Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 26, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL,. L.VIII. NO. 18,304
Entered at Portland (Ore ron)
Postofflcc s Second-Clays Matter.
Japan May Solve Shan
tung Difficulty.
HFIR TO S300.A00.
Guarded Railway Consid
ered Check on Anarchy.
Senator Spencer Takes Tenta
tive Reservations to Chief.
Tiornh Opposes Taft Interpretations
and Sajs French Pact Is Dc
. signed for War.
WASHINGTON. July 25. Diplomatic
discussions with Japan over the Shan
tuns provision in the peace treaty have
reached a stage where President Wil
son is represented as very hopeful of
developments that will clear the air
and remove much of the opposition to
the provisions in the senate within a
few days.
This interpretation of the president's
expectations was expressed by Senator
Spencer, republican, Missouri, after a
long- talk with Mr. Wilson todaV about
the treaty. The senator declined to go
into details as to the exact steps be
inp taken, and both the White House
a nd the state department were silent
on the subject. There were indications,
however, that tli e conversations with
Japan, though quite informal in char
acter, had as their object such a dec
laration from Tokio that would sat
isfy China and result in her acceptance
of the treatv.
Reservation! Are Dlncuafted.
Senator Spencer also discussed at
length with the president the subject
of reservations in senate ratification of
the treaty, taking- with him to the
wtiite House a draft of reservations
drawn up and submitted to the presi
dent, it is understood, at the sugges
tion of Chairman Lodge of the for
eign relations committee. The draft
also is said to have been shown to
other republicans of varying shades of
opinion, but Mr. Spencer made it clear
in presenting- them that he alone stood
sponsor for their phraseology.
The reservations covered the Monroe
doctrine, withdrawal, Shantung, deter
mination of domestic issues and inde
pendence of action under article 10.
Mr. Spencer told the president that
without some such qualifications the
treaty oould never be ratified, while if
they were included ratification would
come quickly.
AVilMun to Consider Plan.
He said Mr. Wilson promised to give
the proposed reservations his earnest
consideration and conveyed the impres
sion that he personally was not opposed
to such a course except for the compli
cations that might result should the
treaty be returned for renegotiation.
Regarding Shantung, Senator Spencer
would not say on what assurances the
president based his hope of important
developments in the near future. It is
understood, however, that a full ac
count of the feeling aroused here
against the Shantung provision has
gone forward to Tokio as a result of
a conference yesterday between Katsuji
Debuchi, the Japanese charge d'af
faires, and Secretary Lansing. There
were indications that no reply to these
representations had been received to
night. The president has been told by re
publican senators that most of the
senate opposition to this provision
would disappear if lie were able to in
duce Japan to give such assurances for
future return of Shantung to China
as would result in the latter signing
the treaty.
Declaration Is Desired.
It is believed that view has been
reflected in the conversations with
Tokio and that the suggestion has been
made that this end could be accom
plished by a tormal declaration to
China or to all of the allied and asso
liatcd powers.
Before he went to the White House
Senator Spencer put into the senate
record a copy of the plea regarding
Shantung made at the Versailles con
lerence by the Chinese delegates, re
vealing among other things that China
considered Japan's promises to restore
KJao Chow as "illusory" because they
made no provision for return of the
adjacent territory dominating it.
The reservations submitted by Sena
tor Spencer are in some respects simi
lar to the interpretations proposed as
a middle ground by former President
Taft and are understood to follow in
general the plan discussed among the
group of republicans favoring a league.
They would provide:
Interpretations Are Outlined.
That the Monroe doctrine is "an es
sential national policy" whose applica
tion and enforcement must be deter
mined "by the United States alone."
That "internal questions entirely do
mestic in character, such as immigra
tion and the tariff." are to be "deter
mined solely by the country in which
they arise."
That the United States "cannot bind
Itself in advance" to make war "with
out the express authorization of con
gress at the time."
That the right of a nation to "with
draw contains the right of a nation to
determine for itself" whether it has ful
filled its obligations as provided in the
That the Shantung settlement is
viewed with "deep regret" as "disre
tConcluded on tage 2, Column 1.)
Government Offers to Establish)
Bases at Portland and Roseburg
for Protection Work.
Because of the seriousness of forest
fire conditions in Oregon, the United
States government appears ready to
detail army planes for immediate patrol
work under the direction of state and
federal forest officials.
Indication that the planes may at
once be available for this work was
received yesterday by Governor Olcott
from Colonel IT. II. Arnold, chief of
aviation of the western department at
San .Francisco.
