Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1919, Image 1

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    s3r MOT I . Rl iH 0 i ;fl J .1 U
VOL TjVIII. 0 1 8 31 1 Entered at Portland (Orejon)
V' -UVJAX. J O.JH Poytoffice ai Second-Clas. Matter.
Other Allies Slow to Push
- c
2000 Visitors Will Attend
Crippling of Industries Da
clared Imminent.
Ex-U. S. Attorney Perhaps
fatally Burned.
Gasoline or -Other High Explo
'sive Material Us.ed.
Attempt on Life of Los Angeles Man
Attributed to Part Played in
Prosecution of Dynamiters.
1OS ANGELES. Aug. 3. Revenge for
the part he played in the prosecution
of a group of dynamiters in the middle
west several years ago wae assigned
by the police here as the probable mo
tive for an attempt on the life of Oz' r
Lawler, former assistant attorney-general
of the United States. Sir. Lawler's
home was practically destroyed by a
bomb and subset, ..ent fire here early
today, and he and Mrs. Lawler both
were serioaiely burned and otherwise
Mr. Lawler and his wife escaped with
difficulty from their blazing home
when he carried the fainting woman to
a front second-story window, dropped
her on an awning and thence to the
ground and leaped after her.
Before making their escape the
Lawlers had attempted to rescue their
5-year-old son Oscar and his nurse,
who were on another sleeping porch,
but had been prevented by the flames.
The boy and his nurse were later saved
by neighbors.
Mrs. Lawler Will Recover.
Mr. Lawler received burns covej-ing
half his body and his physicians said
his recovery was possible, but whether
he would live could not be determined
before tomorrow.
Mrs. Lawler will recover, although
severely burned and suffering from a
broken collarbone, according to her
Tonight M. P. Snyder, mayor of Los
Angeles, with his chief of police.
George Home, were in conference with
representatives of the county and state
government and with federal authori
ties, laying plans for a thorough and
systematic effort to apprehend the per
petrators of the explosion and fire.
1 "While they planned to guard every ave
nue against the escape of those guilty,
' every available detective and investi
gator from all the branches of the gov
ernment here worked zealously to bind
together every thread of evidence that
might either apprehend the bomb
placers or aid in their conviction.
Flimfi Knvelope Mouse.
Three explosions, believed to be those
of a bomb and two 5-gallon cans of
gasoline or some other inflammable
liquid, were heard by those nearby, and
in an instant, according to eye-witnesses,
a column of flame shot above
the roof of the Lawler home. The build
ing was almost destroyed and its con
tents were either entirely destroyed or
made worthless.
The Lawler home was a brick and
frame structure of 12 or more rooms,
facing west toward the ocean and
standing at 626 New Hampshire street.
The lot adjoins Wilshire boulevard, one
of the main arteries of travel through
a section occupied entirely by hand
some and spacious homes.
Flames Cut Off lixeape.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawler were sleeping
on a porch in the south side of the
house, opening from a second-floor
room, and were screened from the
street by an angle f the building. The
nurse. Miss Bessie J.. ills, and little
Oscar Lawler Jr. called "Patsy" by
his family were sleeping on a screened
porch at the rear or east end of the
When the explosion came a sheet of
flame at once rushed up the side of the
house, directly below the porch, occu
pied by the Lawlers, and cut off possi
ble escape toward the outside. Mr.
Lawler and his wife went into the
house and tried to make their way to
the rear porch, where their -sou was
with his nurse. They were cut off by
smoke and flame, and when Mrs. Law
ler realized this she fainted. Mr. Law
ler took her. in his arms, carried her
through flames to the front of the
house and dropped her to an awning
over the front veranda, whence she
rolled to the ground. He then leaped
after her.
nw and Child Rescued.
Meanwhile "William H. Lacey, an iron
master. v.ho lives nearby, had been
aroused by the explosion and the
flames, and had rushed from his home,
clad in his nightwear, to the rescue.
