Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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L". E. Beebe Says Kenyon Bill
Is Socialistic Measure.
Inherent Rights of Americans to En
gage in More Than One Trade
Declared to Be Violated.
The Kenyon bill, which is now before
the senate committee on agriculture
and forestry, will, if it becomes a law,
establish, in practical effect, govern
ment .operation of the packing houses
of the United States by means of an
elaborate licensing system, according
to L. E. Beebe, a special representa
tive of Armour & Co., who is now in
the city.
The bill also requires all persons en
gaged in the business of slaughtering
livestock or preparing the products for
sale to sell and dispose of, within two
years, and any stockyards, or interest
therein, owned by them. Jt will also
prevent those engaged in the livestock
business from engaging in any other
business or in the sale or manufacture
of any other food product, and also
takes the meat refrigerator cars out
of the control of the present owners.
Bill Is Called Socialistic.
"This socialistic bill." said Mr. Beebe,
"gives the secretary of agriculture ar
bitrary power to grant or withhold a
license to any packing plant now in op
eration. After the license has been
granted, the bill gives him the same ar
bitrary power to make such rules and
regulations for the conduct of the busi
ness as he may see fit. He is em
powered to regulate prices, to prescribe
the method of doing business, the char
acter of the plants to be used, the
method of handling livestock and is
given authority to regulate every
branch of business.
"Each licensee is compelled to agree
in advance, at the time the license is
issued, to obey every such regulation,
past or future, whether valid or not.
In short, the secretary of agriculture is
given complete autocratic power to
run the packing business of the United
States, even to the point of requiring
any packing plant to open all its facili
ties to accommodate other manufac
turers and shippers.
"In requiring the sale of the stock
yards the bill does not suggest any pur
chaser, but it prohibits those who de
veloped them and are most vitally in
terested in their continued efficient
operation from investing in thenr.
Business Man's View Given.
"Last year Armour & Co. bought
$7,000,000 worth of miscellaneous prod
ucts in Oregon fish; fruit, vegetables,
dairy prodnco and the like yet if this
bill becomes a law the secretary cv.n
compel the packers immediately to sell
and abandon every branch of their bus
iness except that of slaughtering and
preparing for sale livestock products.
This would deprive the consuming pub
lic of the marketing facilities of the
various packers, which are an instru
ment in reducing the cost to the con
sumer of many commodities, and at the
. same time limiting the right of the
American business man to engage in
more than one business at a time.
"The interstate commerce commission
recently found that the present method
of private ownership of meat and re
frigerator cars was the most efficient
system that could be established, yet
the Kenyon bill would take the cars
out of the control of the present own
ers, without any proper safeguards in
suring efficient service in the handling
Of most perishable products.
Provisions Called I'nfalr.
"The bill contains many administra
tive provisions that are utterly unfair.
un-American and autocratic. It presents
a situation entirely unprecedented in
legislation affecting American business
in peace times. With the issuing of
licenses at the sole discretion of the
secretary of agriculture a single in
fctance of impropriety may result in
the revocation of the license of an en
tire business. It makes every packer
liable to lose bis license by reason of
an act or omission of any agent or
employe of his, without any default of
his own or of the responsible heads of
the business. It limits the free right
of appeal to the courts, which is in
herent in every American citizen.
"If this bill, which practically pro
vides for government operation of the
business of packing-houses, stockyards,
dealers in dairy products and poultry,
becomes a law, it is a stepping-stone
to government operation and govern
ment ownership of every basic industry
in the1 United States, committing us to
paternalism and socialism, from which
there may be no turning back.
"The packing business deals in a per
ishable commodity and is infinitely
more complex than railroading. iov
' eminent operation of this industry
would result in even greater disaster
to it."
Continued "From Virst Fa e.
the enormous waste that comes with
out email army ami navy 145.000 of
1 he count ry's hpst sperimens of man
hood who produce nothing, who are
as much a burdpn to the country as
the insane and the poor would be un
der national supervision.
"Mr. telavipne said that, but T was
responsible explained Mr. Kord. "1 1
was an attempt to educate the public
to the waste involved in all armies."
Mr. Stevenson asked why Mo Ford
had not heeded his famous advertise
ment, "Concerning Overp re pared ness,"
if that was what he meant.
1 cannot tell," said the witness,
'that was always what 1 meant, though,
v hen I spoke of preparedness.'
Mr. Stevenson then took up the sub
ject of the national pruard.
'Isn't it true. Mr. Kord, that you
oppose any of your employes joining
the national guard?''
Change of Mind Admitted.
The l"elavigne articles, written in
Til.- I'nril'K n -i nip fnm m n H fd PrpsiHnt
AVilson for opposing an army of 3"o.000
in 1916. and later when the president
became convinced that preparedness
was necessary, accused nim oi incoii
"What inconsistency?" asked the at
torney. "Perhaps he changed his mind in a
very short time."
