Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 26, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Immediate Distribution Is Pur
pose of Fight.
Democrats Vainly Endeavor to Block
7.rty Report Censuring War
Department's Delay.
WASHINGTON. July 25. Plans of
democratic members of the house -war
investigating committee to attempt im
peachment of the majority committee
report censurine: the war department
for delaying sale of surplus food-s-.
tuffs and asking adoption of a policy
of immediate distribution were blocked
today by republican committeemen.
By a strict party vote, the democrats
request for a reopening of hearings on
the food stocks were denied. The demo- ,
cratic members had announced they
would attempt to disprove statements
contained in the report. Simultaneous
with their failure and the decison by
the republican members that a rule be
asked for immediate house considera
tion of the resolution calling for a
policy of sale at once to the consum
ing public, th democrats decided to
submit a minority report, challenging
the statements of the republicans.
Sales to Con Hum era Wanted.
Because of prospective argument of
democrats that a change in policy of
sale would result in the foodstuffs fall
ing into the hands of speculators,
the republican committeemen today
amended their resolution so as to -request
the ales to be made directly to
the consumers by the government.
Final committee action today fol
lowed a long executive session, at
which the democratic members in ask
ing the reopening of hearings sub
mitted a list of additional witnesses,
including Secretary Baker and other
war department officials. Voted down,
the democrats deqided. to include state
r.ients of the suggested witnesses in
their minority report. Conferences
had previously been field by the dem
acratic members headed by Represent
ative Flood. Virginia, with several
war department officials, including
Secretary Baker, who- denied it was
bin policy "to withhold . the foodstuffs
from the domestic market and to pro
tect the interests from which these
products had been purchased," as
charged in the majority report.
Democratic Policy Criticised.
Chairman Graham, after the com
mittee meeting, asserted that such a
policy existed, and that subsequent re
ports on other subjects would be made
by the committee to prove the policy's
application to various commodities as
well as food. He asserted that "the
.same private control of the govern
ment continues as was exercised by
the council of national defense in fram
ing war policies."
Mr. Flood's conference with war de
partment officials today led him to
challenge the majority report in a let
ter which was concurred in by the
other democrats In asking a reopening
of hearings. The latter asserted the
report's statement that no surplus of
foodstuff was declared for six month
was erroneous, for there had been some
sales before May. It also challenged
the statement that the food was- per
mitted to deteriorate during this time.
Star in "Chin Chin" at Heilig Yearns for Ware-Tossed Shores "Where
Every Prospect Pleases and Only Man Is Vile."
WALTER WILLS, who. with Roy
Binder, is ,Chin-Chinning at the
Heilig-, says if he could make a
wish on Aladdin's magic lamp he'd wish
for a boat and an open sea ind a long,
long voyage, with some man pal, touch
ing only occasionally at shores "where
every prospect pleases and only man Is
vile." ,
Roy Binder, pressed to make a wish,
said he'd let Mr. Wills do his wishing
for him. and then told a story illustrat
ive of his attitude.
"A little darkey boy was making
wishes. 'Wisht I had a milium water
melons, an' a milium bicycles, an a
milium pieces o' pie, an' a milium fire
crackers an a milium autymobiles,' and
so on down a lengthy list of desirables
dear to a youngster's imagination. His
darky pal listened enviously as the
treasures accumulated and finally
asked, 'WouldJ'a give me one of yer
autymobiles?' 'Nix,' said his friend. 'Or
a watermelon r 'Nary a one,' replied
his friend. 'Or a piece of yer fried
chickenr "Nopesy, said the other. The
envious darky began to weep and berate
his pal, calling him stingy. The other,
lost in visions he had conjured, stood
it a while and then snorted indignantly,
'What's the matter with your wisher?"
Seriously, however," went on Mr. Bind
er, "if the magic lamp we use in the
play really had the powers we pretend
it has. I'd rub it every night and wish
for an opportunity to be a master musi
cian. I am devoted to good music.
Pleuurc Found Ik Music.
