Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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During July and August
(7 In order that our employes might
enjoy a well earned weekly half
holiday daring these hot months.
(IT Help to make this movement uni-
Jl vrel Yt-v imnffino1 to do VOUr
versal by arranging: to do your
shopping in forenoon on Wednesdays.
Deposed Head of Budapest
Soviet Seeks Safety.
JGeader Grieved to Punish Allies,
But Insists Cpon Evacuation
of Territory.
TjOVDOX, July 24. Bela Kun, de
posed head of he Budapest soviet gov
ernment, has ask-ed the allies for a
safe conduct to the Argentine Re
public, where he intends living-, ac
cording to ah Exchange Telegraph
Copenhagen dispatch quoting Vienna
VIENNA, "Wednesday, July 23. (By
the Associated Frees.) Skirmishing
continues between the Roumanians
and Hungarians. The latter have
crossed the river Theiss at points be
tween Tokai, 110 miles northeast of
Budapest and Csongrad, 75 miles south
east of Budapest. The Hungarians used
rafts .as bridges that were blown up
two months ago by the Roumanians.
Th-e Hungarians entered Torok-Sz-ZUiklos
and Szentes and claim to have
captured a number of -prisoners, food
and munitions.
- Belf Kun, Communist leader, de
clared he was grieved thus to punish
the allies but said he had notified
Premier Clerrenceau that action - was
necessary, "if the Roumanians did not
retreat from the territory given the
soviet by the peace conference."
The Hungarian soviet free Is the neces
sity of keeping its army busy. For a
long time it hesitated in making an
attack, anticipating that this action
would lead to a general counter offen
sive ayainst the soviet.
A Vienna dispatch under date of
July -I, said that the Vienna newa
paiers reported the downfall of Bela
Kun and the taking over of power by
& triumvirate.
fThough War Department Says He
Is Dead Mrs. Elizabetli Eberle .
,j Vet Confident.
Despite the publication of Stephen
JSberle's name on the government cas
ualty list issued Wednesday, the sol
dfer's mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Eberle. is
still confident that he is safe. He has
been recorded as missing for over a
year -and efforts -have been made "by
Captain James O. Convill and others to
trace h is disappearance through the
war department. After enlisting the
aid of Senator McNary and Congress
man fMcArthur, and. sending a: cable
gram to General Pershing,- the captain
has satisfied himself that the boy is
Young Eberle enlisted in the old 3d
Oregon and was transferred to company
T, 18th infantry, upon his arrival in
France. His last letter home was writ
ten July 11, 1918. On the 18th he was
to have left the trenches on a six
weeks leave. The communication from
the war department states he was miss
in" ir in action July 9.
"When the boy had been given up for
"dead the war department Bent another
message to the family announcing he
had been returned to his company
April 10. Captain Convill maintains
that Eberle must be dead because if he
had been wounded or shellrshocked he
nvould have been identified by this
time and returned to this country. He
believes the war department's first
message should have read that the
3iOuth was killed July 19.
.Sergeant Scth T. Bailey of Portland
3ast ri bcr found an identification
ciiAo north of Verdun which he jotted
down in his notebook as bearing the
name "Pvt. Stehen Eberle." He be
lieves now thl was -a mistake and that
the name was actually Eberle's.
5-H ,000 -Soaght From Ward Prop-
ertles in California.
EUKEKA. Ca.1, July 34 Three ac
tions for tho foreclosure of mortgages
fcfralnst tho Charles -Willis Ward prop
erties In this county, consisting of a
dairy farm at Carlotta, a bulb farm at
McKinlcyville and Ward's home here,
have been filed by a local bank, it was
announced hero today. The aggregate
iuriour.t sued for is $41,000. Twenty
other stockholders in the properties
bre named in the suits.
Ward, who is 4 yeaVs of age, came
into prominence recently in San Fran
cisco when he preferred sensational
charges against Mrs. Alice Wilson,
mother of Alice Wilson, who Ward al
leged was his contract wife.
