lg TTTE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WANTED MISCELLANEOrS. I HELP WAXTED MALE. I nirt m - w . T I J tSirnitore Wanted, sir.a.r- wrr.ii-rr.MAlK. HELP WANTED MALE OI FEMAtK. f SlTrATlONS WAXTFAIE. - I I Mrip Hnled Salrtmes. I I I FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUT FOR SPOT CASH TOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANT AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL. WILL BRING U3 TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS, THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone. MARSHALL 69SL Fhon GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1&5 First LsTeet. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH- MAIN 333:4. HELP WANTED MALE. BOY WANTED. Exceptional opportunity to learn rail--road accounting and correspondence work. Salary $ot with good chance for advance ment. A J 567, Oregon ian. MAN AND WIFE COOK AND HELPER. EXTRA GANG. EAST, J120 MONTH; 15 M EN IN CRE W : FRE E FAR E. CALL 30 NORTH SECOND. YOUNG married man as salesman for tea and coffee route in city, liberal guaran tee, salary and commission to start, rapid advancement to worker; bond and best f references required. Apply in person only. Si. K. Baker, manager Jewell Tea Co., 21 S. Grand ave. WANTED For a wholesale lumber office, young man, 30 to 30 years old. one having pome mill experience preferred; muwt be energetic and capable of looking after of fice details and answering correspondence. Answer, giving full experience and wages expected. R 192, Oregonian. MEN to go on hauling contracts, single or double shift work at $:s.00 and better per hour. Will require 3 i-ton truck with dump body; 40 per cent cash, balance 12 monthly payments. Phone Broadway 10711, Friday and Saturday. Phone Tabor 1344 Sunday. Ask for Purdy. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require the serv ices of 2 experienced janitors; permanent position. Apply superintendent's of lice, between D and 10:30 Saturday morning. A FIRST-CLASS talking machine salesman, one capable of handling the best class of trade, for old-established, high-class house: state age and past experience : splendid chance for advancement to right party. Address Y 400, Oregonian. Al CHEF, capable of assuming full charge of kitchen ; must understand both table d'hote and a la carte service and be expert on pastry. Do not write. Phone Hotel Marion, salem. NIGHT man, between 30 and 40, with ex perience at desk and can work on small switchboard ; some porter work after 11!; easy position; $60 month, room and board; give references. P 379, Oregonian. WANTED -Young man for work In photo laboratory, night work, college or high school student preferred; wages reasonable to start with, experience unnecessary. Ap ply tiSH Stark. 8 A. M. WANTED Strong, active young man be tween 21 and 30 for second storeroom man; salary $!o per month and board. Apply after 9 A. M. at office The Hazelwood, oSS Washington st. WANTED Young man between the age of 18 and 20 for messenger work in bank; must be neat in appearance, position per manent with chance for advancement for right party. N 11, Oregonian. HELP wanted; experienced dishwasher and porter; steady work and good wages. Only those who want the job and intend to stick need apply. Write or phone H. M. Hicks. Hood Kiver. Oregon. AN YON E desiring to purchase a 3-H tn truck with dump body and hoist for very email payment down to go to work on a job that w ill pay 7u0 a month, please ad dress AL 273, Oregonian. WANTED First-class vulcanizer and Gates half-sole man to take charge of shop; state experience and salary required. Box 311, T 1 io Dalles. Or. ' WELL educated young man wanted for of fice work ; no experience required ; small salary to start; permanent position. P 377. Oregonian. FURNITURE cabinet men, rip sawyer, sash and door machine men, cabinet men. help ers In planing mill, shipping clerk. 240 Salmon st. WANTED Saddiemakers, also furnishing good man; must be first-class mechanics on strictly western work. Jlarpham Bros. Company, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Strong, husky boy about 18 to assist driver on auto express; call ready lor work, $13 per week. Vim Transfer 'o., 32 Union ave. N., East 6434. WANTED Ex perienced ma n to take charge of tool room in machine shop of large cor poration; good opportunity. American Can "o., "J!th and Nicolai sts. WANTKD at once, two open-shop, competent boilermakers for out -of-town work. First class wages and steady work. 020 Oregon bldg.. 0th and Oak sts. WANTED at once, first-class, experienced blacksmith helper, who can handle steam hammer. 020 Oregon bldg.i 0th and Oak WANTED Experienced duck lake watch man want'Ml for on of the best la kes on Sativies inland. A K -174. Orsonian. ACTS end entertainers wanted. Art-Baker Theatrical Booking Offices, 621 Henry Rtrig. Main 3173. TWO expert mechanics wanted, first-class sara ge and machine shops, $ I per hour. L. K. Shelley, Condon. Or. MEN wanted to work on river boat, $70 a month, board and room. Apply Washing-ton-st. dock. YOUNG man wanted for retail store ; work from 11 o'clock to 4 and from 6 to 11. :",-t0 Washington st. WANTED A man who is going to Los An geles to drive ear for private party; ex penses paid. Tabor 8043. CARETAKER and handy all-round man and wife to take charge of Montrose park, near Trout dale. Tabor 4303. WILLING single man in grocery and mar ket; some experience: nar Portland; steady place. S 1. Oregonian. EX PtRIKNOEl) night clerk ; give former place of employment, length of time and wages expected. BJ ?!. Oregonian. WANTED Active young man as handy man in machine shop; large corporation; good opportunity. C 00. Oregonian. WANTED A boy 17 or 18 to drive service car and help in shop. Simonton Motor Car Co., 30 N. 14th sL, cor. Cough. WANTKD-r-Experienced washer to take charge of wash room; steady position and good salary. Troy Laundry, Astoria, Or. Yol' NG men to learn candy busi ness. all depart m nts. Vogan Candy Co., East 11th ami Flanders. EDGE trimmer on men's and boys' heavy and fine shoes; steady work; union shop. Apply Washington Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. FRESSER on custom pants, be?t wages to the right man. J. w emstein. Washing ion. WANTED Experienced spray operator for paint shop; none other than first ciass man need apply. .! 1 nurman ct. MEN wanted for sawmill; no wood, water or rent charges for married men : school handy. James (. o:e. uevitt, Ur. ACCOUNTANT Experienced, able to handle department in esiaoi.snea wnoiesaie house; answer luny. -a .i., urcponian. WANTED Door pate her and other sash and door men. '1 he Wheeler, Osgood CO.. Tacoma. w asn. WANTED 2 experienced auto mechanics. 