TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1919. S3 COFFEE PRICES iE LIKELY ID STAY UP rw.iared tQ. J3e Domi it. lOOM n AVar icia of cof ;nce in ;t that -which . been a been i since which advanced by the coffoa growers are th Ianm as are advanced by eerybody for in- ren wd cost. For instance, prominent im or, itiff and exporting firms of Brazil make hfr statement that they import cotton 'goods vliich practically cost thm thro times pre war prices, woolen poods almost the same 'dvance, wheat practically the same ad air;c, steel rails double or rrore pre-war rices. In fact, all along the line everythins hry buy from the outside world eosts from o to three times what it cost before the var. In that coffee-growing country as well as n all others, it has been necissary to very onatilerably advance wages because the con untcr there could not live on his old pay. ''rci'hta are from three to five times the nrc-war rates. Therefore, it takes two to hrcfi times as much, coffee to buy their r- finaiy requirements and unless ttjey receive moio for their coffee they could not live as heretofore and bankruptcy would stare them tlia face. And so ,that country and all other coffee exporting countries defnand and must t?et twice as much or tnore- for their roffVc. The argument seems logical and un answerable and in fairness and jnttice it Is claimed that the cof ffte-grovvins 'countries are entitled to at least double theii pre-war prices. : In view of these facts and others thAt might be mentioned, it seems likely tSat crpffee will fitay at its present high price or thereabouts until adjustments of values are made in prices of the other great world , staple s. There also lo further aggravate the situation an undoubted shortage of supplies catised by frost which destroyed millions of jtrees in Santos. Santos is the greatest coPfee-pro- riucing state in the world and it and Rio de Janeiro, with a few other sections, iproduce RO per cent of the world's croii. Brazil's financial position i better than It hns been probably in 25 to ,30 yeirs anc. Err.::. I is dictating the world's I coffee ,prices. As far aa the united States Is , concerined. it has not yet caught up with the pricpLs vailing In Brazil and every lot jof coffete enaisea is costing more than thi previoi The slump In sterling exchange may some lots of coffee Into the Country lower price than those Imported on exchange as a basts, but ut the Iquantit aid to j be araa. ans no W unfoi sorted on that basis is said niess something happens nokv unfori t: seems reasonable to presume that --in stay on its present basic,. Not tandiag the general lmpressioni to the rary, tms is the lat thing. Id is asse hat those dealing In coffee al-e fav o, il along the line. Importer, jobber, na'iuiacturei and retailer are '-jompelledl to Accept smaller margins of prof is nothwmh naing tne higntr: lom vr oc illg DUSl ,ATS AND BARLEY STIL l STRd.NG slightly Higher Prices General ieugr 1 Th T Quoted at Merthant: Exchang V. here were no signs of wca ness In I he Xi d grain market yesterday. t iu-y, bidding at the Alt-reliant -. Exchailge dtvelopcd slight advances on b l li icy. July whitt- fed oats lf cents above the previous $ J ,(, and there was a simila.i tli oats alnd was quo tied Jjuotation (at lift on Aiu for whii-b L inc September feed barle y's iffcwd. The July dol it 11' .Kon .,. The July do! Ivery undefc- r.o. ai blue bat-Icy was fa lia at ?(i'J.0O, July de!i4 ery. eaiLl. reports were aa follols: Mitiii-KJlis. part cloudy. t;j Dulut vy n.u iast night. FaisL. rainin J"1' inn i pes clear, 65. 1'liroi.s I clear, ho thraaka'clcar. hot. Kanra., c ar. hot. S r.w i-iuuvi , ivainaffi city, clca.il 4ier, utie shower yeb-terday aflcmoon. S K t.a. uiay yesterday, no ra: rtricdjO miles out u:ia at vii Vn. MissTl I Pacific between Kan IBedalla pid at Jefferson City i. but rami ious point?! as City antlj -nd severs.: rpoJnts e(-:th of Sedalia. Dave iport, parti (cloudy, -'arm, no rain. Ohio vJ illey. clear. pot. Focaat Cooler weather inj corn belt.' V.- liroomiall reported I "Aust liu More rains are ne Lded in see- tions fi of the and th. the new wheat seeding. Supplies h wbf-at remaininir are subtftantlal this cereal I utward movement of rontlnud to be maintained at 4 attsfactory j figures. -lndi ,i.o:idinga axe fairly active -In tne west and norl thwpst of India ra there ha s navo been limited, but elsewhere ails which of Aus th.c strin s can now i it is ex ontinue to l ie . further fair down hc lUl trahan Kency rove beneficial. Import neat trrved supplies here. Conditlorj l e cotts crea more favorable, ii - supply situnticn will lected lmproi Ad i from Chicago aid thf was an tne At- rxce-,.ei- demand for b.n oy froni )An u tithe Pacific coast. "Wor'oVhipm-n 13 of whft aad f reporTedas fdllows: fi I wic End. w k TH ff- demand for b.n lour were Wk End. Frornl July 26. Julylrt. Ijuiv r.