Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1919, Page 23, Image 23

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Heavier Movement From Cali
fornia Predicted.
Soi tbern-Grown Crawfords Not Ex
pected in Quantities for Two
AVceks, Dealers Kcport.
There were no carlot arrivals of peaches
from the south yesterday, but with prevloua
tnpplies of California Crawfords and Ore
gon Alexanders and Hales coming in a mod
erate way and the demand more or less
limited, offerings were sufficient and prices
generally held at the previous leveL
' A considerable Increase in the movement
M Calif omias to this market is expected
th? coming week, and dealers also look for
Mine improvement in the quality of the of
ferings from that quarter. Most of the
Crawfords brought in to date have been of
fvmall size and some complaint is heard re
garding the quality f the fruit.
Crawfords on the street yesterday sold at
Jm extreme range of $1.15 to $1.50 a box,
jnost of them going at $1.35. Oregona at
the same lime sold at $1 to 1.25 for the most
3 art, off grade stock in some cases going at
fcIO cents.
The best peaches that come to Portland
tmaritts northern-grown Cradfords are not
Expected In quantities for about two weeks.
fmt reports from the Ashland district indi
ratc limited offerings from that quarter
:fche coming week. The Oregon and "Wash
ington peach crop this year promises to be
bite of good size, probably greater than that
tf last year, but it is said by some that the
rait this season will run more largely than
tzsval to the small sizes. This remains to be
VeriHod, however.
Ca lifomia Bartlett pears were available
In a moderate way yesterday, selling at $4
to 1 1.25 generally. Most of the offerings
showed good quality and dealers reported a
alr demand and a satisfactory movement.
.Apricots from the south held firmly at
prices around $2, according to size and qual
ity. There was a slightly better feeling In the
fcantaloupe trade, due mainly to the approx
imate clean-up of Imperial valley stock.
"With this out of the way some improvemen
in the quality of the offerings is assured, and
Jocuf dealers are confident that the situation
will adjust Itself within the next few days.
There was a good demand for quality cants
yesterday and trado was active, though the
market still was more or less topheavy
Standard Turlocks sold to retailers at $2.50
Us $2.75.
Tnrlock reported the weather warm and
oleiir, iiauling3 moderate and the demand
srnd movement active, with little or no
change in prices. Picking in the late planted
tie 10 s will begin within a few days.
1 Egff Market Shade Kasier.
TVhile ithere was no evidence of marked
Weakness in the egg trade yesterday, the
market seemed to show a slightly easier
tone than for some time past. Rather
lieay receipts were reported and dealers
reported the demand a little slack. No
serious break, however, is feared at this
fctago of the season. Buying prices of 41
to Tu centa were quoted on the street. The
poultry market was said to be holding up
In a fairly firm way, hens selling at -S to
JJO tents a pourjd and broilers at 22 to 30
cent:-. . Veal and pork were steady at the
pre. iaus range.
Quality Berries in Demand.
Th-jre was an excellent demand for good
prailc berries on the street yesterday, but
offerings were meager. Choice raspberries
weru a ready seller at $3.00 to $X75, and
blackberries were quoted at $n. Logans held
sit $2. S3, but there were only a few small
lots in evidence. Good currants were said
io be in demand at $2 to $2.25 a crate. This'
wePk practically finishes tho red raspberry
crop in thia section. Heavier offerings of
blackberries aro expected the coming week,
smd with tho berry market generally strong
oo 1 prices are counted on.
uovrrnraeni io reii irunc.
Tho government is aukitiK for bids for-the
urdiaso of l,4aCt,tita pounds of prunes.
&cked in 23 ant ;0-pound boxen, now In
orago at Fort Jilaxon, California: Seattle,
Government to Sell I'runr.
"Wash. ; Portland, Oami T.ewiw, Washington
end Los Angeles. Cal. Certified checks for
20 per cent of tho prices offered inuvt ac
company bids and the checks are to he
rirawn payable to the depot finance officer.
Kort Mason. California. Bids are to be
opened at Fort Mason at 10 A. M. July 28.
bids will be considered for Icfs than 2500
pound boxes or 600 50-pound boxet.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland 13,98!.0S7 $ 673.692
Feattle ti.fiit.Oll 1,742,326
Tacoma 772.1)01 16.t.tK7
pokane 1,510.270 556,674
Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc.
Merchants' Exchange, noon session.
On ta , July. Aug. Sept.
Ko. 2 white feed $58.00 $59.00 S58.0G
Standard feed .- K2.00 W2.50 62.00
No. 3 blue - -3.0rt 63.50 - 63.50
p.sntern oats and corn, bulk:
No. o white 55 00 55 00 55 00
jj8-lb. clipped 57.00 57.U0 57.06
3Vo. 3 yellow 75. OO 75.00 75.00
2ict. 3 mixed 73. uo 72. rid 12.50
T HEAT uovernmcnt basis, $2.20 per
i'LOUR Patents. $1 1.60 11.65 delivered;
SI 1.45 at mMl; bakers. $11. 154 11.30; whole
WlfMi, 1 1 1 L , 'if 1 U. 4U ; granam. J.U.U.- &j 1U.2U.
H1LLFEED Mill run. f. b. u. mill, car
lo t,, -I U per ton; mixed cars, $40.50; ton
lots or over. ?4l.5U; less tnnn ton, 542; rolled
nnriey, 5b.I; rolled oats. $j9; ground barley,
0S: scratch fted, $79.
CORN Whole, ton, $75; cracked, $77 per
HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland:
Alfalfa, new ciop, $24.50325; Eastern Ore
Eosi timothy, nominal.
Iairy and Country Produce.
BUTTE It 9 1-score, 53c ; 00-score. 62 H c ;
yirnts. parchment wrappers, box lots, 59
0a; cartons. 60(f6tc; half boxes. He more;
Jess than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No.
a5Saj'S',c pt-r pound. .
CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook:
Triplets, :13c ; Young Americas, 34c; Coos
find Curry f, o. b. Myrtle Rint, triplets,
ill V.c ; You tig Americas, 33c; ionghorns,
Eii;s Orcpon ranch, case count, 4748c;
Candled, 50S51c: wel.'cts, 53c; Oregon Poul
try association seh-cts to retailers, 5-lc; as
sociation pullets. 4tc.
i'OVLTKY lions. 2SJT 30c; broilers. 22
0c; geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal.
