20 TITE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. .TUT.Y 10. mm. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. f7.no UP TO $25. Meyer the Tailor pays highest cash price for men's suits and overcoats, shoes, etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS & TAILORS. 2G3 Madison Sl. Near Third. Call Marshall 1229. call anywhere in the city, day or eve. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, writers, adding machines and alt furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. tools, LEVIN HD WE. 1-3-5 i KCRMTURB CO. Front iL FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHOjKE CALL WILL BRING US TO- YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone. MARSHALL 5081. Phone. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 First Street. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are In need of all kinds of used fur niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and oitice iurni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for tame. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will ca,ll at once with the GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 2U0 and 2u7 First St. Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANi'U.NE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO. 102 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3UU. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods before vou sell. We are in the market lor same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. JUS First st. Main 7725. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household (roods. Call us for one article or a housefull and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Mars nan -'o:'-. row n. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can p;iy. East C417. M. H. Calef, dealer, 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4tf2. or ,'U4 1-lrst a t . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. CASH for office desks, chairs, files and sates. Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices in city. Main 1633. HELP WANTED MALE, WANTED Competent stenographer, office n-... n n,A r-j miiiiip with honk k we wirier pre furred; must bo accurate, neat and quick and write a good hand ; permanent posi tion to rtcht man: state age, experience, KHlarv exnectcd and give references lrom past employers. AH ii.'.S. Oregonian. WANTED by- a wholesale grocery house, L-min n- -nun to hmll lorrcstjonderice and central office assistance, knowledge of books required; state aee, experience, sal ary wanted and give reference. AE 230 Oregontan. W A NTED Experienced marker and assort er; give references, npe and salary want unH h aii v-rm con id ome if wanted stoady employment. Yakima Steam Laun- d ry. Yakima, Wash. V ANTED One sash and door cutter 1 stick er man, 1 sash and door machine man, brnoh men lor sash and door factory ii detail mill; steady work; state wages ex pected. AV 24. Oregoinan. vni'w: m ir troti ma n. eood stenoera pher. who can meet public and help with eeneral oft ice duties in wholesale and retail fiit-l offh-e: none but live ones need answer. W :'2U. Oregonian. GA R DNKR and wife for suburban home, trt inundrv And other work, good wanes. Apply Powers Furniture Co.. "id and Yamhill sts. . WANTED An energetic steady young man with omc e perience as retail giocery Halusman. Call East aSSti, or .xt E. Glisan and :2d st. REAL-ESTATE SALESMAN. EITHER LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH CAR. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. u I? in,- u vx ti i Ai-i A l workman eu a ran teed s7 ml f.oc over : steady job. The Host Barber Shop. Astoria. Or. "W ANTED Experienced newspaper subscrip tion solicitor : must lurnisn reiereuccs, Topp enish Review. T oppenish. Wash. n YTi-'n first-class, all-around baker, mixer and moulder in shop. Address Roy al Bakery. Coifax, Wash. "WANTED 10 men to distribute circulars. Apply 7:M0 this morning, X red Kelly Co. RS 1st St.: 1st and Stark. FiUST-CLASS slaughter-house butcher ; ref erences; mention wages. BC 2o6. Orego- wivTv.n Man for nicht ianitor in whole sale house. Marshall-Wells Co., 15th and Love joy. v vTi:n .inntTor for night work: ref ences reouired. Industrial Assn. of Ore WANTED Boy to build fires in morning for apartment and some senary, jast o-. Chamberlain hotel. vi i. n; . X' l WIFE wanted for country place good wages; prefer no children: must have references. w oregonian. tv v vrvn i once. 1 vouiik mon. neat ap rearing. Call bet. 4 and 3, 3'U Oregonian bldg. A ('TOM OB ILK drivers wanted; must have experience. Oregon Taxicab Co., Oregon hotel., TWO hustlers, selling proposition, pay every night, worth your while to investigate. Call 204 1 .umber Exchange bldg. W ANTED A good watchmaker or an all around man to tak.- position at once. Royal M. Sawtetle. .lewe'.er. Pendleton. Or. WANTED A motor truck salesman. oldes tnhtlshed agency; good contract. O 747 Oregonian. DENTIST. Registered in Oregon, good salary right man. S 732. Oregonian. JANITOR and wife wanted to n apt. house. Call til 3 Bush & I manage IS- ane bldg., Broadway and Aider st. EXPERIENCE and reliable houseman, sal ary $70 and meals. Apply at once. Hole! M aric-n. Salem. WANTED Experienced Japanese man and wife, man cook, wife for second work; good salaries. Tabor 3471. WANTED Combination high climber and hooktender for cne side ramp; good ground. .1 ames Cole. Devitt. Or. DISHWASHER wantetl, 341 Washington. Call in morning, phone Main 16S!. D1SPENSEH Wash. st. -Scoff in" s Chocolate shop, 14 WANTED- 2 handsaw men. Gates Basket and Veneer Co.. 14M Macadam road. W ANTE D W r-a v en. E. Sth and Taylor. Northwest Rug Co., East 3D SO. WANTED All-around mechanic 133 street. WANTEI hotel. -Kitchen porter. Campbell Hill WANTED Nifiht watchman. Phone Tabor FI RST-CLASS Ice Machine lathe man wanted. Works. 174 E. Water WANTED- Experienced bellboy. lorris ho tel. 10th and Stark. ADVERTISING solicitors; money daiiy. 401- j .Mctvay tiag. MEN" for work gdOd salary. BOY" wanted for wholesale house to make himself useful. Apply 134 Front. YOl Nr. man for general otiice and store. LOK 4th !-t. BOY wanted for dining-room helper. 2::d st. N-, Main 5S20. TWO painters wanted, bl.iir Apply 312 Henry W A N T F. D Helper for pastry Washington s . riKST-l LASS PREISER to work bsK t'avi Multnomah. Club. Applj after 9 A. M. HELP WANTED MALR INCIDENT. (One of many.) Y. M. C A. Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ ment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stronger, out of work $20 his total cash assets) If I pay you $7 for membership in the Y. M. C' A. I wl'.l have only $13 left between me and star vation. Secretary If you take out membership in the association you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its Influence, strength and resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satisfac tory employment and a membership card in his pocket, which assures him. along with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employment department service for one year. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1919 1412 Positions filled 7t Shy the kind of men wanted t'3 The standing this department has with Portland employers is due to the discrim inating service It has rendered them over a period of 13 years. If you will be guided by our Instruc tions we will guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund membership fe. Soldiers and sailors given three months complimentary membership. MAKE MONEY. Reliable men to handle the famous Indiana Silo in territories In Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an investment. A bona fide-money-making proposition. Write for further Information, giving data as to experience and capabilities. References required. K. SPALDING COMPANY, SALEM. OREGON. AT ONCE FOR NIGHT SHIFT. 1 resawyer, Mershon. 1 log deck man. 1 setter. 1 head off-bearer. 1 liner for edger. 1 hog man. 10 chain men. 1 sawmill engineer. 1 box factory engineer for day shift. MULTNOMAH LUMBER & BOX CO.. Foot of Bancroft Ave. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced salesman tor the silk department. An experienced drapery and shade banger. Also a night janitor; one who has had experience preferred. Apply employment manager, 6th floor, Meier &, Frank Co. SIX? young men to learn the lumber busi ness, rapid promotion tor young men oi ability, can start in the box, shingle, ve neer, spruce shop, shipping eheds or re pair departments, 45c to 50c per hour to start, right in a good little town in Wash ington, for one of the largest concerns of its kind on the coast. See Mercer tiiav, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 233 Burn side st. WANTED Young man between 1 and 19 years of age to assist in the aavertising rieoartment on a Portland daily newspaper. Must know the town. Jlve phone number and reference. B 544, Oregonian. LOOK HERE. RETURNED SOLDIER! A new proposition and money maker something a man with one arm or one leg can do and make from $3 to $10 rer day; clean and honorable work; no fake. Sample for 25c. C. W. CEDA RSTROM, Box 3, Portland, Or. BIcADY men wanted to take exclusive con trol of eood territory in Oregon ana Wash lngton; money advanced weekly, ouflt and special train in iree. experience unneces sary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same: clean, naray. guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 43-hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday nights; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon ity. FOUR dock carpenters, $5. SO up, ft hours; iarm nana-:, miiKcrs, harvest nana.. :og- gers-i. mill men, restaurant Iielpers cf al I kinds PACIFIC E dP'-OVMEN T Co., .3 Eurnside st. WANTED MACHINIST LATHE HAND $5.75 FOR 8 HOURS. WRITE C. W. MOR- DEN, CAMAS, WASH. WANTED Man lor testinc meters and in' specting service; must be capable of test ing liu to uu volts, inclusive; salary $100 per month and out-of-town expenses; guarantee at least six months' work, with possibility of permanent position. F.asLern Oregon i-.ignt &. rower o., caner, vr. WANTED First-class eeneral shet-tmetal and plate worker, thoroughly familiar with laying mit; one who is neat, rapid, agreeable and capable of handing men and wants a permanent position the year around. Coast culvert & x lume Co., Kenton. WANTED Man bookkeeper. 23 to 3o years, tinele. PtJLte experience, reason for change or unemployment and give references. Re ply in own handwriting with pen, state salary expected. C .r2i. Oregonian. FOR POSITIONS in South America, Pacific islands and China, enroll with "Pacific Service Institute." Subscription $3. Send detailed qualifications for position dc sired. P. O. Box 1332, Honolulu. WANT experienced weavers for Golden State Woolen mi. is, Long Beach. Cal. T)av and nieht work: excellent nay. bes of working conditions; good town to live in. Apply direct. WANTED First-class general machinist for position the year around. Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. Kenton. YOUNG man over 21 to work inside and out of grocery, must have grocery expe nence and must be Ford driver; references required. 733 Pat ton Road. YOUNG boy wanted for office to answer tel ephone, copy orders, etc.; must know how to operate typewriter. Phoenix Iron Warks, 3;o Hawthorne ave. STENOGRAPHER i oung man for large corporation; state age, experience, salarj expected. Give phone number. O 4j. Ore soman. CLERK, good penman, who hast had offic experience with largs corporations: stat age, qualifications, salary, in own hand writing. al 41 w, oregonian. THREE good, bright boys wanted, must b- over lb years of age. Apply .Low en gar & Co. WANTED 2 liist-class sash and door ma' chine men. Frank Schmidt & Co., E. bth and iamhr.1 sts. WANTED Experienced solderers, shee metal workers or welders. Coast Culvert A: Flume Co.. Kenton station. EN I'ERIENCED w ireman wanted, conduit knob an tltube work. alley town. AV 24S. Orecontan. TEAMS WANTED to haul lumber by con tract; can make $10 to 12 per day. Ap ply iiii Manton si. r;asi , tit. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, best of vages. no other need apply. 4th-st. .garage, ;4 X ourth st. Fl RST-CLASS coat maker at once. Add! E. J. Elmgren, tailor, 2d floor Steven: bldg. Til REE first-class sash and door machin men, 2 frame makers, ripsaw man, furn ture cabinet maker. 