THE 3IORMXG OltEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JUIA 25, 1919. 13 4 Our New Fall Stock of Royal Society Art Needle Package Goods Is Now Ready for Your InspectionDepfc 2d Floor Portland Agency for Coolmoor Porch Shades, Brenlin Window Shades, Jewel Stoves and Ranges.Klearf lax Linen Rugs, Sweeper-Vac and footer Electric Suction Cleaners Howe Patterns Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d Floor Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Model Grocery. Bakery and Delicatessen on Fourth Floor Tea Room. Fourth Floor Wheel Goods Fourth Floor Baby CarriagesrGo-Carts, Sul kies, Strollers, Play Wagons, Kid die Kars, Bicycles, Velocipedes. Best makes. Reasonable prices. The Standard Store ef the Northwest Kodaks and Films Eastman Kodaks and Cameras, all styles and sizes, Fourth Floor. Headquarters for reliable films. Expert developing, printing, etc Olds, Wortman & Kin; Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Women's Tub Waists Specially Priced Aj. P- pTQ dainty Waists tL 7XaeJ7 of sheer voiles, or gandies, lawns and dotted Swisses. Many in plain white, others in. pretty striped effects. Well made and nicely trimmed. All sizes. A a. (PO Of large selection It iDA.&Oot Women's Tub Waists in white or with fancy col ored stripes; also many in checks. Voile, linene, batiste, lawn or mad ras materials. Exceptional values. A j. PO QO this is a very ZVC Dd.ijO special assortment and the values are exceptional. Fancy and Tailored Waists with convertible or roll collars. Great range of styles to select from. Or gandie, voile, batiste, madras and dimity materials. Shown in latest colors some are striped. All sizes. AT .$3.50 TO" $3.5 We show many other pretty styles in tub waists Ask to see them! D OUBLE TRADING STAMPS Given With Cash Purchases in All Departments : M New Tub Skirts $1.98 to $7.50 Second Floor The Garment Store directs your attention to a very complete showing of the new Tub Skirts for women and misses. Latest styles with sport pockets, belts, etc. Some are smartly trimmed with tucks and pearl buttons. Gabar dines, piques, bedford cords and cotton poplins. Moderately priced, from $1.98 up to $7.50 Satin Skirts Second Floor We have just opened up a new shipment of the much wanted White Satin Skirts. Decidedly smart for street and sport wear. Made extra full at waist, furnished with wide crush girdle and fancy pockets; trimmed with folds and pearl buttons. Priced $14.50 and $15.00 Bathing Suits $1.50 to $15.00 Second Floor Now is the time to get your bathing suit, while assortments are at their best. All the newest and best styles are to be seen here, both in cotton and wool. We also show complete stock f Bathing Caps, Shoes, Water Wings, Bags. Wool . Bathing Suits at $3.49 to $15.00 Cotton Suits $1.0O up to $35 New Sweaters. Second Floor Mercerized Sweater Coats with white collars, cuffs, belts Shetland Wool Sweaters with tie sash, white collars and cuffs Fancy. Weave Wool Sweaters with tuxedo fronts, and many other smart styles. Priced $3.98, $7.49, $12.75 up to $21.50 65c to $1 Neckwear Special 35c Main Floor Mid-season clean-up sale of many small lots and odds and ends in women's neck wear. Colored and white in plain, ruffled, plaited and embroidered styles. Organdie, Georgette crepe, lace and satin materials. Regular OCT 65c to ?1.00 grades. Offered Friday at ODU Odd Handkerchiefs CZ On Sale at Special OC Main Floor Women's and Children's Handker kerchiefs a large assortment composed of odd lines that have become slightly soiled and mussed from handling. White and colored embroidered corners; also initial. Splendid 10c values. fT Specially priced for Friday's selling; only Double Stamps! Women's Feminalls $2.49 to $5 Second Floor The most comfort able garment a woman can wear for outing and camp life. Made with loose belt or fitted waist line and with elastic bands at ankles. Khaki, blue jean or cham bray material. Shown in a full range of sizes $2.49 to $5.00 Women's Bib Overalls Second Floor These are much in demand for rough work about the house and for camping. Made up in khaki, jean and galatea ma terials. Clasps and buttons at ankle. ' Priced $2.75 and S2.95 DOUBLE S. & H. STAMPS. Pongee Silks 89c Yard Friday Center Circle, Main Floor. Genuine Imported Natural Pongee Silk 2000 yards in a special under price offering for Friday at the Center Circle. Splendid weight and quality for