THE MORNING OREGONIAN, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 1G, 1919. iMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimii iiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimmiimiiuiiiuiiiiimuiimiHiiimiumuiuum OUTING AND VACATION GOODS OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN PORTLAND. BUY HERE TO SAVE I CUTS DOWN. ON PRIVILEGES Dainty Table Crockery and Baking Ware . Cut Star Tumblers, set of six. .90d Heavy Water Glasses, 2 for . . 15d Thin Fancy Cups and Saucers, 2 for 45 Complete Line of Pyrex Baking Ware at Reduced Prices. The Careful Housekeeper Uses Aluminum i Alleged Mutiny Plot Causes Aluminum Sink Strainers . Aluminum Colanders for. . . Round Aluminum Roasters. 6-Quart Aluminum Kettles. Sl.i5 812.75 SlJS Modification of Rules.. 8 W OH PRiS is First, Second and Alder Streets STRICT DISCIPLINE, IDEA Improvements at Penitentiary Ex pected to Bring About Better Feeling With Men. SALEM, Or., July 15. (Special.) Refusal of any convict in the Oregon state penitentiary to carry out an or der made by tlie warden or other offi cers of the institution will be followed by one year setback in the minimum sentence of prisoners responsible for siuch conduct, according' to a letter pre pared by R. E. Lee Stelner, warden of the prison, and addressed to the convicts. The letter provides specifically that it was issued in the interests of good behavior and discipline and in securing1 the release of the convicts at the earli est possible opportunity. Affixed to the letter is the approval of Gover nor Olcott. . Dissension anions: the prisoners is said to date back for several months, and the night before R. L. Stevens re signed as warden the men staged a mild demonstration. This demonstra tion, it is allegen was due to the ef forts of Deputy Warden Talley to im prove discipline at the prison by re moving some of the privileges granted convicts by a former administration. Fentivltlea Called Off. A few days later Tommy Clark, said to be the leader of the "bolshevik" wing of the prison population, accosted the warden in the yard of the penitentiary and demanded to know whether or not the inmates would be allowed to con tinue their practice of purchasing ice cream and other delicacies on the 4th. The warden informed Clark that the men would be served a wholesome din ner, including ice cream, and also would be allowed to hold a programme. This This was referred to Deputy Warden Talley and all arrangements were com pleted for the day's festivities. When the time arrived for the programme, however, the men objected to the prizes, which included printed ribbons fur nished by the warden. As a result the games were called off. Following this incident, the convicts, under the alleged leadership of Willard Tanner and Tommy Clark, are said to have entered into collusion whereby they would rush the chapel, send for the warden and demand the discharge of Deputy Warden Talley and Keeper "Buck" rhillips. Failure to meet the demands of the convicts, it was de clared, would result in the refusal of the prisoners to -work in the flax fields. Alleged Plot Revealed. Warden Steiner is said to have re reived a tip of th epending demand. and had Tanner brought Into his office, where he was questioned regarding the reported pint. Tanner at first denied that such collusion existed, but later , admitted that the warden's information was correct. dark likewise at first professed lg norance of the plot, but afterward bared the plans as far as theyh had progressed. Yesterday, when 60 of the convicts wpn sent to the flax fields to begin harvesting, James Meyers, alias Mur ray, and James. Steele, highwaymen refused to work. They were informed of th ewarden's order regarding the punishment for mutiny, but still they dfcliiied to labor. They were hand cuffed, returned to the prison and aain questioned by the warden. Steele finally agreed to work and was given a Ttntion beside a hastily arranged rockpile. Murray was more defiant and was sent to his cell. He, too, finally submitted to the argument of the war den and went to th erockpile. Warden Defend a Deputy. Warden