24t Saimon st. Help Wanted salesmen. $."00 PER MONTH. An eastern corporation has an openln for a live man with sales and exueutix ability to fill a position as manager for chain of counties in Orecon. We are ma keting an automobile accessory which has M worm-wiui; a em an a, an article mat na been tried out and indorsed by the larg et companies in the country, one tha has absolutely no competition. ror an acKressiYe man who is desirous of estate llshing a permanent and legitimate bus! ness of his own ana who can invest least Sioort ( r.r initial order of merchan dise, which should not last but :io days For a competent man $.im per mon t h -asv money. or appointment write or phone Cunlit fe. Imperial hotel, room 742, between t and 12. PAPER SALESMAN, Experienced In fine papers, to call on printers and stationers; man of ability, good address and personal appearance. Ad dress with references and phone number. BC -."S. Oregonian. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED. Something new. good sellers, bis com mission, choice territory, country or Mty; worth your Investigation. See Mr. Guthrie. Ramapo hotel, until lo and after 5. Phone Broadway ilS'J WANTED Experienced automobile and truck salesman for six of the leading cars on the market; salary and commission. EASTERN OREGON AUTO CO.. Vale and Ontario. Or. SALESMEN'S Catholic Corporation requires three additional neat, educated oung men. '21 to 40, for city and road: permanent position; exceptional opportunity. Cal! ."IS Yvon bid'., 6 la U A. ii., 4: JO W ti F. AL HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted ealr WE can use 12 firat -da. house-to-house salesmen experienced In selling tea and coffee specialty Jine. Apply between 8 and 12 A. M., Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union tve. N. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN To sell me dium priced used cars: one t hat can net results: good commlwlon. Apply at thi C. H. S. Co.. 0 N. -'-id st. Marshall 142 WANTED AGENTS. GENTS wanted to sell our full line of trees and shrubbery. Write ua for terri tory, o ALE id NURSthV COMPANY. SALEM. OR. OR TOWNS and districts outside Portland n sell one oi the uest articles on the mar ket. Write N. Anderson, llO1 Kirkpairick street, Kenton, Portland, Or. AUENT, to demonstrate and sell auto ac cessories; experience unnecessary. C37 pit tock bik. ANTED 2 news agents to work on pas senger trains; cah security required. In quire 131 N. oth. DISTRIBUTORS Salesmen, agents and can vassers fcr :'tate, county and city. Jail or write Algrat Co.. Cas-o Pldg. AGENTS at once. Sell 7.0c per month hos- pital tickets. 206 Corbett b:dg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. YOl ' N d W O M F. N WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERIENCE, BETWEEN' IS AND 2.-. YEARS. FOR OKKf'K POSITION WITH ADVANVEM E N T. APPLY CHIEF OPE K A TOR, WESTERN r.VION TEL. CO., ''TH FLOOR. WORCESTER BLDO -'ANTED (iirl IS years or older to help with cooking and housework in small fam ily; good wage: must be able to do plain cooking and willing to learn more. This is a good permanent place for the right girl. Main t04.r. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office assist ant i or oacn notei, one with knowledge of typewriting preferred ; good -alary, op portunity .or outing lor summer. C&ll Broadway 11H0. W ANTE D Woman for one month com mencing Thursday, S37.50, hoard and room, washing, cooking and caring for mother, infant and small child. Apply Mr. Young. 24! Madison st. Main 3fMii. WANTED One hand-ironer. one folder. 1 shakers on flat work ironer, steady work, good wages. Apply Oregon Laundry. WANT woman between 2,V and 40 to keep house and care for 4 small children; take full charge, as father works nihtu ; to a. Morris st. Mississippi car. WANTED Experienced mangle checker and stacKer. permanent position, good salary. Opera, House Laundry, IMS Everett, lidwy. 3170. iTELLlGBNT young woman for assistant bookkeeper. Must be quick and accurate at figure. and Kood penman. Permanent if capable." Q 3 til, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted for positions in Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho. Ap.pl y to Lowcn gart & Co. WANTED Applications from girls to work in wooa-woi-King zactory at tt. Johns. Steady work and good wages. J 700, Ore gon i a n. WANTED Competent girl to care for two sman cnnaren; references required. Ap ply Mrs. D. II. Gearin, 2o0 Cornell road. Phone Main "i0."i7. HELP WANTED With or without experi ence, x-aiace xuunury, .East lUth and Everett. WOMEN and girls for work in city; no ex- i-tenence necessary ; goou wages to start; rapid advancement. Industrial Assn. of Oregon. WANTED Stenosranher who is familiar wiih ilictaphone; permanent position. Ap- i i . i" urcKoii mug. W ANTE ZL Experienced dictaphone opera- tors. THE DICTAPHONE CO.. 4''0 Spalding bldg. STKNOGKA PHEKS and bookkeepers expe rienced In umbfrr. automobile, real t tate and bank. ;iol N. W. Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at once, Sit per week. Call or write Chris. John son. White W ay Restaurant, Seaside, r. WANTED Experienced woman to work In shirt department, good wages, pleasant wonting conauions. r. .Morrison st. EXPERIENCED TYPIST: one rapid on type writer might do; good wages. Yale Laun- dry. 00 E. Morrison. NEAT, middle-aged woman for chamber work. Apply to Mrs. Mertens, 1. M. C. bldg. WANTED A Klrl for general housework In apartment, aauits only ; foreigner pre lerreu. rnonc uroauway ;uoi. EXPERIENCED or inexperienced girl for macnine anu nana sewing, ooa pay. Ap piy 31 N. 0th, Jantzen Knitting Mills. EXPERIENCED starch girl wanted ; steady worn: gooa saiary. opera House launary. i.) r.eren. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. also experienced folder on mangle. Union Ja unury, JiandCo lumb! a. WANTED Women and girls over 16 years. Oregon worsted. Co.. E. 7tn and Lina tilla. Seilwood. WANTED Girl as assistant in marking and tying room. Apply Opera House Laundry lid and Everett. TWO experienced ala carte waitresses; salary a..r0 a month, room Apply at once. Hotel Marion, ana mea, Salem. ANY g:rl :n need of a friend apply to th4 Salvation Army Kescue Home, 3U- E. lith st. N., or phone East 'Z. OIRL wanted to make baskets, not undr 16 years oi age. Oaten Ifasket Jk eneer Co.. 143H MaadRm road. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper, $ month 7 stale experience. AC 0U, Ore gonian. ulHLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, bieaay worn. Apply American Can Co.. nu una front sts. THE FRANCO-AMERICAN HYGIENE CO. seeks capable. Intelligent women to retail their preparations. BJ -J. Oregonian. WANTED Woman to do dishes and kitchen work ; small, high-cla mountain resort. AE .48, oregonian. INEXPERIENCED woman, country or for eigner, very easy job and good wages wnn ruum jnu uoaiu. 4 Aimna ave. STENOGRAPHER By large corporation, state age, experience, saiary expected; also phone number. O 74, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 345 Washington st. Cail 6 P. M. WANTED Woman or girl to assist In hos pitai Kitcncn. t-none oawy. iwj. WANTED Waitress. Apply Multnoma Athletic club dining room. S1 Salmon. WANTED Saies girl from 1 to lol N. 6th 1 Wages $14 a week. iOLNG lady to work in coniectionery store, some experience. bUj East Morrison CHORUS GIRLS High st w ages, long m g igemei'.ts; no travenrg. casino theater, EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b ootaineu py caiuin ja.nn iu., a oi. WANTED Middle-aged woman to work and take care or smai; notei. ti . 3d st. WANTED Chambermaid at the Portland hotel. trail at room ju. WOMAN to do pantry work. Campbell Hi hotel. WANTED Woman to he!p with cooking, to b P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. rt ANTE xperienced Apply 449 Morrison si. WANTKD :;4 2d si -Experienced hemstitch operator. EXPERIENCED dairy lunch girls w anted. Apply i- 1-. neam. i tn. WANTED Dining-room girl. st. Phone Woodlawn -D13. 1T0I Derby WANTED Chambermaid. Phone Woodiawn -iH ". 17o"x Derby st. WANTED Marker and sorter. Laundry o., uh and Couch. Portland AN 1 tiy omen over i years for factory work. .-Nicoiai uoor .m rg. i'o., ain. T.ttl. EX PERI EXCE D millinery makers, rlum. tiih ?t. Empo WANTED An experienced chambermaid. .Morns nmei, nun ana stark. USHER for American theater. Apply afte i4 A. Ai.. cor. r irst ana .vain sts. EXPERIENCED ca Lunch. ihier wanted. Cozy Dairy GIRLS auted at once, Columbia Paper liox o.. Ka.-t -'.Mil ana noiiaaay ave. WANTED hw:el. Vegetable woman. Canipbe LADY DISHWASHER; no Sunday work. Ju Third st. WANTED Experienced hand ironers.- L". Laundry Co.. 1 $0 Grand ave. WAITRESS wanted, and Jefferson. University club, Ct GIRL t cigar work in 'tore. lo'J1 so.'t drink N. Cth st. W ANTE D Jenerai he) per anu'ts. Call Mafn LilJ. A Hol'SEKEEPBU wanted 37T; after .. M. , n fa. n. Ca EX PE HI EN "ED chambermaid. perm ane p.S:tlon. room furnished. New Sctt hot A N T E D Lad y iiiKton st. pastry baker. ;i RL for soda fountain, afternoon e in gs : wiary $15. 1 "2 4th st. WAITRESSES wanted. perienceU with sodav lyuuuiin. 10 N. 3d aU -KKM AI-F.. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED. 1 Permanent and temporary positions open for young women as telephone operators, with or without previous experience. Applications will be received during the present strike at any Central office In Portland and at room 01. Gth floor. Tele phone building. Telephone Broadway 12000. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY. THE MEIER FRANK CO. require the service of an experienced woman for the bakery department ; one who Is capable of taking charge of the selling end of the department. Apply emptov ment bureau, titn floor. MEIER at FRAN K. CO. LARGE mercantile Institution desires the services of young artists, preferably wiUi some experience in commercial work; op portunity to become more proficient by working with experienced artlsia. BC 227, Oregonian. THE MEIER A FRA!K CO. requires the services of experienced millinery makers and saleswomen for the coming season; steaay work for capable people la as sured. Apply employment manager, sixth floor. THE MEIER Sk FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced saleswoman for the silk department. Apply employ ment bureau, ttili floor, MEIER Sc. FRANK CO. WANTED at once, stenographer and assist ant DooK keeper, discreet, in tel linen l wom an with 3 to fi years' experience; automo bile, hardware or lumber preferred; mut be a thorough and conscientious worker, nuick and accurate at figures; permanent; 0 per month, advancement as merited. Oive full particulars; references. AE 25f, Oregonian. COMPETENT. EXPERIENCED GOWN HANDS WANTED H. Litbes & Com pany have positions open for exper enced gown hands in alteration room. Apply 11. Liebes & Company. 1VJ Broad way. GOWN FITTER WANTED II. Liebes & Company desire the st vices of an ex clusive gown fitter. Must be competent and experienced and have references. Apply ti. Liebes tc Company. 14U Broad- way. Wanted Domett tics. COOK and second girl for small family; no children : best wacs: house weii situate and modern, with comfortable quarters for help. Apply 70 lienson notei toaay Be tween - and &. EXPERIENCED rlrl for general house work. KoinK to Gearhart-ror Auarust. small family, no washing, wbrps $43. Phone Marshall 419. 1131 Franklyn at.. Willam ette IlelKhts. EXPERIENCED alrl for aeneral housework. small family, no washinc. watfes !.. i nons Marshall 1131 Franklyn St.. Willam ette HWffhts. WANTED at once. eood. sturdy woman. liirht work, reasonable wanes : room ana br.ard Included. 30 Montgomery phone Main lolitl. HOUSEKEEPER by widower with two Klrls, aired 3 and o vears: i atholic woman pre ferred : answer In person or letter. 3O0" W. ist. EXPERIENCED Rlrl or woman for general housework. ndults. no wastimn. dohi wa kps. s r.O Marshall. Main 344J. YOUNG Krl to ftwsist with housework. 1133 Nchalcm st. Take SOstacada car to Berk- Icy or East Morel n nd. EXPERIENCED elrl for eeneral housework family adults: Rood room, good wases. 44 East lrth st. No. WA XT ED An rvnorienred fflrl to do UP stairs worK a no caro inr cnuarcn. a N. U"th st. Marahall 1 WANTED Second fc!d. ApdIv to Mrs. Shevlin, ; 37. Hawthorn ave. Phone East WANTED Girl for neneral housework: (rood waRPn; one wililnp to so to the oeacn. I'hone Marshall 441.. WANTED Experienced srirl. general bouae- w ork; no upstairs, no wasmns. aii W A NT EI CxU and hou-k'eper. f nil Iv of li. no washing. wr- ho. a. 11 iutxir j:mo. or visit place. in:s K. 34th St. W A NTED German Klrl for crokinr and hi tune work : romc! w a ses ; l at nolle pre frred. TIO Flanders y 1. GIRL for general housework; 3 adults. 730 Kearney. WANT gtrl for general housework. f rton. WANTED A reliable girl to t-ik care of year-old nty; good wages. nu .Main t-t. GIRL or w'onrn l for general d wage-. Ea.t ood homo. K'i GIRL for housework, good home. shall St., M ira l WA NTED ilrl for gent-ml housework. 