bjth, electric lights. Inquire mornings at 441 W. Park at., city, or address Box 7"i. Seaview. CAMP sites now available at Columbia beach. 7 to 12 per monto, including electric light. watt and wood; ask fur Mr. H.olmwa at the beach. - ROOM furnished cottage, firr place, nice location: Long Beach, Wash.; $20. G. i. Ford, 104 4th. HOTEL MAVNOR, Nye Crek. Newport- Cooking privileges; $1 per day and up. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house on liopa ridge for rent. East 34ii. E A H K A If N I E BEACH, six-room furnished cortage by week or month. Tabor l.24. STORES 1st Tabor 1114. St.. 94 tL long; $20 each. Offices, FURNISHED private office, telephone and stenoirranhic service and use ot reception room, public accountant preferred. 1026 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESIRABLE private office with use of re ception room ana teiepnone. yu p.v Bank bldg. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark street, between Sd and 4tu. Apply yoom B 1 Z. Railway sxenange. ODGE halls for rent. Main 331 S. Mtecell aneoaK. ONE, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for office or apts.; also sleeping. Room 501, Ra leigh bldg. Phone 4033. BUSrNKSS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Steam laundry in town of 12.000. in Washington, now doing over $3o0 per week, rheap fuel and cheap rent, in voice at ti.uu: win sen ror .nu. i: cash. bal. easy terms; will sell whole or H i n terest ; will bear full investigation. . A v -i4. Oreffonlan. GARAGE. Down town location. 50x100, two floors. room for b0 crs. 4-year lease, rent $125 a month, clearing $O0 a month; price S40O0. Atlas Business Agency & Realty Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Mala NEW rayroll towri being built ; U. S. government fostering; quarter million dol lar loan; old company; paid to labor two million dollars past IS months; will em ploy 2000 men. Investment and business. O 755. Oregonian. $ti.0 BUY'S good restaurant, open day and n grit. A. ISO orU DU s K rotcry aure 011 Morrison at. doing $100 per day business. Must sell on aeeount of sickness. Have others up to $5000. See John Brown. 32 Ry Exch. bldg. Marshall 3331. LOOKING for sure investment or business location? Have a new payroll town mat a certainty; don't let the future reproach you for your skepticism or Phortsighted ness; get busy. K 30, Oregonian. LOOKING backward you can see what you have overlooked; let us snow you anoint ODnortunit v and see what you do. It's 1 certainty, backed by U. S. government and reliable company. K 430, Oregonian. volt SALE Variety store in one of Ore eon h best towns; good location. 10 w -rent, long lease; an Al proposition; about $5000 required to handle; no trades; act at ouce, Tie Fair Store. Bend. Oi CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closina deal of so-called lntem in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL OOWGILL, Secretary. $12,000 stock of general merchandise in tow- on ma n 11 1 u n w . 111 y fmiiti,n, 'o ohnnee for live merchant: can be bought a1 a discount. Inquire 1 Dinkesplul Co., 47 North 5th st. MEAT market, eastern Washington: old (.tithiishfd ousiness. xuiiy eouutpeu an doing good business; will stand close in' vetlgation. av Ju, vj vsum-in. . BARGA IN $0000 grocery store for sale, A 1 roods : will sell without fixtures; fin e:h husiness In valley town ; rent $3o will discount. Hurry. AV 347, Oregonian. FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, engine, planers, rlonkev- c a Dies iju.uwu cd puci. sei. iu rim bargain, $5000, easy terms; act quick. Jim Htw, Yamhill. Or. oil. LAND for sale in xy4 ana acre iractH. near uciui-ru, n., a ere, easy terms- J. T. Roy a ton, 44 Washington stree FOR SALE JSOO cash, stocK, showcases. Shelving. COUniera, ui vun iee i iuiifi , and grocery. Take M. A. car to 'Sumner st. T'l'O Albina ave. Also some furniture.' A DANDY transfer business, well estab lished ; new trucks. Best of reasons for selling Price reasonable. C 3.-Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery, invoice MS'Ml. rent 1 5, including living rooms and counters; sales averace $40 day. 7rt3 Hood st. BARBER SHOP. 3 chairs, in good town out side of Portland, for sale. This is a good buy. A V 354, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in salmon and berry cannery, who has experience canning berries and has $15,QQ0. J 57. Oregonian. 1CHT grocery and confectionery store for sale 3 good living rooms, furnished. 