I i THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1G. 1019. T, DESCRIBES ESCAPE Fugitive Returned From Cali fornia Expresses Regret. LETTER CAUSED CAPTURE Prisoner Says Mistakes Seen and That Hereafter He Is Going to Follow Straight Path. SALEM, Or., Ally 13. (Special.) Love for his wife and 7-year-old son prompted Clyde J. ("Red") Rupert, who escaped from the state lime plant at Gold Hill on March i5 while serving a term in the state penitentiary for the embezzlement ot approximately $19,500 worth of liberty bonds from the North western National bank of Portland, to write the letter which fell into the hands of the federal officers at Im perial Beach, Cal., and resulted in his arrest a. few days later at Brawley. This was the statement made by the prisoner, following h is arrival at the penitentiary late tonight in custody of William Ksch, special state agent, who was sent south following apprehension of the fugitive. Frliionrr HejsretM Step. "I am glad to get back," said Rupert rs his eyes filled with tears. "I never felt free after leaving the lime plant, and it was a great relief when an of ficer laid his hand on my shoulder at Brawley and said I was wanted for a crime committed in Oregon. I have learned my lesson, and from now I'm going straight. "On escaping from the state lime plant about 6 o'clock on the evening of March 16, I ran all the way to Med ford," said Rupert, "where I hired out to a rancher who was about to leave for Gazelle, California, with a train load of livestock. Upon arriving at Gazelle the following morning I pur chased a ticket to Woodland, near Sac ramento, and arrived there late that evening. Picked Up ; Relcaned. "I was afraid to pass through the etation and took a course through the outskirts of the city. As 1 was Hear ing the business district 1 was picked up by an officer who told me to ac company him to jail, I protested, and informed the policeman that I had money and desired to get a room. I made my bluff good and finally he allowed me to go. . "I got up early the following morn ing, walked some distance from the city, where I boarded another train and made my way to Los Angeles and then to Upton, in the Imperial fruit district. I arrived at Upton .on Thursday follow ing my escape, and the next morning accepted a job with the Stewart Cit rus company. While there I also worked for the Okay Lemon Exchange. Lonely; Writes Letter. "On May XI I went to Brawley, where I obtained work with the Amer ican Fruit company. After remaining there a few days I became lonesome lor my wife and little son and wrote the former a leter telling her that I was in Brawley and intended to visit her. I had hardly mailed the missive when I realized that I had made a mistake, and probably would be picked up by the officers. , "A federal officer who had been as signed to effect my capture appar ently had reason to believe that I would visit Imperial Beach, for he rented a house next to the one oc cupied by my wife. In some way he came into possession of the letter, which he turned over to Mr. Ringer. A day or two later I was standing on the streets of Brawley when Ringer me and sa id; 'Hello, Red. In order to shield my identity, I re plied: 1 have red hair and its natural for people to call me Red, even though they have never seen me before OI Days Itecalled. "Ringer was persistent, however, and recalled the days when we attended baseball games together in Portland. I still insisted that it was a case of mistaken identity, but my efforts were futile. He informed an officer and I was locked in jail. "Luring that night a Mexican, in carcerated in the cell next to the one in which 1 was housed, attempted to escape by making a small hole in the dour. Of course 1 was blamed for the incident, and it was useless for me to make a denial. The next morning fed eral officers came to the jail, and after giving -me the once over, I was re moved to San riego. There I remained until Special Agent Kseh arrived and we started on our return to Oregon. "Had the federal officers used me square, it is not likely that I would have attempted to escape. Federal Are Blamed. "TVhen I was arrested in Portland for the theft of the Liberty bonds, and before I was committed to the state penitentiary, the federal officers signed an agreement whereby they were to recommend my parole after I had served eight months. This agree ment, however, was conditional that I ehould be a model prisoner. "When the time arrived for them to make good they presented me with a counter-proposal whereby I was to have my wife sign a statement to the effect that I was insane. It was also incum bent upon me to get an affidavit from a physician supporting the statement of my wife. This I refused to do, and as a result I am in prison confronted with the remainder of my state sen tence and a term in the federal peni tentiary. Assistant United States Dis trict Attorney Rankin of Portland was the official who signed the agreement that I should be paroled after serving eight months of my term. It is pretty hard for a feLlow to go straight when the officials of his own government have broken fait h. Return to 'Wife Itopr. "But. nevertheless, I am glad to get back and I intend to serve the re mainder of my sentence and then re turn to California, where I will join my wife and child. "That will