women's dresses, skirts and jackets also very desirable for men's shirts and pajamas. Full 33 inches wide. Don't neglect this QQ opportunity to buy high-grade silks at a saving. Special, a yard OU C Men's $1.50 Ties $1.19 Men's Store, Main Floor. Main Floor At a glance you will recognize the qual ity and you will be pleased with the variety and at tractiveness of the patterns. Beautiful high-grade Ties in latest styles, including wide reversible ef fects. All have patented slip-easy band. Q- - Q Regular $1.50 Ties on sale Friday at only 5xy Men's $2 Pajamas Special S1.29 Main Floor You cannot afford to overlook this spe cial. Men's Pajamas of fancy striped material. Cut in generous sizes and just the right weight Q- OQ for summer. Sizes 15 to 20; Pajamas Men's Bathing Suits S1.50 to S7.50 Main Floor A new shipment of Men's Bathing Suits has just arrived. You will want to see them at once and pick out the one you like best before the assortments are broken. Prices rang $1.50 up to $7.50 Egg Beaters 35c Third Floor At this special low price Friday only. I hese are of good strong construction and have retinned JJJ UldUCB hllAb 111 not rust. uouDie action see illus tration. OCp Special at OeJU Headquarters for Fruit Jars, Caps, Rubbers and canning needs of all kind s. Embroidery Flouncings Special 49c Yard Main Floor Fine quality Voile Flouncings in many attractive patterns for summer dresses. These are full 40 inches wide and the designs are well worked, with good substantial edges. Just such flouncings A Q as are usually sold at 75c. Priced special for Friday at, the yard Remnants of Embroideries, Nets, Crepes, etc., at REDUCED PRICES. Remnants of Ribbons At HALF PRICE Main Floor Hundreds of Ribbon Remnants go out on the bargain tables Friday priced at just Vs regular selling prices by the yard. Lengths suitable for making fancy bags for trimmings for hairbows and many other purposes. Plain colors and novelties. Shop early in the day. $12 to $18 Trimmed Hats Special at $7.50 Second Floor Come to the Millinery Sa lons Friday and see for yourself the won derful values in this sale. Beautiful hats in the season's smartest 6tyles and trim mings light Milans, leghorns and com bination of Georgette crepe and straw; also fancy braids frffced with colored Georgette and a large number of dark colored hats in all the season's best shapes. Trimmed Hats made to sell at 512, $15 and $18, on sale-QfT JT Friday at special low price 5 J vf $7.50 to $10 Sport Hats $5 Shop Early for Best Choice Second Floor Milans, leghorns, Panamas and various other straws par ticularly adapted for sport and outing wear. Some have ribbon crowns, others are trimmed with tailored bands of grosgrain ribbon. QCT ff Hats. of $7.50 to $10.00 values. Special Friday; your choice DOUU Wash Goods Remnants At HALF PRICE Main Floor Another great one-day clean-up sale of Wash Goods Remnants at Vt price! Hundreds of good useful lengths for women's and children's dresses, waists, skirts, etc. Plain and novelty voiles white goods of various kinds silk and cotton mixtures percales ginghams batistes and other weaves. Shop early in the day! Ash Trays $1.00 and $1.75 Dept. Third Floor. Sketch to left shows one of the many styles in a new shipment of Ash Trays just received. Ma hoeanv finish hasA with o-ln. in,.tB cleaned. Priced moderately, at $1.00 and 1.73 Full line of Smoking Stands and other articles for men. Lamp Department on the Third Floor. Double S. & H. Stamps Boys' Suits Special $6.75 Belted and Waist-Line Models. Main Floor These suits at $6.75 represent the best value we have yet offered at the price. Splendid well-made suits of good serviceable ma terials mostly in blue, green and gray mixtures. Parents JJ? should take advantage of this sale. Priced special, the 6uit OvJel J Mayonnaise Bowls $1.25 Friday Special Third Floor Beautiful, clear crystal Mayonnaise Bowls with silver A1 posit design around edge and silver - plated spoon. These make appropriate gifts for weddings, anniversaries, etc. Limited number on Q-! OJT sale Friday special Dx.tJ Double Stamps! B asement Millinery 200 Women's Trimmed Hats Black, White and Colors Values to $4.98 $2.50 100 New White Hats Just In by Express Latest Mid Summer Styles S p e c i a 1 $3.48 TRAFFIC SLIPS GO ASTRAY MERCHANT USES POLICE TAGS TO KEEP AUTOISTS AWAY. Arrests by Patrolmon "Bloocy B looey"' and "Some Bull" Cause Perplexty. Arrests for