Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 28, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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.Writer Asserts Evils of Direct
Action Are Apparent.
America to Be Given Big Ad
vantage in Trade.
Corre.-pontlent Holds People Regard
Present British Kegime 'With
' Contempt and Disgust.
Big Business of Kmpire Crippled by
Shortage of Fuel; Export
Commodities Ixjst.
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fCopvright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
LO.VDON, July 27. (Special Cable.)
Now that the success of Sir Edward
Carson's policy of direct action in defy
ins parliament is emulated with im
provements by the labor triple alliance,
a marvelous awakening is taking place,
especially among those who aided and
abetted him in his conduct and who
tiow see the tremendous evils such con
duct has brought in its train.
Sauce good enough for the Irish na
tionalist goose is by no means relished
when served up with the English gan
der. Premier Lloyd George, whose most
recent declaration on the Irish policy
was in effect a ratification of Car
eon's method for Ireland, has now no
opportunity to certify to his consist
ency by supporting direct action when
applied to English politics. Lord Jus
tice O'Connor, in opening the Cork as
sizes, flung a bombshell Into the gov,
ernment ranks by declaring that overt
action is not necessary to constitute
treason or felony, the mere threat to
act being sufficient. The threat al
ways has been sufficient to bring heavy
tsentences of penal servitude on Fenians
and Sinn Feiners, while Orangemen
have indulged in it without punish
ment. Georse Admit SsccfM,
Premier George has just admitted
the success of Carson's direct-action
policy by indorsing its object. One of
the secrets of rapid growth of revolu
tionary doctrine in England is to be
found in the fact that the people re
gard the present ministry with con
tempt and the present house of com
mons with disgust.
The premier is an inveterate oppor
tunist. He has undermined all respect
for his government, which is not sur
prising, for no one can really tell at
this moment if Premier Lloyd George
will come out on the side of estabSX
lished order or of revolution.
Ytussian intervention, on which the
cabinet seesaws from day to day, is
now nakedly sought to be justified by
the pleading that substitution of some
government for that of the bolsheviki's,
whether reactionary or otherwise, does
not matter so long as British interests
in Russia may be assured against any
ultimate rapprochement between Rus
fcia and Germany.
Churchill In Advfotaronx.
Winston Churchill is the most out
spoken protagonist for the continua
tion of the Russian expedition. His
taste for adventurous enterprise marks
him out as the leader in any desperate
measures that may seem necessary to
repress the subversive policy which
the liritish workingman has adopted
from Carson ism.
Today a fresh political sensation is
sprung by the revelation that certain
ministers have been increasing their
holdings of Russian securities since the
policy of intervention was adopted.
This may be taken as evidence of their
confidence in their policy, but the
workingmen will interpret it as proof
that the country is to be made to pa
in men and money for the personal
grain of the ministers.
toek Iluylng Alleged.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Austin
Chamberlain, one of the founders of the
Anglo-Russian bank, has increased his
holdings in one of the great Russian
mining companies by from liOOU to 3U0U
shares. Secretary Walter Long, orig
inal holder of 5011 shares in the Anglo
Russian trust, bought oUUO more seven
weeks after the armistice. The son of
this minister was largely interested in
what was known as the '"cellulose scan
dal," into which the cabinet ordered
inquiry by a committee several months
ago. Nothing lias since been heard of
the committee or the inquiry, although
there has been considerable inquiry for
Urothej-s of Mr. Geddes, minister of
transportation and president of the
board of trade, bought shares in the
Kussian Kysh tin corporation last Jan
uary. These transactions are doubtless cap
able of innocent explanation, but now,
while the working class regards the
rulers with sensitive suspicion, they
are almost as indiscreet as Premier
Lloyd George's famous deal in Marconi
etock when he was chancellor of the
H. E. LaBare, Deputy, Is Appointed
to l'ill Position.
ST. HELENS, Or., July 27. (Special.)
At a special meeting of the county
court Here yesterday, II. E. LaBare
was named sheriff to succeed E. C.
Stanuood. resigned. The newly appoint
ed theriff has been deputy for the past
two years and is regarded as a compe
tent oiticer. He served as county
clerk for two terms and deputy clerk
for two terms before going to the sher
iff's office.
E. C. Stanwood. the retiring sheriff.
was serving his third term and resigned
to enter business for himself.
2 5 Carloads of Cherries Sent Out by
Three Packing Plants.
COVE. Or., July 27. (Special.)
Twenty-five carloads of cherries, 14
blacks and 11 whites, have been
shipped to date from Cove by the three
packing plants, the Karl J. Stackland,
John F. lieau and Mt. Fannie.
The packing crews united in a moun
tain climbing expedition . today to the
top of Mount Fannie, which forms the
background of the Cove. Evening
found them at the foot of the three
peaks, where they spent the night.
Chinaman Drowns in Kivcr.
I-ouis Timer. 40, a Chinese, was found
drowned in the Willamette river late
yesterday by members of the harbor
patrol. The body was f oun.d floating
in the river at the foot of Ash street.
