TLTJ MORNING OREGOZSTAN, SATURDAT, JULY 20. "1019. 15 FOB SALE. Ton! try. x i-N'CON'AS Thoroughbred hiring cckereii j or sale cheap it taken at once. C It 3d. 710 E. 74th et. N. Dog, Rabbi t. Bird. Pet etock. ICR SALE French poodle mule pup. five :nonth oil. Inquire at Central Butter store, S. K. corner 4th and Ya mhill ats. Main 1V6. ak for Mr. McRevnolds. jont Tat liful machine dog. Call bor 4550. Bi'EEDWAY KENNELS; new, rian, airy, ill beard your dogs. Tabor tti3. M A LB bird doe S months old. bi E. t. Apply after 5 r. M. IKI,LOW-HKAD parrot and case, good ta:kr, 22 U Fii at gt,. tel. Mar. .107:1. Lauiirhp and Boats. fi-FOOT runabout, fully equipped. 15 mile hour, also Tuier. Kay e ( Engine 'o., foot oi Woodai d a e. Sell- TT Ii ACTIVE P. -room houshoat. a snap. $:i75; muRt pell at once. Inquire No. 20 W I U a m c t 1 e moorage. 3FOH SALE Evinrude twin rowboat motor. Perfect condition, never used. 189 Madi ron ht. j'OR ALK Gasoline launch, A-l condition, fur pleasure and Hah inc. Phone Colum bia ).". JTOTOR BOAT on easy terms or will trade. J. I.. Weaver. Ifr.tcl Portland. JS-KT. LAI'N'fit for sale, in good running ordr. 1m02 Corbet t at. J'OR SALE 75-11. P. steam tug. Apply ('apt. Orin Shepperd, St. Helens. Or. Machinery. 1 11x13 Williamette roadar doakey. 1 &6xll Willamette yarder donkey. J lSx 10x12 Worthing ton Underwriter fire pump. 1 -0x14x12 Gardner pump. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., Ki First St., Portland, O-egon. fitu-H. P., 8-cyI., DOMAN marine engine, suit able for pleasure or fishing craft; capable of producing 15 knots In properly-bull? boat. For Rood buy call at Kliugbfll & Kttinger's shop. ft. of Yamhill sL, or call m S ell. 2020 ONK 35-horsepower Alt man Taylor firebox boiler on wheels: comparatively new: com plete with all fittings. Eight steam deck winches, SxS. new, half price. G. & It. Machinery Co. fr-GAL. a btroko outside gasoline pump, fine order and cheap ; al&o 1-iral, gasoline pump, ttandard make. Phone Tabor 454 or write 4204 27th ave. S. K. Portland. lilGH-PRESSURE pumps, 1300 to 3U0U gal lons per hour, for heads up to 2O0O leeL G. F. McDougall Co., 27 Second EL l;xll WILLAl IE TTEdonkey and equip ment, cash and terms, cheap. 4uii Larra bee st.. East 0523. Typewriters. JtENT A Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. Im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly puymenta; send for price list. The Wholesale Type w riter Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash, at. U25 UP-TO-DATE TYPEWRITER In per fert condition, as good as new, $05. C22S OJd at. Tabor Goo7. "NEW, rebuilt, second-hand entals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. ALL makes typewriteri rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th. Main Ibltii "REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. Miscellaneous. ?EEIlLE33 HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND ' SILENT KNIGHT" (COMBINATION General Distributors WM. PuWELL HIGH-GRADE. VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES 1 BOSTON BELT 1 NG CO.'B MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. . THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom tis-70-72 Front st. Portland. Oregon. EE WING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com piete line or parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main U4.ll. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 11)0 Ud. Near Taylor St. USED drop-head Singers, hot it round bob bin and long shuttle ; White and New iiomes, from $15 to $22. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Main 0a33. 4th st. Singer store. lOli 4th. fcAFES Fire and burt: la r-proof auf ea. new and second-hand, ut'right prices, bought. Sold and exchanged. NURRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St Phone Main 2045. APFAREL EXCHANGE hiwa ladles'" sulfe, d revises, coats, party frocks, blouses, slight ly Ufeed, good totyie and reasonable, 'la bor LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating, indeed. Why not a permaner.L and comforta-Dle roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all Kind of K-aky roof a; work guaranteed. Main 7 770. (SAFES FILING SAFEd DIE BOLD ACTS. Expert work aone. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE &z SUPPLY COMPANY. 46 Front st. Broadway l'Jtiti. JiOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand, 1J to installed; expert boiler repair ing, plumbing, supplies cneap. Auaiui ei. Eaat S.'dtk PRINTING FOR LESS We are not members of any combination seeking to raise or control the pru-e of printing ; prompt service. Smith, printer, U4 Siark st. l-'ult SALE 100 acct. .McCaskey register in good coiuiiiiun; clieap. 1'hone Woodlawn . :M'JS. Jn-iusioa 1'ark Grocery, auth and Kniingswoi ti. bELLING OUT Soda fountain, cash regis ter, snow cases, wali caaes. sate, luii, stales, coffee urn and lemonade coolers. U4h',s 2d St.. Main ?4J. i'OR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kitiJs niacliinery. rails, cars. Railway Eq u ip:nent Co., 1!;15 Stark at. ILLIARD and pocket billiard tablts. show rases and v all-c: it s, fixtures; easy terms W. J. Cju'.g:ey. First. Main JiaOU. Sa A 1.1 hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches and syrups for parties, dances, etc. J. H. JDeLacey, ita Yamhill St. JDEL1CIOUS crabs. clams, oyster. fresti daily. Llti irst St.. bet. Wash, and Alder Western Fish Co.. Marshall .ii.sf. 'OK SAL E. R e "aso nab 1 e, one McCaskey register, holds lrio accounts. Phone Main 7-J 7, or call at 700 Wa-shington st. L OU can save money by having your clock repaired by The Portland Clock Co. Broadway 1501. We call and deliver. Fo It SALE One la rue trunk m good con d it ion. 1 large, clean ft at her bed. 1 nice hair switch. 