Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Chairman Cummings. Tells
Party to Defend Wilson.
United and Aggressive Action i
Campaign of 1920 Solicited in
Address to Omaha Leaders,
OMAHA, Neb., July. 24. "Blow for
blow" was the slogan and rallying" call
to democrats here tonight when Homer
K.. Cummings, chairman of the" demo
cratic national .committee, addressed
a crowded meeting of Nebraska demo
crat ic leaders at the Omaha "Athletic
The national committee was repre
sented not only by Mr. Cummings. but
by Mrs. Klizabeth Bass, associate mem
ber of the committee, and Mrs. Antoin
ette Funk of Washington, D. C, head
of the women's editorial bureau of the
democratic national committee.
"W. D. Jamieson, director of finance
for the national committee," also took
part in the day's speaking.
"The time has come," said Mr. Cum
mings, "for democrats not only to stand
together, but to stand together ag
gressively, supporting an affirmative
programme- by positive- action. If I
have any power in t h-e o a n sel of the
party t propose to uso it for pressing
every advantage . that comes t our
hands. We have the aggressive now
and we shall not lose it.
Criticism of AViison Scored. -
MThe campaign of 1920 has already
begun. I am ticed of having men
criticise the president on petty
grounds. The manner in which hennas
been traduced has been the moat
shameful, dastardly, disgraceful, hu
miliating spectacle that this country
has ever seen.
"The time is here when democrats
should resent this sort . of thing, when
they should give blow for. blow and
then some."
Speaking of what he termed the ob
structive tactics of partisan repub
licans in the senate as regards the
league of nations covenant, , Mr. Cum
mings said: '
"No man and no 'nation intentionally
placing obstacles in the way of a
league of nations will survive long
enough to outlive the memory pf such
an offense against humanity and civil
ization. League Issue "Cleareat."-
MThe covenant of the league of na
tions has become one of the great facts
of history. The treaty of peace, in
cluding the covenant of the league,
must be accepted or. rejected. Sena
torial critics can no longer find a com
fortable hiding place under tbe pretext
that they favor a league of nations but
are opposed to tbe suggested form of a
league of nations. The issue is clear
cut and unmistakable. They are ei
their in favor of this particular league
or they are opposed to any league at
all. -
"It is said the praised covenknt of
peace is too vague. It is one of the
chief merits of the draft that it does
not pretend to pass upon every con
ceivable question, but provides within
itself a certain degree of flexibility
so that new adjustments may be made
as nsw conditions develop and so that
readjustments may be made where er
rors have crept in. The criticsm of
vagueness is the product of superficial
minds. The constitution of the United
States is looked upon as one of the
most perfect of public documents, and
yet it required ten amendments within
a year after its original promulgation,
and it has been amended from time to
time since then.
"We ask for the establishment of a
league of nations because we know
that if it is not now secured it may
remain forever an unrealized dream."
Committee Appointed to
v Pleee Rate Offer
by Government.
LONDON", July 24. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Today was fully occu
pied with conferences betweeit Premier
lloyd George and other members of
the government and the mining in
terests and closed with the prospect of
settlement. According to the strike
leaders in Yorkshire, the whole trouble
arose through an attempt by the coal
controller to evade the piece rate pro
visions of the Sankey report, which
the government had adopted as a work
ing basis.
One result of today's conference be
tween the premier and the miners"
executive was a new piece rate offer
on the part of the governmnt, w-hich
the miners federation appointed a sub
committee to consider.
The sub-committee held a conference
this evening with the coal controller.
No official report of this conference has
been issued, but it was unofficially
stated that when the miners' federa
tion meets in the morning to consider
the sub-committee's report there is
every prospect that a settlement will
be reached.
In the event of the government's offer
being accepted it involves the appoint
ment of a amall commlttee representing:
the coal mines department and the min
ers federation, to adjust -a formula
adapted to the requirements of the dif
ferent districts.