"I play for my own amusement and to
satisfy a tremendous yearning I feel to
express myself in music. I know it's
hardly consistent with the roles I play
as funmaker and Chinese comedian
guardian of a papier mache lamp in a
big musical comedy, but none the less
the heart that pounds beneath my more
or less embroidered mandarin jacket
sighs for Chopin, Liszt and Beethoven
and Mozart in their original form, if
you please, and not done over into
jazz." -
Mr. Binder was out here a few sea
sons ago for his only visit on this
coast, playing with Sophie Tucker in
"Louisiana Lou." Mr. Wills, who plays the
other Chinese ' genfus, came here first
and only with "The Red Mill," 11 years
ago. He and Mr. Binder are now a
team, but up until they were put in the
Montgomery-Stone roles in "Chin Chin"
they were unacquainted. Now they are
inseparable pals. We found the- con
versation drifting toward the big sub
ject of friendships.
Said Wills. "The reason women can
not have fine friendships is becai of
the smallnesa of their own souls. It is
a sad commentary on the sex that
women can be close friends only so long
as the man of one comes into the tri
angle. Two men may be pals forever
without letting a woman break into
the unity. The greater a man or woman
is the more people he can understand
and make his friends. Just look around
at your own neighbors, your co-workers,
your fellow laborers. You will find
under each of their small and childish
vanities of say. unrequited ambition, or
large desires for wealth or affluence or
love, under all these surfaces at which
you sneer, is a human nature.
Mr. Wills Values Friendships.
"Suppose you were asked to Judge them
r -l
Congressional Inquiry Largely
Due to Evidence Given.
Walter Wills asd Rot Blader, Is "t'sls
Chla." at the Helllg.
for their faults. If you could arrive at
some purely impersonal state of mind,
you would find there a lot of raw ma
terial waiting to be made into brotherly
love and friendship.
"I have," said, Mr. Wills. "an intense
nature in that I make a friendship and
it stays put. I keep my friends. I had
pal I worked with on the stage for
years and when he passed away it was
a long time, in fact until Mr. Binder's
partnership with me, that I ever really
began to feel the closeness of another
Mr. Wlls usta be a sailor. He sailed
the briny deep for five years and was
a sailor in the Spanish-American mis
understanding. It was sheer love of
the water that made him a sailor and
it is still this love that calls him to
trout streams and swlmmin' holes and
the surf. He's one of the sort who
takes cold showers and wants every
body else to take "em. too.
Likable young Americans they both
are, fond of the great outdoors which
they call their playground, ready for
a hike in the early morning and full
of the talk men talk, hunting, fishing,
canoeing, baseball (they're even plan
ning already on how they're going to
sneak to the world's series.) While we
were chatting a dressy dame all done
up in a fur coat swept past and we
all brought out o"ur little hammers
about summer furs, all, that in, except
ing WeLls.
He says that if any woman wants to
smother herself in furs in the middle
of the hottest day in the year, it is
no one's business but her own.
"She is entitled to don a sealskin
cape when she goes to bed and lie down
to pleasant dreams so clad if it pleases
her," he says.
"There is no law against It. But It
is rather difficult for a mere man to
h-elp give the dear things authority to
vote and help run the country when
they go to the polls, figuratively
wrapped up in a fur while the ther
mometer sizzles with heat."
Dressed Meat From 40
Cattl-e and: Number of
Are Destroyed..
Fire destroyed the Oberle Packing
company's plant near Peninsula avent
and Columbia boulevard early yester
day, with a total damage of about
$15,000, fully covered . by insurance.
Dressed meat from 40 head of cattle
and a number of sheep also burned.
The fire is believed to have started
in the ammonia compressing room,
w here the company manufactures ice
for its cold storage. Several ammonia
tanks exploded durinp the fire with such
violence that the grround for blocks
around was shaken. The explosion could
be heard for approximately a mile.