405 Williams ae. 5TH REE riding habits, complete, tizes 3s, 40, 42, like new; a bargain, phone wetk days. Broadway 454; iuiida Tabor 4211. bl.CK HUNTERS Chance for 2 sportsmen to take interest in fine duck club, best on San vies island. X S44, Oregon ian. JBHAUTIFL'L gowns and suit, slightly Worn, obtain from smartly dressed ladies. Main t.".o7 G ENUIN E Kay -Boo epot lights, while thev lst 3.75. Buy nt jobber price. 2o'o Ky. Fx. bldg Mam Vu7. Oil A V K.N STEIN and Astrakaii apples at to lc per lb. 212 E. S5th. Tabor 617. F R U I T "jAP. S A N 7 .7 ELLY GLASSES."" l.l'-J-S H IlOLLSALl-;. 12b J ST. Sfow ll the time for painting and paper banging: gel an estimate. Tabor CT30. H'HKEE ril':top Ui-ks. 2 man. rolitop desks, filing caulnets. Hushong .t Co.. 01 Park. FOR SALE Bicycle In good condition, new tirea; price $ 1 5. 1 (HO Fremont n. VACUUM cleatirs soid. repaired, rented, ex ch :t used, boni-M. Bent'.ey Co., E:it 7rii. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase 43 1st St.. rear Ash. DIAMOND s karat, rerfect sacrifice. $J0; cost gt:t". AG 12. Oregoninn. KT F. F L top w ood range, good as nu w, Wiih I'rii. Tnbor 74o2. 0.K NT for sule, with fly, all equip men ts if desired. Tabor 7452. HOLMES d Piete. $-T.. ipearins side pull bed. com W .I n. 2404. ACCOUNT check reKister and cheese cutter. l':4d Washington n. i'OR SALE About 7000 ft. second-hand lum ber at $5 per M. East 4325. YOUNG chickens, dressed or alive, 6O0 to 7 5c each. Ta bor 2177. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 191S CHANDLER CHUMMY. Wire wheels, with paint any color desired, crimes same guarantee as new car, 5155o. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 Aider St. Broadway 494. FORD touring $;i.''t; just overhauled; good tires. 4b0 Washington st. J1S CHANDLER with Ford tires. 1 extra tire. Tabcr 5262. after 5:3' P. M. BARGAIN in Maxwell touring car, runs and looks like new. Call Mar. 1P5U, apt, 42. J5CRIPPS-BOOTH. early' 10 run only oiAH) miles, al a sacriiice. Mar. 2005. FOB SALE AtTOMOBILES. DON'T MISS THI3 SALE. COME, SEE FOR YOURSELF. CARS AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. 1018 HudFon super. 1118 Scrippi-Booth. i:t18 Oakland tix. 101 Willys six. 1018 Elgin pix. 1ft 1 H Cnevrolet touring-, lit I H Chevrolet roadster. 1013 Ford tedan. THE USED CAR KXCH ANGB. 10th and Washington. HERE 8 A FEW OF OCR PRICES ON LATE MODEL CARS. 1018 Chevrolet touring, JflnO. 1018 Chevrolet roadster, $ii2n. V.U8 Ford sedan, ITM. Dodge roadsti-r, ?S". Studebaker four. $450. Model 00 Overland, $700. SEE THEM AT THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. 1018 7-PASS. CHANDLER, 4 new tires. 2 extras, A-l condition, $1400. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., Mi Alier St. Broadway 431. PACKARD SIX touring car, excellent con dition; 5 cord tires; will consider trade or terms. Leave phone number. Call R. A. Wilson, Multnomah hotel. Also want to buy Fierce "4.S." OVERLAND LIGHT DELIVERY. 1017 model 75-B, good tires, electric lights and starter; this little car la In fine shape, will make a dandy car for Ti trip across the country; price $500, terms $-u0 cash, balance S:;o a mouth. P. II. DUNN, 1652 E. 13th St. (Sellwood). Phone Sellwood 130 J. FORD 1j14 FORD. The cushions are worn, but for pulling or going I will put thin car against any Ford on earth; price $3."", terms, $175 cash, balance per month. P H. DUNN. 1652 E. 13th St., phone Sellwood 1302. MUST have cash at once. To a man who wants a bug out of the Ford class will sell my Mercier bug at a Ford price; low dollar; if taken in the next 4S hours, 5275. sSunnystde Garage. S4th and Tuy br. Tabor 1 1 1 S. 1017 MAXWELL touring, in very fine shape; in fact, like new; come in and look this over. AUTO SALES CO., 0T1I AND COUCH.- MUST have money, will sell my 5-paMengur Hudson touring, good condition, for f 375. Good tires, new gears and transmission, good running order. Will consider motor cycle as part payment. 10J1 E. Main. Tabor 400s. OAKLAND roadster, bumper, motometcr, spot light, driven 40O0 miles, 5 nearly new tires, tire cover; the best buy In town. 404 DAVIS ST. DODGE, late 1017 5-passenger touring, from private owner; car in splendid condition, tires good and one spare. Cail room 3-0, Campbell Hill hotel. 10J4 OVERLAND touring, just the thing for real service; good service; good tires. AUTO SALES CO., UTH AND COUCH. OVERLAND light four, a car a woman can drive, goes for $luu; terms if desired; in good shape. Sue it before buying. Sun nvside Garage, 34th and Taylor. Tabor Oil. 1017 STUDEBAKER. This car has good tire, upholstering like new. This is the best bu in Portland. AUTO SALES CO.. TH AND COUCH. LATE MODEL DODGE, ORIGINAL PAINT, LIKE NEW; GOOD TIRES. GOOD EX TRAS; LEST LUY VNDER $1000 IN PORTLAND. CAR f TO RED AT FASH ION GARAGE. ASIC FOR M. S. TAYLOR. MARION 5-pasfienger touring car, good me chanical condition; will make real dem onstration ; 4 new tirea. Snap buy at $3ui. f none r;ast i iiiu. OAKLAND tirea, Al $S75. "G," 5-passenger. brand-new mechanically; a "humdinger," 404 DAVIS ST. LATE-MODEL Chevrolet touring, $C50, spare tire, llrst-ciass condition; buy d:rect from Chevrolet agency, our reputation is your protection; terms to suit. 14th and Alder. WIN TON i roadster, a classy-looking car, with lots of power and speed; electric lights ; $:J5. Piedmont Garage, Aibina ave., near Killings worth. FIVE-PASS. Mitchell, 1916, fine condition, good tires, one spare tire and rim; part cash and terms to reliable party. Car can be seen at 104 W. Park st. DODGE, 1918, Sedan, just like new, only run a few thousand miles, extra wheel and tire, a good buy at $1750, some- terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. ON account sickness must dispose of 5 passenger Studebaker, all electric equipped, new $75 storage battery, newly painted, fine tires, snap at $3550. 434 Mill it. Phone Main 4113. 1917 FORD roadster. In dandy shape. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. BUICK Bear Cat roadster, one of the mile kind, $4 so. 401 DAVIS ST. BUICK big six. new cord tires. 2 spot lights, bumper, $10 battery; a line car; bargain. Woodlawn 3351. STUDEBAKER Six, runabout, in perfect condition, good tires; will sell at $075, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1917 CHEVROLET, mechanically perfect; snap. 404 DAVIS ST. WILL TRADE light car. perfect condition, for light Buick six; condition no object. See me at Sandy road garage. MAXWELL roadster, in beat of condition, good tires, will sell at ?C75 and give terms. :;o Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE at a bargain. Oak land touring car. Owner leaving town, must be sold at on re. 414 W. GL-nn st. 101N PAIGE SPEEDSTER. SPORT MCHEU Cord tires, 2 extras, mechanically perfect. 404 D.V VIS ST. MAXWELL touring, 1017, in perfect condi tion, good tired, a snap at J5.V with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnsid. FOR SALE One 5-pas. auto, newly paint ed and overhauled; Al shape. Phone Fast 165!. BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow. Our name 1h speed, and we are here to stay. 4u4 Davis t, FORD delivery car, up-to-date body; sell for J5G0. or trade lur touring car. Call at 21 1 Washington sc JOls BRISCOE, new tires, mechanically per feet ; $250 down w ill handle. Marshall 1-12-i. j wire wheels, a car right mechanically. 40 ua i r i . BARGAIN IN 101 S CHALMERS SIX; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR FOR D roadter. extra equipment. Price $400. 102 Killingsworth. F. Pinger. Wdln. 2' '114. SEE US f-;- quick results and fair prices. We have customer waiting for almost any make of car. 404 Davis st. y i;d Truck. 1-ton worm drive, with stake body, cheap if sold today. East 2700. BIG value, 5-pass. Reo, excelient condi tion; $000, act quickly, first corner takes it. 511 E. 41st st. N.. Tabor 0175. lyl7 BUICK roadster, 5 cord tires; tor's car, kept in dandy shape. 404 DAVIS ST. FORD delivery cr.r, very g,od, condition. J. Goodell, expressman, stand 4;h and Taylor IF YOUR car will run, I have a customer for it. Bring it to 404 Davis st. and go tu ay happy. 1018 HOT SPOT Chalmers touring car, runs and looks like new. Call Tabor t30. SLIGHTLY used tires. f3 to $15 each: vul canized. 25c: t're repairing. 27 M:'dis'-n. BUICK light six. $085; is in dandy shape. DAVIS ST. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck. 101S. special motor, good condition. $i:bo. Phone 2l Gresham. MA RMON bug in good condition, 2 nw crd tires. ;.27 Fn-rt st. Flu $7 SALE OVERLAND. MODEL 00, '.0. CALL SELLWOOD 24ua. STUDEBAKER, 1917, fine shape. $7 KaKigh st. TOB SALE AtTOMOBILES. IF TOU are In the market for a ood used car, don t fall to see our stock. THE REASONS WHT. I. We are the ONLY firm In Portland giving a written guarantee with our cars. IL Nothing but car that are In best of condition are accepted by us. TIL Our cars are chosen from many years of experience with. Portland s oldest automobile firms. IV. Before we offer a car for ale It Is placed in our own rhop, inspected, tested and given a complete overhauling. Our best advertising Is from our satis - led customers. Here are a few we can honestly recom mend ; 1017 Paige 5-pass. touring. TbU car Is In wond rful shaoc mechanically. It ha had good care. The paint in a little dull, but everything else about the car Is in fplendtd condition. You'll have to ride in tins car to appreciate it. 1018 Maxwell. This car la In perfect shape. The cushions and top are Jut like now. Has Just been painted. Good tires and extra wheel ana tires la tact, it runs and looks iiko a new car. 1015 Overland chummy roadster. The paint is dull on this, but the car is lu per fect running order. Wire m heels, good tires and extra tire and wheel. This is a splendid buy and should so quick, 1916 Ford sedan. This car Is a good bay. Has starter and other extras. 1016 Studebaker four. 6-pass. touring. This car has had excellent care and today looks better than most of the 101H cars. Ha good tires, one almost new. Perfect running order. Priced to sell quick. 1017 ChandW 7-pafs. This is a beau tiful car. Motor just overhauled, re painted, good rubber and priced right. Overland bug. Good running order, good tires and very classy looking. See this one sure. Many others to select from. Easy terms If wanted. Open Sundays. Repair shop, where only skilled mechan ics are employed. Give us a trial. KIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 35 North 14th Street. Corner Couch. Phone Broadway 121. USED AUTOMOBILE. XERM3 GIVEN. Wo will take your liberty bonds at face value. 1017 Mitchell, 5-paaa. 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 0-cyL 1014 White. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1017 National, 7-pass.. 12-cyl. 1017 National, 7-psa., 6-cyl. i:tH Overland, 5-puus.. 4-cyl. i:17 Oldamobile, 7-pass.. a-cyl. loid Chandler, 7-paia, 6-cyl. 1016 Overland, 5-pMss.. 4-cyl. 10HI Illlter. 3-pass., 8-cyl. 1012 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 2-ton Mitchell truck with cab and body. 117 Mitchell. 3-pas.. 6-cyl. roadster. 1016 Paige, 5-pass., 6-cyl. Most of the above cars have been rebuilt and painted. We will take your old car as part pay ment on some of the above cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. East First and Morrison. WEST FIDE SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK. Phones:: Broadwav MS. A 3343. East 7272. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST A VE R CO. COVET MOTOR CAR CO., 1917 FORD roadster, extra equipment ... lots $ 4S5 1916 fOLE EIGHT. In first-clans me chanical condition, newly painted.. 