Just before leaving Salem yesterday
for Portland in an army plane Governor
Olcott received a telegram from Colo
nel Arnold paving the-way for demand
for the planes. This demand the gov
ernor Immediately made and while here
expressed the belief that the machines
will be provided within the next few
The message from Colonel Arnold
was this:
"Telegrams from Liberty Temple at
Portland indicates necessity of estab
lishing airplane bases at that city and
Itoseburg for forest fire patrol work.
Has any official request been made, or
will any such desire bo expressed?"
Governor Olcott and State Forester
Klliott later sent Mr. Arnold the fol
lowing reply:
"Immediate damage being done and
threatened by forest fires in this state.
Use of two planes at convenient points
in this state would be of great assist
ance and the means of saving large
areas of state and national forests.
Your aid in securing these planes
would be much appreciated."
$23 a Hundredweight Is Paid for
Live Hogs.
That American pork-eaters are able
and willing: to pay any kind of a price
for that commodity was evidenced at
the North Portland stockyards yester
day, when a lot of extra quality live
bogs changed hands at the record price
of 23 a hundred. The previous day's
top quotation, J22.75, was counted a
phenomenal one. and it was, but yes
terday's market went it a quarter bet
ter "There's no use saying: we've reached
the limit even yet," said a dealer, "for
we don't know what the future may
develop. For the time it looks as if
there were no such thing as a prohibi
tive figure in the pork market."
Wife Reads to House Committee
From Book on Socialism.
WASHINGTON, July 25. Investiga
tion of Victor Berger's fitness to sit in
the house as representative of thesfith
Wisconsin district because of his con
viction on charges of disloyalty did not
proceed far today.
Berger brought his wife with him
and she spent two hours reading to the
house committee from a book on so
cialism while the representative-elect
frequently interrupted her to explain
exactly what was meant.
President Alms to Review Pacific
Fleet August 15.
WASHINGTON, July 23. President
Wilson has not abandoned bis plan to
reach San Francisco in time to review
the Pacific fleet when it arrives there
August 15, navy department officials
said today. The president plans to
leave Washington between August 8
and 10, they said.
At the White House it was announced
late today that the itinerary of the
president's trip would be announced
within the next two or three days.
Occupant of Auto Hilled in Colli
sion; Manslaughter Alleged.
SPOKANE. Wash., July 25.--A charge
of manslaughter was filed In superior
court here today against Melvin A.
Mooser, driver of an automobile in
which Isaac A. Jacobs was riding last
night when he was killed in a colli
sion with another machine. Bonds were
fixed at '$10,000. Mooser was under
the care of a physician today.
Avery Wheeler, driver of the other
car, was severely injured.
Bill Introduced to Increase Person
nel in Army by 850.
WASHINGTON. July 23. A bill au
thorizing an increase of 8300 in the of
ficer personnel of the army, was intro
duced today by Chairman Wadsworth
of the senate military committee at the
request of Secretary Baker.
Mr. Baker said at least 18,000 officers
would be needed to maintain the or
ganization of the construction, air and
other services of the army built up dur
ing the war.
William F. Archibald Telegrapher
for 6 7 Years.
NANAIMO. B. C. July 25. William
V. Archibald, who handled the first
cable message ever sent across the
Atlantic, addressed by the late Queen
Victo!S to the president of the United
States, died here yesterday.
He was 81 years old and had been a
telegrapher since the age of It.
Chamber Secretary Power
ful Rate Witness.
CltV DenriVfiri Of Bpnpf'lty
Its Advantage.
Oregon Metropolis Said to nave
Been Deprived of Trade by Rail
road Arrangements.
Members of the interstate commerce
commission sitting as division No. 3,
hearing the evidence in the Portland
rate case, heard from W. I". B. Dodaon
yesterday the attitude of Portland
business men and shippers as to the
principles that should be regarded In
fixing rates. Owing to limitation of
time In submitting direct evidence, the
larger aspects of the situation were
introd-j-ed as a result of the cross-examination
by attorneys for the Puget
sound communities and counsel for the
railroad administration.
The executive secretary of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce, In answer
ing questions, said that it is the. ex
pectation of Portland that the Inter
state commerce commission will decide
what is the advantage of the water
level haul; that It is one of the funda
mental conditions of the Portland sit
uation that cannot be overlooked in
considering the economic features of
the traffic movement in the Columbia
river basin territory, and that the Co
lumbia river route Is the natural route
over which such traffic should move.
City Held Penalised.