Absence of fire hydrants in that dis
trict, and the fact that fire engines
rould not get through mud along
Columbia slough to lay in their hose
and pump from stagnant pools, made it
impossible for firemen to combat the
flames successfully. Assistant Fire
Chief Laudenkloes went to the scene
with three- engine companies and a hose
The packing company employed two
Chinamen as night watchmen at the
plant. The Chinese did not discover the
fire, however, and the alarm was turned
in by casual passersby. The building
was a mass of flames when firemen ar
rived. The cause of the blaze is not
known, although it is thought possible
that it was started by a short circuit in
the motor which operated the ammonia
The loss to the building and equip
ment, owned by the Oberle Packing
company, of which Joseph B. Oberle,
14 SO Fairmont boulevard, is president
and chief stockholder, is estimated at
ST000 to U,000. The remainder of the
loss was to quantities of meat about
half of which was owned by Schlesser
Brothers, wholesale butchers. Mr. Oberle
bought the plant from Schlesser
brothers a few months ago. The build
ing was a one -story frame structure
about 100x300 feet in size.
Condensed News.
Three brothers-in-law of Emperor
Yoshihito will soon visit the United
States, Great Britain and France for
military inspection. They will stay
abroad for three years.
11 reserves of the French army, in
cluding the class of 1917, will be de
mobilized by the middle of October,
according to plans just published.
One of the towns in Mugello valley,
Italy, which was wrecked recently- by
an earthquake, is to be renamed "Amer
ica," in recognition of the great amount
of American aid extended through the
Red Cross.
A new political party has been formed
in Cuba, with "non-interference of oth-
pr nations in Cuba's affairs'' as its
principal platform.
Premier Lloyd George has asked that
the trade restrictions expiring in Sep
tember be extended.
Klectfons for a new French parlia
ment will probably be held October 12.
Six hundred deputies will be elected.
been nominated registrar of the land
office at Juneau, Alaska.
President Wilson signed the agricul
tural appropriation bill, from which
congress had eliminated a rider repeal
ing the daylight saving act.
Democratic members of the house
war investigating committee plan to
ask reopening of the inquiry into the
surplus food stock held by the war department.
Th senate - military committee or-,
dered a favorable report on the ap
pointment of Lieutenant-Colonel Rob
ert E. Noble to the permanent rank of
brigadier-general in the medical corps.
Two million pounds of horse and mule
shoes, comprise the latest item of sur
plus material to be offered for sale by
the war department. Sealed proposals
will be-opened August 14.
Deliveries of 21 ships to the shipping
board during the week ended July 18
brought the total since the United
States entered the war to 1111 of 4,090,
893 gross tons. Of the grand total. 806
of 3,379,026 gross tons were steel.
Thirteen ounces of platinum have been
sold by the ordnance department of the
army at $1D5 an ounce.
ilore than 25,000 western sheep are
now in territory tributary to uuiutn,
Minn. By September 1 there will be
50,000 sheep in St. Louis, Lake and Cook
counties, imported from drouth-stricken
districts of Montana, Wyoming and
neighboring states.
Railroads in Montana nave rauea xo
put into effect reduced rates on stocK
shipments promised by the railroad ad
ministration at Washington, according
to Secretary K. A. Phillips of the state
livestock commission.
Cleveland enjoyed normal telephone
service Friday for the first time in over
three weeks as a result of the termina
tion of the strike.
At Chicago Federal Judge Page held
that the brewing and sal of malt bev
erages containing more man one-nan
of 1 per cent of alcohol is illegal.
The Massachusetts minimum wage
commission has established $12.50
the minimum weekly wage for women
workers in candy factories.
Lieutenant Browne to Fly From Cal
ifornia to Silvcrton.
SILVERTOX, Or.. July 25. (Special.)
Lieutenant Floyd r. Browne, who
sold his airplan-e a few days ago to
Salem parties, left for San Francisco
last night In company with his aviator,
Lieutenant Franseen of Portland, to
buy a new ship for commercial work
in Oreton.
