THE 3IOKNIXG OREG ONT AX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. 1919. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF rtty Edltnr Main 7070. A 6"95 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 609.1 Advertising Department Main 7070, A B095 Superintendent of Building. Main 7070, A 6095 OREGONIAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents at your summer resort to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City rates. Subscriptions by mall are payable In sd vance: Barview, Or ......... V. C. Robinson Bay City. Or O. E. Shelley Bayocean, Or F. I. Mitchell Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe "arson. Wash C. B. Smith Ecola. Or. . . .Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. Garibaldi, Or. tTearnart, or I-onff Beach, Wash... Manhatan Bach, Or. Manzanlta, Or ICahcotta, Wash . . . . . . eah-kah-nie. Or.... Xetarts, Or.......... Ne.halem, Or... Newport, Or Ocean Park, Wash... Pacific Beach. Wash. Pacific City. Or Borkaway, Or. beaslde, or. . ..S. M. McMillan ....... W. S. Robinson W. E. Strauhal S. F. Anrel E. Kardell ..........H- J. Brown .......A. C. Anderson Mrs. H. M. Cross r. C. Perejoy O. T. Herron ...Emma S. Campbell Burke Cole . Y. F. Edmunds , Frank Miller .A. J. Cillette Khlnherri! Tint Rnrtnra Wash. Mrs. N. St. Martin Feavlew, Wash George N. Putnam Tillamook, Or J. D- Lamar Wheeler. Or R- H. Cody Woods. Or. Charland Deuel Wllholt Springs. Or F. W. McLeran AMUSEMENTS. BK1LTO fBroadway at Taylor) "Lombardl. Ltd."' Tonight. AI.'.'AZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Alcazar Musical Players In "The Red Rose." To night. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville; three shows dally, 2:30. 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. BTRAND (Washington street, between Park and West Park) Vaudeville and moving pictures, continuous. COUNCIL. (REST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washington streets. TIIR OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (cars at First and Alderl Armstrong Folly com pany in musical comedy. COLUMBIA BEACH (Vancouver cars) Swimming, dancing, amusements. THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oregonlan. Emplotmest Managers Organize. Graduates of the Reed college courses In tv.nntoyment management, wnicn wire given this spring under the au spices of the government, held a meet .Intr at the public library and organized the Kmployment Managers' association of. Portland. The following otneers vein elected: W. C. Ruegnitz, Brida Veil Lumber company, president: C. H. "Warner, Portland Railway, Light & Power company, vice-president; Ray mond VanValin. T. M. C. A., secretary and treasurer; W. II. Barton. Portland Has & Coke company, chairman pro- cramme committee-and Ralph J. Staehli chairman membership committee. The purpose of the association Is to promote belter methods of personnel manage mcnt. Scenery Captivates Forester. Beauties of the Kagle creek trail, as viewed this week for the first time by A. F. Potter, associate forester, of Washington. D. C. have converted that official into an ardent admirer of western scenery and have made of him an enthusiastic supporter of a policy for greater improvements of a like character in the national forests. Mr. Potter was escorted over the route by officials of the forestry department in Portland and found opportunity to nutke a careful inspection of the work while enjoying an outing. Defamation Is Charged. Though he averred that he had no Interest in the domestic troubles of Robert A. Sowers and his wife, Nellie Sowers, and was acting solely because of "his duty as a citizen to put down outrages of this sort." Charles E. Morris made an affi davit in a recent divorce action in the circuit court alleging misconduct be tween Mrs. Sowers and Bert Evans Through Attorney Morris A. Goldstein, Kvans yesterday filed suit against Mor ris for alleged defamation of character, demanding $10,000. Kstatb op $8000 Is Left. Kate Sei bel t, who died at 973 East Ninth street mrth. July 20, left an estate valued at $$000 in Multnomah county according to a petition for probate of will filed in the circuit court yesterday morning. A bequest of $1000 cash was left to the Home of the Good Shepherd, with the provision that it should not be paid over until the death of a sster, Frances Coldwel, being