Afford i n to in formation from ac
quaintances of the drowned Celestial
he had recently come to the city from
Seattle. Jt is believed to be a case of
suicide, as no evidences of foul play
ere found, say the authorities.
Aviators Resume Flight.
IUVERSIDK, Cal., July 27. Four
army aviators who started from Elling
ton r ield, Texas, July 10, to trace the
boundaries of the United states in a
flight in the- interest of enlistments in
aviation service, left March field, near
hre, tally today for iian Francisco.
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Major-General Joseph T. Dickman, former commander of the American army
of occupation in Germany, has been placed in charge of the southern department
with headquarters at San Antonio, Tex.,
l-'lne Treatment Received in Hos
pital After Capture In Argonne
Battle, . Says Soldier. '
HOQL'IAM. Wash., July 27. (Spe
cial.) Wounded in the shoulder while
raiding: 'a German machine-gun nest on
the Argonne; crawling into a shell hole
to hide when too weak to make his
escape, captured after three days and
three nights of suffering, during which
time he had neither food nor drink,
and to be captured by a German patrol,
which rendered first aid and later to
be sent to a Hun hospital at Jarmstadt,
where he received the finest treatment
possible under the circumstances, were
the experiences recounted by James L
Passmore, who returned here Friday
from service overseas. Passmore, who
was well known in logging circles be
fore his enlistment, served with the
64th infantry of the 91st division.
Passmore's experience came shortly
after he arrived in France. He enlisted
in May. 1918. and was sent overseas the
following month, being called immedi
ately to take part in the St. Mihiel of
fensive and later seeing eventful action
on the Argonne. He was a prisoner of
war in Germany for six months, being
repatriated on New Tear's day.
Programme in Civic Center Proves
Enjoyable Musical Event.
CHEHALIS, Wash., July 27. (Spe
cial.) There was a largre attendance
last night at Chehalis civic center
where, for more than an hour, the
United States naval recruiting band
pave a concert that was enjoyed to
the limit by all who heard the music.
A feature of the occasion was an in
teresting movingr-plcture lecture given
by Chief Yeoman Howard N. Smith. In
which lire in the navy was depicted and
many wonderfully interesting scenes
were screened. The band is under di
rection of George L. Rogers, the vet
eran Leader Kennedy having completed
a long term of pervico an.d left the
organization at Tacoma. The band
left here on an early morning train for
Missoula, Mont., whence they will leave
later for Ufth points.
George Martin Convicted of Drunk
enness at Eugene.
EUGENE. Or., July 27. (Special.)
Georpe Martin, the eastern Oregon
shee pherder arrested Thursday on the
charge of passing a number of bad
checks, was fined $50 in the Eugene
justice court yesterday on the charge
of beinsr intoxicated in a public place.
Not being able to pay his fine, Mar
tin is confined in the county jail. Fri
day he telegraphed to J. A. Conley at
Maupin, under whose name he regis
tered at local hotels, asking him for
money to make the checks good, but no
reply has been received. Conley is said
to b a wealthy rancher.
Many Inspections tade for Quarter
Ending June 30.
SALEM. Or., July 27. (Special.)
Approximately 2115 scales in Oregon
Copyright by Underwood
and commands the Mexican situation.
were sealed by the state sealer of
weights and measures during the three
months ending June SO, J 919, accord
ing to his report filed with the state
treasurer here today. Ninety-two
scale." were condemned for repairs, 80
were condemned permanently and 97
were passed for further inspection. Of
6109 weights investigated, 60S9 were
found accurate and -0 were con
demned. A total of 659 linear measure
inspections were made.. Of this num
ber five were adjusted and 694 were
sealed. Of 14G5 liquid measures exam
ined. 1444 were sealed and 11 con
demned. There were 841 pumps exam
ined, 135 of which were adjusted and
sealed, 684 were sealed, 14 condemned
for repairs and 8 passed for further
Federal Appraiser lue in Few Days
to Start Work.
EUGENE, Or.. July 27. (Special.)
S. A. Sanford, federal land appraiser,
will be here in a few days to start
appraising 40 farms in Lane county for
federal farm loans.
The work was started several weeks
ago by another appraiser, bushe was
U93ignt;a iv uuier icrruur).
It will take probably 12 days to fin
ish the work. From Eugene Mr. San
ford will go to Thurston to work on
farms owned by members of the Mc
Kenzie valley farm loan association
and will be assisted by the local ap
praising board of that association.
Dances to Be Policed.
CENTRAXJA, tVash.. July 27. (Spe
cial.) The Toledo council has adopted
a resolution requiring persons giving
dances to employ the town marshal to
police the affairs. At a recent dance
held in Toledo much rowdyism was
manifested, and if it is repeated the
councilmen assert they will- prohibit
Postmaster for Tenmile Appointed
Jul? 27. William H. Coats has been
appointed postmaster a Tenmile, Doug
las county, Oregon, to succeed Bessie
L. Newland, resigned.
Capital Sfock Increased.