be the happiest day of my life. Mrs. Rupert knew nothing of my Portland crime, and. regardless of the publicity given me as a result of my arrest, she has remained firm in the be lief that I will make proper amends and return to her as soon as I have finished my sentence. Just before returning north l visited my wire and little bov They were both glad to see me and our parting was the most pathetic incident In my whole life. Rupert denied emphatically that he was aided in making his escape by an unidentified man in an automobile. He also declared the story that he had retraced his steps and returned to Ore gon was false. Afer a talk with Warden Steiner, in which he promised to go straight, Rupert was assigned to a cell, and to morrow will be placed at work with the flax crew. CAMP CRUELTY ALLEGED (Continued From First Page.) more, who served with rase hospital 2, testified. "The officer did by roll HUPER Ing the man in the mud," Mendleburg added. "Did you get that officer's name?" asked Representative flood, democrat, Virginia, "I'm too sorry I did r.ot take his name," answered Mendleburg. When telling of poor food. Mendle burg said that "if you asked for an extra piece of bread you were flat on your back." Meals, others said, con sisted of a stew made from canned beef, one slice of bread and part of a cup of coffee. Sometimes enly the stew was served, witnesses said. Beating by Officer Asserted. Charles Goldberg. New York City, a corporal in company G, 38th infantry, said while at the "brig" he was knocked down by an officer and one of his teeth knocked out when he refused to sur render his money belt. "Once when I was scrubbing a floor a sergeant swung a club at my head every five seconds," testified Goldberg. Paul Boggs, Baldwin. N. T 318th field signal battalion, said men at the farm were often so hungry that they were "glad to eat dirty potato peel ings.' He said he dipped a tin cup in a swill barrel so as to get some grease that he could eat with a relish. "Instead of giving a command, it was generally given with a club," as serted Boggs, who said he saw at least 50 men beaten. Medical Inspection Criticised. Alvin Bates, Brooklyn, who was with the headquarters troops, second army, said whenever "there was a formation a man was beaten up every five min utes" at the prison farm. He and Boggs said that a Pole, serving in the American army, was brutally beaten and soon afterward the prisoner cut his throat with a razor. "Medical inspection .was a farce," said Bate's referring to the farm. "You went in one -door and were kicked out another." George L. Pallito, Newark. N. J., pri vate in company M, 113th infantry, told of many cruelties in the prisons in France and admitted that he was ab sent without leave, for which he was sentenced. ROAD BOOSTERS HOPEFUL QREGOX EXPECTED TO SHARE IX FUTURE APPROPRIATIONS. Delegation Reports Strong Pressure on Congress to Grant Funds for Work. Confident that if any road appro priation bill is going to stand a chance in congress Oregon won't lose out the three men composing the Roosevelt highway delegation returned last night from Washington, D. C, where they had a hearing with the congressional committee on roads. Two of the mem bers. L. J. Simpson, of North Bend, and Charles Hall, of Marshfield, went on direct to their homes, but B. F. Jones, of Newport, the third, remained in the city, passing the night at the Im perial. "Last Friday we had our hearing." he said, "and gave the committee full data. The members seemed much im pressed and after the session three openly told us they would vote for a favorable report and would endeavor to convert others. "The special session of congress- Is trimming appropriations and it is hard to get things like this through. How ever, a favorable report will give the measure a fighting chance. The Ore gon delegation is doing hard work for it and, compared with other states, we are well represented by a strong, wide awake bunch of men." Mr. Jones explained that everything must now rest until congress acts one way or the other. Oregon, voted $2,500,000 for the highway at the June election and Representative W. C. Hawley on June 25 introduced a bill to have the government match this. The three men from the coast counties ar rived the following cTay to aid in the fight and were in the national capital 17 days. FIELD CLUB MEETS TODAY Insurance Men Have Busy Pro gramme for Convention, About 300 members of the Hundred Thousand-Dollar Kield club of the Mu tual Life Insurance company will open their annual convention this morning at the Multnomah hotel. The dele gates represent the entire middle west and coast territory, are to remain here two days, holding business sessions in the morning and making sightseeing trips later in the day. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the en tire number will be taken to Kagle creek park on the Columbia highway for a picnic supper. Tomorrow night they will hold their annual banquet at the Multnomah, S. C. Anderson of New York acting as toastmaster. Colonel Thomas G. Morgan of New York, re cently out of the service, will preside over the business sessions. George K. Sargent, superintendent of agencies, and Fred T. Dexter, one of the vice-presi dents, will be among the speakers. LUSITANIA SUITS BARRED Final Decree Dismissing All Cae Issued by Federal Court. XL'W YORK. July 15. A final decree dismissing all damage suits against the Cunard Steamship company as the re sult of the torpedoing of the Lusitania, and barring ay similar suits which might be brought in the future, was signed yesterday in the United States district court by Judge Julius M. Mayer. A total of 64 claims, totaling between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000, had been brought against the company. In his decreex. Judge Mayer inti mated that the claimants might be re imbursed for their pecuniary losses through indemnities collected by thQ United States from the German gov ernment. PRESIDENT SISSON FINED Fishing Without License Costs Head of University $25. MISSOULA. Mont- July 15. President E. O. Sisson of the state university yes terday appeared in justice court here and paid a fine of $2u for fishing with out the necessary license. President Sisson was arrested on Saturday near St. Ignatius by a deputy game warden. President Sisson was not represented by an attorney In court, merely ap pearing at the session and paying the fine assessed. " WOMEN IN BUSINESS. Woman's power in America is well illustrated by the thousands ot women who entered almost every line of busi ness to replace men who were drafted during the war. Health proved their strongest asset. Many women, how ever, developed weak, nervous condi tions and could not stand the strain of a business life. Such women should remember there Is one tried and true remedy in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, which for forty-five years has been restoring health and strength to the women ot America. K A H. rreen stamps for casti. Holman Fuel Co.. Main 253, A 11SS. Blockwood. short slabwood. Rock bprints and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv. EXTENSION STATIONS VISITED BY REGENTS Officers of Oregon Agricultural College on Tour. ROADS FOUND . EXCELLENT President Kerr and Party Well Re ceived on Journey to Central Part of State. BY ADDISON BENNETT. BEND. Or.. July 15. (Special.) The party headed by President W. J. Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural college, consisting of five of the regents and others, arrived here this evening from Burns, which they left this morning in three machines. Being unable to get messages dispatched from Canyon City Sunday njght. or Burns last night, il is best to take up the threads of the trip from the time the last dispatch was filed, which .was Saturday night last from Union. We left Union about 7 o'clock that night and had a fine ride through the cool of the evening to Baker. On our arrival there about 10 o'clock we were surprised to be met by Regent Corn wall and Mrs. Cornwall. The latter had suffered so from the dust storm the day previous that we had left her in Pendleton, but she soon rallied and was able to resume the journey. Party X umbers 15. All were up early enough to gel started by 8 o'clock for Canyon City. By that time our party was all together and the personnel was the same as it is now and as it is hoped will be for the balance of the trip. The names of the party are: W. J. Kerr, president of the board of regents; J. K. Weather ford, regent: H. Von" der Hellen. regent; G. M. Cornwall, regent: Walter M. Pierce, regent: Jefferson Myers Wood worth, a druggist of Albany, two chauf feurs and The Oregonlan boy. But the most important members of the party were the five married ladies, as fol lows: Mesdames Weatherford. Cornwall. Pierce, Myers and Woodworth. There are 15 in the party, making five in each of the three seven-passenger machines, which leaves plenty of room for the baggage. We arrived at Canyon City after a very pleasant ride over the mountains. The roads were excellent, save for a few short stretche, where the graders were at work on th, wonderful John Day highway. This great work is about four-fifths done, so far as the gradinvr is con cerned, between John Day and Prairie City. How much is done below John Day 1 do not know, but 1 do know it is going to be a road for the state to be proud of. It seems too bad that a short detour could rot be made so that it might pass through Canyon City, but no doubt a spur will be built to fill the two-mile gap. Welcome Is Accorded. We were well entertained at Canyon City at the Beggs hotel and the Pat terson cottage, kept by Mrs. Otis Pat terson. We . got away from Canyon City at 8 o'clock yesterday morning and reached Burns after a very pleas ant ride of a little less than five hours. Again we found the roads most excel lent. Once at Burns we made good time in getting our dinner at the Ho tel Levens. and then, after being greet ed by many of the citizeni. of the town, we were escorted . ut to the famous Bell A ranch of William Hanley. and after being greeted by Mrs. Hanley we were 'taken out through a small hay field where we faw four McCormacks in action. Bill Hanley is a pretty busy boy right now. tor he is putting up a teensy weensy ja of hay. say between 8000 and 10,000 tons. As hay is worth better than (10 a- ton. Bill is liable to keep out of the poorhouse all of next winter, likewise Mrs. Hanley. ScfeatlKts Keep Busy. Then we went over the station, and the regents and Dr. Kerr spent until dinner time, late dinner time, looking over the crops and discussing facts and figures with Director Shattuck