VEAL Fancy, 25c per pound.
PORK Fancy, 28o per pound. .
' 1 rulta and Vegetables.
FRUITS Oranges. $5.256-75; lemons,
f7 0 8.50 box.; bananas, Dij lHc per pound,
apples. $3.50 4.25 per bux; grapefruit. $5.50
v6; cherries. 1 .1 i- ISc pt-r pound ; ;n:ita
loupes. 2. 7., per crate ; apricots. $2$i
C25 per bos; pcuchcn, 75o(o,1.5U per box: wa
termelons. 2Uti-3c per lb.; piums. $1.52.75
Tcr box; raspberries. $3.503-75 per crate;
loganberries. 2.15 j-er crate; grapes, $4jr
4t25 per box: r'-ra, $44.25.
VKOETA-I.K3 Cabbage, $3-00 per 100
pounds; lettuce, $2.25 per crate; pep
pert, si 50 per box: beets, $:l?3.50 per sack;
i-ueumbers. 1 5 1-50 per doen ; tomatoes,
$1,25 6 L50 per box; peas. 7 10c per pound;
thubarb, 6c per pound; beans, 8 10c.
POTATOKS Oreson Burbanks, nominal;
fcc Californiu. 3 & 3 4 c per pound.
ONIONS Walla Walla, Z04c per pound;
California yellow. 4?7c pr pound.
I t Staple Groceries.
.- 1 focal jobbing quotations:
t 6LHJAR Sack baHts. Fruit or berry. 10.65;
, ?et, .55; Honolulu cane, $9.60; extra C,
$9.15; -powdered, in barrels, ,$10.25;. cubes In
barrels, $10.45.
NUTS Walnuts," 27$85c; Braxlf nuts, 35c;
filberts, 2tc; almonds, 24 30c; peanuca,
11 15c.
SALT Hal f- g roun d , 1 00s, $18 per ton ;
50s, $11.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton.
HICK Blue rose, 10c; head, 12c; broken
Japan, Sc pound.
BEANS Buying price, medium white, 30
5c per pound.
COFFEE Roasted. In drums. 35050c.
Hops, Mohair, Etc
H OPS Oregon, 1918. 47e; 1917 crop. 85
6 37c; 1016 crop. 30c; 1915 crop. 20 & 25c;
1019 contracts, 50c; three-year contracts,
50c, 40c, 30c.
WOOL Kastern Oregon and "Washington.
40p5ia per pound; valley, 40 U 55c per
MOHAIR 1918 clip. 55c per pound.
TALLOW No. 1, loc per pound ; No. 2.
12c ppr pound: grease. 7 10c per pound.
CASCARA BARK New. 10c per pound.
GRAIN BAGS In carlots, 12 013c
Local Jobbing quotations:
HAMS All sizes, choice 4344c: stand
ard, 4204:iic; skinned. U5if3Gc; picnic, 27
juc; cottage roll. 3c
LARD Tierce basis.1 3Gc: compound. 30c
per pound.
dry SALT Short, clear backs. Z0Z3oc;
plates, 27 & 2fc ; exports. 31c
BACON Fancy. 5a 55c; standard. 46 O
49c; choice, 3943c.
,- Oiia.
IIN'SfcED OlL--Raw 'barrels. $2.3": raw.
esses, $2.42; boiled, barrels. $2.34; boiled,
cases. $2.44.
TURPENTINE Tanks, $1.21; cases. $1.31.
GASOLINE Iron barrels. 23fec: tank
wagon, 23 c; cases, 34c ; engine distillate,
iron barrels, 19c; tank wagon, 16c; cases.
COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13 & 16c: tank
wagon, 13Uc; cases. 2431c.
Hides, Pelts, Etc.
HIDES Salt-cured hides. 30 lbs. and up.
32c; green hide 30 lbs. and up. 25c; salt
cured bull hides, 24c; green bull hides 17c;
kip skins, from 15 to 30 lbs., 40c; trimmed
calf skins, 75c; flint dry hides, 4Uc; flint dry
calf skins, 75c ; dry horse hides, $ 1.50 & 4
each; salted horse hides, with heads on, $5
t&a each.
PELT Shearlin ti. 25c: drv wool Delta
30c; green lamb pelts, 51.G0&2 each.
Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables. Fresh
Fruits, Etc., at Bay City.
SAX FRANCISCO, July 24. Receipts
Flour, 5:iO0 quarters; barley, 5700 centals:
beans, 1431 sacks; onion. iS7 sacks; pota
toes, 4i2U sacks; hides, 117; wine, 100 gal
lons; hay, 447 tons.
Flour 8-8s $12.lo; wheat $2.20; oats red
feed. S2.H0 y 2.90 ; corn, California yellow,
$3. 2593.45; barlev. feed S3.10fr3.15.
Oranges. S4ti5.."0: lemons 4oiG.50; grape
fruit, $3.504.50; bananas, 6Vjfc 7c; pineap
ples, $ 1.50 & 2.50; apples, $1.50.3; according
to grade and tier; cherries 1 7 4 20c iIum
$2(ii2.50; peaches, SI. 25 1? 1.75 small lug box;
apricots, uvj.e'ic pouna; cantaloupes, si. 25
1.75 standard; raspberries, U'ilOc; straw-berries-
f 14 &' 10: - loganberries, red S10jf12;
blackberries. $7t&9: figs, 75 85c single lay
er ; grapes, nominal.
Hay Wheat or wheat and oats, $45 17;
tame oat $1517; barley S12&15; alfalfa
$1418; barley straw bQ H0c t meals un
J ud Tuztvcll " Accuses Attorney of
lloldins; Divorce Papers to Get
HijErh Fee From Woman.
If C. A. Townsend, an attorney of this
city, does not hasten early this morn
ing to file with the county clerk a de
cree and judgment of divorce signed by
Circuit Judge Taxwell Wednesday, he
will beb rought into court on a bench
warrant and fined for contempt.
This was the assertion of Judge Taz
well last night when he discovered that
Townsend had failed to file papers he
was supposed to have taken to the
clerk's office Wedensday, and which he
was 'ordered by the court to place on
record by noon yesterday. Up to clos
ing t'itne at 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon Townsend. had not filed the pa
pers -attesting to the freedom granted
Winifred Harris from Krnest 1'. Har
ris. -Yccording .to Mrs. Harris., who went
with tears In her. eyes to see the judge,
tihe has- paid Townnend, who is her at
torney, between $85 and $90 already as
his fee, and he is holding out the di
vorce papers granted by the court with
tho threat that he will not file them
unless his client pays $25 more to him.
