Jilitfiiiiig VOL.. LVIII. NO. 18,306 Entered at Portland (Orefon) Postoffice as Fecor.d-Claws Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MIUTIA CALLED MOVE AGAINST LYNCH LAW BACKED BY TAFT FRENCH TREATY TO BE GIVEN SENATE REMOVAL OF TAX ON SOFT DRINKS VOTED HOUSE TAKES ACTION WHILE YOUNG GIRL VICTIM OFBRUTAUURDER !. W. W. DISPERSED BY STREAM OF WATER SEATTLE MAYOR CALLS STREET WORKERS. NOT POLICE. ALL PHONE RATES TO OUELL COXCRESS ASKED TO INVESTI GATE MOB VIOLENCE. MERCIRY NEARS 100, Seven Killed! Scores Hurt in Chicago Streets RAZORS, GUNS ME USED Renewal of Outbreak Extends Over Five-Mile Area on South Side. FLYING SQUADRON ATTACKS Two Whites Are Among Those Killed; White Woman and Policeman Injured. , CHICAGO, July 28. Seven persons were killed and more than two score wounded, many of them seriously, in a renewal of race riots in the Chicago "black belt" tonight. For more than five hours the five mile area on the south side was a bat tleground of scattered fights between whites and blacks and between police men and negroes who fired from housetops, from dark alleys and other points of vantage. The call for troops to quell the out breaks resulted in four regiments of national guardsmen being mobilized, but at a late hour tonight they had not been dispatched to the district dis turbed by the disorder, and Chief of Police Garrity expressed the belief that the worst of the disorder had passed. 1 Five of the dead are negroes and Iwo are whites. There was no concerted action by the blacks, the outbreaks dotting a large area. Every police station on the south side was flooded with reports of death and injuries. Reports Are Conflicting. Chief of Police Garrity at a late hour said that it was impossible to make an exact estimate of the casu "'.ties because of the contradictory re- srts. The riots, which started yesterday i the south side beaches, were re fewed when negro laborers began laving the big industrial plants and y dusk more than a score of separate atbreaks had occurred. Whites began .agging negroes from street cars, the negroes retaliated with stones and knives. Street cars in the heart of the "black belt" were tied up and the windows smashed. A "flying squadron" of blacks mounted a tojuring car and, riding at full speed through the section known as No Man's Land, sent a volley of shots at a group of whites. One white woman was injured, but not fatally. The negroes were overtaken after a long chase and placed under arrest. White Man Stabbed. Shortly afterward a mob of several hundred blacks formed at Thirty-fifth street and began stoning a policeman In a twinkling gunfire was opened and four of the negroes fell, all mor tally wounded. . A white man in the same neigh borhood was dragged from a truck and stabbed to death. A negro chauffeur was killed by whites a few minutes later in the same block. Scores of arrests were made, but where the rioters were found to.be un armed, they were released. Jsegroes Loot Stores. Negroes began looting stores of whites in one district shortly after the firing of revolvers by a squad of po licemen in an effort to break up : fight over a small purchase of gro ceries. The police soo i emptied their guns. The looting coVnued until special squad of police, armed --ith rifles, arrived. They fired low, felling half a dozen blacks. A white woman was pulled from a street car by a negro. He was soon lying unconscious against the curb The angry whites had left him for dead. Groups of blacks formed in foot ball fashion and charged against whites with razors and clubs. On one comer the scene was like a miniature battleground. Unconsciocs negroes and whites dotted the street. As they regained consciousness they were ar rested or permitted to leave the "Mgh- borhood. Chief of Police Garrity said every Concluded oa rage 2, Column C.) Charles E. Hughes, Judge Llndsey and Others Approve "Address" to Nation From Xegroes. NEW YORK. July 28. Congressional investigation of the wave of mob vio lence and lynching throughout the United States was demanded in an "address to the nation" signed by former-President Taft. officials of sev eral southern states and other nation ally prominent citizens, made public here today by the National Associa, tion for the Advancement of Colored People. Patriotio citizens throughout the country feel the shame -which lynching have cast upon the nation, but they have assumed partial responsibility for this shame by their silence and their acquiescence, said the address. The time has now come when citi zens of the United States can no longer contemplate without protest the setting at naught of the fundamental principles upon which their citizenship is based. The "address" recounts that in 1918 no less than 67 persons "were