placed in the meantime to the credit of the sister, who would receive the interest from the sum until death. I'tm Sale. An old established and unusually profitable manufacturing concern in Portland having a good or ganization, all the business it can handle, with a very bright future in metal lines. Any good business man can handle. Will take about $150,000 either cash or good securities. Owner wishes to retire. F 342, Oregonian. Ail v. Shipworker Claims Damages. As Nels Brandset. a shipworker, was re turning from his work in his automo bile, July S, he collided with a street car at Rodney and Killingsworth ave nues for which he asks damages of $10,000 of the Portland Railway, Light Power company in a suit filed yes terday. He claims his injuries were Fevtre. Armt Food Cav Queries. In quiries as to the quality of foodstuffs offered for sale by- the war depart ment were sent yesterday to Fort Mason, California, by City Purchasing Agent Mcintosh. Unless the city can purchase foodstuffs at a price below the prevailing market price, it would not be advantageous to order a large Mock of goods, he explained. The last of The Dalles apricots have arrived. If you have not canned them yet do it now, fl.50-$1.60 per box at the headquarters for home-grown fruit, t'iinliy peaches at 15c per dozen, 2 dozen for 25c; baskets. 25c. J. A. Con etnutine Fruit Co., 171 4th St., near Yamhill. Adv. Imseases ok the Heart. The need Is for rest of body and mind above everything else. Milk is a perfect diet muter these conditions. The milk and rest cure at the Moore Sanitarium se cures gratifying results in heart diseases. Office 908 Selling bldg. Main 6101. Adv. The A. O. IT. W. is giving a moon light picnic and dance at Rock Island Monday, Aug. 4. for the members and their friends. Take Willamette Flyer at municipal landing, foot of Stark "st., 7:::o P. M. All expenses paid by In dustry lodge. Adv. Dr. Ki.i.a K. Dearborn, S00 Union ave. north: office hours after 1:30 P.M. Sun days and mornings by appointment, Adv. (.rockrs Picnic -The greatest good time ot tne year. tsonneville. next Wednesday: ask your grocer. Adv. Milk Diet Treatment The Moors. Sanitarium. Phone Main 101. East 47. Adv. KiMMEWnt Coal, Carrion Coal Co., mine agents. East 11SS. 321 Haw thorne ave. Adv. ICnight's downstairs dept., brown kid and brown calf rumps, $4. S3, extra spe cial. Adv. Dr. Gillette returned. Main 1177. Adv. NVn Grind everything. Portland Cut lery Co.. 86 6th st.. near Stark. Adv. Dr. Courtland L. Booth has returned. Adv. lrt. L. C. MoAlonet returned. 902-3 Selling bldg. Main 364. Adv. Dr. William House has returned. Adv. Pr. Hubert F. Leonard has returned. Adv. Dr. r. b. Northrup. osteopathic phy sician. "OS Morgan, returned. Adv. Hill Military academy opens Septem ber 17. Send for catalogue. (Adv.) Postal. Telegraph Drops Rates. Beginning at midnight last night rates on all telegrams except night letter grams over the wires of the Postal Telegraph company for points outside of Oregon will be same as they were prior to Postmaster-General Burleson's order making an increase of 20 per cent. It was announced yesterday. The rate on night lettergrams for points outside of the state will remain unchanged. The Postal also announced that it will dis continue the handling of day lettergrams. More Than 150 Join Armt. More than 150 applications for admission to the army were received for the month of July at army recruiting headquar ters. Third and Oak streets, and of these applicants 51 were rejected, making Portland's enlistments for the month approximately 100. In view of the fact that the summer months usually take the young men into the harvest fields, recruiting officers consider the showing an -excellent one, being considerably larger than for the month of June. Swedish Seminary Head to Speak. Dr. F. A. Lundberg, president of the Swedish Methodist Episcopal Theo logical seminary of Evanston, III., is visiting the Pacific coast and will be in Portland today, remaining till Mon day. He will lecture at the Swedish Methodist Episcopal church at the cor ner of Beech and Borthwick streets tonight at 8 o'clock and will occupy the pulpit Sunday morning at 11. His visit to the northwest is principally in the interest of the seminary. Double Salart to Cause Suit. John W. Kaste, local attorney and taxpayer, threatens to file suit within a