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tpprr Brla K,' or Kun Bela. as ike aovlet dnpot of bolihrTlat-lora Hunsary la linn, hldea kla real aame. wfclca Is
atated to be Cohen. This la perhaps the flmt vleture received la thla eomatry of him. He Is aecond aaly to Trotaky
aa a bolahevln leader aad aa head of the motrirt government la Bnrbareat In reapoaslbla for aatold mnrdera. rifrv
tlons and outnuw. lie served In the Awtro-HiianrtH army, ma raptnrert by the Raeslaae aad became aeeretary
to L,enlne. Lower Cltlsena of Vienna giving first aid to other cltlaeas felled by Mela Koi'l bolahevlat treoya. Just
one of bandreds of lach scenes. .
Officers on Trail of Auto Tarty That
AVas Seen at While Salmon
Wednesday Afternoon.
WHITE SALMON, Wash., July 24.
(Special.) Anohter burglary in the
White Salmon valley was committed
Wednesday nlgrht, when the general
store of William Fitzgerald of Glen
wood, 35 miles north of White Salmon,
was entered, safe blown and nearly
$1500, mainly in checks, was taken in
addition to a number of valuable pa
pers and all tsore accounts.
It is believed an auto party that came
to White Salmon Wednesday forenoon
from Hood River and camped near the
roadside, about a mile west of town
until evening, did the job. A car tally
ing in every particular with this was
seen to enter the outskirts of Glen
wood shortly before midnight. It was
parked a short distance from the store
The car bore an Oregon license plate
and the number- is in the hands of au
thorities for investigation. The car
was tracked In the direction of White
Salmon, on its return. . Steps have been
taken to stop check payments. The
county sheriff is working on the case.
Bolt Downs Laborers, Kills Dog and
Sets Fires.
BROWNSVILLE, Or.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) The electrical storm which
ttrack this city and vicinity Tuesday
and Wednesday started a fire a mile
north of town In the 'dry woods ou
Uie J. L. Oxford placa. Citizens from
t town rushed to the blaze by auto and
succeeded in subduing it after a hard
The storm caused some excitement
in Oren Stratton's bery patch south
cast of town, where the lightning
knocked down three Japanese laborers
nd killed i dog. One of the Japa
nese was seriously hurt and was under
the care of a doctor today, but it was
thought that he would recover.
La Grande Mormons Celebrate.
La GRAN'DE, Or.. July 24. (Special.)
Vioneer day, coupled with a recep
tion for their returned soldiers and
missionaries, was observed here today
by a large number of Latter Day Saints.
The celebration of the coming of the
Jlormons to Utah took place in the
Montcsano to Have Ferry.
MOXTESAXO. Wash.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) Construction on the road from
the mouth of the Little lloquiam river,
three miles north of here, will start
next Mond-ay morning, and in order to
handle traffic tho county commission
ers will have a ferry in operation.
these Malamutes, Siberian dogs and
husgies and it Is generally understood
that all of Nome will not welcome all
of the dogs back. Nome has enough
aogs now. it is believed.
Some of the dogs formerly owned by
"Scotty" Allen, noted driver of fast dog
teams: will be given a welcome. Allen
made a specialty of raising- fast dogs
for the raceshere each spring.
A large number of dogs were taken
to France during the second year of
the war by Lieutenant Rene Hass. They
were sold to the French government at
about 25 apiece. When the dogs reached
t ranee some of them did the work re
quired of them and some of them
didn't. One report came back that
Alaska dogs were not suited for lie
Some of the-AIaska dogs were used
in the Alps hauling eleds over the win
ter snows. Others were used In various
lines of work along the battle fronts.
Approximately 10.000 dogs were user!
by the allies on the western front dur
ing the war. Many of them were
loaned to the French government and
are t obe returned to their owners.
Suspected Auto Thief Caught.
LA GRANDE Or 91 c 1-.
After forging a check of considerable
" o ieaiing a new and expensive
car and then making his escape as far
as Payette. Tdaho. Charles Lacey. a
young man of this vicinity, was ar
rested tonight. Officers and those in
terested in the check and automobile
escapade are on their way to bring
Lacey back.
Nine Ponnds Located at Mouth of
River Near Eureka.
EUREKA, CaU July 24. The discov
ery of a nine-pound mass of ambergris
on the beach near the mouth of the
Mad river near here waa reported to
day by Hank Peterson, a trapper and
hunter of this place.
