Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Postal Telegraph Announces
20 Per Cent Cut.
Finishing Touches.
Prospect Is for Lively Fight for Busi
ness Following Government Re-
linqnishment of Systems.
KEW YORK, July 31. When control
of the telegraph systems of the coun
try is formally relinquished by the
government at midnight a reduction
of 20 per cent in rates will be made
immediately on the lines of the Postal
company, but the Western Union will
retain the schedule put into effect
after Postmaster-General Burleson
took control on April 1.
Clarence II. Mackay, president of the
Postal, announced in a statement late
today that the rate reduction would be
made "in accordance with Its promise
to the public." He qualified the an
nouncement, however, by saying that
if expenses continued to mount charges
misrht have to go with them.
Xewcomh Carlton, president of the
"Western Union, who also has been in
charge of the cable systems controlled
by tho government since last Decem
ber, declared on the other hand: "We
cannot see our way clear to do better
than we are doing at this time."
I. lft May Be Vcceitary.
Neither would discuss the possibility
Of a long-continued "rate war."
In his announcement Mr. Mackay ex
plained that the 20 per cent reduction
represented the increase which Postmaster-General
Burleson put into ef
fect, including leased-wire rates, and
that the rates would be restored to
what they were before the government
took over the lines.
Jn doing this," he said, "we wish to
rtate that if taxes and expenses con
tinue to increase it will be necessary
for the company to ask the indulgence
t( the public in again advancing tele
graph rates for the whole or part of
this 20 per cent."
Present rates on night letters, he
uid, would not be disturbed, but prob
ably would be reduced a little later.
The head of the Postal company said
the return of the wires to their owners
marked the end of '"a powerful effort
by the postmaster-general and Bell
Telephone-Western Union comuanies to
eliminate the competition of the Postal
Telegraph -Cable company."
Many Lines Unprofitable.
In a statement on the stand of the
"Western Union, Mr. Carlton said:
"The Western Union wires reach 22,
525 separate communities. The only
other telegraph system reaches 1700
communities, or less than 8 per cent of
the total number served by the Western
Union. The offices in over 20,000 small
oin muni ties exclusively served by our
"wires are unprofitable to the company,
yet such offices are essential to the
country at large and must be maintained."
Needs of Western Union employes for
higher wages, he, were recognized,
and they represented 6G per cent of the
total co.-t of providing the service.
HELENA. Mont... July 31. Telephone
line s operating in Montana must soon
restore the rates in effect prior to the
Increase ordered by Postmaster-Gen
eral Burleson during federal control or
be brought into court to show why
they should not be compelled to do so,
aecordin g to an announcement today
hv Attorney-General S. C. Ford. The
order returning the lines to their pri
vate owners at midnight tonight speci
fies that the present rates will con
tinue in effect for four months.
Should the state public utilities com
mission decide in favor of retaining
the war rates that will take the mat
ter out of Mr. Ford's hands, he said.
but unless this is done he plans to
force at least a temporary resumption
jf the old rates.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 31. The
Indiana I'ubllc Service commission to
day denied the petition of the Western
Union. Telegraph company for permis
sion to continue in effect the 20 per
cent increase in rates collected under
government control.
WASHINGTON. July 31. At midnight
tonight, government control of tele
graph and telephone systems, which
began July 22. 131S, will end and the
properties will be turned over to their
private owners. An order to this ef
fect was issued yesterday by Post
master-General Burleson in accordance
with the resolution adopted by con
gress and recently signed by President
day from the Mills chapel. Rev. Harry
Denton of Eugene officiating. Inter
ment was in the pioneer Taylor-Lane
cemetery, half of which was donated
by 4 her grandmother, Mrs. Mary
Miss White was born and educated
here and began her career as a teacher
at the age of 16, later taking courses
at the University of Oregon and grad
uating from Monmouth normal. fane
taught in Cottage Grove, Medford,
Grants Pass and also in California and Dpcppup nffifiPr' TrPinillP fipt
Washington. She was a member of the .nCbei VC UMIOUfc all III llj U C lo
Christian church nd or the Kebekan
and Neighbor of Woodcraft lodges.