few days against the county commissioners and district attorney for an all-eged violation of the law by accepting com pensation from two offices. He main tains the $50 a month they receive for services on ifoe interstate bridge com mission is illegal. The bill creating the extra salary was passed at the last legislature and the dual compensation is held unconstitutional. .Services Are Announced. Services will be held at the Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torah, Sixth and Hall streets, tonight at 8 o'clock and tomor row morning at 9 o'clock; also Monday, August 4. Services will be held at 8 P. M., memorial for the destruction of the temple. A short service Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock will be held. Rev. Abraham I. Rosencrantz will officiate at all services. All are welcome. Rev. Mr. Marcotte to Come. Rev. Henry Marcotte, formerly pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church and now of the Second Presbyterian church of Kansas City, Mo., will be in the city tonight on his way to Tacoma. While here he will be the guest of his mother, Mrs. Robert AViggins. Dr. Mar cotte will join the Mazamas on their annual trip to Mount Rainier. Legion Gains 400 Members. Through the co-operation of army recruiting officers, more than 400 members have been signed for the American legion in the last few weeks. Many ex-soldiers living in other parts of the state desire to affiliate with the Portland chapter and all are looking forward to the visit of Colonel Theodore Roose velt In Portland next September. Five Divorce Suits Filed. Divorce actions filed in the circuit court yes terday were; Lucile Stoll against Harold Stoll, cruelty; Edna Beulah Bess-ett against Henry Edmund Bessett, desertion; Lelah G. Morrison against Alva E. Morrison, cruelty: Nellie Jones against John M. Jones and Eva Stein against Samuel A. Stein. Smith's Meats, 10c TJp. 3oilingbeef, 10c. v'eal stew, 12'c. Shoulders of real spring lamb, 13c. Smith's prime rib roast beef, 15c. Beefsteak, 15c. Hamburg stk., 15c. Smith's choice pot roasts of beef, 15c. Smith offers you tenderloin steak, 20c. Lamb chops, 25c. Spring lamb legs, 25c. Frank L. Smith's Is 228 Alder st. Adv. Prizes worth nearly $1000 given away in all kinds of competitions for men, women and children at the. grocers' picnic at Bonneville, next Wednesday. Adv. Dr. Carl T. Ross returned; 606 Stevens bldg. Adv. EJ.H.IN HEED OF FUNDS DRUM CORPS HOPES TO MAKE TRIP TO ENCAMPMENT. Mayor Baker Has Charge of Contri butions $10 Eacli From 5 7 Portlanders Is Desired. Fifty-seven men In Portland are asked to contribute $10 each in order that the Portland drum corps of the Grand Army of the Republic may at tend and participate in the 50th annual encampment at Columbus, O. Thtt appeal is being made by Mayor Baker, who yesterday was requested by C. G. Burton, representing the Oregon posts of the Grand Army of the Re public for assistance in raising suffi cient money to send the members of the drum corps to the annual meeting. Julius Meier, who was attending a meeting in the mayor's office at the time the appeal was made by Mr. Bur ton, contributed $50 to the fund. Ben Selling gave $10 and Mayor Baker con tributed a like sum. Mayor Baker now wants 57 men to volunteer -with con tributions of $10 to complete the fund and assure the drum corps of the ex penses incidental to the trip. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic are eager that the drum corps be sent to. Columbus to participate in the annual civil war veterans' parade, in order that Oregon and Portland may make come showing. In appreciation of having been selected last year as the encampment city. Contributions to the fund should be sent to Mayor Baker's office as soon as possible because the men in the corps are eager to know definitely if they arc to make the journey. i MURPHY GETS NEW PLACE Captain of Infantry Enters Service of Union Pacific. Arthur A. Murphy, captain of in fantry in the 91st division, who re sumed his position as deputy In the of fice of District Attorney Evans upon his return from France, leaves today to acrept a temporary position on the lejal staff of the Union Pacific Rail way system for the period of govern ment control of the railroads. As the appointment is a temporary one, Mr. Kvans will not fill the position vacated by Mr. Murphy, instead