He heard the nurse and Patsy scream
ing in their sleeping porch, and. run
ning to the rear of the house, saw
Nurse Mills frantically trying to tear
down the wire netting surrounding the
porch with her bare hands, to make a
way of egress.
Mr. Lacey, joined by E. Pilford. who
was driving by and was halted by the
fire, found a ladder, and, placing it
against the building, they tore a way
through the netting to the imprisoned
child and nurse and carried them to
safety. The flames did not destroy the
porch where they had' been, but smoke
and heat had almost overcome them,
and both were hysterical.
Others, Including Marco H. H'liman,
banker, who live nearby, heard the
mm F.
Warning Sounded, and
Crews Rush to Emergency
Posts; no Damage Done.
Saturday, Aug. 2. (By Wireless to thej
Associated Press.) Six dreadnoughts
of the Pacific fleet were shaken se
verely by a double earthquake shock
at 4:18 o'clock today -SOmiles off.'the
coast of the state of Colima, Mexico.
None of the warships reported any
damage'. .
The Kmt Mexico .trembled from- bow
to stern as if she had struck an un
charted reef, and the navigating of
ficer sounded "collision, quarters" on
the flagship's siren. . Sailors in the
foretop said the basket masts of the
warship swayed like poplar trees in a
Officers on the quarter deck hurried
to their posts and the crew and marines
took their places. .Meanwhile all water
tight com'partments on the Jfew Mexico
were closed and inspection parties
were sent into the holds to see if there
had been any damage to the hull. Ad
miral Hugh Rodman, commanding the
fleet, quickly recognized the cause of
the disturbance.
"It's an earthquake, he said. "We
are right off the coast of Colima, where
there are many earthquakes."
Then he ordered: "Signal all ships
in the fleet and see if'they felt any
excessive vibration." - -
Wireless telephone messages were re
ceived soon from the five- other dread
noughts reporting thy felt the shocks.
The Mississippi, which was further off-J
Bhore, reported heavy vibrations.
When the first tremor of the ship
was felt those below hurried on deck.
The faces of some vof the recruits
showed alarm while the flagship rolled
and pitched in the heavy swells that
followed the shocks.
Admiral Rodman kept the crew at
quarters for lo minutes and men or
dered the "secure signal" to bs
One of the officers reported that he
believed the earthquake came from
l old crater in the Sierra mountains
hich fringe the coast line near here.
British Tars to Take Shortest Way
to Former German Boats.
(Copyright y the New Tork World. Pub-
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 3. (Special Ca
ble.) The shortest cut to Valparaiso,
entailing an almost dead-of-winter
crossing of the Andes, is to be under
taken by 28 officers, engineers and
chief stewards of the Pacific Steajn
Navigation company . to bring home
from that Chilian port four interned
German steamers. These are the Nito-
kries, the Adler, the Memphis and the
The men have left Liverpool and will
go Via SSOUtnampion to oucnoB Airea,
thence across the Andes in search of
this cache of much-needed tonnage.
Returned Soldier Elected to Con
gress in Kentucky Stronghold.
LOUISVILLE, Ky, Aug. 3. In the
Sth congressional district King Swope,
a. returned soldier running on the re
publican ticket was elected over
Judge Charles A. Hardin, democrat.
yesterday s state-wide pnrparies. it was
the first time a republican candidate
ever was victorious in that district.
Governor James D. Black of Bar
bourville defeated Judge Jqhn D. Car
roll of Newcastle for. the democratic
gubernatorial nomination by approx
imately 15,000 votes, incomplete unof
ficial returns indicated late tonight
Kdwin P. Morrow of Somerset was un
opposed on the republican ticket.
Scliumann-Hcink Wears Bar for
Son Who Died for Germany.
NEW TORK. Aug. 3. Wearing a
service bar with four stars, three for
sons who fought for America and one
for a fourth son who died in the serv
ice of Germany, Madame Ernestine
Schurr.ann-Heink sailed for Amsterdam
yesterday. . "
The prima donna explained that her
mission to Europe was to bring back
to America the two children of her boy
who had lost his life while in com
mand of a German submarine.