Steiner speaks in the highest terms of Deputy Warden Talley, and says that official will have his undi vided support in the conduct of the in stitution. Although he has tightened the disci pltud rules at the penitentiary. Warden Steiner says every report will be made to give the convilcts a fair deal. This assertion is shared by Phillips and Talley, who have had long experience in prison work. The prison is now undergoing many Improvements, and when the work completed Mr. Steiner believes it will be as modern as could be expected un der present conditions. Most of the work is being done by convicts, al ihounh some outside help will be nec essary before the job is completed. Another improvement contemplated by t he warden Is furnishing the con victs with soap, towels, handkerchiefs and combs. Mr. Steiner believes cle; li ness is essentia I to good prison gov eminent and believes the prisoners should at least have these little con veniences. In th is he is said to have the support of the statae administra tion. KV 'C. A:1" 'fc ::;,- W- ".-Jv or. t,,- 3,-.-'.; , ,il w fi ' - v ( ' ' - r m v I . v-x ay- : y. ;sr- .... .' jp " ! . . ... . -.1 A 1 '7 4 i ft" ' 'is - S 1,1 1. A LEE, IN "A DAUGHTER OF THE WOIFE," A 5TORT OK THIS NORTH. WHICH WILL OPEN TODAY AT THE COLUMBIA IHt ll t.K. TODAY'S FIUM FEATURES. Columbia Lila Lee, "The Daugh ter of the Wolfe." Majestic Constance Talmadge. "Romance and Arabella." Peoples Alice Joyce, "The Spark Divine." Star May Allison, "The ITplift ers." Librty Katherine MacDonald, 'The Woman Thou Gavest Me." Circle Pauline Frederick, "Out of the Shadow." Globe Douplas Fairbanks, "Wild and Woolly." Aroma: tings and tt REINSTATEMENT IS ASKED Three Former City Inspectors Bring Suit Against Civil Booard. That the city had no power to dis miss them because they were perma nent omployes under the civil service measure is The contention of J. X. "Wheeler. A. f. Groce, W. A. Herman .mI Havitl llalbraith. former inspectors in the department of public works, who tiled su't in the circuit court yester ilav atrainst the civil service board of Portland, composed of John F. Logan ii. C. Mason ami R. II. Thomas, and A. T.. Barhur. city commissioner. The plaintiffs charffe that they were permanent employe of the city under the city's civil service measure, out that on January IS, 1919, they wer illegally dismissed by Mr. Barbur, who save as his reason the lack of public improvements goini on in the city at that time, and a desire to reduce the "temporary" force of the city. The case was taken before the civil service board, which returned a deci sion April 10 upholding Mr. Barbur. The plaintiffs ask a review of the case by ttie court and an order by the court restoring them to their former post tions as inspectors. Columbia. ROMANCE which has for Its eet- gs both te wilds of Alaska he glitter of the great white way is "The Aaugnter 01 tne unc. which will open this morning at the Columbia theater at 11 o'clock. Lila Lee has the stellar xoie in inis nroduction. As Delight Ainsworth she takes the part or a motneriess aausmer of an Alaskan smuggler into whose life comes Robert Draly, played by Elliot Dextor. Life had not treated Robert Dralev with over consideration, despite the wealth of his parents until he met Delight Ainsworth. Therefore, tne ro mance surrounded by these circumstan ces offers for screen production a most unusual advantage. The snow- scenes for "The Daughter of the Wolfe" were taken near Truckce, Cal. The director of the picture, Irvln Willat. was pleased particularly with the artistic snow scenes wlucli were obtained under some of the most diffi cult and effective lighting effects, A huge .volf-hound which plays the part of close companion to Miss Lee is an other bit of "local color" which adds to the imagery of the snow country. Screen Gossip. Chester Conklin, Sennett comedy star, has taken a whole orphan asylum under his wing. Near Los An geles is a beautifully equipped chil dren's home, maintained by the Masons. It has tiled swimming baths and lovely semi-tropic gardens. Chester goes out once a week and gives some kind of an impromptu show- for the children. Csually he takes a comedy film with him., The economy craze which swept the country as a result of national war activities, is satirized by James Mont gomery Flagg in his hew comedy, Tho Con' in Economy,.' which was released June 29. Helen Ferguson has completed work i "The Gamblers" In which she is leading lady to Harry Morejj. Miss Ferguson is only 17 years old. Mie started as an extra in Chicago and after playing bits for a while, became leading lady to Taylor i-ioimes. 