Ambergris is a secretion of the sperm
whale and is highly valuable to per
fume manufacturers.
Ex-Soldler to Sing at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) Walker J. Stephenson, ex-sol-dier
who saw service with a Canadian
unit in France, will sing at the union
services to be held at the Methodist
church Sunday night. Rev. L. K. Grimes,
of the Presbyterian church, will preach:
8. B. rreea. stamps for easa,
Holman Fuel Co, Main lit. A till.
Blockwood, short slabwood. Rook
Eprlng and Utah coal: sawdustAd.
Independent County Organization
and Erection of Packing Plant
in Pall Planned.
ROSEBURG, Or., July 24. (Special.)
Douglas county pruns growers, at a
meeting held here today, voted to hold
aloof from the Oregon Growers' asso
ciation. recently - organized as a, state
wide concern, and to continue their
county association. It was stated that
the Douglas county prune growers
have no particular opposition . to the
state-wide association, but believe that
it would be best to give the question
deeper study and watch developments
before abadoning their present plans.
Concensus of opinion was that the
prune acreage in this county is suf
ficiently large to guarantee, through
pooling of interests of growers here, to
secure top price for prunes, and also
that the business is big enough to war
rant the erection of a packing plant 'by
members of the association.
As soon as the present crop is har
vested the prune growers are to per
fect their independent organization and
proceed with plans for future business.
ANYONE who has ever experienced
oak or Ivy poisoning will be grate
ful to know that this extremely pain
ful and Irritating annoyance need not
be feared, or longer remain trouble
some. The pain, itching, fever and irri
tation disappear almost like magic
with a few applications of Santiseptic
Lotion, and the eruptions and redness
of the skin soon follow. Timely use
of Santiseptic will even prevent the
poisoning in many cases.
"Santiseptic Lotion Is the greatest
remedy on earth for poison oak." says
Carl Larson of Canyonville, Or. "I
have had it In all forms on my face,
arms and body. Nothing gave me relief
until I tried Santiseptic I would not
now be without Santiseptic in my
home." Mr. Larson's experience Is but
typical of that of thousands of others
who have had the misfortune to become
infected with poison oak or poison Ivv.
Santiseptic also heals other skin Irri
tations, such aa sunburn, wlndburn,
chafing, fever and cold sores, flea and
other insect bites. It is a remarkable
soothing and healing lotion. Men use
It after shaving and women for the
complexion and for the baby's skin.
Santiseptic is easily procured at most
drug stores. If your druggist cannot
supply It. send SO cents, with his name
to the Esbencott Laboratories, Portland.
Or., for full - sized bottle, postpaid
Trained Malamutes and Siberians
Do Yeoman Service During War. "
NOME, Alaska. Battle flags of the
world having been furled, Nomes ca
nine war veterans Alaska dogs sent
from here to western front are soon
to be demobilized, according to word
received from the Blue Cross society,
which is known as the "animal Red
Cross." Some of the dogs may be sent
back to Nome.
No service flags hang in Nome for
Permanent positions open for office and
warehouse men with implement experi
ence in large wholesale house paying good
salaries. State experience and reference
in first letter. Address AK 480, Oregonian."
Here's a Timely List of Unmatchable Offerings for
976th Bargain Friday
Most of All
Cf Please feel that our
store is your store a
cool, pleasant place to
spend an hour or more,
whether you purchase
anything at the time or
not. We are always
pleased to see you and to
show you whatever we
may have that will inter
est you, so kindly accept
this writing as still an
other cordial invitation
to accept the courtesies
of our store people at
your convenience any
time you are down town.
Why -Not Friday?
A Day of Wonderful Saving Possibilities.
These Items for Example
More Than 500 Yards of Imported
Pongee Silks
On Sale
Friday at
33-Inch Natural Color Shantung Pongee
fj What could be more important than this special underpricing
of these popular summer silks?
f Silks Chat are extremely durable, always fashionable and that
are so easily washed. They are real Shantung pongees in
natural color firm, even weave and full S3 inches wide. They
are especially desirable for women's and children's garments
and men's shirt.
(J Purchase at this sale Friday and pay only O0 a yard.