The mother, Mrs. Mary F. White, and
a sister. Miss Bertha P. White, both
of Weiser, Idaho, and a brother, Will
J. White, of Portland, survive.
SALEM. Or., July 31. (Special.)
William Smead, native of Oregon, died
at his home near Erooks Wednesday, at
the age of 59 years. He is survived by
his widow, a daughter and two sons.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 31. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Anna Duncan died at her
home, 1910 Washington street, this
morning, following" a month's illness.
She was 52 years of age. She is sur
vived by her husband, W. P. Duncan,
two daughters, Eva and Ida, both at
home, and three sons, Robert, W illiam
and Clyde, all of Wyoming. .
son, Oregon Agricultural college; George
W. Hansen. Whitman college. Walla
Walla. Wash., alternate, and Karl F.
Neuhaus. Oregon Agricultural college,
ABY MARIE OSBORNE, who has her
legion of admiring devotees quite
as much in attendance as if she were
great big girl instead of a very little
and young maid, is topping the new bill
at the Hippodrome. At least she is top
ping it as far as the picture patrons go.
although the vaudeville part of the bill
is an excellent one also.
Babv Marie's latest picture is called
The Sawdust Girl," in which her baby
airs and graces and inimitable ability
to mimic are beautifully shown- A com
pany of grownups assist the baby
actress in putting over one of her most
delightful pictures.
A real romance holds close attention
aside from little Osborne's work.
The rest of the bill is good, too. The
Eddy sisters made friends with their
dainty delightf ulness. Howard Mack
and Henrietta Lane prove more than
the usual in entertainers in an original
idea called "What's It All About?' which
calls for frequent interruptions of ap
plause from a pleased audience.
Tinse and Moore, a clever chap and a
nifty maid, accent the jazz to the pleas
ure of their audience and put across a
clever, keen turn.
Douglas Flint, splendidly supported,
offers a unique sketch called "Easy
Money." which holds the element of
surprise in its climax and at the same
time sustains tense interest. Mr. Flint
is a highly capable artist and his meth
ods compel interest.
"The Razor Salesman" is the title of
the comedy skit in which Lowry and
Kathryri, a keen pair of funsters, sing
and step merrily.
Nixon and Norris open the bill with a
capital musical turn.
Decide: to
Board .
House, by Divided Vote.
Recommend I-iccnMnj
WASHINGTON. July 31. After a Ion
ctispute in executive session, republican
members of the house ways and means
committee decided today by a divided
vote to rerommr nd pasn ge of a bill
providing for a licensing board to con
t rot d e ini ports, as well n.s to levy s
high tariff on all foreign dyestuffs
permitted to come into the country.
The board would consist of three
representatives of the dye industry
seven representatives of consumers and
a chairman selected by the ten other
members. The li fe of the board was
limited to two years bv the bill.
Among the republicans who favored
the bill with t h cl icensing system was
31a w ley, Oregon.
The duty rates fixed by the bill fol
Finished dyes. 45 per cent ad valorem
plus 7 cents a pound; intermediate
dyes. 40 per cent ad valorem, plus
cents a pound.
Rev. Ch
At the Theaters.
Two Oregon Men Win Places
Rifle Team to Compete In Na
tional Matches in East.
Salem Mayor Says Kecent Measure
Perpetuates Officer.
SALEM, Or., July 31. (Special.)
Mayor Otto J. Wilson has vetoed the
ordinance passed by the council recent
ly providing for a purchasing depart
ment for the city and naming Earl
Race, city recorder, as purchasing
Mayor Wilson holds that the ordi
nance specially named Mr. Race as
purchasing agent, making it a perma
nent position and should future coun
cils wish to name another agnt it
would first be necessary to repeal the
ordinance. Under the Salem city
charter it will require two-thirds vote
of the council to pass the ordinance
over the mayor's veto.