1375 1730 1916 CADILLAC EIGHT touring; good buy at 191S CHALMERS SIX. In good condi tion throughout; a wonderful buy at 1914 CADILLAC, In good shape 1013 STUDEBAKER; electric lights and starter Open Evenings and Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 650 500 "Washington st. at 21st. Main 6.'44. GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS. One 101H Haynes Six, 7-pastenger. Tine Grant Six, 5-paswcnger. One l'.tly 0!s, 8-cyl, 7-passenger. One 1010 S:riins-Booth. cyl.. 5-nassenger. One 101S Chevrolet Baby Grand, 5-pass. One 101 H Chevrolet 4-, o-passenger. One 1016 Buick lour, 5-passeiiKer. One 1010 Ca?e, six-cyl, 7-pasenger. One 1014 Chalmers roadster. 2 -passenger. One 1 10 S'rripps- Boot it roadster, 2 -paes. One 1914 Cadillac four. 7-:assencer. We can glvo you thn rlKht price and right terms on any or tne aoove cars, all in rine shape. See Rice or Berry man, with .1. 11. GRAHAM. 101 Tenth St., Cor. Stark. Broadway 3231. 1915 REO. cord tires. mechanically perfect. See tins one at $650. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 511 Alder St. Broadway 494. TODAY IS OVERLAND DAT AT 530 ALDER. Model 75-B, touring. Model 3-B, touring. Model K5-4. tournig. Model h.1-6, touring; new. Model 70, roadster. Model 50, touring. And many others. E-Z terms. 530 ALDER. CADILLAC, 8-cy Under, 7-passenger; In fine condition. 1017 Grant six, 5-passenger; 90 per cent new. 1018 Chevrolet, $250 down, balance in eight months. Overiand, 5-pass.: $50 first payment. SEE WHITE, 421 Bumwlde st. Broadway 521. USED CAR SNAPS. 1 Studebaker .roadster, good condition; will sell cheap lor cash. 1017 Oakland touring car. At condi tion, good rubber; very reasonable. 1017 Ford, first-class shape. Maxwell truck, fine condition. 355 BURNSIDE. CORN ER PARK. FOR SALE By owner. 40 acre s Clame county land, 12 miles N. E. of Vancouver; good soil, easy to clear, $2.iOU, or will ap ply as first payment on Portland bungalow, must be good location. Address P. o. box :U7, city. ' BUICK 101S four-cylinder touring car. like new, driven only S000 miles; 5 tires and tire cover, perfect mechanically; for sale by owner, no tiades. Phone Woodlawn 0210, evenings. STUDEBAKER CHUMMY ROADSTER. Mechanically perfect, 5 good tires, good appearance. K-2 terms. 530 ALDER. 10 IS STUDEBAKER, 4-cyl., 7-papsenger car in beot of condition; wiil sacrifice for $s.".o account of leaving city. J. C. Allen. 34o E. h st.. Portland. Fhone Laat h4I3 OVEltLAND model S3, 5-pass. touring, fac tory paint, extra accessories $ 1 5o, fine running order. See owner, 5o34 50 th ave nue s. K. 101 c II E V KOLET, 3 new Goodyear tires; S MIT H" AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. OVERLAND chummy roadster. electric lights and starter; a real bargain at $3&5. 4i4 DAVIS ST. 1014 IIUPMOBILE. The car that v. iii stand SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. 101 7 H UDSoN super six, perfect condition, new tires, extra tire and fpot light; xnuat be sold at once. Woodlawn HOO. I uKl touting. 101. in good condition, extra tires and tub", $5o. Haynes. 500 Jeffer rm. Mnln sri'jf. room 7. 1017 MAXWELL. Come in and give it the o::re over, SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. VELIE C. 1017. just been overhauled; $000 takes it. Adams, Bdwy. Bu4. HAYNES touring; a real bargain. 404 DAVIS ST. FORD bug. T will trad for Ford touring. Fast 4:1. afk Tor Bramlage. DANDY Ford for sale. $ 150. Call 323 Mam st. 101" BUICK. $1250. 5 rord tires. Call at :io2 K. 11th after 5 P. M. 10i7 SAXON 6, good condition. 404 DAVIS ST. MAXWELL bug. Part cash, Phone Broadway 151. part trade. 1019 FORD. 5 wheels; cheap for cash. 27 K. 1ith st. N. ROADSTER for sale, by owner. $25i. 20 V North Cth t. BY OWNER 11 Doda-e touring, like new; price $lu50. Main 1012. FOR PAI.E-ArTOMOBH.Ks. . 1015 OLDiMOBlLE. In perfect shape. This car Is Just like new. Ilaj brand new rord tiros all around. 1 spare, bumper, spotlight, etc., and hns Just had a pa:nt Joo that bats the origi nal rainL This car is a. big bargain at 1 ti50. . tail W. A. Graham st either ef th rhonc n umbrra for a nnoln t mem Hd y. 3251. Bdwy, 124 or Woodlawn 3040. USF.D CARS. We have decided to clean up our used car stock. First come, first sered. Motto. "Every purchaser a booster." 10-1 S J'eerless h Seven passenger, beauti ful cherry red cord tires; car like new. at bic reduction. 101 S Vcile Seven passenger; this car al most new. 191 ti Vclle Thoroughly overhauled; new tires. 1017 Vclie Also brand new tires. 1014 Velie Hnap at $400. 1013 Velie Snap at $.i25. 1015 Mitchell A dandy; $575. Sne 5 Franklin Overhauled $50. ltiio Cadillac Delivery body $200. 101$ Overland 6, 5-pasn. Ojfii evenings and Sundays. D. C. WARREN MOTOR car CO., f.H N. 23d. Mam TM). 101 H CHANDLER, wood wheels, spare tire, inotometer. clock, cigar llgnter. Thtu car carrirs new cur guarantee, $ 1 .l.V. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 511 Alder .St. Broadway 494. FORD .truck with 1-ton attachment for sale, in excellent shape. 1 Ford panel body delivery. Both these cars Just overhauled and In first-class shape. Will sell cheap and give terms. Call Bdwy. a54. 343 OAK ST. 16-VALA'E bTUTSfi, e-PASSENGER. Smart appearance, condition through- out Al; for immediate cash sale; no trades; will sacrifice. AUToUKST GARAGE. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FmR OHEGON, TENTH AND SALMON. ONE Overland touring car. One Ford touring car. One Buick bug. One Case touring car. line Mitchell bug. fine Stulehuker kix. SELLWOOD GARAGE. 