It raised the question, the witness
said in reply to Attorney C. A. Hart,
as to whether a natural advantage is
to be recognized elsewhere, but pen
alized when possessed by Port lard. No
recognition. for shorter distances, or of
lower costs, no profit' from volume of
business that flows down stream, and
no density of traffic that wins reduced
charges, had been given to Portland by
the railroads, said the witness. The In
tensely artificial and quite abnormal
competitive system that has grown out
of the northwestern railway struggle
was declared to have been the reason.
it was particularly pointed out that
no advantage is given Portland as
regards the Yakima valley, distance
again being the stern limitation; and
that Portland enjoys nothing in south
ern Idaho, but, on the other hand, must
meet San Francisco at Pocatello, again
(Concluded on Pm 3. Column 3.)
Government Scores Important Vic
tory Under Wartime Prohibi
tion Brewery Regulations.
CHICAGO, July IS. Tteer is beer and
need not be intoxicating, and no Ions
-ontatns as much as '.4 of 1 per
alcohol its manufacture or sale
, violation or tne wartime proniDi-
- act. Federal Judge rase held to-
y- He overruled the demurrer of
"e Stenson Brewing company, setting
forth, that the government's informa
tion ' failed to 'charge that "the com
pany's beer was intoxicating.
The" company then entered a plea of
not guilty.
The government's victory was re
garded important by the district at
torney's office In that, aa under Judge
Page's finding, the burden of proving
a beverage intoxicating and in fact re
moving the question as to Its Intoxicat
ing quality Is lifted from the govern
Investigation to Be Made of Vaquina
Rail Kxtcnslon,
ington, July 15. R. II. Alshton. north
west regional director for the railroad
administration, will go west In a few
dya. He will make a personal Investiga
tion of the petition of the city of New
port for an extension of train serv
ice from Yaquina to Newport over the
logging road built more than a year
ago for war purposes. This Informa
tion came in a letter to Senator Mc
Nary today.
Colonel R. K. Hartz. who is on a trip
around the country in a Martin bomb
ing plane, was. Invited by Senator Mc
Nary today, in a telegram sent to Au
gusta, Me., to put Baker, Or., on his
itinerary. So far the tour includes
only Portland and two or three other
cities in western Oregon.
Lieubenant-Colonel William S. Neely
was ordered to Portland, Or., today as
deputy zone transportation officer.
Soldier and Nurse Find Fruitgrowing
Too Prosaic.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 23. (Spe
cial.) Suit for divorce has been filed
by C. B. Compton, Dee Flat orchardist,
against M.j. Marie T. E. Compton.
Mr. Compton last December, received
his discharge from the regular army at
El Paso, where he had been stationed
with the United States guards. While
at El Paso he met Mrs. Compton, a
nurse in a government hospital. They
were married and came Immediately to
the . orchard home.
The complaint alleges that Mrs. Comp
ton was dissatisfied with ranch life, and
through attempts to persuade her hus
band to seek city employment made life
burdensome for him.
The complaint also alleges that Mrs.
Compton is 43 years old, although she
gave her age as 3? before marriage.
Charges Against Accident!
Board Held Biased.
Subcommittee to Gather Alle
gations and Defense.
Following Preliminary Investigation,
Open Meetings Arc to lie
Held In Portland.
SAl.EM. Or.. July 2S. (Special.)
Members or the state industrial acci
dent commission summoned before the
committee appointed recently by Gov
ernor Olcott to Investigate charges pre
ferred against the commission by At
torney Lee Roar Keeley of Portland.
Milo King of Gresham. and In resolu
tions adopted by three Oregon labor
unions, today made it plain that evi
dence had been unearthed indicating
that certain accident Insurance com
panies were In a measure responsible
for the accusations that the affairs of
the commission were handled In a loose
and unbusiness-llke manner.
A committee composed of Robert S.
Gill, representing the state at large.
Frank Green and J. H. Brooks, repre
senting employes, and A. C. Dixon,
representing employers, was appjolnted
to formulate complaints In detail
against the commission, and request
Mr. Keeley and Mr. King to make
specific the general charges Included in
their briefs to the governor.
Complete Report Sought.
The commission, in turn, will be fur
nished copies of these charges, and re
quested to present a specific written
explanation of each accusation and the
records to substantiate such explana
tions. It was also stated by the Investi
gators that the commission will be
asked to furnish a detailed report of
the working plans of the department,
the method of handling claims, copies
or such reports as they have made and
other Information dealing with the
subject at Issue. Suggestions will also
be asked with reference to improving
the law to make It more workable.