1 man who uniierstanus acetylene welding, Riley & Meier Garage, Corvallis. Or. HOY IS enrs old for telephone operator and page in private ciuo. ak .. oregonian. WANTED Auto and wagon blacksmith. 711 Vancouver ave. WANTED A good barber: guarantee JC20 week Apply to M. Wilcox. Kelso, Wawh. SALESMAN and collector, ton st. 402 Washing- JOHN Si 11 M IDT Chf ; $100; want full crew. m. 1- . A 'b. oregonian. WANTED Young man to work few hours for ineais. White Lunch. 2S4 Washington WANTED Salesman at once, salary $20 per week. Idaho Steam I-aundry. Boise, Idaho. WANTED All-around cook. 1751 Derby st. rnone wain. GENTLEMEN. I will mend your socks, very reasonable, inquire ac ak oregonian WANTED All-round country blacksmith. Phone or call K. K. oilmore. Can by. Or. WANTED Cabinet maker. Millmade Con struct ion "o. , 1 0l Un ion ave." N. WANTED An experienced d:sh w asher at Bab s restaurant. .' starn st. BUS boy wanted for beach hotel. Call Bdwv 1180. EXPERIENCED houseman. Apply at once. Hotel Marion, saiem. i r. BOY wanted to work in drugstore, good chsnre to learn the Business. o!. First ONE good, strong boy wanted. Theo. Berg mann Shoe Mfg. Co.. 621 Thurman st. OFFICE BOY, $40. AH 402. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPERS OFFICE MEN. As a representative of the largest or ganization of Its kind In this country. I have been commissioned to get In touch with ambitious office men who are will ing to undertake some preparatory train ing necessary to qualify for executive cost of public accounting work offering $3000 TO $10,000 A TEAR. Those now employed may, under onr plan, get their preparatory training in a way that will not interfere with their present duties or position. This is a vary unusual opportunity to move up into an important accounting position through the affiliation, direction and help of a staff of nationally known certified public accountants with repre sentation in all the leading cities of the United States. Full particulars will be supplied to those answering promptly giving business and residence address or telephone number. Address BC 293, Oregonian. INCIDENT. (One of many.) Y. M. C A. Office of Fecretary Advisory and Employ- ment Department. Y. M. C. A. Toung man, stranger, out of work ($20 his total cash assets If I pay yoa $7 for membership in the Y. M. (J, A. I wl'.l have only $13 left between ms and star vation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its influence, strength and resources, between, you and starvation. Result Young man joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satisfac tory employment and a membership card In his pocket, which assures him, along with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employment department service for one year. Calls for men since Jan. 1, 1919 1452 Positions filled 7B9 Shy the kind of men wanted C3 The standing this department has with Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating service it has rendered them over a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our Instruc tions we will guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund membership fee. Soldiers and sailors given three months complimentary membership. MAKE MONEY. Reliable mn to handle the famous Indiana Silo in territories In Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an investment A bona fide money-making proposition. Writ for further information, giving data as to experience and capabilities. References required, CHAS. K. SPALDING COMPANY. SALEM. OREGON. CARRIER wanted for Laurelhurst; must be lo years of age or over. Apply City Cir culation Department, Room 203, The Ore gonian Bldg. CARRIERS wanted for Rose City Park. Apply City Circulation Department. Room 20o, The Oregonian Bldg. WANTED Experienced window trimmer ana snow-cara writer: gooa opportunity open to right party. Simon's Store, First and Aider sts. ert young men to learn the lumber busi ness, rapid promotion T r young men ot ability, can start in the box. shingle, ve neer, spruce shop, shipping sheds or re pair departments, 45c to 00c per hour to start, right In a good little town in Wash ington, for one of the largest concerns sf its Kind cn the coast. See Mercer tdav, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 235 Burn side st. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour weeK, no work Saturday or tunaay nignts; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. WANTED Janitor for first-class apart ment, west side; must be man of experi ence, able to handle renting and col lections; also hrre work about apartments; good wages to right party. Oil burning system. Must be in position to take charge August 1. Y 443. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT TO BE YOUH OWN BOSS? I have road job paying $3.00 per hour for the purchaser of a large oversized o4 ton truck; S100O cash and terms will handle this proposition; 0 to 12 hours, 3 years work. East 21O0. WANTED First-class barber to go to Day ton, Wash. Guarantee $20 per week. 60 per cent over $35. Steady job. Hours 8 to 6:30. For particulars apply to Lewis Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED Experienced planerman, capable or laKing iuii cnarge macnine worn, Han dling, grading and chipping lumber at small plant, central Oregon town; give phone number. V 408. Oregonian. WANTED Al young man for Invoice clerk; wholesale lumber office ; capable in typewriting and stenography; state ex perience, reference and salary expected. A 379. Oregonian. WANTED A manufacturing jeweler who can set diamonds, do platinum work. A splendid opportunity for right man. Ad dress Butt, "The Jeweler," 324 .Provident Building, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED One sash and door cutter 1 stick er man, 1 sash and door machine man, 4 bench men lor sash and door factory In detail mill; steady work; state wages ex pected. AV 24s, Oregonian. WANTED Men for sawmiil, lath mill and lumber yards; gooa wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed, California. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher; single man preierrea. iust De a member o the Elks order. BD 007. Ore gonian. WANTED First-class all-around beveler and silverer: steaay jod; i per nay witn increase in three months. Tyre Bros. Glass Co., Fresno, 1 al. WANTED Industrious, honest boy. over 10. with some education, to make nimseil useful in office and other work; good salary ana two meais. oin St. BARBER wanted, first class; 2S guaran teed; fare paid, l. . J. nomas, waiiowa, Or. KVPKRIKXCED advertisinn solicitors: es tablished publications. R. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchnnge. Marshall ,.lt. FIRST-CLASS sash and door-machine men wanted. Apply Central Door & Lumber C o .. 22d and Long ave. LIVE-WIRE advertising solicitors. big money. Robinson, 20i stock Exchange, 10 A. M. LUMBER bill -clerk for local mill; must be experienced: good salary' to right partr. BD 011, Oregonian WANTED Men to handle trucking con tract ; good proposition m attractive dia trict. Call at 130 N. 5th st. OFFICE boy for permanent position, good opportunity for boy who is willing to work. Apply at office. Jones Cash Store. WANTED A very high-class baker. A very fine proposition will be made to a man who can qualify. Y 457,Oregonian. WANTED Experienced wringer man; $4 per day: steady employment. Yale Laun d ry. 000 E. Morrison. EXPERIEN CE D DOOR PATCH ERS ; STEADY WORK; PIECE BASIS. NICO LA I DOOR MFG. CO. WQUDLAWN 7:. YOUNG man for collecting and office work, $12 to start. Write BD 47R, Oregonian. help an teo Salesmen. ONE high-grade realty salesman w anted : office controls fine city business and new home construction; must hav ear; ref erences necessary. Write X 847, Ore gonian. WIDE-AWAKE, experienced salesman want ed for cit ; must have good appearance: auto desirable but not necessary. Call 114 First st N SALESMAN or solictor on a permanent proposition, doing business all over the United States. Apply Dr. Parker, care of Kilham Printing & Stationery Co. GOOD proposition for house-to-house sales man. See John Brown. 324 Railw ay Ex change bidg. i 1 1 . . . , ... - i WANTED IMMEDIATELY. RELIABLE SALESMAN. WITH- CAR. NO INVEST MENT; BY LARGE EASTERN COM PANY; POSITION PERMANENT; LINE STAPLE AND A REPEATER: OCR FIELD MANAGER. WHO IS HERE. WILL PROVE TO YOU YOUR COMPENSATION WILL BE FROM $20 TO $30 A DAY BY WORKING WITH YOU ONE DAY. IF NECESSARY, IN THIS FIELD. THIS AD. MEANS JUST WHAT IT STATES. GIVE PHONE NUMBER. READ AD. CAREFULLY. V 4 4 3, O R EG ON I A N. PAPER SALESMAN. Experienced in printers' stock and fine papers, to call on printers and stationers man of ability, rood address and personal appearance. Address with reference and phone number AL 413. Oregonian. SALESMEN for house-to-house campaign on vacuum cleaners and washing machines; liberal commissions. Stubbs Electric Co., 6th and Pine sts. TELEGRAPH operator, 3:30 to 8 P. M. Must be strictly first class. See Chief Op erator, Room 202 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTKD AGENTS. THE WEST COAST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HAS A GENERAL AGENCY OPENING IN EASTERN OREGON FOR THE RIGHT MAN; CONTRACT DIRECT WITH HOME OFFICE. LIBERAL FIRST YEA R AND RENEWAL COMMISSIONS, INQUIRIES TREATED AS CONFIDEN TIAL. ADDRESS 700 GASCO BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. AGENTS wanted to sell our full line of trees and shrubbery. Write na for terri tory. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. SALEM. OR. AGENTS at once. Sell ?0c per month hos pital tickets. 20S Corbett bldg. HELP WAXTKI -FEMALK, WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TRAVEL. NOT OVER 30 YEARS OF AGE, CALL ING ON B US I NESS A N D PROF V. S SIONAL PEOPLE: COLLEGE EDUCA TION PREFERRED: MUST BE CLEAN CUT AND WILLING TO WORK: PER MANENT POSITION WITH A CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; WE ADVANCE EXPENSES. CALL SATURDAY BE TWEEN i AND 11 A. M. AND 2 AND 3 P. M. 324 BECK BLDG. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the serv ices of experienced salesladies for tha fol lowing departments: CORSET DEPARTMENT. STATION ERY AND RIBBONS. Apply superintendent's office between 9 and 10:30 Saturday morning. EXPERIENCED corset alteration operators. must operate power macntnes. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier & Frank Co. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require th services of experienced cashier Inspectors. Must be familiar with National cash register sys tem. Apply superintendent's office ready to go to work. YOUNG lady, with some experience in of- iice work; must be quick ana accurate at figures and with use of typewriter; should possess some knowledge of doubie entry bookkeeping. Apply at once. Ideal Tea Co., 71 1 Union ave. N. WANTED Six ladies for outdoor selling, $18 weekly salary and commission, with quick advancement; success certain: exceptional opportunity. Address Immediately, J 803, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged lady for cook on Dridge gang; can use man ana wne. man to work in crew; cook's pay 0 per month for crew of 10 to 14 men. Address Gus C. Carlson, Sixth ave. sta., Tacoma. Wash. BY EASTERN corporation, an active Port- iann young laay over 21 lor steaay saiariea position calling on homes, experience not essential. Apply 12 to 2, room 210, Ore gon bldg., fith and Oak. LADY presser wanted, one who understands pressing iauies ana men s garments; very highest waxes paid to right party. Port land Cleaning Works, 41st and Sandy road. YOUNG ladies for outside work in city; also those wishing to travel. $20 a week to start. Call after 11 A. M. Saturday. 386ft E. Morrison St.. room 6. ONE experienced power machine operator wanted. J neo, lie rg man snoe anig. to., 621 Thurman st. WOMAN or girl for housework, no wash ing, pnone labor oJJo, or apply via Selling bldg. EXP. bookkeepers. $ 10O to $120; stenogra phers. Si.t to xnr; dictaphone operators, S & 0t o $100. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED a la carte waitress; salary f :; j.OO, room and meals. Hotel Marion. Saiem, Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT BAB'S RESTAURANT, 326 STARK STENOGRAPHER, permanent position; good salary; state experience. a &s, orego nian. GIRL over 22, sufficient experience to sume responsibility in wholesale line; swer fully. A 3S0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted. Call Portland cnocoiate Shop. 245 Morri son, bet. 2d and 3d si. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any gin in a is trees. vjj x. oinaa M. V. car. East 316. WANTED Girls to operate spinning ma chines. Apply Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup sts. EX P. bookkeepers. $10 to $120: stenogra phers. to ii-; dictaphone operators, $R0 to $1Q0. 3Q1 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED An Al woman rook for Jirst- taurant. Kainier. or. WANTED Girl experienced in delicatessen and lunch counter work. Mast's Delicates sen, 623 Washington st. GIRL to helrrwTtrT" housework and take care of baby girl 16 mo. old; treated like ona of family. Call Marshall 4605. WANTED Refined elderly woman for light nouseworK, one who appreciates good home. Mrs. mLowe, Main 706. LUMBER Mil-clerk for local mill ; must be experienced; good salary to right party. BD Ml. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for kitchen work; eld erly woman preferred; good wages. Hotel Riverview. Rainier. Or. ANY g:rl In need of a friend apply to th Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East loth st. N.. or phone East 123. GIRLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, steady work. Apply American Can Co.. 14th and Front sta. STENOGRAPHER, SV: typist. $60; fii clerk. $00. AH 401. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID. Angela hotel, 625 Wash ington st. COUNTER GIRL wanted. 126 5th St., Liber- tv I.uneh. WANTED A good cook. Institutional. Call Main 07. WANTED" Dining room girl, st. Phone Woodlawn 2!10. 1701 Derby WANTED Dishwasher. White Lunch. 2S4 Washington st. WANTED A cook, at the Patton Home. Woodlawn 17tn. WANTED Lady for housework in fami:y and care of children. 711 East SOth N. HELP wanted for sewing. 3K6l Wash, St., room 02. Madame Yaeck. WOMAN for general work; good wages and apartment. Euclid Hotel. lMh and Wash. WANTED Waitress. Campbell Hill hotel. 23d and Hoyt. WILL give music lessons for few hours' light housework. Main 3018. PANTS finisher wanted, steady work and good pay. 046 Washington bldg. WANTED Dishwasher. 1701 Derby st. Tele h on e Wood lawn 2l 1 5. WOMAN to do light housekeeping for wid ower. 31 7 Russell st.. mornings. CHORUS GIRLS Highest waxes, long en g igemet-.ts ; no traveling. Casino theater. EXPERIENCED telephjne operators may be ootaln'-d by calling Main 102. A 2687. MILLINERY makers wanted. linVry. 33 Alder. West Mll- W ANTED Experienced lady c.othes ironer Lace Home Laundry, 60u Washington. WANTED Dining room girl and kitchen help. Necanicum Inn. Seaside, Or. GIRL for ceneral housework; S0O Northrup. Main 1113. In family. COM PET ENT w oman In vicinity of Wen- over uriatc " "ma. junnail is 70. WANTED First-class finisher and operator on dresses. Elson. 403 Washington st. J1S PER WEEK for experienced hemstitch operator. 30 !j Morrison, room 405. WANTKD Experienced girl to work in dell catssen. Call 382 3d st. WANTED Sewers on pant; girls to learn. ;ay while learning. 547 Washington bldg. GIRLS wanted for all depart merits. Voun 'an-iy Co.. Fast 11th and Flanders. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Hotel Ramapo. 473 W ash, st. YoL'N J girl to work in grocery store, 300 North 17th st. WANTED Woman for housework, go home mshts. Tabor SftO. 1 150 Belmont st. WANTED Experienced woman for upstairs work and care of children. Main CIO. WANTED A lady" barber No. .N. 3d at. BODY IRONER WANTED. AMERICAN LAUNDRY, 140 K. THIRD ST. NORTH. TTTB MEIER 4k FRANK CO. requires the services of experienced millinery r akers and saleswomen for the coming season; steady work for capable people Is as sured. Apply employment manager, sixth floor. LIBERAL. BONUS PAID. Experienced 2 -needle operators on over alls; also girl to put sleeves in coats, and other girls to piece sleeves and join shirts. Como In and let us explain our bonus system to you. We close Saturday afler noons. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. THB MEIER A FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced saleswoman for the silk department. Apply employ, ment bureau. ib floor, ME1EU Jk FRANK WOMAN to take charge of private hospital; must have had practical experience In nursing; must be able to prepare meals and take full charge; steady employment. Apply Dr. O. W. Elliott, president of Pa cific Chiropractic College, corner Park and Yamhill. Main 1014. NEAT, attractive young woman, able to mwt public to help In phvsiclan's office In small town near coast; chance to learn nursing and good prospects for suitable party; give phone number, age, experience, photo and minimum salary to begin with. A 373. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced hemstitching op erator. Apply employment manager. 6th floor. Meter A Frank Co. GIRLS wanted, have permanent positions. 1 girl .o do dampen skirts. 1 girl to pin cur tains and 1 girl to operate clothes press; experience not necessary, wages $13 to $14. Crystal Laundry Co.. E. 2 let and Sandy. Rose City car. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require the serv ices of several experienced millinery makers; permanent positions. Apply al superintendent's office. MANGLE help wanted, with or without ex perience; steady positions, best of wagea Palace Laundry. East 10th and Everett. STENOGRAPHER can have use of nicely furnished office with typewriter and phone, moderate salary and privilege of public work. Good opportunity. Abbott. Stearns Co.. 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Housekeeper, widower with one child; take St. Johns car, get off at Emerald St.. walk down 2 blocks north. Adam Sepuh, 365 Baldwin at, by Penin sula school house. EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted; high salary, all-year position to capable workers. Apply Muller c Raas Co. of Wash In g ton . 1513 Gth ave.. Seattle. Wash. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted for positions In Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho. Apply to Lowoa g art 4c Co. AN EXPERIENCED DRUG BILLING CLERK FOR SUBSTITUTE WORK FuR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO. WANTED Applications from girls lo work In wood-working factory at St. Johns Steady work and good wages. J 706. Ore gonian. PIANIST wanted to demonstrate sheet music; must be good sight reader; steady work. 324 Washington su Rcmick bong Shop. WANTED Experienced markers and dis tributors, also leeders and foldeis. alsu inexperienced help wanted. National Laundry Co., E. bth aud Clay sts. WANTED Thoroughly experienced muIU graph operator; aiso capable of handling mailing list. Good salary to right party. Apply Haxelwood. Front and Ankeny. WANTED Experienced stenographer, one with bookkeeping knowledge. State ex perience and beginning salary expectud. AK 471, Oregonian. FIVE salesladies for the ladies' read y -1 o wear department. Apply immediately pre pared to go to work, Levitt s Store. 4tn and Washington. WANTKI A girl for light housework. ny 2 In the family and good wages. Apply for particulars to Aiken Loan office. 221 1st t., cor. Salmon. EXPERIENCED lunch waitress wanted ; married woman preferred; good wages; no Suadays. Apply Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts., eighth floor. WANTED Girl for clerk and some kitchen work in coniectionery store. Inquire 6i5 E. Morrison. WANTED Experienced salesladies and trimmers at English Millinery. 