Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 26, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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JULY . 11)10.
Federation Advises Unions to
Return to Work.
Yorkshire. Coal Miners Today Will
Make Final Ceclslon on New
. . Piece Hate Proposal. -
LONDON, July 25. The miners' feder
ation today accepted the government's
offer of new piece rates for coal mining
and recommended that all. the miners'
unions accept the proposition and re
turn to work. The Yorkshire miners
will meet tomorrow and decide whether
they will accept the proposition. It is
believed that they will do so.
The government is leaving navy men
at the mines where the men have gone
out until work is generally resumed
and the railways are continuing their
preparations for increased services
should there be -any such settlement;
The government's piece rate offer ac
cepted by the miners' federation, ac
cording to Robert Smillie, a mine
workers' leader, coincides with the
resolution adopted by the miners' con
ference at Keswick. It removes a
jrrievance which was the direct cause
of the Yorkshire strike.
Other Grievances Remain.
There still remain other grievances
f the miners which may be the cause
of trouble. The first of these is the
omission of the government to take
eteps in the direction of the recommen
dations in the recent Sankey report for
the gradual nationalization of mines,
and the second, the government's re-
lusai to grant the demands of the
miners for an impartial expert inquiry
into decreased output, which the miners
assert is due largely to the failure of
xne mine owners to keep their mines in
proper working order.
The strike of approximately a quar
ter of a million men threatened to para
lyze many industries.
The government proposition, based on
xne interim report of the Sankev r.oa!
commission that the reduction of out
put through reduced hours would be
less than 10 per cent, carried a gov
ernment assurance that piece workers
should not suffer any loss in earnings
mat me piece rate would be in
creased by an amount which on the av
1 c icjunu necessary to corre
spond with the 10 per cent reduction in
jm oraer 10 carry out this agreement.
l was necessary to tlx a definite av
erage of reduction in working time re
sulting from the introduction of the
Eeven-nour day, and after an examlna
me iigures it was decided to
accept 47 minutes as the basis for this
Herbert Smith, leader of the York
dine miners, nas Kept aloof from all
iieeotiations, ana it is not vet eer,
accept the settlement.
tain that he will
(Continued From First Page.
ftardfu! of
the "White House whether all republic
an senators would be invited to confer
with tba president. It had been un
derstood that all would be invited. So
far as could be learned, Senator
Warren of Wyoming and on or two
other senators were all that the presi
dent planned to see in the immediate
The president was in bis study early
today and among the many matters
before him was that preparation of in
formation and documents relating to
the peace negotiations requested by
the senate.
Sensor Borah, republican Idaho, in
speech in ths senate today regarding
former President Taft's suggestion for
adoption of senate interpretations of
the peace treaty, said the former presi-
dent had taken the ''amazing' position
of Inferring that opposition to the
treaty was largely the result of Presi
dent "Wilson's partisan courae last fall
and during the peace negotiations-
Borah Agalaat Taft Plan.
The real debate in the senate on a
league, of nations, Mr. Borah said, had
begun two and a half years ago, and
he and other senators had taken the
same positions they take now.
"I am opposed to any interpretations.
reservations or amendments in this
treaty," Senator Borah said, "and I
hope the opportunity will be presented
for ma to vote against it aa a whole.
"When the fathers submitted the con
stitution to the states there were men
who thought they could make reserva
tions. Virginia, New York, Rhode
Island and others did put in construc
tions and reservations, but when the
time-came to invoke these reservations
the powers construing them paid no
attention to them whatever.
"And you would put your interpreta
tions Into this ratification and then
turn over the power to construe them
to nine men sitting at Geneva. Unless
they hava been accepted by the other
powers, they wjll bind nobody."
French Pact Rapped.
Replying to a question Mr. Borah
said that while he opposed reservations.
he might vote for them-if the parlia
mentary situation permitted him to
express his views in no other way. In
discussing the Monroe doctrine Mr.
Borah said:
"If I had my way I would retain
Washington's policy (against entan
gling alliances), and, if necessary, let
the Monroe doctrine go.
"Mr. Taft's suggestion for preserva
tion of the Monroe doctrine would be
utterly futile. There is just one way
to preserve it, and that is to stay out
of European affairs.