done to death without trial or any process of law." and declares that it is well known that the innocent, with the guilty "suf fer the cruel inflictions of mob vio- ence." A congressional investigation is urged, so that "means may be found to end the scourge." Prominent signers" included United States Attorney-General Palmer, former Attorney-General Charles J. Bonaparte of Baltimore; Elihu Root, Charles E. Hughes and Judge Ben B. Lindsey. SALEM WOMAN, 67, FLIES Mrs. Charles Kugel Makes Trip on 50th Wedding Anniversary. SALEM, Or., July 28. (Special.) Mrs. Charles Kugel, 67 years of age, celebrated her 60th wedding anni versary Sunday by taking an airplane flight, piloted by Aviator Cook. It is believed that Mrs. Kugel has the dis- inction of being the oldest woman in Oregon, if not on the entire Pacific coast, to fly. Prior to the flight Mrs. Kugel and her husband were guests at a family reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball in Polk county. Mr. and .Mrs. Kugel came to Oregon nine years ago and reside at 795 Wil bur street, Salem. "It was the grandest experience of my life, said Mrs. Kugel, as she climbed out of the cockpit after alight ng from .an altitude of more than 20r0 feet. "I wasn't a bit frightened and I am already looking forward to another tour of the clouds." KALAMA LAD KILLS CHUM Rifle, Thought Unloaded, Ends Life of Johannes Burch, 15. KALAMA, Wash., July 2S. (Special.) Johannes Burch. lo years old, was shot and instantly killed here last night by his playmate, Adonis Stewart, aged who declared afterwards that he had thought the gun was not loaded and in the belief had pointed it at the Burch boy and pulled the trigger. The Burch boy had gone to the Stew art boy's home to play, and the Stew art boy had brought in a 21'-caliber rifle from the woodshed to show it to his guest. In play, he said, he pointed the rifle at his playmate, with the laughing exclamation. "I'll kill you." To his hor ror, he said, it went off, the bullet pene trating 'the Stewart boy's heart and killing him instantly. The Burch boy was not arrested. The I funeral of the victim will be held I Tuesday. VANCOUVER YOUTH DROWNS! Lad, Unable to Swim, Believed to nave Stepped in Hole. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 28. (Spe cial.! Francis Xavier Wendlick. 13- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wendlick of 1113 West Thirteenth street, was drowned at noon today near the Interstate bridge. Efforts of companions, who were with him in the water and who could swim but little, to rescue him were futile. It is said by boys who saw the drowning that Francis, who could -not swim, had joined two other boys whe were in the river, and it is thought that he stepped into a deep hole. Me was taken from the water within seven minutes from the time that he sank, but efforts to revive him failed. SUNDAY JR. STEPS ON 'ER Fas-t Motoring by Son of Evangelist Accused by His Neighbors, HOOD RIVER, Or., July t$. (Spe cial.) East side orchardists hav-e Laid complaints with county authorities against W. A. Sunday Jr., son of the evangelest, charging that tho young man's fast motoring over valley high ways constitutes a menace. Toung Sunday is declared a chronic offender. Last year an uncle, L. C. H-eister, complained against him to authorities, it is cited. CHICAGO CARMEN STRIKE Agreement Reached With Employ ers Is Later Rejected. CHICAGO. July 2S. Street car em ployes tonight voted to strike at 4 A. M. tomorrow, after refusing to ratify an agreement reached earlier in the day between representatives of the em ployes and employers. The agreement, representatives of both parties had thought, would avert a walkout. 1e- RECESS THREAy ,E OFFSET Secret Document Will Be Of fered With Message. WILSON VISITS CAPITOL Chief Executive Confers With Dem ocrats; Flans for Tour Are Xot Completed. WASHINGTON', July IS. The special defensive treaty with France, which republican senators have declared President Wilson is withholding from the senate in violation of its own terms, probably will be submitted for ratification within a few days. To a group of democratic senators with whom he talked at the capitol late today, the president indicated that the treaty, which promises American aid to France in case of an unprovoked at tack from Germany, would be laid be fore the senate possibly tomorrow, and certainly before Mr. Wilson begins hia country-wide speaking tour. It was said he probably would not present it irr person, but would send with it a written message urging its ratification. Republican Plan Blocked. The development followed a renewal of senate criticism of the president's delay and headed off a plan discussed among republican leaders to drop con sideration of -the treaty of