THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 191d 6 FOR KENT. Knona With Boara. CAMPBELTj HILL HOTEL, 741 Washing-ton. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel, American Plan. Excellent Dining: Room Service. On Car Line, Near Garage. Reasonable Kates. Permanent or Transient. THB MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3 HO 19th Mt For business girls and stu dents; reasonable ratea. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board lor business girls, aT. Modern conveniencts, walking distance, $4 'per weefe. East 4733. 12 B. 7th at PVRKVUIW HOTKL Rooms with board, excellent table; close In. SbQ Montgomery, near West Park. CHESTERBURY HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH, American plan hotel; desirable roams: '-xcellent table; meals served transients. 43 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms -and board; modern conveniences; walking u 'stance. , Rooms Witn Board In Private family. KOOM and board for 2 young ladies em ploved; private home: piano; walking dis tance; home privileges. 463 Market St. Phone Main :: WIDOW lady wants children 3 to 12 years to board, room and care for in private home. Big house and large play ground. 1504 E. Taylor street. FURNISHED room and board, twin beds, use of piano. 717 Rodney ave. Phone Jfcst 862. LARGE, clean front room, close In, nice location, breakfast if desired, reasonable. 10th st. Main 3203. WANTED Little girl; brst home care; no other children. Call Woodlawn 4570. Furnished Apartment. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all outside, with French doors and balcony. RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4 rooms and sleeping porch apt., on corner of E. 13th and East Taylor fits.: hardwood floors and Ivory enamel woodwork, furnished in beautiful mahogany, to responsible cou ple, no children; references required; must be seen to be appreciated. Call East 4322. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern lurnished .apartment on the Pacific coast. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. ' THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 ltfth St., Near Taylor St. Completely furnished 5 -room apartment; all outside rooms; top floor ; rent $75. YOUNG lady has apartment in Hawthorne apartments ( 8 blocks from Washington.), to share with lady employed. Marshall 47 evenings, or Marshall 21days. "THE STAN FIELD." 204 Porter st., shipyards; 2-foom apts. completely furnished, reasonable. Alain 7312. LARGE, light, airy two. three and four room apartments; modern brick buildings, talking distance, reasonable rents. ii7 E. Couch and 414 llth sts. 3-ROOM apartment, upstairs, for old peo ple to take care of 3 children, $10 month lor caro of children and free rent of apt. Frank Lukman, S10 1st st. . KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two and ;i-roorn housekeeping apts. ; strictly modern, llth and Montgomery. BELKNAP APARTMENTS Completely fur nished 2-room corner apt., $33. Including lights. 17 17th st.. near Yamhill. AURORA APARTMENTS. 302 j K. Burn Ride. 2 and 3-room, clean and netly fur nished apartments. ROOMS, private bath and telephone, by week or month. Ltonce Apts., lti North 22d et. Marshall 22 50. CLINTON APTS.. K. 10th and Clinton sts. 3 rooms, furnished, modern; 2 beds; newly tinted and painted. Sell. 11)32. THE PENROSE. 3 -til Grand ave.. at Belmont. Three-room apartment, completely fur nished. East 4 MS MODERN apt.. livii'B room, kitchenette, bath, telephone, $35. 341 14lh St., r. Mnrket ; adults. - FLORENCE APTS. 3-SS 11TH. 3-room apartment; also 4-room furnished flat with sleeping porch. EL.MWUOD APTS., 41.1 10th st. Furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3-room apts. Phono Main 121. Wl I. L sub-let my attractive 3-room modern apartment; adults; rent $40. Broadway 2105. - MODERN, clean. 2-room apt, at The Burns, 52 Hawthorne. BOZANTA APTS., IKf N. 23d 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished. rORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, hardwood floors, walking distance ; adult h. 2Q0 East 33th. PENINSULA APTS., 113ft Albina ave. Con cretts bld;.. 2 and 3-room apts. Wd!n. 1352. COM PLETE apartment. $10; concrete blug. Union ave. K i 111 ng;;w crQi. BAGGAGE a nd furniture moving; phone Broadway -101 Alert Transfer. 411V. St;irk. FOR RENT :i and 4-room furnished apart ment. HS3 Northimp at. Marshall 222b. LAMBROUK APTS., East 7th and Yamhill Two-room apt. East 4002. MODERN 3-room apt., Grandesta apart ments. East 208. 2 AND 3 ROOMS: private bath. Albret apts.. N40 1 At ississi ppi ave. AliDMAY TE K It ACE, 12th St.. large front '.'-room apartment, available at onro. 1-ROOM apt., private bath, kitchen; no children. 3l0 Russell st. KVKNISMED and 3-room apartments. Jefferson Apt.. ,14 Jefferson St. 4HOOM front apt., well furnished and clean, 'L'all Bdwy 1787. A NEAT couple can save rent by calling at 730 Hoyt st. and seeing manager. i ROOMS and private buth, rent (23.50, Phone East 4.7 mornlnKs. Unf urnl-iied Apartment. UNFURNISHED. 5-rooin apt., freshly tinted. 810 Kelly st. $2.5. Main 45C6. ST. CLAIR APTS. j-room, unfurnished apt. -Marshall 3515. 170 fat. Clair st. 2-4 AND 5-iourn apartments, $S to $15. 1840 E. Glisan St., Montavilla car to 72d st Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. FOR RENT Furnished or unf urnished apts. at 745 Hoyt, near 23d. Also furnlsUed sleeping rooms. 6 ROOMS, $15.50; gas, electric lights, bath, screens, right on Riverviaw (Fulton) car, west side, 1J minutfs out. 1295 Corbett st. 4 OR 5-ROOM modern flat. 27 E. 12th st. N. Call East 7033. t arnUhsd riats- 4 ROOMS, 1 furnished ; large ; overlooking river ; finest view ; nice neighborhood ; take Fullerton car to corner Miles. 