Since the wreck at Salem July 3,
when his machine was seriously crip
pled. Lieutenant Browne regarded it
unsafe for commercial work, and for
this reason did not see fit to use it
after the broken wing had been
patched. He will fly the new airplane
from Callfornia,and will stop in Hert
ford and Eugene en route home. He
will then bring the airplane to Silver
ton for a few days flying and will
make Salem his headquarters.
Ceremony Follows Return From
France, Where Groom Served
With Army Engineers.
ington, D. C, July 25. A marriage li
cense was issued here today to John
Willard Shaver of Hillsdale, Or., and
Margaret Mary Maginnls of Portland.
Lieutenant Shaver recently returned
from service in France with the en'
ineers. He was formerly a reporter on
The Oregonian and enlisted two years
ago with the 18th engineers. Last No
vember he was transferred to the en
gineering' headquarters in France, and
for some time past has been engaged in
compiling a history of American engi
neering work in the war aone.
In this work Mr. Shaver was associat
ed with an editor of the Engineering
News-Record, one oC the foremost Amer
ican technical journals. Through this
association he was offered and accepted
a position on the publication.
Miss Maginnis is an Irvlngton girl
who has spent the last year and a half
In New Tork. Following the wedding,
which will take place today. Mr. and
Mrs. Shaver will make their home in
New Tork.
Thousands of Birds Search for Food
and Water on Prairie.
HELENA, Mont., July 35. Thousands
of wild ducks too young to fly are
wandering over the prairies of Rich
land county in search of food and
water, especially water, since Fox lake,
in which they were hatched, has gone
Members of the Lambert Gun club,
in an effort to save the birds, enlisted
all the boys In the country uround
and many citizens as well, who are
busy picking up Ahe ducks and carry
ing them either to the Yellowstone
river or to ponds which give promise
to holding out until the fledglings are
able to take care of themselves.
This information cam today to the
state game warden's office.
Russell Anderson, Xow on Sound,
Says Confidential Documents
Basis of Complaints.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 15. (Special.)
One of the storm centers In the con
gressional investigation of alleged bru
tality to American Drisoners In France
nd the subsequent court-martial of I
officers and non-commissioned officers '
declared responsible. Is a Seattle sol- I
dler. Lieutenant Charles J. Mason, and I
one of the three men. who brought '
about the congressional investigation
is a former service man of this city.
Russell Anderson, who is a court re
porter In civil life.
These facts developed with the re
turn -to Seattle of Mr. Anderson after
8 months overseas and were confirmed
by reference to the records of the ad
jutant-general of the army In Wash
ington, L). C. Mr. Anderson expects to
return to Washington in the near fu
ture to aid In the congressional in
Lieutenant Charles J. Mason, wnose
name has been coupled with that ot
Lieutenant "Hard-Boiled" Smith in the
congressional investigation, and who
was popularly known in the army as
Red" Mason, was widely known among
national guardsmen of this city.
ProsBOtloa Galaed Abroad.
He went to France as a sergeant ot
Company B, 161st infantry, formerly
the 2d Washington lnfamtry, and won
his commission while overseas. The
last entry In the records of the adjutant-general
of the army regarding
Lieutenant Mason showed .that on April
16, 1919. he was at an officers' casual
camp at St. Aignons, ranee.
The congressional investigation oi
alleged brutalities at Bastille farm,
near Paris, the detention camp where
Lieutenant "Hard Boiled" Smith, Lieu
tenant Mason. Lieutenant Warren
Helpensteln and five sergeants named
the Investigation were stationed.
was the direct result of the activities
of Sergeant-Major Russell Anderson.
Seattle, later a field clerk; Sergeant-
Major James W. Ber-kman. of New
York, and Field Clerk Warren S. Patton
of Boston, all of whom were on duty
In the intelligence section at corps
headquarters of the second corps, then
on the Somme front with the uritisn
army. Sergeant-Major Beekman for
merly was private secretary to Elbert
Hubbard, and now is publicity agent
for an automobile concern.
According to Anderson, confidential
documents which passed through their
hands supplied the Information on
which they subsequently based the
charges now before congress.