1 nen she came to New York and has had prominent parts in such pictures as The Great Victory. "Sate for uemoc- raey" and the new 77tn envision picture "For Thirty a Month." Miss Billie Burke is at work on "Sadie Love" or "Twin Souls under the direc tion of John S. Robertson. The sets for this picture took tip so much spaoe that it 'was with difticulty that suf ficient space was found for Mis Dorothy Dalton to commence on 'The White Rock" her next picture under the direction of Joseph De Gresse. Lucy Cotton has just completed the play "Sunup" in which she was starred by Gerald Bacon under the direction of Oliver D. Bailey. Walter E. Greene has announced sub iects for the first week in September are Elsie Ferguson in "The Witness for the Defense" and Wallace Reid In "The Valley of the Giants." Dorothy Phillips hurtling up the ladder of cinema fame, has returned to the Universal scenario staff, after writing several productions for Goldwyn. Four feature photoplays, one of which was Allen J. Holubar's "The Right to Happiness," starring Dorothy Phillips, have just been completed. Other productions stamped "flnls' were Harry Carey's newest western melodrama. "A Man of Peace," "The Spitfire of Seville." produced by George Seigmann. with Hedda Nova and Thur ston Hall in the leading roles, and "A Little Brother of the Rich," in which Frank Mayo. Kathryn Adams and J. Barney Sherry are featured. Although Tom Mix. the William Fox star, spends most of his time in the equestrian saddle nowadays, risking life and limb to give thrills to the mil lions who hunger for stunts in the p tures, he once spent his time in another kind of saddle. He occupied the polit ical saddle when he was elected mayor of Newhall. Cal. He started the first Chamber of Commerce there and first became Interested in the film industry in that city. Robert 'Andersen, who recently fin ished playing the part of a denatured bolshevik in "The Right to Happiness in support of Dorothy Phillips, wil have another Slav role In "Commeii Property." a drama of tho nationaliza tion of women III Russia, which Pau Powell Is producing from the script by Elliott Clawson. BEAUMONT COMPANY SUED Ownership of Street Railway Track Is In Dispute. Suit was instituted In the t-ircui court yesterday by the Portland Rail way. Light & Power company to gain osaoss.Mon of a portion of stret ca track in the Beaumont distrh-t con tructed by the Beaumont Land com pany. The street car company in it complaint charges that the track wa uilt by the land company asa develop ment feature and through an agree nient between the land company i the railway company was to be oper ted by the street car company and to4 become the property of the rallwa ompany for the consideration of I hTe Beaumont Land company has faile o live up to that part of the contrac which calls for turning over possesaio of the railway lino to the street ca ompany, the plaintiff, charges. The track in question begins at Sand boulevard and runs on East Forty econdstreet. Wistaria . aevnue, Eau Thirty-ninth atret, Alameda and Las Forty-first street. MAIL IS TWO YEARS LATE Correspondence Taken by German Raider From Liner delivered. SYDNEY. Australia. A curious mani festation of German psychology is seen in the recent delivery of the Australian liner Matunca's mails to the addresses. The Matunpa was captured and sunk by the German raider Wolf off the coast of New Guinea in Augur-t, 1917. The mails on her were taken to Germany. After they had remained in German hands over a year they were delivered to the British authorities after the armistice had been sipned. In due courA they