alleged traffic offenses by "Patrolmen "Blooey-Blooey" and "Some Bull' yesterday caused perplexity to traffic officials, who could find no rec ord of such policemen. The mystery was Holved by the discovery that a police man had prven traffic taps to a busi ness man, who in turn was using the tagra to keep autoists from parking in front of his shop. The business man wrb signing "Blooey-Blooey" and "Some Bull" as the name of the complainant to preserve his incognito. Lieutenant Lewis started the perplex ity when he noticed the signature on one of the tags. "Who's this bore Patrolman Blooey Bloooy?" demanded the lieutenant. "Never heard of hini." grunted Pa trol man Tully, who was busy taking an autoist's account of an accident. Patrolman Blooey-BIoocy' miht have escaped detection, despite his hy phenated name, had not another auto ift appeared a few minutes later with a tag signed "Some Bull." "This here is no vaudeville show." thundered Lieutenant Lewis. "Some bull is going to be out of a Job, blooey blooey fashion, if this keeps up." The traffic bureau took the matter up with Chief of Police Johnson, who posted a bulletin forbidding police to give away the traffic slips, which are for use by policemen only. DEATH VOTED FOR KAISER Service Men ot Bend Have Iitlle Sympathy for HoticnzoIIcrn. RKNn. July 24. (Special. 1 The 1rth ponalty for the ox-kaiser, in dorsement of the lcasuo of nations ant! of prohibition, and belief in the Amer ican K'H us tha last word in femininity these are the decisions made by pre vious service men o Bend and the vloinity, in the straw vote conducted during; the last three days by Per rcants Iouis Main, A. J. Yarborough and C. M. Hawes, here on recruiting duty. One enlistment was the result of their work here, when they left this mornin? for fondon. Arthur McLain. a recent arrival from Canada, was re cruited for the air service. MONTANA RANGES 'SUFFER Drouth Inflicts Great Damage on Herds and Grain Crops. nOSEBITRG. Or., July 24. (Special.) That conditions on the stock ranges and throughout a largre portion of the farming; district of eastern Montana are exceedingly bad, and, people In many instances face destitution. Is the reporv brought to this city by E. F. Rohr. who has just returned from a three months' stay in. the northern state. Sir. Rohr states that many sheepmen are shipping tfceir flocks to the Da kotas or to the mountain ranees of western Montana, as the preat grazing areas practically are burned up with a three years' drouth. Cattlemen are also shipping stock to the wheat stubble- fields. Streams that have never before failed are drying up, and alonir the Great Northern railway from Great Falls to Chester a water train is in constant operation, supplying; the towns along the line with water. Xn many localities the grain never never sprouted this spring for lack of moisture, and much of it that did come up has been an utter failure. QUARANTINE FUND CREATED Sum of $ 1 2.0 00 Appropriated 1y Horticultural Board. SAT, KM. Or.. July 24. (Special.) TwMve thousand dollars has been set aile for the present biennium by the elate board of horticulture to establish quarantines and do other work which will result in benefits estimated at millions of dollars to Oregon, accord ing to Henry K. TJosch, secretary of the board, who Hpjnt today In Salem. Mr. 1 osch ims been a member of the board since it was first organized, 30 years ago. Protection of Oregon fruits a nd vegetables and safeguarding ship ments of outPl 1e products Into the state are among the most Important duties of the board, according: to Mr. Dosch. AUTO BACKFIRES, ONE HURT FARMER THROffX IX FRONT OF PASSING STREET CAR. roiinly came to trial the caso was thrown out of court. In the complaint for separation from Mrs. Smith No. 1. Smith alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment. They were married on the Warm Springs reserva tion August 9, 190:!. Two Automobiles Damaged in Col lision on Wet Pavement, When View Is Obscured. G. E. Mickey, 49. a farmer who lives near the end of Buckley avenue, was injured yesterday when his automobile backfired while he was cranking the engine and threw him In front of a passing street car. He is In St. Vin cent's hospital. Mr. Mickey's automobile was parked by the street car track on Madison boulevard. He beiran to crank it as a street car approached. The jerk of the crank when the engine backfired threw him off his feet and he fell in front of the car. His injuries are not considered serious. A street sprinkler on L.add avenue caused a collision between an auto mobile driven by M. Billlnas. 