On their return to this city the three
men. working in conjunction with a
New York newspaper, put the matter
before members of congress, former
President William Howard Taft and
Secretary of War Newton D. Baker.
Field Clerk Patton had been secretary
to Congressman Frederick W. Dall'nger
of Massachusetts before he entered the
service, and returned to that position.
Representative Iallinger was inter
ested, and Anderson saw Representa
tive Royal C. Johnson, chairman of the
special bouie committee investigating
war axtravagance. Representative
Johnson, who has served in France as
officer and an enlisted man, then
called upon the war department to
furnish all information in Its possession
bearing on the charges.
Mr. Anderson today said that most
of the men at Bastille farm had not
been tried, but were strays and pick
ups held there as absent without leave
until their organisation commanders
could be communicated with.
System Is Scored.
Asserting that the existing system of
court-martial in the United States army
Is unjust. Major Hugh M. Caldwell.
former corporation counsel and for the
last eight months assigned to the Judge
advocate's department at Camp Lewis,
told of the faults of the military courts
at the Young Men's Republican club
weekly luncheon.
Major Caldwell said that many mis
carriages of justice had undoubtedly oc
curred in the army. out. mat tnis same
condition was to be found in all civil
He pointed out the fact that many
"yellow" men and many who had
"slacker" hearts were inducted Into the
army. These, he said, were detrimental
to the morale of all the soldiers they
came in contact with.
"These men, when convicted, were
given long sentences." he said, "but it
Is not the Intention of the government
to enforce the'entire sentence. In fact.
any number of these long-term prison
ers have either had their sentences re
duced or have been given their liberty.1
Major Caldwell said that many of the
old Una army officers had lost their
perspective of humanity, having been
In the army so long they had become
distorted and fed up with their power.
Extra Stamps Th
With Coupon Today
$7 to $8 Ladies' Bathing Suits I 60c and 65c Bathing Caps
Special $3.98 Special 47f
50c Bathing: Shoes 39f 75c Bathing: Shoes 59
-P. aV H-- Trading
S t a m p s on your
first 11 rash pur
chase and double
on the balance.
Good on first floor and In
basement today. Saturday,
July 2.
Here's a Hot Weather
Electric Mixer
Attaches to your electric light
socket. Makes Milk Shakes,
Whipping Cream, Mayonnaise,
Malted Milk. Frosting. Custard
saves Time, Labor and Money.
Complete with Motor, Mixer
Cord and Plug. Ready for use
Special Stt.OS
Tou Need This
in the home, factory
and office. Heavy
white enameled wood
back; spirit scale, 24
inches long.
Special 39
Mason Fruit Jar
Rubbers, Special
3 pkgs. for 25
at Sweet Prices
U-All-No Mints, box 0
Peanut Brittle, lb 19
Assorted Kisses, lb 39
Fancy Gum Drops, lb U9
J L.
4 or. Boric Acid 15
4 os. Compound Licorice Pow
der 30
1 lb. Plaster Paris 10f
1 lb. Soda Bicarbonate 15t
8 or. Cream Tartar 5."
1 lb. Epsom Salts 15?
Wood-Lark Fly Repellant
i-gal. $1; gal $1.75
Small Spray Pump 50
8 or. C. & W. Insect Pow
der 50t
W.-L. Silvershine Paste. .. .25 tf
Qt. Crude Carbolic Acid
Pint Domestic Ammonia... :sO
Pint Witch Hazel 4o
"Family Paints"
Any shade, color or need
Inside or outside
Gallon S2.9S
Quart 85
Brushes i- i
Enamels rtT'i
Stains 1
Alabastine 1
A water paint'
in all colors for '
walls, ceilings
and any rough surface.
Bring us your paint problems.
We can help you.
"S. & H." Stamps with all
paint purchases
Extra Special
Wicker Suit Case $3.39
Pullman Slippers $2.29
Ladies' Purses $1.19
Army Camp Pillow, 12x18
inches OS?