1025 Virginia. Call U to 12 A. M.. or :3o to 7 P. M. FOR TWO MONTHS Completely furnished ft-room flat, gas, lights, phone paid, $35. Phone Sellwood or Mr. Bern is, Mar shall 7u. on Monday. FINE, completely furnished 5-roum flut, sleeping porvh, fireplace; private entrance; upper corner; Tabor cars. Tabor ::9". FOR RENT Nicely furnished 4-room flat. $H0. Apply 557 Taylor ft. Marshall 35. 5-ROOM flat, completely furnished, $25. 426 North 24th. Marshall 3S70. MODERN 4-room, neatly furnished; walk ing distance; adults; $20. East 22. Housekeeping Rooms. 3 N Ic"e light housekeeping rooms, ground floor, sleeping porch, kitchen and living room. I'l'.ti N. lltth. Hdwy. :hh,s. TOURISTS will save hotel bills by occupy ing one of our tiua.n, attractive nouseketip jng suites: central, quiet. 247 ' 5th ft THE ALT A V IS TA 2-room H. K. aptw.. $:.50 and $4 week. 544 Pettygrove st.. cor. lHtn. ynone rtroaaway aa-iu. TRUNKS BAGGAGE, delivered In down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Servlcf, phone EAST 6434. THE ALT A V 1ST A 2-room. H. K. apts $3 50 and $4 week. 544 pettygrove St., cor. Ifith. Phone Broadway 3540. FOUR unfurnished rooms. $10 per month; S rooms. $7: clean condition, gas, elec tricity; adults only. Tabor 571. THE MONTGOMERY, Cor. E. 8th and E. MorrisonCompletely furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apta. DORMER. 2S3 1TH ST. Hmittkeeptof and sle.otng rooms. FURNISH E D housekeeping rooms; modern. Main 5882. 415 Mill st. BUSHMARK. 505S Wash, st , one and two. room modarn apts.. ciose in. BAGGAGE and furniture moving: phone. Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 Stark. TWO rooms, first floor; also single rooms; hot water always. tV'i ." Flanders. $ 1 4 GETS two newly decorated, cosy h. k. rooms. 532 Williams ave. TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms. East 8464. $5 GOOD H. K. suite, modern hotel, close in. 5S3H ATder st. TWO H. K. rooms, furnished, near Good Samaritan HoapltaL Phone M sr. 589. S-ROOM housekeeping spt. Marshall 197. S4 Glisan, corner 21st- lOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. $20 PER MO., well furnished two house keeping rooms; light and place to wash; no objection to children or for bachelor quarters. $15 per mo. Outside room. L".3 Vnion ave. One block south of Haw thorne. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for $18 4er month; nice and light, good house: also one H. K. room for $12 month. 447 Fifth st., near College. THE CADILLAC. 3d near Jefferson. $4 week up, furnished H. K. suites: single H. K. rooms, $2.50 up. Including baths, hot wa- Ter at all hours, etc. Mve carfare. Housekeeping Hoomn In Private Family. WIDOW will rent 1 or 2 connecting front rooms, with kitchen; married couple pre ferred; large back porch and yard, brick bldg., fine location. Sell wood car. 73. Mil wan kie st. Sellwood 2 St 5. NICELY furnished Tight H Wl room; screened sleeping porch, with hot and cold water, use bath, gas, light, phone. Piano. 779 Marshall st. Main 107ft. 2 VERY pleasant housekeeping rooms, cloiet, gas range, electricity; free phone, bath and laundry. Also housekeeping room; light and airy. 4.13 Market. LARGE, pretty bleeping porch, with 2 cosy rooms, well furnished; every convenience, choice location; refined couple, $20. 406 Hall st. YOUNG woman employed to share furnished he use; rent reasonable. Phone Broadway 71. WELL-FURNISHED sleeping room with garage, al. housekeeping apt.. In widow's home, walking distance. 520 E. Ash. MODERN housekeeping privileges in a re fined home, for 2 adults: very reasonable. 440 E. 37th. Tabor 8744. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, cooking, gas. hot water, garbage included. $21. H E. 7th H. 2 OR 3 suite housekeeping; garage if de sired; Westmoreland. 1273 E. 18th st Soil wood 2077. . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, in cluding a clean, modern kitchen. Phone Tabor 6618. THREE fur. H. K suite, private family. 13 East 7th st. Phone Sellwood 1237, or East 1929. 3 BREEZY, clean, modern II. K. rooms. Tabor 340. HOUSEKEEPING room. $U month; gas free; electricity, phone, bath. 392 4th st. CLEAN housekeeping suite, near shipyards; sink, bath; $12; four, $20. 176 Sherman. 4-ROOM apartment with sleeping porch, garage, in private residence. Tabor 428. II PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. We own a number of lots and will take your rent money tn payment for one of them. We will also help you finance a house. LIBERTY BONDS accepted. W. H. Ross, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR RENT 2 houses. 5 rooms each ; just east Brooklyn shops; fruit and garden; reasonable rent to responsible parties; call between 4:30 and 6:30. Owner, 3S4 Hawthorne ave. WHEN YOU MOV2 Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580, A 674T. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone nawy Dll. B OR 7-room house and garage, chicken house and stable, some garden. 5010 03d S. E. Andrew Erickson. MAIN 1261, local and leng distance A 7261 Let our auto truck move you. Green Transfer Co.. 202 AMer st. 6ROOM house with sleeping porch and ga rage, furnished or unfurnished, on paved street, Kenton. McCarty, Broadway 4752. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Hervlce Co., 40 2d st. Phone Broadway 5121. 10 - ROOM house, $40; Inquire 104 2d st. walking distance. GOOD 6 rooms, close In, 655 Missis sippi ave., corner Monroe. 4-ROOM house in Montavilla. $6.50. Call Woodlawn 120. Furnished -loose FURNISHED HOUSE. 