"The proposed French treaty is made
for war and not for peace. Premier
Clemenceau refused to approve the
league until the French-British-Araer-ican
treaty was provided for."
"The agreement to come to the res
cue of France against Germany," Sena
tor Hitchcock, democrat of Nebraska.
interjected, "will have the same effect
as the Monroe doctrine has In America.
It will prevent war by giving notice
in advance of the protection to be
given France."
Chinese Attitude Astonishes
Japanese Merchant.
them to pass such a resolution, strict
inquiry must be made Into the cause
of the offense."
Sneaking of Internal affairs, he said
that the growing coat of living In this
country hss become a serious matter.
It should be remembered, he said, that
a close relationship exists between the
life and thought of the people, and as
radical Ideaa from the I'nlled States
nd Kurope are quickly finding their
way to Japan, the government should
to It that the national thought la
led in the right path. He doubted, how
ever, whether the government was
doing anything to regulate prices. He
believed In the urgent necessity of con- '
trading the Inflated amount of cur-
rency as the shortest cut to effecting '
the lowering of prices. i
During July and August
f la order that our employe, might tt Help to make this movement uni
" enjoy a well earned weekly half versal by arranging to do your
holiday during these hot months. shopping in forenoon on Wednesdays.
Ex-President LI Cses Bitter Words
in Telling of Japan's Early
. . War .Healings.
$100,000,000 STOCK ISSCE
Company to Doubly Capitalization
and Plans to Utilize New Funds
for Development.
NEW YORK. July 15. The Standard
Tamamoto, one of the most prominent ou company of New Jersey today an-
Ital stock by, which virtu-
TOKIO, July 4. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Great interest
has been aroused In Japan by the re
marks concerning Japan's attitude
towards China made by Tadaaaburo
figures in Japanese steamship circles.
ho has just returned . from an ex
tensive trip through China. He . had
been to China on business, he said,
every year during the past 20 years
and he had been startled this time by
the remarkable change in the attitude
of the Chinese toward Japanese.
ly doubles the present capitalisation.
The new stock will be at 7 per cent
preferred, but non-voting, and will be
issued to present shareholders at par
and will be listed on the stock exchange.
The purpose of the issue, which is
subject to approval by the aharehold-
He aaid that ex-President LI had ex- ""', ,s to Provide the "vigorous prose
cution 01 tne development
Beautiful Ready-Made Hair Bows
Of Fin XV id Taffeta Ribbons, Both Plain Colon and Novelties
Priced at 35c and 50c Each
(f Yes, there' a generous assortment to select from. Beautiful, fluffy hair -bows, made from fina
quality taffeta ribbon of rood, wide width. They come in all wanted plain shades and novelties.
Each bow consists of from IVi to XM yards of ribbon.
Especially Priced Saturday at 35c and 50c Each
me rights and desire" r
of the peninsula ,iTii,"
to China and "threatening" to future
WIlHon Not Antagonistic.
Mr. Spencer said the president be
trayed no antagonism to a reservation
programme that would follow these
lines, air. Wilson even indicated, the
senator declared, that he had no dis
position Individually to stand for un
reserved ratiflcation If the senate really
thought reservations necessary, but
said he hoped senators would fully real
ize the possibilities of renegotiating.
henator Warren, republican, of Wyo
ming also saw the president, but he
declined to discuss their talk.
The subject of reservations also
continued under discussion today at
conferences of pro-league republicans,
nnd the legal effect of any qualifica
tions adopted was debated at length in
the senate. Senator Pittman, Nevada,
h. democratic member of the foreign
relations committee, argued that any
reservation or interpretation would re
sult in resubmission of the treaty to
.I1 the other powers and open up a
dangerous field of possibilities. Sena
tor Borah, republican, Idaho, expressed
ft similar view as to the legal effect.
Bnd said he hoped he would have the
opportunity to vote against the treaty
us a whole. Senator Smith, democrat.
vrizona, made an address in
of the league.
Treaty Consideration Rapid.
The foreign relations committee
made such progress today in its read
ing of the treaty text that members
thought it might be completed at one
more meeting. Adjournment was taken
until Monday, however, and It was de
cided that after the reading was com
pleted the document would be laid
.-rsiae ror a snort while to permit
tion on the Colombian treaty. The
eenate also adjourned until Mondav.