-l r. s . Can. ...r.2l.noA t.s;;i.((hi -r7 ( 00t ru.-n.r . ;.:'.ihio 2.51-kioui 7'--'.'omo par v . .. T" .1 tk . 'I 1 t . ! lit- ir Cilillil: ' 1 jitNn.-I-n SOU . t Y : - 1 :it -j: ia -S . Mr .11 rr- t. u .-. 8wtt:-- - Y a bo;: . n I Y u. i; C.nta.j is.. a. Total S'nce Pa Jniv i . 2i onrt r. ,n ! . 13.17.-..0:.- i G.yoo.ooo n can. as reported by nnnu-c. were; Wheat. Bar. Fir. 4 ndition. No cariot arrH i"ala from vere. ported and pre I lious re ( said tv be clea-ning ur- f' in good y f!r3s old to retalie- fene-ally t 2.; yf I u:-. :ina tr.ere were not ma:1 ? v .is '.iff in. sight. u'onea c.e.ir aii 1' and the fc offerings 4'ts were th th the demand good ger. a:d the quality of thtly. Pome (hlnme jilin unsold, whi'.e mi n. supplies were Ilb--al 1 On 'r.ny were 1 and the S from ma $1.: k' t r, vua pric t ?e t a hundred. tge iiuiter in ces runni Aa a f juenca of receat. ad o in fte bi t Market, dealers report tm.fr j storage products, con den.ar.i developed within erabl S he past H j'.si.s",?,", j I'U j "'o;oIock j Y l-i the M.r- 1 . I 1 rv -'1. 3 1 .... i IS $17- 527 11 70 I f.1 'r''-1 175 ;;4 tu.i I 03 245 " ly . . J t i . . box - ; ii i; . ." J4 l !, 31 5B1 - ii . - -'J ' I S Its Hi pouA 127 U 4G 52 ine SUDD v Rediifarf ' 1 1 r iiings on the street t 1 nerca.- I - lighter than for t eral cays iarket as a result J L-howeil a I few days. A fair volume of trade In that commodity Is reported and aa a. result stor age holdings have been reduced somewhat. Street stocks now r eald to amoun to 1T.84 pounds. FVeah butter yesterday was reported firm and active at the hlg-her quotations, and some 92-score products were said o have oeen sold at 5T cents. Inferior Jjfrtter old as low as &0 cents. There was jood local and outside demand, efpdil f the better grades. Eastern reports ind frmd irm but ter markets generally. ? Peaches Are Moving freely. For this stage of the eeaacm there was a good movement of peaches on the street yesterday. The market was said to be in slightly better condition than for some time past, and prices on the whole were satisfac tory. Two carloads arrived from Culifornla, mostly Elbertas, Crawfords and St. Johns. These sold generally at f 1.25 ffr 1.50. For Ore gon Alexanders there wan a moderate de mand at 75 cents to $l.Co. Sacramento reported demand, and move ment good, with the market steady. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4.82.347 .S.V Seattle 0.175.474 l,Of0.137 Tacoma .U.42S 104.r,-5 Spokane 1,4'J3.947 41:5.004 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon session. Bid Oats July. Aug. Fept. No. 3 white feed 958.50 Barley Standard feed G7.S0 No. 3 blue 69.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 77.50 Eastern oats and corn, bulk Oats 6S.0O C9.25 CS.00 63. I a 77.50 7.50 Xo. a white ais -lb. clipped Corn No. ;i yellow ........ Barley No. 2 WHEAT Government R6.00 A6..M 58.00 5S.00 5S.0O 79.00 77.50 77.S0 65.25 G5.25 65.00 basis. S.IJO per bushel. FI.olTIl Patents. $11. C0 11.65 delivered; S11.45 o mill; bakers, $11.1511.30; whole whf at. S10.25fW10.40; graham, $10.0510.20. MlLLFKED-MiH run. f. o. b. mill, car lots, $.i9Jj40 per ton; mixed cars, $40.50; ton lots or over, $41.50; less than ton, $42; rolled barley, $6.1; rolled oats, $59; ground barley, $0;J; scratch feed, $79. CORN Whole, ton, $75; cracked, $77 per ton. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa, new crop, $24.5025; Eastern Ore gon timothy, nominal. Hairy and Country Produce. BUTTER 91 -score, 56c; 00-score, 55c; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, ttO'O' tile; cartons, 61- 62c; half boxes, VjC more; less than half boxes. 1c more; butterfat. No. 1, OOffctflc per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, t. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets, 33c; Young Americas. 34c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point triplets, 31 '-c; Young Americas, 3c; longhoms, 33 &34c. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 474Sc; cand 1 ed, 50 (551c; selects, 54 rit 55c ; Oregon Poultry association selects to retailers, &4c; association pullets, 49c. POULTRY Hens. 2Sffj30e; broilers. 22 30c; geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy. 2-ic per pound. PORK Fancy, 2c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $5.25 g- 6.75 ; lemons, $7 b.5U box; bananas, 99 per pound; applet-, $3.50 'h' 4.25 pr box ; grapefruit, $5.5U 0x6; cherries. IS'-ilS-; per pound; canta loupes, $1.25 ?? 