Judge Tazwell severely reprimanded
the attorney in court yesterday and de
manded that he produce the papers as
soon as possible. He promised, said
J udge Tazwell, to have them recorded
by noon.
"This appears a flagrant rape of
abuse o f privilege," commented Judge
Tazwell, "and either that attorney will
jump to file those papers in the morn
ing or I'll have him up before me
mighty quick on contempt proceedings.
The woman has paid, according to her
story, which lam inclined to believe,
more than the usual fee already, and
cannot be held up for more. When I
gave the papers to the attorney I as
sumed he would take them direct to
tho county clerk's office and file them,
or they should never have gone into
his hands."
Lumbermen's Trust Company Buys
Squaw Creek Issne.
BliXD, Or., July 21. (Special.)
Korty-f ive t housand dollars worth of
Squaw creek irrigation district bonds,
were sold to tlw Lumbcrmens Trust
company of Portland at 00 per cent,
with accrued interest to date. It was
announced today. Confirmation of the
Issue in circuit court and certification
by the irrigation securities commis
sion is now being sought by the dis
trict. Of the entire issue, $15,000 is for im
provement in the irrigation system.
The remainder representing the unsold
portion of an Lssue voted last year.
Sensational Story oT Imprisonment
- Wins Hi Decree.
William Carroll, who accused hia
wife, Jennie S. Carroll, of keeping; him
a prisoner in his own house for four
years, received his divorce yesterday
following sensational testimony fol
lowing the lines of his complaint filed
about-a month ago.
He was locked in the upper part of
his home from 1914 to 1918, being kept
a virtual prisoner by his wife and son,
he said, only gaining freedom when
there was an -attempt to send him to
the insane asylum, and he proved his
sanity to the satisfaction of the county
court examiners.
Army Planes Stop at Roscburg.
ROSEBURG, Or.. July 24. (Special.)
Two airships, piloted by Lieutenant
E. C. Kiel and Sergeant Frank McKee.
arrived here at 3:30 thia afternoon, and
after taking on gas and oil continued
northward. The machines are of the
Curtiss J.M-4 type and were en route
to Seattle, where they will be used in
recruiting service for the aviation
branch of the service.
Brake Attachment Patented.
KOSEBURG, Or.4 July 2 4. (Special.)
George S. Marsh and Robert Farmer,
local machinists, have secured patents
on a new brake attachment for auto
mobiles. The device, which is said to
be-unusually powerful in its action,
can be attached to railway coaches.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Passing of Bethlehem Dividend. Re
sults In Recession Speculative
Influences Are Active.
NEW YORK, July 4. The same spec
ulative Influences which have been foremost
on the bull side of the stock market slnvs
la?it Tuesday's rapid recovery were oper
ative again today, though in modified de
gree. Surface developments, excepting the sus
pension of "extra" dividends on the com
mon shares of Bethlehem Steel, were, muln-
y encouraging and the varied character of
the trading offered further proof of the ac
tivity cf professional Interests.
fasMng of the tlethlehem dividends occa
sioned little surprise, such a course having
been practiced ever since the V. K. Steel di
rectors took similar action three months ago.
oteeis were among the conspicuously strong
feature of the early session, that group
opening at material advances, but fallmg
ilethlehem action.
Motors and their distinctive subsidiaries,
notably electric, rubber and leather equip
ments, were heavily traded In, Stromberc
Carbureter fluctuating wildly In a 12 -s-point
radius and closing at a net gain of 3 points.
Tobacco, shipping and food shares con
tributed their recent large proportions at
gross advances of - to V points, but yielded
with the general list In the free selling
the final hour.
All the favorite Issues, including U. ft.
Steel, reversed their positions of the early
and Intermediate sessions, the reaction rang
ing from 2 to C point and causing an irreg
ular to heavy close. balcs amounted to
1,600.000 bhres.
Uonds, Including liberty and foreign Ih-
sues, were irregular, but sound Investment
conditions were exemplified by the success
of the 8 wis government lonn and clolny
of the Shell Transport syndicate offering.
Total sales of bondi, par value, aggregated
$f,75u OOO. Old U. si. bonds were unchanged
on call.
2 Sales. High. Low. Sale.
Am Beet Sugar, if.aou 6 iU
American Can.. 7,0u0 61 5tf'i 5I !i
Am Car Jk Fdry. 121 llh- lis
Am n & l pfd. J.7UM i;;m J2ii- J2ta
American Loco. a.fcUU i3 Vk '. UO V
Am ;Sm c Kefg. ,7mJ h 6 fcu
Am Sugar Heig 4,uo0 140V la7H -l;;7'
Am Sum Tobac. 5,2ou 114' 11 2 112,
Am 'lei & Tel.. 2,suu 1U4S 1U3
Am Z L Sm.. 3.200 2 7 '-j 20 20
Ana can da Cop.. iS.loo T 11 'i 75: 70
AtcUisou if, SOU IH Wm lw
A U AeWISSL J,10 17:t 372 J72
Baldwin Loca .. ,900 116 112'fcllLM:
Halt Ohio ... 0t 46, 461i t
I'.eth Steel U ... 74.7UW luO luO . luUv,
IS. A- S LloDDer.. :t.6ou 2'J k iiU'i
Calif Petrol 20.1OU r.2! 484 41H I
Canadian Pacif. l,4u 1 JUJ
Central Leather S,7mo 116'i lKJVa llil?i
Ches & Ohio ... 70' 65 613- 6-"V'
Chi M & St P.. 700 4M 47'i 473
Chicago & N W. 70y lou M !s
Chi It I & Pac. 4,70u ao 2W 20-J
Chlnu Copper .. 3.200 ."( 4:r
Colo Fu At Iron. 2,1 U0 r.2 .M fl
Corn Products.. sou !'o 12 "i Vi
Crucible Steel .. 40.UO0 344H i:is V.3
Cuba Cane Sug. ;t,;;oo :tti :B V
U 8 Food Prous. 06.hi I (." SOU , 4 '
Krie ... 0OO 10 1 St T-
General Electric l.oO 170'i 1 " 1T0U
(ieneral Motors. 4,o aa:iW 227 217
tit Nor ptd .... "' l4
Gt Nor Ore ctfs. S.Smi ,"fH
Illinois Central. 6.;im lol Ji 10o Hl l
Inspir Copper .. 8.SOO 6SS ,rti
Hit M M p:d ... 4. MOO llU 117, 1 1 t
Inter Nickel ... ::.OOt r.l 30 "J)i
Inter Paper : . .. 4,2m nit tirt '4
K : Southern .. 2o -4 2.! '-a 2.1 n
Kennecott Cop.. 4.2l0 42H 4 1 v ,4i;
Louis 8c Nash 1 "
Mxi-:an Petrol.. I.IOO 1f7, 302i 3!2 V
Miami Copper.. l,w 1 4j "1 l U
Midvale St-el .. 14,loO f.O r.H
M issuuri 1 'acl f lc 0,2o0 litl 3
M on tana Power .. . - -. - - - ,
Nevada Copper. T.00 21 21' -1 U
N Y C'e.itral .... 40O 81 M b0 W
N Y N H & II.. 3.7do :;7-4 :tfiV
Norf & Wept ... ' lofi", m!' 30t,',
Northern Pacif . l.fcuu y" " ' '
Paci!i- Mail :!-.