3 bedrooms. lOfixloo corner; garage; on Tillamook, near Williams ave.; $05. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART. 624 HENRY BLDG. MAIN LA U K ELH I'ltST HOME 8 rooms, sleeping porch and breakfast room ; every conven ience; hot -water furnace ; baby grand pi ano; nicely lurnished; garage; $lu0. Main fi: 07. MODERN 8 -room home in Waverly Heights, completely furnished; piano, sewinir ma chine, electric sweeper, lawn, roses and fruit. Sellwood 344. FOR RENT Modern house, nicely fur nished, seven bedrooms, four furnished : excellent location for boarders; four young men in the house. East 4616. FURNISHED house for rent with piano, Vic tiola, A ugust, September, $30 per month. Call Sellwood 2364. ONE year's lease to adults, modern 5-room furnished bungalow for $HJ0. Harrison, Gerlinger bldg. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, furnace, laun dry trays, near Jefferson high school, east side. 1075 Kerby st. Woodlawn 3602. FOR RENT $40 .1-room furnished house; modern. Call 10S4 E. Washington. FURN1MHKD 8-room house for rent, or will sell furniture and rent house. 20S Grant st. WELL-FURNISHED, clean. 3-room apart ment. uUH E. 21st st. Richmond car. Hummer RrMin. LONG BEACH NORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing. Large, shady grounds. Rooms $1.50 day and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TENTS $9.50 week. Also for rent 2-ROOM COTT AG H 2 beds . Mar. 2309 or Box 191 Long Beach. Wash. CAMP sites now available, m Columbia beach. $7 to $12 per monin. inciuamn eieccric light, water and wood; ask for Mr. Holmes at the beach. SMALL cottage at Seaside for rent after July 2a. i'hone Kant iui irom a to A. M., or call at 728 E. 8th et, near Rhone st. ROOM and board at $10 a week at Green Lawn Cottage, Aiannattan neacn, inia nook counQf, Or. GE ARHART Desirable, attractive, com pletely lumisneu moaern B-room course, near ocean; reasonable. Main 4463. WANT to rent a cottage In or nar Seaside, for first two weeks in August. tau labor 8443. LIGHT H. K., Ocean Crest apt., rates rea sonable; Kocsaway Ken, x dik irom oeacn. HOTEL MAV.NOR, Nye Creek, Newport Cooking privileges: $1 per day and up. SEAVIEW Four-room cottage; two-rwom cottage; large noure tent. .viain stores. THE ONLY AVAILABLE STORE between 3d and loth, Washington and Morrison, No. 133 loth sL, now occupied; will be open An trust 1. k W. H. WEBB. TEOX BLDGT TO RENT 407 ALDER STREET. Suitable tailor, trans; er, carpenter, etc. To be rented onlv for business purposes, W. H. WEBB, TEOX BI.DG. 2 8TOREP 1st et., 94 ft. long; $20. each. Tabor 1114 Offices. FOR RENT Elegant suite of offices In modern, up-to-date office building down town district, reduced, rental, special re duction for monr) of August. Call 203 Stevens bldg. Thone Main 176. GARAGE for rent ; very reasonable. 426 Webster St. Phone Woodlawn 24.16. I 1 maia. r& s 3us"i )Kftcw. -10 our. OLfc-n 1 5ui-r. 1 KAio miss 1 wun Hoo ro fcsL vb."tki auoj- ftcts, sod. VI ' Us.VMt ax. M2 -fRbcKa Insist Mt r0 Kfeacut, oc fJi FOR REJTT. DESIRABLE offices, tnoaern conveniences. Stark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 812. Railway Exchange. MI celi an eons. FOR RENT Behnlng Piano player for in deflite time, reasonable. East 7935. &96 Maple st., Ladd's Addition. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TRUSTEE' S SALE. COMPLETE HARDWOOD MILL. ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. 00.000 FEET LOGS IN BOOM. READY FOR IMMEDIATE OPERATION. Located at Harris burg. Copy of Inventory Sent on Application. Address inquiries to William Hutchison, trustee estate. J. Al Paulson Lumber Co., Inc. 1108 Northwestern Bank building, Portland, Or. GROCERY. Owner goes east, offers you suburban grocery with living room, fixtures. 50c on the dollar, furniture H0. stock at in voice will total about 15X. GROCERY with 6 rooms and bath, located near to business center, busy place, real oppor tunity to expand ; fixtures 40o on the dollar; stock at invoice. $2500. CARL E. TUGGLE. 630 X. W. Bank bldg. Main SOOX EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. Have one of the best business opening's to be found anywhere. Been going a year, now too big for one man. Tremen dous opport unit leu for right man. Want partner With little money expand busi ness; $60 per wwk guaranteed you. or costs v.j j nothing- H ii?h-clas bun in ess. Only ask chance to show you. bee my agen. MR. BADLEY, with CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. OPPORTUNITY. HERE IT IS. We offer for sale our 2 warehouses at Cervais. right price. Immediate posses sion, fine crop surrounding country, money-maker, couple young, energetic workers; act quick; new grain readv Au gust 1. See me at once. McKlnley Mitch ll, 202 Stark st., Portland, Or. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. A good down-town location, doing $60 a day. rest $40 a month; 3 living rooms. 3 years lease; good reason for selling; this place has to be seen to be appreciated. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCV & REALTY CO. 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 6313. SAWMILL. Now in operation, owners forced to sell: mill practically new and putting out 3-10 ties daily. 