and a number of farmers who had gath ered. Of these matters mu-h will be said in my follow-up article. Then we had a most splendid dinner, which was prepared by Mrs. Director Shat tuck. Mrs. Shattuck is an O. A. C. graduate, and she sure practically mastered the art called culinary there. Last night the people of Burns ten dered us a fort of smoker Reception, at which oratory and lemonade ran a dead heet with cigars. But more of that later in the season. We left Burns at 8 o'clock this morning and arrived here after a nine-hour trip, an hour being spent at Brookings, where we had a fine dinner. That station is about 72 miles west of Burns and the same distance east of Behd, where we arrived in fine fettle and are all ready for a bath and din ner. Of this trip, which ' brought us over the high desert, where hundreds of settlers flocked in a few years ago. I will have more to say in my later articles. The president and regents may be detained here for a part of tomorrow, perhaps the entire day, for a new sta tion to be established in this region is under discussion. When we leave here we will go direct to Crater Lake and thence to Medford. DIRIGIBLE BASE PLANNED Balloons May Have Headquarters Pacific Fleet. HONOLULU. T. H., July 13. (Spe cial.) Pearl Harbor, the big naval sta tion of the Pacific fleet, may shortly become an extensive base for navy di- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of There is one SAFE PLACE to buy your 5 piano. I Get our selling: plan. We sell standard pianos. ! Don't fail to attend our I JULY SALE. MURKY A TEA A P.r. Bl.xi Cyoii I4tw-av. Teas CXommmt A D rlglbles and the center of a series of Pacific flljchts. according: to Informa tion reaching1 here from unofficial naval circles. It is known that at least one dirigible hangar will be erected at Pearl Harbor with the probability the others will follow In the near fu ture. One and perhaps more of the big llghter-than air craft will be kept at Pearl Harbor, according to reports from Washington. D. C. These local naval developments aro to take place as a part of the preparations for a trans-Pacific flight by dirigibles, which the navy is planning- for early next year. Lieutenant-Colonel B. M. Atkinson, department air service officer, inti mated as much in a statement the other day in regard to lighter-than-air craft for Pearl Harbor. HIGHWAY BONDS ARE SOLD Henry Teal of Portland Pure-liases Entire 1800,000 I,uc. SALEM. .Or.. July 15. (Special t The state board of control today dis posed of 8800,000 worth of highway bonds authorized under the Bean-Barrett act for federal aid projects. The bonds were purchased by Henry Teal of Portland and brought 76-'.3;0 and ac crued Interest. Six bids, representing 18 houses, were opened by the board, the difference between the lowest and highest amounting to $8.20 per flOoo. Had the bonds been sold two years ago the state would have received 13. 760 more than at today's sale. The bonds draw 4 per cent interest. LAWMAKER PLEADS GUILTY But Attorney - General M ill Not Punish Representative. SALEM. Or.. July 15. (Special.) After accepting a plea of guilty from Representative A. A. femlth. of Baker, who. In a letter to the attorney-general. admits that he introduced in the last legislature a bill which he now believes unconHtitutional. Assistant Attorney tJeneral Van Winkle, in a humorous missive to the lawmaker, acknowledges confession of the alletred misguided lee- SATURDAY (J I.. . .... Ill I - I.. !U. HI 111 ,. ,.. ll.l. III!. .11 I I. I . ..I II J MlUg I. II . I U M I Jt I I ' M I I I III II I I I I I I I I I H I .1 1 - ' :iHi Sfx iMiWll NEW SHOW DAYS ONLY TREAT 1 1 I -C-"! , St ' MSl !" THAT 'I ') ?.f :f' V' Xlfip i; j ' NETT ! ' BEN'T J ffiY Y' !' j COMEDY I ; IT'S fd( :X. Y ill ' ALOMrti K FULL i 22 f '' : - i fcH " j SEA- 1 "'V '"'"i : ' " jL. uit 1 i ALMOST J SIDE J iv r"'"'-" " ff I i FAFUL I ET'S SH'j hi I rfWKZXim V J U ..nil i im i j va ,vsmmmmmmsM'n t-y v -V- rAy7nu II II iJ ' Iril always ; ' - V il iaai iiiiiiiiiRiN.iii:iiii.'i.iiiii inn Hi ii mm mmm iimMiq II MM 111 S I il llll!1! I II 7 li I m 'Vll Mi I BET ! r i r l i ik m m a ii im mi m m mw bw ar an n ki nrfak mm m r- ii 1 i pi HP HERE'S cooling: comfort in these lightest of summer garments. Wear them and you'll feel the inspiration of sea breeze or shaded mountain nook to cheer you at? your work. They're economically priced Fifteen Dollars islation and advises Mr. Smith that ; since he has pleaded guilty to com mitting the act. or at least to being the prime conspirator, he ehould pay the penalty by instituting proper pio ceedings for reparation of the damage, or. changing the metaphor, by applying the a p propria t remedy for the M I- CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "SUNNYSIDE1 s ellin ment resulting from swallowing half baked legislation. The bill introduced by Mr. Smith was pn8d with the idea of furnishing an other check by which to catch cattle thieves. It provides that before hides can bo transported within or without the Mate an application must made to the county stock Inspector for pi r. mission. Mr. Smith now believes the law is un constitutional for to reasons first, that it makes the htock inspector a judicial officer in violation of the con stitution, and that It enables the taking of property without due process of law. 11 I i G