lac T-l Tel.. 2.0OO 34 no ...l
Pan-Am rtrol. 7i.'M 1U4 H-'i 1 D I
T'cnnsvlvania .. 2.700 46 4f -.;!
Pitts it W Va .. 1.2o 40 4 21
Pittsburg Cor'.. 4.f.oo 72S
Hay r-nuBM C'.p. 2.4O0 27 2; -;
I Ir A Steel.. .200 I 1" !
Shat Aria roP.. l.r.oo
Sin Oil &. Kfc. 17.7no "I
Southern Pacif. 3.4oO in7 jnn .
Southern Ity ... 1.7mi ::t M', -.o1.
Studrbaker Cor. 51.r.M 116 11 l'
Texas Co I.HfMl 274 2.0 !!
Tobacco Prods.. 22,6u0 10SJi JJ lOK'i
1'nlon Pacific .. 2.too M'... 12',
I nl? fig Storr. 6.0OO '.'oj. lWJH, JH-i
C K Inl Alcohol .000 146 2 ' 14.1
do pfd 2'.o J17 317'
T'tah Connor ... 3.4oO If j h
1 17i
Western Union. " "
WeKting FJ-ctrio 4 4no M14 S7 ...J,
Willys-Overland 4.w 3.-H
Roval Dutch.... 46,:.oO JO !.. S
National Lead.. 1."
Ohio Cities K200 ..9 ..S .S
U K ref 2 reg...-W N P 4s J'h
do coupon ...l':
U K cv reg..-W 1 Pec T A T Rs...0l
do coupon 'a con 4's J
U S 4s rfg -loi S I cv Us 16
do coupon;ti'So Tty as V .
Am T A T cv s,10is 1 " P 4"
n A R S ref 7,H.r.7S,! Anglo-r r rs .... !
N T C deb 6s. . . SK 1
Mi. ling Marknt Boston.
Allouer. 4H ld Oom 47
Ariz Com 1 I'-scola
falu & Ariz jijulnry 1-
Oalu Ae Heel. . .4iO 'Suporior
. t .. 1 ia lKi:t A- Hnxtan ...
fop Kange llll (shannon
Kast iutte . 1 y 1 ii
f ran aim . A "
iPlo htoyaiie . . . o v- -'
I.ake Copper ... iranhy ton 71
Mohawk 7". kireeno Can .... 46Va
iNonn -out. 10 . . .
Total of Several Millions Sent to China and
XEW YORK, July 24. Shipments of gold
totalling several million dollars have been
bent recently to the orient, it was announced
here today. Most of the shipments have
been made from San Francisco.
Approximately $7,500,000 has gone to
Japan for purposes or exenange inu s-.ikw,-0OO
more is to be shipped this week as a
banls for an Increased Issue of bank notes
in Formosa. China has been sent shipments
of $r.7f.j.000 la old and J 3.000,000 in sliver
during the last week.
Money. Exchange. Etc.
NEW YOKK. July 14. Mercantile paper,
r.'iffila per crnt; sterling. OO-day bills.
4.341: commercial Go-day bills on banks,
$4 H4V4 ; commercial 60-day bills, $4.ii4;
demand, $4.38 ; cables. $4.39 1. Francs,
demand. 7. OS; cables, 7.03. Guilders, de
mand. 7i ; cables, 38. Lire, demand, 8.54;
cables, N.0.
Government bonds. Irregular; railroad
bonds, irregular.
Time loans, strong; all dates unchanged.
Call money, steady; high, 6 psr cent; low.
ri'u per cent; ruling rate. per cent; closing
bid, r.a per cent; onerea ai o n pfr wm,
lst loan, 5 per cent.
Liberty Bond Quotations.
XKW YORK. July 24. The final prices
on liberty bonds today were: a?. ww.wu;
firt 4s. $4; second 4s, $93.54; first 4 3 n,
$S4 00; second 4Us. $04.06; third 4 "i s,
$r3.1S; fourth 4 lis. $13.34; victory Gfcs,
$100; victory 4t. $9tf.4.
Bar Sliver Quotations.
XEW YORK, July 24. Bar silver. 107U-
Mexican dollar bjc.
LONDON, July 24. Bar silver, 54"d per
Money and discount unchanged.
Coffee Future Steadier.
NEW YORK, July 24. The market for
coffee futures showed a steadier tone dur
ing the earlier trading on reports of a firmer
tone In the market at Rio and talk of a
slight Improvement in spot demand. The
oneninr was two to nine points higher and
active months sold five to ten points above
last nlcht s closing figures during the morn
lrig, with December 21.65c. There was scat
tered realising by brokers with Wall street
commission Iiouko connections at this level,
however, and prices eased off In connequence
with December selling down to 1; l.43c and
with the market closing at a net decline of
IO to l.'i points. Closing bids: July, 22.05c
September, 21-SXc; October, 21.70c; Decem
ber. 21.45c: January, 21.42c; March, 21.35c;
Spot coffee firm, with a moderate demand.
Rio 7s. 22?c; bantos 4s, Z&c.
New York Dairy Prod nee.
NEW YORK, July 24. Butter easier; re
ceipts, 1 1.V78 tubs. Creamery higher than
extras. i. UWiic; 11 mis. it- n 03 c.