9 cents per tie haul to R. R. Stampage at $1. TUCKER & 6CHRECK, 501 Spalding Bldg WANT small machine shop. suitable for experimental purposes, or will consider the purchase of lathe, drill press, shaper, saw, and miscellaneous tools. What have you. what condition is it in and what is the price? Address P. O. box 3.049. WELL LOCATED cash grocery; stock, fix tures and building almost new, with liv ing rooms: would consider house as part or give some terms; important business forces quick sale; no competition. AK 4S3. Oregonian. " tour'opportunitt IX Oil Would you appreciate a monthly royalty income from a quarter section of oil land in Wyoming? Iearn how it can be ob tained at 307 McKay building, Portland, Oregon. PARTNER wanted for auto transfer busi ness hauling for country merchants in and out of Portland ; can clear t'2f0 to $300 month for each partner; $1 200 re quired. ',all room 401 Dekum bldg. BOOKKEEPER or salesmanager wanted, male or female, with $3KMi or more to loin me in a safe, legitimate financial en terprise; interview confidential. A J 652, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. Thin place is on west side In busiest part of city, taking in $05 to $80 per day; good lease; $lS0O takes it. See Nord. Alder hotel. WANTED 2 men with $1500 each to handle trucking contracts; a good proposition. See Mr. Tyueroan, at 317 Henry bldg. Main 6797. FOR SALE at a bargain, privately owned E. M. F., Just the car for business pr pleas ure; Al shape. Will demonstrate. 403 f-pnlding bldg. FOR SALE $70n Butterkist popcorn ma chine In A 1 condition, run by electricity and gas, $450 cash. Phone Broadway 34. 145 North 0th st. BARBER shop and residence for sale; 2 chair shop, only one In town of 41O0 pop ulation and In best wheat belt in Oregon. Address A V 2'. Oregonian. FOR SALE Weekly newspaper in a live, growing town, 30 miles from Portland, 2 R. R. ono more proposed. Address box 395. Banks. Or. MY grocery department, combined with meat market, long established, doing very good business; too much for one to handle both. V 455, Oregonian. CIGAR STORE. Faylnz business, downtown. Inquire 415 N. W. Bank bldg. LAUNDRY route. $75 cash, balance easy terms ; pays $40 or better a w ek. Call 7 Irving st. or phone Main 8364. GOfI) paying restaurant and soft drink es tablishment, good location, price right. 20 E. Morrison st. CIGA RS, soft drinks, Iunchea, ef c. ; caeh store. In wnrkingmen's district: Urice profits; will sell cheap. 4"i iKum blue. SMALL restaurant in Vancouver, Wash., i nine good i usiness, well located. Call at 7't4 Wash. st. RESTAURANT SNAP Doing $500 business daily, for $."0t; near shipyards; leaving town, must sell. Main 3297. FOR SALE Fixtures and slock of groeerloe, etc.. ciltdp; separate if desired. 415 Bum side. AUTO repair nu-iness; big profits : oils, tools, with service car, all for $9Uu. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. Alio garage, 26 cart storage; good repair outness; proilts $.soo montn; twv re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop; good bus! iicp. good location. 205 N. Jersey st.. Portland, t all at onre. A (SARAfiB on Pacific highway; profits S-.oo month clear; will sell at actual in voire. Room 401 Dekum bldg. IF YOU want to make mwey, X want a partner, small amount of capital required. t ome ana see me at i w. oilman mi. BON TON coffee house and confectionery for sale cheap if taken at once. Cor. 4th and Wash.. Vancouver, wash. lr,u BUYS grocery store on Morrison at. have others up to $ro00. See John Brown. 324 Railway rexrnange Ding. ACTS written, directed and booked bv Art- BaKer n ainci nuuKinH iinierprises. 6J1 Henry .rung. -iain o.a. FOR SALE One of the best variety stores in Oregon LS 1 or uit, invcico aoout souvu. Address ire rair aiore. oena. ur. BAKERY and grocery; good, going busi ness; a No. 1 oven; complete bakery out fit. -W-t ri uaseii w. 1TKC -uuu. BEST dairy in town; profits $.100 to C00 a moni n. rnonc t oo'iiawn ejy. PARTXER wanted, have order ahead. nd $10OO; Dig proms, no nsna. in voucn omit COOK wants partner in established rcsuu rant; laiy prt ferred. BF 12. Oregonian. CAN USE $1.101 additional In a transaction to double in vt nays. .. urcioman FOR SALE 20 M tie mill in operation. 414 Geriinger mug-. ASHIR'S fUJj -T BrPITTEftS OPPORTTXITIKa. COUNTRY STORE TO TRADE. Price $7Mn. f which $15O0 is general country merchandise and groceries; mants home or other property In or near Purt land. GROCERY AT DISCOUNT. About $1500 stock, IGoo fixtures, all goes for 00. or will sacrifice fixtures for $300 and Invoice stock; sale $70 a day; rent $5 a month. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Owner disabled, must sell quick; sales run $40 to $15 per day. rent only $12 a month, including living rooms; price i:'wt, Including 6 rooms of furniture. Ask Mr. Jaco, A. J. De FOREST CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 290O, WILL PKLL MT STORE. ESTABLISHED SINCE IS 119 consisting of stock of clothing, furnish ings, hats, sQoea, etc., amounting to $17,000. Other Interests require my time. Good opportunity for right party. S. V. WITENBERG, 1512 Pacific Av . Tacoma, Wash. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. Have one of the best bustnes openings to be found anywhere. Been going a year, now too bi for one man. Tremen dous opportunities for right man. Want partner wi:h llitis money expand busi ness ; $0O per week cinranteed you. or costs you nothing. H is; h -class business. Only ak chance to show ou. See my agent, Mr. Bsdtey. with GROCERIES. CONFECTIONERIES AND CIGARS. We have several good bargains in gro eery stores and confectionerioa and ci gars, ranging in price from $05O to $75dO; if you want anything In that line come In and see us. We wi.i uke you out In our car. You are sure to find just what ou want here. Atlas Business Agency & Realty Co., ?1U Board of Trade bldg. WE WANT BETTERS FOR Grocery Stores, cigars ana confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Room ins; Housea Anything in the Business Line. If you wish to buv or sell call ATLAS BUSLVE" AGENCY sc REALTY CO., TiOBoara of Trade Bldg. Main 5315. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery. wa paying Dusireas ana well locals a. mum be sold to settle estate. A :iap If taken at once. Appraised at S1HOO. Cat' or write Ida I. Covcll, Adrax.. 417 Lyoa st.. Albany, Or. I MUST locate In a different climate on ac count or my health, will sell a well-established business; have auto, garage and ma chine shop, good lease on concrete build ing; handle a good agency; will pay you to Investigate. AV 202. Oregonian. BAKERY Fully equipped, doing good bus i"-ai town or onj in Yiiiametie valley. I resent owner has recently ac quired other business interests. Address AV 279, Orefronlan. MILLINERY STOCK AND FIXTURES: MUST SKLL TO SETTLE AN ESTAT1C; WILL SELL PART STOCK AND FIX TURES OR ALL. 519 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST S440. NEW TODAY Garage In good district, sella ono, ftccuugnt-H, tic, large, s lea ay stor age; clears over $3iK month, low rent; price $17hi, a bargain. Call room .11, Railway Exchange. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before clotlug deal of so-cal!ed Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL Co W GILL, fecreiary. AGENCY FOR SALE. Watklns route for sale for 2 counties; doing $.1900 year, hair profit: and 1918 Ford car. all for $S5o. 716 Board of Trade bldg. BARGMN Garage with about 30 cars steady storage and transient; room for inure; good repair shop, with plenty re pair work; rent $55; for quick sale $1700. Phone Tabor 91 1 H. RESTAURANT SNAP Have a good-paying restaurant In a good town. If you have $looo to Invest, better Investigate. 1 have too much other business. Ke or writ.; Liberty Restaurant. Keiso. Waah. BILLIARD HALL Good location on west side; 4 tables; and good cigar and confectionery trade in the front. Price $U0u. 716 Board of Trade bldg. LAR'JR automobile concern looking for superintendent, who can put shop on effi cient and paying basis. Chance for work ing Interest In business If can quality. BC 24. oregonlun. VULCANIZING and tire accessory store on Dusy Hireei, paving sumi wo;,; very low rent; price $12M; investigate. Room 511, Railway Exchange. VAUDEVI LLE acts written. coached and booked by professional. Art-Baker The-atrl'-al "Rooking Offices, C21 Henry Bldg. Main T.473. $500 CEMENT laundry tray business, estab- nsnca iu years, uoing a gomi business ; will sell at a sacrifice on account of lU nesp. 314 East Washington st WANTED Party with $.lu0 to take half Interest in manufacturing business; must be capable man and able to handle books of company. 43 Spalding. MOVING picture theater, small house, f'jlly equipped, doing good business. Other business claims owner's tune. Will e!l reasonable. Address C 5M. OreKon'an. ACTS and entertainers, furnished for all oc casions. Art. Ha ker. theatrical booking offices. Main 3473. 62L Henry bldg. Open day and evenings. CANDY store In suburbs, a pretty place: o w nor noen tnere a years, naa living room and fine Ira do; pries 9oo. Room 511 Railway Exchange. BAKERY for rale, new, modern. fully equipped, good location. AH 457, Ore gonian. FILLING station In suburbs, does tire re pairing, sells accessories; rent $.s. clearing $150 month. Room 611 Railway Exchange. ACTS and entertainers furnished for all oc casions. Art -Baker Theatrical Booking Offices, ft'.'l Henry Bid. Main 3473. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE If Interested In a good proposition, address Elbert Beds Cottage Prove. Or. WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers Supply Co., 271 Washington st. WANTED Men to handle truckinc con tract, good proposition in attractive dis trict. Call at 135 N. 5th st. HuMuet Opportunities Wunted. LOCATION wanted for lunch room ; Stark to Morrison. 4th to 10th; would take lease. L 4:io, oreitontan. Ftocks and Bonds. WILL buy 2oa Idaho Gold Rubv Mining stock at 12c. Box 3hl. Colfax, Wash. Hotels and Rooming Houses, 25 ROOMS all furnished. All rooms filled. Rent reasonable. Brick building. Easy terms, part payment. Call at Bank of Kenton. Woodlawn 4711. 24 ROOMS. H. K. ; good money-maker; in renter of city: a bancaln for someone; terms or bargain for cash. Thomson. 513 Henry bldg. 1U ROOMS Finest of furniture; rent $35 month : making gooi! money ; west side : close in; bargain. Mr. Mlllershlp. Alder hotel. 12 ROOMS, H. K -: rent $3.1; good income besides home, west side, central ; bargain for cash. Thomson. 513 Henry bldg. POLLY AND HER PALS TAKIMi NO CHANCKS WITH PAW BUMNKSS OPTO RT UNIT IF. ft. Hole! and Rooming Ho Ifl ROOM HOUSE, RENT $35 Good furniture throughout, yard, gar den and rosea, close In west side; A rooms rented for H. K., par all the expenses; price of furnishings $650. ELEGANT HOME. 16 rooms. bet of carpets and furniture, hardwood floor. Not. Hill district; rent $60. income $250; 1-K handles It. IT-ROOM H- K. PLACE. Snap for a om an alone; steam heat and hot wavr t armahsd by the landlord and Included at $90 per month rent; ln r.tne $J".0; finest west aide location, cloae In ; beautiful rosins, fine furniture snd carpels; $lh0 handles 1U Ajk Mrs. Lou A. J. De FOREST Ac CO . 320-321 Henry Bldg. Mala S60. 67-ROOM APT. HOUSE. 10 sleep ins; rooms In connection, mod ern buildlna-. elevator, steam h-at. located In center of 1'ortland's Industrial district, went side, close In: rent $3'n per month with good lease; clears $:tH to $.. a month net: price $5500, $2(oO down, bal ance to ault. inO-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Centrally located, modern In every re snect. 35 apartment. 