The settlement will come none too
soon. Evidence is accumulating hourly
of how heavy the coal shortage is
pressing on all industries and public
services. The government has Already
stopped the export of coal from Cardiff
and the railways have plans laid, for a
severe restriction of their services to
begin Mondav if the strike is not set
tled. A satisfactory aspect of the atrike Is
the fact that there have been no dis
orders of any kind and no attempt to
hinder the naval men who have been
engaged in keeping as far as possible
the mines from flooding. The situation
in regard to pumping and ventilation
underwent a great improvement today.
There have been some extensions of
the strike movement, but'at the same
time many strikers have resumed work,
notably in Nottinghamshire, where it
was announced late tonight that the
strike had ended.
Straw Vote Shows "Drys" Leading
13 Ballots.
National prohibition won out by 13
voles yesterday on the straw ballot
being: taken among tbe ex-soldiers,
who call for victory, buttons, at the
army recruiting" . office. Universal
military service made the largest gain
of any of the questions, and was the
only one to poll over 100 votes out of
the 137 cast. The league of nations
developed iuore opposition than on any
previous day. Woman suffrage in
creased in popularity, and the French
girl landed; more votes than before, A
majority of the men sought the
kaiser's death.
Totals up to last night were, as fol
lows: National prohibition, yes . 384,
no 3T1; universal military serv4ce,-yes
558. no 177; league of nations, for 572,
against 247; woman suffrage, yes 488.
no 257; disposition of the kaiser and
his aides, death penalty 334, exile 279.
freedom 32: American girl' is best 393.
French girl is best 70, equals. 96 not
voting 194.
Machines Will Leave Early Today
for Flight to Portland; Gover
nor Entertains.
SALEM, Or., July 24. (Special.) The
two army airplanes en route from Ma
ther field, Sacramento, to Seattle, ar
rived in Salem tonight and will leave
early tomorrow for Portland,' '"Where
the aviators will be entertained at
luncheon. Tne planes are piloted by
E. C. Kiel and Sergeant Frank McKee.
The flyers were entertained by Gover
nor Olcott here tonight.'
MEDPORD, Or., July 24. (Special.)
The two government airplanes In
charge of Lieutenant E. C. Kiel and
Sergeant Frank McKee of Medford, en
route from Mather field, Sacramento,
to Seattle, were prevented from con
tinuing their fight ; early today by
clouds of fog and smoke-hanging over
the state north of the TJmpqua divide.
The two planes started early this morn
ing, but nearing Roseburg were unable
to get above or below the dense clouds
and returned here late in hte forenoon.
On his return Sergeant McKee thrilled
Medford friends with' a series 'of evo
lutions in the air, looping the loop, side
slipping and executing the falling leaf.
They left here again at 1:45 P. M. ...
Cardinal Expects Congress Will
Ratify Document in End.
BALTIMORE", July 24. Cardinal Oib
bons today authorized the following
statement with regard to his attitude
toward the league of nations:
"It is my firm conviction that after
thorough and honest discussion in both
houses of congress both parties will
finally arrive at a common agree
ment, based on a Just and sincere
league of nations that will give us a
reasonable guarantee against the hor
rors of war in the future as well as
well-grounded assurance of lasting
peaoe, without in any way impairing
American sovereignty or surrendering
any American right, and without in
volving us in entangling alliances. 1
am sure that an early adoptian of the
league of nations will infuse intense
joy throughout the United States with
out distinction of party, and will be
haiLed with satisfaction
by the allied
powers of( Europe.'
Community Service Invites Kr turned
3Ien to Party Toulght.
A 16-piece band Is the latest detail
to be arranged for the pavement dance
to be given for Oregon service men to
night by the War Camp Community
.Service. The space between Couch and
ravis streets on Eighteenth street will
be roped off for the affair by the park
This dance is one of a series of out
door events planned in honor of re
turning Bervice men. Service men need
no invitation other than some fact to
show they were at one time in the
army, navy or marine service. Oirls
must have tickets of admission. These
tickets may be obtained by the service
men who accompany them to the dance,
from the War Camp Community Ser
vice headquarters in the Northwest
ern Bank building. The Victory chorus,
an organization of more than 150 busi
ness grirls, have been given special in
vitations to be present and will at
tend in a body.
General Passenger Agents Say Lines
Are at Capacity.