granting- his deputy a leave of absence. The new work to be taken up by Mr. Murphy is said to be of much import ance, dealing with assessment and tax matters for the railroad system through out the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. He will be in the office of Attorney C. K. Cochran, with head quarters in the Gasco building. Mr. Murphy is the son of the late Dan R. Murphy, at one time United States attorney for Oregon, and was born and reared in Portland. He is a graduate of Stanford university. ''lit', M:;': TO um. . ;.. ,- '5 llu&M For Your Approval: Our Newly Arrived Advance Fall Models of Men 's Suits A big feature of our service to well dressed men is to have ready the best new styles at all times. Just drop in and see the latest single and double-breasted, waist -seam and belted models that will be "the thing" this fall. Every Jilhi Aid! 1i2 ilUttl All Vacation Needs for Men Economically Filled at This Store. L. Fall Hats Felt hats and cloth hats of rich autumn colors are going to be worn this fall. We have an ad vance shipment at So and So Watch Our Window Displays Exclusive Kuppenhelmer House in Tortland. MORRISON AND FOURTH We Give 'S. & H." Stamps IS DON'T MISS YOUR TRAIN SIBERIAN SERVICE GULLS TIME FOR RECRUITING DIERS EXTENDED. SOL,- On Sunday Next. Commencing Sunday morning, August 3, train No. 18, the O.-W. R. R. & N. through train to Salt Lake City, Den ver, Omaha and Chicago, will leave Portland, union depot, at 9 A. M. in stead of 9:30. Remember, a half hour earlier, so don't miss your train. It will pass Hood River at 11:02 A. M. Instead of 11:33, so the same caution applies to passengers intending to take that train from that station. Passengers from Bend and other sta tions on the Deschutes branch, also for stations on the Biggs-Shan iko branch, should take No. 18 at 9 A- M., as No. 2, leaving at 7 :30 A. M., will not make connection for stations on those branches on and after that date. Trans fer at The Dalles or at Sherman is optional with passengers for Deschutes branch stations. Passengers to Hermiston should take No. 18, as No. 2, which formerly stopped at Hermiston, will run via the Coyote cut-off commencing same date. Adv. FIRST HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET CHANGE IS HELD. Plan Suggested by Engineers Is to Be Referred for Cost Estimate, Then Taken I'p. Complete change in the plan of num bering houses m Portland met with general favor with members of the city council and a small group of interested property owners who attended a hear ing yesterday to consider a plan worked out by City Kngineer Laur gaard and Assistant City Engineer Kremers. The plan was referred back to the department of public works, in order that an estimate of the cost of the pro posed change might be tabulated. It is probable that it will again come be fore the council for further hearing before it is considered too passage. The proposed plan provides for 100 numbers to the block, instead of 20 as is the present general rule. It also provides that east and west streets be called avenues, but retain their present names. To make it easier to locate numbers, however, each east and west highway will be numbered, the num ber to be placed on the street sign in connection with the name of the avenue. The contemplated system is virtually the same as the one in use in the south east part of the city lying south of Division street and east of Forty-first street- In this district all east and west streets are numbered and called avenues and the north and south streets given numbers conforming with the numbered streets now on the east side. All these streets have the pre fix southeast. The house unmbers in this district are arranged 100 to the block, the numbers corresponding to the street numbers. Adjutant-General Says Country of Forests and Game Appeals to Spirit of Adventure. Extension of time for recruiting American soldiers for service in Si beria has been granted by the adjutant general of the army, Washington, D. C, according to a letter received yesterday at recruiting headquarters. The special drive had been authorized on June 27 for a limited period, but will be con tinued until further orders. The letter from the adjutant-general is in part as follows: "The appeal of Siberia to the ad venturous spirit is strong. It is a land of vast distances, great