Tomorrow Chairman Lodge will see
secretary Lanslirg, and while the con
feronce primarily concerns the Colom
bian treaty, it is expected various mat
ters concerning the Versailles nego
tiations also will be discussed.
Senator Idgc did not call up today
his resolution asking the president to
transmit the French treaty, and it was
indicated that action on the measure
mi-rht not be pousht for the present
Notice also was taken at the White
House during the day of senate discus
sion of the defensive treaty with
France, which Senator Lodge and others
have charged the president is with
holding from the senate in direct viola
tion of the treaty's own terms.
Without making any explanation
White House officials made it clear that
Air. Wilson has no intention of submit
ting the Franco-American agreement
for senate ratification until consider
ation of the treaty with Germany
well under way,
Frenco Treaty Later.
The president plans, it was stated, to
present the French treaty after his tour
of the country, which will not begin
until about August 10, and may con
tinue lor several weeks. In debate sen
ators have pointed out that published
texts of the document require that it
must be laid before the senate at the
"same lime" as the Versailles treaty,
winch was presented more than two
Weeks ago.
When the president presents the
treaty he evill accompany it with an
explanatory address to the senate. No
statement was made at the White
House with regard to the charges in
the senate that the president violated
a section of the treaty by not present
ing it simultaneously with the treaty
of Versailles.
The president paid an unexpected
call on Secretary Baker in the state,
war and navy building just before
noon. He did not communicate his
intention to White House attaches, and
crossed the street from the White
House unattended.
After conferring half an hour with
Sir. Baker, the president called on
fcrecretary Lansing, remaining about 10
minutes. He then returned to the
White House. There were no intima
tion as to what matters he had dis
cussed with the secretaries.
There seemed to be some doubt at
Minister of Justice Holds Dominion's
Rights' Are Threatened.
OTTAWA, July 25. Modification of
the league of nations covenant sug
gested by former President Taft of the
United States in a letter to Will H.
Hays, chairman of the republican na
tlonal committee, which would exclude
Canada and the British dominions
from the league council by giving
vote only to the mother country, were
opposed in a statement made today by
u. j. lioneny, minister or justice.
"If what Mr. Taft is said to suggest
were adopted," he sala.
solutely exclude Canadi
tive representation on the council for
all time.
The right of Canada as a member of
the league to be 'eligible for repre
sentation on the council under the pro
visions of the covenant was insisted
upon by her representatives, and that
these provisions conferred upon her
that right was clearly understood and
unequivocably recognized by all con
A reservation in effect negativing
that right would involve furth
change in the contract alter accept
ance and signature by all parties In
regard to a matter which from the
dominion's point of view is of its es
sence. As such tt is clearly Inadmis
sible. and not distinguished from a re
fusal to ratify."
pressed his sorrow that Japan does
not show In deed what she promises
and declared that the so-called friend
ship between China and Japan should
be actualized as a fact and not be
mere verbal expression.
Japaneae Sincerity Doabted.
Ex -i President LI regretted Japan's
dealings with China during the early
part of the war, and he used bitter
words against the Japanese demands
contained in the historical 21 articles.
He eeemed to misunderstand Japan's
declaration as to the return of Shan
tung and appeared to doubt a little
Japan's sincerity on that point. Mr.
Tamamoto continued:
"Mr. Lt contrasted American conduct
in China to Japanese. The United
States was peaceful and generous and
showed in everything she does that she
is truly China's friend, with no motive
of aggression. This is why America is
liked by the Chinese
'Of course, Mr. Li well understood
that tha future welfare tt tha far east substantial proportion of this company's
can be promoted only by the co-opera- future supply of crude , oil as well ( .1
... . . . . ) maintaining a cash reserve against
contingencies, the active prosecution of
the company a programme ot enlarging
its refining facilities, the expanalon of
Its transportation systems and the ex
tension of its distributing plants.'
which the company planned during the
war and launched immediately the
armistice was declared."
The new financing will be under
written by J. I'. Morgan A Co. and
will constitute the first public offering
ever made by any Standard Oil company.