In its probe from another angle, the
committee will ask Governor Olcott
to take such steps as necessary to
place all Justified complaints before
the investigators and to hear all per
sons who have Justified grievences.
(Concluded on Page
Column r.
! Acquaintance With Mm. Grace Dnff
" rnZV
SKATTT.E. Wjjh.. July 23. (Spe
cial.) N. Wardall. aged 41. captain in
the army and just back from a cam
paign In France. has been Ircally
adopted as a pon by a woman 5 years
old who possesses J00.000. In addi
tion, he has become the father of a
12-year-old glrL Mrs. Grace Duff.
wealthy New York woman and daueh
cr of the late Josh Killings, noted
humorist, is .Mr. WardaH's benefactor.
Mr. Wardall is a former Seattle
councilman. He is a lawyer and prior
to his army service was a member of
Wardall dt Wardall of this city. The
news of the adoption came as a great
surprise to his friends Nere. many of
whom knew of his acquaintanceship
wnn Mm. Duff.
Mr. Wardall left Seattle two vears
ago with the troops. Me served during
the war with a company of the Sth
division. He returned to the United
States Recently and obtained his dis
charge at a cantonment near New
Mr. Wardall acquaintance with Mrs.
Duff 's of ten years' standing. She
was greatly Interested In the National
Hero Hospital Society. So was Mr.
Wardall. At present she is an execu
tive officer of the organization and
Just prior to the war Mr. Wardall was
listed on the society's books as a na
tional lecturer.
In 113 Mr. Wardall and Mrs. Wardall
were separated and at that time
Maxine. tUelr daughter, then years
old. went to New York to live with
Mrs. Duff. Mrs. Wardall is at present
making her home In New York City.
Information received here indicates
that Mr. Wardall is the only heir to
the Duff fortune.
Glenwood Safe Crackers Relieved on
Way Towards Portland.
HOOD RIVER. Or., July 15. (Spe
cial.) It is believed by local authori
ties that burglars who blew the safe
of Murray & Fitzgerald. Glenwood.
Wash., merchants, crossed the Colum
bia at an early hour yesterday morn
ing and made their escape over the
Columbia River highway.
After the sheriff's office received
notice" of the theft from the sheriff of
Klickitat county at Goldendale, a
watch was placed on all ferries. It
was learned, however, that machines
bad crossed at daybreak yesterday
The burglars. It is thought, headed
toward Portland.
Recent Wage Increase Causes Boost
in Service Prices.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 25. A raise
of telephone service rates "on account
of recent increase in wages' was an
nounced by the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company in advertisements
appearing in late editions of San Fran
cisco afternoon newspapers today.
The new scale is effective tomorrow
and Is established, the advertisement
says, under authority of Postmaster'
General Burleson.
Sextet of Alleged Burglars Bagged
by Police.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July 15. Five
V men and one woman were -in the city
jail tonigni cnargea oy tne ponce witn
having been members of a gang of
burglars who have been systematically
looting Seattle homes for the past
month. Loot recovered by the police,
it was said, amounted to more than
Most of the crimes charged against
the gang were daylight robberies.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. ST
degrees. Minimum temperature, d
S rees.
TODAY'S Fair: rrntl northwesterly winds.
British coal mine offr la accepted bjr fed
eration. Pas 3.
Chine attitude, or distrust astonishes Jap
anese. Pag
Siberia needs U. si. army. saa Wllsoa.
Pas 1.
Surplus army food la republican demand.
Pas 4.
Treaty wrangles near end. say reports at
aah!Dc:oa ftr busy day. Pass 1.
Air mall strikers enter conference. Pago 3.
Wealthy New York woman adopta Seattle
array captain aa son. Pag 1.
Trifling aicoboltc content bars most beers.
saa Judge. Page 1.
rarlfle Northwest.
Influent of Insurance firms said found In
charges against accident board. Page 1.
Seattle officers furnish Information on which
army cruelty probe is baad. Pag 4.
Governor Olcott takes action to get forest
air patrols for western Oregon. Page 1.
Commercial sad Sfartae.
Thirty-foot channel to Vancouver Is promised
by Senator Jones. page la.
Portland manners ar reluctant to take
wooden snip. Page 13.
Pacific Coast leaguo results: Portland 11.
San Francisco a: Vernon 4, Seattle 1:
Sacramento ft, Los Angrles 4: Salt 1-aka
J. Oakland 4.
Western golf king equals world's record.
Psg 1-.
Port la ad aad Yk-inity.