0 East f0th X. Take MontaviWa car. r- unr FRY store for sale. 5 living rooms up-tiira- rent 25 a month. 160 Porter at. south Portland. FOR 'SALE 2-chair barber shop; good busi ness, good location. 205 N. Jersey at., Portland. Call at once. FOU RTH fnt crest in manufacturing plant : price S2U0O. H. V. Meathers, room 025, Imperial hotel, Portland. SOFT d'lnK establishment, good trade, cheap rent fine location, god proposition for man' and -wif". Butts & Pake. 241 Couch aHpAYROLL town is" a certainty; it's being built now; get busy; seeing is believing; we can show you. F 37. Oregonian. FOR SALE Pool drink place. cigars. 3d st. tobacco. 2'.12 FIRST FT. For rent. $1 -For sale. O. 2 rooms. K. restaurant. iTrGE CAFETERIA FOR SALE. WELL LOCATED. AC 816, OREGONIAN. HAVE $150 have you! and "working Interest. . OregonlJin. FOR SALE Restaurant; good location; will sacrifice because of health. Call Bdwy. 235. BCSPJfKSS OPPORTOfTTIES. TRUSTEE'S SAUS. COMPLETE HARDWOOD MILL. ' ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. SaoOO FEET LOGS IX BOOM. READY FOR IMMEDIATE OPERATION." Located at Harris burg. Copy of Inventory Sent on Application. Addresa inquiries to William Hutchison, trustee e3tate J. Al Pattlson Lumber Co., Inc., 1108 Northwestern Bank building. Portland. Or. ' ' ,v '.MERCHANTS ATTENTION! For sale below factory price, several thousand pairs of logeera" shoes; branda consist of Bergmans, Foresters, 'Stilaon and Kellogg. Washington Shoe Co., Goodyear, etc. Also a lot of overalls, Aquapelle clothing. work ehirta, loggers' shirts, maekinawa. underwear, socks, etc. This merchandise la from the U. S. government. Come early, as 1 am selling these goods very fast. W. GREEN BERG. ' 100 2d St., corner Stark. DO you want stock in an Industrial con tracting concern which has paid 25 dividends each ear the last two years! and from present'indlcattons will continue! aoing so.' ou can secure SlboO Par value .. 1 or iii.iu cash. Heasono for sucnncing is on aocount ol financial condition of owner. If interested in this proposition it is im perative you lommunlrate with me aa soon as possible at K 421. Oregonian. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery tKore Cigars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the Business Line. If you wish to buv or sell call ATLAS Bt'SINB'-'S AGENCY & REALTY CO., TI6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5B15. ' BIG PROFITS in vulcanizing on the Ander- on vuicanizer. ror mtie money you can enter a most rjrofitable business. We guarantee to teach you in ten days and we pay buyers' $2 per day expense money while irannnR, oecause we sen tne wor iney ivd. The Anderson Steam Vulcanising Branch I School and Shop. 545 Washington slrvet, I j-or Liana, ir. BARGAIN If taken at once, old-established Riocery store, ai location; money-ma Ker ior right party; 3 living rooms In con nection; rents for $30 per month : price $10oo, from owner; no agents need ap ply: call Sundav between 8 A. .M. and 12:30 P. M.t 700 E. Stark st. ' Phone stast -342. BICTCLE and general repair shop, only shop of kind ip city 01' 4O0O, on main business street; will invoice about $ luoO or $ 1200 ; hae lathe and grinder, besides small tools; will give bargain for- cash; am going away and must self at once, o. Craft, McMinnviile, Or. ACTS and entertainers, furnished for all oc casions. Art. Raker, theatrical booking offices. Main 3473. 621 Henry bldg. Open aay ana evenings. Piocss and Bonds. WILL buy 2O00 Idaho Gold & Ruby Mining stock at 12c Box 3S1. Colfax, Wash. BuineM Opportunities Wanted. INTEREST in good country general mei chandise, want privilege of working for salary until satisfied ; have had 12 years' experience; best of business re re rentes. A 410, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY Nicest little business In town; come see for yourself; 92000 win handle. 703 Hawthorne ave, at 20th at. WANTED Iease on modem brick apart ment house, 28 or more. apts. Main 4741. THREE men want dairy farm 011 shares, all stoeicea up, d 4 On, Oregonian. WANTED By competent physician. location; j or wooiQ purchase. AV 3i. oregonian. Hotels and Rooming 1 1 outer. IF YOTJ WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel, Rooming or Apartment- iouee of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIerdon. ' WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. ' 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furniture In pood condition, tor Kile it taken at once. Hotel Clav, corner of 2d ami Clav sts. ; price flbOU, $1200 cash and terms; leaving cU'. J u. emit 11, proprietor. FOR RENT HOTEL. FURNISHED COM PLETE: LOCATED IN GOOD TOWN. CALL AX 1-ja iHAA V-A fUKTLAND, K EYSTON E A1'1SH KUUM 7. is (LEAN, wen-rurnisnea" it. K. rooms. large yard, clearing $H3 per month, be sides own rooms; ioo caan or terms. Call 50 West Davis t. MUST sell my rooming houe. 1ft lurnished rooms, west suie; goou location; nri reasonable. Am leaving city, TPhoue roadway -0. 