41 Morn fron su: no others need a p p y . WOMAN to simonlzc automobile: must be experienced. City Auto Laundry and Ga rage. 449 Burnslde. ACTS and entertainers wanted. Art-Baker Theatrical Booking Offices. 621 Henry Bldg. Wain 3473. WANTED Capable energetic women for genial, remunerative employment; all or spare time. AK 470. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Appty Immediately for position. Long season, good salary. Muller & Haas Co. GIRL with good experience in charge filing department: state all particulars. A 3i4. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID wanted, land hotel, room 20O. Apply at Port- Wan ted Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for cooking and to help w itn general nouseworK on ranch: must like children: mpdern ron conveniences, washing done by power; E.tod waxes to a person who wishes steady position. Box 40, Hillsboro. Oregon, route No. 1. EXPERIENCED cook: permanent position. Gear hart, for summer; 3 adults, 3 chil dren; $73 wash and cook, $6o to cook only; leaving town Saturday noon. Ap ply 303 Concord bldg. cr'u oi. cirl to assist with housework: good room, fine home, steady position. 1S to $jo per month, west side. Phone Broadway -Uuo. want an experienced second maid. 3 in family, 3 in help; good wages; references renuired. Call between - and 4 and u ana 8. 722 Park ave. Phone Main 2lQ3. WANTED A woman to do cooking for 2 months at Seaside: small family, modern cottage on board walk ; all conveniences. Phone Mrs. McKlnney. Tabor 26Q7. WANTED Maid for general housework; m.ii family : nrivate and sitting- room ; pleasant surroundings. 201 Fairfax Ter race. Phone Main 1Q4. v.YPtui kntf.D cook for general dow atalrs work; family of three adults; no washing. iteierences require- ruum Main 2Wf. mornings, WANTKD MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK. NEW BUNGALOW. 3 IN FAM ILY; GOOD WAGES. CALL K AST U047, MORNINGS. WANTKD Girl for general housework, no objection to married woman. Phone Main 2614, 2Qtt lflth. near Taylor, west aide. WANTED Girl of some experience for gen eral housework. family ot 3; 6-room house. Main 610. EXPERIENCED girl of 16, housework help er, farm home ; $40; references. Write All 40Q. Oregonian. CuMl'ETKNT cook and fecund maid for family of two; west side. Phone Broad way 2Li or call no 3 Johnson st. WANTED An experienced waitress, pri vate family. Apply Miss Falling, 2U1 &itx su Pbone Main 236. or A 40ou. WANTED Girl lo assist with light house work; good home, good wages. 2oO N. 24th. Phono Marshall 1321. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no upstairs work, no laundry. Main 33U. WANTED Capable woman or girl for gen eral housework; $00 per month. Wood la wn 30V . WANTED Experienced second girl to assist with children. Phone Marsha! 28U7. 22 J Cornell road, near Lovejoy. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; wages . r.ast &.i4. GIRL for general housework four days each week. 271 Washington st. WANTED Girl to Call 730 Kearney. assist with housework. GIRL for general housework: no washing, lltil E. Burnslde sL Call Tabor ftftOi. WANTED Girl to assist with house ork; sjiiali family. $20. 712 Mississippi ave. W ANTE rl for light house w ork : washing. Small family. Tabor 7304. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Tabor 321L WANTED Reliable girl for second gurL Main 32. 7t'. Northrup sU HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. RAILWAY mail -clerk examinations August 23; $1100-$1600 year: sample Questions free. Franklin Icstltuta. Dept. 376 R, Rochester. N. T. HOP PICKEKS WANTED. T. A. Llvesiey St Co. yards, near Salem and Independence. Or. W furnish tents, table!, nivola, wood, water, straw lor beds and baskets to pick In. There Is a store, cookhouse, butcher shop and danchakl on the grounds. At ttoc per box. you make big money and have the outtng. Register at -t'i N. 4th St.. or phone A lfl and get reservations marif lor acrommodatlona Afk for Guy Cruun. room 2. Ry bote. W E W ILL won be rraJy to "a ten up" hop pickers for our Independence yard, so ar rti:ic your atatlon to becin on or about September 1. Our former pickers are tnnd ly atk'-d to "come again." and we shall be happy to have you with us then. SEID G. HACK. 308 Firs: St., Tortland. Or. WEAVERS. AND SPINNERS WANTED. Steady work; 4H-nour week; good wagea Apply Portland Woolen Mills. WANTKI Good all-around white cook and Waitress for restaurant; steady. year aruund place; w'es $14U to $10l month; married, middle-aged people preferred: lid references; must know their busi ness. Foutch 's Restaurant. Rose burg, ir. WIDR-AWAKE men and women to intro duce mararme: subscriptions offer g money. Sr Frederick, Edison Motel, n and after 5 P. M. good WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAY. OREGON CI r Y WOOLEN MILLi. OREGON CITY. WANTED Al onco. teacher who can teaca no and violin, out ol town. A' hone 4449. ask for Mr. Conensky. 22 FIRST ST. O. K. RESTAURANT Wanted, lady and man cook. WANTED Marker and sorter; top wages paid to right party. AP 102. Oregonian. EDUCATIONAL. HEMPHILL'S TRADE PCHOOLF. INC. 707 Hawthorne avenue. Portland, Oregon. A SCHOOL OF Automobile and Tractor Engfnerlng. Wherein there's absolute reliability . Advanced, practical, efficient. HOTELS need trained women ; positions waiting; demand far exceeas the aupply; we will train you at home by mall In your spare time for this faacinating profession ; big pay. fine living; splendid opportunity for advancement. Send for free Illustrated book "Your Big Future In Hotel Work. Lewis llotl Training School, 327 Mather Building. Washington, D. C. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 461 Hawthorn Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOO TO BOSS THE JOB. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS FREE TRI Al. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto. Tractor. Ota Engine and Auto Electrical Work BIG lOO-pAGS CATALOGUE FREE. AUdreas Adcox Auto Tractor School. Dept. K. Union ava. and Wasco su. Portland, or. Phone East "440. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF PKHN KJS-W A LK ER Business College, Portland. Enroll any tune. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, book keeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and wom-n wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bide. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet, liatiway Telegraph Institute. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day. night schocl. Ailfky bldg.. 3d and Mor. Main 324. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools; positions secured. Send for catalog. Phone Bdwv. 1731, 234 Burnslde st. DR. DELORY Concentration, breat hlng. 4 mi 19th mt., Portland 7461. reconstruction. Heights. Main Jft'CKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt. mgr. N.W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. coucn si. MEN. WOMEN Learn barber trade free; wages while learning; poi--ion guarmniecu. Oretton Barber ColUge. 2-t:i M.idison st. Mis Bucket's pri ate school; individual 1 n s t r u ctlon. 1 2 31 Jiranda ve. K a st 4 27 . MR "3 HANNUM'S short hsnd school open durine summer. East Bs-00. 2.".o Tiiiaroook st-eet. .. TEACHING posit!, n. free registration. Main 4 a0. Fisk Teachers Agency, mourns, o MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit- . i. . .) .ii 1 .1 K VT a 1 n J wU I II a Knvoi, " um- -. " - THB International Correspondence Schoot Can raise your salary. ifi ji jm.Kt w mj. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. 8ITVATION" WANTED MALE, ACTIVE man of 30 with thorough knowl edge of fruits and produce desires connec tion with growing concern where expe rience Is essential. BP OOP. Oregonian. wivrr.n hv voung man and wife, a first ciass apartment house to look after; first-clas machanic on all lines. b 11 Oregonian. YOUNG married nun seeks position driving car or truck where steadiness and re )iubi!ity are required: experience and ref erences. A Ij 'rrKnn A COMPETENT, experienced grocery or hardware stock man would Ilk position September 1: experienced In handling men. l- i u k- i) an. I ,arilr.r married. axoer enced reliable, wants work on ranch, capable of taking full charge. X 823. Ore gonian. W NT EL Apartment house to manage and do the Janitor work. I understand all wood and coal ateain heat boilers. AK. 496. Oregonian. wiVTi'n Pfitlrn hv automobile mechan ic In Portland, about Sept. 15. driving or repairing cars. K. iec aiu owning. low a. WANTKD By man and wife, work on ranch or In camp: wife cook, man blacksmith or other work. Phone 9S1-J, ancouver, Wssn. i-ukv rvok and second, wishes a place In or out of city. 322 Williams ava. Call East v- n: KMr.KTir voung man. 21. desires posl tlon in wholesale house with good future. B. Secord. Kajt oi 1 1. EXPKR1KNCKD salesman . wants position with reliable firm, salary and commission preferred. AL 21. oregonian. YoCNG man desires position with hardware. electrical oi auto i inn to iern ouaiue Ref a. Columbia 3fil. FIltST-CLASri structural draftsman of long experience-, wants position about Sept. 1st. Address 1 jregoniii. CHAL'KKKL' R Japanese, experienced, good driver, wishes steady position as private chauffeur. A 1 Ul. urfKonian. YOUNG man. truck driver with car. wants position as auto or truck driver. Tel. worn. io, jiuniucM. MAN, age 40. wants position as fireman or engineer: may take other work. Address p. o. liox city. EXPERIENCED bank clerk desires position in country bank; good reierences. All 43. Oregonian. HAVE 1-ton reliable. fast-moving auto truck. Would like to do your d raying; reaso n ab i e. BJ ?2. oregonian. CARPENTER, cement or brick work wanted; good and quick work done. AJ 069. orego nian. FOR ERIN China painter wants position; has 10 yearar experience. -i wu ona su S. K. WANTED POSITION AS GARDENER. PRIVATE PLACE. APPLY VERBENA, loo NORTH SIXTH STREET. YOUNG married man wants steady position as grocery clerk or something similiar; two years' experience. Tabor 7trj7. HAVE one-ton reliable, fast-moving auto truck: would like to do your draylng; rea sonable. HJ 2. Oregonian. CARPENTER, cement or brick work want ed; good and quick work done. AJ Oregonian. Al CARPENTER wants work, prelcrred. HJ PI. Ore gon la n. day work MAN. auto mechanic helper some experience, city or country.A40'.orcgonian. QUITE number Japanese want positions to pick peaches. Q N. 3d it t-. . it Hu n and carden rk. fXDfrlnr.il men. Ollroy. Hroadwav 1"37 KoOFS repaired, shingled t tarred; all work guaranteed. Hast 8401. CEMENT work, repair or new. Call ven ini;s. Rroadway 4i27. PLACE AS DRIVER, car for car; reliable. Mabail 13xj. or Main f-2QH. POSITION by middle-aged man aa Janitor or watchman. seliwood 37iq. Al CARPENTER want work; day work preferred. I J h Lore g onian. PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing, ga; vary reasonable. McCurdy. oil. lio. PORTER or janitor, night or day. Broadway 21". room 314. CONTRACTOR and buildvr, repair and oi work. Col. OOT. YOUNG btMineas man. . married, recently arrived from Northern Alberta. seeks opening In Oregon; has considerable tra.n Ing Id advert ie. a g and rr spa per work : iso experienced in automobile business. of good habits. Industrious and execu tive; w ou.d g adly aUapt himself to any reponaible work, either clerical or manual, offering prospecta Can Invrst where prac ticable. Address G. 563 Sixth Street. Portland. Tl RST-CLASS "dairy man. Danish, single. i rs or age. good mt.ker, expert in rais ing cu.tUated crops, deaires position on dairy and hog farm wh;en can be rented later for casta or shares. Lnn'i answer this ad. unless yon are In need of a thor oughly axporienred man with lots of am bition to go ahead and w it h exceptional ability in this line. Am not afrsid of a run-down farm. Address AV 2 77. Ore gonjan. T R OPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION. 1 specialise in all kinds of roof painting and repairing, clean off mo-, repair around chimney. ent pipes and gutters, put on a good waterproof paint on store bldgm. or garage roofa. For reliable work call C. En a., Woodlawn M4. Refer ences galore. years la Portland. AH work guaranteed. BY ex-business man. position where experi ence, acumen, character and. loyalty wtil be appreciated and rewarded: greatest ex perience In food products: executive work , or assistant to buyer or departmental head preferred: "money back" if not nnil-f r toiy. What hsxe you? P r.3. regon;sn. MARRIED man. age 37. experienced time keeper, railroad or other construction; rioi particular w here camp Is located if liv ing accommodations lor self and wire are furnished; salary no obiet; rn report about Aug. lO and ran remain permanent; r 'ereru.es. AH 403. Oregonian. WANTED Position by salesman of 25 ears experience In merchandising in ail branches of the business; is open for posi tion; wouid prefer clothing or gents fur nishing, or w ould cnnnli-r travel ing for reliable house; can furniatt Al rcfcrcncva. Y 43h, Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED machine shop foreman Ue slrea position as superintendent or fore man of tool making d partmen or regu lar machine or both: 10 yean' experience: be t o f re f ere m-es I' .".". oregonian. v r M- S- 1:1T K k t.. 