Silk Envelop e Chemise
Exquisitely Beautiful
A Special Purchase
on Sale Friday at
About y2 Real Worth
Four Pretty Styles to Select From in
Georgette, Cluny and Tailored Pat
terns. Don't Fail to See Them.
(If Just these few words to let you know
about this fortunate purchase and sale
of exquisitely beautiful' silk envelope che
mise. They are high - grade garments,
shown in four attractive styles, trimmed
with Georgette, cluny and in tailored pat
terns. Really, you must eee them to appre
ciate their phenomenal value at Friday's
sale price $1.59.
Broken Lines
in Women's
To Close F riday at Pair
(T In our Basement Shoe Sec
tion we are closing out
all broken lines in women's
hifrh-grade pumps.
(1 Fashionable styles in vict
kid and patent colt, with
French or military heals.
Choice from all
Friday at $4.95 pr.
1000 Yards Fancy Dress Voiles
On Sale OC "e
Friday at OC Yard
Just z Regular Selling Price!
51 While they last you have choice from about 1000 yards
of fancy dress voiles in 38-inch width. Flower, figure,
plaid and stripe styles in an extensive assortment. Friday
at half-price.
Dainty Curtain Materials 39c
- Marquisette, Swiss, Bungalow Nets
Snow Flake Madras
(T All in one great lot and all on sale at one price. They
- f ci m a in wTiit n Tn o n I fma alert in r-ri ii cti.l.e
standard width and quality. Friday only at ;J9 yard.
Sale of Women's
All Wanted Colors
J An unusual value in
women's silk petticoats
of good style and in de
sirable colors. The price
Friday only $2.59
Special for Friday!
- Silk Gloves
at 89c Pair
J Our regular stock line.
First quality Milanese
silk gloves, shown in grays,
browns, navy, tans, Copen
hagen, etc All sizes.
1 Because we are over-
stocked the price for im
mediate sale has been
Reduced to 89c pr.
Misses and
Tennis Oxfords
and Shoes
at 85c Pr.
Without restriction we
place on special sale all
lines of misses' and children's
tennis oxfords and shoes at
one price.
fTThey come in black and
white and in all Eizes
from 11 to 2.
Friday at 85c pair
Special for Friday!
Sleeveless Vests
at 15c Each
Clin our Knit Underwear
Section we have arranged
a special sale of a fine lot of
women's cotton vests. They
come in sleeveless styles and
in all sizes. Just the thing
for immediate wear.
(I As a trade-winning spe
- cial the price has been
Reduced to 15c ea.
Embroidery Flouncings
27-Inch Width at 50c a Yard
J Come to this sale and choose from a wonderful variety of
-"dainty new patterns in both open and blind effects also
ruffled baby flouncings in neat small designs. All new and
of dependable quality and all one sale.
Bargain Friday at 50c a Yard
Sale of Wash
(I All wanted colors in the
following widths, under
priced as follows:
No. 1 at 7V a Bolt
No. l'i at 8 a Bolt
No. 2 at 13b a Bolt
No. 3 at 18c a Bolt
Royal Society
at Half Price
(I Here is a splendid oppor
tunity to secure these
popular package goods at
one-half regular selling
Choose From
J Children's Dresses, Rom
pers, Sacques, Baby Caps,
Women's Waists, Gowns,
Breakfast Caps, Combination
Suits, etc
(JT Each package contains
ample material and em
broidery floes for making and
finishing each garment.
For Men's
Jersey Ribbed
Union Suits
(I Perfect fitting union suits,
made with closed crotch
Va length sleeves and ankle
ft They come in all 6izes 34
to 46 and in ecru color.
A bargain offering for
Friday at 98c suit
Women's Fashionable
Sweater Coats
In Broken Linet
On Sale Cr7 Ofi
Friday at .VU
(1 Come, see how well we
-"will pay you to assist us
in closing out broken lines
and odd garments in women's
fashionable sweaters.
(I The assortment includes
styles for outing, beach,
sport or evening wear. Most
all sizes and colors are in
the lot, but only one or two
of each styles so come early
Friday at $7.90
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
fix-. Jr&fiA
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
35cad The Oregonian classified ads.