were sent to Sydney, ar riving two years late Although the photography of the great ale-Harvard regatta by tne cameraman for the George alsh pic ture now being made. "The Winning stroke." was done at i:o to 8:i P. M perfect negative was obtained. This was due to the fact that the sinking sun threw a beautiful mirror-like glow over the bodies of the competing crews. Dorothy Phillips, Allen Holubar and Monroe Salisbury dined at the home of a' prominent Los Angeles society ma tron recently. "What a jewel of a butler you Have He must have had many years- expe rience," said Miss Phillips to her hos tess. Not at all. that lady replied. learned recently that all he knows he learned from the movie butlers: Allan Sears, who will be remembered as Mae Murray s leading man in ine Big Little Person." has been cast by Director George Peigmann for a rol of prominence in "Playing the Game. the vivid drama or newspaper me. That potato peeling is bad for the hands is a fallacy which has been shat tered by the experience of Pegg Pearce. Miss Pearce returned from a locatio tour with Harry Carey's "A Man o Peace" company after "doubling 1 brass" as leading woman, chief coo and bottle-washer and spud-peeler. She displayed a pair of hands that would do credit to Lady Diana Manners and explained how she discovered th beneficial properties of "Irish over coats." Harvev Gates, prominent as the au thor of "The Wild Cat of Paris." Prls cilia Dean's first big photoplay success. and "Hell Morgan a Guru, which t COONS AD CLUB SPEAKER Advertisins Man Tells Women to Strive for Originality. Originality as the keynote to success ful advertising was the theme of Shel don R. Coons, advertising director Lipman, Wolfe & Co., who spoke yes terday noon at the oman s Ad clu luncheon. 'The multitude will be happy wit things as they are," said Mr. Coons. this very multitude which divide the mass from the leaders and geniuse Strike a trail of your own. give i individual thought and speak In lan guage that is your own and not that of the mass. Newspaper copy is th chief medium of advertising and should be used to make people sit u and take interest. You can talk prices. goods and quality in ads and not g any results. First of au the puon must be given something to attract i attention, and then, having done that, it must be followed up with informa tion of the goods you are selling." - Safe Summer Smokes Brevas, Manila Cigars; 6 for 23c; box of 50 for $2.00 Perfecto Sublimes, Manila Cigars; each 6c; box of 50 for. . . .$2.75 Cazadores, Manila Cigars; 3 for 25c; box of 50 for $3.50 Your Everyday Needs From Our Grocery Crescent Baking Powder; 5-pound can for only 90 Cox' Gelatine; 2 packages for. . . .25 Otter Brand Raisins; 15-ounce pack ages; 2 for 25t Silver Shield Soda; 1-lb. pkg 5 Broken Rice; 3 lbs. for 25 e Nobby Suits for Men New Arrivals From Eastern Makers Our prices are less than uptown stores charge you for equal quality. We show the correct models conserv ative, one-button, two-button, double-breasted, and waistline. Smart Fabrics Perfect Fit Absolute Satisfaction Buy your vacation suit here tomorrow and have one that Mill give you months of wear after you come home. 98c 85c 7 X l PAJAMAS Wonderful values for summer, slumbers 1 DRESS SHIRTS Crisp, cool, stylish; a wonder price The smartest of the smart styles for boys. Bring yours in and let us fit them out. w . V -J J ,.3 V f I Sensational Half -Price Sale Women's Suit Sale DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, NOVELTY GOODS, FINE TABLE DAMASKS, ETC. We offer fine NaTy Serge Suits in heavy weight: several fall models in the lot. Plain back, braided, belted and looaa styles. Smart gar . ments at a reduced price. $43 Suits at S27.50 Other Suits 'at $12.50 and $18.50. Expert Alterations Free. Do your washing and ironing in the cool of the morning. No. 8 Copper-Bottom Vah Boil ers with copper rim $;i.S5 No. 8 Heavy Copper Wash Boil ers for $7.25 Brass Wash Boards, only 71e Metal Clothes .Wringers $4.75 Electro Electric Irons Si.:i5 Universal Electric Irons. .. .