forests abound ing in many species of game and also contains many populous cities whose rchitecture would do credit to many American municipalities of equal size. Wild fowl in the spring and fall are abundant in Vladivostok district and the great Siberian tiger is found all over this section as far north as Kam chatka. The American troops are housed in brick barracks built by the Russian army during the Russo-Japanese war. The men in cold weather are equipped with the warmest clothing that can be purchased and are well able to with stand easily the low winter tempera tures. "Colonel W. L. Kenly, field artillery, and Lieutenant-Colonel H. J. Weeks, engineers, will call upon you in a few days and make a direct appeal to all the recruits for immediate service in Siberia. Meetings of the enlisted men will be arranged and methods for con tinuing the work will be taken up with you." YOUTH HELD FOR FORGERY Gilbert Lyons, Aged 16, May Be Re turned to Reform School. Gilbert Lyons, aged 16, on parole from the reform school at Salem, may return to that institution shortly by reason of three alleged forpreries and an automobile theft, to which he is said to have confessed. He was ar rested yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Beckman and Ueputy District Attorney Dempsey is taking steps to have him returned to Salem. In company with A. R. Zachary, an other paroled boy, also in custody, Lyons is said to have rented a ma chine from a local garage, paying $25 ror It witn a rorged check. The auto mobile was found several days later, wrecked, near Salem. Lyons formerly lived at 500S Forty-first street South cast, but his relatives now live In Salem. An elaborate programme is being ar ranged. Among the high officers of the order who have been in Portland this week are: Dr. A. C. McDanlel of San An tonio. Tex., most worthy grand patron of the general grand chapter; Mrs. Cora Pranz of Jacksonville, Fla., right worthy associate grand matron of the general grand chapter: Will W. Grow, St. Joseph, Mo., right worthy associate grand patron: Mrs. Minnie Keyes of Lansing. Mich., right worthy grand secretary; Mrs. Alcena Lamond of Washington. D. C right worthy grand conductress; J. Ernest Teare of Cleveland. O.. right worthy grand truRtee; Mrs. Helen K. C. Balmer, right worthy grand chaplain; Mrs. Ella Flan ders, worthy grand Esther; Mrs. Ophelia Allan of Hartsville. Tenn., worthy grand Ruth: Mrs. Emma C. Ocobock and Laura B. Hart, past most worthy grand matrons: George M. Hyland and L. Cabel Williamson, past most worthy grand patrons. The delegates are being shown the highway and other scenic attractions in and around Portland. LIVESTOCK SHOW TO DRAW CORVALLIS PROFESSORS AXI) STUDENTS TO ATTEND. Every Help! -for you to make canning," pre serving and jelly-making time EASY! CAMPBELL'S SOUP. New goods any kind per can 10c W ILD PLUMS. ror jelly making, per QPTrt JUl, basket. RIPE OLIVES. Three 25c for A-6IOI 65c C. & B. OLIVE OIL. Large Bottles. Real olive oil Best and cheap est each, only . S1.50 20 MULE TEAM BORAX SOAP Special demonstration offer. Per box (100 bars) Qf Qjr 10 bars free with 50.JO box. If you cannot use a box, buy 13 bars for 90c. Main 72. O O RESSSR 290 5 TARK ST. ALY-l! MCI. 4p u You Can Buy a Hundred Pairs of Glasses but one pair of eyes must last you for a life' time. ' What is the answer? Take care of your eyes while they are still good don't wait until your eyes fail before you give them attention. Have your eyes examined today. Our thousands of satisfied customers are a guarantee to you that this is a good place to come. No charge for consultation. STAPLES The Jeweler-Optician 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth Oregon Agricultural college will be the largest in the history of the institution. LADIES! IT'S A SECRET! This "Over tlie Top" Event at the Grocers' Picnic. Just what the "over-the-top" race for ladies is going to be at the grocers' picnic next Wednesday at Bonneville nobody knows but the sports commit tee and they won't tell but a dozen prizes will go to the winners. Including Vogan chocolate.!. Oratton peanut but ter, a case of riokinson Jelly, a case of Knight's table delicacies and the like. Besides which the grocers' picnic is "the greatest good time of the year," anyway. Dancing, 'n' everything:. "Ask your grocer." Adv. TWO MEM1R0S IN TROUBLE