Police Quarters' in East Clare At
tacked; One Man Wounded.
LONDON, Aug. 3. A party of from
20 to 50 men this morning attacked
the Broadford police barracks in East
Clare, Ireland, according to a Central
News dispatch from Enncs, capital of
County Clare.
The dispatch adds that a . brisk, fire
was maintained upon the barracks for
more than an hour, with the police
answering it. A constable' was slightly
wounded. -
Civilian Aviator Hopes to Break
Record of 33,136 Feet.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Roland Rohlfs.
civilian aviator, who last Wednesday
established an American altitude rec-
ord of 30.700 feet, announced last night
ht. would attempt next Monday, in an
other flight from Mineola, to smash
the world's record of 33.136 feet, held
by Adjutant Casaie of ' the French
Entente Gives Political vand
Economic Aid to Hungary.
S. Relief Administration to Sbip
In Food; Reds in Mortal Fear
of "White Terror.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangrmeiit.)
VIENNA, Aug. 3. (Special Cable.)
Many of Bela Kun's bolshevist hench
men, who have, without scruple, terror
ized others while they held sway, now
fear for their lives and are flocking to
the entente officers in Budapest to ask
protection for themselves, their wives
and their children. They have been told
that the women and children certainly
will be protected.
That city is still quiet, but the mem
bers of .the old government and their
sympathizers are desperately in fear of
"the white terror." This is especially
feared because the army is in complete
dissolution everywhere and, being
without discipline, its members may
commit any excess. There are no en
tente troops in Budapst and none nearer
to that city than the Czech troops who
are at Komoron, between Vienna and
Sew Huueariaa Cabinet Named. '
The new government is thus made
President of the ministry Peiel.
Minister of foreign affairs Agesto,
who was formerly minister of juscico
and who had been the principal In tha
negotiations that brought about Bela
Kun's fall.
Minister of war Haubrich.
Minister of internal affairs Peyer.
Minister of justice Garami, an able
and respected socialist who has been in
Switzerland and has been frequently
mentioned as the man to head tho new
Hungarian government.
Minister ot commerce Devosae.
Minister of finance Miskies.
Minister of education Szabo.
Minister of agriculture Takaos.
Minister of the people's welfare
Garbai. who is a moderate socialist and
has always been ready to go over to a
moderate government.
The plan is to have this provisional
cabinet hold until one can be formed
which will represent all the elements
in the nation, and this will arrange
for an election. to be, held so that the
people can choose the form of govern
ment they desire and elect their cf
ficials. ' -
Although all the entente representa
tives here had part' in the negotiations
(Concluded on rase 2, Column 2.)
- - CJoVnt-N QV11T rv0
I GOT e.E.TTE. CH0V3 i
1 '
Manufacture of Bad Silver Dollars
and Tens Also Charged; Many
Passed in Portland.
Joseph K. Riley, aged 30. nationally
known counterfeiter, and his wife, Dor
othy Riley, aged 20. were arrested yes
terday at the Genevieve apartments.
414 Fifth .street, and are held without
bail at the county jail facing a charge
of counterfeiting.
The arresting officers say a, part of
counterfeiting layout was found in
the apartment, and this, together with
other evidence which has not been dis
closed, leads them to believe that they
have under arrest the counterfeiters
who have been "shoving" spurious sil
ver dollars and 1 10 gold pieces on local
merchants for the last three weeks.
The arrest was made underthe per
sonal direction of William A. Glover,
chief secret-service operative In the
Portland district.- He was assisted
by Joseph Walters, secret-service op
erative, and Police Inspector Tom
Swennes. These officers have been on
the trail of the Rileys for the last two
weeks, but it was not until early yes
terday that they had procured sufficient
evidence to make the arrest.
Lous; Term Juat Ended.
Riley, whose record Is known to
secret -service operatives throughout
the country, recently completed a long
term at McNeil's island for a similar
offense. His operations in Portland
are said by Mr. Glover to be similar
to those he pursued in other parts of
the country.