SEATTLE. July 24. Business and
pleasure traffic over northwestern
railroad lines has reached the highest
point ever known, according to gen
eral passenger agents, who are in ses
sion here to dispose of routine busi
ness affairs. The men state their lines
are running to capacity and that ad
vance inquiries indicate that the busi
ness will continue throughout the
The highest peak of tourist travel
hlstorv has been reached, with indi
cations pointing to still higher marks
before the season isvover. Thousands
cf people are visiting the national
parks of the northwest and summer
lasorts and every train westward
loaded to capacity, they report.
Many Amusements Provided for Co-
lnmbia Beach. Picnic.
Between 15,000 and 20,000 persons
are expected to attend the annual pic
nic to be given by tne streetcar men
at Columbia beach tomorrow. Advance
ticket sales have reached above 12,000,
it was said yesterday.
A complete programme of sports
from 10 A. M. until late in the after
noon has been arranged and many cash
prizes will be awarded. There will be
races of all kinds, two baseball games
and a tug of war. A band concert will
be given at 1 P. M. ,
Nebraska Bishop in City.
Bishop O'Reilly of Lincoln. Neb., is
in this city as the guest of Father
Daley of St. Mary's. Bishop O'Reilly
was formerly pastor of St. Mary's be
fore his promotion to the Kplscopal see
of Baker. Or. He was transferred from
Baker to Lincoln, Neb., and was in that
city up to the time of his present visit
to this city. He will remain here until
Austrian Agent Gets Safe Conduct.
WASHINGTON. July 24. The former
Austrian minister to Mexico, Kania von
Kanya. who is about to return home,
has been granted safe conduct through
the United States, it was learned today
at the state department. He is ex
pected to cross the border at Laredo,
Tex.. Saturday.
6. green, stamps for
Holtnaa Fuel Co, Main IIS. A
Block wood, short slabwood;
Springs and Utah coal: aawdusc.-
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan. Main 7070. A 6095.
Reinstatement of 2 Who Re-fused
to Fly Also Asked.
Postmaster Praeger Replies. When
Conditions Are Unfavorable Men
Have Option of Resigning.
BELMONT PARK. X. T., July 24.
Asserting they are forced to fly not
only in bad weather but In unsafe ma
chines, 20 aerial maU pilots today
served notice on Second Assistant Post-master-Ueneral
Praeger at Washing
ton that they would refuse to fly to
morrow unless reinstatement was
granted two brother pilots who they
assert were discharged because they
refused to take the air Tuesday on ac
count of fllg;.
The airmen tonight received from
Mr. Praeger a telegram stating that
the orders applying to the two pilots
had not been revoked and asserting
that where flying conditions are such
that they cannot operate, they have the
option to resign."
Safer Machines Desired.
According to the men at Belmont
field, the strike will affect the aviators
at Chicago, Cleveland, Bellefonte as
well as Belmont park. They claim the
aerial mail to Chicago and Washing
ton will be tied up unless the depart
ment reinstates the two discharged
pilots and promises to make the ma
chines safer for the pilots who remain
in service.
Leon Smith and E. Hamilton Lee are
the two pilots whose reinstatement is
asked. They were serving on the Mew
York-Washington route.
The aviators asserted that since June
15, during the recent rainy period, no
less than 15 accidents occurred, in
which ten planes were demolished and
two pilots killed.
Indicators Wanted by Men.
The airmen declared thev had for-'
mally protested to the postoff ice depart
ment mat tne planes supplied them
were poorly adapted for flvinz. even in
good weather. They further asserted
hey had asked for stabilize -s. which.
in a fog, would show whether the men
were flying on an even keel or unside
down. These Indicators, the men say,
cost $75, but they were informed, thev
say, by Mr. Praeger that they "should
steer by compass, as.the turn indicators
were too expensive."
The pilots further complained that
under the present system mechanics
ho work in the hangars and never
fly receive equal pay with the men
who risk their lives carrying the aerial
mail. This pay ranges from 12000 to
J360J a year, they said.
The aerial mail pilots are not em
ployed under the civil service law.