Quick relief. No stain, no
grease 30, 50f , 60e
Electrical Storm Starts Small Blazes
In Western Forests.
EUGENE. Or., July 25. Seven fires
were started in the Cascade national
forest during the recent electrical
storm that occurred throughout the
western part of the state, and while
some of them has spread to some ex
tent, none of them is beyond control.
The forestry department has a. large
number of men at work to prevent the
fires from spreading to the nearby settlements.
First Annual Conference Opens in
Seattle Today.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July 15. Master
printers of the northwest will meet In
their first annual conference here to
morrow, with more than 200 delegates
in attendance from Oresron, Washing
ton. Idaho and British Columbia.
The conference will be held under
the auspices of the northwest division
of the United Tynothetae of America
and is the first since the formation of
the organization two years ago. Elec
Hon of officers will be held at a lata
session tomorrow. Trade and labor
problems win ba discussed.
Frank A.
Boyle, now receiver, has
Norwegian builders have developed a
method of construction for temporary
structures In which netting made of
wooden rods is fastened to the uprights,
bound together with wire and covered
with plaster.
Home Brew Drinkers Fined $10.
BEND. Or.. July 23. Special.)
ltn tne advent ot war-time, prohibi
Hon. Fred Flabon. Martin Halverson
and Olaf Fostl. mill workers, consumed
quantities of beer of their own brew
last night, they confessed in police
court here todav. The beverage had
such a wonderfully stimulating effect
that each of the three paid a tit fine
without x murmur.
Othine, double strength $1.10
Stillman Freckle Cream 50
Miolena Freckle Cream K5
Malvina Freckle Cream 50
Anita Freckle Cream f0
Pompeian Night Cream 75?
Miolena Cucumber Cream . . . .."()
Egyptian Complexion Lotion.. ..SI
Derwillo !jil
Wood-Lark Cube Shampoo. .. .2o
Tooth Brushes 25f to 75
Chinwah Talc ....2."5f
Chinwah Toilet Water. 1 .50
Chinwah Perfume $1.50
Chinwah Face Powder 5G
Armand's Face Powder 50
PalmoliTe Toilet Water, assorted
odors 7!
Lash-Brow-Ine 50f
Valiant's Cologne Bath Salts
now 50
Uardas Bath Tablets 75
Comb Cleaner 40
Dental Floss 25 to S2.10
25c Face Powder, discontinued
assortment Special 17
50c Face Powder, discontinued
assortment Special 29r
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Wood-Lark Building, Alder at West Park
"wild" Mi is soughtI"':::::;:;
Grays Harbor County Has Mystery
In Which Gun-Play Has In
usually Prominent Part.
MONT ES A NO. Wash.. July 25. (Spe
cial.) A sheriffs posse, whK-h yester
day started a hunt In the courtry about
Humptultps in search of a man whose
mysterious actions led to the belief he
Is "wild," was still out tonight. The
man first caused excitement Thursaay
of last week, when he shot at a youth
med McNalr. guard at an a'.andoued
camp of the JIumptulips Logging company.
Yesterday the man was again en
countered at Camp No. 7. He threat
ened to shoot McNalr. although- Ue lat
ter had greeted him In a friendly spirit.
ucsplte the fact that he had been In
structed by company officials to skoot
on eight. The man raised his rifle, but
the guard drew his revolver and fired.
From the fact that the mysterious
prowler dropped his rifle. McNair be
lieves the bullet took effect. However.
the man took time to plgk up the fire
arm before starting on a run.
As the country where the shooting
occurred Is extremely wild, the sheriff s
posse could make but little hesdway
yesterday. so that after dunk Sheriff
Jeff Kartell withdrew his men and re
turned to Montesano, starting out again
this morning. All ot the men are
has been
granted by the United States railroad
administration for the veterans com
ing to the convention, the local camp
announced today.
Lower Wage Held Unlikely.