1 tl 4 1Z. 1 7 1 n st. h!wond STUTZ BEAR CAT. 6-pasnenger with wire wheels, cord tires, two spare wheels and tires. CAR Y, 52 Alder. Bdwy. 2402. OVERLAND, with enclosed top; good tires ana paint. M-at covers; tuu. tAui, 02 J Alder at., Broadway 2402. VELIE SIX. Ilka new; a. bargain. Broadway CART, 522 Alder St. LIBERTY SIX. newly painted; will guar antee this car; $ i5oo. CAItY, 522 Aur St. Broadway 2402. Mi:. MOTOR MAN; Are you using Speedoline '! Would you go out of your way to buy gas at 121, cts.? Speedoline does tills. More power and no cartxm. Sample free. L. B. Jnynej. Oui N. W. r.niiK bldg.. Portland, Or. Big Stock. USED CARS. Prices Kigbu No misrepresentation. . . . MOTOR - . . CAR 1917 CHEVROLET tires. $450. Demountable rims, good CAR Y. 522 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. WILLY'S Eight. In A-l condition, used pri vately, muat sacrince, a bargain at $Llu0 with termi. wid consider trade on smaller car, balance terms, l&u Grand ave. Norm, near liurnaide. ESSEX, 1010, touring, only run 2700 miles, leaving town and mut sell, wi.l conmder smaller car in trade, anf' reasonable terms on balance. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1012 CADILLAC New tires, good paint. Will take small car in trade. CAUV, 522 Alder it. Bdwy. 2492, OVERLAND shape. CAltV. 022 CHUMMY Alder st. ROADSTER, good Bdwy. 2492. LIGHT SIX CHALMERS touring car. Fin paint, good tires. C Ait Y, 522 Aider st Bdwy. 2492. DUST-PROOF gray Cadillac. 1st- model roadster; equipped with new cord tires throughout; this car is easily worth $louu more than we are asking. Will consluer lighter enr In trade. 215 JOth at. FOR SALE? 1017 Ford touring car. good condition and price right. Lauderback Bros., Gresham, R. R. 0. phone Greaham USED CAR FOR SALE One F. B. new model Chevrolet aedan, run about 00 miien; owner leaving town. A 87. Ore gon ian. 1017 OVERLAND, 7-pass., 6-cyl.; overhauled and repainted ; will consider a light car as part payment, balance easy terms. Marshall 1 4 2S. TOURING car, almost new. Ask for Sara H oust 01, Factory Motor-Car Co.. 21st and Kearney. Call between S A. M. and 5 P. M. A REAL automobile, I'iercw-Arrow "30," 1012 modd, all cord tires, starter, new top. only driven by private chauffeur; very reasonable. C 524, Oregontau. 101K CHEVROLET touring car. splendid Cun dltiorr; real bargain at $0u; see it and try it out at Fields Motor Car Co., 14tn and Alder. VELIE SIX LATE MODEL. In fine condition; sacrifice- for $050. Th.i Is a snap might consider taking in light car. F. Lister. H4i E. Alder it. FOR SALE Maxwell. '17; new tires; or will trade acreage. Call Sell ood forenoon. good condition, for unimproved 1732 Saturday MAXWELL bug. new torpedo body, good tires, fine mechanical condition will aetl at $530 and give some terma. 3o Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, looks like new, good tres, condition guaranteed, will sell at $775 and give terms. SO Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MuTOKS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck ad makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hoda Co.. North Broad way an d Flanders. CHALMERS touring, 7 pass.. In fine condi tion, good tires, used privately, will sacri fice and give terms. iiJ Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET. 1017. touring. In good me chanical condition, must sell, a bargain at $575 some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, n-ar Burnside. FoRD delivery, full panel body, good tires. In fine running condition, a bargain at $55o, terms. 3d Grand ave. Nortn, near Burnside. CHEVROLET tourinc. 1918. in fine condi tion, good tire, wiil sacrifice; $723 witft terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side 1918 SUPER-SIX HUDSON. 6 cord tires. Car. 5-C A.der. Broauwsy 24 j2. GET YOUR CAR PAINTED. We do high-grade work and save you ' money. Auto Enameling Works, 73 Union iv. X. FOR SALE Late 19 Chevrolet, first-claas condition; good paint; cheap: cash or terms. Call evenings. ln2 E. 13th N. FOR SALE by pr:vate party. Ute 1H1 7 pAssenger Mitchell. First-class condition tl-MMt. Fast 3"M. BUICK In good condition. Can be us drinery. $300. $173 cash. Phone s.a:l 101. I aj Mar- VLL1K 4-ton delivery, motor hauled, exceptionally good Ur Motor Car Co. Just over fcs. Taylor BED bug: mu5t ba so d at once, as ownr is leaving city: will sacrifice. 30 N. Phone Main 206. BUICK BUG. E'eerlC lights, new painL at $i5. Tabor 712L This la a buf OI P4I.F A rTOMOBfl FS, SAVE $100. By buying Jour used car from us. The car listed below are cars that have been traded in as part payment on new Chero leiK o!d h- ui For this reason w have been very careful In selecting cars that are In th best of condition mechanically. Whn butng a usd car from us ou save munrr. aa e are not In the used cr business iut drie our profits fr.m new car aa. therery saving you the usual commission nude on used cats. Remember, thee- cars are offered for pale by the Cherolet agents and mil be found aa represented. , 1017 Chevrolet roadster. The mechanical condition of this rr Is perfect. Tires are in first-class cundit ton. Upholstering is a little worn but tie tnp Is in excellent con dition. W orth $525 easily. Til IS "RELIABLE H FN RT" climbs th hl'l In front of Multnomah club on high. Mechanical iy. It couldn't be bel ter. Just the car lor commercial and pleasure .inunia Has ben partiallv re built. Tires ecellent. top and upho'ter Ing good, hrk aborters. doub.e brsce In front wheels, r lee trie lights, dnuhie tire rack on rear. Yours for only $.75. OUR SPECIAL. A 1018 Chevrolet muring. This ear .lust came out of ih paint shop Thursday. Mo tor Is In excellent hap and clean. Tires are good. A sacrifice at too". 19H Chevrolet touring. Paint In this car Is a little dutl. Upholstering, cushions and top practically new. Tires are excellent. Motor runs like new. See it to appieclate it. $GS5. BUICK LIGHT SIX. This Is a late model car. Has been used only on city streets as a demonstrator by real estate man. Paint In excellent con dition, also top, cushions and upholstering. Tires practically new. These ears are scarce and it is a sacrifice at $1250. 101S Chevrolet touring. Original paint as good as now. Bumper, dash light, spot light, overt! se stei-ring wheo!. brand new tpure tire and other exlrus, $725. 