Versailles until the French treaty had been sub mitted. A provision of the latter, as made public, stipulates that it must be laid before the senate at the same time" as the Versailles treaty, which was submitted more than two weeks ago. Although it was said the republican leaders had reached no final decision, it became knowTi that tentative plans were under way to suspend committee consideration of the Versailles treaty and force a senate recess If the presi dent left Washington on his speaking tour, as White House officials said last week he would, without sending in the treaty with France. Brandejeee Voleea Protest. Senators who talked with the presi dent today said he volunteered no ex planation of his course in the matter. When he presented the Versailles treaty on July 10 he made only a brief reference to the special treaty, saying "that its terms link it with this treaty" and that it would be reserved "for u.'oncluricd on Page 4. t'olumn 1.) President to Yield -publican Derr t. I NO CHAIR FOR HIM ! I J : : ir : 1 : . ! - f t ?y 1 in . a j z J Reduction of War Tax on Fruit Juices, as AAked by Western Producers, Granted. WASHINGTON. July 28. After near ly two hours' debate and while the tem perature in tne cnamber was hovering around the 1(0 mark, the house today voted to repeal the 10 per cent tax on soda water and ice cream. The house also passed, without a record vote, the bill for reduction of the war tax on fruit juices, as urged by western producers. Members said the tax, fixed at 2 cents a gallon, was a flat reduction from 28 cents, esti mated. All amendments were rejected from the bill, which applies to non alcoholic beverages, including logan berry, grape and apple juice. COURT PERMITS BEER SALE Demurrer of Rainier Brewing Com pany Is Sustained. SAX FRANCISCO. July 28 Sale of beer containing 2 per cent alcohol was permitted in a decision by -Judge William H. Sawtelle of Arizona In the United States district court here today sustaining a demurrer of the Rainier Brewing company, which asked that a government action to prohibit the sale of such beer be dismissed. Judge -Sawtelle held that the com plaint was faulty In that it did not de fine 2i per cent beer as intoxicating. Leave to amend the complaint was granted. The action was brought under the war-time prohibition act, which Judge Sawtelle held to be constitutional. CAPTORS ROB VANDERSTUYF Noted Bicycle Rider Loses Fortune, Wife and Child in War. NEW TORK. July 28. Robbed by German captors in Belgium, with his wife and child dead as a result of ill treatment and neglect, Oscar Vander stuyf, noted professional bicycle racer, who returned to his native country be fore the war with what would have been enough money to last him the rest of his life, had he not been trapped in Antwerp when that city was captured, came back today aboard the French liner La Lorraine to recoup his fortunes. Vanderstuyft'a wife was a Brooklyn girl. BERLIN DRAFTS ON SALE San Francisco Banks Resume Prc- War Business Relations. SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. San Francisco banks announced today that drafts direct on Berlin are being sold for the first time since the United States declared war on Germany. The exchange value of the German mark is 8 cents, or SOO per ..ent below normal, it was announced. Cable drafts have not yet been established I according to the banks. Lillian Leuthold Is Found Dead Near Bandon. FATHER DISCOVERS HER BODY Roses Carried as Bouquet Aid Search for Maid. FOOTPRINTS ONLY CLEW Torn C'lothins and Blood Spot 5 In dicate Terrific Struggle Before Killing Took. Place. BANDON. Or.. July 28. (Special.) The body of Lillian Leuthold. 16-year-old daughter of John Leuthold. a fire man at the Prosper mill, was found at 3:30 P. M. today, hidden in the bushes at a secluded spot along the way road about a quarter of a mile from the main ferry road, near the Leuthold home. She was the victim of a fiendish murder, her assailant apparently hav ing mistreated her and then shot her through the head. The body was discovered by her father after a search of several hours. The murder was committed about C o'clock Sunday night. The girl had spent the afternoon with her chum. Miss Jennings, daughter of Rev. M. tl. Jennings, who resides about a mile from the Leuthold home. Carried Bouquet of Rove. According to Miss Jennings the girl left their home at about 6:30 o'clock in the evening, taking with her a bouquet of roses. The road between the two. places leads through the woods almost the entire distance and is traveled but little. When Miss Leuthold failed to reach home that night the parents were not alarmed, as she sometimes remained overnight at the Jennings home, but when she failed to reach home this morning the family became worried and went to the Jennings home to learn tho cause. , Mawra Lead to Boar Search was begun, the body being lo cated through the aid of tho roses that the girl had carried. A part of the bouquet was found in the road at the sceno of tho crime and the rest were scattered along a newly-made path through the brush which led to the body not more than 60 feet away. The girl's clothing had been torn from her body and from all Indications she had struggled desperately before being overcome. 