"N THE 3IORNIXG OKEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, lul9. 10 FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. E1S0 CASH takes black mare, weight 1500 ins., o years om, gentle, good puiler, at ao'.utely sound. F. W. Hill, 1112 Gasco bide fc'e!l wood o')!t4. SV'AXTED Spring: waeon. Ions body, cov ered; good, condition; to travel in; must be cneap lor casti. Aaaress Joel .warren, Tigard, Or., box 77. BNAP Good team of hordes for sale. Port land Auto Delivery Co., 27 N. Front at-, Broadway 1730. WILL trade team, harness and wagon for No. l cordwood and take 300 cords. F 252, Oregonian. DEAD siock removed quickly. Cash u!d for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Miiwaukle 60-J for results. IF VOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time, see Ir. Bruce at the Ktock yards. North Portland. FOR SALE Nearly new wagons, used but a snort time. Baker & Kinney, 701 Wash ington st.. Vancouver. Wash. FRESH HEIFER, dandy family cow; seen at Padduck farm, 1 mile north of Sandy road. East 57. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. CatfnVoodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken Quick. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. TEAMS and drivers for hire; city work. Main S119. TWO FRESH COWS and calves; price 80 nd $75. 36.1 Union ave. Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. $100 Cornish parlor organ, cash 25 125 Chicago cottage organ, caah.... 35 . 275 Small upright pianos 65-75 850 Emerson upright pianos, cash... 95 3-5 Arion upright pianos, cash 140 BOO Weber upright pianos, -cash 210 475 New stored upright pianos, cash 200 650 New stored player pianos 3U5 Pianos stored, bought and, sold, for caah only. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 107 4th bU $15 OR 25 CASH, then $3' or $10 monthly new Improved pianos, and $5 or $10 In records purchased sends new improved 20. $32.00, $50, $60, $i0 or $115 phono graph to your home from the Sen wan riano o., in 4tn st, PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $150 Brunswick (ti mos. old), $118. $100 Columbia, like new, $90. $75 Victrola ( mission ), $-15. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. $75 AND $S5 for new cabinet phonographs; w have a few of these modeln which we are still selling at pre-war prices, bee them today, stock limited. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP. 420- Washington Street. - SNAPS. 3 fine pianos, price, new, $425 to $500 each; left for sale, only $100 each; al most new, latest style : cash, bonds and terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. LEFT for sale, by private party, large size cabinet talking machine; records, needier, brush, etc., all for $70.35; terms. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP. 429 Washington Street. PIANO BARGAINS. We have a number of good used pianos. It will pay you to see them. Terms given. Selberllng-Lucaa .Music Co., 120 4th eu Main S.lbtf. TRADE YOUR PIANO, or organ on a new Victrola and records. Our proposition will please you. Seiberltng Lucas Music CO.. 125 4th et. Main feOStj. CANOE and camping outfit, $U0 used horn less phonograph, same as new, $12.50. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP. . 420 Washington Street. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos. Es timates gladly given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 1 -5 4th st. Main bo b 6. $60 Standard make taiking machine, guaran teed one vear, $:J3. COLUMBIA. GRAFONOLA SHOP, 429 Waahington Street. USED S25 talking machine, same as new, $17.f.0; guaranteed one vear. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP, -it v asnmgion Mreet. NEARLY new, $32.50 phonograph, mahog any finish. $25; terms. COLUM BIA GRAFONOLA SHOP. 429 Washington trtreet. KOHLEK upright piano, just used short time, cannot be told from new. Some bar gain. See it. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. YOUR piano or organ taken in full or part payment for 1U10 - type phonograph, behwan Plana Co., Ill 4th st. PIANO, plain oak case, not a scratch on it. Fine condition, at a bargain, Seiberling-' Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. RENT A PIANO, most reasonable terms in Portland ; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. am Yamhill me. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIEBERLLXU LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. UPRIGHT. Cable & Sons piano, $150 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP. 4119 Washington Street. BAILEY piano, p.aln case, good condition. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucita Music Co l254thst. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck, Tabor Graduate New Eng. Conwervat o ry . $luu CAS U or more paid for your upright pianos at Security Storage Co., 109 4ih st. FOR RENT Piano and grsfonola" wUh rec ords. Bmp ire Transfer Co. , B d w y. 155. WANTED Good tone piano at once; cash or bonds. Main r'.M'4. 0 to 5::i0. PIANOS for rent, $4 up! Columbia Grafo nola Shop, 429 Washington. ORGANS, $20. In good condition. Seiberllng- Lucas Music Co., 123 4Ui at. I PAY CASH FOR US ED PIANOs! JjARQLD S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill St. WANT CABINET TALKING MACHINE PAY CASH. BJ 28. O It KG ONI AN. ISA KCAIN ?1 15, new gr:i phonola and rec ords, only 3i Worcester bldg. ! limit n re for H.-de. REFRIGERATORS. REFRIGERATORS. SOME FINK BARGAINS. LARGE REFRIGERATOR, SUITABLE FOR RESTAURANT. FOR ONLY $12 $i5 Mri r a y refrigerator, a good O.N E. FOR $.:.. 50. $15 LEONARD CLE AN ABLE; AN OTHER GOOD HUY AT $10 5o ONlV!-1'001, IN FINE SHAPE, FOR ALASKA REFRIGERATOR, WORTH ABui t :;., For $i.s.75. O N F. W H 1 J' E ENAMELED REFRIG ERATOR FOR $11.75 ONE NORTH POLE REFRIGERATOR, so-pound capacity, priced at $.0.75; Easy terms. M 1 S i I FU R N 1 Tl'R E CO.. JJiS-lUU FIRST ST. FINE furniture, furnishings, carpets, russ kiu-ht:i utensils, beds, bedding, dinim room set. buuroom et. lawn mower, ftue r.tnee. dresser, chiffonier. library set ruu 15M0!i, rug 24xi:Oi. rug lnxS1-.. small runs, leather upholstered mission rockers, etc. ; ovoryt h)ng like new and fn perfect condition. tiFi Ladd ave. East ;;:;!. BARGAIN OFFICE Fl'RNTTURE AK SAN ITARY FLAT-TOP DESKS CHAIRS AND TABLES FROM F. S. WAR DEPT. D. C. WAX, bS FIRST ST. MAIN DON 1 sacr'fi.e your furniture If eoing east or to California. We can save you money on your freiuht in our through cars. Fire proof storage. C. M. olseu Transfer & Morale Co.. ;MS Plr.e st. . LIBRARY table, rocker with leather ne:tt. solid oak box couch with cover like new t heap. Call inorniiigt 5Ul E. 20th at. N Ni i-econd-h-iTitl irr. ' iOR SALE Furniture for 5-ronm hdu Her nial bargain: worth $450; at 2do N. luth i $-.'Q. Call ;;; Thurman at. 2 WILL snll my 1.",0 equity in $300 worth of furniture for $75. J. J. Sault. SS05 GSth it e. S. K. JlOCKlNiJ ihKirw. baby bed springs, fruft Jars and other furnitui for i;ale. 5G' E. Alder fcU GAS range, water heater, oak bookcase, and several otlier pit-c--s of furniture; all in Kod contiii ion. Sell wood 237 8. WOOD and coal range with coils- fine shape; $20. 14S5 K. 15th st. N-, Wood. Ia n. I'l" MED op. k Stick ley rocker, walnut pin no Moo-, nursery chair, bathroom table. 00" E. Alder st. J' OR SALE Household furniture; 8 rooms- owner. 5 E. 2iRh N., beu Davis and Everett sts. Oit SALE Roll-top desk and chair. T.eeb. 415 Henry bldg. Mr. GOOD used ranges and cook stoves. M IL Calef. 540-542 Williams ave. East 6417. GAS range for oale. 10S0 Ke;iytS.Port land. 2 Kit'SEHOLD G750DS for sale; I t Lie. 0S4 Commereial. - used verj GOOD furniture 8 rooms; rent $30. Main ISi.'. GOLDEN oak furniture of a 4-room flat for sn: no cal-rs. Woodiawn 4543. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS WANTED. We. can pla.e your W. L. pullets. March. April and M:ty hj.teh, nt a good price, ac cording trt strain and condition. Orders waiting. Write us what you have. No l"t too small, imie t -r large. The Lulir rarir., Route 3, box 25. Lents, Or. BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS " R I- Ret or Barrett Rock chicks. $23 for 100; hite or Brown Leghorn chicks. L0 per ino. J. K ilAG LLRE, 7S7 Oregon. East 1S05, fOR SALE. Poultry. THE LUHR FARM offers the J. T. Little prize Partridge Rocks in per.s, 5 yearling hens and 1 male, at 130 per pen; 200 W. L yearling W. L. hens, $1.75 each: 600 W. L. pullet. Ferris stock, $1.25 each for September 1 delivery, at 4 months of age. One-third cash with order, balance date of ship ment. The Luhr Farm. R. a box 2iri, Lents, Or. WE SOLD over S00.0&0 White Leghorn baby chicks to satisfied customers since Janu ary 1. Buy chicks now and sell fall and winter broilers at fancy prices; pullets wili make fine early spring layers. Price per luu: July, $14; Auunt, 1 15- Safe arrival of full count live- chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 4 if 2 6th u, Petaluma, Cal. WHITE LEGHORN BREEDERS. We want to place 100u W. L, hens at $1.75 and $2 each with parties that will agree to supply us with eggs for hatch ing In December, January, February, March, April, 190. at 0 cts. each. The Luiir farm, K. 3, box 2oS, Lents, Or. YOUNG White Leghorn hens, now layir.jr, tlJiO each. 787 Oregon st. East 1805. DOZEN young hens for sale; call before 10 a. 31. labor Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock, SHEPAftD and Scotch Collie pups for sale; also good bnepara watch, uog or cattie cog. laoor ein. WANTED An Air-daie pup, not over six months oia. Broadway :.. Launches and Boat. 40-FOOT cruiser, 40 -h. p. motor. In beau- uiui snape; sleeping accommodations tor six people; two toilets, small galley; boat coht wuu; win sacriiice tor fooo; will consider automobile in part payment; would make a line outside trawling boat. Zetosch, 121 N. 3d street, corner Glisan. WANTED To rent, furnished houseboat, will purchase if terms right. AE iSJst, Oregonian. CANOE for sale; newly painted; $35. Tabor oot. Machinery . G. & R. MACHINERY CO., -BOILERS AND ENGINES. SAWMILL EQUIPMENTS C03 Gerlinger Bldg.. Portland Or. 1 COxlS but ttrap water leg boiler. 220 H.P. 2 00x10 butt strap water leg boiler. 100 II. P. 1 72x18 butt strap water leg boiler, 150 H. P. 1 butt strap fire box boiler, 60 H P. 1 250 H. P. fire box. 1 73 H. P. Scotch marine, 150 lbs gov ernment test. . 1 50 H. P. scotch marine. 1 j0xli; tubular lap seam. 1 0Uxl4 tubular lap seam. 1 54xlJ tubular lap seam. 2 30x10 tubular lap seam. 1 S 11. P. upright bo i 1 er. 1 12 H. P. upright boiler. 1 1 H. P. upright boiler. 1 8 H. P. upright engine. 1 10x13 Engine. 1 50 H. P. Chicago marine engine. 1 5-ton trailer. 2 General Electric motors. 5 and 10 H. P. Also otlier engines and pumps. One complete lodging outfit with two donkey engines, camping and blacksmith outfit, and toots for 1 s men. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. Phone Main sjoi. FOR SALE. One flier and stowell. 9 fL band saw, head rig, complete with four Kl-lnch saws. NORTH PORTLAND BOX CO.. North Portland, Or. 1 11x13 Willamette rosder aonkey. 1 Uxll Willamette yarder donkey. 1 18x10x12 Worthlngton Underwriter fire pump. 1 2014x12 Cardner pump. THE J. E. MARTIN CO. S3 Firt St.. Port and. Oregon. A I R C .M PR ESSORS" A IR TANK 3. L. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, surety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. Ai:t COMPRESSOR &. EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 33'Q. 3-9 Couch St. THRESHING outfit for sale, all up to date, clover hulier, roller, grinder, 20 H. P. Russell engine. I guarantee over 40 days' run. Pl,ue Wdln. 3C75. L. Sigenthaler, 29 Shavei st., city. Typewriters. Rc-NT A Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rein Ington Typewriter company. -GUARANTEED factory r e b uilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, told on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 3J1 Wash. st. FOIt RENT Remington and Underwood typewriters for 3 per month. Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. FOR KENT Underwood and Remington typewriters, $3 per month. Empire Trans fer Co. Bdwy 155. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C o.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER for eale. Royal No. 5. 526 Ball hU TYPEWRITER, Remington model 10, new, for 75. Phone Woodlawn 4770. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter 'o.. 14 5th. Main ."fJj NEARLY new Remington t.vpewrtter, $0t. A. K. Hill. 214 Lumbermen's bldg. M iclf aneoua. SELL cheaV or trade, two 20-foot wall cases with sliding f.a.sa doors; 2 22-foot open cat.es to n.atch. 'ery fine cases. 10S Weit Park. Main 3020. SAFES FILING SAFES DIEBOLD AGTS. Expert work done. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE &. SUPPLY COMi'A.VT, 4fi Front st. Broadway 1906. LADIES' DRESS EXCHANGE. 456 Plttock block ; dresses, suits and coats, slightly used, bought, cold and exchanged. Bioad wiy 17;?.j. FoR SALE tilass, tingle strength, 16x20. at $5 per box f. o. b. Centralia; also up right boiler. 10 h. p., at SUM). Box 342, Centralia, Wash. HOT-V' AT ICR tank, new and second-hand, $12 to $20 installed ; expert buiier repair ing, plumbing, supplies cheap. 2u3 Adams Et. Has t 851 0. DICTATING machines just" like new; bar gahi; 2 dictating, 1 transcribing, 1 shaving machine, factory service guaranteed. D 409, oregonian. OREGON Blng cherries, 10c pound, picked ; 5 biocka tat.t Kvalou bank. Angerutein place. FOR SALE or rent, logging and holst4ng en gines, all kinds mHchinery. rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. FOR SALE I. C. S. course complete, gas engineering, mver been used. Seli for half. AE 254, Oregonlnn. 400 CORDS cord-wood, lfe miles from $1.05 freight; ready for immediate delivery. BD 4bS. Oregonian. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wali-iflSfS. fixtures; easy terms. v . j . ijn ; ! ry. 2 J !" 1 1 st. M a i n 5o!9. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches and syrups for parties, dances, etc. J. II. DcLacey, 293 Yamhill St. DELICIOUS crabs. clams, oyster,-""TreTh dailv. 10 First-at., bet. Wash, and Alder W estern Fish Co.. Marshall MN0. SODA fountain, cash register, showcases, wall casf, electric fant, peanut roasler 24 '-i Second st. Main 342. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits, slightly worn, obtained from smart ly-dresacd ladies. Main 9"- '.7. ' GENUINE Kiy-Bee spotlight, 3.75 while they last. Reg. price, $0.50. 200 Hy. Exch. bldg. Main Wi7. A1..MWC n-w ga stove a ith high oven. jo t,. nm. SCALES OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED. PHONE BROADWAY 590. SHINGLES, star A star. 72 Third. Main FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding mi chine anu rhowcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners for rent or sale. Vacuum c ! c a rung. "Hooytf." Broadway 2C49. FOR SALE Wild blackberries, i5c lb., de liver. d fresh every day. Woodlawu 33t7. THREE rolltop desks. 2 inah. rolltop desks, fil.ns cabinets. BusTtong A: Co.. 91 Park. NOW is the time for pointing and papr hanging; ge an estimate. Tabor 73. SEWING machine and guitar for sale or trad" for . 22. 224 Market St. VACUUM cleaners so.d, repaired, rented, ex- cliaiiKed, br.ught. Bntiey Co., East 7')50. SAFES for sale: one large and one small one cheap. S 759, Oregonian. PURPLE hnnd-kr.it slipou sweater with sleeves. Main 271. x20 wall tent, bargain. Vaughn xt. FoR HALK Platinum wedding ring xet with twenty diamonds. Tabor altex t a'da&k, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMB I NO FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOTLET3 AND "SILENT KNIGHT" OOMBINATION General Distributors WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADE VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING CO.'