Eggs, firm, unchanged; cheese, firm, un
Seattle Feed Quotations.
PBATTLB. July 24. City delivery: Feed
Mill, 40 per ton; scratch teed, jsi; feed
wheat. $3; all -grain chop, t8; oats. $6A: f
barley. $68;- clipped barley, $78; alfalfa
Hay Eastern Washington timothy, mixed.
IS5-&S6; double compressed, 40; alfalfa,
Naval Store.
SAVANNAH. 0. July 24. Turpentine
firm. Bales, SOS; receipts, 184 ; shipments,
11V; stock. lO.ttOU.
Ft o in firm. Sales, 111$: receipts, 562;
shipments, 212; stock. 5.3M. Quote: B.
f 13 .,Mt 15.65; O. 16.S0016.S5: E. 16 45r
l6-: F, l.7016-0O; G. $16.W0O17; H.
$17.2S17.40; 1, 17.7517.60: K, 41110; M,
$20; N, $20.40; WQ, $20.75; WW, $21.
Chicago Dairy Prod nets.
CHICAGO. July 24. Butter, unsettled;
creamery, 46He52Hc
Kggs. unsettled. RecelDts. 8603 :
finMN, 4V434c; ordinary firsts. Stj41c;j
cases inciuaea, yl'jc; storage
parked first 4444Hc
Poultry, alive, unchanged.
New York Metal Market.
NEW YORK. July 24. Copper, quiet and
firm. Electrolytic, spot and July, 23 'j-c ,
AuKuat, 23V423c: Septejnber, 24c.
Iron and lead, steady and unchanged.
Spelter firm. East St. Louis, spot. 7.90c
bid; August, 7.02c.
Argentine Grains Advance.
BUENOS AIRES. July 24. Wheat and
corn rose to new hlrh records on the mar
ket here today. Wheat advanced to lt
pesos 100 kilo, an Increase of 3 psos during
the day. and corn rose to 11 pesos 10 kilo,
an Increase of 1 peso over the opening quo
tation. Unlnth Uund Market.
Dl'LVTH, July 24. l.ln,.el on track.
S8.17it0.13: ta arrive, t4.1U: July. . 1; Sep
tember. ftj.14 ajtked; October. (t.O; Novem
ber. 3.0T bid; Dei-.mber. 5.3 bid.
Hpot Cotton Quotatloo,.
NEW YORK. July 21. Spot cotton, quiet.
Middling, ou.&Oc.
New York Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. July 24. Raw onr. .t.ady.
CentrKual, 7.2c; fin. granulated, a.OOc.
San FranciM. 1 .lry i'rodure.
BAN FRANCISCO. July 24. Butter. SSc.
Kggs Fre.h extra, 6c; rinta. 64c.
New York Dried Fruit..
NEW YORK, July 24. Evaporated apple,
quiet. Prune,, more offered. I'eachrs. firm.
Advance in Oats Due Largely to Dif
ficulty in Obtaining Carts to In
sure Prompt Movement.
CHirxno, July 24. Corn avragrd a Tit
tle higher In prico today, owing to wide
spread liick of rain. The cIoss was unsettled
S cent nt lowr to cent advance, with
September $1.U0 ta I.W."-. and D-ccmbr
Sl.Otii 4 l.etSS. Oats gained ' cent to
t-snt. In provisions Hie outcome varied
I rom 2& cents declln to a rise of SO rents.
At the outset, buylns; orders predominated
as a result of the fact that the Kovern-
ment map showed no rainfall anywhere
ana tuat th lorecast Was Rcneraliy fiilr.
lnasmucn. howev-r, no excessively hlfth
temperatures wore notod. holders seemed
Inulrfposed to take profits whenever prices
bussed. Word from Argentina that new
htRli price records had bctn established
there at tract ri conslderablo attention but
the eifert was more then offset later by
Illinois reports of cloudy conditions and
lowererl morrury.
I'pturns In th osts market were due
largely to the difficulties of obtaining tars
enough to insure prompt movement of the
Provisions ruld dull snd Irregulsr.
leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. II Itrh. .nw. Cloo.
Sept. r. fl.u. Jims ?l ir.
Uec 1.0'il-i 1.17 U 1-J0! I OC -4
Fept 7 ,ni .71 i .0ii
uec. fSJ : .r.t .M
Kept 3."o
Oct 347
r.4.;.7 r. ir.?
31.37 34 47
Iu;y 2010 ?3 1 7 '.'fl (1A
20 Art
2" 50
tsept "JS IV -S.07 I's.oO
asli prices wre:
t'orn No. I mixed, $1.95 m.- v0. 3 yellow.
osts No. 2 white. SOJtPlVc: No. 3 white.
S0rftl Ur.
HVe o, 2. $l.W.(li.
Rarlov Sl.'J'J'' 1. ....
Timothy j.Oii4i l l.f.O.
i Movor Nominal,
fork Nominal.
l.rd ST',4.47.
It 115 Nominal.
Minneapolis Barley Market.
MfXN'sA IOI. IS. Jniv 24. Rarley. $1.16
$1.25. Flx. SHIO'46 13.
Substantiation of Sprncn t'ommltlre
ruolicitjr to Bo .skrd.
"WASHINGTON. July Hom.r S.
CumminKii, democratic national chair
man, is expected to appear before a
Heproentatlve Frear, Wisconsin,
charged with Inquiry Into aviation ex
penditures. Mr. Cnmmlngi la to be asked about
publicity said to have been issued by
the democratic committee, in when the
proposed vifit of the Krear committee
to . the northwest- for Investigation of
spruce production was referred to as a
"joy Junket" and Intimated, according
to republican committeemen, that the
whole inquiry was for partisan pur
pones. Mr. Krear will ask Mr. Oumminirs, re
publican membera of the committee
uaid. to substantiate the charges of
Vancouver Insurance Man to I'ajr
Alimony or $ 10.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) Arthur W. Calder, local insur
ance man, has received a decree of di
vorce from May Klizabeth Calder on
the grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment. The case was tried Tues
day before Judge AV. A. Raynolds of
Lewis county. The parties wre mar
ried at Mcilinnville, Or., May 13, 1909.
By the provisions of tho Judgment
the custody of an adopted child, Thelma
Lucile, is a-lven to the defendant and
the plaintiff Is required to pay her and
the child 40 a month alimony.
Marriage Urensew.