They are civilians with the same status
as postmen. Virtually all are former
army aviators.
Eastern Oregon Claims for Losses
Will Be Considered - in
Portland Later.
Approximately 300 claims from Ore
gon miners and corporations will be
considered by the recently created war
mineral relief commission, which con
venes next Monday at Medford, coming
to Portland about two weeks later to
complete Its hearings.
Word received from Medford yester
day states that the' commission will
begin its work there Monday and ex
pects to continue for two weeks before
It has heard all claims of Southern Ore
gon miners and corporations. At the
Portland hearing Kastern Oregon min
ers will present their demands, most of
them being from Baker county.
The commission will adjust claims
which congress has decided shall be
paid to. the mining men as a result of
the losses sustained through the revo
cation of government contracts after
the signing of the armistice.
The government, more than two
years ago. Issued a nation-wide ap
peal for miners to prospect and develop
their property for chrome and man
ganese ore. both of which were sorely
needed at that time In the manufacture
of war materials.
In response to this appeal, numerous
miners and corporations began heavy
development work and were getting
prepared to turn out these two grades
of ore when hostilities were brought to
close. The mining men consequently
suffered heavy financial losses.
Congress appropriated $8,500,000 to
recompense the miners for the losses
they sustained, and the commission.
which is now conducting the hearings
ls determining the adjustment to be
John F. Shafroth. ex-United States
senator from Colorado, is chairman of
the commission. The other members
are Philip N. Moore, a prominent min
ing engineer of New York, and former
Representative Martin D. Foster of Illi
nois, who was a member of the house
committee on mines and mining.
The Portland Chamber of Commerce
will entertain the members of the com
mission during their stay in Portland.
More Than 4 00 Attend Home-Com
ing at North Bend.
cial. At
BEND. Or.. July 24. (Spe-
the home-coming rally and
There is one SAFE
PLACE to buy your
i piano.
Get our 'selling plan.
' We sell standard pianos.
Don't fail to attend
JMmliawJiss if J ItaWI CW."
AqC4 Im iau'ci: and Si:b3:!tatl
You will enJov a cup of
Closset 8c Devers - Portland
meeting of the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumbermen held here last
evening to welcome members of the
organization released from military
service, more than 400 persons were
present and -enjoyed a programme of
music, speaking and other forms of
entertainment. The principal speakers
of the occasion were Major P. I Abbey,
secretary and manager of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen of
the northwest. Judge Guerry. Judge J.
S. Coke. Hugh McLain. C. F. McKnlght.
Captain C. W. Huntington. r. I. Brown.
At the conclusion of the programme
refreshments were served and a num
ber of new members were enrolled. Jt
was the first visit of Major Abbey to
this section, and It is expected his
recommendations after Inspecting the
local branches of the four Ls will re
sult In a greatly Increased membcrshlo
and closer co-operation in the organiza
tion throughout this section.
. J. Hersbcrger of Hubbard Is Ar
rested and Charged With Reck
less Driving.
Mrs. Sarah Aumandeon of lxty
seventh street and Thlr'.ieth avenue
suffered injuries which may prove
fatal last night when she was run down
by an automobile driven by J. J. Ilers-
berger of Hubbard, Or., who was travel
ing west on Division Btreet when he
struck the woman as she was crossing
the Sixty-seventh-street intersection.
The victim of tne accident was
dragged a distance of DO feet by the
spedeing autoist, according to eyewit
nesses. Both her legs were broken and
she Buffered internal injuries.
According to eyewitnesses the ma
chine skidded a considerable distance
before the woman was airuck. leaving
a streak of burnt rubber on the pave
ment from the tires. Ilersberger pro
tested to the police that ho was travel
ing only 20 miles an hour. An eye
witness told the officers that the man
was driving so fast that 1 e was unable
to stop the machine within -. distance
of 0 feet.
He was arresto'. by Motorcycle Offi
cers Scott and Norene and locked up
for driving an automobile in a reckless
manner. In tho machine with the
speedlnrr driver -vers his daughter and
Miss Bessie Yoder of 221 Eleventh
P. D. Lloyd, who saw the accident,
told the police that Mersberger was
driving at least 40 miles an hour at
the time of the accident.