'diy. WANTED Position as general office alt ant for lumber mill. e4.iMo to imi.OtHf ca pacity preferred; have bad yard and mill Prleiioe a well as knowledge of good oft Ice methods, age 2A. A V 22. Ore gonian. MAN with selling ability and Ford roadster wants work; well acquainted In city, ex cel. ent references: no objection to houe-to-house work; salary and commiaiun. AK 4T7. Oregonian. WANTED A permanent home on farm near I'nriiana tor gooa, steaay boy. to neip witn chores and ligh i work for board and clothes. Call lidwy. 1333. or address 1 III N. 16th st. EXPERIENCED lumber office man desires position; rail or cargo; UeSi of references. X b4!. Or. goman. CHAUFFEUR, aged 20, married, 8 years' ex perience, desires position In Port 'and with family or concern that will recognise ability and concientlousne. Y 44S. Ore gonian. MARRIED man. 31 years old. years expe rience manager general store, buyer ot grocerlea. dettirea position In Portland ter ritory. Small town preferred. References given. AV 25. Oregonian. LANDSCAPE gardener and care taker wants steady position on residence or gentle man's country home; Al reference. 1' 4 Oil. oregonian. W A N T K I Pos t ion as private chauffeur. Call Wdln. 10 i. NIGHT WATCHING by reliable property wner. woodlawn S20. Hook keepers, Stenographers, Offlct, BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER with 12 years ex perience, would like siml.ar posit ion or trust and responsibility, or would like several small sots of books to take rare of; best of references. AJ 00O. Orego nian. POSITION by mm and wife; man time keeper or other work, wire Dooggeepr ana typist. Will go anywhere. Both worker. Can wait two weeks. A V 27s. Oregonian. YOUNG man, excellent typist, good know 1- edge office work., cesirvs position. inont Tabor 634. BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensiv- expo- rnnrf, good penmsn. AJ &o. .regoman. Soldier and Pallors. YOUNG MAN Just discharged from army, would like a position witn some rename firm ; a Job with responsibility des.red ; wi;l consider any line of work where ad vancement la certain If a man shows ability. X 26. Oregonian. DISCHARGED SOLDIER. 20. wsnts couple weeks In Ssn rinrisco ana return oeiore attending fall school: will drive auto or anything to make expenses. X SCO. Ore gonian. ARMY OFFICER Construction eng.ne-r. university education, married, aged 26. deiirea position with corporation or con struction firm with opportunity for ad vancement. X b33. oregoniaru EXPERIENCE Houseman. Janitor, f. reman. could handle night ciera. sma.i noiei. un derstand my buslnese; must have living wage. Main 7T07. or Y 400. Oregonian. JUST out of army, have had electrical and mechanical experience. s-w. vrw- gonian. EX-SOLDIER desires position as salesman men's furnishings or automobile part dept. X 832. Oregonian. S FIXATION WAITED FEMALE. CAPALLE girl wants position as reception 1st. preferably In physician's or dentist's office, some knowledge typewriting. Phone Sell ood 120. WANTKD A placo to take care of children evenings wnne motner as away, iticituic. Woodlawn 1611. i . i nv manta h mi sec lean In s and ot her w or hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood- SWITCH BOARD operator, some typing, ho tel or business house. Miss Hopkins. Main 57PS. experienced teacher; good references. AH J 44.. oregonian. WOMAN with daughter old enough to help for general housework and cooking on farm. East 81X. LADY understanding baking and cooking to assist starting up cafeteria. Y 401. Ore- COLORED woman wants every Friday and Saturday; laundry; good reference. East tf08. . WIDOW Isdv wants 1 or 2 rhl'dren to care for In her own home: best of care; no other children. P.J fi.t. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper In apart ment house by experienced woman, or will ea-e nice location East 96. YOl'NtJ lady piano player wishes dance en gagements, private homes a specialty. Call Tabor gOLV WANTED Children to cure for; good ref erences. Call Tabor 8123. GIRL wants housework, would like place with old couple. 201 E. Morrison st. POSITION as cashier or clerk In gro., T yrs. experience, rhone Wdln. 4Q.tV ask for H. Ilookk ee per. Stenographers, Office. POSITION wanted by experienced lumber stenographer, can do checking and billing. also take rare of routine correspondence. It J 9 k. Oregonian. CASHIER w-tahes position. understands bookkeeping. Write or call 392 N. 2th Street. Ol RL with experience wishes position in dentsl office as as 1st an L AK 464. Ore gonlan. LADY wishes office position, good penman and good at figures. Phone Apt. 3, Wdln. 403. EXPERIENCED B K. and stenographer In lumber and all com, lines. Main 2S17. Dress m a tt e r. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and remodeling; special pneaa on tub frocka 1120 Division. Tabor Q1S. PLAIN sewing, reasonable, satisfaction guar anteed. Mrs. Nicholson, 12 Grand avenua. East 6913. DRESS MAK I NCI and remodeling, work guar anteed. Tabor r!04. WOMAN to take charge of private hospital: must have had practical experience In nursing ; must be ab.e to prepare meals and tk fu.l charge; steady emp.oymem. Apply Dr. O. W. Elliott, president. Pacific Chiropractic college, corner Para and Yarn hn:. Main inrr WANTED Praet leal nurse with some hos pital training desires day nursing or car of children by the hour. Phone Tabor 1082- TRAIN BD nurse w ill taka sl k or ronv. l-ci.i at her own home, male or female. bet care, massage given. Tabor V2s. PRACTICAL nurse: I will cook 1 good meal a dav for tb lamlly. Call Tabor 3472, aK tor airs, t jestao. REKINED. sympathetic, practical nurse, wilt care for lnva lid or convalescent . best references. Phone r.ast it. W SANITARIl'M K Corroct diagnosing; best of medical at tention and nursing 734 Hawthorne a e. MAN and w ife (wife nurse w Hi a: for mental esse in their home. P Ore gonian. Housekeeper. WIDOW with son. 7. wishes nosii ion as housekeeper, country or city, phone East 60S2. ITI ATIOX W A NT V IV IT M A 1 F HwBw-kpea. La 1 ' Y i l h fo ml! giri- wtshea poettieaa as housekeeper. Rowi horn more tha fct"?-'" Address Unu, or.. R. ' A LADY with 2 small boys stanta a p.ars as nousr keeper, no tnf.ers need ant a hom w ua m II Wage. BJ 7. oregol nun, WANTED A p ar as housekeeper r renl ' ' .... .... j T- COUM 'iui. aei or CSV-B, romea1 lea. WAXTF.D By a good on ranch or in camp, couver. With, n cook, plac) a esl-J. ax oma Phono W A VTF.D TO KfTS'T. RFSPOX5IPI.E eoup e. no children, want i rent un: um he1 I rvington or A im da Park houe; le for 1 esr desired. Cat furnish mny rercren e deired. Marsh I 0;s. 0b Veon bldg. WANTED To rent or lease with pnvl'eg of buying. 