IS TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST I, 1910. 7 REAL F,ST.TE. For Sale Houm3. BEAL'TIKL'L GROVE LAND PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. In Croveland Park, among the firs, we have lifted one of the finest bungalows we have ever sen. It is beautifully fin ished in old ivory; there are oak floors in all rooms. The fireplace is beautiful ; t here are built-in conveniences of all kinds; a ull cement basement, a high trade furnace. 3 large bedrooms and a sleeping porch: a pood garage. This is & splendid home. You'll find none bet ter for tne price, $4750. Owner wants 15Cv cash. t'OK A. McKEXNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. "NOB HILT' SACRIFICE. PRICE $V500. Very fine, iarpe living-room with fire place, large dininer-room with built-in buf fet, nice large kitchen. 4 bedrooms, etc, ; .2 verandas; HOxIihj lot: fine lawn a?id h rubbery. Located in the very choicest iart of the "Nob Hill district, midway between the two hospitals. A lovely home in a fine district, and just the ideal loca tion for a doctor having hospital practice. See Mr. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30O OAK. ST. BROADWAY 4133. GOOD HOME, WELL FURNISHED. Close in, near 20th and Ash sts. ; 8 large rooms, full basement, fireplace and fur nace heat, bookcase and china closet built in, fine Dutch kitchen, modern bath and 2 toilets, woodlif t and laundry trays; all in strictly first-class condition and fur nished ready for immediate housekeeping; big" iot. fine lawn, with fruit and flowers. Price for complete outfit $5500. Terms to puit your convenience. If you are looking for a good home, close in. handy to car, school and nigh school, be sure and look at this. E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main 258. $4250 BIG VALUE S4250. $1000 CASH $30 PER MONTH. ' A handsome 7-room house with garage. House faces east on full lot, improved street fully paid, full cement basement with furnace, laundry trays. Entrance nail, living room, dining room, light cheer ful kitchen and back porch, 3 delightful "bedrooms and sleeping porch. The sleep ing porch is inclosed, with furnace heat. Plenty of closet space and everything to make a home. Only one block to car. See it toda . MacIN'NES Sr PRATT. l 3 Board of Trade bidg. Main 3S6. JRVINOTON HOME, EAST 15TH NORTH; LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, DEN. FRONT HALL. KITCHEN. FIRST FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS. BATH. SEC OND FLOOR; TWO ROOMS IN ATTTC, FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT, FURNACE. OARAGf; HARDWOOD FLOORS DOWN STA1 RS. $7500. TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 200-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalow, located on a beautiful terraced lawn, fireplace, built in burfet, cove and beam ceiling, hard wood floor, Dutch kitchen, fume hood, ironi ng hoard, breakfast nook, full ce ment basement, turrsace. wash trays, floored attic, etc., 40xl00-ft. lot with 10-ft. alley ; near Broadway and Alberta oarlines. Price for quick sale $3350. See Mr. Ohrlstenson. The Erong Co. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. APARTMENT HOUSE TENANTS. NOTICE. Why pay that big rent when you can buy a neat, new, little home like this : Large living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath room and enclosed back porch, good base ment, corner lot, price $1So0 $500 cash, balance like rent? C . A. WA R RINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 'EW classy bungalow in best part of R. C. Park. Buy from owner and save money. Well lighted rooms, fireplace, oak floors, attic, extra large plate-glass windows in front fine built-in work, finished through ; out in ivory enamel ; $4750, terms. B. S. Bond Realty Co. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS, 1130 Sandy boulevard. Tabor 3825. Office open Sundays and evenings. " VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. ONLY J 2 5 0 CASH. ff2500 Dandy 5 -room bungalow, newly tinted and painted throughout; laundry room in basement; a good buy. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 504 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1QQ4. THIS I S A BARGAIN . Iodern 5-room bungalow. attractive i fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. 30xl00-ft. lot with 10-ft. alley, beautiful lawn; price for Quick sale $200. Terms vry reasonable. See M r. Ch Ms ten son. The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. $ 5 0 0 0 BEAUMONT BARGAIN. This property is worth $7000 Modern 7 room and sewing room, full cement base ment, corner lot 50x100, both streets paved, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built in buffet and fine finish in every way: 1 block to car. Take a good late style auto as part pavment and $500 to $1000 cash. ROBERT DEMMER, 404-403 Panama bldg. HAWTHORNE. A REAL BARGAIN. ; Dandy 5 -room modern bungalow with fireplace, furnace, all built-in effects, fine large basement and full-floored attic. Here is a real bargain at $3150, with $500 pay ment down and easv terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Pft OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. I'IXE location, Spokane. Wash., 7-room mod ern house, lot 50x152, lawn, fruit and . shade trees, garage, sewer, sidewalk and , all public improvements paid ; clear title, 1 no mortgage; lor sale at bargain or will trade for Portland residence; wi!l pay cash difference if suited. Our address, Tabor 225. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Four rooms, also ba t h, break fast nook and sleeping porch, gas, elect ri- lights, telephone, half hasemeni. cement walk, 50!5-ft. lot; near school mid two car linos. $550 cash, price $2100. "See Mr. Ohristenson. The Brong Co.. 410 Henryl bldg. Main 1743. $ 2 SOU BUNG A LO W $ 2 S Ot. J50O CASH $HO PER MONTH. Living room w i t h t i replace and hard wood floor, 2 cheerful bedrooms, 1 igh t and airy, bathroom fully furnished, Dutch kitchen, built in, cement basement travs; close to car and Mt. Tabor park. Call Tnhor SO 10 this evening. LOVELEIGH ADDITION. Strictly new 4-room bungalow, large living room, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook with china closet, one bed room, sleeping porch and bath, half cement basemen t with wash trays : price $270O. S-e Mr. Christ en son. The Brong Co. 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. $ 000 TRYING TO X KEAL B A RG AInT" Bungalow type. 8 rooms. 2 baths, best plumbing, fireplace, concrete porch, hard wnod floors 1st floor. best Wilton through out 2d 11 oo r, line s . p.. 2 closets, Ruud in stantaneous beater, electric stove, stair carpet, fine garage ; lot 75x100, exclusive. East 410. BEST BUY IN' ROSE CITY FOR $2850. Bungalow. 0 rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, bookcases, buffet, built-in kitchen, wash travs. garage, corner lot. 2 blocks To car; $750 cash. bal. like rent. Phone tor appointment, Broadway 266, 304'- Oak street. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 2750 BUYS a dandy 5 -room bun ga low, con -venirnt to 3 carlines and Jefferson high. 242 Rlandena ave. Look it over, then see us. .1. A. WK'KMAN CO.. 201 Railway Kxchange B-dg. Main ion.4. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $4"0O. TERMS. Bungalow, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, music room, l'ul I cement basement , w ash trays, fur nace, fine garage, hard-surface st : $1000 cash, bal. $25 per mo. See Mr. King, 304 '.3 Oak street. Broadway 260. $."UH M T. T A BOR $3100. 