940 per month. M urn hit II 31 4i. WANTED ; Irl for zeocral nousee ork. 1 hone Broadway i. YOUNG Flrl to anist with housework Rhone Tabor 1066. good home. MAID for housework. 3 adulta. 135 N. 2Dd st. Phone Mnln 6110. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WEAVERS. AND SPINNERS WANTED. Steadv work; -4-iiour week; good wages Apply P-jrtland W voln Mills. WANTED Loganberry pickers. I will be at the St. t :harles hotel T hursday, July 37, bstween l:;iO A. M. and 1 P. M. Steady picking and shady camp grounds. Carl Aspinwall, Brooks. Or. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. RAI LW A Y miiil clerk examinations August ; 1 iuo-siioo year; sum pie questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. J7 K. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Cherry pickers for large Lam bert cherries. c & iu. ; line tamping c. round ; 1- mli s out ot roriiana. (.aa Woodlawn before '2 o'clock. A STENOGRAPHER between 0 and 9 P. M., must know grammar and be good speller, any age or sx; may work at home, north west of Washington st. G 3-tf. oregonian. WANTED A olty Mlpxmnn with his own car, trade airca-l etaiJii.-uie-u. hieciaity n.an preferred. A rv a , , soniaa. CCM POSITOR wanted, either sex; write what you want for solid H point. Addreas Brownsville Times. Brownsville. Or. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN TELECRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldx. Splendid 'oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Fre book'et. Hallway Telegraph IntlTllte. MuLER BARBER COLLEGE, pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata loguc. -34 Hurnslde st. Broadway 17ul. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in fe weeks; pay wlrne learning; po sition guaranteed. -J4 Couch st. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free, wages while learning: position guaranteed. Ureioii Barber College. 3 llaulson at. ROCK V MOUNTAIN TE AC HER S AGENCY. Frank K. W ei lea. ex-asu State Supt.. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers piaced promptly E AT SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's pri ale school; Individual instruction. 11'? '.a Grand ave. Eat 4-'7. DR. DELORY Concentration, reconstruction. 4-u lata at.. Heights. Main 7411. breathing Portland M RS. H A N N U M"t shorthand school opn during Summer. East s). -iiO Tillamook s t r-et TEACHERS wanted; registration free. Inter Mountam West Service. Inc.. Ogden, Utah. MISS MATTINOLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School: $d mo. I'ti'J 14th. Main TEACHING position, free regisiratlon. Main 4 Ftah Teat hers Ag"n. y. Journal b?dg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free regialiaUoUf Miu tf.il, Broadssy bids;. IlKLf WANTK.I r.IHTTIOAL U. S. SIKRCH.LT MARINE Oppottunl'.y Is presented experienced men 10 i.ur FREE TRAINING. in preparation for 1 teens examinations as DECK OFFICERS and EXOIXLLUS at school f th 1. S. Shipping Board. FREE COl LSE IN NAVIGATION, six wi-ckis fl;s lor third mat ltcen or nlih et ; open to men of two ears' deck rlrnce. ocan or cotie. or qul.ent In ruhercs t n lake, r- or sound: F I ; E I ; C t I : R S E IN MARINE ENGIN EERING, one month, ni tor third -ant ensineer's lu-ene. open to men t 111 t tianlc&l and mn !n--ring eperi-nc. in c:uaiug locomoilv e and stations r encin--r. machinist on marine engine. inUu ates or technical schools and marlos ot-era and water tenders. Navigation schools at Seattle and Port land. Enmneers' school at University of Washington. Seattle. App'T to W . J. lirmjp. "d L etne bu tiding, "th an O.tve. Mill e. V mlu ARE TOU AMBITIOUS? Do you wish to ncri your earning rapacity, or are you aatlafied with the rut ou fere In? Learn to operate and repair automobl!, auto trucks and tractors. The pay la bi and the demand for men is greater than th supply In this field. You can qualify ourslt throunh a short Touh of prac tical instruction uider experta at JIKMl'HILLS TRADE tiCHoOLS. TuT Hawthorne ave. at E. .uih. Branch office. 1 N. 6th it-, near Union Depot. WANTED Men who ran appreciate the ad vantages of a thorouKh traininc In auto mobile, tractor and gas engineering, only a short time Is required to train men In ibis wide field of opportunity. Call for free catalogue and Information. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 7u7 Hawthorne Ave. Branch ofKe 1-4 N. tith st.. near Union lepot. ARE su mechanically inclined ? Learn trade. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air plane business: bis: py; wonderful oppor tunities. Iearn by Sweeney system pric ttcal Instruction in H weeks: Army school now open to you: same Instructors, equip ment and methods used in training .'luod soldier mechanics for Government. Writ for btjr free catalogue; tils w-noie story. Kweeney Auto School. Department V21. bweeney uunainc Ktniu t uy. o. EARN BIG MONET in the auto and tractor business; learn In few weeks by our system of practical In struction. All modern equipment. Ex pert Instructors. Kree $50 tractor scholar ship offer now open. Earn board and room while learning. Write for free cata logue. National Automotive School, his bouth Ficuuroa, Los Angeles. CaL HOTELS need trained men Positions wait Ins: demand far exceeds tha supply; we will train you at home by mail in your spare time for this fascinating profession; big pay. fine living, splendid opportunities for sdvancement. Snd for free Illustrat ed book, "Your itig future in Hotel Work. Lew is Hotel Training School. 327 Mather bids.. Washington. D. C. HAWTHURNE AUTO SCHOOL. 401 Hawthorne Ave, Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re trcadinjf. Special summer rates. Day and evening clnswa, THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU TO BOiSS THE JOB. LEARN ALTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL. PAY TLITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor. Gai Engine and Auto Llectrica! Work BIO IOO-1'AGK CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto Ac Tractor School, Dept. K. Lnion ave. and Wasco st.. i'ortland. Or. Phone Kaat 44. MUSICAL CONDUCTOR from Han Kranciaco wants position as teacher in public school a, cert if lea to from ata te board of education of California; hae taught In public schools for years: oest of recommendations. It 1.. Orogonlan. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF 1 E H N K E - WALKER Ttualness College. lort land. Enroll any tune. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bookkeepinK. . retanal. Fre catalogue. DECKERS BUSINESS COLI.ECE. Tv oew ruing, bai kkeeping. comptometer. all other mod. bus.nt-as courses. Day. night school. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Alor. .Mam 3J4 THE International Correspondence Schoo.s cin raise your salary, lvi Broadway. SITUATIOX WANTED MALE. I'OSITION wanted by registered pharma cist In Oregon, with lu yeara experience In North i'akota and Montana: A 1 ref erence; capable ot taking management; married ; acd 3. rtat saiary. A. B. Mclntyre. ilindalu. Mutit. KFFICI E N C Y ENGINEER. Puslm-ha man. salesman and manager. se.-ks connection with good firm, li OriK')nlan. DRCGGIST, registered xiMiilun in r ifuii. plo cd at prenent. J In Ida no. would like 1 te t re nee. E m -lin Clenio, 1343 Dl- ivk.ire t.. ienver, H A E worked in camp I y ca rs. no through: uue 4: desire steady work I citv; tata wages and Rue of work, o '-"u. Oregonian. 3 MKX h jut to take larc olaca on shares dir or etoclc or foremen; anywnere irona luoo to riMMi acres; want II stocava up. A 341, Ort-gonlan. M IDDLE-AGED ni-n wants position as watchman or can take tickets, or any sim ilar pnsmon; best of references gien. K a, Oregontnn. MARRIED MAN wants work on ranch bv ear: sMparate house: experienced, stats uiik'ci, etc. Hi first letter. 4JO, orego niati. BOY. l." eurs of age. finished public nho with experience as cierk In grocery store d.-nirea steady position In cliy preferred. Apply to 4.t 4th st WANTED By elderly man. position watchman or other similar employment on land or w ater. Address Ohio Lodging liOu:r. I'd st. MARRIED MAN wishes position on farm or stock ranch: experienced In either. E. to. P., r.44 Pettygrove St., city. ilMKKEEl'Eit and yea rs' v perience . W ;iJ7, 0:cK""l;in. general office man; 10 uiarried; go an w here. POSITION or work gonlan. wanted by experienced engin at eiectrical work. O 744. ore STEADY, reliable A met ican. age w ants few hours Ight worK altar d l . Ai 744. Oregonian. RETURNED "anaiiian soldier wants a Job, what can you give me 7 collecting pre ferred; lair wages. G 34K, oregonian. STEADY man wants position to drive car and care for gal den : references. Phone 7:'.-J. Vancoux er. Wash. POSITION wanted as manager of general mdse store, or an salesman; best of refer ences. AV 14. Oregonian. WANTED. POSITION A reliable colored chauffeur, an do general repairs. Phone Broadway ".!. AN experienced washer, colored, wanta post tlon In parage. UN N. 14th. Rroadwav '11 FOR that It road wa carper. er who l-2. Room -I viooD s II -round bon rding house. chief cook etc. HC I'S'J for hotel Oregonian. ri.L'MHI.VIi expert Ret 4 t sny plumbing, very reasonable. IcCurdy, Sell. IJ -6. CARPENTER, Al 1 new work. Fhor- lechanh. remodeling or Tshop !04i. YOi'N'J man wants a few hour" work ee nin;n after ft P. M. AO 4H7. Oregonian. Ml )ll.K-AO.HI man wnnta ltor or watchman. AK '2' WANTED To drive a truck in city; good references; lots of experience. Tsbor 1 L"7. W ANTED Position fa nil !y ; f irat-clasi. driver In '22. Oresor private !an. Hook keepen. stenographer. Office. PL It R L1C account; nt will keep your books posted, make- out your monthly state ments and do jour corresponding at reas oiiable cha t y. A E 1' "-'. tr-ginlan. t ' U N O For.! ha e 17. 4. Noiilierft and Sailors. YOUN'L UlM-harged offi er. overs as. expe rienced ae ropljne pilot. ex h t Dit Ion. in- M ruction or r om mere la I flyinit; consider aole automobile experience; lelrea open ing In aeroplane or automobile game. AK 4. Cregonian. YOUNG man. Just released from armv sev. ral years' ele-trltal ani mechanical e ferierice and some n u t om obi ie ex penenra would like w 01 k in garage. Phone, A ood I.iw n I't.TL RKLIARLE. eieriened oung man wishes posit -on if t truck tractor or g.t w enc ina operatr. In or out of city: ex-service tnan. good ref erence. R IT, ( regon l.t n. EX PE RI E N rKD shipping and reielv trk want' position with i'm 1'm.hI firm; csn divf anv n.ake of aulom'lii fur Ueiivcry. itfeitntts. CaL Tabur b.'u. MTtATlOX M ANTFI M tr. Hutil I rni and Gallons, UIm'HAKoKIi nervN ldir wanta g-d clerical position with firm that in-r chtni . for ad vane men l ; bet of rf - erenca, hard worker and innuu 10 a-t xtarted with tod firm: wiil want to b prmintnt and will take lntereit l.i the ifr of ih company. Looa ma up. AM orffntinn. L-( KKkvAS soldier wanta clerical posi tion with Urge firm which off-r ihinrfi f r advancement. A rr 1 live wire, on th Job everv nnnute. no lxtl bablia. b-t of rfernM. Lei me hrar from ou. A r-.i. trvgonian. - MTTATIOV nATr.D-IT.MU.E. EXPERT rAOKKR-fmnU. boxes and a- na packea lor tourtt, traveirra r out lni;. ail i act ion fusrsatccU. Tabor t;u. Will ca il exenlrtca. WANTED A p.ac to take care of children tu:i-g while mothar ta away; rtlartoiM. iVo.Mi;i n 10 1 !. WILL do Uunary at oi dry a ;eli:v: li hore s. Tabor Mil. um, (4nr' .tun i lor bundles at YOt'Nir ;IRL wanta poflon as caahier and w raptwr, ran InmUlt beat of reference. f a. I -:iwovd l'-. fi'."ITlOX wanted aa siram tab cook; pre fer di:raurn. Marshall CrOJ2. room . 4lS 'mon st. LADY wants children 1 to 12 years to board. room and rare for. good home and tune p'ay ground. IT.o K. Taylor at. RKL1ABI.1C li. f:. girl wanta to car for small child at beach or their home. East 7 v'-v mornings. LM'CATtl) young iajy desires poemon. am bitious and witling to work up. A K 4o. (regonlan. La D Y doirea work Is 7:1 A. M. to 3.16 P. Main tO-V cafeteria, fcr-, pre I erred. Ca.I WIDOW with imtil chl!d wishes poaiuon aa housekeeper in widow srs utniiy. Kast GIRL wtahes to work for room and board during August at roast: prefer not to care f.r children. PC 237. Oregonian. tXI'KRIKNCED gtrl wants work, either In confectionery or candy store. JBC Oregonian. htLl ARI.hl woman wants day work. Phone K.ist References. TKAt'HtK. stranger In city, would assist la family -xpense. ? 3.s. Oregonian. CLKAN pantry r-sonisn. references, t SOT lOl'NG lady dren by ('.n wants Ironing or care of chii .'