A statement to the stockholders from
A. C. Bedford, chairman of the board,
summarises .the proposed issue as follows:
The policy of the company bas been
to finance its growth from current
earnings, but in view of conditions
now existing and having regard to the
present necessity of the diversion of a
considerable proportion of these earn
ings to excess profits and other war
taxes, your directors feel that lt Is
advisable to increase the capital em
ployed in its business by the amount
of the proposed isaie of preferred
'It is the intention to utilise this new
capital in the financing of the further
development of the company's equip
ment and resources for which plans are
already under way. These Include meas
ures for insuring the continuity of
Republicans to Lay Aside Peace
Pact to Pass on Old Case.
WASHINGTON, July 25. L'nder pres
ent plans of republican leaders, the
peace treaty will be set aside tempo
rarily for consideration of the treaty
between the United States and Colom
bia, proposing payment to the latter of
$25,000,000 for damages arising from
American acquisition of the Panama
Chairman Lodge, of the senate for
eign relations committee, eaid today
the Colombian treaty would be taken
up by the committee next week, with
plans for its immediate ratification by
the Senate. Action on the treaty has
been urged by state aepartmeiit oni-
It was understood that an agreement
had been reached by which the com
mittee would eliminate the clause of
the treaty suggesting regrets to Co
lombia for partition of Panama.
Republicans have held up ratiflcation
of the treaty for several years because
of this clause, and some time ago the
amount of the damages to be paid Co
lombla -was reduced to 15,000.000; but
consideration of the elimination of
the regret clause, the original sum of
125.000,000 was restored. Chairman
Lodge hopes to obtain ratification of
the treaty by the senate next week.
tion by Japan and China, and he hoped
heartily to eee the two countries ahoul
der to shoulder keeping the peace of
the Orient. But before that is possible,
Japan has to change her attitude. The
ex-president's opinion represents. If 1
am not mistaken, the Chinese public
opinion lowardi Japan.
Chinese Attitude la Cool.
When I Invited several prominent
Chinese friends to dinner In a Japa
nese restaurant they asked me not t EVIDENCE
make any speech on Chino - Japanese
friendship and to keep the gathering
very private. In fact, many of the
It would ab- I Chinese did not come except those who
from dixtlnc- I felt obliged to and those who are
heartily pro-Japanese. It was notice
able bow cool their attitude is towards
Besides the Chinese, I had talks
with foreign friends. Some of them
more than frankly attacked Japan's at
titude towards China as being aggres
sive, egotistic and deceitful. Hera again
the central point of attack was the 21
"It seemed to me that they looked
on a government which makes such de
mands on a weaker neighbor when
others are engaged in a lif e-and-death
struggle against a most formidable
military power as one whose words
cannot be trusted.
Mr. Tamamoto said that during his
stay in Tien-Tsin a club was organized
with membership limited to English,
Americans and Chinese. To his mind
the exclusion of Japanese was ex
plained by the fact that Europeans
and Americans misunderstood Japan as
an aggressive and military power.
dnestlon Is Vital One.
Gentlemen," said Mr. Yamamoto, in
concluding his remarks, "it is high time
for us to change our attitude towards
China. If we lose her sympathy and
the world Is against us, who knows
what our future will be? It is a ques
tion most vital
"Since the advent of the present rain-
istry our Chinese policy has seen much
improvement. But ' am sorry to say
that our fair and just object is not
correctly understood either by the Chi
nese or by foreigners. It is due to the
mistakes we committed in the past.
Why are we hesitating in changing our
faults? Let us all join together, states
men, savants. Journalists, business men
to firmly emphasize a sound Chinese
policy, a policy backed by all Japan's
nation, not a policy formed by a email
section of our people, and let the Chi-
Silk Envelope Chemise
Exquisitely Beautiful
A Special Purchase
on Sale at About
Va Real Worth
Four Pretty Style to Select From in
Georgette, Cluny and Tailored Patterns.
Don't Fail to See Them
fl Just these few words to let you know
about this fortunate purchase and sale of
exquisitely beautiful silk envelope chemise- They
are high-grade garments, shown in four attractive
styles, trimmed with Georgette, cluny and in tai
lored patterns. Really, you must see them to ap
preciate their phenomenal value at $1.59.
For Men's
Jersey Ribbed
Union Suits
Perfect fitting union suits,
made with closed crotch M
length sleeves and anVle length.
fl They come in all sizes, S4
to 46 and in ecru color. A
bargain offering for
Saturday 9Sc Suit
Broken Lines
in Women's
To Close at Pair
(X In our Basement Shoe Sec
tion we are closing out all
broken lines in women's high
grade pumps.
