Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 26, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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Ask Mr. Foster for Free Travel Information Trips by Auto, Rail or Water Sixth Floor
Come Here for Your
Eastman Films
You'll want a generous supply of
films for over-Sunday use we have
fresh stocks of genuine Eastman films
in sizes to fit all kodaks. Developing,
printing and enlarging.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Try Our Delicious
Everything for
Your Picnic
The best of things to eat and drink
are to be had in the Grocery and
Delicatessen. Ninth Floor. In the
Main Floor Stationery Section will be
found paper plates, napkins, etc.
Meier & Frank
will be held tomorrow at Estarada
Park. The public is invited. Train
leaves Eat Water and Morrison at
9 A. M., leaves Estarada at 6:15 P. M.
Round trip tickets 75c.
Chocolates 75c
Freshly made in our Daylight
Candy Kitchen these delicious choco
lates have pure centers with nuts.
Pound 75c. Put up in boxes at 75c,
$1 and $1.50.
Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor.
Father of Young Man to Pay
urse, Alleged Defrauded.
LstkUU4 m lea 7
The- Quality" Store op- Portland
Ionian Who Posed as Wife of For
mer Naval Officers Shjs, "I'm
Off Him for I.ifc."
Indictment against Ki chard !.
Gilkyson and lo!s M. Imlah, known
recently as Iois M. Gilkyson, for de
fraud ing Miss Genevieve Taylor, a
nurse, were dismissed yesterday at tlie
request of the complaining: witness,
when G. TV. Gilkyson. financal manager
of the Pacific States Telephone &
Telegraph company in San Francisco
and father of the young man, arranged
for the payment, of 1141.40 to Miss
Taylor, in restitution.
Common law marriage ties, which
held th-e young and good-looking
woman who posed as Mrs. Gilkyson,
were severed beyond repair by the de
velopments of the past week, during
which time t?he spent several days in
th-e county jail while her supposed hus
band was in custody in San. Krancisco.
"I'm off him for life," was the terse
announcement she made to .Deputy
District Attorney Pierce when he told
her she was free and asked if she was
going back to Gilkyson.
Marriage Relations Tana-led- .
Matrimonial relations were very
much tangled in the Gilkyson case for
it appears that both parties had been
married before they met and both had
children. The young woman, whose
parents are supposed to be wealthy
ranchers of Tillamook county, has a
child of four years and declares her
husband is dead. She said that Gilky
son had an interlocutory decree of
ij ivorce from a wife in San Francisco
and that they had been awaiting the
expiration of the time limit.
V. J. Phillips of the Portland Bell
telephone system, who was asked by
Gilkyson Sr. to look after affairs here
for him, declared to Deputy Pierce that
he had never heard of any trouble be
tween young Gilkyson and his wife, to
say nothing of a divorce. They had
one child.
Statement la Reversed.
When first questioned by Deputy
Sheriff Christofferson after her arrest,
the young woman in the case said that
she had been married to Gilkyson in
Vancouver, Wash., in April. When the
deputy reached for a telephone to cor
roborate the assertion, she interrupted
to say that she meant they had tried
to get married but could not because
of her would-be husband's interlocu
tory decree. She said stve had been a
moving-picture actress in the Mack
Sennett studio in Los Angeles and that
Gilkyson had been an officer in naval
aviation. She went under the name of
".Lois Date" in the movies, she said.
Genevieve E. Taylor, the nurse who
caused the arrest of the Gilkysons, had
attended the supposed wife during two
weeks of illness and had cashed a
check of Gilkyson for ?75 which was
found to be valueless. Gilkyson took
$t0 with which to go to San Francisco
and left $15 with his "wife." Mean
while he had borrowed ?25 from Miss
Taylor, left her to pay a $14.40 hos
pital bill, and owed her $30 for two
weeks of nursing, making a total of
$14 1.40.
The young woman who posed as
Gil ky son's wife now declares that
Gilkyson deceived her, 'that he bor
rowed much money from her without
repaying it, and that she will prosecute
him if restitution is not made.
Livestock Pioneers to Be Honored by
Engraved Plates in Stock Show
Home's Walls.
Two memorial plates, one commemo
rating the pioneer work and achieve
ments of William S. Ladd, who was
among the first importers of pure-bred
livestock in the state, and the other in
memory and recognition of M. D.
1 "Mike") Wisdom, for many years
identified with tle livestock industry
of Oregon, will be imbedded in the
stonework at the en trace of the new
stockshow building now being built at
North Portland by the Pacific-International
livestock exposition.