13 K ST btiy in the city. IV rooms completely lurnisr.ea ror n. r..; tnis is a clean, re spectable place and good furniture. $700. See ownr, .no isi si., near .vion 1 gomery. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house see memoers or tne Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 4th at. 30-ItOOM rooming house. 631 u Hood street prie $80. Inquire of owner, Mrs. A. Matson. at above address. - 36-ROOM apart mwnt. 50x100 lot, 12 minutes of city, paying 25 per cent. f8OO0 will handle. AM oretonian. au-RJOM rooming house. 031 Hood pri:e $ROO. Inquire of owner, Mrs. Matson, at above address. 20-ROOM. rent $.".0; income $105: clotw in. Price 1000. Miera, 325 Ry. Exchange. LOST AND FOUND. LOST United States army discharge, in closed in leatherette folder, between Cosy M omes on Urn oara st. ana st. .1 orin Finder I ease return to James L. Smith, 1004 S. Leonard St.. care of J. H. Hartog, or leave at Red Cross. Reward. LOST At Shepperd Springs or Portland, about July 4, a fancy and chased bracelet, 0 square sapphires and 5 diamonds; liberal reward. Call Mam 'JM-i'l. LOST On 24th of July, between the John D;iy river and The Dal les, a tan coat - trimmed with black plush. 1221 Albina. black cow with four white feet and no brand, j uiy Xi. inquire at Mr. John smitn s. LOST Blnck leather purse at Lincoln high school auditorium Thursday night. East OS4H. LOST August 2, small package containing two boxes of jewelry, keepsakes. Reward. Phone Tabor 3li. LOST Wire-haired fox terrier puppy from Portland Heights. Reward, Call Marshall 32:i7. BUNCH of keys and handkerchief, marked M. R. Finder please return to 0U0 Lovejoy street. LOST String pearls between East 7th North and Meter & Frank's. Reward. Silver Ct., apt. 203. 22d and Hancock. East 7235. FOUND Lady's diamond ring, lunchroom. 3 33 Park. Coffee Cup SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received at OnS Fast Seventh st. North, residence of J. F. Sellar. for the construction of concrete garage. (ixl0, at 27th and Alberta tits. Plans and s-pecf fixations may be seen at above address. Bids will bo received up to the 5th day of August. 101ft. at 6 o'clock P. M. Successful bidder will enter. Into contract and furnish approved bond for the construction of said building.. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. F. SELLER. POLLY AND HER PALS ' 1 .f j 'f HKRirS 0B AMBITION SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited.- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioner of Public Works of the state of I (La ho at the office of the commissioner, Boise. Idaho, until 2 o'clock P. M. 00 the 2d day of August, 1010. for the construc- lion of -3H.5 miles of the north and south state highway, in Adaina and Idaho coun- ' ties between New Meadows and White bird. Bids will be opened and publicly read at the above-atated hour. Plans, specifications, form of contract, proposal orje and other information may be obtained at the office of the Director of Highways. Boise, Idaho, and at the Em - ployers' Association of the Inland Empire, Hut ton bluj;.. Spokane, Washington. All proposals must be made on the forms . furnished, and must be signed by the bid der with his adilreBi. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid or bids deemed beet for the state of Idaho. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by a certified check, on some bank in the state of Idaho, made payable to the Commissioner of Public Workt. in the amount of 5 per cent of the" total amount of the bid. This . certified checfc it to become lb property of the state of Idaho, not as penalty but as iiquiaatea damages If the bidder, upon acceptance of. Ma bid. fails or refuses to enter into contract, or to furnish the required surety bond. wlhin ten days (not including Sun- davs'i after Drosentation of the cont; bv the Commissioner of Public Works to him tor execution. A bona with a eurety companly author ized to do business, in the state of Idaho, and satisfactory to the Commissioner of - Piihlff- Works., will be required for the faithful Derformance of the contract, in th sum of fifty per cent i.VWf) of the total amount of the contract price. It is the purpose of the commissioner to build the road in the shortest time con otstent w-ith good construction, and com plete and weil-designed equipment, and effective organization will be instated upon. WM. J. HALL. Commissioner of Public Works. . Augnwt l. una. BIDS for th erection of the proposed Women's building for the University of Oregon will be received, by the building committee of the board of regents of the University of Oregon, until 2 P. M. on ' Tuesday, August 12. 1119, at the Adminis tration Duiiumg, university, or Oregon, Eugene. Or. Plans and specifications may I be secured by applying at the offices of j the architects. Lawrence & Holford, 1021 I Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Bids are desired for tb general contract 1 only. The building committer reserves the. right to reject any or all bids. Suc cessful bidders v 111 be required to furnish I bonds for the faithful performance of the I contract. L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary Board of Regents. University of Oregon. AUXILIARY GAS SCHOONER FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the Port of Portland at its office. Portland. Oregon. until 2 P. M,, Thursday. August 14, fori the purchase of the gasoline auxiliary schiKmer "Joseph Pulitzer." Proposals I must be enclosed in sea lea envelope prop erly marked. Certified check for IO per j cent of amount bid must accompany bid as Part payment. Particulars of vessel may be had upon 1 application and vessel may be seen at the I Port of Portland drydock. Portland. Ore- eon. The right to reject any or all bids la I reserved. By order of the Port of Port- I land. J. P. DOYLE. Assistant Secretary. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TH E UNITED STATES FOR TH E DISTRICT OF OREGON, NINTH, JUDICIAL CIR CUIT. NO. E 8475. SUMMONS. George I. Drew. Individually and stockholder of the Aimed a Consolidated Alines company, a corporation and for and in behalf of said corporation and all of its stockholders similarly interested and swtuateti. nialtitiri. versus Thomas fciur ley, sometimes known and designated as Captain T nos. S. Hurley; s. C. spenc L. E. Crouch. Nat P. Ellis. C. N. Huddle. H E. Van Etta, H. C. Hendricks, H. E. Thurman. A. W. Risser. G. A. Grossman, F. P. Hageman, N. W. Roundtree, each individually and as directors, trustees and organizers 01 Almeaa Mujes company, corporation: Almeda Mirw-s company. corporation; 11. G. Col ton. Captain Thos. tv ituriey as receiver ot Almeda t;onsoii dated Mines company, a corporation; John F. Wickham. O. Al. Crouch, R. C. Kinney, individually and as directors and trusted of Almeda Consolidated Mines companv, a corporation; Robert F. Riseling, Rodney (ritssan. . Jt. Sieverllng. Oscar oung, W. L- Payne, A. B. Smith, Chas. H. Oh mart, W. A. Barber, W.- E. Davidson, state of Oregon. George M. Brown, as relator and attorney-general of the state 01 Oregon; tienry J. Schuiaerman, as cor' poratioii commissioner of the Ktafr of Ore Ron; R. A. Watson. Individually and as ex corporation commissioner of the state Ort-Koy; Will C. Smith as sheriff of Jose phine county, state of Oregon; A. C Hough, Perry B. Wickham. W. B. Hunt. W W. Hunt, Josephine county, a public cor poration : estate of W. W. Cotton, de ceased ; F. M. Calkins, circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Josephine: Linus M. Clark, L, B. M. Sim ons, Geo. 31. Uroth. C, C. Aler. Robert M Culiough. H. F. Hodacker. Doctor H. H Groth, John Doe Mather and to other now unknown and claiming a a- interest in A I meda Conaol i da. ted Mines company, corporation, defendants. The president of the United States of America, to the above-named defendants: You, and each of you. are hereby com manded that you be and appear in said district court of the United States tor the district of Oregon, at the courtroom there of, in the city of Portland, in said district 10 answer on or before the second day of September, 191J. the exigency of a bill of complaint exhibited and filed against you in our said court in tne above-entitled suit and you are a defendant, and further to do and rmive what our said district court shall consider in this behalf, and this you are in no wise to omit under the paina and penalties of what may befall thereon, and In which cause plaintiff will seek a decree. declaring all or the proceedings had in the circuit court of the state of Oregon, ior tne county ot Josephine in a cause en titled state of Oregon ex rel A. M. Craw ford, as attorney-general of Oregon, and R.