$((.15 Small Ironing Boards $2.10 Large Ironing Boards $2.35 We throw on sale to morrow hundreds of yards of fabric goods, con sisting of serpentine crepes, French voiles, sateens, ging hams, wool challies, percales, wool alpacas, diagonal cloths, curtain scrims, and many novelty fabrics. Here is a golden opportunity to buy for present as well as for future needs at pos itive, visible savings. Every item is a 1argain. Every yard in this sale will be offered at only ONE-HALF PRICE! EXTRA! EXTRA! Women's White Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps $1.49 WHITE CANVAS SPORT OXFORDS Mo.lrla for wie aad tcromlmm atria. Cre trlmord kali atrana. Ir k.rl.. ftar aoleai im alyla with OThlte ri ma.- btU atrapa. WHITE CANVAS MARY JANE PUMPS tor mri aafl grrawlaa airla. Medium wide tea low rabher aeela. fiber aulea. vkle rlltbaa WHITE CANVAS HIGH SHOES Npnrt rnadela for atMll low aeela. fiber 'sole, or r'rearh fere I a nllk lealber aolea. HeKular alaea oa the Abote Ileaaa Raw to H ibe Hair. . Our Special Price $1.49 tXtV-i (a. ljB C, -fC It HiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiHititiiimtuitiiiimiiitmiHum 'DEAD' MAN REPORTED ALIVE CORVALLIS OFFICIALS PKOBF STRAXtiE DISAPPEARANCE. disappearing from a similar net per petrated y Rev. Cronenberger a few weeks previous. Ralpli H. Hind, Relieved Drowned, Reported Living In Walla Wallii. Absenre I V'nesplalnetl. CORVALLIS. Or.. July 15. (Special.) A telegram was received here today by Sheriff. ;cllatty from David Yatea. sheriff at Walla Walla, to the effect that Ralph II. Hindu, supposed to have been drowned here a few weeks aco, had been een " in Walla Walla and Identified by three pertiona who had known him here. Hinds came to Corvallta from his home east of town about two weeks aoro, purchased some lime and pre sumably started home. When he failed to return his wife notified the sheriff and search was maae. His car and clothing were discovered on tho banks of the Willamette. Foot prints It-ad -inar Into the river were also discovered, but none leadina- out. It was known that -Hinds could not sA-im an 1 the supposition was that he liud gotten In ov-- h's e'epth and dro-A-nt-J. The river was drocscl for his 1 ody for a week. Last Sunday and again yesterday the place was dynamited with no result. John Prim m. hia father-in-law, halt published a reward for the recovery of the body and every body concerned supposed that Hinds waa dead. The family has made arrangements to have the Walla Walla man investi gated. It Is conjectured here that should the Walla Walla man prove to be Ralph Hinds that he got his Idea of BUILDING FUND IS $46,000 I', of O. Women Lack. Only $1000 lit Coiuplelo $50,000 Total. That the I'nlversity of Oregon will be able to start erection of the pro posed new women's building as soon as $10'0 more has been obtained and that this sum should be forthcoming by August 1 was announced Monday at tho weekly luncheon of university alumni. President Campbell, who was present at tho luncheon, told the alumni Ciat IIS.Oi'O of the .'i0.0 Oat-ked hy popular subscription has been obtained. Plans were laid for special effort to raise the remaining $1000 by the end of July, and when this Is accomplished contra:! for construction work will be let. When subscription pledges have made available Jiu.Ouu this sum is to be matched by the state. hTe regents are holding to their decision that work cannot he started until the first I5. tMtO is obtained. President Campbell re ported. Numerous new pledges, among them one from Congressman llawley, were announced at the luncheon held at the 1 laid wood. WIFE WON RAYMOND HILL CAPTCRK HEART OF CHI M'S SISTER. yesterday that Mr. Hilt expected to go to New Orleans in sovernment work. The name Vanderbilt (Van der Bill or Bylt) means "of the hill." Cornelius Vantierbilt. tliertfore, means literacy "t'ornelius of the 1-111'" Friendly Relations DeMretl In China. OSAKA. Japan. Leading business men in Osaka who are trading with China have asked the government to try to promote more friendly relations between the Chinese and Japanese. They ask for stricter control over the Japanese residing in China and want a censorship over the