"Oregon is just now beginning to
ivap the great benefits of the splendid
pioneer work done by these two men,"
said Chairman Frank Robertson of the
building committee yesterday, "and
the livestock enthusiasts of the pres
ent day are eager to give every recog
nition possible to the foundation work
which they did. With the completion
ot' the Pacific-International stock show-
home, a new and widespread impetus
will be given to the development of the
great livestock industry in the north
west. The foundation for the great
industry now so splendidly expanding
was laid by our pioneer livestock men,
among whom William S. I-add and M.
D. Wisdom were most prominent."
Mr. Ilobertson said that the huge
building, covering z acres, is now
more than 50 per cent complete, and
that construction in ail the numerous
units of the big stock show home is
now far in advance of the schedule. It
will be completed by November 1
gi-ving a leeway of more than two
weeks for detail equipment before the
Pacific-International s annual show
opening on November 17.
Many of Portland's livestock enthu
Biasts will go to Salem today to at
tend a luncheon of breeders, stock
men, bankers, business men and civic
club leaders at the Hotel Marion, at
1:30. Vice-President K. G. Crawford of
the United States National bank will be
one of the speak-ers and Frank Brown
of Carlton, president of the Pacific
International, will also address the
m -
What Would You Like Us to Advertise?
We invite readers to fill out this coupon and deposit it in special
box at Novelty Ribbon Shop, Main Floor, Central, or mail to us at
their earliest convenience. E
The Quality Store of Portland,
Attention Bureau of Publicity, Sixth Floor.
I am especially interested in seeing an advertisement
of (state article)
at (state approximate price)
Name ;
CANBY PEACHES arrived today.
Special, 15c doz., 2 doz. 25 c;
2oC per basket, 90 per box.
CANTALOUPES, at their best.
Four for i")C and 5 for U,"jC
WATERMELONS at wholesale
price from 25c to 35 each.
BANANAS 25o, 30p, 40c doz.
J. A. Constantine Fruit Co.
171 Fourth SL, Near Yamhill
With Smocks at the Peak of Their Popularity
There'll Be Lively Buying of These
New Smocks at $2.95
Stylish new models in Copen,
rose and white beach cloth smocks.
Round neck style finished with flat
band. Touches of embroidery and
feather stitching add to the attrac
tiveness of these new smocks.
Sizes 14 years to 42 bust.
At $6.95
An especiaHy select lot of fine
voile smocks just received. Shown
in pretty bright shades these de
lightful garments have touches of
feather stitching and French knots.
Sizes 16, 18 and 20.
New Wash Skirts at $6.95
Misses' new white wash skirts in plain tailored styles
with belts and pockets. 32 to 36 inches long.
New Shipment of
We have just received a
fine new selection of wom
en's bathing suits made of
excellent quality wool or
silk -and -wool. Popular
models in a wide variety of
bright color combinations.
Sizes 36 to 44.
$6.95 to $12.
-Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Small Women and Misses
Will Appreciate
This Sale of
Suits at
40 only to close out.
Of serge and poplin in plain
and fancy styles.
Mostly the popular navy
Come early.
of lawns, voiles, prints and
ginghams in good styles, pat
terns and colors are also very
special at $15 today.
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
Last Day tt July Clearance
Just 10 of These
Hartmann Wardrobes
Regularly $50.00
Today only. Genuine
Hartmann wardrobe trunks
in regular size. 3-ply veneer
basswood fiber - covered
trunks with 10 hangers,
shoe box, deep hat drawer,
partitioned top drawer and
locking bar that securely
locks all drawers.
Very special at $41.
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Thousands of Real
Leather Bags
and Purses
S3c is a phenomenally low
price for REAL LEATHER
handbags and purses. We have
thousands of bags and purses
shown in a multitude of styles
at this price. On sale today in
the Center Aisle Bargain
Square at 83c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
'Butterfly' Ribbon
At this low price today we
have a splendid assortment of
kiddies' hairbows made of fine
silk taffeta "Butterfly" ribbons
in plain colors with heavy cord
ed edge finish. All the wanted
staple shades. 5 inches wide. All
new and freshly tied hairbows
at each 50c.
Meier Sl Frank's: Main Floor.
Crystal Bead
First shipment we have had
from the east for many months.