FITE-WHITK Jerome V. Flte legal. R47
Hoyt street, and Hazel K- "White, legal,
Washington Hotel.
MAHSH-McLEOD E-!eT Marsh. 25. Clay
pool Apartments, and Ella McLeod, 21, 675
Brooklyn street.
Jl'AREZ-JUAREZ Robert Juarex. legal.
Seattle, Wash., and Llllie B. Juarez. legal,
Morris Hotel, city.
SPKXfKR-NELSON Harry E. Spencer
Jr., 2u, Hoi brook. Or., and Lucy Nelson, IS,
171 EaH Slxtv-fhlrd street North.
BATTLES-Bt'HDETT Albert I Battles,
30, Spokane, Wash., and Mary . ssurdett,
1M. Cornelius Hotel.
CUAIti-HCHWAB Harry B. Craig. 2.
1157 Klrby street, and Gertrude B. bchwab.
23. 12 West Alberta street.
M I'RPH V-MCKPH Y Kobert Murphy, le
gal. 347 Market street, and fsellte Murphy,
legal, 317 Market street.
Vancouver Marriage License.
CIRDL.ET-UARALIA MIge Ulrdley, 33. of
Portland, and Jo.-le tiaralia, 27. of Portland.
ST K V EN SOX POO LIS Know I ton Steven
son. 21. or Portland, and Wanda Poole, 11,
of Portland.
HOOV KR-KAT8ER TJeorge Hoover, 50, of
Camas, Wash., and Martha Kayeer, 51, of
6ISSON-ERICKSON Edward Slsson, 2.
of Portland, and Anette E rick son, 23, of
B KN N ETT-JONES Benjamin Bennett. 2ft,
of 1'ortiand, and Elsie Jones, IS, of Port
land. B AllET-! ENTNT Job n Ball ey. 31 f
Poninnd, and Sophie Genint, la. of Port
land. FINXET-BENSON Wallace Flnler. 3. of
Portland, and Benson. 18. o Portland.
Prime Porkers Sell at $33. T5, Quar
lor Above Previous Top Price.
Motion Market Easter.
There was another sensational ad ance
in the hog division at the Nortn Portland
yards yesterday, when a bunch of I2 excp-
tlonally floe porkcm averastng 11 pounds ,
In weight w offered. The Interent of ;
buyers Mas evinced when the market on that
grade or stock m-as raised to the $22.73 level. ,
tho highest point ever reached In the local
hog trade, and 25 cents above the top prioe
of the past few days. Most of th hog ',
M st the yards durlnc the day went at
122-2. to $22 5o. A little off-grad stock
sold at 921. 50. The market as reported 1
viry firotir In tone. du mainly to tho cur- .
rent mra,rncs of offerings, especially of
duality stock.
A slightly easier feitng developed in tne
mutton di vlnlnn. The bent price paid tor
lambs durlns the day was S12 50. while some
more or lens Inferior sold at considerably
lower figures.
n the cattle market there was lltt! do-
Ine. offerings belnv scanty In the extreme.
and so far as could be ascertained alues
were unchanged.
Receipts for the day were 1.3 noes, so
cattle and 140 sheep.
bales Included the following:
Wgt. Prlce.l Wgt. Price.
4 steers. .lo;.2 $11 21 hops.... 10 $22 NO
4 Meers..l110 11.25! 2 cows 5.50
1 bull 1150 7 m! 3 cows.. . .! h o0
1 calf.... 31(1 12 :' 2 eown....HM 2S
2 hoes... j:l J.75 3 co 9 H2A 8.K
hoK-s... H7 2H.25- 2 cows.... Pj5 7-5
22 !iog... 10 22 25 III ewes.... 122 6
H hor- 2" 21. 5 in eweit .
t hoi.--. .. 15H 22 25 15 lamhs... " 12O0
in hoKi... 21H 22. J5 IO lambs.. . 4 f 50
17 hnjr.... 17K 22. .Vl T lambs... O0 12-iO
27 hogs. . . 1115 22.5U
Prices at ttie yards were as follows?
Co . 10 choice ste-rw p.Hirl1 2
Medium to choice steers 9 t OO
Fair to good steers 7.75 If B.71
Common to fslr sters 7.00 ff T.50
t.ood to choice cows, heifer.... "..'. 9.11
Medium to good cows, heifers.. G..v
Csnners S 9 4 OO
Hulls 7.50
Cslveii I 1 1.mi
Htockers and feeders a 10 w
Fair to medium cows, heifers... 4-50 O A-AO
Prime mixed 21 T.0t2.7i
Medium mixed 21.50 tr J I .O0
r.nugb beavles 10 7SV'0 "3
PlKK la.75giW.73
Prime lambs 11.5OfTl2.50
Fslr to medium lambs u.ooiuoo
T far! I n its tt.UOo S.50
WetUers .oou 7.60
Ewes 6.00 9 7-&0
hlrago UetoK Price.
CHICAGO, July 2. Hogs Receipts. 35..
ooo: steady. Top. $23.50: bulk. $21.75n 24:
heavy weight, $22.35 U 2:i ."1; medium weight,
S22.2ST2J50; I is bt weight. $21. N5fc 23.50;
light light. $'J 23: heavy packing sows,
smooth, $'J.5ut --.-5: packing so 0. rough,
$'.25lr21.40; pijts $20i21.5tf.
Cattle Herelpis. 15.0'M1. unsettled. Beef
otecrw. medium and heay weight, choice and
prune, '? in.O; mp!lmn and good,
xu 50-r 17; common. $10. 25 12.50: light
weight, good and choice, $1 4.75 17.73: com
mou and medium, t'J.750 14.75; butcher cat
tle, heifers, 7.25 4.5o ; cows. $7f13.50;
ciinners and cutters, $5.75 6.75; veal calves.
!lght and handy weight. $17.25q IB.&o;
ft-der steers, $7.75 fr 13.75; -etocker steers,
$7t 11.25; western range ateers. $11.&0
1 0. 25 ; cows and he fers. SS.5ii 1 2.75.
Hheep Hscelpts, 3iMo; unsettled. Iambi.
pounds flown. $ 14 25 17.75; culls and
comintin, $?. 7514; yearling wethers. $10.50
i Kt.75 ; e en. mod iti in. good and choice,
7.25) 9.50; cullw and rmmon, $3ff6 75.
Omaha tJve4(rk Market.