3 per crate; apricots, $2-'it 2.25 per box; peaches, 75c (&'$ 1.50 per box; watermelons. 2 a 2 U c per pound; plums, f 1.50(j 2.5U per box; raspberries, o.50'3.75 per crate; loganberries, $3 per crate; grapes, $44.25 per box; pears, $4 4.25. VEGETABLES Cabbage, $3 per 100 pound? ; lettuce, $2.25 per crate; pep per;. $1.5(1 per box; beets, $33.50 per sack; cucumbers, 75c 4$ $1.00 box; tomatoes. $1.50 37 2 per box; peas, 75 10c per pound; rhu barb, 5c per pound; beans, SfrlOc POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, nominal ; new California, 2 ( 2 c pr pound. ONIONS Walla Waila, 34c per pound California yellow. Arn bc per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis. Fruit or berry, $9.65; beut, $0.55 ; Honolulu cane, SO.OO; extra C. $0.15; powdered, in barrels, $10.25; cube. In barrels, $10.45. NUTS Walnuts. 27f?35c; Brazil nuts, S 5c; filberts, 2sc ; almonds. 24 3uc; peanuts, 11 H 15 c. SALT Half -ground, 100, $16 per ton; 50.-, 11. ';3 per ton; dairy, $J5 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 10c; head, 12c; broken Jaoan, 8c per pound. BEANS Buying price, medium white, 5 5 ' :z c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 353 50c. Hops, Mohair. Etc. HOPS Oregon. 10 J 8, 30rj. 55c; 1017 crop. 35 a 37c; 1916 crop, 30c; 1015 crop, 20i&25c; 1 contracts, 5uc; three-year contracts, 50-, 40c, 30c. WOOL Eastern Oregon and Washington. 40 fx 57c per pound; vaUey, 4u55c per pound. MOHAIR 1H18 clip. 55c per pound. TALI OW No. 1. 13c per pound; No. 2, 12r per pound: grease, 7(rltc per pound. TASOARA BARK New. 10c per pound. J KA1N" BAlia In ca riots. 12 h & 1JC. Provisions. Loal Jobbing quotations: HAMS Ail wizes. choice 4445Sc; stand ard, 4344'c; skinned, 37c; picnic, 28 j :-0c: loltage roll. 3'ic. LART3 Tierce basia, 37: c; compound. 30c j per pound. uni "al 1 enori, oea r oacKS, ou iff joc , Dla Ira. 27 it 2ftc : Rxonrm I BACON Fancy, 53 55c; standard. 4C 4ic , choice, .y,4.ie. oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, $2.37; raw, canes, S2.47; boiled, barrels, $2.30; boiled, TURPENTINE Tanks. $1.46; cases, $1.56. G-VSOLINE Irou barrels, 23c; tank wagon, 23'ic; cases, 34c; engine distillate. ron barrels, 16c; tank wagon, 16c; cases, COAL Olli Iron barrels. 1316c; tank vagon, 13c; cases, 2431c. Hides, Pelts, Ktc. HIDES Salt-cured hides.- 30 lbst and up. recn hides, .0 lt. and up. 3uc; salt uii niaes. loc; green bull hides. 21 p ns, from 15 to ;10 lbs.. 50c: trimmed if nk s, 75c; flint dry hides. 40c: flint drv f sK ns, 75c; dry horse hidesw L50fe4 n. Etfttieu. noroe macs, witn. neaas on. . ;icn. ih.LJb bhearifngs. 50c $1.00: drv won! green lamb pelts, $1QJ each. SUN FRANCISCO PRODrCE MARKET P tices Current on Kccs. Vecntables. Fmitf. Ktc, at Bay City. SAN' FRANCISCO, July 30. Butter 5Sc. Kgi Freeh, extras, 57c; fresh firsts, 53c; puiiets. 4Sc. ees-e -Firsts, 32c; Toung Americas, 3Gc. lens 30ji o3c per pound, according to young roosters, 3S4j40c; old, 20c; iiers, 2 'y u4c, according to size: Xrvers. 37c, according to Quality : ceese. nomi- na I. ,juaD8. J;2.50''t:3.5O inzen egetables Rhubarb, $i.50!2 box; egg- t, Sl..-i5i2 lug box; peppers, bell, 15--Vtc pound; chile. 124il5c pound; sum squash, So4j 40c lug box; tomatoes. crate; potatoes, trarnet. $2.25 -u 2.51 al; white. $!. 75 2.25 cenral: onion -. $2.50W2.75 cental; green. $1.75 n 2 preen peas. 6'ii7c DOtind: cnnhr 65 f small box; green corn, $2.5ra 3..rHt : okra. Sin 1.2. box: garlic. 22'y25c d; beans, string. 45c pound; wax, 42 hund: Iimas. h ac pound. Fli,ur 8 S, $1 2.10; whest. 20; oats, red e A.va; corn. California yellow. 3.45; barley, fed. J:;.15 fi'3 .25. fuit Ora-..ge?, $4M ...SO; lemons. $4 grapefruit. $3.54.50; bananas. 6-- pineaDples. S2.50t4; apples, $l..".oir SO' jaccording lo size and tier: plums, $2'a -- irate; peara. Hartlett. $1.50'd3 box, ac cord iil-y to grade; peaches. Jin 1.25 small lug hjox: arricots. 01- f 7 -r pound; ranta Io,V.p1 S1.50i 1.75 standard : raspberries. -i chst: re?l loganberries. 10''?12 blackberries. $7 i: 9 chest; fics, $ia 1.25 , riple layer: grapes, nominal. Wheat or wheat a-r.d oats. $1517: ats. $1517: barley. t2i!5; aJfa'.fa. ; barley stra'n, 500 Sue PaJe; nieai?, $14M unquc Ke. 4'4J c .nn L- ks ; pt- Flour. 1 1 4A quarter?: barlfv. ntais; beans. 10 5arks: potatoes. C.fG hides, Oi: hay. :ir.o tons. New York Iirr Prodnre. TPRK. July 30. Butter higher. y higher than extras. 