"You have changed your mind, too.
"haven't you?"
"lon't you think the president has a
rlsrlU to change his mind as con
ditions change?"
Mr. Stevenson, sucrjzested that in the
3-"ord view when JVesiden t Wilson be
came an apostle of preparedness he
became an apostle of murder.
"Mr. Delavigne used that word."
"Vou approved it and you understood
It meant an advocate of murder, a
teacher of missionary advocating mur
der?" "Yes, sir.
i "Was it Mr. Delavigne'a job to mis
represent your views, or to represent
them," Mr. Stevenson asked.
"To express my views as nearly as he
"You advertised to the world that
they were your views; the world knew
nothing of Delavigne as far as they
knew it was Henry Kord speaking:?"
"Yes, sir."
"And Henry Kord was savin? that
the president was a vacillator; that he
was keeping the truth from the people
and that he had no military reason for
changing his mind?"
"While I think that Criticism was
not what I would have said personally,
still it is a good thing for a president
to be criticised." the witness replied.
One article suggested that while the
president was arguing for prepared
ness it was to be remembered that it
was a presidential election year.
"It is time for the voter to remind
his congressman and any other candi
date who may seek his favor that the
people will not spend their money to
arm against invading ghosts conjured
up by the president," quoted Mr. Ste
venson. ''Well, the president may have want
ed to be re-elected and thought that
the end justified the means."
Attorney Stevenson introduced - a
pamphjet containing pacifist argu
ments which, witness admitted, was
widely distributed at his expense in
AVar Murder," Says
Mr. Stevenson quoted Mr. Ford as
saying "preparedness is the root of
"That meant over-preparedness,
said Mr. Ford.
"What do you mean when you say
that war is murder?"
"War of aggression."
"And those who urge preparedness
advocate murder?"
"Over-preparedness, yes."
Witness said that sane preparedness
for defense was legitimate. He had
no quarrel with it.
"President Wilson was one of those
who urged the preparedness which you
call murder?"
"Over-preparedness; I am strong for
preparedness now."
"You were not In 1913."
Pershing Deemed Murderer.
"I thought preparedness at that time
was adequate."
Witness said that he considered pro
fessional soldiers those who made
their living of it were murderers. 1
"That includes General Pershing?"
asked Mr. Stevenson.
"Those who commit murder are
murderers. If war is murder than pro
fessional soldiers are murderers.
Regarding the matter in the pamphlet
prepared by Theodore Delavigne, Mr.
Ford said:
"I authorized them and I am respons
ible. Often I didn't know what was in
"Did you know what was in your
widely published page advertisement
opposing preparedness?"
"I don't believe I read that- I sent
out many things to make people think,
without reading them," said Mr. Ford.
"In 1915 you told a Tribune reporter
that you had no belief in history; that
it was nothing but tradition?"
"I think so now more than ever," ad
mitted the manufacturer.
"But you wrote that Mn all history
I cannot find one man who justified
war?" queried the lawyer.
Testimony CauseM Laughter.
"Mr. Delavigne wrote that.''
Witness reaffirmed that, so far as he
was concerned, history was "bunk" and
music and other arts of no interest.
"Then you confess that fthe Tribune
was right when it called you an ig
norant idealist?" persisted Mr. Steven
son. "Did the editorial say that?"
"Well, I am not ignorant of all
"Automobiles, for instance."
"Well, you admit that you are an ig
norant idealist ?'
"No, I do not."
"You admit, then that you are merely
ignorant of many things?"
"Well, let us see; what are the funda
mental principles of our 'government?"
"That is a large order," said th
"There is much difference of opinion
about that." put in Attorney Murphy,
one of counsel for the plaintiff.
"Well," continued Mr. Stevenson,
"can you change congress without an
election ?'
"I think we can change Mr. New
berry." countered the witness amid
Political mhltlon-4 Denied.
Mr. Ford is contesting the recent
senatorial election in which he was
defeated on the face of returns by
Truman H. Newberry.
'Then you still wish to be senator?"
asked the lawyer.
"No." answered the manufacturer
with emphasis.
Attorney Alfred Lucking, counsel for
Mr. Ford, protested at the questions
concerning ignorance.
"To know one subject well is enough
for any one intellect," said Mr. Luck
ing "Mr. Ford knows every nut and bolt
in his great factory, yet if I were to
take Brother Stevenson in there he
would show a profound ignorance."
"Unless we have the league of na
tions we should prepare up to the hilt
for war," said Mr. Ford.
"You think now that preparedness
would be an insurance against war.
don't you?"'
"If it v. as used irr.mediatcly to clean
up the situation."
Th. subject of the San Francisco
preparedness day bomb outrage was
brought up by Mr. Stevenson, who
sought to establish an analogy be
tween the men who incited the bomb
throwing and Mr. Ford's own propa
ganda against preparedness. Ion Held Kalreat.