2a and 3p: all havs frlvate bath snd phone; rent $350. -r easo; fine carpets, hardwood furniture; price $9H0, part time. A. J. De FOREST ft CO.. 820-321 Henry Bldg. Main 290. 7S-ROOM HOTEL. 40 hatha, furniture and equipment In Al condition, fireproof building, tery cen trally located, larv ground -floor lobby, long lese. cheap rent. Northwestern heat. This hotel has cleared net over $10.ooO the paitt year; full all the time. htgh-clas permanent people. Rest hotel buy in Port land. $10.0to cash will s;lve you possession, small balance very easy terms. AO 443, oresonian. HOTEL and acre at Mehama. Marion county. Ore ton: 2 rait roads under n itructlonsnow; private ar works: hot water heating plHnt: modern plumbing; 10 rooms; some furniture; excellent oppor tunity to maks money on value et prop erty maH operation of hotel: price rea sonable and easy terms. Apply Page A Pa ye, att orneys. Sa lem. Or. IF TOU WISH TO BUT OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bdr. 14-ROOM rooming house for sale; take ear for part payment on house. Ia2 17th at- DANDY ROOMING HOUSE. 8 rooms, doing flee business; owner go ing south, must sell ; $350 takes It. See rora. a ider hotel. FOR best bargslns in rooming or apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th at. FOR SALE or trade. International hotel. lOO rooms, office, dining room, kitchen on ground fioor; rent reasonable. 72 N. 8d at. T-0T AND FOUND. THE follow Ing articles have been found on cars of Hit? Portland Railway, Light fc Power company, July 23, 1919: 7 purses. 1 key, 1 bunch keys. 1 silk bag. 1 pin. 1 como, i pair s-oves. 1 ax hano.e., . pacK axes, 1 Sack, 1 pair overal A. 1 DaKkrt. -suitcases, 13 lunch boxes. 12 umbrellas, 2 catM. Owners may oMuin property at First and A !der-st reet stat ton. LoST Tuesday. July 22. bunch of keys at tached to t ire lock, on road between Cor Vullig snd Salem; keys may have dropped from lock; Eiks key. B. P. O. K. 03. on ring. If finder will return to E, N. Strong. 317 Corbett bide., Portland, Or., he will receive suitable reward. iAiST On Saturday morning, July 19, from home of E. Ehrman, t'olunihia river high way, near Corbett, large police do, tan and black with collar and chain, answer ing to name of "Yank." A liberal reward will be paid for hit return to above ad-drcj-s or 74 North Fifth st, I'ortland. LOST White Englih bull terrier feince Sat urday on west bide in South I'ortland. Black collar spiked with bras.-. Ions; white tail, one ear notched and small black spot. Liberal reward leading to his whereabouts. Tnbor G. LOST or Ktolen. boat named Nauchty lioy. 27 ft. lone and o-ft. lcara. panned white with black water line and black guard rull. Installed tth an Overland motor. Kinder please notify BD 490, oregonian. bjioj receivo reward. LOST Thursday morning In E. alorrtson-st. l-'pot. tn l-ather waiiet containing cur rency and valuable paper, also ticket to Ashland, or. Finder please return to detective ticadfjuarters and receive reward. StTReatit Frank Parslow. Fol'ND On C. C. car line, the morning of the 23d. about 1 :10, 1 Ur, mounted on rim. size x;itm. Notify 11. Weckert at Sxvier car barns for same, or call Marshall 15H mornings. $5 REWARD FOR RETURN OF GOLD . CLASS PIN, WITH "11. H. S.. 'nT' ON IT. VALUED AS KEEPSAKE OF DEAD SIS TER. CALL MRS. HENRY. MAIN 7920, OR WRITE ftoX 5R3, CITY. LoKT Beta e en Ken 11 worth Park and 5d st., child s blue coat, with hlae-and-whlte-checked collar, cuffs and belt. It found call East 2:t J'J. Re wat u. I'LACK patent canteen puise. July 23. lost on Powell Vsliev road, containing iala small purse, smalt change. Ca.l Wood- iaws .;u7. WILL party who claimed ivory comb and brush lost at Sellwood Park tank please return? Reward. No nutations aku. J. W. I.lnd 1423 E. 20th st. LoST Saturday night, lady'a gold watch. In hunting case, attached to ptn; Hampton movement. Reward. Broadway 1774 or Enst 3259. 25 N. 14th st. V ILL the party who found lost bar near Dekum avenue and 17th sc. please cull Woodlawn 5704 H 'ST Parka ire containing bloue. near E. 2sth and ;:ihn. Finder return 627 Bux ton PL East 408. lie ward. LOST On Southern Pacific car Sundav ijrty'a suit Jacket. Reward for return to KtiS PR toe k hM g. LoST Lady's black hand purse, containing keys tit-d on ribbon; finder notify All 443, refcon!an. LOST Thlld'a plnk-and-blue hat; also ladvs silk bag, containing fountain pen and about $4 In silver. Wdn. 271. Reward LoST Tlcer Persian cat, liberal reward. Woodlawn 153H. SPXIAL NOTICE!, rropoasla In vitrei. LI L. for the erection of the proposed Women's building for the University of Oregon will be received by the building committee of the board of regent .f jue University of Oregon, until 2 P. M. on Tuesday, August 12. 1919. at the Adminis tration building. University of Oregon Eugene, Or. P.ans and specifications may be secured by applying at the offices of the architects. Lawrence A llolford. mm Chamber of Commerce bul.din. Portland Bids ara dcairen: for ths mtm-r contract cnly. The building committee resers the right tn reject any or all bids. Sue cesaful bidders wtil be rejuired to furnish bonds for the faithful performance of the contract. L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary Board of Kegnts. University of Or son. Covyrijht, 1919. bT Newspaper Jft-twr Inc. AS A BY tXIKF STERRETT. $PEfUL NOTTCVA Proposals Invited. IN THE District Court of the I'nited states for the District cf Oregon. No, ."." 