56 & 56 -c; r extras (02-score , c ; firt. rea.Tif steady, unchanpeH. Ciioetl, nn&y and unch;insed. ttve :HjOUttrv irregular. Fowls. S4i3-V; o;d roostersj crisjc; others and dressed un- SECURITIES GET SETBACK HEAVY SELLING BRIXGS DE CEIVE IX STOCK MARKET. Recoveries Made in Some Lines, but List Generally Suffers Loss Bonds Reported Irregular. NBW YORK, July Xn. Stock. wn sub Jected to widely conflicting influences to day, creating heaviness and occasional weak ness in many of the rhare-s which usuaiiy govern the course of the market. Prices were one to twe points higher at the oulfiet, the steel division heading on the excellent quarterly statement issued by the United State, steel corporation after the close of yesterday's session. Heavy selling, which immediately followed and had its basts mainly in widely circulated rumor that the federal reserve board at Wa&hinston would hold another conference to consider certain phases of the local speculative situation, gave the market s set back 01 two to five points before noon. De nial later of these rumors resulted in sub stantial recoveries but only in a few im portant instances was the reversal of the morning entirely overcome. Aside from the strength of a few special ties in which maneuvers of pools and cliques were again more or less effective, notably tobacco, paper and leather issue, moderate losses prevailed at the close. Sales amounted to l.:00,000 shares. Vnsettlement in exchange on Paris, which approximated its minimum quotation, caused variable reactions in sterling, lires and tne Swiss rate, but Scandinavian remittances were comparatively steady. Weakness of local traction a.ntf a slight setback in internationals fen'.ured the ir regular bond market. Total sales, par value, aggregated 13.50.inn. Old I nited States bunds were unchanged on call. CIX.SLNG STOCK QUOTATIONS. J-ast Fles. High. Ln. .Snlo. Am Beet Eucar. L'.4"m !H-B !. !il 'i American Can.. ."i,::uo US'" r7 07 vs Am Car & F.lry :;.M 1 1 7 15i Am H & L, Kid. ...J.to J:Z 1.10-. 1X:V. Amcrfcan f.oco. :i.too !M St.". lo Am Sin & Itet'g. 4.1'Utt s.", S'):i. s.'i Am Sugar Keig. 3.0'iU 1:17 3:;r.'. 3:;7 Am Sum Tobac. n,4iii His l(ir,i- I j7 Am Tel & Tel.. l.lno ltjl 104 Am 'A L. Km.. 2, (mo 7Ts -7Vj 27Vi Anaconda Cop.. 4.::oi. 7r, 74's 74 At.hiFon i.ioa lonvi !'..' I'm A O & W I S S L. 1.700 Jl',7 lliBV-j 17 Baldwni Loco .. 2n.2oi J17'i 11S 114V4 Bait & Ohio 1.7"'. 40' 4HU -I"1 Beth Steel B ... 24.7(111 1"! 07 ?s !'S B a- s copper. . o.io'. Calif Petrul .... 4,00(1 IS', -7'i 47'-, Canadian i'acif. !" Irtl IrtOi, 10(J Central Leather. 16.UHO 114 '4 111. 112! Ches & Ohio ... if") r..",Vj r. (;-"'.n Chi M & St P . . 2. Km 47. 4'm Chirag.. & X W. "(1 'M !is iis's Chi K I & Pac Jt.Vs l::Va Chino Copper .. l.S00 4SVa -41? ! Colo Fu ,4 Iron. l.r.nO .".1 ."tO'i ."O-'S Corn Products.. t,lho fli K:ii, Crucible Stei .. :4.ini 140t 13S 137 Cula Cane Suit. 4,nrt :'.4Vi :i4'i IT S lood Prods. 10.000 S7 1 j 4 R' Krie 7UO 1S' 1 S V, 18 V, C.e.irnl Klectric r.'Mi ic.ll 1 (is 1(i1 Ceneral Motors. n.O"rt 2-'S 2-4 c.t Nor pfd .... J.7(" 1-4 ii :t Nor Ore ctfs. 3.000 4UVi 47 U 47 S Illinois Central jnnVs lnsplr Copper .. :t.KO0 i;7S fi (C4 lot M M pld ... .".ion 1J0 ll'.i JlS'i Inter Nickel 4.en .".01, SO "? Inter Paper .... ll.joo ti Hi " K C Southern .. -':t J.. Kennecott Cop.. 1,000 41 i 41 41 l.ouis & Na5h Mexican Petrol. 12.l(j0 102 1SS Miami Copper .. !ni .11 "A ::o-j ml Mi.i.ale steel .. ll.Ooit r.7 1isr:ourl Pacific 4.7"tl IIS 4 Montana Power. 1.2H0 S0";4 -o So Nc H(ia Copper. C'hi -1 jo-4 -'OTi. N" i central.... 1. '( '. '. 7f'.. N Y N H & H.. IS.'-.!". 11': :: Norf ft Wot.... 200 in.-.i, ir.r. in.-. Northern Paclf. 2.0..O n4-i :i.C-i MS Pacific Mall .... 400 SU-i :: :i Pac Tl & Tel "4 Pan-Am Petrol. S.r.oO lir.i 112. II". Pennslvanla .. l.Ooo 4. 4(i 4(.'4 Pet.nsvlvnnia .. I.ooo 4'; 40 4.'-. Pitts & w Va.. 2.000 a!- ::t :.! Plttsbun Coal.. ."..70i 7.-.'-j 71 .1'j P.av cv.nsol Cop. 1.C.OO 20-. 20'. lteaditis r..!KM RP lr & S'eel.. -.!" :,r'' Ji's Shat Ariz Cop.. POO 17H li'i t-'. Sin Oil & Refe. 41.s"0 Kl-. .. r. Southern Pacif. f.ooo 301'; lo. Southern P.y ... 1.7"rt 2J4 2nH studobsker Cor. I2.::no 11.1 lOfttj Tt-Tas Co - :''nrt -7 2i- -' Tobacco Prods.. Z.4"n 112 107 111 Union Pacific .. 2.400 I;-'. Unit ("lg Stores. 34.200 210'- J12 t., U S Tn.l Alcohol K.OOO 142'4 l.V 140 t. S te-1 ...17i200 US'. 1K)"4 110-. do p-d : wo ii-.. iiv- 1"-, TVch Copp-r ... 3.-100 01 . '.'2 !?. Western Union.. 2'0 J f'S Westing Electric S.7f r.!i r,0 r.J. Wlllvs-Oi.er'and B.Soo r, p.o-..-;i r-utch ... :i ti !Vi r4 p;-. National T cad .. 1.7 JS 1 i Ohio Cities !0'i o.--. o's BONDS. U. S. ref. 2 reg. !.' Nor. Pac. 4s 0 do ref. 2s cou. !-0's Nor. Pac. 3s HI S do con. 3s reg. M jl-ac. T. si T. f.s.. 2 Vs do con. 3s cou. ! Penn. con. 4s.. .",, do 4s reg Mnr,i; sou. Pac. cv. os.l(.ij do 4s cou 10H Sou. Ky. 5s 1 1 Am Tel cv. fit lf'2S Union Pac. 4s S4 Vs Ahon! gen: 4s TfllU. S. Steel r.s ...lOI r Ft G ref. 5s BOH!Ans1o-Frenth 5s. OtVa X V ten. db. tts MH i Boston Mining Stork. BOSTON. July SO. ("logins quotation Allnuez 00 IXurth Butte Arizona Corn ir,;,rnj Dominion... al. and Arix... S3-jOet;eola 18SI 4."i r,5 7H fal. and Hecla.4. -juint-y PuntcnniRl . . 