5 -room bungalow, nearly new, with full ba somen t, wal ks, all in tine condit ion ; 1 00 too ; lots of fruit, right on car line; $."00 down, balance easv terms. After 6 P. M. call Tabor 14S5. $350 DOW N, B A LANCE $850 TERM S, buys my equity in a 5-room house. 1 block to car. on 70th St.. south of Glisan; bath, gas. electric it y, sleepl ng porch . basement, pear tree and roses. Tabor S301 after 5:30 P. M. ATTRACTIVE, new. 0-room Jrvington house and garage by owner; Bo nton furnace, fireplace. French and mirror doors, hard wood floors : finished in old ivorv ; come and see it. 60 ti E. 14th st. N. Terms. $ 1 fioO M T. T A BOR $ 1 (wo. -room house. 5ox 1 00, good para ge, plenty of fruit. : Mocks to car; $300 down, balance $15 per mo. After 6 P. M. call Tabor Hv FURNISHED five-room bungalow. RoseCitv; this is a good buy: hardwood floors, fire- olace, ail built-in extras: has Piano: will give some terms; price $3000. F 415, Ore- r.'Sian, 5UY from owner 0-room house, east front. on .fin s. , 1 urnaiT, pas ana electricia ns hardwood floors: vacant Aug. 1: price Timhi, terms, van .nam ...'a; after 111 A. M Pub urban Home. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreact. well located, near car line. from $1800 up. Inquire third house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line. i en Aider isrook. AT Multnomah s'ation. on automobile road, -acre tract and new G room cottage for $ 1500, on easy terms. See Atchison, 204 Henry b!dg. C ACRES, 5-room bungalow, all Improved close in on hard-surface road. Main 0365. 414 Gerlingcr nirtg. FOR SALE Seven -room house with plenty or rruu ana garage. 44U miss, can at Miss. ave. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. NOT A. DOLL HOUSE. A REAL HOME. IN" LAL'KELH L'RST. 10 large rooms and sleeping porch, lo cation one of the sightliest in the district, close to car; large living room and hail in old ivory, dining room and den in oak; the bedrooms are extra large and airy, there are six of them, four in old ivory. There is a good garage. This place is worth at prevailing prices $ 10.00O. but $7500 takes it; all improvements paid. In vestigate this at once. Phone Mr. Dela hunty, Main 17t0. Sundays or evenings, East 20h(i. LAL'RELHURST BUNGALOW SACRIFliK. The purchase of a business in California forces me to effect- sale this week of my cosy, strictly modern 7-room bungalow located in choicest part of Laurelhurst at 106 Floral ave. Living and dining r.ooms in solid South American mahogany, 2 bed rooms and bath downstairs. 1 bedroom, small sleeping porch, large bi! Hard room and toilet and lavatory upstairs, finest hardwood floors tnroughout, beautiful yard, flowers, vines and shrubbery. A real snap at $ti750, terms. See my agent. R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS. If you are looking for a tt or ii-room bungalow, built as it should be with every dollar put in that was possible and many unique features (including special party room and garages with turntable, look at Nos. 1184-ti E. Bumside st. Am not a builder, put these upby day labor and am not trying to make a lot of money on them. R. H. Torrey, owner, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON. New and modern, 12 spacious rooms, finest selected mahogany and oak finish, hardwood floors throughout. 3 artistic fireplaces, wnite tile bathrooms, three toilets, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished, latest sanitary plumb ing, stationary vacuum cleaner. house phone, lare grounds, beautified with rar est shrubs, one of the finest built resi dences in Portland; easy terms. Owner. BC 207, Oregonian. DO YOTJ WANT A HOME AND A LIVING ALSO? HERE IS A SPLENDID OPPOR TUNITY SIX 5 AND 6-ROOM FLATS; FINE CORNER ON WEST S IDE. "WALK ING DISTANCE; YOU CAN LIVE IN ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FOR $200 PER MONTH. WHY WORRY ABOUT BUSINESS WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $lS,0O0; TERMS. E. H. COLL1S. EAST &6U0. A LAURELHURST 6-ROO.M BUNGALOW. LARGE LIVING ROOM, LARGE BEDROOMS. MODERN IN EVERY WAY. GARAGE. $5750. WITH TERMS. MR. BROWN, EAST 3UTH AND G LI SAN. TABOR 3433. EVENINGS, TABOR 69. BEAUTIFUL HOME. EIGHT ROOMS, NEAR EA-ST TWENTIETH AND COUCH. NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED IN SIDE AND OUTSIDE. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS, TWO TOILETS, BATH. FUR NACE AND GARAGE. A HANDSOME AND ATTRACTIVE HOME. $tiU0O. TF.RMS. E. H. COLLIS. BAST S660. BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, bath, attic, fireplace, built-ins, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, basement, laundry trays; paved street ipaid); garage; just a lovely home in a fine neighborhood; best car service in city, 29 min. out; take M v" aepot car to S4th, "limited" cars make few stops. Price only $2050 and 300 cash will do; 32.50, inc. interest; quick possession. Don't fail to see this. 2000 E. Glisan. Tabor fe54 fore noons. $5500. A REAL BUY. $5500. Bungalow style house, large living room. Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, large buffet and fireplace; two bedrooms on first floor, also bath; two bedrooms, sleep ing porch and bath on second floor; ga rage, lot 50x100. If you are looking for a real home and a snap, don't hesitate one minute, but call L. M. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 300 Oak st. Broadway 4133. N E W N E W N E W. ROSE CITY PARK "SPECIAL." JUST COMPLETED VERY ARTISTIC. Beautiful 7-room bungalow below hiil, extra iare living and dining room, fin ished old ivory, trimmed mahogany, large plate-glass windows, beveled plate-glass buffet and bookcases. breakfast room. eastern-oak floors, turnace. owner, o01 E. 43d st. N.. phone Tabor 1000. $3150. SNAP. $:;i50. tJ-roora bungalow and extra large s:eep ing porch. In Al condition and with $11:00 cash an excellent buy. Lot .jOxloo. This is well located and good car service. Shown bv appointment. Ask Kellogg. FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main HS9. HOME FOR OLD POLKS $1450. Very neat, 4-room plastered bungalow, with bath, toilet and lavatory, concrete foundation, small basement, triangular shape lot; plenty of young fruit trees and berries; located at 751 47th ave. S. E., near Firland; $000 cash, bal. to suit. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open evenings, Sun d a vs. j IRVINGTON HOME. STRICTLY MODERN, HAS 5 BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, FURNACE, GARAGE; PROPERTY ALL CLEAR; PRICE !i00O TERMS. OH MIGHT CONSIDER SMALLER PLACE. OREGON3 BOND V MORTGAGE CO., 200-2 12 SELL! NG B LOU., MAIN 1 S00. WE WRITE FIKE INSURANCE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME, $3500. Large 7-r. modern dweil.. fur.. 2 toilets, large as-t. fruit trees in. paved St.. located at 731 Montgomery drive. 1 blk.. from car. This house has no gingerbread effects, but is all house and is well worth the money; $500 cash. bal. easy monthly payments Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays, evenings. FURNISH ED. 20TH AND AN KEN Y. Walking distance. 0-room house with fireplace, furnace, gas and electricity in, in f i ist -class condition, inside and out, on car line, paved street in and paid. Will give immediate possession. 3 "rice $3050. Terms. Main 54."-0. loil Yeon bldg. Evenings, Main 02. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established tea years. Wo offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contracting archi tects. 924 N. W. Bank bldg- OWN A HOME of your own r lei us build it. We 1 urn is n easy payment loans like rent. We build according to your plans and pocketbook; sketches free; our sys tem saves you money and avoids risks. " PORTLAND HOMK BUILDING ASSOCIATION, INC.. 520-530 Henry Bldg. Main MOO. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Three 50-foot lots, three-room plastered bouse, hot and cold water, bath, pas range, wood and coal rang linoleum ; chickens ; 14 fruit trees. smai 1 fruit and pood garden. Price $1000: JlOnn cash, balance $ 1 5 per month. i617 5 1th ave. S. E. Mount Scott car. NEW BUNGALOWS. I have several brand-new bungalows in laurelhurst and lrvington, which can be cold on favorable terms. Also some 6, S and 10-room houses. Come out to our tract office, E. 30th and Glisan sts., and let me show them to you. Mr. Brown, Tabor 3433. Evenings, Tabor 50. IRVINGTON HOME, of charm and beauty. In most exclusive section, built for a home of the best ma teria), finished in quarter-sawed oak; three bedrooms in wnite enamel, giassea sleep ine porch, billiard and maid's quarters loOxlOO corner; cost SIS. 000; will soil for 60 cents on dollar, terms, hast 134 (. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, dt-h T.TM RITFET AND ROuKCASES' GARAGE; CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST C A KLINE IN CITY; $4250, TERMS, PHONE EAST 3060. TWO BUNGALOW BARGAINS. ONE IN LAURELHURST, JOOOO. ONE IN IRVINGTON, $4 750. Both 6 rooms, nothing ordinary about either one. Yes, a garage with both. Phone Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Sun day and evenings. East 20&6. WAVERLY HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $32ih eii-DUiiL. 0-1 uwiti uungaiow. at l4 Kelly st.. cor. lot. ot'xluo feet; street liens ail paid; $500 cash, balance to suit; splen did view and real value. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. Open even ings, XBVrNGTON bungalow. 6 rooms, real nice, only JSoOO. East 1347. FOR SALE House in one of the best local ities of lrvington : 8 rooms, garage and modern throughout, completely furnished, including piano, etc.: can be seen by ap-appointir-ent only. Phone East 147. IRVINGTON BARGAIN See this owner leaving city, will tacrifice attractive home, 22d. near Knott. . Mean business. Main MODERN 6-room house. $tiOO down. Close to Peninsula park. Inquire 1240 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 5 5 24. BARGAIN Seven-room house, paved street, on carline, 5S 1-3 by 150; $2500. 2025 E. G.isan st. Owner, East 4443. 8-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill, west side; 6-room house. E. Taylor and 13th. Wolf stein, 1 1 2 First. 5-ROOM modern house. 874 Killlngsworth. 1 block from Alberta car. Woodlawn 3&4S. REAL ESTATE. -Rod $S.00 TERMS $S500. West side, practically new bun .palow, S bed chambers. 2 sip. prs., brkfs-t. rm., liv. rm. lx3S ; oak firs., built-in refrigerator, tireless cooker, buffet. wonderful finish, fireplace, mirror doors, tiled. 2 bath rooms, 3 toilets, full cement bast., 40x45; fruit rm.. coal rm.. instantan eous water heater, attractive porch, ."ox 100; fruit, shrubbery, ornamental trees, beautiful approach, garage; house cost $8500. lot $5000; widow leaving must sacrifice; price now really a gift: close in. choicest resi dential location: appts. before 4:30 P. M. Main 4n.i. O. c. GOLDENBERG. 215-16 Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." THE PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. This la a real California type bungalow; the interior is beautifully finished; th living room has a fireplace with built-in bookcase. . There are 2 other built-in bookcases In arch between living and din ing rooms; living and dining rooms pan eled; beamed ceilings, beautiful buffet, oak floors. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch a full cement basement ; hot air heating system, shrubbery, roses and vines. If you have ever seen a real California bun galow you'll fall in love with this one; the price is $4500, $1200 cash, balance easy terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. 82 4th street. Board of Trade Bldg., Open Evenings. $2100 GROVELAND PARK S2S00. If $1000 cash, which is amount req. by owner, you can buy a real chic bungalow with fireplace, built ins. enamel plumbing. bast. and everything, paving pd. ; 50x100; colonial style, built 2 yrs. - Hurry! We sold 4 yesterday. These offers don't last, you know. Main 4fsu3. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. "35 Years in Portland." LAURELHURST COLONIAL $5250. fl rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, lull coment basement, woodwork finished in white enamel. This house is especial I y attractive, both outside and in ; is in first-ctass condition and strictly mod ern and up to the minute in every par ticular, owner is leaving the city and his dfct the price for a quick sale. Takes ?i0o cash. A R 075, Oregonian. WEST OF LAURELHURST. Snappy 4-rm. bungalow; not a shack : $1 500 ; $250 cash ; paving, etc., pd. ; near 31?t and Davis: come quickly and no nonsense. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Can give immediate possession of my modern colonial bungalow, on 100x100 lot. OOl Dunekley ave.. 0 rooms and bath on first floor, one of the best bungalows ever built in Portland: price $10,000, except will reduce to $9000 if sold by August 5; requires 1-3 cash; may be seen any eve ning after 0. or durir.g day by appoint ment. Ben IT. Hazcn, Wood lawn 4007. or Marshall 1S01. HAVE you S2O00 cash as first payment on a real home? Bungalo type, price $3S00. fireplace in living room, bookcases in den, buftct in dining room. 1 bedroom and bath fiist floor, all having hardwood floor-", and a most complete kitchen, 2 bedrooms and sleeping perch upstairs, trees and shrub bery, 50x1 00 lot. JOHNSON A- DODSON CO.. 34 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 377. $31 50 HAWTHORNE. 5-r. bungalow, fireplace, ail mod dern; OOxluO; fruit; terms; near 32d. Main 403. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. HAVE bargain in a nice 8-room house, Van couver, Wash.. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, garage, large grounds, cloee in; $2000 t-ash will handle, good terms on balance, must sell, am going south, let me tell you about it. Address owner. Box 3ts2, Seaside, Or. WESTMORELAND. $3ir.O, CASH $ 1 750. Owner leaving city, wants to sell 5-room bungalow, fireplace. buftet. hardwood 1 loors, cast front, hard-surf ace street in cluded in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 0:4 N. W. Bank Bldg. ALAMEDA practically new home. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, best of plumbing, French duors and all buil t-in conveniences ; owner in town for few days. Make a quick tale a t sacrifice. East 1 412. A S X A P SEE O W NEK. $3S00 Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, complete in every respect, finished in ivory and like now; Ilossmerc district: large lot. paved street, sewers in and paid. Owner. 5ut McKay bldg. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. S-room house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, sleeping porch. 4 bedrooms. 150x100 bit, double garage, plenty of fruit, close in on west .Mde. only $4o00, $1000 rash. '. Mtsi-ts. 201 Wfb-ox bldg. 5-ROOM bun ga low, gar a ge and lot 4 Ox 13 J fet. 411 E 3:tb tt.. nar Lincoln, $3.".iM. lowest terms $500 cash and 25 per month with I merest.. John Bain. 507 Spalding building. , BUILD NOW. If you own a lo, wo will furnish the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and se us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan Bldg Main 2033. BUY from owner: beautiful bungalow in Beaumont district ; is rooms and slerp ing porch: 2 bathrooms, hard wood floors, all modern conveniences. furnace and ga ra go. $1 li-0 cash w 1! J handle. See M r. oleott at Broadway hotel, or call Tabor 4 35. 