4-ro-rm house ith water in an e,e trie .:ghs. from - 19 1 acre of ground, within cr.y ; mm, mut be a bargain. Ad dress Mrs. lit ooki, rou'.a 0. box 22. Va c ou ver. W a V WANTKl'-To rrt, unfurnished, by rrtpn ib:e fami y e-f 2 srtu t. a tung?ow wit garage, on Wi lam- tie line Ms. till les for 2 year iav rert (juarterly in ad .tn re. A K OreTntn. WANTED To by rrponib.e pe.pla with m:: Mi.irrn. modern, we l-fur-nlhed bouse of or J rooms, garage and s eepnig porch ; best rclerencc. 1'hoae Fast 2 . 5-It U bo oca ion with car ge. no h li - oren. John A Waller, or .lolin A. Waller Tire Cn . 3;l Stark t.. near HHU. l'hsn Hroadwav OXv W'ANTEI T- rent or lcae f.r I rr modern 0 or S-rom bungalow w :tt g rs ?; can furnish first -ciass reference. X 2.. O-rcorhn. & OU fi-rooni f urn Khed house, w tt h" garag prererre! . modern and good furnU hires only. gwMl ti-tri t : one oahy 1 7 month o!d. ri s.. im(.io party. V-a-l 437 A FAMILY f thr-e nduli wt 0 or 6- room fl.t or h.ue in c'd district; rnt' ftil. reliable irn.i rS. Alt 14. tregon:n. W ANTED M'd rn furnished 7 or 8-nviti house on Portland Helmuts: references. Pbone Hroad'say 41 I, room 6"1. WANTED At onr, 3. 4 or 0 room furnished, or unfurnished houf-e. Notifv I Ifc W od-. 10l; Willamette bivd., or Columbia 7H. 0 OR fi-KO'VM unfurnished house. In good. locality ; w i.i n-acv . I esponai L.e party. Taior 0;2. 11V ItESPoNIHLK man and wife, room furnrsiied house; references. Tabor 077. WANTKD 5-room furnished bungalow by young couple, no children. Main 27i"i. WANTED To rent, small furnished house. 4.tL rrgnman. WANTED small LtrnUhed boue or flat by couple Willi one chiid Eat ."2::. WANTKI' To rnt 4 or 0-room furnisnct bouse by Aucu lt. Y 44. oregonian. Apart meats. WANTKD TO RENT. September 1. small modern un furnish ft aprimnt. with gas stove and bath: mC over 12 blocks from Oregonian bldg Prion a Mr Fink. Main 7o7rt. or Marslia.i 41. WANT furnished 2- room p rt ninl ; walk ing distance irom fith and Washington sis. not ovr $:0. permanent. AK 4sl. Ore Kontun. WANTED S.i gle apt. or flat, west side, fog over $;!. Call after 5:rt P. M. or befoia 12. Sunday, room 4"!. Hdwv. 12TO. Room With Bosr. YOI Nd woman (employed! with boy 3 years ool would l:ke board and room in refined private (amny where boy would be cared lor during the tiuv; must be reasonable. Address o 742. Oregonian. SALESMAN. T.0. room and brei Cat bollc. close gon la ii. single, would like large kfast In private fating, in. tjivc phone. S V. Orc- WANT good home for 2-year-od giri. where mother can l-oard: no other children. Ad dress P S.'-v reconlan. W IDOW" will give ema.l children the best of board and care where parents mv hav housekeeiIng rooms. 12 24 East Main ft. WANTED Room and board In tbe vicinitv' of Union a e. and Wasco st. 1'hone Eat 7440. Housekeeping Room. WANT furnished 2-room apartment: walk ing distant e from tl;h and Wafincton n: over $J0. ponnancnt. A K 4M. Ore gonian. IIumc I't W ANTED To leajie a building 100x100. iw ( fioor. or location for automobli busi ness; west side preferred. AN 2J. Orego nian. FOR RENT. Ktiniiohtrd Rooms. A MoOerate-Irued Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Ea.'l MrriM.in and Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal east ld hotel and is a r?ot.l of dignity and refine ment. Dauy r.tte $l.O0 uy; two in room $1.70: w-ekiy r-tes. $s and up. NoRToN 1 A HOTBU Portland a downtown high-class family hot-l; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families ar d business men and women. We gi v you all the cutnlorla of a boms. RaKun ahle rates. lioTKIi ARTHUR. 170 llth st.. half bl. k l rm Morrison st,. clean, modern room.-, centrally locat ed; transient. el.0; wi;h bath, 2; nionth- 1. wuh bath. S-'.u. HOTKL liLACK STONE. ELKVENTH AND STARK STS Modern, up-to-date brick building, prl vate phone n every room, elevator, lobby, $4 per week anJ up; 1 per day and up. FREE room register. lor ouog men; listing rooms in all psrts of the cLy : also la Y. M. C. A, bldg. ; shower I at ha. tele phones and club i cat urea. AK. aL ote gonian. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 S Aider U. Corner llth. Eleaant y lurnuiied, central location clean and orderly. Rate by day or wet:k. ANsuNlA. 14th and Washington With hot and co-d water and phone. Transient, tl. up; prminnt. 4 up. Private bath. !L , LARGE IiKhl airy room, with hot and cold. water; large cloact; $13. Apt. F. 24U L. lith ni M n WELL turni--UrU modern liout room lor couple, a to dosir.iMtj room for gentle man: no better locution in city. Main 1 7 si. HOTEL CK LE V. Morrison -t- Tenth Rates (1 pvr day ui: weekly. 4 up; run tiing water. Ircc pt.otie a idbatl. Palace hotel. 4id Wash, tt.: do mow location. rteil-le and st runs' modern, sttai: h-st. r na large. ciejn. T W O plainly furnished room, gas, eiectrio lights. lth ana phone. st4 eumnci su W ood law n CSTs. THE PENROSE 14 Grand ave. at Bel mont; choice smge rooms for men liVSHMA RK hotel. 0 u0 , W a h . st. large, clean, modern rooms, t-I ween up. SAROKNtTu -TEL. 271 Grand ave., h- kZ apt. and sleeping rooms. Kut 2sl. HILl-CREsT HoTEL Lath, phot-; 2 a month up; without bath, MS up. 733 W.tgfu 70-. $l.Ut DAY; $2.73 week up. outside room. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. $2 and up, 770 - SAVier st. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th s All conveniences. $4 and 0 week; $1 day. NICELY furnished front room, pbone. bath w alkltig d stance. Marshall "2Q. ONE furnished room in modern flat, horn) pri lieges. 7". West Hovt st. I nfurnllied Rooms. BE FOR E renting - housekeeping rooms. large unfurnla-bc 1H7 First. UN FU RN 1SH ED one tr more rotsna. Hoyt st. Inquire 22 Taylor. 4ii f urn Is lied Rooms in Pr1vale Famsly. LA R E pi west sub nt rni with board. 2 closets, alkmg distance. lhon Mam NEATLY furnifhed sleeping room, use bstlv phone, piai.o, home convenience. 7 Man-hall u Main 17'.. : BE AlTI FU L furnished front room : preler gentleman: private home. Broad a ay.. IOvO. l.:o I't: ti tt . west side. N ICELY " f urnlfhcJ room in private fm.l fo:- gentlemen. 10 mln. walk to rsnter oC City -.r.Q E lit N. Phone C lotirt. NICE, airy room In a real home, one cam have home comforts. In a quiet neighbor hood. Tsnor 1Q2. NICELY furnished rooms at 4r4 Clay st. 4 minutes wa. k from post of f tea. LARGE, modern room, walking distance, tfr b ock from carlin. Ma.n 4otL CoOt. front room 2.V llth st- boy $2 00 woakV. El.L-Fl RNISIiEi rooi,,. -id., grt.t ie-i'n l-rfrr-.l. bvae ln. East it U Room for g-n: tf.rt.an in nice hoira Mar. . r.or 04 l.uTetis. near 23d and Wash. VERY cool room ln one of bet apartment bour-ea w est side, lady on I y. Main 64 1 .'. $0 I E R rno. : b'anker. 3' c.w.d room f 7 12th st. r man w ah own . CLEAN ro mo. 37 tvth. hon. close in. $ per .h il.