10 iKu and Boston. 4:1 ivitiiii'r Ranee. . ROU 'Shannon Kant Butte J81 I'tah Con. 12 45 Kranklin . . . . JtoyaJle. . T,ake Copper. Mohawk 6 U Winoni 3K1-. Wolverine 4 z 'iranby Con. ... SI tireene Cananea. Money, Exchange, t'Ac. NEW YORK. July 30. Mercantile paper, unchanged. Sterling. tiO-day bilts, 4..il ; commercial 60-day oil's on banks. $4.31 Vi : commoixlal 60-day bills. $4.31: demand, $4.5: cables. $4.36. Francs, demand, 7.34; cables, 7.32. Guilders, ijemand, 37 3-1 ; cables, 37 7-16. Lire, demand, cables, S.OO. Marks, demand, 6S; cables, 04. Time loans, stronff, unctiansed. OnJl money, firm; hlBh, low, rullnir rate and closing bid. f. per cent: offered at 6i per cent; last loan. 6 pr cent. LOGSL LIVESTOCK STEADY PRICES IN" ALL IIXES REPORT ED HOLDING WELL. Run at Yards Liht One and Trade Is Moderate In Volume. Sales Mostly Small Lot?. The run at the Portland stockyards yes terday was h. rather llGlit one. the totals being 170 hog. 124 catiie, 10 calves and 151 sheep, and the market showed little change from the condition of the pa-st few days. The day's trade was moderate in volume. Cattle values were reported to be holding; up well, but the day's sales were for the most part small lots of fair to medium grade stock, which disclosed no pronounced market tendency. In the hog division the situation was about the same. For quality porkers tha tup price paid was $23, the limit for sev eral days back, but dealers reported a good general demand. Several lots of Iambs were disposed ot at orlees running from $S lo 1 12.25. Mutton alues so far aa could be ascertained were unchanged. The day s sales included the following: "Wt Price Wt. Iric. 6 calves 1H6 $12.00 5ft hogs. . 2t8 23. 00 2 calves 175 l.VOOi 1 1 hoirs. . 310 22. OO 4 calves 3P7 JU.&u lShoqs.. 14S 20.50 2 cows. 9h 3.7.. TS lambs. P5 6 0O ! cows. "12 S.25. 27 lanih!. W 12.0 2 cows. 740 tl.oo. -4 lambs. M 12.25 3 cows., 736 3..'.0 134 lambs. 1'3 12.KO 3 cows. 733 7. Oi. JOlamhs. 72 12.00 7 cows. 1M0 7.UO, 'J lamos. SO 12-uO 1 cow., 1070 IVt"t; Si Iambs. g.&u lbull.. 13:0 7 -V); 8 ewes.. 121 6,75 3 steers itiO lo.no! 5 ewes.. 114 tt.r.n J steer 1;5 10.25' 6 ewes.. 10T 7.00 14-Meers 11S 10.-J3f .1 veirl.. ion R.no lieer. .i f .'.iM 1 1 y arl. . lot 8.00 4S hon. l'-5 23.0O- 43 yrl., 76 tf..' 43 ho. V.T 23. oo Hn wrtU., 7.75 7 hogs. 224 21 50 2 weth.. 155 6.00 1' hogs. . 233 $22.75 Iweth.. 130 S.uO Qf it-& a( the yar'is were as follows: ;n..,l to choice steers $10.0012 00 M diym to choirs steers j.uO'i- J..'.0 Fair to good Mcers 7.75 r h.75 Common to fair steers , l.(tp 7.50 Cood to choice cows, heifers.... 7.50f P.ut) Medium to good cows, heifers.. .."iO u 9.25 1'HntlrTH 3.l'f 4(K 'a Ives . " '. " ! '. . " I I 3 00i 15.00 Stock era and feeders 7 OO i 10.00 Fair to medium cows, heifers.,. 4.60 4.04) Hogs Prime mixed 21.5Oa23.O0 Medium mixed . 20 5i kt -j .K KougU heavies 1 !.7" 2U.25 pies 18.75tf 19.75 Sheep Prune lamb" 11.50r12.50 Fair to medium lambs..- 9 OO 0 10. OO Tearltnrs ..................... oo $ ft Ml w eincrs h n 7 ..w Cwcs 6 00 7.0 50 Chirac IJrestork Prires. CHICAGO, July 3. Ilog Reipts 12. "Mt. higher. Top. $J3; heavyweight $21. 34 t22.i0; rnedfutn weight. $21 55' 23: light weight. $2l.l-.&22 05; light light. $2i.75y 22 a: heavy pa, kmc sow, smooth, $j0.5oj $21 25; pus.. $1H5021. Cuttle P.eveipts ll,0i0. weak. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, rhoic-e and rlme, $li.75 if 1K.50; m-ntum and good. 12.25V 175; common. $10 25y 12.25; but'ier ml tl. heifers. 7l cows. $7r).75; ran- ners and '-utttn. fZ.oO'rp?; veal tAivcs. light and handyweight. $ 15.75 1 6.75 ; WUrr steers, $7.75t 13 75: Bloc ker htecrs, $70 11.25: western ran go ateera. $25 14.25; wwi aud heifera, $. 5'i - 12 75. Miep Ret eipta 10.000. slow. Lambs, S4 pounds down. $ 13.25 16 25; culls and t-ommun. $ 13; yearling wethers. $10.5j a 13; ewes, medium, good and choice, $7fcr 'j. SeaUle I.iTestork Irirea. SEATTLE, July 0. lloga Steady. Prime, meuium t choice, $2J Mis 22. i5; rough heavies, $20.50 ft 24J.S5 : Diss. $20.50 -921. 