Tne witness said that if an army
had to be built he regarded conscrip
tion as the fnirest way.
"Do you believe that it is the duty
of a. government to defend its citi
zens?" asked the Tribune lawyer.
"Yes. sir."
"By petting prepared up to date."
"But in 1115-16 you were advocating
oisa rmament ?'
"Yes,, for the whole world."
Mr. Stevenson read from a statement
by Mr. Kord, advocating that the United
States take the lead in disarming and
remarking that the whole world would
"Well, I meant the world. I was not
interested in the United States disarm
ing. 1 was thinking of the world.
"You wanted our country to lead?"
jJ LaaL
The Greatest Name in Goody-Land
ICeep Cool
Don't let the hot weather sap your strength.
Keep cool while the mercury climbs with one of our
little breeze-makers. You can sit in your home or
office in comfort on sweltering days that would
otherwise be unbearable.
Jz U r J
Complete with cord and plug. For 1 cent you can
operate one of these fans for four hours. It's port
able, can be carried from room to room.
"I think It would be" a good thins
right at the present time."
"Didn't you ever read history?"
"Myself? Quite a. little."
"What histories have you read?"
An objection was interposed and Mr.
Stevenson argued to the court:
"Plaintiff charges that he was
libelled when the Tribune called him
an ignorant Idealist."
"I ad-nit I am ignorant about most
things." volunteered Mr. Ford.
He qualified his previous testimony
by stating that he was beginning to
have a little appreciation .of art, and
as to music, liked the banjo.
0 U know the
realm of child
hood dreams is
a land of sweets.
The most last
ing way to make
some of those
dreams a delight
ful reality is to
take home
Tax okigib ai uraos mnoiuioi
Dinner Specials
Including Bread, Butter
and Coffee
Beef Stew 25d
Roast Beef 30d
Roast Pork C0C
Sausage 25
Corner Sixth and Stark
The Secret of Perfect Refrigeration
has been attained in the Seeger Refrigerator. This has been
accomplished through the Seeger System of Air Circulation
the original Syphon System which makes for the- successful
preservation of foods, and the necessary low temperature to
give a minimum consumption of ice, and when introduced into
a sanitary ice box (which means a box free from all offensive
odors) such as the Seeger is, you then have perfect refriger
ation. If you wish a refrigerator that will adequately and
satisfactorily conserve your foodstuffs, you should investi
gate the Seeger Original Syphon Refrigerator..
We Are Also Showing a Large Line of
White Mountain Refrigerators
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers
Ice Picks, Ice Shares, Ice Cream Dippers
Honeyman Hardware Company
Portland's Largest Hardware Store.
jj ; jyf frequently. How H
I abUt t0tli2ht? I
g ?r- C 'T BE SURE T0 gctvricleys
llu 1 Tfie Ravor yM
I Lasts i ppP J
THIS dj-Zl
Leonard ar Q
Relieves Deafness, Stops Head Noises
It is not put in the ears, but is "Rubbed
in Back of Ears" and "Inserted in the Nos
trils." Has had a Successful Sale since 1907.
I will forfeit $1000 if the following testimonial is not genuine and unsolicited:
April 3. 1919.
Dear Sir It Is with the greatest pleasure that T write you rec
ommending your Wonderful Ear Oil. My mother has been deaf for over
0 vears. and she used two bottles of your oil, and yesterday, for the
firs't time in over 1!0 years, she heard Berry's Band play in Hemminir
Park. here. Words are Inadequate to express to you the thanks of
mother and myself. I am a member of the theatrical profession and
very well and favorably known here, and you can use my name in rec
ommending your Ear oil. Yours Rratefully,
"ED LAWRENCE, Hubbard St., Jacksonville. Fla."
For sale In Portland Uy Skldmore DruR Co. Stoat-Lyons Drug; Co.,
, h rer Htorrat .ortaern I'aelfte Pharmacy. Ud and Morrlaon ta.s l'rkla
tin, el I'kirmirj. 3a and lashtnKloa. and Irvlailoa rkimary, Kait
Hnndoar at l."la. I'roal of unrnM glvra 7 on by the above
This Signature on Yellout
Box and on Bottle
M a Haf art urer
70 Fifth Ave., .New .ork CUT
Permanent positions open for telephone men with or
without previous experience.
Young men desiring' to learn this business may en
ter as apprentices in switchboard, repair and installa
tion departments or in other branches of the service.
Excellent opportunities for advancement.
Wages $4 to $4.50 per day to start.
Experienced men, qualified to do swithchboard, in-,
stallation, line and repair work, will be employed either
for city or out-of-town work.
Wages $6 per day.
Applications will be received during the present strike
at room 1102, Telephone building, Park and Oak streets.
Telephone Broadway 12000, Local 46.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company