July 31. (Special.) The oldest army
post on the Pacific coast has been elec
trified during the last three days by
sham battles fought by the reserve of
ficers' training corps cadets, who used
1 0,000 rounds of blank ammunition
each day. Combat maneuvers were
made which extended through upwards
of four miles of advance, going through
woods and underbrush which surround
the Presidio. This tactical work prac
tically concludes the instructional work
for the R. O. T. C. camp and is the fin
shins touch upon the preliminary in
struction which has been given during
the last weeks.
Cadets from the. advanced course
company have acted as officers during
the combat problems and two battal
ions of the cadets have opposed each
other in aggressive movements and in
retreat. Actual battle conditions have
been adopted as much as possible with
out real bullets singing overhead, and
umpires have placed themselves in po
sition to decide which side was win
Rifle Team Leaves.
More actual training has been given
in this R. O. T. C. camp than in any
former camp or officers' training
school. It was possible to have many
colonels and lieutenant-colonels to
carry on the instruction who were not
available during the war. It is the
purpose of the committee on education
and special training to maintain a high
standard of proficiency in the holding
of reserve corps commissions, and to
this end the R. O. T. C. training is
being specially planned.
The rifle team of 14 men, represent
ing the reserve officers' training corps
camp, left today on the Pacific limited
for Camp Cauldwell, N. J., to compete
in the national rifle matches to be held
there within a few dr,ys. The team was
selected by elimination shooting on the
Fort Barry rifle range here last week,
after the shooting course by the whole
R. O. T. regiment. The team in
cludes 12 regular members and two al
Two Oregon Men On Team.
Two Oregon men were successful in
winning places on the team, both of
them students in Oregon Agricultural
college. They are Arthur Christianson
and Karl Neuhaus.
The members of the team are: Felton
Taylor, Pomona college, Claremont,
Cal. ; Archie L. Tower, Long Beach High
school, Cal.; J. Clifford Martin, San
Francisco High school; E. G. Poindex
ter. University of Montana, Missoula,
Mont. ; Frederick K. Beutel, University
of Washington, Seattle, Wash.; Sher
man R. Burdick, University of Califor
nia, -Berkeley, Cal.; Roy P. Turner, Uni
versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash.;
Gerald T. Gouin, New Mexico College
of Agriculture; William L. Raims, Loy
ola junior college. Los Angeles. Cal. ;
V. R. Peterson, Boise High school,
Boise. Idaho; Kenneth C. McCarter, Los
Angeles high schools; Arthur Christian-
Salem Seeks Establishment of Labor
Appeal Body.
SALEM, Or., July 31. (Special.)
Establishment of a local system of
mediation of all differences between
Salem labor and Salem employers is the
object of a meeting to be held here to
morrow night.
The plan was originated by T. E. Mc-
Croskey. ma nager of the Salem com
mercial club, and those calling the
meeting include Charles H. Gram, state
labor commissioner; illiam A. Mar
shall of the state industrial accident
commission; Pascal Tragliu and Arthur
W. Lawrence, central labor council ; E.
llofer, for the employers, and J. II.
Arnold, representing the Ixyal Legion
of Loggers and Lumbermen.
Oregon Pastor to Take Up Work In
HONOLUIAr. T. H., July 31. (Spe
cial.) Rev. Edwin T. Sherman of Cor-
vallis. Or., has accepted a call aa associ
ate pastor of the Central Union church
of this city. He will arrive here Sep
tember 1.
Rev. Mr. Sherman is now in T. M.
C. A. work as an army secretary at
Camp Kearny. Cal. He received his
early training in the Chicago Institute
for x. M. C. A. secretaries and did a
Kood deal of work at Hanover college.
Hanover. Ind. He was later graduated
from the theological seminary at the
Chicago university. His pastorates
have been two in number. Brookneld.
111., and Corvallis. Or. He has a wife
and three children.
Klamatb Company Acquires 70-Acre
Tract for Factory.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. July 31.
(SpeVial.) Klamath Falls is assured of
another iare box factory in the con
summation of a deal on July 30 where
by the Pelican Bay Lumber company
purchased a 70-acre tract lying be
tween the sawmill and box factory of
the 'Klamath Manufacturing company
at Shippington and the Pelican Bay
Lumber company.