. Kaat 4'-W- H4okkerH. Nln-critplter. Office. WANTED Position by experienced secretary good ahorthand writer and fast operator; good knowledge of public utility and variea iines ot wore am. ou. urrcontsa. WANTED Position as stenographer; can handle books; by competent, experienced rirl ; references furMshed. Tabor P4t'o. EXPERIENCED filing clerk wants position ax filing or clerical wora. Ah. urego nian. EFFI "IENT bookkeeper and stenographer. 5 s experience; best of references. Main yea POSITION desired by graduated stenogra pher; inexperienced but neat and ac curate; well educated. Vancouver 334 J. A POSITION as general office assistant, by young lady; nave naa experience, hk au. Oregonian. A POSITION In clerical office; experienced. BC ITJa. Oregonian. AT ONCE Position by experienced typist; can take shorthand. Tabor J .s. Dremagera. DKKSSMAKING Is an art- We are artists. Tub frocks, suits, evening gowns, most rea sonable pricca. Fitt mg stout women a specialty. Phone Main 7"U7. PL A IN sewing done by day; reasonable prices. Call East i4-. FIRST-CLASS sewing J 5 per day. Agnes H. Colwell. Phone East H3uO. Fl UST-l'I.A SS plain sew Ing. $-.50 per day. 1'hnn Bdwy. .S'itiJ, A 1 '.. NURSE. eara hospital training, wl,l take a!l kinds of cases. fJl-K per wee it. T::.st vi:. nursing. Invalid t preferred. Tahor N I HSB gl s special attention to Invalids' ear 3 4 Bawl home ave. Ilouaekeepere. LADT with two children, experienced, wants housekeeping in city or on ranch; wages a momn. Mrs. i. l. j-iper, i.ii Meade St.. I'ortland. Or. MI Ii.E-At;ED I.ADY wanta position r.useke"per in hotel, rooming or lodging nuse : respectable. 5."0. Oregon! an. Ml I 'DLE-AOKD widow latly wishes position as houekeeter: can give the neat or rei erenr-e. 1 ; 4 Mncdam St. WANTED Portion an cook in small camp. Phone Seilwood "Ai A LADY w !am :: a housekeeping job. m 1. downstairs. HOUSEKEEPER used to rcflnej home. n'j,t. regonian. I H meal lea. AN ;lrr!) woman of good babiia. p.;n cootl cook and all-around good worker. wants situation, not including washing or Ironmc. B Oregrnlrxn. LADY nti housecieaning or other work, hour, day satisfaction guaranteed. Wood- lawn B3i.Y W OMAN wanta day work. ellwood 3170. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and flantai Bureau. Reliable up-to-date lists or derlrable va cant houses, apartments and fists with definite inlormiSon perstnlng to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau cf great value In help log taeia get properly and quickly located. Eight Floor. WANTED To rent for a year or longer, by fumily with best reference, a real modern r to lO-room home, w ith large grounds; w a.klng distance lo Cat holt c church and sisters' school a consideration ; only ye who wish relief from cares of nlre places for a while, need apply. East 74T.4. WANTED To lease, by responsible people, modern, w-ell furnished house, 7 or 8 rooms, garage, sleeping porch; A'.ameds, lrvington or Laure. : hurst : have sma.l chil dren; can give best of references. Phone East Sn'S. W A NT EL . or A-room lurmhed bunnalow with garage In Rn City park or lrvington by family of four adulta gone all lay. an furnish A -1 references. Will Ieae 1 year. Phone Main 7'J1. or Tabor 4.'.a:i. WANTED Furnished house lor about thn-e months from August 1 or AugUft IX Will require at leat four beOrooms. West Mde preferred. Inquire 414 Pittock block. Phone Bdwy 784. WANTED By reliable party, 5 or 0-rooin bungalow, with garage preferred; will take excellent care of premises. Burns PowelL Tabor WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished a small bungalow, lower flat or house, boat, by responsible couple for August 1st. AH nr.. Orcguniun. FURNISHED bungalow for summer; I rv InKton. Alameda. 1-aurelhurat or Rose City; 3 adults and 1 child. 2t2J D st., Vancouver, Wash. 1'hone 334 J. 5 oR 0-ROOM modern furnished houae: pay tt months' rent in advance; lake excellent . care of property. I hone Broad w ay 4 5n, or Tabor .'.lit. 40' Wash. t. SMALL bungalow, unfurnished, by desirable adults; or a 3-room apartment, unfur nished. Telephone Broadway l-"o0. local 1:. WANT E D N ice 4 house ; responsible Main 2 7 OS r .''-room couple, no Ittrnlshed children. 4 OR ".-ROOM modern house, east August I or 1ft; wM take lor 1 car. 4 J I. Oregon Is n. side. AL UN FURN ISH ED or 8-room st r;ct iy mod em buncilow or house: te;;wx.d pieferrtd. -.I! cl.wood 2t after l P. t . il 'DERN bungalow with garase; no chil dren. Tabor f2ir. or AE 2'". Oregonian. W ANTE D Phone E. or 4-r.om furn. shed f.-'ni af:er P. M. A oa rt mm t s. WANTED or 7-roorn ruoderti. not too far ou west aM; Vain - :l. Phon Rooms With Boerrd. WANT a place for boy 3 ers old to board In a liomu where soma on truly wanta a child and will care lor him aa thetr own; mot her employed during day. would like room and board In same piece. Addreaa R 4S. 1 'reponlan. t'Oi'PLE th two children with hoard; Not Hill or V Hill or Portland He;n.is iglit consider furnishefl nient f..r aumn-er. Im al d. AL 20, Uiecuu.an. preferred. fi u;ihOkti furaiaU wwTrn to rfnt. i;oiu Sth Hoard. WANTED Kird ladv 1 car for girl. If and rin rr:i: local :nn near Ankinf and iiran.l a.. not over vlocka. 9 tre tffti t;ii. Fnrnihrd Hmma. A I. rjt-l'r) ed ,H, irl of jJnU I'oTKL I'UKKi-RtV V-rrin and Sixth. Hotel 'iiffrd t th Mnipal east 1de hotel n.1 ta a bot.-l of dignt:y and rf n m r.t. Pil.y r tea tl oo uB: no 1 room. H 75- w.i:- rjtfs. ts an 1 up. Hoi KL Ni i; i;;s. ;.;.: A;dr. under aar mtntifmrm. We arc at present offenig" mod in. - nn r-.oms at ery reduced ratef. utiK.e rx:ii 4Vv..'-o week up. wlii bath 94 wk. Il Khj1-.c for room. It wl'.l pay y 3U . to lo-'k at X ; a t-it.'l u y rr re t r-'. NOKTiAl M.'TKL 1 -rtlnd a downtown hith-v 1 fm:iy hot; r omB n suite or nle. nh or without board, for TatnillM aid buinri mn and women. We give ou ail the .o:i.torta of a botne. Keaaoa M rat-- H'TKT. M.Ai'KSTOVS. KUVKNTH AMI MARK PTH t oil rn. ur-t-dta bru hul.dinf. prl vi: plu.no every rivn. elevator, lobby 94 pr week . 1 up; ft pr Oay and up. r'Rl'K room ri:r. lor oung men; iiating rooms In at; rarts cf the cli.; also in V M. C. A. blag : !ioir TatV.a. tee phrns and clud icalurca. Ak e.l Ore- g.nian. CLKA.V. rooim rooms centra"' y located : transient 91 -o. na bath 9-: month. witn bath Hotel Arthur. 17B 11th at., r-a.f biock from Morriaon. 