The authorities were unable to say
yesterday just how many counterfeit
silver dollars Riley is said to have man
ufactured and passed in Portland, al
though approximately 50 have already
been reported taken up by Portland
banks during the past two weeks. In
addition to the silver dollars, Riley is
alleged to have made also a large num
ber of "queer" J10 gold pieces and
number of these also have been located
h Portland.
Just how much of a counterfeiting
plant was found in Riley's apartment
was not disclosed, although Mr. Glover
said they had located sufficient evi
dence or counterfeiting operations as
to leave no doubt as to the activities of
the pair.
Plant Partly Destroyed.
That Riley had reason to believe he
was under suspicion or that he in
tended leaving Portland for some other
city was evidenced from the fact that
his", counterfeiting material was partly
destroyed, said Mr. Glover. He com
mented on the fact that all profes
slonal counterfeiters manufacture i
certain amount of spurious coin in one
locality and then destroy all trace of
their plant Just prior to moving on to
some other section.
In addition- to his known record as
a counterfeiter, the authorities assert
Riley also is a deserter from the army
having deserted last year during the
draft operations. He is said to have
used Joseph .Williams as an alias.
Counterfeit Coins In Wake.
- The woman with bim is said to have
used the aliases of Dorothy Pidd and
Dorothy La Point. The pair came to
Portland about six weeks ago, driving
their machine here from San Francisco.
Counterfeit coins which they are al
leged to haAe manufactured in Califor
nia made their appearance at different
(Concluded on Pace 7, Column 4.)
Annual Event.
Alaska, British Columbia and!n
Montana Represented.
Three Other Conventions Announced
to Be Held in Conjunction
With Victory leathering.
Victory buyers' week, the seventh an
nual event or the kind held here under
the auspices of Portland Jobbers and
manufacturers, opens In Portland to
day. Buyers from all over the north
west and from points as far distant
as Ketchikan, Alaska. British Columbia
and Montana already have arrived, and
the number of buyers, estimated at
2000. will exceed easily the attendance
t any of the previous buyers' weeks.
The office on the first floor of the
Oregon building, where the headquar
ters for victory buyers' week will be
located, will open at 8 o'clock today
for registration of buyers. The office
was not opened Saturday, as had een
announced, as arrangements for han
dling the visitors had not been com
pleted at that time.
Buyers are asked to appear today
at the headquarters to register and re
ceive their badges and excursion tick
its, giving uu-tn admittance to all the
activities of the week.
Buyer. Will Wear Radges.
Each buyer as he registers will re
ceive a victory buyers' week badge and
a large white button with which to
fasten the badge to the lapel of his
coat. Across the button the buyer's
name will be printed. The badges will
serve to introduce the visiting buyers
to each other and to the Portland peo
ple. Tickets also will be given at the
time of registration providing free ad
mittance to all the big entertainment
features. The tickcts.will be more than
a yard in length.
Today's programme for buyers' week
calls for registration at the headquar
ters at the Oregon building during the
day, visits by the outside merchants to
the Portland jobbers and manufactur
ers, and an informal reception tonight
at the Chamber of Commerce at 8
o'clock. The recaption will take flace
in the green room on the seventh floor
and all visiting buyers and their fam
ilies are invited to attend..
Mayor Will Extend Welcome. '
Mayor Baker will extend a welcome
to the outside merchants and a musi
cal programme will be rendered. A. H.
Devers is chairman of the committee in
Closely affiliated with buyers' week
fs the meeting of the Oregon Retail
(Continued on Page '2, Column l.
Stores and Shops Looted by Lawless
Crouds; 2000 Troops Sent to
Restore Order in City.
(Copyrig-ht by the Sw Tork Wrld. Pub
lished my arranctmenl-)
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 3. (Special Cable.)
Some of the most populous through-
fares of this port are today in a state;
of complete wreckage. Ever since the
first night of the police strlka mob
ess there. Crowds of hooligans com
posed of men, women and children have
cone about wrecking and looting: shops.