10H Chevrolet. G-pas. This Is a car at a giveaway price. Just been naiuted. Icslly, it couldn't be better; extra tires and 4 good ones: top and cushions excel lent, spotlight. $025. FIELD MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Couch. Bdwy. 240. 1917 SAXON FIX. recently overhauled, ropaiii'.ed and the w.itj oVered. Here Is a real buy fur $775. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder St. Broadway 404. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open even ings and Sund ji a. Giodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorised Wl!:ard sales s'.arlun. UNION AVE. TIRE BATTERY SHOP. 4 as Union ave. N.. cor. Sacrsmente. Ph on East l.TOil. PIERCE-ARROW five-passenger touclntg car. good cord tires. Cary. 522 Aldr st. ii road w ay 2402. FORD OWNERS. Ford msgnetos r.harn-d. belter than new, atart easy, better hgiits. save gas, etc We pluase you or refund money; fold x per's. 20 FRONT. COR. jr.FFERSON. I'ACKaHD Twin hix, 7-pii-i.eucer, newly re iniMnMi. at a bargain prl. 101S Oakland Mx. oi r cent new. SEE WltiTK. 421 Burr tide t. IMw 521. p.nft ford coupe. Fully eiuipicd with ct-if-a tarter, elec tric light, ilunh light, bumper, shock ab aorbera and iulp:nenu ' 5aO ALDEiL Foiil OWNKLK Let us repair your -sr; we know how; our treatment and prices are right and we Kjaratit- ail work. 20 FRONT ST.. COR. JEFFERSON. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLI'll. Newly pM,inu-d. special t-p. A wire wheels and tires. Car la In A I cunditloii. 5ao A LD Kit. BARiiAIN at $5" In 1017 Ford, extra equip ment, tirt-s all around Siu.'li-. nm-t-kl-l, never punctured, all in exceiicuL condition. S H, (frrunlan. 1012 CADILLAC touring; very fine car for the mony. AUTO SALES CO.. 0TH AND COUCH. 101H MITCHELL LIGHT SIX. In Al condition, new cord tirea on rear, good Mar tlrt and spotlight, newly paint ed. 5;i Aliicr. 10 1 H KORD aedan, uted very little, excellent eondl tloti : pri $7 : will pi ve terniH. See w. E. Git'ionfi, 4:1" Railway Exchange .JiMg., or calj Main 455. CHALMERS light 6 louring ti, good car, per feet niechanicaliv. for sal by owner, $O50, term.-. Woodlawn 317a. 1015. 1017. 19M FORDS. f'nm eariv or you will be late. SMITH AUTO CO, PARK -AND COUCH. 101 H STCDKHAKKH 4. a bargain at $525. will take fresh cow. Grann Harmon. Bor ing, or. KING 8 ispeedMler, p-rf C'rd tires, wire w heels Third fct. condition, a bargain. 1017 CHUMMY roadMer. (Saxon for sa at a reasonable price. City Garage, bd luth st. FORD, I91S model; 6 tires. 4 new; electric pot and tail lights: $10o extras ; $450 cash. I'hone Sell. 7. 541 E. 33d st. FoRD touring car, cost $14'' with equip ment at tached. will take $s0u cash. 2f0 Front s:. $25 CASH. Overland touring, good tirea; rurs good: some snap. 2"g Front st. Iwl3 CADILLAC, Al mechanically ; bargain. 4U4 IAV1S ST. glrt.'i KM A LL car, roadster or light de livery, lit good order. 327 Front st. $7no "BUYS 1018 Vaiwfll t o u rl n gc a r .""re painted and overhauled. Call East 1012. NEW FORD, cheap, only driven a few mlies; must sacrifice. A K 47H, Cfegonlan. BARGAIN for eush. 1017 seven-pasenger Studebaker. Woodlawn 2121. 1018 CHEVROLET, practically new, $750. 4o4 DAVIS ST. FOR SALE 1015 Buick 4. A-l condition, priced r lght. eQrt E. Ankeny st.. a pt. rt . BARGAIN, 1017 light six Buick. 2ti Eat.t $2'i DISCOUNT. 1-tlO OldMtiobiie six. same sa new. Owner. Tabor P41. 1010 BABY SAXON. $275. 401 DAVIS 6T. 1917 FORD bug. specially equipped. Cail at No. 1 Grand ave.. cor, of Ankmy ft. 1016 MAX WELL; new tires, god p.r.t. thoroughly overhauled. Tabor 222. Automobiles Wanted. WF CAN GET TOIT MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SHE I S BEFORE YOU PELL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S W. COK. 15TH AND WASHINGTON WANT to trade Mitchell five--pa, in fiue condition, with good tires, for a Ford or Chevrolet; rmu-t be In good condition and no junk. Motor Products Co., Iu4 Weft Park at. W ANT eT 1017 or 19 Ford lo.irinc nr in Kood condition: will pay -r-U. Call Rol.. Fn?on-Srniih :, ita ani Madisot. t lore 11 A.lSiy-d. COUNTRY CLUB O- COUNTRY CLUB Overland, cond.t !.,n ; very c-ay pamenti t. right party. Thta bargain will sell quick. Kee M r. Ireland. Mun.ey Auto Co. Broadway 217. 4l ACRFS of land for aale cr would trade for auto truck. Fee C. T. Cheek. nr mile east of Buik.ey ae.. on IVell Vs. ley road. WI LI trade lot In Westmoreland and pay earn d.irerence for good late model aeio mob 1 1 e. Kat t3". 7 o TO TRAIE A finely located 50-foot lot on the at side for good automobile. Addrcas F. W. G.. 5'0 Had ft. WANTED I-ate Ford or Chevrolet for ah. 24 4 Killin gswnr t It ave.. apt. 7. 1'hune een:ng. W cud' awn 414. TO TRADE A fl fly bv-ated 50.f.H,t lot on the eat a.d for good autninoblle. Ad- dr. Main 2."i.".4. WANTED Foid. 5-pa-.-nger, for rash: any reasonable condition if pr.ced according. y. X V14. C 'regonian. WANT EI Chen p auto. I have a good t pwrltcr and saxophone, nearly new. as f irt payment. I' hone Hell wood 471. CAS II tor our Ford. Maxwell. Dodge pjtck. Cell F.pple. Main 2mV &0-53 2otn St.. west sine, near Washington. HAVE $500 cash for auto, prefer Ford from private owner. Y 4a, Oregonian. W ANTED Iate-n:odel Ford roadster, must be in flrt-c!as condition. 2 04 1 t sl WANT 1911 Cadillac, tirea. to and body no objecL Phone W oodla-n 442. W A NTED Beat Ford for near $2o0. CoL WILL trade Over. and readier frr Chvr touring car. Main 00. Marshall 2310. ron pale Automobiles anted. AL'TOilOBH.B WANTED. Will exchange tao choice lots at Faltalr a at ion, Tt'lamook reach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county roa 1 end ral!; faces the Pac.fic o.a; a:so 50 by about 10 f-et; suitable for bu. ness er for cottar-: wilt pa some dlf f'Ttntt, Address Ll 20 'rtconUa. LONG st 8VI.VA, Auto wreckers. We rc k cars aad save ou &6 per tnt 00 p na. bend in the Prta cu ned aa-d we wid dupacate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone Uat e6. rt2 lUwihome ae. WE PAY CASH FOR TuL'R CAR IF IT IS A A-A If, M 1 1 r I THE 1KP CAR EXCHANGE. 