OMAHA, July 24. lnltd ttate Rurrau
of Markets.) Hogs Receipt. 12.Of; steady.
Top. $22 K5; bulk. $21.fHitr 22.5: heavy
weight. $22. 25 22.55; medium weight. $22.40
pac kins' vovii, smooth. S'Jl .'. 22. 25 ; rak
HiK sows, rough, $21. C5 y 21.1lt; pigs. $150
20 5o.
Cuttle Receipts. 6000; beef and butchers,
msi Ir 25; lower; stockr and feeders,
steady; h.ef nt'-ers. n.tillum and heavy
weight, cholee and prime, lii.tls, medium
umt good. $13.75-r lrt.25. romnion. 912$) 14;
hKht weight, gmid and clinic e. $ 1 5.75 1 7 M;
fonitnon and medium. $11.75tl6: buirtier
cattle, hnfTs. $s4ii:t.5n: cows. 7..Mii;.;
csnnere and ruttersv $5.75t7 5i; vri calves.
IKrht sn.l bandy weKbt. $l3r 1 4.25; feeder
&te-re. $.5ot is.50; htorkcr itceri. 1 7.5o 412
Mi'-ep Receipts. 7JHJ; Inmlw, i5c lower:
sheep, at rung; iWdern. steady ; lambs. e4
pounds down. $15 75 17 l: culls and com
mon. Hon 14: yearling wether-, IH.1M;
w,s. iiiKllum nn.l iholce. $My525. culls
and common. $4i-S.
Heat tie 1 J restock Market.
FBAT7LK, July 24. Hogs Receipts 469;
strong. Prime. $22 75i 23: medium to
choice, $22.0i V 22 75; rough hUMs $O $0l
25; pis-4. $2".5tvi 21 ;t3.
- nn receipt ;iu,; rlronr Rest steers.
I $ 1U.50 r 1 1 .25 . medium to choice, 39 o 0.5O;
-on)iiion 10 cooti, tcat cown and hetf .
"i-. 1 7 50-rYft 50; common to good, $5jt50
buIlK, 35t7 AO; i-aIvm, $7el4.
rtmTLAMV r.. July 21 Maximum tem-
I'craiurc, , nckTrw.; niltiimuni !.-:iiprtiurr,
55 d'-crc.s, lticr rtsdlas. S A. M.. .I l-t :
thunK-- in Uxt 24 hours. u.1-f.ot fail. Total
iHlllfa;) ;, I". M. i( i I ,. n,nf Iai.I
rninlall since S, jtrinh-r 1. lfl. 41.53 Inches;
normal r.-itufnli tinte epiember 1. 44.41
tiMiira; n ci latency oi raitiiHll siu-e Rep tern
l-er 1. llv us Incbfit. Hunrl. 5:44 A. M
"uni'-l. S:.",i p. M.; total fimshlne. 15 hours
tl minutes; ponntMe sunshln. J 5 hours 1
i.ilmiicjs. Moon r ir.c, 2 :5J A. M. : moons t, 7
P. M. Raronict-tr ( reduced sea level i, 5
P. M., 2'J.if.i Inches; rUtlv humidity: 6
i . f-'j per cent; i i m., 45 per cert
6 P. M., 4 4 per cent.
5 f J wind
S c o - o e
TATTOXS. 3 - "S " S Weather.
2 a : :
s r z
S ? : - ; :
s I i I
lK.r ji lu o.ooi . . s Iriear
7jl it. o.Oi . .in n,r
Hcwltn KM o.lHt ,pw Cloudy
l'ivlarr I !fi.nrt:..t.'B Tt. cioudy
'M aiti 4 7 o.itu . . ;cip,r
Pcnvrr t;i' t4 u.O'i 1 N lloudy
lf. Motnos ... 7o! ! n.ot' . . 's IPt. L-loady r.4, ,r,M n.iHi is V irrioudy
:iflvKton .... 7! sc, ii. ( is jPt. clotirty
u.;ni a-." nil n.nn li sV Pt. clouUy
t.lunrau .! .rti O . Oil' . . K lIoudy
Kunsa. City . . 7"'l lift 0. nil 12 SK
li, Anfrlfl .. fisj fin O.ivi lo SV 'Ciir
Murnhrield .... "i-'l lin rt.O" . . i N WiOlouiiy
Modford s.) W d.lHi ..iW
M inntpnllii .. fi"j h4 O.on . . SB ICloudv
New (irlns.. 7i;! o.liol . . N'K (cloudy
New York r.s! M(l.i:'lisWn'!fjr
North H.-ad . . r,il ft. on i-j NWOlear
North Yakima. I Oof H2 o. no . . P w loioudy
I'ho.nlx SJ J0 O.Ol:..i.V l'"lear
r:al(.: 7-J U ft. On . . '8W IPt. cloudy
Portland . . . ."..".I 77 O.imi 12 N W.t'lrar
no.ehurir T4 O.llii: . V 'lear
tHcramento .. r,4l Srto.pii..'.s riciir
St. Lout. 74l 1'4 . . INE flear
bait Uk .... 7n! fH (l.oii. . ..S f'lear
San HIobo .... 7n.rnl..lw -i..r
San Kranclaco. ."'i' 4 n.on'24'W Clear
Seattle .'; 010.110 IW Pt. cloudy
Sitka I ft. O"' . .1. . .. Cloudy
Spokane lsj noo.O.MO'W C!oud
Tiromi ! 0.O0,. .'.V IPt. cloudy
Tatooah liland Sol M 0 . OO. . . K W Icioudy
tValde, 44 0. 1;. .1 . ;.'Pt. cloudy
Walla Wxlla HO.I'..'W Clear
VVa.Mnirton .. 701 PO O.o . .'.V Clear
tAlnnlpeg Ml r.4 O OP .IS Icioudy
t A. M. today. mP. M. report of preceding- day.
Portland and vicinity Fair: ffentl. weat
.rlv winds.
Ore iron Fair, cooler east portion; gen
tle westerly wind..
Waahlna-ton Probably, cooler
rant portion: aentl. westerly winds.
Idaho 1alr and cooler.
Burnett Rebuilds Mill.
CHEHALIS, Waah.. July 2i. (Spe
cial.) Sidney Burnett, whose sawmill
near Offutt'a lake was totally de
stroyed by fire two weeks mo, this
week began cutting lumber at a small
mill near by with which to rebuild hl
plant. Mr. Burnett has a aufflolent
etumpaga at band to run hia plant
about two years or more, and prefers
to saw thia rather than log: tho timber
and ship to other mills. When com
pleted th. new mill will have a dally
capacity of about 35.000 feet.