Business Man Says ITncle Is Trying to Ruin His Credit. In a suit for $20,000 damages filed in the circuit court yesterday, Sam K. Nemivo, wholesaler in women's wear, declares that his uncle, Sam Nemiro,a business competitor, is endeavoring to ruin his credit by circulation of mali cious rumors to the effect t hat his nephew is a "crook a fraud and a cheat. One does business under the name of S. K. Xemiro company, the other simply as S. Xemiro. The plaintiff asserts that efforts to undermine hia credit and ruin him financially beuan in 191S. He declares that his uaclc made a report to th Credit Clearing House in New York that S. F. Ncmiro was in financial straits and could not be trusted, and that he was a crook. The defendant is said to be worth about $75,000. The suit was filed by Attorney Morris A. Goldstein. COOL AT ARRAH WANNA You will feci fine if you go to Arrah Wanna hotel In the Mount Hood dis trict for your vacation. Cool mountain nir. good fishing, no mosquitoes, fine clear stream, big trees are the attrac tions at this, the finest mountain hotel in Oregon. Rates $20 a week, in either the main hotel or bungalows. Daily auto stage from Irvington garage. Adv. LODGE TO GIVE RECEPTION Rope City Kastorn Star to Honor George M. Hyland. Hose City Chapter. No. 86, Order of the Eastern Star, will Rive a reception this evening in the Masonic temple in honor of past most worthy grand patron, ieorge M. Hyland. All members of the Kastern Star are Invited. Many members are expected to attend, since there are many visiting delegates in the city at present, who have stopped in Portland on their way to their homes after attending the general grand chapter session at Seattle last week. Professor E. U. Potter of Animal Husbandry Department Kntliused by Display Prospects. Professor H. L. Potter, in charge of the animal husbandry department of the Oregon Agricultural college, with the entire staff and student body of this division, comprising from 100 to 150 students, will come to Portland for the entire five-day period of the Pacific International Livestock exposition's 16th annual stock show, November 1? to 22. Many other instructors and fac ulty .members from different depart ments of the Oregon Agricultural col lege will also spena two or three days at the show. Professor Potter was In Portland yesterday. He was shown by General Manager Plummer through the new $250,000 stock show building, which is now more than 60 per cent completed. The visitor was greatly pleased with the progress of the big structure and with the broad and comprehensive scale upon which its plans have been worked out. "The entire staff of instructors and the whole student body of the animal husbandry, dairy and veterinary de partments," he said, "will simply shut up shop at Corvallis and come down to Portland for the show to see and study tne nnest animals in the whole coun try which will be assembled under the great roof of the new stock show home. We are all looking forward to the event as a great treat and inspiration in our work. We will get new ideas, new ideals and new ambitions for going on with our work. Our boys will see the best breeding products of all classes and learn much in regard to the com parative merits. It will be to all of us one of the most valuable features of the year's course." As indicated by preliminary inquiries now coming in. Professor Potter pre dicted that the year's enrollment at the FIRE ANXIEJY LESSENS Conditions in Oregon Forests Report ed Better. Aside from a blaze that Is burning in timber on Hambone butte. near Es tacada, the forest fire situation in Ore gon is reported improved and not at all alarmlnsr. Forest Supervisor T. H. i-"herrard. who has been directing a fight against the Hambone butte blaze for several days, telephoned yesterday morning for 12 additional fighters. Assistant restrict Forester Buck re turned yesterday from the Rainier for est fire, which he had been helping to fiht for several days. It has not been brought under control, nor have two lightning fires that are burning In the T ' forests in southern Oregon. The fire fighting crews in other forests have been reduced to patrols, it is re ported. through a justice court in Milton. Be- vitt Sanderson, editor of the Freewater Times, and Cfeorge Young of Free- water, were fined $25 each and court costs, while G. R. Washburn, superin