5-ROOM medern house, furnished, with base ment and nice chicken house; $o00 down, $25 monthly; take Montaviha car. get off at end of line, walk two blocks west and E block north to 58 E. 78th st. S. Cal after 7:3o weekdays from 9 to 12 Sunday. $22.00) RESIDENCE; the best that money can buy; fine large corner with double ga rage; 2 baths, 4 toilets, oak floors and f in n h, hot water heat, modern to min utest detail. W. li. Ross, llOO N. W. Bank bidg. $250 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. TOTAL PRICE $105o. Near K i! lin gsworth and Union, 5-room modern bungalow. Why pay rent? A. H. AKEiiSJN, 4 20 Henry bldg. Main 721. $lio HAD to foreclose mortgage, don't want it: 5-room cottage, near Marguerite ave.. give me my money back at $;;o down, 2- mo., and take it. See my agent. Mr. Prentiss. 15 "'haniber of Commerce. MT. TABOR. 5-room house for sale, fire place, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kite lien, full basement, laundry trays and attic; just painted; $2'?00; terms. Call 100 E. 5 1th st. evenings. V A C A N T V ERNON B UNG A L O W. 5 large rooms and bath; ivory" finish: Dutch kitchen; full cement basement; fruit trees. 2 car lines; $2G00; terma. own er. Main 023. V ERY desirable modern home. W. slope M t. Tabor ; lot loxl4o, good garden, lots of fruit trees. Owner will paint and reno vate throughout; terms. Thomson. 513 Henry bldg. ' NEAR 15th and Alberta sts.. 8-room house; bath, gas, electricity, full basement; good 2 -room house on rear of lot. All tor J25uo. terms. Am leaving city. This is a bargain. Sell. 1560. MODERN 5-room bungalow, lot 75x1 0o, cor. Gomg st., fine fruit trees, fireplace and lurnace, price mo. iuuu cash., easy terms on balance. 16 E. 0th N. Phone Ytoodiawn . - - FOR SALE By owner. 7-room. modern home on Wixu lot. 41 Going st., cost $40"0, eel I $;i20 0. or will trade for Port land bungalow; must be good location. Ad dress P. o. box J4.. city. BUY from owner, save agent's commission- Modern 7-room Laureihurst home, 1 block 1 rom car ; garac ana ail modern conven iences. Price $55oo. terms. Call Mr, Haas, Marshall 205. WEST SIDE. Owner In Canada, wants to sell 6-room modern house, 1 u-m!n. w alk to P. O. ; all improvements In and paid for; some fur niture. MarshaM IMG GOING to build or repair? G-Pt my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Oftice hourj 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main b3L P.-3 phone Tabor 104. FOR SALE OR TRADE House and lot in Midway, 1 block from Sell wood car, 11000; wiil consider medium-priced atuomobile Call Sellwood 1673. 5-ROOM house, large attic, full basement, gas. electricity. Dutch kitchen nice yard ; block to car; $24 OO. by owner. Sellwood 21 FOR SALE Lovely, modern, ti-room bunga low, with hardwood floors, reasonable. For terms op. !1 Main 4"Kt before P. M. B Y O V N E R E i g h l-roo m walking distance. $5500 V.Uh st. East 4443. house. garage. OOxlOO. 104 E. A 7-ROOM house, all paid for. See o ner at 1143 Clinton st. $4000, iu. 7-ROOM house with furniture, close P34 E. Everett, corner 12th. -ROOM house, 718 E. Morrison, $25. Torg ler. 106 Sherlock bldg. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. GOOD HOUSES AT REASONABLE PRICES 5-room cottage on 12th st., between Union ave. and lrvington car; well built with basement, cement walks, paved sts.. 50x100 ft. lot; price $2000, $450 cash. 64-K 5-room cottage on 13th st., near lrving ton car. corner lot 60xS5 ft., lots of fruit, berries and shrubbery, cement walks, paved street; price only $20Oo, $500 cash. 141-R 3 -room house, on 35th st.. lot ROxlOO ft-, fruit, berries and roses, for $So0, $250 cash. 204-R. 3-room house. In st.. lot 50x100 ft., walks, garden and down. 2oy-H good repair, on 16th graded st., cement berries; $1200, $4UO 5-room modern bungalow, on 20th st.. cement walks, graded street, 2 cherry and 2 apple trees; price $2500. 145-R 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, lot 50x100 ft., fruit, berries and shrub bery; price $2500, $500 cash. 164-R 4-room cottage, on 23d St., 50xl00-ft. lot, nice lawn, 2 crabapple, 1 peach, all kinds of berries and shrubbery; $1350. $400 cash. 120-R 0-room bungalow, on 27th st., cement walks, fruit, berries, lawn and roses; $2050, $300 cash. 330-R We have 53 bungalows and houses for sale along Union ave. and Alberta street. W e will be pleased to have you call and get this list with directions to see them, or go to No. 1121 E. 24th st. N. and our agent, Mr. R. B. Smith, will drive you around to see the properties with his auto. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., Phone Main 7141. 527 Corbett Bldg. ELEGANT DUPLEX HOUSE. TEST SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE. Located in best residential section; built like line private home, built for 2 fami lies, with separate entrances, 2 complete -room houses in one; fioor plan down stairs Fame as a 0-room bungalow, same floor plan upstairs, with sleeping porch; - fireplaces down and 2 up, separate base ments and separate furnaces, built-in buf Jets and Dutch kitchens, full 50x100 lot. This house is In the best condition, onlv years old, appraised at $ll,5oo. Owner anxious to sell, wants to use money in business. Will take $SH00, $2000 cash, balance monthly payments at less than income on property. Would rent for $100 per month. This is a good buy as in come proposition. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. Open Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. SWELL BUNGALOW $4000. Folks, here is one of those real modem. nlf-y. up-to-dare bungalows. It's finished in old ivory and white t hroughout with hardwood floors in every room. Really It s so downright modern and so splendid'.y arranged it wi;l appeal to you strongly. ome, let us show you. If you don"t bv this Is a good buy well, ou just couldn't say that, anyway. plan to see it today tomorrow may be too late , , -A. G.' TEKPE CO.. -04 Stark, near 3d. .Main :U!2. Main 3516 Branch Office. 5oth and Sand v. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $1000 FOR the swellest bungalow In this district at price. All woodwork the very best and very artistic; 5 rooms a ml breakfast room, attic, garage ; improvements all in and paid; hard wood floors, fireplace with artistic mantel. heavy French-plate mirror, buffet with I rench-plate mirror and plate-glass doors; entire home In per fect condition. Requires substantial cash payment: no mortgage. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2Q4 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 10I4 ROSE CITY PA R K. FIVE ROOMS $3S50. Folks, now we're talking about one of those real nffty. real good-looking Rose City Park bungalows: there is a great big living room extending the width of house, ha rd wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement base ment, wash trays, etc.: very liberal terms. L-t us show you. Hurry. A. G. TEEI'E CO. . 204 Stark, near 3d. Main 3O02. Main 3518. Branch Office. 5uth and Sandy. LAURELHURST S.Vtr.n You may have immediate possession of .xniM nannsome ll-story house. It has large living room with fireplace, dinintc room witn burr. t. oak fioorj, Dutch kitch en ; on the upper floor are 3 large bed rooms and hath, a full cement basement with h igh- grade furnace : 1 he finish is w n ite enamel. This home is spot le?dy ekan. The terms are $I50O cash, balance monthly. We have no hej-itancy ir. raying .! - n,i f-nf- on,- in i.ail. einurst. COE A McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. S- tth ul.. Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $4200. Are you looking for a Rose City Park bungalow on a big lot? One block to car we have, a 5-room bungalow with fire place Fox furnace and garage. The lot is H4'inu fet and the paving and sexn r liens are paid. The price Is $4L'O0, 15O0 W..-H, .w moni n ly. it tnere is a better I . ... vu xariv wo noma IIKC to fff it. COE A. Mr-KEVNA & CO., Main 4522. 62 4th St., Board o Trade Bldg. open Evenings. U-KOUM COTTAGE 2 LOTS FRUIT. N ice li-room cot tagc. bedrooms first floor, large floored attic, electricity, bath, cement basement, laundrv travs," corner lnoxloo; nice hedge fence, 10 full bearing fruit t ree8, walnuts, lots of small fruit, fine ga rden. chicken hous and run ; 1 block to Woodstock, corner 50th ave. and E. 44th st.; price $:;nrm. plus $70 city liens; $500 cash. $25 month. , 31 Board of Trd Bldg." .Main 7452.' ROSE C(TY PA Fl K $40011 FURNISHED s -10O0. R rooms and sleeping porch, fuil ronrnt basement, furnace, paved streets in and pa id. 2 short block to Sandy boulevard ; $12O0 cash will handle. l,ct us ehow you this rea 1 sna p WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. A. WAR RINER FITTER. LOWE &r CO.. 2hl -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.' HAWTHORNE $ 3 150. Folks, here is one of t hose nifty litt la bungalows with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases. buffet. Dut ch kitr hen with canopy over range, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Thoroughly double constructed This is a splendid buy; $05" cwsh. balance easy monthly pavment?. Hurry'. A. G. TEEPE CO . 261 Stark, near 3d. Main ..or2. Main 3518. Branch Office. r.Oth and Sand v. HAWTHORNE, S-ROOM HOUSE. SNAP. Nice 8-room house, f u mace, fi replace, 1 bedroom down. 3 upstairs; cement base ment, laundry trays: ! bearing fruit trees; stna'T fruits: lot 4Hxl0. paved st. and pll city Jiens paid: 1 block to car on E. 31st.. bt. Haw thorn e and Main, fine location. Price a snap, $4000, about $1500 cash, bal ance to suit. GRUSSI & BENNETT. "1 3 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7 fS?. DON'T FAIC TO SEE THIS CLASSY B UN G A LO W $3 1 50 TERMS. 5-room modern, on S7th street, near E. Stak, fine neighborhood, nice lawn, ft Ox 1 on lot : modern in every way; this home must be seen to be appreciated; $snr will handle, balance very easy terms. Let us ehow this. BUPTVEFS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main 7!7. $3150 BUYS a beautiful typical California bungalow; living room across entire front; large dining room. Dutch kitchen, buffet, hardwood floors, fire place, fuil cement basement, wash trays; 50x100 lot; all improvements in and paid. -I . A . WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. $2400 NEAT BUNGALOW' $2400. Here is a pretty little 5-ronm bungalow all In fine shape, full semi-cement base ment, ground 50xl44. nice lawn, abundance of berries, about S good hearing fruit trees, good chicken house: $1400 cash will handle. C. A. WAF: RINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-.V.-,-- Board of Trade Rifle. $500 CASH CLOSE IN $2500. fi-room bungalow, basement, white enam eled kitchen, laundry trays, and in fine shape throughout; macadamized street, no liens. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2013. OXLT $300 CASH NEW BUNGALOW. $30OO FOR a nifty 5-room bungalow, .iust completed : bath. gas. electric 1 fghta. wash traye: no mortgage to assume. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg Main 1004. 3 OO DOWN MULTNOMAH $ 1225. .' rooms and large bath room, pinstered, electricity, gas. Bull Run water. r acre ground, nous built this rpring. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2C03. $4000 FOR a dandy home of f rooms, sleep ing porch and den: c'ose in on the east side : buffet, fireplace, piped for furnace: only .."oo cash required. J. A. WP'KMAX CO.. 204 Railway Exrhange Bldg. Main I004. $ 2 2 r. O M T . TABOR $ 2 2 50 To close an estnte. view lot fixlA with good 0-room bungalow ; real bargain. East S5C1. MR SHIPWORKER. $20 and $m and you can nwi rosy little west side cottage. 322 Yeon hlflf. $7500 WEST SIDE COLONIAL: 0-rm. ; strictly modern: garage. Main S730. C07.Y COTTAGE, price $1250; terms. Sifktyou st., near 70th. "ItC car. REAL ESTATE. Subarban Homrs. STRICTLY MODERN ACRE HOME. Five rooms with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, gas and private wattx system; acre all in cultiva tion ; some fruit trees and berries. Won derful view; overlooks golf links, the beau titul Tualatin valley and lias a fine view of the West Coast range of mountains. There's nothing better in a real clavv suburban home around Portland. located only block from station on the Oregon Electric, w ith, a daily commutation tare of t-c. Price $450o, $13oo cash; long time on balance. This is just as good as w say it is, so you bett.-r let us show you. G. G. McORMlC Co., All Kinds of Suburban Homes. 418 Fen ton Bldg., t4 Sixth St. Sundays and Evenings Main 1318. O.V PAVEL ROAD. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 12 aeres of the finest land In Oregon, and only miles from the center of the city ; about 4 acres of fine, verv heavy, bearing herry orchard, mostly Royal Ann. This ia the best buy in Oregon at the price of $3sr0; $Hio will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. acres on Oregon Citv line, 35 min utes rom Portia na ; electric light, gas, furnace, water; liwng room 1 0x3, ivso bedrooms, sleeping porch, beautiful view. Marshall 3524. Owner. No Real Estate Agents Need Apply. For Sale -Business Property. 100x100 E. Water st., between Morrison and Hawthorne bridge, on trackage. Sacrifice, terms. Owner. F 3!0. Oregonian. For Sale -Acreage. 15 ACRES VERY FERTILE LAND. 12 of it tiled bottom land, silt loam formation, all in cultivation. 3 acres led shot; the onions, corn, garden, fruit and grapes now growing and the wheat and oats just cut attest the fertility of the soil. It is near a good town, grade and high school. R. R. station and Pacific highway; house, barn, hoghouse. chicken house, onion sheds; price, including team, wagon, cow, chickens, hogs, tools, imple ments and crop $3700. The personal prop erly is easily worth $7O0, the crop better than $1000, the buildings $Soo. leaving the land less than $lM per acre. Why so cheap? For a quirk sale. We have only l.i days, so act quickly; $2Aio wiil handle it. MacINNESS & PI 413 Board of Trade Bldg. ATT. Main 3SS. j A "RES, all in cultivation, mostly In bearing orchard, abotit lo miles out, close to electric station, only $TOO. 2 acres, 11 miles out, all in cultivation close to two electric lines, $S50. One-half acre, near Lents, $750, terms on each if desired. Tallmadgc Realty Co., 611 Henry bidg. FURNITURE- AND EVERYTHING. " . acre, 2d St.; in garden, berries and fruit ; 4-room house, gas. electric lights ; garage, br.rn. Prie only $2400 with tools and compleFe. new turnlture ; $1020 cash; persona ly inspected. See Brooks, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE- IN ACREAGE. One and one-quarter acres, located close to Bonita statloi. Oregon Electric; In corn, fruit and berries: good soil; 12c carfare; 3-room housv. Price $'.'00. ezsy terma Personally inspected. See Davis, with Jchn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 2 A ORES, located 6 miles east of Washou gal. Wash.; 8 acres under cultivation; all the land can be cultivated; good soil, no gravel or rock, level land. goo-I buildings, fences, county road. Price $2000, $loo0 cash. Personally inspected. John Fergu son. Gerltngen bid-?. 50OO ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma Bldg-. Tacoina. Wash. 2 ACRES. Near Tobias, "11 cleared, nifty little cot tage, barn and other outbuildings, or chard, 3 dozen chickens, 2 tons hay; price $1425, terms. See llaraia. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 0th St. Broadway 43P1. 10 ACRES, locited near Sherwood; all good land, no gravel or roIts, 4 acres under cultivation; good fences, house, chicken house; n- ir pav aent and electric line. Price $2200, $1200 cash. Personally m spected. John Fcrjruson. Qerlinger bid g. FuR SALE By owner. 40 acres Clarke county land. 12 miles N. E. of Vancouver; good soil, easy to clear. $2500. or will ap ply as first payment on Portland bungalow, must be good location. Address I. O. box 317. city. FOR SALE Eeautiful five-acre tract with fine ti-rootn house, located on Mt. Hood road, near Sandy P. o. All tillable land, ha.f cleared; a big bargain at $2500, terms. See L. M. Tchle'm, kjo N. W. Bank bidg. Phone Main 1147. Res. phone, Seil. 1427. i ;Tve r cottage" ' Attractive 5-room summer cottage at Jennings Lodge; right on river bank; short walk trom cars; partly furnished; J15UO; or will rent subject to sale. Main 2'tf'2 Selling bldg. u A("RES. Columbia highway, near Crown Foinj; magnificent view ; otic of the best summer home si tcs ; must be sold by non resident uv. nor; a chance of a lifetime. 2hO Yamhill ot. FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, sec John Brown. J24 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 33:11. IO ACRES, good orchard, house, all outbuild ing.-. Hull Him water; l-atel Just bouth f i,cnts. s:a si. J. -1 nomw Allen. NEW 4-U. plastered houe on line a re 2 blocks .Jtzger statiou. loc fare; price for quick si le 1 ''. I'Tiaj. .Main .i.'.'.i. CHOICE, close-in aerragc. sale or trade. owner, Broadway . 11 iinnt cad. Relinquishment . FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment: Jut 1 more 1 irM -cla.s one lctt. Adurei-s b0 N. 20 1 h st., Salem, Or. RELINQUISHED homestead for sale. acr-s, $ M m 1 . 'lanor .ti.t. lor Sale -Fruit 1-andt.. $U.OOl Hot H RIVER ORCHARD $11,000. w WON DERFUL BARGAIN. 30 acres, in in full bearing ommercial on-hard; this year's crop included in sale; modern, n t tract ive home. 3 miles from Hood RHer; toon will give immediate posters ion. E;st 251 . For Sale -Farm. . . A GOOD BUY. 112 acres. 30 to 35 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance timber and pasture with plenty of" water in pasture; fine dairy barn, good 8-room house, good outbuild ings, erring water piped to house and barn; fine prune orchard of acres, good family orchard: tn fine farming district, fine land, oft county road, close to school, f. miles from Washougal. W ash. ; price $7500. terms if desired: th prune orchard wi'l'pav for f irm in few years. GEO. V. MOoD V CO.. Washougal. Wash. HILL farm, io afres; Jort acres level, 30 acres in crop ; good soil ; out range for stock; family orchard, fi-room houne. barn and chl'-kcn house: running water and well at house; school !:-mil.'. phone line near; part of crop, stock and implements go with place. Price reasonable if sold soon; 2 x? miles from Lyons, Or., C. W . Rice, owner. 33' ACRKS red shot soil, mtt all cleared: expect $1 50O v ortb of prunes this season. Lies level on good sll-year-around road. 2H mi les from Portland, R. R. 2 V, miles, 1U miles to store and school, have team. cor. sow a nd three shoats, farm tools. $5o. crops, stock and Vols included. Address box 14. Brighton. Ore. FOR SALE A beautiful home at White Salmon Falls, out from WhfTe Salmon. Lovely view of Mt. Adams: JrtOO water plant, 6 acres in best apples; 5 acres in w heat, about 7 acres in potatoes and gar den, rost in good timber. 24 acres In all. $10,000. piit cash, balance easy terms. Phone East 231. "100 ACRES $2250. This Is hill land, extra good soil, some very good limber, located IS miles from Portland, 1 milo west of paved road, rail road and river in Multnomah county, near Scappooso. No Cash sacrifice. RITTER. LOW E & CO 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FtiR SALE to acres, all in cultivation especially adapted to prunes, strawber ries and other small fruit : beaut if u. building rite with extensive view; good spring water; a. so tma.:er tracts. J miles northeast of Springbrook. W. Burke. Route 3, Sherwood. Or. Phone 2 2 a 5 1 N e w b e r g. ah acr r:s for sale by owner, situated in Columbia coun'y; partly cleared, fine pas ture, unlimited fiock range, targe creen viinn throueh nlace : good travel road. phone and mail route ; good school close by; best of soil; house, barn, chicken house, etc., on the line ot new railroad, t imlea from Portland. t3QOO. Wdln. ai41. MR- PROSPECTIVE FARMER If you are interested and w;sh to know about the RICH BLACK LOAM FARM LANDS of Alberta, Canada, see me for direct infor mation; charge of $1 only is made If sat isfactory. Appointment by letter to 1109 Franklin St.. Vancouver. Wash. 75 ACRES FOR $175o. House. large barn. 10 acres Jn cultiva tion, springs, running w ater. school mile: price $1750, $750 down, balance $50 160 ACRES, unimproved. 35 miles north of Portland : plenty of outrange; one m ill ton feet of timber; 3'r mlies of railroad; 1XI0; terms, or will trade for house and lot of equal value. Address BC U55,Orogonian. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $2f0 per acre, iay terms; best aoil. Farms for sale, ail aie. McFarland. 002 Yeon bid g., Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil. 11 1 Table; employment; easy terma Jesse R- Sharp. S3 H 3d st. 0 ACRES, 20 mi ics from Portland near Seappoose, $oo, terms. Owner, 574 Rod- nij avenue. REM. ESTATE. For bale -Y irmm DROUTH A BLESSING.. THE OTHER fellows lo is our gain. Of course w ire not self ih enough to re joice at the misfortune of farmers in drouth -st rick en distri t, but In this part of the Yakima valley which is blessed with government irrigation at absurdlv low cost for upkeep, farmers fel tiat the t-Ioudle skies and rainless days through out the summer are a genuine blessing They prefer to regulate the moisture to their own taste, by increasing or dimin ishing the flow If water in the Irrigation dit res. turning If into one f ild and off from another; and they take comfort in knowing that their hay in the ahock or stack will never b- damaged by rain. Fur thermore, they raise larger crops of hay. corn ar.d grains and i-k -tables of ail kinds than is ever possible in districts that depend on rainfall for their moisture, even though the rain is abundant. And w-e sell this land with government irriga tion for less than middle-west states asK for non-irrignted land. Write for illus trated prlt-e lit. SAMPLE BARGAIN NO. 7S. SO acres mile from good city on main transcontinental highw uy. in heart of Yakima valley with ruily paid water riht.;ng only $1 n aero for upkeep, with 50 aT-s of fine crops of which the purchaser shall receive haif: ideal for corn and al falfa, and any other crop grown in this latitude. Pi ice $217.50 an acre. Other tracts, any t,ire. similarly priced. We fur nish photos. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO.. ProT Wash. IE YOU BUY A FARM WITHOUT SEEING THIS EXTRAORDI NARY OFFER YOU WILL HAVE OVER LOOK E D A BARGAIN THAT IS NOT OFFERED EVERY DAY. The best buy in the Willamette valv today, we honestly believe. It consists of 5S acres. 30 of which is in cultivation, bal ance In fine timber, ash, maple and fir. living spr;ng creek, water piped to build ings and ard. very good six-room, one story house, fair barn, I :t acres beavt-rdam partly in cultivation, telephone, milk route. dai:y mail, mllo off main rot. ked road McMinnville to Salem: 12 miles to Salem. 