(jl Fashionable styles in vici
kid and ' patent colt, with
French or military heels.
Choice from all
At $4.95 Pair
Misses' and
Tennis Oxfords
and Shoes
85C Pair
fj Without restriction we place
on special sale all lines of
misses and children's tennis
oxfords and shoes at one price,
flf They come in black and
white and
from 11 to 2.
At 85c Pair
Saturday Sale of Drug
Special Showing
of Palm Olive
Taint Olive Cold Cream 4Te
I'alm Olive Vanishing Cream.. Te
I'alm Olive Cold Cream. tube.. as
I'alm Olive Toilet Water sfte
I'alm Olive Shampoo . ...47e
I'alm Olive Itouae Te
I'alm Olive Lip Slick 23c
I'alm Olive Talcum Powder. .Me
Palmole Face lowier. ...... . 2.1e
I'alm Olive Kace Powder 4Tc
Cleopatra Divine Fare l'owder .Ve
I'alm Olive Soap lew
I'alm Oliv Shaving Cream... 33c
Soap Special
3 Bars Vaol 9as far. 3Ve
Limit 3 toare tm eee nnfMrr.
delivered earat vtlla afeer
Increased Fares, Relief From Taxa
tion and Municipal Ownership
Vrgcd at Relief Measures.
WASHINGTON, July SS. The Aroeri
can Electric Railway association today
completed the evidence it desired to
present to the federal electric railways
commission appointed by President
Wilson to investigate the financial
stress of which companiea throughout
the country are complaining. More
than 50 witnesses were heard. Many
differences of opinion arose as to the
best method of meeting the situation,
some urging increased fares, others re
lief from taxation and a few municipal
The commission adjourned until
August 4, when mayors and public of
ficials interested in local transporta
tion and labor union representatives
will be heard.
The electric railway industry is fac
ing another upward leap of labor costs,
which will make existing rates "en
tirely inadequate in most Instances."
the federal electric railway commission
was told today by Dr. Thomas Conway,
Jr.. of the University of Pennsylvania.
'The electric railways are face to
face with a world-wide demand for an
eight-hour day," Dr. Conway said.
The granting of this demand would
mean a very material increase in
operating costs."
W. E. Creed of San Francisco, tne
first witness from the Paciflo coast,
declared that because of high operating
costs the lines in San Francisco dis
trict had lost interest in competition.
"We are losing money on every pas
senger we carry," he said, "and the
fewer passengers we carry the less
money we will lose."
Store Opens
at 8 :30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
nese ana ouisiae woria comes to co.
operate with us with a full understand
ing of our sincere intent. If this comes Separation Wanted After 4 0 Tears
to pass we may iook xorwara to
future of rosy colors."
Apparent Shortage Deceiving: and No
Exports Entil Domestic Needs
Are Entirely Supplied.
WASHINGTON. D. C. July 25. The
war department has sold to the United
States sugar equalization board 37,
000,000 pounds of refined sugar.
George A. Zabriskie. president of the
board, declared there is "abundance" of
raw sugar in the country, that retail
prices should not exceed 11 cents
pound and that there is no need of
Mr. Zabriskie also declared that the
refineries now are working night and
day and that their combined output of by tne government.
41.175.000 pounds a day is being put
into domestic channels of trade. Re
finers, he said, have not sent a pound
of sugar 'abroad for two weeks. i,x
portation will not be resumed until
American needs are entirely met..
The head of the sugar equalization
board said that profiteering dealers, if
reported, may suffer revocation of
their licenses, lor tney are sun under
control of the federal food administra
tion, which will not cease to function
until the senate signs the peace treaty.
He charged the apparent shortage to
speculative "exporter" and belated
orders for canners end candy makers.
Housewives were "hoarding" sugar
unnecessarily, be said.
Phone your wants ads to The Orsgo-
nian. . Main 7070. A 6095.
Viscount Kato Points Out Mistakes
in Japan's Policy
TOKIO, July 8. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) The charge
that the government failed to adopt
proper system of administration when
the annexation of Corea was carried
out and that the military administra
tion over the peninsula has been
marked by unnecessary harshness was
made yesterday by Viscount Kato, for
mer foreign minister and now president
of the Kenseikal or opposition party.