Onlralian War Veteran Home.
CENTRAL1A, Wash, July 14. Sp
claL) R. A. Grocott. eon of Mrs. E.
Grocott, bead nurse at the employes'
hospital, arrived in Central! ester-
Winnipeg Water Bonds
44Vone) Malaria, 1. 123
IMW Malarias Jaly 1. 1U
These bonds are a direct R.neral tax olilla-ation of the
rr.ater Winnipeg water district, which comprises the city
of Wlnnlpeir and Ita more Important suburbs a total area
of ti t, square miles. We own there bonds and offer them
to clients and Investora as being desirable bonds jleldm.
a high rate of interest.
It jam insist HI ymr IJberlT or Ivtorr Honds. ell t .
If J es rmm bu wscs lJb-rtr mr k-torjr ll4Bii, buy frwtn us.
On Tburtiisv. Ju: .4. th markrl prices r-e as cin helosr.
Thev re the ovrrln prices for Libert y snd Vlciorjr bor.da all ovrr t r
world, tnd the hlshee-.. We advertise, thfse prteea ia,:Jy in oMr ibst yoo
rnsy ntvaya knew the New York market anil the exact value oC )ur Lib
er ty and Victory bonds.
Vixtor Vlctorr
S Is-4s ?1 4 l-tl'.i 2ri4s 1 9 4-h1S si 4Vi
Mkt. rnr.f9u.30 v Mil $4 i4 OJ $l5 ;; $.A 0 4 99fl t t-t
Acc'd InL .:iU .44 .7h .47 . x. I is .i-t srt
Totsl ! tl r4 a4 4 UK 5 1 .4 .. $'.i7 4 5 t2 H-o t lO 74
When buMnc we derturt 7e en tl 150 Kmd and 2.:d on a $lu.Mi bond. W'
s-il at the Nesr York market. .us the cf-nirrl lnrrn
liars la r and Ire proof state lepatlt lVoie for Rnt. mmmmmm
The Premier ManlHpal Road lliwr.
MORRH BUM;, S09-S1I bTARK frT BfcT. Tlf Ar TH
Telephone Hroeulvragr tail Ubed 0er 23 Years
jf5 "ctir
fAJU A'ta-.''S. II RBI a. II II B B I ' .i 7 L- .. I 1 1 I
oa your new building
"T K 1-UvN a prospective builder asks us bow long a
Carry Roof will last, we can take htm up on his
" own building (if it has a Carey Roof) or on a
near-by building, and siSow him how a 'Carey roof that
has been on 10. 20 or 30 years Has lasted.
Carey Roofings have been on the market 46 years.
They are the product of nearly two generations of scien
tific study and practical roofing experience.
There is just exactly tho right kind of Carey Roof for
your new building be it bungalow cr a factory. Carey
Built -op Roofings are specially popular for fiat surfaces.
They are made of various combinations of asbestos felt,
v.-ooifclt, asphalt and possess the great advantage of
being light in weight and fire-retarding.
We are prrparexl to aj,i yrm an eatmaate od loufuig of thia type
at. Ji.. oo tic bmkn. If yoo ha-r-e am old roof that is (Wing
troabte it erQl pay 700 to hare it removed and a Carry Built-up
Roof applied in its place.
Pot yonr roofing probhrsa op to as. There is a Carey Roof for
every feauldmg.
Carey Building Materials
SariH-Oai ataofa
AafaHalafcs Sh. nasal
Inaulataae Papal s
Rail Ku.aiaf.
W.lsaaard Rnaaj Patau
Aaawsta. Hitv. Claa.M. bpaeakn Joint
S Maanaala Pip. sad bmlmr Co.aruara
pacific' asbestos &
supply company
Switzerland Gold Bonds to Net 6
Government and Municipal Bonds
Bought and Sold
E L Devereaux frgmpany
87 Sixth Street
Ground Floor Wells-Fareo Building
day after three years' service over
sea with the Canadian expeditionary
forces. He will jnako his home here.
The soldier waa wounded In the fipht
inar .that broke the lllndenbursr line
and waa In a hospital ten months. It.
J. Grocott. another son of Mrs, Gro
cott. who also served overseas, is still
In Knftrland. but expects to start for
home soon. He was badly g-aesed In
Pranks at Home Near Vancouver In
cluded Tearing? Linoleum.
VANTOUVEK, Wash.. July 14. (Spe
cial.) During- the thunder shower yes
terday morninc llphtnlnjt cavorted mer
rily about the home of Iou Boddy. about
a mile east of Walnut Grove achool
house. The llahtnins: struck just He-
We BL'T and SETX, any
amount. New " urk quo
tations by wire every
morning. Interest in
cluded: SVi...
Ktrat 4a. .
er.a 4a..
Klrst 4..a..
SeeBd 4l.e. .
lalrei 4V.a..
Koarlh 4 Ha..
Victory 44 a..
.S .
. 10U.TS
If necessary to sell
our bonds, bring them
to ua. We pay high
est local prices.
K kcI aal . a Icalcr. ta
Ml.Mtll'AL. BOU.
307 . 8 X. W. Baas. Bnllelag.
old. Garexf rcoF
.i 1 lilil n fifHIi iH
Aaphatt Bv-t'r. Roofs
Faitas Aaahifc traits
Fisr. Oalnn for Rao..
Broadway 1042 V
neath the houses tearing a sill and
splintering the kitchen floor. '
It then toyed awhile with the lln--
oleum, knocking a pieco into the cup- '
board. and before leaving the kitchen
knocked most of tho doors off the
stove and scattered the sashes over the
floor. It then departed through the 1
other side of the house, but apnar- w
ently not being satisfied, struck an out
building. It also trently plucked a pin out of
sirs. Boddy's hat during Its antics.
Read The classified ads.
New B. & O. Bonds
Yield About 6.50
STRONG collateral se
curity is back of the Bal
timore & Ohio Railroad com
pany 10-year 6a. Their com
paratively high yield has its
appeal to investors.
Send for Circular OR-236.
The National City
Correspondent Offices la
51 Cities
tortlaa Hallway Exr,,B,
Trlrpfcoae 601U Mala
Xiv ojy