127 t.OVNSrALK tT. PHONE BROADWAY 2656. WANTED To trade an a!;nnst Vaughn dragtaw ml iom c-ii fr a Ford car or othir s:n m -1 kc. 21. 'regnian. Moforryrlem. t'oR SALE "10 Reading, finely equippi-d first Ujh condition ; run Ii'mi mi lei. 2'M f.r quiU saU-. retires nls bvt motorr. l b.irgM.u lit city; 1 .tit lo kcu sl l.tauing sh..p. pOUERPLrs. late 1017, S-ped. electric ln iPan with p edorntr. vpotlight and gen erator, in line condition. lor $2tni: will take a Cievemnd as part 431 N. 2'Th. st W'tli-on rl., wt tide. FOR SALE 1015 3-pt-ed twin Indian, with !nMoitte and tank, p.-edometT and born. Sod condition. jnt cvrl aiiloj ; p-i. e I25. 4 all Talor 2J7. Scu 21 E. iota ft. South. 1016 HA ii LEV -DAVIDSON motorcycle. In floe l.apf, .lost b-t-n overhauled. 17.; can b teen utter 2 oVinrk and from 10 to 4 Sunday. Ht 06 71at. North H--D. MOTORCYCLKri91niodel. for -le cheap, cat- ; or t- r ms. ittt . v ov crhauivd. two good tires, prcMoitte. 1405 E- 1'ak t. Fo'r-! O T oTi ' ' Y CL F S AN DB I C TC LES TRT VS. 204-2-J6 8D ST. MAIN OlW. 1017 HENI'LUSiiN. $lo:i Kant 512.1. M.I K. Stur.i .tor .t. NEARLY new Cl ttrnis. l'hoti al and. tln-ap for cash or Auto Tire and Acreorir, BY. BUYING NoV FoK THE FALL you sae at U-st one-tiiird ti tne retail price if wu havo your i3 on hand 111 a raincoat, topcoat or niotorroat at our wholesale n.ick room, 726 Moian bldg. UN i TED RL HMKK Co.. EXPRESS body f'r l-id, Miih top and dirt chtap. I'tiune Tabor 1521. Automobile for Hire. N:W AlTfS WITHOUT DRIVERS. BC1CKS. HAINES. CO CUM LI A H IG HWAY CAR AG E. 42D AND UlLMU.N'T S TS. T ABOR f.M.J. T A Bolt 7274 NEW CA ItS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRI V y. I IS. G N. SMITH. THIRD and Ol-ISAN fcTS- BROADWAY 2.yU. NEW" Al'TOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. L o W" N S D A L E CAHA'lii. BDWY. L'4!- I5TH AN O WASH. 7-1'ASS. touring cam fr hire by the hour, day or trip. Columbia highway trips a rp-cia:ty. Main 13 4. JTUTOS W1T1 1 ilT'blUVKl'.S FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION UAKAGE. Mar 232. lfTH AND YAMHILL A 123d AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasorabie ra-.ea. city Garage. loth at.. Broadway HQ. J.J'ASS. Dodge lor hire, touring, railing, shopping, hlgnway. Broadway 354 7. SNYIER S Auto Service; all highways any time; very refrlilng. Latt 4 5s2- FOR SAI.F TRIC KS AND TRACTORS. COVEY MOTOR CA It COMPANY. We h:ie the following light trucks and deliveries on hand, wlmli will be found cxutiy at r-pri--nt d. We wid gie t.-rms or conldcr taking small cars in exchange: 101S DODGE, with 1-ton Graham at- tai-.'imi-t.i; h&s l'n run ery little and lt i;i as good shape a a when nc.r; price $1400 10:2 CADILLAC, with 2 -ton Gra attachment, platform body: newly painted. Price $1400 1917 STUDEBAKER, Just tne lor ork. 1'rtce screen body. light delHery S 550 EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Wavhli.gton St. at 21st. Main t244. WHILE THET LAST. USED TRUCKS. USED TRUCKS. WE ITAVR A FEW FSFD TRUCKS WE ARE OFFER ING AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. THESE HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND ARE IN A - I MECHANICAL CONDI TION. IF YOU ARE INTER ESTED IN A TP. UC iv. COME AND LET US SHOW YoU SoM E oF THE LEST BAR GAINS IN 1 HE CITY. W. H. WALLING FORD CO.. ASK FOR BART LETT. 622 Aider SL Broaduay 2492. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. One-ton Ford trucks, both chain and worm d rive ; equ ipped with bodies, windshields and tops; overhauled ad in excel lent condition. Take your pick $273 to $650 1917 Oarford IH-ton chassis. In perfect mechanical condition. $1350 G. M. C. 4-ton. with good cord tires and express body, com plete; fine mechanically $050 1916 Maxwell 1 -ton. with factory cab. windshield and body; new oversize tires; a bargain $730 FARE! AND EVERETT STREETS. Broadway 1369. $500 CASH. BUICK ONE-TON TRUCK. Pneumatic tires, express body, top and m-lndfhle.d; price $lu". $500 cash, lai ance on cay terms, t an be seeu at i Aider c. k for BartietL Iir.RE IS A GOOD ONE. Two-ton Gr. a!moit new, only ben driven a f w bur.ured nu.ct; taae this one tor $2mh. GARY COAST AGENCY. 71 Broadway. Broadway 2102. A SNAP AT $700. -ton G. M. C.. in the best of shape, ha delivery body, top and nearly tires. . GARY COAST AGENCY. 71 Broada. Lroadway 2162. WHY LOOK FURTHER IT ere la a two-ton Gary, p.atform body, nearly new tires: a real buy for $25uo. gary coast a-;i:ny. 71 P road ay. Broadway 212. I.OOK AT THIS For $mo. Two-tun Rvo, A 1 shape mccnanlcally, de(i-ery bod v. top and Luna!n. (iAllV COAST A'iiiNCY. 71 Broada. Brosdaay 2162, ANYONK d-.!rin to purchate a. 3-ton truck witn d imp body and nout fr very Final! psymei.t do n to so to nor on a jo. tht wi.l pay To a niuDtu, pu-ata ad -dre?-a AL 274. orciwnlan. uTioU wrVNTTOIiEi'LR OWN Huj ? I have r. ! Job pa ki $.i.5d per hour for the pjrtha of a Imrg, oersixed o-3t.)i trutk; $1500 cah stid terma will nana. this proponuiom. V to 12 hour j ears' ork . E-iet 21". $lbO LA I. GE S- l K W (l U With for truca" Main I2ul. A ' liu h t 1. ard ca iuMi T: m( er Co. HAVil 2 11 motor trucks, want aork on a wood haul or general haullrg; wi.l con sider T"d work. Hl 405. pfgonian lull SALE 1 l-tn Republic truck n good 1'hone condition : run lesa man a esvr. Eat-t 4HJ5. MY R EPF B LIC -TON CONDIT1' N ; TERMS. K.N. MARSHALL K7. TRUCK. IN Al CALL NICHOL- a.ToN truck In flrt-caa con dition. I nq aire The Breyman Lcaiucr C.. 2d and oak ata. FOR SALE by onr. one S-toa WV tr j' k, in good ron-::Ion. I'bone A 5 John Kr.apP. IS First T. JUT sell 1 H - ton f urn I "ire rbMp f r cash. C'wrer. ol. 4 1911 FoRD uuca for t-a.c. 5o; truck. Very ram pai.f trtckp avd tbactori BIG DISCOUNT ON NEW TRUCKS. BRAND-NEW MASTER TRUCKS. Brsnd-new Master trucks to be -of irrf .it aacr:f-e We are discontinuing, this line of trucks. 