1ropa of blood in the road where the roses were found Indicate that the girl (Crtn.-lu'lfd on rni;. 4. Column 2 Plans for Demonstration by 1500 Are Learned la Advance and Meeting Is Presented. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 2S. (Spe cial.) Wobblics may have no fear of powder or ball but they are decidedly averse to water. This was demon strated here tonight when the sight of funning water together with a handful of policemen dispersed a crowd of 1500 sympathizers and members of the I. W. W.. who gathered to make a demonstration in protest of the breaking up of a recent meeting. Mayor Hanson learned in advance of the proposed meeting and Instead of ordering the police out. called on the street department to be at the Wash ington street corner where the meeting was to be held a half hour in advance and begin work Immediately flushing the streets by hand with hose attached to three nearby plugs, his was done. The crowd gathered but the streams from the hose kept them moving, he policemen on the beat were handy to take over the nozzles In the event of an attempt to mob the street workers wo women who mounted the rostrum were ordcrde to move on by tho police men. They obeyed. The streams from the hoses carried away the rostrums when they stepped down, here was no demonstration by the I. W. W. in Se attle tonight. LIQUOR PASSES PORTLAND 32 Sacks of Contraband Seized After Vessel Leaves City. ASTORIA. Or.. July 28. (Special.) Thirty-two sacks or approximately 35 cases of contraband liquor were seised last night by Sheriff Nelson and Deputy Bakoticn on board the steam schooner Klamath, which was loading lumber at Westport. The Klamath had recently shifted from Portland, where she had been searched. Antonio Fernandez, a fireman on the steamer, said the confiscated whisky belonged to him. He was arrested, pleaded guilty in the Justice court to day to a charge of having liquor in his possession, and was fined 3500. which he paid. ACTION WINSFAIR LADY Two Suitors Take Oat License lo Wed Same Coos County Girl. MARSHFIELP. Or.. July 28. (Spe cial.) Martin Randleman and John Wesley Downs were both suitors for the hand of Miss Thelma Richardson of Rlverton. Randleman obtained a marriage license from the county clerk July 19, but Downs, who also obtained a license two days later, married the young lady forthwith and took no chances of losing her. The marriage was solemnized in Co quille by Rev. James K. Conder. STEAM TO COMBAT BLAZE Effort to Be Made to Exting-uh Gas-Well l ire. BAKERSFlELD.Cal.. July 2. Steam generated by IS huge boilers will be turned upon the flaming gas well of the Standard Oil company which came In yesterday morning 30 miles west of here. The well is a blazing torch, having become Ignited by the friction of the escaping gas. More than 40,000. 000 cu bic feet of gas are being lost daily, ac cording to officials of the company. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weatber. TEFTERDAF8 Highest temperature. SI decrees; lowest. . degrees. TODAY'S Kalr; moderate westerly winds. National. Charles Evans Huches suggests leacue of nstlons reservations. Pass 3. Senators Reed and McCormlsk denounce leacue of nations. Pass 4. President Wilson soon ot send Franca de fensive treaty to senators, race 1. Conirress told Csrranxa ta enemy of all civi lisation. Taca t. Iomesttr. House- votes for removal ef tax oa soft drinks. Pace 1. Four regimenta of militia called ent to pre serve order In Chlcaco. Pace 1. Aviation field near Mlneola. X. Y.. is wrecked by electrical storm. Pace 5. Students' training eamp at Presidio enters on last week. Pace 4. Militia mobilised to quell Chlcacp race riots. Pace 1. -Poindekter requests Investigation of Pacific roast oil companies. Pace 10. Packers control livestock prices, fedora! trad commission report asserts. Pace 13. National leaders approve appeal to congress to end lynchttigs. Psca 1. Pacific fleet sailors entertained at Panama. Pace 3. Sports. Cincinnati Nstlonale want Beaver outfielder Ueorge Msleel. Pace 12. Dempney-aleehan flcht on Labor day has fair chance. Pass 1 George ehroth. Oakland star swimmer, en ters A. A. L'. mlie marathon. Paco 13. Pax-trie Northwest. Lilian Leuthold. l-year-oId Bandon girl. found murdered. Pace 