7. In the matter of W. C. Canusroa. bankrupt. The undersigned, t rustee in bankruptcy of the above en'ltled estate. i'l rei e ve sealed bids st his office st T40 Morgan building. Portland, r.. until noon on Wednesday, July . Jo, 1919. for the following personal propert v : One hun dred share of tho capital stock of the Kenwood Land company, an Ore gon corporation, of ths par value of $HW fttU. H ulu must be accompanied by cc-rttf led check for 10 per cTt of tht amount bid. All bids subject to the ap proval ef the court R. 1.. SARIN. Trustee in Bankruptcy. Portland. Or.. July 24, 1919. FINANCIiL LIBERTY BONDS. Ail Issues Bouxht and Bold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. K. U DEVEREACX COMPANY. Government ard Municipal Bonds. s7 fclxth ttreet. Between btark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BOND SOUGHT AND SOLD. KEW YORK EXCHANGR QUOTA TTOSfS WITH INTEREST ADDED THLRsDAV AS FOLLOWS. FIRST S4l $ 9.7T SECOND 4 : TMIRi 4' IMi fourth 4;', vvi4 FIFTH 4i we will pay yott thk market price for your honda. Ave Loan on the face value at 7 interest, finance securities company, stocks and bonds. 281 u. s, national bank bldo. open saturday until s p. m. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISPUB OF BONDS. FI LL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON L1HKRTY BoNDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH .F US ON BONDS AND SAYINOS ST A MI'S, OR TO FINISH PAVING roR VICTORY HONDsV SEE E. BLRKITT. I' RE SI DENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER 8TS, BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE CASH for REC EIPTS. We will LOAN yeu money on HoN US, W. S. S.. or to snake PA YMEXTS on BONDS, 7. izi Gaxco Bids.. Fifth and Alder. CELLAKS-M L'KTON CO. CASH paid for mortgas:ei ai.d sellers con tracts on real estate In Washington or Ore gon. H. E Noble. 3!J Li.nibernien's blng. CASH paid lor sellers' contracts under $500. Marsl.aM 41.1'. Money to Ixmui on Heal Kstate. OCR installment plan is the beat and surest nirtnoa o( paying; a loan. $32 34 per month tor M men ths. or $21.24 per montn lor Go months, or $13.17 lor 9i months pa a $luuil loan and In terest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property. No com m ls lo 11 chat gad. EyLlTAHLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark su. I'ortland Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6'a to 7 per cent loe five years. YOU MAI' PAY $100 or any amount ea principal and reduce tntere?.t. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for iowust interest rates on business property. M o R TO AGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-2U Yeou bldg. FARM IXANS. Insurance company money to loan aC lowest current rates on iliatnette valley farmn. No cotnmi.lon. No )! a. DEVERKAt'X MORTtlAUB COMPANY. t7 Sixth t.f Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any ameunt. low rateit, proniftly closed. Attracuvu repuvtng privileges. A. II. IUKKKLI. CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORT'iAuB LOAN'S. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, ft pCR CENT, PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Corbsat bidg. MOKTOAGE LOANS made on unproved city property; prompt action; no deiavs. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. OK OREGON. Northw e.-tern Bank bldg. MOKTGAt'iH LOANS On Improved farm and city property ; favorable r pa ing prlvi leSf"; no com mlbeion or dela v. liihi UKK'jU.S MuRTOAUii '0, LTD. 5o0 Plait bids. Main 53; 1. $300. $400, $5O0. $HAo. $750, $HKK AND UP; lowest rstvf, quick action, tionlon Mort gaauCo., o3 1 Cham, of Com. Main 1370. $5K). $loO0 AND u pwardonmprovVd' real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brok erage. John Haln. 57 Sa'1iii' bldg. J To LOAN on farm"! No delays, no red tape, no publicity Willamette alley Mortsaae Loan Co., Aurora, or. I $20,uN) TO LOAN In sums to suit; building Falling bldg- I'hone Main MONEY to loan on real cm ate secuHtv at going rate of Interest. Otto ss Harksoa Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOA N. $5imi. $ 10UO. $15uo and up oa reai inir, i w 10 t per ceoL oeorge 1' Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. $300. $40O. $500. $750. $1000 and up st lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. Cierman Co, 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 445, $500, $ 10r $ 1 R00! $ 1 701, $2500, $300. F. II. DKSHoN. 013 Cham, ot Com. bldg. LOANS on city snd farm propert 5 per " cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 cm a in. of Cera. SEE OKEOON 1NV. se MOHTGAOE CO --2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. ilORTuAUK loans, lowest rates! A. H. Hardipg. 312 Railway Exchange. jOO To 3uou on Improved real estate; no rommlmon. Main 3752. MONEY to lan on farm and improved city property. R. K. I!aaters7u4 Spaidlngbldg. MORTC.AC.E LOANS. O "ami 7 PE R CENT LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Seiilng bldg! $750 PRIVATE money to loa n : wifi aix Ida. 5J5 Henry b.dg. Marshall fe. Money to loao Chattels and SsJariea, b ALAR V. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE I -O A N MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on thoir own nous. Weekly, a-mi, monthly or monthly parmcnta. Each t raiissctlon st n.-i :y conf men 1 1.. : NO M K TfA KS. N INDOR5ER. AHSOLUTKLY NO HKTH1TT. We aiao loan on household furniture, pianos. e:c. without re-nova. CALL AND I.VVKsrMATE COLUMBIA DISC it'XT COMPANY. LICENSED. 