TACOMA. Wash.. July 25. No re
duction in wages Is likeW on the part
of the Tacoma Railway & Power com
pany. Manager Louis Bean of the com
psny stated tonight after a confer-
ence with employes. However, an
other conference with employes Is to
be held next week. Mr. Bean an
nounced, declaring that something
must be done to reduce operating ex
penses. The wag agreement with em
ployes expires August I and will not
be chanced o far as the company is
concerned. Mr. Bean said, until after
next week's meeting at least.
6. It. greea stamps for cast.
Holman Fuel Co, Main 351. A
Block wood, short slabwood; Rock
Springs and ITtah cosl: uwdml Adr.
, J'MercK-ndis oT cJ Merit Only"
Cigars that are sometimes IS Inches
in length are smoked by the natives In
the Philippines.
Editors, Furniture Dealers, Pharnia
cists and Retail Merchants In
City August 4 to .
With five large gatherings acheduled
to take place at the same time. Buyers'
week this year. August 4 to 9. will be
one of the busiest five days Portland
has ever experienced commercially. In
addition to the meeting of the north
west buyers In connection with Buyers
week itself, there will be the meeting
of the National Editorial association
here, the Northwest Furniture Dealera'
association, the Oregon Pharmaceutical
association and the State Retail Mer
chants' association, all here at the same
A crowd of 4000 visitors, it Is esti
mated, will be in Portland during the
week for these five events, half that
number coming for the Buyers' week
alone. Swelling the number will be a
group of 150 tourists from New York
City, who will reach here and spend
one day during the week.
A feature of the week will be the dis
play of Oregon products being arranged
under the auspices of the Progressive
Business Men's club and the Central
Labor council. Committees have been
named as follows: Progressive Business
Men's club M. E.Lee, chairman; Ueorge
L. Rauch. H. C. EldrlJge. Folger John
ston and C. C. Moore. Central Labor
council E. A. Cheyne. Charles Schu
man. Fred E. P. earns, W. H. Cayle and
B. W. Sleeman.
Between 1800 and 2000 buyers are ex
pected from a territory reaching over
six states of the" utflon, British-Columbia
and Alaska.
Leonard Wood Also lo Address
Spanl.-li War Veterans.
ments hsve been completed to have
Cleneral John J. Pershing and Major
General Leonard Wood address the list
annual convention of the United Span
ish war veterans and women's auxil
iary In this city September 2 to 6,
Maurice Simmons, commissioner of ad
justments of New York city nnd past
irrand commander of the order, an
nounced her today. The JSan Fran
cisco organisations of the veterans
have pledged a fund of $25,000 to en
tertain the 500 delegates expected.
Oeneral Perahinr and Wood are- both
members of the veterans organisation.
Fourteen of the 2 congressmen be
lontrlne t" the organisation have an-
a day
Best of Corn Flakes
lip lop
today the new "Tip-Top Inn"
has only been able to serve the
of the new Eighth Floor eating
place, but today we will have ready for
sale to the general public
Bread, Rolls, Pies, Cakes, French
Pastry all Sorts of Bakery Goods
We believe that our bak
ery's products are the finest
Portland has ever been of
fered su:ely no one ever
used such splendid quality
Everything baked here,
right before your eyes, and
you will be pleasantly sur
prised at the many delicious
things ready for sale at mod
erate cost.
Tip-Top Inn, Eighth Floor Up man, W oe rr Co.
Big First Annual 4 L Picnic
Special Tralaa TFrasa Is iota T-ot at KiSA A. .
Rsaad Trlt Hallroad Far asjti Katrasr to Ptirk. jut 4 bllara S 12.
Half Ir are. If 1 mm Cosae by Aato, Aasaisalvsj &A t'cata.
Ball Camea. Teaat. Basket Ball sad .All Klajs af toxtai wlags aa
Tertrn far tka Klaaiaai Jin Masle. Uaaelag aaa Slaglag. i.aa aavakera.
Ttolaeta Sale at 4 L. Ball-flag, TTslrai ni Oak Streets, at All Sawsallla.
tjogglas; Camas aa4 at ITrala.