So serious has St become that more
than 2000 troops have been drafted into
the city, four tanks have been allotted
to stations and the admiralty is dis
patching a cruiser and two destroyers
to the port.
Jewelers and pawnbrokers shops
were picked out for attention by the
looters last night. One jeweler's shop
was emptied of an extensive stock.
Sacks were filled' with jewelry, and
when no more could be carried the
looter threw the rest of the stock to
a mob waiting- outside.
At the docks along; the Mersey the
mob forced an entry, into sheds which
contained large, quantities of proods.
On the American ship Borinquin they
rippetf open valuable cases of leather
and scattered the pieces in al! direc
tions. They also destroyed bip: quan
tities of candy and tore to pieces boxes
of bacon, hams and lard. Sacks of sugar
and rice similarly were stolen. Bags
of rice were forced open and the con
tents thrown about, while large quan
tities of canned food were thrown in all
Tonight two breweries were besieged
by the crowd and soldiers fired a vol
ley over the people's heads. One man
was injured.
Wife of Governor Opposed 9lo Fur
ther Airplane Adventures.
MEDFORD, Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.)
Governor Olcott's airplane adventures
are near an end, according: to a letter
recently received by the local commit
tee in charge of .the trip of the Na
tional Kditorial association to Crater
lake. The governor was asked to at
tend Vie excursion as Med ford's guest
and also take a trip in Medford's recently-acquired
The governor replied that he and
Mrs. Olcott would most certainly ac
company the editors to Crater lake,
but Mrs. Olcott's objections to aerial
flifhts had become so pronounced that
he feared he would have to decline in
vitations to g;o up tn the air in the
future, or at least until the next session
of the legislature.
The editors will arrive in Medford
August 11 and will be taken to the
lake in 100 automobiles furnished by
cHizens of Medford, Ashland and
Grants Pass.
Rise in Salaries 'eded to Prevent
Shortage, Says Professor.
NEW YORK.. Aug. 3. TMe high cost
of living will cause a dearth of teachers
in the universities of the country next
fall unless salaries are materially
raised, according 'to a war.iing issued
by Professor George D. Strayer of Co
lumbia university, president of the Na
tional Education association.
The war has emphasized the situa
tion. Professor Strayer said, by opening
up a tremendously increased field for
college trained men who have been
heavily drawn upon for various gov
ernment posts and as experts in advis
ing the oeace conference. Many will
not return to the colleges, he declared.
Thu Mather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 66
degrees; minimum, 5 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably showers; gentle south
westerly winds.
Bela - Kan reaches Vienna, a. prisoner.
Page 2.
Riotous mobs wrack havoc in Liverpool
streets. Page 1.
American energy helped oust Bela Kua.
Page 1.
Britons watch Lr. S. fight on high cost of
living. Page 11.
British coal mines and railroads financial
invalids. Page 3.
Turks reported to have 'killed Oreeks by
forcing pneumonia attacks. Page 3 0.
Allies will notify Oermany that Russians
may be freed. Page 1.
. National.
Congress ' to rush work on problems.
Page 10.
Slap at profiteer is aim of conference at
Washington. Page 4.
Shopmen's strike threatens national tie-up
of railroads. Page 1.
Lawler home in Loa Angeles destroyed by
bomb. Page 1.
Chicago riots believed under control, say
military officials. Page 7.
More than 40 hurt in railroad collision near
San Jose. Page 4.
Pacific fleet battleships Jarred by submarine
earthquake at sea. Page 1.
Pacific North vet.
Hunter found dead and companion is
charged with murder. Page 6.
Pacific Coast league results: Portland 6-3.
I. os Angeies 7-1 ; Seattle 2-2, Salt Lak
8-S; Vernon 2-. Oakland 7 -o ; Sun Fran
cisco 4. Sacramento 1 (ten innings).
Page 12.
ja,ck Curley, New York promoter, visits
Portland. Page 13.
Minors ak major leagues to keep agreement.
Page 1-.
Coast league race tightens and develops
thrills. Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Dean Hicks pleads for return to serious, old
frtyle religion. Page 6.