Viscount Kato was advising the mem
bers ot bis party. He added that news
about Corea which was prohibited In
Japan was published in foreign news
papers and the result was that what Is
not known to the Japanese about Corea
Is known to the people abroad.
Japan World Preatlge Lowered.
Referring to the Shantung question
he maintained that Japan's prestige
has been greatly lowered in the eyes
of the world on account of the slip
shod manner in which it was handled
He declared that
or Married Life.
"She said I looked like a devil sitting
on a stump, complains reter Jensen In
a suit for divorce filed yesterday In the
circuit court against Anna M. Jensen,
whom he married In Minnesota in 1S79
40 years ago. Ha also asserts that
his wife was nomadic, wasteful and
nagging, and that she deserted him last
February to live in North Yakima,
Alimony of $30,000 is asked by Ada
Mary Beautioln of Frank Beaudoin. She
asserts her husband has farm land and
livestock worth S90.000 and can afford
lump settlement of $30,000. She mar
ried Him in Union City, Or., in 1908, and
he has beaten and cursed her, she al
Other divorce suits filed yesterday
with the county clerk were: Winnlfred
Jessie Renton against Robert W. Ren-
ton, cruelty; Vivian Pittman agalnstt
Arnold Pittman, Infidelity, and Florence
Stewart against Frank K. Stewart.
Master Packer, Aged 7 0, Began Life
as Delivery Boy for Mil
waukee Grocer.
China should be taught that the estab.
lishment of an exclusive settlement and
the building of railways by Japan in
Shantung does by no means constitute
a violation of China s sovereignty.
He added:
"In this connection it has been re
ported that the Anglo-American asso
elation at Pekin has passed a resolu
tion to the effect that the Shantung
question is destined to disturb tb
peace, not' only between Japan and
China, but also that of the entire world.
This is a most bold resolution to be
passed by a foreign association and lt
would be interesting to know what
step has been taken by the government
in the matter. Oreat Britain has been
allied to Japan unrig the last 20 years
and if Japan has given offense to the
British to such an extent as to force
Roumanians Overpowered and Tliclss
River Crossed, Is Report.
PARIS. July 23. A Bucharest dis
patch dated Thursday eays the Hun
garians last Sunday started an offen
sive with eight or nine divisions, over
whelmed the Roumanian advance
guards and crossed the Theiss river
at several points, but suffered a severe
check in the northern sector of the
fighting front.
This dispach adds tnat Roumanian
reserves on Tuesday counter-attacked
and recaptured Hodmezo-Vasarhely, but
that sharp fighting continued when the
dispatch was filed.
It is tbe intention of the Hungarians.
says the dispatch, to destroy Roumania,
which Is an obstacle to their plan to
link up with the Russian bolshevlsts.
B. at H. rreeb stamps (or easa.
UHolman Fuel Co. Mala 151, A .
Block wood, short alsbwood. Rati
Springs and Dtaa coal; sawdust.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 25. Pat
rick Cudahy, president of the Cudahy
racking company. Cudahy. Wis., died
suddenly today from an apopieptic
Patrick Cudahy was born in County
Kilkenny. Ireland. March. 1.. 1S4I. ana
came to the United States the same
year with his narents. who settled in
Milwaukee. He was educatea in me
public schools of that city, and in 1877
married Annie A- Madden. He began
his business life at the age of 12 as
delivery boy for a Milwaukee grocer.
At 14 he entered the employ oi me
Roddls Packing company, and later
worked for Lavton Ac Co., Lyman &
Wooley, and Planklngton t Armour.
becoming successively superinieuucm
and partner of the latter.
In 1888 with his brother. John, he
bought Mr. Plankington's interest, the
firm becoming i.uoiny nruin" . i waa moved to Cudahy. near Mil
waukee, becoming one of the largest
noxkins- houses in the United States.
Patrick Cudahy was president of the
concern until his retirement four years
Treasury Official uenies roreiin
Requests for Cancellation.
WASHINGTON. July 25. Every
dollar of loans and credits advanced by
the United States to foreign countries.
Including Russia, is amply protected by
securities and will be paid in full. R.