135 East Eighth street North, and one driven by l.undquist. 46.1 Forty-first avenue Southeast. The two automobiles were approaching from opposite directions. The view of each driver was obpeuned by the sprinkler. When they finally saw each other each applied brakes, but the machines skidded together on the wet pavement. The collision damaged both ma chines. Mr. Billines' car had a broken wheel and a broken axle. BRAVE HAS WIFE TOO MANY IJeorpe Smith After Inilinr (Inro Tries Aain to Oivorcc One. THE DALLES, Or.. July 21. (Spe cial.) For the second time Ocorce Smith, whose Indian name is Ka-s:-l-ik-uni, is wuinc his wife, Lucy Gad ehaw, or Gu-shi-at. ax she Is known on the Warm Springs reservation, for divorce. Smith made his first attempt to ob tain his freedom from hi wife in Jef ferson county. Shortly after he had1 filed his complaint he married Nancy Heath. Smith was arrested upon the charge of bigamy and epent six months In the county JaiL When his suit in Jefferson OREGON CALLS SCIENTISTS Deschutes Canyon of Grent Interest to Gcolopists. KEXD. July 24. (Special.) Accord ing to Professor W. O. Crosby of Bos ton, who heads the party of reclama tion experts now investigating storage reservoir sites in this vicinity, the Deschutes river canyon is of greater Interest from a B-eologrical standpoint than the Grand Canyon of the Colo rado. He expects to make a special trip to central Oregon later to make a detailed study of its formations. Since their arrival In Bend nearly a week a:o. the government experts have put in their tinio on a general survey of the most promising- reservoir sites "within a radius of 60 miles. Salem Men Roy Plane. SALEM. Or.. July 24. (Special.) P. K. Kullerton. n. O. Snelllne and V. Lyle McCroskoy have purchased the Curtiss airplane belonging to Floyd I. Browne, an army aviator, who recently was compelled to retire from active service because of illness. It is the plan of the new owners to operate the plane on a commercial basis, and an experienced flyer will bo obtained to handle the craft. Lutherans Pick Vancouver Man. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 24. Sp cial.) W. S. T. lerr. Justice of the peace of this city, was re-elected presi dent of the Oregon-Washington Luther l.-atuo, which recently was in session in Soattle. He v. K. W. tiussard was elected president of the Pacific synod of the Lutheran church and Mrs. W. S. T. Dorr was elected secretary of the Woman's home nnd fnrctcn missionary society of tho church. The two latter organizations held their annual con ventions in Everett- New Company Incorporated. SALEM. Or.. July 24. (Special.) The Northern Manufacturing company, with offices in Portland, has filed ar ticles of incorporation in Salem. The incorporators are Thomas Fuller. H. N. Putnam and S. C. Spencer. The capital stock is fO.OOO. It is proposed by the company to manufacture washing fluids, autos, carriages and other vehicles. DON'T ALLOW YOUR RUN-DOWN CONDITION TO CONTINUE Increase your jaded appetite, - re store your weakened digestion, rebuild your shattered nerves, replenish your vanished vitality. Try Proud'a Port olive Tonic and note the almost imme diate and steadily increasing- improve ment in your condition. This wonder ful, purely vegetable nature tonic acts directly on the stomach and bowels, cleansing the system of all impuri ties through the proper channels. It infuses new life into the tissues, strengthens the muscular action, and restores your former energy, vigor and interest in, life. Use it for thirty days and watch results. Energizes im mediately. Strengthens permanently. Indorsed by physicians. Sold by drug gists. Adv. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signatura of There is one SAFE PLACE to buy your piano. Get our selling plan. We sell standard pianos. Don't fail to attend our JULY SALE. . c'"Mcrchandise oft' Merit Onv' Fresh from Sunshine and Pure Air A variety of delicious ready-to-serve meats that solve your meat problem for every meal. From ideal surround ings they come to you in vacuum packages that retain all their purity, flavor and goodness. - A meat market for your pantry shelf. INDIAN PACKING COMPANY , CREEN BAY. WISCONSIN 7-vnrJjus AG yWgJawea gCTnAsaT mm