SALEM, Or.. July 27. (Special.)
Robinson, Thurlow & Co. of 1 ortlund
has increased the capital stock from
$12,000 to $50,000. according to sup
plementary articles of incorporation
filed here today.
323 Washington St. (Near 6th)
Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops,
Chicken, Fish, Eggs, etc.
lot, OC, 23
and all short orders, any time
of day or night
Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday
NURAYA TEA Is delicious
Closset & Devers - Portland
fKrc'-'S lm;.i;.'c.i; and Scbsiciutaa
(Copyright by the New York World.
LONDON. July 27. (Special cable.)
British business men view with the ut
most concern the action of the miner
In crippling the coal output which,
they ayj will rive America, now the
greatest competitor for world markets.
an enormous advantage. High officials
of the Federation of British Industries,
which is a body comprised of more
than 20,000 concerns In Great Britain,
'All our trade plans are well mobil
ised, but these plans are worth little
if the British workman does not pro
duce goods to fill the orders received.
By crippling the coal output we not
only lose one of our a-reatest export
commodities. but many industries
throughout the country will be thrown
into idleness."
It is asserted that although some of
the plants could be operated with oil
instead of coal, this would mean a long
delay at a time when It is well known
here that "America was mobolislng for
big business throughout the world."
In other quarters It Is asserted that
only if American coal was dumped into
Newcastle In large quantities would
it be realised by miners how seriously
they are striking t the welfare of the
whole community.
The coal situation In the Sheffield
district is dally becoming much more
serious. Extensive Inquiries show that
unless fresh stocks of coal are to hand
before the end of the week at least
60.000 workmen will be thrown out of
employment In the steel. Iron and al
lied trades. There are between 10,000
and IS.000 men out already, and the
numbers Increase dally.
John Brown & Co. of the Atlas Works
have hU to suspend a large number of
men aid other firms have been obliged
to dinoontinue departments.
v e can manage with strict econ
omy until the end of the week," said
the managing director of one of the
largest armament firms, employing
thousands of men, "and then we shall
have practically to shut down."
The same story was told at Vicker's,
Cammell's. Firth's, Hadficld's. Besse-
mer's and at all the crest works of
Pendleton Men Behind Movement
for 300-Barrcl I'lant.
YAKIMA. Want.. July 27. (Special.)
According to announcement here.
construction will begin In a iihort time
on a 30u-barrcl flouring mill in this
city, on the site formerly' occupied by
the Yakima flour mill, which was
burned a number of years ago.
M. Ii. Koff and others, of Pendleton.
Or., are owners of the enterprise, and A.
i,. Knerr, who was manager of the
Yakima mill, and more recently of the
Kennewick mill, recently sold by H. J.
Snively of this city, will manage the
new enterprise. The mill is to be com
pleted in time to begin operation next
PaTilion to Be Erected on Vacant
Iot on Main Street.
LEWISTON, Idaho. July 17. (Spe
cial.) The Lewis-Clark post of the
American legion soon will erect an
open-air dance pavilion on a vacant
Main street lot. where a series of
dances will be held during the next few
Commander T. A. Feeney of the post
says the local organization is rapidly
completing requirements for full mem
bership in the national body, and that
every effort is being made to obtain a
Lewiston date from Theodore Roosevelt
Jr., who is. soon to tour the west in the
int.r-Rtn of the American legion.
Wash Without
Yes, get a big washing on the line
by merely pushing a button. You
can do your own washing better
and quicker than when done by
hand with a
Washing Machine
A big washing is done In an hour
at a cost of only tmo cents. All
you do Is hang up the clothes. It
pays for Itself in the raving of.
time, -labor and cost of a laun
dress. It also saves wear and
tear on clothes because it washes
without rubbing.
$10 Down
On our easy payment plan a Thor
costs no more money than - voy
are now paying for your laundry
Let us demonstrate the Thor free
in your home.
Smith, McCoy Electric Co.
571 tVasblagtna St.
1'hone Udn. 2s.
fT- scmng sum n
If you like raspberries
i.n;:, i,.!;,:, i.,., ii. -J.'. . 'V ni jinn
With all your meals,
have served
The rich-tasting, sparkling-clear,
appetizing, bever
age with the raspberry-red
color and the natural taste of
ripe, juicy raspberries.
R-Porter pleases. It pleases th. eye,
tha palate, the host and th. guest.
Order R-Porter For Your Table
Naturally, your dealer has it
1ittlBjilllMhJUliilliMhiliJlUl..lulUlliiiiiii:iii. -
B-PerUr Is a Qaallty Beverage
riaat. Fertlaaa, Oregoa.
selling gum
in the world nat
urally has to have
a package worthy
of its contents.
So look for
in the sealed package
that keeps all Its good
ness In. That's why
The Flavor Lasts
' .i.r.i..
of tke Htary Welsaar
Estaklltkea IMi.
Wl 'J
If ill iif