The deal was negotiated through the
Klamath development company, which
owns considerable properly in and
about Klamath Falls. The Pelican Bay
Lumber company will soon begin con
struction of an up-to-date and modern
box factory in connection with their
large sawmill.
Grays Harbor to Roast Steers for
Peace and Welcome Barbecue.
ABERDEEN. Wash., July 31. (Spe
cial.) Two 1200-pound eteers will be
roasted for the combined peace and
welcome celebration of Grays harbor
country, which will be held at Pacific
beach August 10. "Sunny Jim" Cooper,
famous as a barbecue artist, will have
charge of the roasting. Coffee will be
served free.
Montesano also has volunteered to
serve lemonade to all comers without
cost. A woman's corps from Elma will
serve the coffee. A victory chorus of
50 girls is being selected for the occasion.
Everett City Department Demands
Increase in "Wages.
EVERETT, Wash., July 31. All mem
bers of the Everett fire department ex
cept the chief and assistant chief plan
to quit work tomorrow morning at 8
o'clock unless the city accedes to their
demand for a. flat increase of J 2 5 a
The city has offered an increase of
$17.50 a month until January. 19-0, with
an added increase of $7.50 at that time.
The firemen this morning rejected the
offer. The city commissioners are to
consider the situation late today.
Shirts, New
Patterns and Fabrics
I - f s
Copyright 1919 Bart Schaffoer & Marx
Stepping into
a good thing
That's what any man does who comes to
this store for his clothes.
We are showing" some new advance fall
clothing- made by
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Lively new styles and fabrics, finely tailored,
conservatively priced. Your suit is here
come and look them over
$40, $45, $50 and Up
Advance Showing of
Different in Color and Shape
Trimble, Berg and Rossolina
$6, 7, $7.50, $8 and $10
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for Quality and Service
Gasco Building
People Propose to Pay Buck 20,000,-
000 Ven Which Japan Advanced.
SHANGHAI. China, July 5. The peo
nle of Shantunff are raisiner a salvation
fund to pn back the 20.nnn.rtou yon kin in tho Intter pnrt of Jnn to nrg
whih Japan has advanced on a railroad
of thri province. Some lime ago Japan,
knowing of China's inability to pay her
debts, expressed her willingness to can
cel the Shantunff railroad agreement if
China returned what she had borrowed
with the road as a guarantee. The
people of the province have decided to
redeem the railroad rights. They feel
that they can save the province by the
payment of the 20,000,000 yen.
There Is now a movement on foot to
raise a fund of about 300.000.000 yen.
with which to repay all of Japan's
loans to China. At the current rate of
exchange this amounts to about $200,
(MiO.OOf) Mexican, which means a
pro rata, self-imposed tax of 50 cents
on every Chinese in the country.
The chamber of commerce, guilds,
students' unions, and labor organiza
tions are joining behind this movement
of driving Japan out of China by pay
ing China's debts.
Tbeideaof raisins- a fund for pa
triotic nurposes originated with the
Shantung delegation which went to Pe-
Fresldent Hsu to instruct the Chinese
delegates at Paris not to sign the peace
treaty. During the course of the inter
view it was suggested to the delegates
that China could do nothing to Japan in
Shantung vntil the debt of 20.000.000
yen was wiped out. The delegate re
plied that if t h government was un
able to pay its debts, the people of the
province of Shantung were ready to
make any sacrifice to win buck their
Phone your want ads to The O repo
rt ian. Phone M;in 7070. A !."..
License Fee for Fishing in Califor
nia Held Collectible.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., July 31. Alien
Japanese may be required to pay the
Sl'O license tax on aliens for engaging
in the business of fishing in California,
regardless of a clause in the treaty with
Japan which provides that they shall
not be charged a higher tax than that
assessed against a citizen of the United
States, according to a ruling received
today from L". 8. Webb, attorney -genera
Webb ruled that the treaty clause ap
plied only to federal taxes.
Honolulu Company to Extend Plant
at Crockett, Cal.