-A. Watson as corporation commissioner of Oregon, vs. Almeda Consolidated Mines . company, an Oregon corporation, same Deing cause No. 157 of the files and records of said circuit court of Oregon ior J osepnine county, and in which iro ceedings the defendant Thos. S. Burley was by said circuit court appointed receiver of said defendant corporation, Almeda Consol idated Mines com pan. v. annulled, vacated. set aside and held for naught, together wun eacn, every ana an proceedings eitner directly or Indirectly based or predicated thereon or arising therefrom or connected therewith, and that all or the property, either real, personal or mixed, now claimed to be owned or possessed by the defend ant Almeda Mines company and deacrlbed in cxniuit tt ot complainant s complaint filed herein, be restored to the Almeda Consolidated M ines company, a corpora tion, as the rightful owner deprived there of by the wrongful acts of the defendants named In. this proceeding, all as fully set forth and alleged in complainant's com plaint heretofore filed with the clerk of this court in his office in the old Post office building of the city of Portland, Ore gon, reference to which complaint is here by made. The date prescribed In the order for the first' publication of this summons Is July 21, IP l, and September 2. 151!. is the day and date prescribed for its last publica tion. PAUL C. DORMITZER. Attorney for Complainant Address, 212-213 Stock Exchange bldg.. Portland, Oregon. AFTER July 7 I will not be responsible for any hills contracted by my wire, Mamie Quesinherry. - Signed. DEXTER QUESINBE RRY. U. S. Patant Offic. REALIZED. BY CLIKF STERBETT. tRPFCIAL NOTICE. MioeUaB eeua. MERCHANTS' ATTENTION "For sale below factory praee, several thousand pairs of loggers show: brant's consist of Bergmans, Foresters. Sti'son and Kellogg. Washington Shoe Co., Ooodyear. etc. Also a lot of ore rails, Aquapelle clothing. work shirts. loffers shirts. aekinnwa underwear. - sorkn. etc. This merchandise is from the U. government. Come early. - as 1 am sellia these goods very fast. V. rTKEKNBKIPJ, 4 , 100 2d St., corner Stark: I WILL not oe responsible for bills con tracted by my wife, Mrs, Isabel . Ban sen. H. O. Hansen. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues) Bought and Sold Beore buying or selling (et ojr quotations. EL L. D EVE RE A TJX A COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds 67 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTOR. T BONDS S " BOUGHT AND SOLD.-. NEW YORK EXCHANGE OT'OTATTONS WITH INTEREST ADDED SATURDAY AS FOLLOWS: FIRST Af2fTt 1U".'M SECOND 4 t4.S9 THIRD 4 JMi.7 5 FOURTH 4To ..13 FIFTH 4. ' 100.82 WE WILT- PAY YOTJ THE MARKET PRICE r UK H'l K tJ li. WE LOAN 90 ON THE FACE VALUE ' AT iVe IMtKtiM. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 31 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. -OPEN SAT UK-DAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY AND. VICTORY EVNDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE Or BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OK VS ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY JtJONDH. FEE "E. BUR K ITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELIJNG BLDG 2D FLOOR). CORNER TH AND ALDER STS. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS. W. S. 9. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS, 7. Gasco Bldg.. Fifth aud Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. . PATENTS on two "new ry-rn vented carpen ters tools ror sale; small investment in these Inventions will bring large returns. Call and see them. Portland Patent Co., 514 Commonwealth bldg. Phono Broad- CAall paid for mortgages ar.d" sellers' con. tracts on real estate waan:ngion or Ore gon. H. Noble. 31B Lumbermen s bldg. Money to Loan on Real Kwtule. OUR installment plan is the best and surest methoa 01 paying a loan. $3.36 per month for 86 fnonthit. or 121 24 per month for 60 months, or (15.17 for U6 month pays a $10Ut loan and in terest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. -No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark st,. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6 to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see ue tor lowest Interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, ' Phone Main 2541. 1524-29 Yeon bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on W tliamette valley farms. No commission No delays. AJhiVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth sL, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A H. B1RKELL CO., -217 Northwestern Bank building;. Marshall 4114. A 4118. made on improved city property; pfrompt PORTLAND TRUST CO., OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5H PER UNION" ABSTRACT CO, Corbett bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property ; lavoraoie repaying privi leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO, LTD. ouo riau oiug. Aiain omi. S300. $400, $5O0, $650. $75u, JIOOO AND UP; ioweet rates, quica action, uordon Mort gage Co., 631 Cham. uX Com. Main 1370, c lAfAi1, ouu, iuw, ivu . ana up on real estate, at a to t per cent. . George .p. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. , - $300, $400. $500, $70, 10O0 and up at lowest rates; quick action, t re a w. German Co.. id v uttmucr ui .ummerce. Alain O-140. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; bulldln loans, lowest races- w . Cj. ecu. lo-21o 1 auing Diag. rnoim aiain J-iU7. $ 5O0, $ 1 000 AND u pw ard on improved real estate; lavoraoie terms, no delay, no brok erage, John Bain, 5o7 Spalding bldg. $500. $1000. S1500. $I7ow. 12500. innno F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. u;a.& on city ana iarm property, 5 per EKE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. J1UH1UAOK loans, lowest rates. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. U. AiUNfcY to loan on farm and improved city MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON at CO.. 408 Selling bid. $11.000 WILL DIVIDE IF DESIRED. EAST Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. salary. Loans. chattels? we loan money on short notice to salaried or working 7im yu oicu wnu iiulcb. weeKiy. semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strict iy conilden t lal. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. . 1iuub, cit., niiauui removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. x 218 Falling Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: 1 rates all articles held a yr; established since 18S8. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSX ' V Phone. Broadway 910. ftM Stark Street. Near 10th, Leans en diamonds, watches. vietroTsa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musl cal instruments aud anything of value ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORTLAND TO PROTECT IES BOs . ROWER. City and face value. county warrants cashed tec CARRIE MTERS-HERR3IAN, Manager. -.. DO TOTJ NEED MONET? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas, etc "Security left in your poeeaclon. SHiail weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Kates reasonable. private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Third and Washington Sts. 30-30T . Dekum Bldg. Marshall 328. GEO. HARVEY loans Coos. Legal rates. money on household Taoor 3 SO 6. soans W ante-d. $l0 CP TO $500 will secure prof it -sharing L'neresi m x iioroviniy sare ana hlehiv profitable business and earn better than 10 per cent yearly. Full investigation eouitfo.. An exceptional opportunity for persona wr? want their small savings to earn whsX bt ' inveyiors g. N I0s. Oregonian. WANTED To $tHMm for 3 property. A-l borrow from private party, to 5 years at B on farm security. N 105. Oregon A ANT $4500 at 6 per cent on excellent resi dence s-curtty. Loan formerly $7oOO. Phone Mar. 2tv. No brokers. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. $1500. Slik0. fl750. $2500. 3500. . H. PES HON. 615 Cham, of Coin. Bldg. W A XT to loan $3300 : good securitv, farm, private property. P 394. Oregonian. SEE OREGON 1XV. & MORTGAGE CO, 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and &tark. FERSONAJU , - HOT AIR. ,m Have you ever spent an evening Where they handed .you hot air, And you took it for a compliment And was glad that you were there? Have you ever -told -the hostess That the evening waa sublime And the hoetesa was elated Were you llng at the urae ? There are some times In every life When hot air takes effect; We may not understand it. While others will detect. We have styles, without hot air; And besides, you can save more 1 On each NEW SUIT, COAT. DRESS and WAIST ' At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE, 2d Floor. Pit tock Blk. SYLVIA BURR. Anyone communicating the present ; whereabouts or the present address of Sylvia Burr to Leonard Bolton. Gene raj . DeJivery, Portland, or., will receive 10 reward. THE FUR SHOP invites your inspection of fine furs, ready " to wear and to order, at upstairs prices; remodeling, repairing, redyeing. 