2-ton. n'i Mr long cr'avl?; regular price $365, lor sa.e at.. $2016.32 W -ton. $ Mu5, heavy duty ; for sa 0 at regular This la for lrrtmd)t acrertsnc sd del I very. No 1 : -o r ice. tee them on our salesroom f oor. COVEY MOTOR CAR COVPANV. Washington st. at 21ft. Mm 6-44. ' FOR SALE Reo truck. In good condition, good tir; ee for ynnrolf; $145. $72-" ah, ba:anc- 10 monthly payments. F "i7, Orv.otiittii. AUTO KKI'AIRINO. DIVISION . . . OARAGE. 1S72 X:v.itm St, rhone Tabor a91sV We k;i for and deliver. LXPEHT - . ALlU . . IwLPAIRINGL (lAHAt-IS. FOR .LE aMiji' l"xlt. o:id'.y bui.t and mniiie row. in U citniori- anu, 1J rhfHi-; mut move it at oai. l4in -2 or bv : oou j '".. WANTED i'urtj : -ic g .t i;e. Grlcr. M Al alia:: .".00 or Main 45t4. WAXTllll Mlft'KI.I.ANKOl S. - $7 50 UP TO $2.V Meyer the Tsi;or psa hicht-at cash pries for men's u.m overcoita. shoe, etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS As TAILORS. Matiikon tot.. Third. Cail Marshall 1223. We csil in)l.r; in t:.e city, day or eve. UP TO $2. FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay sn price lr men's clotted ORMGO.N CLEAN LliS 'i AlLOHS, 117 2d tu, N. W. Cur. W ah- Mam lo44. uiuh.r I'RiCais paid for ffai.i neu a aad .aairs second -hand c otlifi. 1 rj nia L f ot )( U ca .1 ot hers, l'hone Bro4uS.ey .;j2- 245 " Bui nsiUe, tclwi-cn Ha a n J 2 W ANTEI .r lab.e COlfllll-'l nc roll -lop, one 1 .at -lop de-k i..ur r ine office chairs. In-tp-wmer. mi.nt be lll-st-clJs a fuinlturu piclrrred. xis' t. re .man. 1 WAX T USED CLOTHING. We pay worn 1U up for men a used suits and ovrrcAtA. cail tin and you wiii n-t toe ngut ca price, ir our gooos. la lt at., ner Morrison. Main is. OUR M EC I ALT Y la bu mg men s cat-or ciothmg. hinvst casu pn.e paid; ut oau day or niKitU PEOFL. S SECOND-HAND 5TORB. starM.aii o .'5. M3 Msdisoa. W AN T E D Piano player for automobile road eliow, long ii;afci-iiient, one w no can run a car pr . c rr u. Answer at once. ioevD llro., ale. or. - JUNK WANTED Full siu butCes, o.d clot hin s. scrap mt-tals and rubber. 2ul V Firstl atreet. t pad for rasa. . U.d lurniLufe. Cad Maan ;J4. 2D-HAN D CIiTMlNG WANTED WE PAT HIGH EST PRICES FOR CLOTHING, FURNliURE AND ALL KIND OF JUNK. MAIN 4i;u. 2li 1ST ST. J SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, CASH t EG1STKRS WA.NT t NKrt ai AN. 12 1 itL ALua 44j5, 'iLn-r t. . FT" iTn IT U R EA N I M KUCHA NDISE WANT ED. NEWMAN, 128 1 liaL Main 4403. Tabor ; O K. ' DENTISTS. ATTENTION. Will buy voir 2-h. euu.pme&t for Cavatu Wliat hae ou T Addreca 1 31 2. Oregoniaa. JINK, 5171. raii. mviais. luoU, oid clothing, car U aUAt, itibbci'. Good ir.ce. Eat CAH lor si.:itly unbU iiu-u'i s'.iits. Cloth ing Reconstruct uni L-t ;-aruuent, jw 21.-1 M- i'hoiie iiuwy. liJ. MAN liii !" god .e..ulid-l.Mnd opera 1 iiMlr. AdlrcM Walia V1.4 college. C..JlegepJ- e. Wash. WANTED Remtiigtou automatic ahotgun; inut be in n-ud conoiLoit and ciicaic Andreas G. B. Webb, 712 Lovejoy. city. WANTED Vidro! a or Gralonola; have lot aU North l-iai;.. Or., iu trado for taiuo. 1155 2d sL.Hillboro.or. H1ZZ CO., 75 Swetland bblg., wants address id anyone witn fcppvndicitis. WANTED Squ:ne umbers and lumber, any siro or am -unt. AG 11, oregoman. WE will buy your old typewriters and lay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 4 fctn. WlNCllESTEIL Remington auwmauo and pump shotguns. iioc n'e.J, &5 3d- HIGH EST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Lsn Matx. 2d Warning ton. WANT .22 rifle OepeaterL Wathltigtoo. Mam 4415. 12a First, aear WILL store no child re and pav nmtill rent for piano; Woodlawn Kit. WANTED Complete baby oulfit. 40. Columbia WANTED Pair of prismatic binoculars, r h ea p orj- h. P a 7 , Ore go n ian. WA NT go-d h ster, cook stove and raage. 12 Firau Main 4 1 ;.. i WANT CARPENTER TOOLS. Main 4405, labor b70. 124 PAY" CASlt Fimt strei. Furniture W anted. HOUSEHOLD OOOPS. We want your ued stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods aad wi.l psy csh prices. Our Three isree siorea enable Qi to dis pose of thee codi a.t once and therefore we can pay tits lop market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, aporting goods. type writers, adding m st.h la a and ail ofiice t urniture, CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN IIP-WE. St FURNITURE CO. . 221-3-3 Front ttL BEFORE TOU FFt.t YOUR FURNITURE MiK US, We are In nee a of si. kinds ef usd fur niture, rui carpets, ! and ranee ; sit kinds i( stoves aud ot t ice furni ture, ard we mul pay aiawlutiy the leja prices lor same. Call si Ail SHALL f$7. and our buyx vi.i at one with the cash. GEVURTZ. FURNITPR? STORK. loi and 2u7 First St. Between Isylur and bslmon St a. CALL MAIN X9 1M i- ED1ATELT. , WE PAT TI!R!II1HrTCA9!t PMCKS rVfcll PAID BY ANYONE IN THE ClTT FUR Ftl.MVtr.U. CALi'EVS, ETC VOl K CALL WILL 1 id5v TH a, 1UY Eit WITH THE MoNEY. KLIN! FLKNilUP.E CO. 12 I'lUJi M-. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN svtf B 3 our : Law AND LET US ftfcl iie sriu boi!setio!d roous befeite t art in tliw n-.srksL for same urn OU S-'- . 1. 1 pay prln 1 'KTi.A.SO UliMiti LX CHANGE. F;.-i xtajQ .s 1 WANT u4 furniture ; ch w Hi be paid for itoTi snd urpi and 1 I kinda f bouse he'd rx-a la. I ua for one art Ice or a hwufu-l aad a cort.p?r nt, courtao-a b u r m i.. c.l. .Virt.'-a 1 tW.i. C:o n. 1 WANT Uf4 furniture, wil pa as ms. U as ar.y d. sr c-n pay. East (417. ai. la. Calf, da or. 540 U W E NEED SECOND-11 AND FU RN1TUK S of st.y ilea- r.p: int. . hs e the reas y cask. Phor.e tody. Main 4s27. or 2'4 First SU CASH FOR USED FURNlTCTtl High't price In city. Main lsvlg L'A.vl s-l- l atati. e. lifi. Co. 1