1 milo to Hopewell. Price reduced to $100 per acre for ten days. The beaverdam land is worth more than price for all. Do not delay if interested. See Mitcnelt & Rippey. :;2S-2f Henrv bldg. Main 2534. FOR SA LE 2S'.-acre dairy or stock farm, 0 miles east of Lebanon, Or. : 70 acres in cultivation, rich bottom soil, J Oo acres good tim her, rest past u re ; two creek s. springs sod wells; ail new buildings: 1 0H rods woven-wire lenci ng ; 25 Jersey cows, heifers and calves, hipli grade and thor oughbred ; two sows w ith pip, n horses. 34 Angora goats, 33 tons ot hay already put up. grant promising; non-resident owner must sell at once, hence low price; $1H.M0 for everything. $0000 cash. $404H) mortgage, 4 per cent. V. K. Froula, Lebanon, Or. 700 ACRES, ail fenced and cross-fenced but bO acres; 200 acres in cultivation. 201 more can be ptowed ; 2 good springs and 4 wells. 10 to 14 feet deep; good small stock ranch: 3 miles to reserve. 9 miles to Enterprise. J mile to school; public road and telephone to place: 3 sets build ings on place; 4 good work horses. 10 head mi.k cows, 20 head hogs, ail farm ma chinery, all for $30.00O; $10. "OO cash, bal ance on very easy terms. Write box 433. Enterprise, Or., or ll;2 E. 17 th st. N., Portland. Or. 159-ACRE MICHIGAN FARM. $7900, one of the best producers In the county, near depot, short drive ctty of 25. 000; 10O acres record crop tillage. f0 head woven-wlre-fenced pasture, wood and timber to nearly pay for farm, variety fruit, good b-room house, 3 barns, granary. 2 corn houses; aged owner made money hero, retiring, names low quick sale price. $7100; easy terms. Details page M Catalog Bargains 19 States. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency, 20s BK, Plymouth bldg . Minneapolis. WE OFFER FOR SALE the finest country borne in Idaho, fully equipped with every thing modern that money can provide for comfort and luxury: SIO.mOO residence with 100 acres of fine orchard and rich alfalfa land under private irrigation system from lnexhaustable source; desirably located pn state highway, close to town ; and paying 2 per cent on investment this year from fruit and alfalfa; crops and equipment valued at $ 15.00, go with place if taken within w0 days. Address Jordan Valley Farms, 524 Idaho bldg.. Boise. Idaho. FoR SALE 33 acres. 25 acres under plow, 2 acres in orchard, balance in pasture and tim ber ; house, barn. silo, drilled well and other outbuildings: 13 miles of Portland. mile eat ot Burlington, on Sauvlea Island, on hard-surface road. Inquir of :rryman for Mrs. C. Dunn place. Terms $1 4,'J'iu. hall down. bal. 7 per cent in t cr est. 5 years' time. WANTF.O REAL, ESTATE. 1 WANT a desirable home in good neigh borhood at right price. 1 have three desir able building lots will trade one sr all for first pawnent. balance like rent. I wid consider only the best bargains offered, "i. ou must state price, at rev t and fcouss n-jrr.beis in reply. P 372. oregonian. HOUSE selling Is my bpeciaitv. I can sell yours. I have buyers waiting. Every lisl ing given proper attention. WATCH OCR WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE dc CO. 201-3-3-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. SURE bate in lo das if your price Is rea tunable and terms easy. Tell me bow much you want. Have buyers watting. Want more city and uburbm homes at the right price. Come in today. o. G. McCormic Co.. 41S Kenton bidg. Phone ha . 1M6. HAVE CLIENT FOR RESIDENCE NEAR J El-PERSON HIGH SCHOOL. OREGON BOND i MORTGAGE CO.. 2UU-212 SELLING BLDG.. MALV lbOO. WE WRITE FIKE LNSUUA.NCE. W AN V residence; hae six- acres of high- c'.ass lvcl land, all cultivated, black loam iotl; family otchard. seven -room house gas. electric lights-, city water, one bloc I Hum two clr'tii-- stations: pard road to Portland. 717 Board o Trade olag. Ta bcr t;o:;o evenings. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot. we will furnish the money and build lor iou; terms like rent. Call and t-ec us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan Blcig. Main 2035. SHACKS AND SMA LL HOM US WANTED. I'rue mutt be right and vtiy easy terms. We have sold over 30O homes in tho last j-ur. If you want action ace us. r red W. German Co.. 702 Chain, of Com. Open him days, evenings. WANTED To purchase lot in cither Laurel hurst or lrvington. about 1'U feet square. Must bn on northeast corner ot street in tersection. No otht-r considered. Wiil pay cash. State low est price w ith f uii par ticulars. AC M". oregonian. 1 WANT amall cottage not over 4 blocks from river, not over 20ut, ail cash. W ti have you V C. A. WARK1NEH. RITTER, LOWE a- CO.. 201-:-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. RELIABLE young man wants email bunga low on city lot or close-in suburbs; gas. electricity, plumbing : if our property is for salc che.ip and. on ea?y terms, write at on- c, lor I want a home. L 447, Orego nian. WANTED lrvington house; want house tcr home; no In O a ted value; w ta nuy equity aud rlcar mortgage: located cast of 15th st or buv for tash, bet ween $50oo and $i;nu. Address A 421. Oregonian. WANTED A ti-room house finished in ivory and whito rnamt-l, with furnace, hardwood f 'oor and modern con ven lences. near car- lino and school; price not over $5000. L 453. Oregonian. HAVE too contract as good as cash. paing $40 per month, to trade for one or two building lots. Phone or see Mr. Badley Mar. 300. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. SU BUI; BAN home near good town ; prefer stocked and equipped; moaern nouse; win not consider inflated values: give cah price, ulso terms. N 87. Oregonian. or 6-room bungalow or cottage before Sent. 1. Have $ism cash and valued at $50; improvements paid. AF 16, Oregonian . G00D modern house, about 7 rooms. Will pay from $5000 to $7000. part or a!t cash. Must bo in go oil location. aji .01, ore gonia n. LIST your acrcaRe, half acres and lots with us, have clients watting, alM residence property. 201 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morri son. WANTED A small home on easy payments near 33d ave. and 5oth st. S. E. r . uchs, 42t Chamber of Commerce. WANT Hats or income property; will give $:t.-.tO house, assume to $12.oo. Tabor t.o3'i evenings cr 71t Board of Trade bldg. WANTED 3 or o-room nouse, about acre ground, on Oregon City car line; give lo cation and terms. C 2, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a good 5 or 0-R. house state price and loiation in first letter. A. Kaufmann. -o-ts aiunnoman. 1 WANT a suburban home or amall farm have store and income property to trade. R. Pedersen, Jh Alberta st. - MODERN bungalow, more iano than one smail lot: iruit trees; up to iw hj. Thorn son. M. nnry mug. W A XTK D A 4 .or .5-room bungalow Westmoreland. Apply 35 Raieigh tldg or Marshall 2t". 5-UooM modern bung a ow -, any good loc t ton. around $4500. Thomson, 515 Henry bid g. G. C. GOLDENBEP."