1 1 TKL NAVAR RE. 427", Al l-r St.. Comer 1 1th. K'e:ant:y fumih-d. cntral loeatlon, elan and ordrl. Kat- tr day or waw. AN o I A. l:h and Washington Ith hot and to, A water and phono. Transient. 91 up ; pa r ma nr. t 94 u p. iTlvate bath. t. HOTEL OCKI.ET." M on ion aU a Tenth Rates 91 per day up; WeHl-. 94 up; ru- hi ng water, f rr-e pV. one and bath. PALACB HOIKU 44 Wash, at ; downttt location. repectat le and atrtctly snoderm st arr heat, iwtii larce. clean. ONE large, cool sleeping room in modem apt. ltiih and Tayior. .Marshall 24dl. Apt. tM4. THE PENROSE 14 Grand ave.. at mont; choice s.ng.e rma for men. HOTEL MDRAN. Washington and 12th. ail conv nieniTs. $4 ard wrek; M day. DELIGHTFUL room with private bath; a en room without b:h. 11-one P'oidwiiyM. BUSH MARK hotl, 6A ; Wash. st. clesn, modern rooms. ( J meek up. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 S Grand ave.. apt. and sleeping rooms. E.-vst 21. 11 1.Lt'R ET HOTEL Hath, phone; t22 .0 month up: without bath. 18 up. 7s3 Waptu ONE large room, big kltchenolte. 664 Flan der? Phone Hdwy 1u3h. 14Tli. near Jeff' walking distance. M man. choice rooms. a In ;'.S03. FURNISHED sleeping room. Main lPta. Kurnilied Room In I'rivmle Family. NICELY furnl.hed front room, private bath, phone, use of piano; alo pleasant fur nished room, use of bath, phone, home conven. 771 Marshall st. Main 107t. TWO beautiful furnished rooms In modern S-room home, home priMieges, van at 1044 Division or phone Tabor 7S50 before 1 P. M. NICELY furnUhed room in private family for gent:emen: 15 mln. w a:ic to center ot city. 1M' E 1st N. Phone C lPfeft. KHM for man, with his own blankets: $ per mo.; bath, phone, light, close in; an other room p. per mo. 37 1-th. ' LARGE modern front room, business man; home privileges. 34 IStti aU hone Main 17J1. FURNISHED room in private home, pleas ant surroundings. oa inioi at. juaia LOVELY front room a swell private : also good roesru home, suitable lor $10 month. Trinity Place. 7. lilt FOR attic room, west side; reference. .entlemen only. Msrcnaii .itii.t. u:tign. NEAT, furnished, room for gentlemen; close I n. C a 1 1 -'17 Cherry. SLEEPINO room in private family, walking distance, gentleman only. .Main LA HCt E room and sleepin g porch, one or two men. 4i: Hasalo. Phone East 6W5. WELL Fl KM.' cation, for f HED alcove rom. nt emen. I'M l"th. NICELY furnished rooms at 404 Clay at, 4 minutes walk from postofflce. FURNISHED room with parlor, phone and, laundrv privileges. Apply 775 Johnson. FOK TWO opens on j DESl RA RLE. clean front hoi sekeeping room nniKinc u. stance. i..s i. iaf n St.. near .ita. Fl RNiSHED room. In private famLy. oii N. lti'.h st. BEAUTIFUL front ro-"m for rant at o3 Nnrthrup St.. apt. 1. Piona Marshs'.l 1S.'H, IRVINCITOX Cool furnished roo-n; two car .lines, private home. East l''7rt. NICE furni-hed room for rant; close to ship- yard. Ml f-h t. HO iM club. it N Main 41" irt 1 11a st.. near Mult noma JS i'ER month west side, walking distance; a II convenienc gent .em Main ovxk YofNO LADY m.r. call Klit wantinic home during aum Hut Shop, a-O Morrison. MOKI.Y furnished room, kitchen prvtiece if d-'e,i. Pettgroe. Rroadway 7lL LAK;i;, a:. N. airy Iront room, close In, ii J ltMbi EAHiE front room. rom. !' N. Jli-t tw In be.la, 1 -o st., Rd y. 7 TW rooms. we:i furnished. Ttio.nlw; rCrtim W ii h Hoara. CAMrFCLTi HILL KOTEU 74 t Wa xhl ne ton. CAMPBKI.L HOTEL, 1.3 J and Hoyt Ttei-ldenre Hotel. American Plan. Excellent Dining ;ooro Mr ice. On Car 1-lne. Near Oarage. Reasonable Ratca. rtrnuuiant or Transient. BAI RN liH A E A 1-1 1 r h t f ui. coo, country horn for our rh ill ren'a vacation ; b it of care and environment. Phone Mam THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3u lith si For businoa girla suid stn d"nl; reasonable rates. Man-hall 1 2M KOOM and board for business girln. alt modern con venlenc a. walking distance. per week. East 47:t'J. 12 E. 7th st. PARK VI KW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent table; cloe in. 3t Montgomery n-ar W.t lark. LAKOE light room w.th hot and co'.d water exc-.!eni tabic, home cooking: aay walk ing distance. lt h st. Main ti.1L CH ESTER Ul'RY HOTEL, 201 N. 20TII. American plan hotel; desirable rooms; excellent taMe. im-ala served trsnalenis. A1KY rooms, atr.g.e or douDte; clofe t!i. '261 Kith mt. good board Rooms Wltn ivai-d In Private Family. WILL board J gnttnen during July and August ; mountain homo. W rue lor par ticulars. Mrs, J. L. W incheil, K. t l., tiler. (I a 1 c. Ore p on . CORNER room, suitable for 2, man and w lf or - men; lots of hot water and t-howcr l-at.4. good home cooking, or will giv ta, I'lc board without room. M lilUan st. LAK'A, pic for two. w Main 4J7 tfani roonn with board, suitable i a;Jo, walking distance. Phone W 1 D W will care for children and ioont parents in her home. Main 0oS or ad tlrt5i regonian. R E FIN E D you i". g couple, gent ieman or lauy to room anl hoard with all home privilege of a cosy hungaiow; rcerences. Tabor 422 PLEAS A NT place f o r J or men to room and ! li doMTe l. a.l Main or 4 you 11 g Uulia mrd; sleeping pon t 1 a lor st. N1('ELV t umishrd front r fast, in x ra. bom-: j wi'.l vrntt'aTed b:tsitnnt 1 1 with break iomfortit n. 41'. t lay at PLEASANT front room for gentlemen; ciose In; btnl If de(red. ;i'J2 .Broadway. La R i K f root room. t 4'olumbia. cor. l'-th. liable for two. Main 14. ,K; clan room and board for two; prefer! gentlemen. M4 Hroadway 8. PRIVATE In for children. 3 HI lly at-, e. Phone East .44'. A part men t. ST ELLW Y N A I RTM EN TS H )gh-clas elepant.y furnished 2 and li-rtxmi aparl li 1 1 1 1 u i d 1 ee t 1 1 . g lo r - h es . lurnish d In t 'hmrse rue niJ wt: (..w and nilntgn ; nI?o oiit r-o.a with hath for tme grn 1 1 111 a n : a low y summer home. id rcn t Tor mntu or l.uifcci , r f rcmci required. Tt-h.r lumMieil A pari men I a. 1 M " LET E apsriiTient. !'.: ' Obrreis bldg I'nion ae. arid K : I h n r w crtji. llA'iOA FrtT' d ftir-ilture moling; phone il Al-rt Traii-fer. 411 '-i MarU. LA MRR m K ARTS 7(h and Tsnihlll Tw o-rootn i't. Ea 401J. GRAND OAK APT. - ati'l rooms. s;rn.t.y modern. ' 1 O-and ave, cor. E. fak. TW RCM'M apartment. kitchen. pri ei sth 30 Ivutei l rL f, , e I J : I PI RN'SHUD I x woiu. 11- I ulern. "rri k biag.. sir. uN: iHiMl- ri, Iiiium l--piag per wuMth aud up. ll ISta au