Tfflna-well. assistant secretary of
the treasury, today told the house com
mittee on expenditures in the state de
Mr. Leffingwell denied that any sug
cestion had been made by the official
representatives of the foreign countries
regarding the cancellation of loans.
(Continued Krom Flrnt Ice.)
without any attempt ot readjustment
of individual claims.
Work Held Well Doae.
It was brought out at today's hear
ing that more than 6500 claims have
been considered by the commission,
and lt was generally agreed by the
committee that a very small percent
age of the persons affected were dis
satisfied. In boiling down the general charges
preferred In Attorney Keeley's letter
to Governor Olcott. the committee bas
before it accusationa that ttva commis
sion haa attempted to assume Jurisdic
tion over navigable walera of the
United States: that while the law under
which the commission Is working calls
for annual reports and audits, only one
such report has been made: discrim
ination between small and large em
ployers in the matter of the rejection
act: loose and corporation-controlled
management of the commission: dis
crimination In compensation allowed
children: details of the Uibbern case:
alternate stopping and resuming of
payments to workmen as pressure Is
brought by publicity or otherwise, and
lump aum payments as related to non
residents In tbe state.
Another charge Is that the act pro
vides no educational programme by
which workmen may know what pro
cedure to take In getting their cases
before the comminslon.
Pablie Hearlas Plaaaed.
A soon as the aubcommlttee can
condense the charges of the complain
ants and obtain the records and ex
planations ot the commission, a meet
ing of the investigators will be called
In Portland. At that time all persons
interested will be heard, not only with
view of inquiring into the accusa
tions made against the commission, but
to improve the law in the event It Is
not adequate to meet the demands for
which It is Intended. After electing
A. C. Dixon chairman and Robert Gill
secretary, and briefly considering the
plan of operation, the committee went
Into executive session and newspaper
men were excluded from the hearing.
Adjournment was not taken until near-
1 i o'clock tonight.
Chairman L'lxon in a statement Is
sued this evening said the session was
purely preliminary to the main iu-
qulry to be held in Portland and that
nothing developed with reference to
substantiating or disproving the charges
Involved. All members of the investi
gating committee were present.
police is that the man attempted to
swim to the stern of a Japanese liner,
lying at a pier here, to exchange thr
money for opium.
It la believed the money, which prob
ably will go to the dead man's widow,
was furnished by a ring of Honolulu
Chinese engaged In smugffllng opium
Into Hawaii. The gold has not been
claimed, and It it Is arrests will fol
low. arcrrdin- t federal authorities.
Public Nurseries 'Are -Made Centers
of Disease and Execution, Ac
cording: to Dispatch.
(Copyright. 1I1!. by the New York World.
PublKhed by arrangement. I
LONDON.vJuly 25. (Special Cable.)
A despairing appeal for help from the
Polish province of Mohilev. near the
source of the River Dneiper. as pre
sented in a Warsaw weekly. Is reported
in a dispatch to the Daily Telegraph.
The writer says food is unobtainable
even for money, as commissioners of
the red army have taken everything.
Arrests and executions continually
take place. After having finished with
the gentry, tho holshevitts proceeded
to deal with the better-class farmers
and now the turn of the children has
come- .
Parents of Polish children, he says,
have been ordered by tho bolshevists
to place the children In publio nurs
eries, where they are fed on the meat
of liorsesnhat died of glanders. When
the children sickened of this disease
they were shot. The first collective
execution of children tcok place in the
town of Mohilev. where 2s of them
were lined against the til of the pub
lic nursery and a firing party of reds
was drawn up before them. The chil
dren fell on their knees and Implored
mercy, but the bolshevik ck tender
gave a than) order and tbe execution
waa Immediately carried out.
At Sienkow. near Mohilev, the same
writer says 20 children were shot at
Cieclerzyn. All the children In Pral
nia have been placed iu. tbe public
$40.00 to $70.00 Suits
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Body of Customs Inspector Pound in
Honolulu Harbor.
HONOIA'Ll". T. II.. July 1. ( By
Mall.) Dragged down to hln death by
tha weight of I300 In gold coin car
ried In bags around his chest, the body
of a former customs Inspector has
been recovered from the bottom of
Honolulu harbor. The theory of the
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