35. Cattle Steady. Best steers. S10.5Ofill.25: medium to choice. $it?9.50; common to good, I'i'aS; best cows and heifers. $7.50 9.50; common to good. $0 7.50. bulls, $ 'tj 7.50; calves, $7.25&t I5.rn. GORH MARKET GfTOTES RAIN'S IV SnDDLK WEST FORC13 PRICES DOWNWARD. Oats Reported Weaker In Sympathy Willi Corn. Provisions Trade Pull and Irregular. rillCAGO. Ju!r 0. Many showers and a prospect of numerous others did much today to bring- about lower prices In the corn market. Except for July, which showed a n-t gain of 1 rent?, the market finished weak, at 1 Vi to 2- renin net decMne. with September S1.95 l.n.1 H and necember $l.ie$l.r!. ()ats lost ; to 14 cent. In provisions, tho outcome rnnced from a set back of 45 cento lo 5 rents advance. Oats easd down mainlv in ivmnaihv with corn. Both cereal a continued to he de- precso in fftmn O'irree by the rare riots and car strike here. Provisions were dull and Irre srii'a r. Tte ncwat of strength In the hog market coun terbalanced somewhat the weakness of grain. heading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. ai.ow. r:o. Pept $1.03 $l.! 1.93 $1.ft5S Dec l.G'J'i 1.71 1 .S H 1 OATS. Pept K0 .RO .7Tu, go Dec 82 ,S.I .2 Vi .82S POR K. July 55. no 55.no nn.ao Kept 51.73 f.2 00 61. G5 Sl.i5 LA P. P. Sept 34.50 34.57 34 50 4.50 Oct r:4 45 31.37 -4.37 R I US. July 29 no 'JS Jift 2S.B5 2.5 Sept 2S.50 28 57 2S.45 2V45 uh Prices were; Corn No. 2 mixed. 11.A9: No. 2 yellow. $2.0li 2.01 tai?-No. wnite, 18 it sic; ro. 5 w nite, 7S J HO c. Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3. fl.66'. Parlcv $1.2K"i 1.4:;. Timothy Sft'-i II. 60. Clover Nomina:. Pork Nominal. Lard $:U. 1: 1 ba $2S 20. Seattle Kerri Quotations. SEATLK, Julv 0 city delivery: F1 Miil. 144 ner ton: rratch. $si; wheat. S'.; j..l-grain chop, $74: ots. $'17; sprouting on ts. 73f rolled ont. 510: cracked corn. 2; rolled barley, $71; clipped bar'.ey. $75; aJfalfa meal. Hay Kastern Washington timothy, mixed, $35'iS?,6; double compressed. $40; alfalfa, $-132. H.VRVEST It BSn.TS A K Y WrDELY Wheat Crops Running From Failure to Best Yet Kerorded. Following Is the summary of weather and crop conditions In this state for the week ended July 29, as prepared by Edward L. Wells, meterologist of the weather bureau: High temperature preTailed at the begin ning of the week, but about tho middle there was a change to much cooler, the tempera ture in some localities falling almost to freezing. Toward the close of the week ths temperature was again above normal. A large number of local thunderstorms oc curred In various parts of th state, but the amount of rainfall was generally too small to be of benefit to crops, to quench the forest fires, or to seriously delay farm work. Many forest fires were started by lightning. Water for irrigation Is becoming scare In many localities, and many springs and small streams are falling. Harvest of winter wheat continues, with results varying from almost absolute failure to the best on record. However, In tha principal wheat-growing counties the yield Is generally as good aa was expected. Soma wheat has been cut for hay. Harvest of spring wheat and oats is In progress except In the more elevated districts. Kxcept in the western counties, and where Irrigated, the crop is light. Irrigated corn Is good; unlrrlgated corn needs rain, but except over limited areas haa not been permanently in jured by drought. Kara are forming in Josephine and Malheur counties. Apricots are still In market. Peaches and eaxly apples are being marketed In increas ing quantities. Picking of raspberries aud loganberries Is approaching completion In most sections, and Dirking of blackberries Is in full progress- Evergreen blackberries are ripening. Haying is generally complete except for the late cnttlngs of alfalfa and clover. Where not irrigated these crops are In need of rain. The second and third crops of alfalfa will be short In some localities, ow ing to scarcity of water for Irrigation. Tha third crop of alfalfa la approaching maturity in parts of Umatilla county. Pastures and ranges are very dry except In the higher mountain?, but there Is little complaint of shortage of feed, and stock Is generally in fair to good condition. Potatoes and all tmirrigated garden vege tables need rain. Some early potatoea suf fered from blight. The market Is fairly well supplied: with-potatoes and vegetables. Hops are doing well. CANADA TO HANDLE WHEAT CROP Dominion Government Will Buy and Sell Cereal Output. OTTAWA. Ont. July 30. Tho Dominion government late today decided to buy and market the Canadian wheat crop of 111 19. Th. rnn will be sold "at prevailing world prices, and the surplus proceeds will be divided among the original sellers of the wheat. Speculation and profiteering will be prohibited. The main features of the plan as an nounced are: 1. A board to buy and market the crop of 2. A cash payment on account to be made to the farmer at the time he sells his wheat. 3. Tho wheat crop of Canada to be sold by the board at the prevailing world prices and the surplus proceeds, after expense are deducted, to be distributed to the original seller of tho wheat in proportion to grade and quantity. 