publication in the press of cartoons calculated to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. Rembrandt, the great painter, knew the Hible by heart, from end to end. Former Fmploye of The Orrponlan Saves Comrade' Life antl Ro , mancc l Result. Raymond D. Hill, formerly an em ploye of The Oregonian and later a cor poral In the marine corps, will wed he sister of the man he carried from a battlefield in France. News of the en gagement of Mr. Hill to Miss x.uciie Wright has Just been received in Port land from AltonIll.. the home of his fiancee. Virgil Wright and Hill became friends In camp. In France they were "hud dies." One niRht after an attack Hill fulled to find his friend in the trenches or dugouts. He crawled out Into "No Man's i.and." found Wright and then dragged him back. Hill was wounded the next day and the two marines were invalided home together. When they were given a sick leave in America. Hill was a guest at the home of Wright's parents. Mr. and Mrs, K. O. Bailey. Alton K. !. Bailey and there met Miss Wright. Mr. Hill formerly attended Benson Polytechnic school, where he acted as correspondent of The Oregonian and later was employed in The Oregonian business office. He was a member of the Oregon naval militia. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for brav ery in action, capturing a dosen Ger mans single-handed. He recently re ceived his discharge. Mrs. Fred L. Coser of 1I4J East Seventeenth street north, a sister, said "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be gen. nine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an un broken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Head ache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia. Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores lKer packages also. Aspirin la the traMunark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcactdester ot SalicyUcacla. Adv. r- How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with) some pow dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will. when removed, take every trace of ha!- with it. The skin should then be washed to free it from the remaining delatone No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure It is delatone you get and you will not be disappointed. Adv. J l Only one ; J Vv. answer can be jS Vv right fr k you. Sec Thursday's Papers NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR CIGARETTE It may even make you tUce your present cigarette better Littlb Srainsbf ahdruff mean ood-byto nair life ottt of the hair roots od evmtuauly bnngs bsUdnwa. W.kaTnnt is guaranteed to clean updandruS and remove it but it ( i4 avaav rruvat if r lsin anln. anrl kfcorns the fltrain antl stimuliirs I the sXaur to normal, healthy arrowth. " For if of ett sotxSdrm storrs, barbery ti awe aWa a- w.ed' A,tjAn am. - V ottr mom' back FMomnu.' WILDROOT COMPANY. Inc. Buffalo, ri. X . WtMrrw-t Shiapnn Bonn. vHrn ff In ra-.ociii. " ith H ud root. Will THE f-l:AHATF.F.n HAIR TOV1C Cuticura Soap is Easy Shaving for Sensitive Skins The New la ao.a.ta Calcre Method ' y 2- g jy r r jt a Over the Top and Then Some. T never felt, better In ray life thav-'i since taking the first dose of Mayr a Wonderful Remedy. 1 had a bad cae of Indigestion and bloating: and tried all kinds of medicine. Mayr s Wonder ful Itemedy Is all and more than is claimed for It- On my recommendation our postmaster's wife is usina" It with good results." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract an.l alia) a the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and In testinal ailments. Including: appendici tis. One dose w-ill convince or money refunded. At all druscarlst. Adv. COriSTIPATIOH and PILES 9ured With. Dr. Young's Rectal Dilators Vodroaseeepexa- ??S-T lhoaaod eerei 13 I J I ' 4 brtaistuaii Irharm 1' I 'I 111 liw. cnl.ffUMt 'l al I r . I . ant. I " f any. I J I'J f, I roe. Vslobi book V V -1-' i I -ree. Or.n.Plete(w v Ur .y W eras ita miied oe eaaalaa at awaa. Giarnui aauaf actorr. f. I. T0U1 a CO- Bmi C route. Caiaata. M. L 'akCif For Headache t-j' Quicker Than Tablet HUsJ Wherever Head. Ache 1 I