The machine, which ls a large seven
passenger touring car, was taken to
police headquarters to be held pending
the outcome of the injuries to Mrs.
Aumandson. The Injured woman was
taken to the St. Vincent hospital, where
she ls reported in a critical condition.
Police Search for Body of Man, Who
Lcrt Suicide Note.
SALEM, Or.. July 24. (Special.)
Salem police today searched the river
here for J. N. Mcl'herson. who, follow
ing a quarrel with a rancher living
north of the city, visited a Salem lodg
ing house, left a note to the effect that
lie intended to commit suicide, and dis
appeared. The note was as follows:
'The police: When the sun goes to
sleep tonight Mcl'herson goes to his
long rest in the clear, cold water of
the river. You will not get this until I
am no more. The rocks and hills bring
a message to my soul."
McPherson had resided In Marlon
county for several years. He has rela
tives in Jackson, Mich.
Washington Association Trjlntr for
Fat Scheduled Ships.
SOUTH BKND. Wash.. July 24.
Victor H. Beckman. who Is In this
vicinity in the interests of the State
Kmployers' association. In an addtexs
before the South Bend Commercial club
this week, urged that body to join with
other coast towns in giving Its sup
port to a plan f m;:rk-tlng western
products In eastern mirkcia by means
of fast-scheduled f roiglit-.T-X.
The club Is asked I) appoint a con
mittee which will sectir data relative
to the amount of fr.ah. that can te
realized by transportaMon companies
Action in this manor will b. taken at a
club meeting tomo:rcv' night.
Farmers Asked to Sign Contracts to
Plant Small Fruit.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. July 24. Spe
cial.) The first fruit and berry can
nery company to be In existence on
Coos bay was organized here through
the efforts of the Marsnrieid cnamoer
of commerce and the capitalization is
125.000, practically all paid up. The
iff tcTfij ouaotehj
O 11 S
Our Domestic Exchange
'TITHAT essential
Think of
When $ 1
Then Think of S. & H. Stamps.
The Rest Is Easy. We Issue Them Gladly
- Extra Stamps
20 With Coupon Today 20
and Saturday
Here's a Hot Weather
Electric Mixer
Attaches to your electric light
socket. Makes Milk Shakes,
Whipping Cream, Mayonnaise,
Malted Milk, Frosting, Custard
saves Time, Labor and Money.
Complete with Motor, Mixer
Cord and Plug. Ready for use
Special .53.93
" Waterman's The
'Ideal Fountain Pen
At the seashore, in the moun
tains, in camp, at the lake our
line is always up to dat
$2.50 to $119
Our Repair Department is run
by an expert.
Pure Sweets at
Sweet Prices
U-AU-No Mints, box 0(
Teanut Brittle, lb 10
Assorted Kisses, lb tiO?
Fancy Gum Drops, lb 29
$7 to $8 I.idies Bathing Suits
Special $5.08
COc and 65c Bathing Caps
Special .-47
50c Bathing Shoes
73c Bathing Shoes 5D
Othine, double strength. .. .$1.10
Stillman Freckle Cream oO
Miolena Freckle Cream K5f
Malvina Freckle Cream 50
Anita Freckle Cream 50
Pompeian Night Cream 75
Miolena Cucumber Cream . . . .50
Egyptian Complexion Lotion. . . .91
Derwillo SI
Wood-Lark Cube Shampoo. .. .5
Woodard, Clarke
Wood-Lark Building, Alder at West
organizers of the company are John I.
Goss, K. II. Corey and Hen S. Fisher.
The plans of the company are to set
men at work at once among farmers
to sign contracts for planting not less
than 200 acres of loganberries, straw
berries, red raspberries, small fruits
nnd suitable Vfrctablm for canning.
.r 1 ..'
atrt J
1 Northwestern National to the
banking- public is located in the
Savings Annex back of the main
banking quarters. There you may pro
cure Travelers' Cheques, Bank Money
Orders or Drafts, Letters of Credit and
information relative to local and terri
torial trade transactions.