4 No floeculatlon on exchanges or profit eering by handlers to be allowed In dispos ing of the crop to the disadvantage of either producer or consumer. 5. A direct and Immediate eish sale by the farmers and a speedy market for the itdd alonsr tho usual channels 01 transport. The personnel of the board which will handle the crop will be made known soon, as will the Initial cash payment to be made on account to the farmer at the time of the sale of his wheat. IMPORTS FROM EUROPE INCREASE New York Reports Decided Gala for Jane Over Let Year. NEW YORK. July 30. A gain of more than $18,000,000 in Gu ropes n Importations arriving In New York during the month of June. 1919, is recorded over the correspond ing month of last, year In figures made pub lic by the custom house today. Last months Imports from Europe totaled I44.10S.679. Imports from Asia and the orient reaching New York fell slightly more than l..SOo.Oou for June of this yea-, while from Australia and New Zealand the gain was less than $10,000. Coffee Future Decline. NEW YORK. July 30. The market for coffee future was generally lower today with the exception of July, which advanced 50 points on covering by belated ahorla. The opening was I to 2 points higher as a result How SKall I Invest My Savings? The security described below is an answer to your often repeated question: How shall I invest viy sav ings? In our judgment judgment ripened by over a quarter century experience in the Government and Municipal Bond business this security is a safe investment, and, because of the unusually high income it offers, we recommend itto investors and clients as a very profitable security. Be a Coupon Clipper. 3200,000.00 City of Edmonton Gold Notes Dated February 15, 1919 The City of Edmonton is the capital of the Province of Alberta, which has an aira of about 255,000 square miles and a population (estimated) of 600,000. It exceeds in area any State in the United States excepting Texas, beinjt five times preater than New York State and as large as the combined areas of Montana, North Dakota and Minne sota. It is one of the most productive of all the Provinces of Canada. With the rapid development of the contiguous territories now opening up, Edmonton should continue to increase steadily in importance. With its wide thoroughfares, its excellent public and commercial buildings, its attractive residential districts and Fplcn did location, Edmonton is one of the most substantial cities in Western Canada. Exempt From all Dominion Government Taxation. Price: to Yield GV4 MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House Morris Building, 309-11 Stark Street, Between Fifth and Sixth Sts. Telephone Broadway 2151 Established Over 25 Years of firm cable nd nopport from Mnmlinlnn tiouhu and Ilrazll. bul ftfl.r September bad pout at --.3io and Lor-rmtr al lie rr-it.-uon orcurr'l undfr W ill Firret sclltnff and fattMd Imuldalt'Mi hl-'h for-.d D"-emb.r duvn to 2l.7.Vr. Krom thljt l.v.l flight Inn ratli.s orcurr.d on rov.Tifls and r -n.walof bull aupport. witn tha i-lo- 4 to UO point, nrt Inwrr. Sepumbfr, J : Ot lobfr. -2. 1K? ; 1 m bT. l.aoc; January. 2 !.-: May. 52 Sic. Spot .-of fo. Ati-arty- Rio . 3. V Vc ; Fantoj 4. a0.t0,c. NaTaJ Storra. KAVANVAir. Oa.. July SO. Turpentine firm. (1.3.1; calr, -11 . reccigla 4S7. aaip-m-nla H-".". ,lo k lo Kooin firm. ! 070. receipts 3. anlp- mnl 121. tttofk 60.04. Quot.: B. (10: u. K. I7 r. an no: O. (1T.7.1: H. HS.20: I. C1.VTO; K. (I .O; M. CI; N. (21 iO; WCi. 2'J so; vi v . Chicano Ialry Produc. CHICAGO. July 30. Butttr. higher; cr.am.ry. 4 S r H I'-rtrn. lower; rooripta. i;n unw. 42 't 43c: ordinary flrMa. r.rvoi,c; at mark ru Include. 304!c; toras packed lirna. 43t44c. Poultry, alive. lower; low la. .uc; aprio,.. SO 9 32c. New York Metal Market. NEW VOKK. Ju:y -0. Copper and Iron unrbonffed. I-ail. e.-iv. i'pot. (3.T5055; Aaro't (3 72 , 5.S7 Spelter w.iik. r-it St. T.oal, rt.llve-y pot offered at (7 62', ; Aucuat. (7 SiO7.70. l.lHerty Bond Qaotationa. XF.W YOHK. Julv 10. 1ho final !' on I.lbertv bonda today wr: 3i- '.; firat 4a. (044O; aerond 4a. $!1.62: firal 4 a. r4 !0; a.cond 4 'i a. C4); third 4 a. ('.'.in; fourth 4 a. Ml 10; wlcloo" 3-Wa. (il'.l.KU ; victory 4 '. lrt Sao Franefcarai nalrjr Prodnee. SAV FRAXCISCO. Jnly SO. Butter. KHt. Krra Freah extras, S9Vc; extra pulleta. 52o. Cheeie Flrsta, Kt Bar fiU-rtrr Qaotationa. NKW TOKK Jly SO- Bar sllTer. (1.07. Mexican dollara. S2t Root Cotton ln.lt ationa. NEW YORK. July SO. Spot cotton ateady. Middling-. (34..S0. TtaHry and Tlax rrirea. WTTTN-EAPOLI" July SO. Barley. (1.24 1.34. Flax. (8.10ffV12 Tfopa. Ill den and Wool. JfTTW" TOKK. July 50. Hon. hldea and wool unchanged. nried Knilta In New Tork. XFTW YORK. July 30. Kvaporated applea quiet. Prunes atronc. Peaches firm. TXllnth Mnaeed Markea. DTJLTJTH. Ju:y 10. l.lnaeed. 