tendent of the Pacific Power & Light company's plant on the "Walla Walla river; Shelby Hopkins and Thomas Ruh- berg of Milton, were fined $25 and costs each. Their guns and game licenses were confiscated. State Game Warden Shoemaker re ceived notice yesterday also that Eu gene Lucinger and Morris Elliott, of Walla Walla. Wash., had been fined $25 and costs each in the court at Mil ton for having game birds in their pos session during the closed season. Yes! CAN YOUR BOY RUN? Then There's a Prize for Mini at the Grocers' Picnic. Prizes too numerous to mention 16 altogether will be awarded the swift est in the io-yard race for boys 1 years and younger at the grocers' picnic at Bonneville next Wednesday "the greatest good time of the year," with baseball, dancing and sports. "Ask your grocer." Adv. Do You Want to Save $10 to $15 on Your New Suit? If You Do Buy an Oregon Wool Suit at the Brownsville. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Attractive shades of Grays and Browns and Fancy Mixtures Substantial Tailoring Neat Style and Finish. Suits of Equal Quality Will Cost You $35 to $45 Elsewhere $25 and $30 "SOONER" HUNTERS FINED N i m rod s W ho R u shed Sea son Pa y High for Sport. Because they went grouse hunting before the season had been opened, five eastern Oreeon residents have con trituitrri liberally to the state's finance?, YOUTH ACCUSED OF THEFT J. C. Jameson Charged With Kob bery of Lumber Mill. HOOD RIVER, Or.. July SI. (Spe cial.) On advices from local officers, Wasco county authorities yesterday apprehended J. c. Jameson, charged with robbing: a Swedish carpenter at the Dee. mill of the Oregron - Lumber company of $300. Deputy Sheriff Olinper left for The Dalles today to return the younp man to this city. Jameson, according- to charges, vis ited the old carpenter at his room. The latter was called away. When he re turned, it is said, he found his visitor and hoardings of J30U in s.lver and currency missinp. Off for the Country? Beaches? Mountains? Better Get Your Khaki Clothes Before You Go. Khaki Pants, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Khaki Coats, $4, $4.50, $5 and $6. Khaki Suits, $6,50 and $7.50. By the way, if you are looking for a bargain in pants see our Oregon all-wool pants. Regular $6 values at $4.50 Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers, Third and Morrison Streets. fFmwmwmrm. WANTED To rent, lease or buy, Ma chineShop suitable for job or experimental work. Address OREGONIAN XX r Spend your vacation in SAN FRANCISCO stop u -5-rr i ATTHEBlW I bate, On Geary Street, Just off Union Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodation! from $1.60 tip. Breakfast 55c and 60c (Sundava 75cl T.nnrJi fi0 Dlnner 91 (Sundays $1.25). Municipal car Una passes the door. Stewart Motor Boa meets principal trains and teamers. It's a Wonderful Feeling to Have Comfortable Feet RHEUMATISM, SCIATIC NERVE TROUBLE OR FOOT TROUBLE? Dislocated bones and ligaments of the foot affect the sciatic nerve and cause pains in different parts of the foot, legs and upper parts of the body. Corns, callouses and bunions are the result of other foot troubles. I REMOVE THE CAUSE About 90 per cent of so-called rheumatism is really foot troubles. Why suffer with tired, aching:, tender and cramping feet? Instant relief guaranteed. ROFF FISHER, FOOT SPECIALIST. Foot Comfort Store. 255 Washington Street Between Second and Third 'ii:n ii ii Wy.'. J EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE in Furniture and Appliances, Vault, Filing Equipment and Supplies, Blank Books. Indexes, Cards, Loose Leaf Forms, Seals and Rubber Stamps, li,ngineers and lyrjewnter Supplies. Marshall 60S0 A 6348 " & r FRIN-TIN'rS ENGRAVING BOOKBINDING Fifth and Oak Sts. Portland, Omoa ETC EVERYBODY WELCOME, EVERYBODY COME TO THE Big First Annual 4 L Picnic BONNEVILLE, SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 Itprrlal Trains From Union IVrpot at ft:30 A. M. (tonad Trip Hallroad Fare and Entrance to I'ark. 1..1.'l Cklldrrn S It U Half Fare. If Ion Como br Auto. Admission SO Cents. Rail GaaH, Tennis. Basket Ball and All Kinds of Sports I Swinas and leetera for the Kiddles; Jass Music. Uaaclax and StnKliiK. .od speakers. Tickets OB Sale at 4 L. Buildlna;. Third and Oak Streets, at All Sawmills. Locclac camps and at Train. A FULL DAY OF FUN DON'T MISS IT A i