HONOLULU, T. II., July 31. The di
rectors of the Sugar Factors company,
Ltd.. announced today that they were
considering the enlargement of the
company's refinery at Crockett, Cal.,
with facilities for handling the entire
Hawaiian sugar crop.
It was said that with the proposed
increased facilities at the Crockett
plant the company could eliminate the
long freight haul of raw sugar to east
ern refineries and save $1,600,000 in
freight charges each year.
PASS. July 31. (Special. )-
'harles H. Hoxie, well-know
pioneer minister, died at Wildcrville
nil Sunday, July 27, and was buried
at YVilderville, where he has been liv
ing with a sister. Mr. Hoxie was born
in Dartmouth, Mass., December 22,
1S3S. In 1855, with other members of
his family, he moved to the Rogue
river valley, coming overland to San
Francisco and from there to Portland
"by boat, continuing the journey with
horses. Mir. Hoxie's wife died in 1911.
YAKIMA, Wash., July 31. Nelson
Smith, former city councilman here for
a number of years and resident of this
ity for 19 years, died of apoplexy
Tuesday. He was a native of Canada,
wme to the United States In early
youth, lived in North Dakota and Idaho,
Wrien for ten years in Belltngham be
fore coming to this city in 1900.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., July 31.
(Special.) Miss Marian Isabelle White
died Tuesday forenoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Doollttle, after an ill
ness that had lasted a year or more.
The funeral was held at 10 A M. Tfaurs-
Sccond Wife Sued for Divorce.
SALEM, Or.. July 31. (Special.)
Robert McGilchrist has filed suit in the
Marion county courts in which he seeks
a decree of divorce from Belle L. Mc
Gilchrist. Plaintiff charges that Mrs.
McGilchrist made disparaging remarks
about his first wife, drove his children
from their home, compelled him to sleep
in the barn and otherwise made his life
burdensome. Besides a decree Mr. Mc
Gilchrist asks for the establishment of
certain property rights.
Mangis Makes 13th Flight.
SALEM. Or., July 31. (Special.)
Fred Mangis made his 13th flight yes
terday, when he accompanied Lieuten
ant Cook on a trip to Eugene. The
plane was routed by way of Corvallis
and Albany, a distance of about 75
miles and the distance was covered in
1 hour and 5 minutes. The machine
will remain in Eugene for several days,
carrying passengers.
French-eTeuton Mail Kesumes.
PARIS. July 31. Postal communica
tion between- France and all parts of
Germany was reopened today.
Under authority of the Postmaster General, on account of
recent increases in wages to employes, totaling for the State of
Oregon upwards of $225,000.00 and for the City of Portland $152,
000.00, certain changes in exchange rates have been approved and
made effective July 29, 1919, for the State of Oregon.
The changes in rates apply particularly to residence service,
changes having been made in the principal business rates May 1,
All new business taken on and after July 29th will be at the
new rates and bills to present subscribers for the month of August
will be rendered at the new rates.
The increased rates will yield an annual revenue upward of
$250,000.00, but as the increase in wages is upwards of $225,000.00,
of which increase $152,000.00 goes tothe City of Portland, the net
return to the Company uncfer the rates now made effective is
approximately 2'2 per cent on the valuation of its property at
$13,464,000.00, as found by the Public Service Commission.
The new schedule of rates is identical with the one approved
by the Postmaster-General for the State of Washington, which
has been in effect since March 1, 1919.
The rates are the same in both states for exchanges that are
comparable and the rates for Portland are the same as for Seattle.
We believe that no proof as to the advanced cost of living and
the general high costs prevailing for labor and materials is neces
sary and that the telephone-using public will accept this increase
in rates in the same spirit of fairness and consideration as it has
the advances in almost every other necessity in these unusual
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
.IS ILa Jrb I
Look for Big Blue Sign
Positively the last week of the
Big Sale at Blank's, 360 Mor
rison. All of the Sample Cloak
Cos beautiful stock will be
sold this week at prices that
will astonish you.
Women's Suits
Values to $27
to $20..
...... $16.95
Values Q QC
to $55 P J. O
Six.'... $6.95
. Values to $5.00 at Only 39