12ff.13. New Tork Hnrar Mark.t. NEW YORK. July 30. Puitar unchanged. VICTORY BARSREADY SOON Distribution Expected to Rcgin About AuBrust 9. WASHINGTON. July 30. Distribu tion of victory ribbon bars will begin Immediately after manufacturers start delivering; them on AuKUSt 9. the war department announced today. Four hundred thousand bars will be sent to recruiting; stations and army posts In the first shipment. Victory READQIABTERJ for LIBERTY BONDS We BUT and PETT-t any amount, ew York quo tations by wire every morning; interest in cluded; 3's... Klrat m... Secoad 4a.., Klrat 4',... ceroid 44t.. , third 4V,a. .. Kotartk . Irtory a.. . .aino.no 4J K4.4l . . .-.t;t:i 4.x . . ve.Tj . . .vr.4 . . 1004 If necessary to sell vour bon1s. bring; them to ua. We ray hl;b est local prices. ROBERTSON & EWING Firlaaive Dealer fa COY ERA MK NT. CORPORATION A AD .Ml.MllML BO.U!. SOT - 8 H. W. Baak Balldlaa;. DENOMINATION $1000 Liberty and Victory Bonds If yea mast a4t your 1 Iheriy or ictory hood, sell to If you cast bay more Liberty or Victory Bonds, buy from a. On Wdnendy Julv SO. the cloning market pricoi re as given below. They are the govern. n prto-s lor l.lbenv and Vuiory bonds ail orr the morld. and the hlKhent. We adverti-- the prices dally In ordr that you msv always know the New York marke, and the exact alue of your Liberty and VUtory bonds: !M "Int. 2d. Sd. 4th. Virt'y Vtct'y 3SS. -ia. 4. 4', V.s. 4,f 4 s. V s. 4 M"rkt prica.$ oa.r.n fwi.o $13. ts '. im.m $ i hj n f m Accrued Int.. ,5 -M .b4 .. AM 1 M l.i ,7 .14 Totsl ...tlOOOl f 94.71 S&4.46 $A5.3 4 ! XI T.t Si Sr. SIOO.TO SlOO SO Whn buvlnz w Ifdr ;:7- on a f bond and $J.?0 on a finoo bond. We bc'.i at the Nw York market plus th accrued interest. It u rc I n ( and tlrrvraof tafe HepoeU Bote for Ke-nt. medals will be distributed throurh the cam agencies Utr. Soviet Slndrnt. Kxcluilcd. UNCOIL. Neb.. July 30. Chfinoellor Avery, of the I'nlvrralty of Nehraska, today announced ho had denied the ap plication to admit to tha Intvervlty of Nebraska for te-hntol tralntn.fr a num b. r of students identified with the led eral aoviet repubiic of Russia. I.allicrans Have Plinlo. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July SO. (Spe. rial.) The second annual reunion and picnic of the Lutherans of Clarke county was held today at Prohibition park. Orchards, under the aueplrea of the Clarke County Immigration associa tion. Besides music and athletic con We own and offer, subject to prior ssl 15,000 Pounds Sterling Government of the Argentine Nation 6 Treasury Gold Bonds Due 9ii Months Hence May 15, 1920 Coupon Bonds in denominations of 200 pounds ($97., Principal and interest (November 15 and May lot payable at New York City, in United States gold dol lars, at the fixed rate of $4.S6 per pound Sterling. These Treasury Bonds were issued for the purpose of f urnishino; means for the extension of sanitary works and the water supply of the Federal Capital, Buenos Aires. TIIEY ARE THE DIRECT GENERAL CREDIT OBLIGATION OF THE whose faith and credit payment. PRICE: 99.66 Lumbermens Lumbermens Bldg. Six Hundred Thousand 6 Interest eejaele la OoM In , Tart Cuy 933,500 Burnabr, B. C-. 6's 1924 at 9S.85 $21,500 Montreal, Quebec, 6's 1923 at 100 $ 6,000 New Westminster, B. C. 6's.. 1923 at 99.56 $48,000 Canadian Northern Ry. 6's 1922 at 100 J 1 7,500 Quaker Oats Co., pre. 6 Co... at 99 Oafl er ahene far aotalls Wire ereaea "called- sFreeman Smith & Camp Co Rexburg Idaho 6 Improvement Bonds at Par Government and Municipal Bonus Bought and Sold f.l.nevereaux Syfompany 87 Sixth Street Grt und Floor WelLs-Fargo. Uuildias Due February 15, 1924 tests in rharcc or Irar Orae, the fl lowing artdresaoa were iItfk: "ImstA arration Features of Our Asorlal ion.-' V. S. T. I)err; -Cardinal Lu'neran lriw clples." Itev. K. W. FilJ'jrd; "I.uthenu Hisiorr." H.v. J. C. Kur.rm.n. I. I.. of I'hiiadclrhia. I'a. Taroma UrMiumnl Men Arrcicl. T A COM A, Wajh, July SO ( Special, t State and city food Inspectors swore out warrants acainat i S Tacoma restau rant projirictors yesterday, chararlnc them wl;h serving skimmed or watered milk without proper labrlinc. More hc resM will follow. City Insrcctor lSutton a id. riione our want ads to The Orcgo rlan. Phone Msln 707O. A "-,. ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT. are pledged for their prompt TO YIELD 650 Trust Company Fifth and Stark. Dollars in Capital and Surplus 6V4 yield 6.25 yield 6. yield 6.125 yield 6. . yield 6.06 aWRrHWtSTEPJN BANK BUILDIhsst Main 64 Broadway 1042 J A