6tKi Swet lund bldg., 5th and Washington. 1 Spiritualist camp meeting at Cedarvilie" park. Linneman Junction, Or., July 27 to August 31. Three services daily. Physical and mental, mediums. Take Gresham. Eats cad a and Bull Run cars. REFINED young woman tourist wishes to meet congenial lady tourist Interested in sightseeing; references excoaugeu. O 7u9, Oregonian. SURGEON chiropodist. manicurist scalp. . facial treatments, superfluous hair perma nent'! remuved. Open eveniriKS, Sunn ays. tl Bush-Lane bldg. Broadwav and Aider. MISS M. ARNESEN. scientific massage and medical gymnastics, graduate Irom Nor way. Telephone East 24UO, hours by ap- pomtmunu DR. RUTH OLSSOX, 552 Washington bldg. Swedish massage, electricity, exercises, steam, rheumatism, constipation; 12 years' experience. Main 634. $1 WILL get both teet fixed up good at Dr. batons, tne LtuKUt'uuis 1. who duesnt hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Globe theater bldg.,- 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S24. HONOR BRIGHT! THE KDE HAIR CERATE. Does grow hair. Write or call 800 Union ive. N.. for positive proof. MRS. STJaiV'EiSfij, 3 years Portland's re nowned teach'ir ot palmistry and crystal gazing; has crystals for sale; also her book "Palmistry Made Easy." 375 Taylor. MRS. M. U LAMAR, 235 5TH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health suc cess and harmony. FEB VET & HANNcBUT, leading wig and toupe 1 makes, finest stock human hair gooos, hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 34V Alder. Main 546. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL spiritual adviser.. l. East loth sL N., cor. Bur-aside. Question' meeting Tues.. Ttiurs., S P. M. East 304. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. - etc. Hours 2 to 5. or Dy appointment. Phone' Main 10 lit. Office 3u-C Third at. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau: work, executea uy sKiiiea operatives. 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Alain 3al2. ETHEL ADAMS Scalp specialist manicur ing. 407 Morrison St., oil ice ltf; hrs., ' 11 to S. Sundays 1 1 to 3 P. M. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple neeuie metnoas. inaoraea oy ptiy sicians. 5u SwetJand bldg.. 5th at Washy SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed; by 10 needles metnoa; iriai tree, jone t tn ley, 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 636a. DIC ELNA SOREXSEN, 508 Panama bldg. Drug leas methods. Stomach. kidneys.? rheumatism, constipation, etc Main 5066. DR. NELSON cures corna, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain; consultation free; v e ry reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual adviser. 20 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tues days and Fridays. P. M. Marshall 2503. MADAME EUGENE Instructor; scientific palmistry. Rooms and 10. Zorn hotel,, corner Fifth and Morrison sts. BEST steam bath, vibration, eiectric and chiropractic in city. D. Margaret Hayait "15 Swetlnnd bldg. Main 1765. BOY'S 2 and 3 years old, must be kept to gether, willing to be adopted if good family. AH 464. Oregonian. WANTED To adopt girl and boy eight months to three years old. AV 315, Ore- ponian. X EW medium at 146 11th st. ; teach you planets that harmonize in marriage. Daily reading, 10 A. M. to5 P. M. LADY BARBERS Face massage. 35c; scalp treatment a specialty. 325 Giisan. cor. 6thv WILL MISS HELP LEY phone Wdln. 1213 and '.tarn something to her advantage ? DOESN'T Tom, Dik or Harry pay you J See Vtereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BB CURED without an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box llu5. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; send far free booklet. P. O. box 1105. Pill MED. K BALM, formerly called Balm of Ftgs, Ml E. 35d. Seliwood 2213 mornings. . GERTRUDE DANIELS. superfluous hair' manic uring. f ace, scalp. 322 Fliedner bl d k MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card read-, lng. 2S2 Park at. Main 754S. Money to Loan 6Soi Lombard et. FOR KENT -2-room apt. Call 421 Vt th at.