Yes, they are in the same lovely
effects we used to see before
the war amethyst, aqua ma
rine, emerald, topaz, amber,
sapphire, pink tourmaline,
cherry and Victory red. Beauti
fully cut. $2.50 to $6.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
New Mercerized
Lisle Hose
Something new and very at
tractive in women's hose fine
mercerized lisle stockings in
drop-stitch effects. Made with
seamless feet and shaped legs.
Black, white and suede gray.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Shiiion Silver
Shinon polish will clean and
polish silverware, brassware and
cut glass. Today only we offer
the regular 25c size at 19c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
A Sale of Women's
Fancy vestees, collars and
collar and cuff sets regularly
priced as high as $2.25.
Filet Collars
New arrivals in real filet roll
collars very special at $3.95,
$4.39 and $4.69.
New Scarfs
Plush, verimole, k e r a m i,
broadtail and beaver scarfs with
plain and fancy silk linings.
Some have ball trimming. $8.95
to $15.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Samurai Talcum Powder, 14-oz.
tin 15c.
Jergen's Talcum Powder, 15-oz.
tin 19c.
Jergen's Crushed Rose and Vio
let Talcum, 2 for 25c.
Colgate's Talcum, all odors,
large size 25c.
Mary Garden Talcum, in glass
bottles, 60c
Mavis Talcum, in red cans, 25c.
Mennen's Talcum, plain or
scented, large size 25c.
Add lc war tax for each 00
or fraction thereof. "
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
The Children's
will be open today with its free
shoot - the - chutes, merry-go-round,
teeter-totter. Bring the
kiddies to the playroom today.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Get in Today on Portland's
Greatest Shirt Sale
It offers greater stocks, finer assortments,
better qualities and LOWER PRICES than
any shirt sale that has come to our notice
since MEIER & FRANK'S last electrified the
shirt-buying public with values possible only
to the store of proved merchandising mas
tery. There were more than 5000 new shirts
when the sale started Wednesday all first
quality all properly cut, designed and made,
all guaranteed to fit and wear. We have
freshened up all lots that showed signs of
depletion so that there is an excellent selec
tion for those who come today.
2 for $2.75 woven and corded
madras, rep and poplin shirts.
2 for $5.50 cords, silk striped 2 for $8.50 splendid heavy
and woven madras shirts. I quality fiber silk shirts.
$1.00 Foulard Ties 65c
Famous genuine English Foulards in dis
tinctive patterns and colorings. All are fin
ished with satin slip-easy bands. 2 for $1.25.
ii .'11
Straws and
Men and young men can choose from Port
land's finest stocks of straws and Panamas at
big savings today. Every good kind of straw
hat is included rough straws, Sennits, Milans,
Leghorns, Bangkoks, etc
Italian and Toyo (Japanese) Panamas that
were marked "special" ?2".45 are now S1.45.
Here are three groups of super-values in
straws, including Knox and Blum & Koch
makes and genuine South American Panamas:
. Were $5.00, now !S:t.45. Were $6.00 to
$8.00. now $4.05. Were $10.00 to $12.00,
now .58.15.
A remarkably fine group of Panamas, for
merly $15.00 to ?20.00, is now S12.45.
Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Killed.
On the Third Floor
Sale of Suits
$35 and $-10 were the prices in regular stock.
Our best makes are included: Adler-Rochestcr, So
ciety Brand, etc
This assortment represents a grouping of broken
lines of all suits that sold between the above prices.
Every suit is up to the high MEIER & FRANK
standard, but the July Clearance spares nothing.
The man or young man who shares in this sale is
doing himself a good turn.
All sizes to fit all proportions will be found, but not
in every weave or pattern.
Waist-seams single or double-breasted as you pre
fer and all other popular models. Many weaves, pat
terns and colorings.
Meier St Frank's: The Store for MenThird Floor
V (Mall Orders Filled.)
Boys Can Point With Pride to the
Fact That They Are Wearing
Sampeck Suits
Parents Will Like the Price
It's a combination that cannot fail to win Sam
peck quality and style and our special sale price.
Were it not for July Clearance these suits would be
$5.00 to $10.00 more. It's a wonderfully good chance
to purchase boys' clothes of recognized superiority
at less than the cost of the most ordinary kind.
A good assortment of fab
rics selected for their quali
ties of worth and wear.
Waist-seam and other models
to please the boys.
cj ' r ' sj w
Sizes 7 to 18 years includ
ed, but not all sizes in all
styles or patterns. Buy now
for fall school wear.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
(Mailorders Filled.!