Congress wsnts treaty reser ations. says
C W. Hod son. Pag lu.
Indictments against Otlkyson dismissed at
request of complaining nurse. I'ag -U.
Governor Olcott tries hand at piloting plane.
Pag a.
Portland's direct testimony In rate case Is
ended by W. D. B. Dodson. Page 1.
Judee Kanster beiietes story of airldcota!
shooting. Page tf.
City council divides on advisability of mu
nicipal paving plant. Pag 19.
City commissioner and park official view
park and playground sites. Page 7.
Weather report, data aad forecast. Pag IV.
Supervision Must End When
Troops Are Withdrawn.
President Declare Line of Supplic.
Mu-t Be Maintained to People
Who Fought for Allies.
WASHINGTON. July IS President
Wilson informed the senate today In
response to a resolution by Senator
Johnson, republican. California, that
the presence of American troops In
Siberia was a "vital element" In the
restoration and maintenance of traffio
on the Siberian railroad and that under
the ag.-eement with Japan they could
be wlthdraw-n only when the American
railway experts operating the road
were withdrawn.
The president said Siberia could b
protected from a further period of
chaos and anarchy only by keeping the
railroad open and that lacking the
prime essentials of life the people there
were looking to the United States and
the allies for economic assistance. This
already Is being extended and addi
tional supplies are to be sent forward.
Raving Raadi Mriare Railroad.
Roving bands having no connection
with any organized government In
Russia are menacing the railroad, the
president said, and consequently pro
tection by the military is necessary.
American troops, he said, now are
engaged In guard duty at Vladivostok
and around Verchne Udinsk. A small
body also is at Harbin.
The original purposes of the Ameri
can military expedition. Mr. Wilson
wrote, were two-fold the saving ot
the Czecho-Slovak forces--and tha
steadying of the efforts of the Rus
sians at self-defense or the establish
ment of law and order in which they
might be willing to accept assistance.
Coaatrtartlasr Ksgisrer Aisled.
Major-General Graves, commanding;
th expedition of 8000 men, was spe
cifically directed not to interfere in
Russian affairs, the president said, but
to support wherever necessary John F.
Stevens, the American railway engi
neer, who is carrying out the work of
rehabilitating the Siberian railroad
under the direction of the inter-allied
The president in his communication,
detailing at great length the activi
ties of the American military and rail
road forces in Siberia, said that the
dwcislon to send American troops to
Siberia was "taken in conjunction with
Japan and In concert of purpose with
the other allied powers, first of all to
save the Czecho-Slovak armies, which
were threatened with destruction by
hostile armies apparently organised by
and often largely composed of prison
ers of war."
The second purpose In view was to
steady any efforts of tha Russians at
self-defense or the establishment of
law and order In which they might ba
willing to accept assistance.
Japan's Plaa Acre-"steel.
"The net result was the successful
reunion of the separate Czecho-Slovak
armies." the statement continued, "and
the substantial elimination in eastern
Siberia of the active efforts of enemy
prisoners of war. A period of relative
quiet then ensued.
"In February. ISIS, aa a conclusion of
negotiations early In the sum
mer of ISIS, the United States accepted
a plan proposed by Japan for the su
pervision of the Siberian railways by
an International committee. under
which committee John F. Stevens
would assume the operation of tha
Russian railway service corps.
Hallway Corps Orgsalsra.
"At the request of the provisional
government and with the support of
Mr. Stevens there waa organized tha
so-called Russian railway service
corps. composed of American en
gineers. As originally organised thin
corps constituted 14 skeleton division
'Owing to the bolshevik uprising and,
the general chaotic conditions, neither
Mr. Stevens nor the Russia railway
service corps was able to begin worlc
in Siberia until March. ISIS. They hava
been able to operate effectively only
since the railway plan was adopted la
February. ISIS.
"In accepting the railway plan. It
waa provided that some protection,
should be given by the allied forces.
Mr. Stevens stated frankly that ha
would not undertake the arduous task;
before him unless he could rely upon
support from American troops in an
Order Maintained Alssg 1.1 ar.
"Accordingly, as provided In the rail
way plan, and with the approval of tha
inter-allied committee, the military
commanders in Siberia have established
troops where it is necessary to main
tain order at different parts of the line.
The American forces under General
tiraves are understood to be protecting
I parts of the line near Vladivostok and
(also on the section around Verchne
I'dintk. There Is also understood to
be a small body of troops at Harbin.
"The instructions to General Grates
tConcluded oa Pag 3. Colurai 1.)