21S Facing I:dg. M All Gmt Britain Rurhto IUmtt- Rf FIN ANOI Money ts Loan In PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAK ASSX. ' Phone Broadway 1. $94 Stark Street. Near lOlh. Loans en f lamsnda. wstehoa. vlctrolasa s'lnos, kMMk, shotguns, furniture, mtas cat ibatrumsnLs and anything of value, ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Off PORTLAND TO PROTECT TUtt BO Re ROWER. City and county warrants cashed fsq fees value. CARRIE MTFRe-HERMiAN, ' Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make a sr-eoiaTtr of loans en sute mobi'ea. furniture, ictroas, etc. ecurn left in your posnsion, bmiU weekly or month.y payments. AI Loans made to .ia-1ed people ristew reat nat te. Private eriice. A.i business con f 1 ilt-1: 1 1.1 Portland LOAN ro. c Licensed . Th1'-! snd "aahiuirt.-n 3og.:;o7 iOK-jni P'iIk. .XMrshai; S2V MONEY to I. .i ra tes ; all art) e'e dimom1 jew e. ry ; I sal h.ld a year. eatabMshed M -r. , n a hin g t ea. GEO. HARVEY goods. Legal i loans monsy en ho use he. 4 net. Tiftor S'iOo. S-cmmis ITsBlet, WANTED T. I rT c-nt. (on n ater heating rr.-te Kiriic Sch tnauc ii o . rrror $?imv t 5 ea.ri. odern 2 -stor v hri -e ; hot oiKtem. lot li0ltMi, cn -J'.i vt'd street. McCiure &. 3"H R. K. bide $1.1oO on CLKA1 property worth $ 4MV, t r . .iwight men gase. BJ e.t. sialimetits or t r-Ronian. WANTED With., it 'on m I ion. J 700 bct rt ui uy. Sellw aKMl house and lot, l"i: ON IMFROViiD CITY PROPERTY. $150O. $lo- o. SU7.10, $U5U0. S-.IOO F. H. PKSH'tX. 15 Cham, of Com. Bl"c L 'ANS WANTED. $500 on L:,z jift-k an.i c-ain farm; no commission. A V v i. rec'-niar. W NTE1 Private Ion a of $;,tMt on pood fMrm; will pay interest anT i-otniuie e'on. Y4 41. jQre gonlan. SKR ORKfiO 1NV. M OR TtiAvi iZ Co 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Ptaik. rEKfiONAL. INFECTION. If a man complains of business. The isult lie in the man; Tis up to him to ue lux brain And aoivs a better plan. Man makes his own condition, tor better or (or worse: For "like" draws "like" around hum As environment does disburse. 'I nd I f f erence is a drea d disease. Infecting- many a brain; It will pr.Mluo great lasmcsa ithout a natural pain. You never hear our store complain. Aa we wl!l rave you mora On each Sl'RlVcj ScIT. COAT. DRESS AND WAIST At the l ETKKSoV UPSTAIRS STORE. 205 l'i Hock U lock. WANTLD. by Ito-rt iiami'ton. 70 Grau i..o st , Vancouver, B. t.. the adUnss of my brother. John; formerly iived st 30 Tillamook M.. Portland. Or. GRADUATE chirtpodlt. manicurist, super " tlteuua hair pei uiauenti' iciiioied. uce, scalp Stcta,jt. tau.tts. gvaiieincu. Silk li u all A: 1 i.l Lid g. STILLWtl.L Sru itualisl Church, ad u JjuU'Uj . .t u d I M., and every night v in trie w.ek, S p. M. Lectures and mv-t-age.". AUniiion free. DR. RUTii olaX, 552 WaTrTlr.gion bidg. Swedish mai.ige, eectrity. efcerclscs. rh u:imt . :n. pal .on ; 12 ears cxp nmiT. iiiiln $1 WILL ;cl boUi Ivrt Lira up g-Mi at Dr. Eaton s, t:e 11 1 1 RopoD 1ST. v ha doesn't hurt you; 3 yeat here: eam. 1 . c 1 Sa the.jter bidg llih and Vh. Bdwy. i:a.'4. ' honor LT;ic1Tt th k i:kul haui fERATii Does grow Write or caii u0 Union ac N-. for po:tve pi oof. WANT lo swept a healthy tabv boy from one day to few weeks' old: dark .es and . hair prrferied: good home, best of care, X 2S. ort'conlan. MHS. STt hN?. 5 yearn lortinnd's re- -Downed teacuer of paimistry and cryaial ' g axing ; h.ts rru.a for s: . a!- her book "Pa! in rtry Made Easy." 375 Tayiur. MRS. M. U I .A M AK. 25 5T11 ST. f PTKI TL A it ADVISER. Instruct'Oii in the theory of health. iuc rua snj ha rmony. FLU VET A: HANS LRU T. leading wig an d toupe makers, finest i!h k human hair ; gooua, manicuring, lace and sca.p ticatmnl. 340 A'rter. M.un 51. ORADl'ATE nurse trss iumt-ago. etc Hour 2 0 5. or by m-polnincni. Phons Main 104'J. Office 3'S-C Third St. Sl TKKKI.l uL S lui ir destroyed fol ever by mui t ip.e r.TO le methods, indorsed by phy su lans. 504 Swet.and bldg 5th at Waru, SLPKHKH 'TS hair. mo. warts removed by in netd:s method; trial free. Joeie Km-.-y. til Hush A.- Lane hirtp. Main ti.:cs. IF VEKN E, wi-AUk iu w r:te his uii.e. 1 Mason. f W. nth St.. Duluth, Uma4 Tti on c y tor ou from mother. tiUlTKll. enlarged iiUnaa, cure ourself pr . msnently. A. 1C Strachan. Routs J, Hiils- v boro, Oregon. KtV. MRS. J. t r'CHOHI can be consulted privately. 15 K. L'tu su N.. corner Burn si lie. until August 1. East 3o4. ZTiT! KLNA 'KKN'SliN. 5S i'anaiiu b;d. lruK." met hot: s. Stomach. Kidnrjs. rh en m ;k t Ism. constipation, etc. Main Ni Lit. Nr-i-SoN cure corns, bunions, ingrow ing natii without pain, connu, 1 a t ion lice; vrrv reaor.aI e. 5-. Dekum bidg. SoPHlA B. Sciii. spiritual alvisr, ZUO uootlnougn blag Question meetinss Tuee dayssnd Fridays, hp. M . Ma rshai I 1 ji. MME. J KEN ELL relieves itching scalp, dandruff. f-e massage; mo lea removed ::ii F - ie il ner b!dg. MALAME JtANETTC, teacher of pap istry. At u 1J, Zoro hotel, comer 5th and Morr .son. - l KUaoN poison 0:1k cure rel.eve al ntne. t all at the Imperial hotel barber shop. 00 il is w n 1 " FOR RENT KUiICTKIC VACUUM CLEAN ERS liY THK DAY. CALL WOODLAWN DELIVERED AND CALLLD FOR. BTT steam baih. ilrat:on. e.ectnc and chlroprnc:ic in city. D. Mar cat ct lisynte. ' 1 5 f,.!vd bM a. n 1 Do-SN'T Tm. Di rk or Harry j ay ou? Vtereck, to: lections. pekum bldg. iu.'FTL"HL CAN BE CURED without an op eration Free booklet. P. O ho llO,'.. 11. KS CAN I-l- CURED without opcisiiwu; send fr fro- book t. . o. box 11"5. PR I il El 'A lALX, fcrnie r.y lai.rd Kaiin of -"lCs. K4 4 E. ZJA. Sellwood 2- 13 mornings, G B R TKL'l'K D AMU I-S, su perf : u ou hair. fa ni p.3-J Klied 1 ( r r h . yiY "ANDREW'S, ph;i'Eit, card read ins;. 2-2 V..rk st. Vain 7.'4V t,L You rcav have your communi cate witn me fr the ticket. F. W ASTKl pref-enl dure- of I. Elian Rsr. Important. Ad'lre Al 547. Orecontan. EJwskMi koJak. book and my fathers w a : 1. E NEW medium is stEl at TU3 5th st.; t tuueht. AW 474. oregonian. KtAAir J To To IS VA ' 1 iiterad la U. S. Patcmt OgTUa.