1. Mining relief commission bears testimony at al.dford. Pace . Water Is used to disperse 1300 I. W. W. at Seattle. Page 1. Grays Harbor asks aid of Senator Jones- for soldier under sentence. Psge T. Amendment of Roosevelt highway bp. may coma before special session. Pace 7. Commercial aad Marine. Shipplnc men say Portland must prorMe greater cargoes for overseas. Pace 2U. Fortlaad and Vlrbtltr. Judge McGinn sas lesgue of nations plan la hope of world. Pge V-. W. H. Crawford, wanted In Portland for forgery, arrested In Texas. Page II. Theodore J. liewllt and Dr. toamuet C. Koha appolni.d zor aomestlc re.ations court. Psge Rate hearing shows Portland's claims in favorable light. Page 1. Telephone- ratea given sudden advance to meet Increased wages. Psge 14. 8oldler prisoners, on way to freedom, are guceHs In Portland. Page 10. Weather report, da: a and forecast. Pace 13. 'ADVANCE AT ONCE Pacific States Co. to Defy Local Regulation. WAGE INCREASE HELD MUSE City and State Officials to At Once Fight Advance. EARLY RELIEF IS SOUGHT New Schedule Slay Remain In Ef. feet for lour Months Cndcr I'cdcral Law, Is Hri-im. VH4.T NEW TELEPHONE RtTE SCHEDILE BltlM.S ABOIT. Old New Mates. Rates. Individual residence. .. 13. 00 U TS Individual residence with desk set J 23 4 00 Two-party residence. . . 2 25 3.00 Tw o-p a r t y residence with desk set J. SO 3.25 Four-party residence.. 2.00 2 50 Four-party residence with desk set 2.2S 2.74 Suburban residence 2.50 J.0 Suburban residence with desk set 5.75 J. 25 Extension residence desk with bell SO 1.00 Extension telephones. business 75 1.00 Extension telephones, business 90 1.00 Caaeeled Service. -Four-party measured service. 11 50 for 30 calls, 3 cents each addition call. Apartment-house rates canceled and regular residential rates sub stituted. Rates announced by racific Telephone & Telegraph company unde rauthority granted by Postmaster-General Burleson. ap proved by President Wilson. Members of the Oregon public service commission announce in tention to take Immediate steps to bring relief, although such re lief not expected within four months' time. Mayor Baker announces Inten tion to contest rates and if nec essary institute steps whereby the city will take over telephone lines. Substantial Increases in telephone rates throughout the state ef Oregon, effective today, in accordance with the order of the postmaMer-general ca Nevember 15, 191$. were announced yesterday by "W. J. Phillips, division commercial superintendent of the Pa cific Telephone Telegraph company. Under the amended Portland rates. Individual residence telephone service is increased from 13 to 33.75 per month, two-party service from $2.25 to 31 per month, four-party service from 12 to $2.50 per month, with an additional 25 cents added for desk seta Meaaarea Service Cat. The four-party measured service, by which subscribers have been obtaining 30 calls for 31.50 per month and pay ing three cents for any additional calls, has been canceled, as have been the special telephone rates given apsrv ment houses. This latter cancellation will mean, in many instances, mucn higher bills for the large apartment houses of Portland, which heretofore have enjoyed low rates. Suburban rates, which bave been 32.50, are Increased to S3 per month, and extension telephones used in the large business and commercial houea are Increased from '5 and 90 cents to 31 per month. No other changes in business or com mercial rates are made In the aeltedt'Vs filed by the telephone company yes terday. Immediate Klh Pledaed. Immediate Investigation of the new rales and promise of an early hCMTng. looking for a reduction aa soon as tf commission again assumes superviei. was promised by Public Service Com missioners Buchtel. Corey and Williams last night- Mayor Baker also said tTie city of Portland would take any actin It might deem advisable as a means of combating the ra w scheduje. eeen lo the extent of the city taking over the telephone lines. The heavy increases adopted are a direct consequence of the Increase m wages effective June 16. according to Mr. Phillips. The rates are aald to be just and equitable, and will jried bt an annual profit of 2 Vi per cent, where as the same rates would have ysclded more than 4 per cent profit to the com pany a few months ago. accord r,- to Mr. Phillips. Fermal Nat tne (Vtta A letter announcing the chVnge in rates was dispatched to the pubJIo service commission by Mr. Phillips yes terday. Following the Increase of rates by the postmaster-general In No vember, the public service commlMion conducted a hearing, following whidi a new schedule of rales was put Into force, with the understanding that they were to remain for otic year. Although tCooviuutd. oa i ass Column 1.) t