- can sell your lot. Abington Bldg. "35 Tears in Portland, WILL buy lot from party who will build t e m porary house. labor Z fii. SMA LL house of furniture wanted for cash by young couple. C 2. oregonian. WHAT do you want for your Row City bun galow? Call Mr. King, Broadway 2Gfi, WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MODKRV IRVIMiP'N HOME. MUST HR WORTH THE MONEY. NO INFLATED VAU-Kd OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 2oi-:i: SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1SOO. WE WHITE FIKE INSURANCE. I W I LL pay spot cash, iirect from owner, for modern 4 or O-roolu bungalow; mu-t be on improved tri. and garage or room for one; prefr Hose City. Hawtbome or Sunny side district; quick action de sired. Broadway 421, ask lor Mr. Hill. Farm t auled. WE ARE having considerable Inquiry for thj class of property: if your prwe Is nscm. and terms reasonable, list tth va red W. German Co.. 732 Cham, ot Com. C"7n evenings. Sundays, WANTED IO about $:".Vmi. Commerce. to 20-acre good farm for F. Kucha, 4-0 Chamber of anted to Krat Farms. WANT to rent farm with 20 to 40 acres In cultivation, must be good; want possession by nri of October. Address 1 H. Eaves, 7Q4 1 cil st.. Portland. Or., or Sell. 14S1. WAXrf?!"v To rent, well equipped farm in Wu.i .leite valley or southern Oregon. In t xp ed. reliable farmer. Write to D. .i. ,;inand. Genl. Del.. Portland. Or. WA 10 rent small tract ot cutti- a t ih rid. 5 or 6-room house, barn or garage. aikmg distance from car line ; give terms. ar t;T4, Oregonian. WANTED To rent a small ranch; must be near Portland and car line: will buy stock and crop ; cash. 70: M innesota ave. W ANTE D T o re n t 4 OOO acres or mo re of river bottom land, suitable for dairving. liox 4"3. St. Helens. Or. FOR RKXT FARMS. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH. 1100 acres cultivated. 400 acres ready lor fall seeding: good house and barn, tractoi. t h res her. plow s, d iscs. harrows. a gon and small tools. Full particulars on fi.e in this office. 70 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. In good eastern Oregon district, 35 acre- cultivated: all kinds f berries, young or chard ; t encetl : good house ; s -mi . 1 o school; barn lt4 plow, disc, harrow. 4 hor.e :"rcsno. mower, rake, cultivator, wa: on. hores. cow. chickens. S shoats, a 1 for $1"00; lirst year rent free. DAIRY FARM. 20O acres Columbia river bottom land; orchard; all fenced; on Pacific highwa . 1 well. 2-story house 9 rooms, barn 4 lOO. lots of outbuildings, hay rake, dou ble harness, harrow, disc harrow, fee'l cutter, gas engine, hack, top buggy and 2 wagons, cultivator, plow, 5 stands of bee. milk cans, coolers, etc.: IS acres oats: $ per month rent; personal property, $350o. lfiO ACRES. HALSET. 130 acres cultivated, all fenced, R. F. D.. telephone, school, 2 wells, good 4-room house. 3 good, sound work herpes, har rows. eultiators and all equipment neces sarv; 10 tons hay in barn at market price. Personal property about $700, rent on shares. 320 ACRES. 250 acres cultivated, all fenced hog-tight, close to stores. R. F. D.. telephone. 2 springs. 2-story house good repair. 2; good barns, shop, chicken house. grnnarT. stor house, woodshed, tractor, plow, harrow, watking plow, potato digger, fresno scrap er. 2 new wagons. 1 pair gray Belgian mares, cow, cal. 3 brood sows. 1 boa r. 1 7 pig?. 3' chickens: crop? and persona '. property $T00n; rent on ehares. V O. BENDER. r.TTTEK, LOWF & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade b'.iig. TIMBER IAM)9. SAWMILL FOR LEASE on very reasonable terms: Va mile of rtvrr frontage on good harbor: both rail cr water facilities; 0O.00O capacity: 40o horse puwer engines; can contract No. 1 logs or purchase umber. AV 14, Or gonian. FOR SALE 9. 000.00O ft. of tie and id- grow-th timber on . l-a 01 a. 1. x c- . K. W. : R. R. runs through section. Price $1.50 per M; $2000 down, balance easy terms. R. I. Glass, Corvallis. Or. FOR SALE or trade Two 40-acre tracts nl the wnite salmon vaucy. an can or ir rigated. One million feet of heavy timber. $1 25 a thousand lcet. M. Hansen, box 63. Marshlield, Or FoR SALE Fine 20M Russell mil!; also 11 xlO Seattle donkey, ru.i ioggmg equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman Co.. 213 Chamber ot Commerce. WANTED Sawmill. 15,000 to 25.000 fu capaoity v- un plenty or timuer masusd prefr t have owner deliver logs to miil R 52. Oregonian. PILING wanted: give scale, price and when cut- O. . Gamble, Couch biag. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL TRADE OR SELL ON TERMS. IG0 acres. 10 under p'.ow. good raroew. fenced, some timber. 6-ft. high log barn. 4Ort0; wnter piped; 4 miles to store, near river. $5o0 down, balance yearly, ex tending 10 or 20 years : will consider automobile if In good shape as part pa -ment. Thomson.. 515 Henry bldg. WILL exchange for city income property .120 seres level, well-lm proven land, in fa mous wheat belt. It exchanged before July 25 include IH0 aere.3 winter wheat. 22 arcs flax, lrt acres sweet clover to seed this year; price $o an acre. Write owner for particulars. Myron J. Dourte, Rothle tnay, Mont. 20 - A C K K FARM FO R HOUSE. 7 mil's Trom ' ran ' s nss. imr boh aH tinder irrigation with water, buildings and evervthing ready 10 make good living and money besides; price $2u0n. will trade for clear small house. Se Mr. Badlev with J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3"3 LEWIS BLDG. FOR SALE or trade 320 acres of land ncar Carleton. Oregon. Party owning land lives In Idaho and will be here 1 davs, Edward Thoreson. 41 E. 30lh st. after IO da. Black foot. Idaho. Will trade for im proved prone r t y, drug store or lots ; will assume r give terms. FINE suburban home in rest rioted district of Concord Heights, on Oregon t tty lin; 2'r ares; large, strictly modern hou1 with every modern convenience, lo trad frr home in Portland. George F. Barnes, bnx tt55. Port land. 1G' ACRKS, unimproved. 35 miles north of Portland, plenty of outrange; one million feet of timber; 34 miles of railroad. $1600; terms, or will trade for house and lot of equal value. Address BC 235, Oregonian. TACOM A Modern ti-roora residence, clo-e In. Improvements paid ; to exchange for Portland propertv. Cf6 Board of Trade Main 270 or ev-nings A S063. FOR SA LE 40 acres. nnr Gaston. Or., or will trade for good truck; good soil; ro rock: good spring. F. S. Bean, 1 0 5 1 - 4th st. . Vancouver. W ash. 4 LOTS $HKo. 5-rm. modem $2,500. for acreage near Portland. write G. t. Baldwin, Spokane, Wash. MY equity in small furnished fiat and resi dence. Portland, on .o-Tt. lot. always rent ed. $O.V for bungalow with improvements. Box 255. Gresham.-Or. ESTACADA acreage and town property for sale or trade for Portland improved. Box 255. a! res h a m. or. ENCH ANGE income Portland property for sawmill ana tract 01 umber. s ore gonian. FARM sa.Ic. or trade fruit, building., out ranpe. near station. Owner. Seliwood !'.. 5-ROOM bungalow, will trade for Seattle property. bellwool o21 evenings. SO A'KES. 36 land. 414 miles out, for house in Port Gerlinger bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE or trade for real estate, one five passenger Cadillac car. in No. 1 condition. L. ave phone and address for appointments. N dealers. A 4o;i. Oregonian. WILL trade some good young work horses and some fresh cows for a light automobi.e or truck. Call at fcOG Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. WILL trade f.rtlrt. a motorboat for a car. East FOB PALE. Hordes. Vehicles, Urestock. POUR Jf rt-y cows. 2 ireh. $75 and up. H. A. smitn. phone 2UJ . Milwaukie, Or., south of S. I, depot. i'y.-, TEAM small mares, sound and read v lor mv kind of work, with harness and light farm wagon. Wood yard. 327 Front. poNY, 4 yars o.Id, sound and well broke, 327 Front st. ' WANTED A first-class cow, 5 gallons. Sellwood 1 K'S. not leas than DE4.D horses and animals hauled away fre Por'Iand Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 2d. TEAMS and dn vers tor hire ; Main S110. city worn. FOR SALE Jersey IM. Local 721. cow, cheap. Call FOR SALE One tram tt heavy horses. Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th A I von atv I HAVE a number of choice Shetland poQl for silo rhmp. J. D. Gordon. Metager. Or, FOR SALE Span bays, horse and mart weight 310Q. Inquire at 152 Second su FINE Durham cow for sale. 66 E. 14th L .X