The "Biff Brother Bank"
in aim as well as name.
the Number of Times
Would Come in Handy
n r
We have a new line of
Columbia River
Highway Views
Attractively framed 7o
Hurd's Linen Fabric 2 qrs.
Taper with Envelopes 73
Klearfax Linen
A nice White round Paper. f6
sheets, 24 envelopes 67
Saxony Parchment
Heavy Suede Taper, delicate
shades, 96 sheets, 24 en
velopes $1
You Need This
in the home, factory
and office. Heavy
white enameled wood
back; spirit scale, 24
inches long.
Special 39
a. -urn
Quick relief. No stain, no
grease 30, 50f, CO
4 or. Boric Acid 1J
4 oz. Compound Licorice Pow
der SO?
1 lb. Tlaster Taris lO
1 lb. Soda Bicarbonate iTic
8 ox. Cream Tartar oo
1 lb. Epsom Salts 15
Wood-Lark Fly Repellant
H-gal. $1; gal $1.75
Small S;iray Tump 50
8 ox. C. & W. Insect Tow-
der 50
W.-L. Silvert-hine Taste.... 25
QU Crude Carbolic Acid.... 45
Pint Domestic Ammonia. . .:iO
Tint Witrh Haxel 45
Tooth Brushes 25 to 75
Chinwah Talc 25
Chinwah Toilet Water $1.5()
Chinwah Perfume $ 1 .50
Chinwah Face Fowder 50
Armand's Face Powder 50
Palmolive Toilet Water, assorted
odors 70
Lash-Brow-Ine 50
The company will furnish the plants
and it is desired to fret the entire 200
acres or more planted this fall. The
company will be affiliated with the
Rupert. Canning; company, it is sup
posed. Head The Oreeonlan classified ads.
rn I1
. rs-rv rrnvr-.rT
i vi -
tf 1
It'll f. .
-ii-rn-sir r Boamti
a a ooo
facility of the
ft H. -Iran Ins- str
Stamps on your Sl-A
first (1 cash pur- ffv T-
rhsp and double CS.
on i ne o a i a n r e.
tjood on first floor and In
basement today and Satur
day, July :i and 26.
"Family Paints"
Any shade, color or need
Inside or outside
Gallon $2.98
Quart S5
A water paint
in all colors for
walls, ceilings
and any rough surface.
Bring us your paint problems.
We can help vou.
"S. & H." Stamps with all
paint purchases
REMEMBER If you use a
camera or kodak, there's just
one film which
The "Speedex"
We have them fresh from the
factory- All sizes for all kodaks
and other film cameras.
TtlTs rT
FREE Roll Film Developing
when prints are ordered.
Mason Fruit Jar
Rubbers, Special
3 pkgs. for 25
Extra Special
Wicker Suit Case MUIO
Pullman Slippers 2.21
Ladies' Purses 91.10
Army Camp Tillow, 12x18
inches OS
Valiant's Cologne Bath Salts
now 50
Uardas Bath Tablets 75
Comb Cleaner 40
Dental Floss 25 to $2.10
25c Face Powder, discontinued
assortment Special 17
50c Face Towder, discontinued
assortment Special 20
& Co.
Gray Hair Like
a Photograph
New Discovery Develops the
Original Color of Gray Hair
in a Similar Manner to
the Developing of sa
Photo Print.
Prof. John II. Austin, the famous bac
teriologist, hair and scalp specialist of
Chicago, spent years of study and ax
perlraentlna In tha perfecting- of Co-La
Hair Keslorer the wonderful liquid
that brines back the original color of
gray hair.
A pleasing remedy to apply clear as
water, without sediment; will not waaa
or rub off; and contains no lead or aul
phur. perfectly harmless it la tha only
lasting and satisfactory way of bring
ing back tha color to gray hair.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer Is equally satis,
factory for every original shad of tvair
A for biack anil all dark abmdea cf
A7 tra strong, for Jt black hair
AS for all medium brown ahadea.
AS for ail very light brewn. drab
and auburn ahadea.
Co-I-o Hair Keslorer oa aale at a3
Owl lrug Siorca. Adr.
eVfeV if
IK, rr