Colonel May explains resignation as head of
guard. Pge 18
Chicago merchant says Portland should ad
vertise her resources. Page 14.
City welcomes 71 men from overseas.
Editors of nation a ill meet here next Friday.
Page IS. (
Buyers of northwest srather in Portland
Movement Overwhelms Inter
national Union Officers.
More than 250,000 Workers Onl
and Number Rapidly Increases;
Steel Mills Already Affected.
CHICAGO, Aug. 3. A complete tie-up
of the railroads of the country Is very
probable, in the opiinon of H. Hawver,
president of the Chicago district council
of the Federated Shopmen's union,
which called a strike of shop crafts
Friday. He returned from Washington
today and declared the strike is spread
ing rapidly, and that the unrest among
railway workers is so generalthat the
movement has overwhelmed the inter
national officers of the various unions
Strike Hurts Indnatrlra.
Advices today from Cleveland were
that the executive board of the Ameri
can Federation of Railway Workers,
with a membership of 26,000, had de
cided to strike tomorrow, according to'
Mr. Hawver.
With more than 50,000 shopmen on
strike and the number increasing, both
President Hawver and Secretary John
D. Saunders declared railroad schedules
and industry would be seriously crippled
within a day or two. Already steel
mills and other industries at Gary and
other northern Indiana points and in
Chicago have 'begun to feel the effects
of the strike, according 'to the union
Otaer Cltiea Jti Wall. oat.
Additions to the strike. of shopmen
reported today by Secretary Saunders
were the Illinois Central shops at
Memphis and Kankakee, Chicago, Peoria
and St. Louts, at Jacksonville, 111.;
B. & O. Chicago terminal. East Chicago,
Ind. ; B. tz O., South Chicago; Lake Erie
& Western, whole system; Wabash,'
whole system; Indiana harbor belt line,
all out.
Advices stated, according to the sec
retary, that all men on -the Chicago &
LWestern Indiana and the Iron Range
lines will go out at 10 A. M. tomorrow,
and those of all roads entering Indian
apolis would strike Tuesday
Advices from Gary, Ind., today stated
that the United States Steel corpora
tion had banked eight of its 12 blast
furnaces as a result of the strike and
about 10.000 men were idle.
Shopmen Near Lincoln Await Of-
ficial Orders.
LINCOLN". Neb.. Aug. 3. Chicago.
Burlington Quincy shopmen at Have
lock, near Lincoln, reiterated today
their determination not to strike until
officially ordered by the National Fed
erated Trades. Messages from Chicago
urging them to go out were not heeded.
Chicago & Northwestern shopmen at
Norfolk to the number of 130 have
Union Pacific shopmen at North Platte
are still at work.
0 "
Kx-Prince Rnpprecht, However, Is
Ready to Face Bavarian Tribunal.
BERLIN. Aug:. 3. Former Crown
Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria has writ
ten to the president of the Bavarla-o
diet saying: he is unwilling: to recopniso
a court of justice in which the.proseca
tor is also the judge.
I will not under the circumstances
he says, "voluntarily attend a non
German court of state, but declare my
self ready to so before a . Bavarian
court of state."
With Sew
York Being Established.
American Telegraph company has com
pleted the laying- of a cable in tn
River Platte, connecting: MontevWeo
with New York on its American ca-ble
running via Colon.
The new cable is expected to be in
operation within ten days.
Mexican Ranch Property Ptsnaiawd
for Immigrants From Fatltertand.
PARIS. J uly 3. German interests
have purchased one of the largest
ranches in the state of Durango, tei
iccf and will colonize it with Immi
arants from Germany, according: to a
letter received here today by an Amer
ican from a state official of Dura,ngp.
100,000.000 Francs Paid for Vme--Itan
Supplies by Government.
BRUSSELS, Aug. 3. (By the Associ
ated Press.) The minister of food has
brought all the American v-piies in
Belgium. They were valu" ifl.OO.-
000 francs.
The supplies will be retailed . undsr
Koeri.ment UDervision.