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom ftH-TO-7 J Front at. CHERRIES, new potatoes today. Loganber ries, raspberries. Thursday. Save. Pick . m.. yo"1'- Kale. cabbage. choice loelller. tomato plants, cneap. Rabbits. c5rner 89th and East Stark. ML Tabor (MreSth car to end. four blocks north, one east. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, have a few sampler of raincoats, motor coats and leather-tex coats re tu"ied DV our salesmen, on sale to the PVJ1,; at wioIaie price, in our office. .-1 Morgan bldg.. United Rubber Co. 1 i niachinea, new and second-hand, sola for less; no agents employed; com p.ete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1QU 3d. Near Taylor St. SAFES. Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, oid and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE A LOCK CO.. 10j Second St. Phone Main 2045. LADIES - Original apparei exchange in Laurelhurst has for sale suits, distinctive gowns, dancing frocks, slightly used, late niode.s, obtained from wealthy ladies. " -i. to f. M. Tabor Z8'o. PRINTING FOR LESS We are not mem bers of any combination. seeKlng o raise or control the price of printing; amnio work, prompt service. Smith, printers. 2u4 fatark st. IN VANCOUVER, Wash., first-class 10-foot marble eoda fountain. Sacrifice for quick sale for $050. Call at piu plant or Phone .L T rxf eh! ery aggravating, indeed. hy not a permanent and comfortable roof? Ve repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of -"j iwio. w urn, guaranteeq. Main 777H. t(iH ?.AE cherries, delivered. Ta- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TOU'LL SAY THIS IS A BARGAIN. 1915 Overland, nearly new tires and In line mechanical condition. See Mr. lloun ' tan at MANLEY AUTO CO., 11th and Oak, at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. CAN VOL BEAT IT? m. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2 Maxwells, each i 1 Oakland 1 Stude baker II . . 1 1 " Studbbaker 1 Buick I 1 Overland "I 1 Buick 3 Chevrolet 350t ? or1v o 1 r ord bug 2 Overland DO 1 Overland club roadster 2 Grants fjoo nd 2 Bulcks, O-t-vl lu58 and Several trucks that we will still ut than cost; 1-ton to 3-ton. LONG A S1LVA, 402 Hawtnorno. 50 hn 15H 4 tiM) 5oO 7 hoi) M)0 1 1 5V less USED CARS. These cars are trade-ins on new 1TM9 Chevrolet, and can be sold at bargain prices : 1918 Chevrolet; 4 to pick from; $50 up to $725 1017 Ford touring; extras 4J5 1918 Chevrolet light delivery 0ii 1917 Ford, open-side delivery 45 1916 Chevrolet, new tires 400 Several other snaps easy terms. Look thee over beforw you buy. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 1 4th and Alder. OLDSMOBILE SIX. Sllvertown cord tires, car finished in rich maroon with black lenders and cream wheels, firrtt claxs mechanical condition; lu5u, with terms. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. CI 4 Alder tit. OLDSMOBILE SIX. 6 CTL, 5-PASS. TOURING CAR, 1918 OLDSMOBI LE 191$. Two new tires, car looks and runs like new, must sell today, owner leaving city for 6 months. Call todav, Montgomery at Broadway 1130, or E. 3017; prlco 120U some terms. WIDOW muat fell 5-pasenger. model 90. uvenana, nxe new: only 40O0 miles- ex cellent condition: $S00. value guaranteed 129U E. 17th au Seilwood 2Mi7. OVERLAND, with enclosed top; good tires and paint, seat covers: 1730. CARY, a'2 Alder sL Broadway 2492. HfPMOBILK demonstrator, 1918 model new tires, fine condition. ' Reo. starter and electric lights; man at $400. Call Mr. Ireland, Broadway 217. PIERCE-ARROW f fve-passenger tonring car. good cord tires. Gary, 622 Alder at Broadway 2492. CHEVROLET touring, newly finished and rune fine. Low price of 50O and $ JoO down, balance monthly, lets you drive it home. Balance can be paid In bonds. Call and try it out. 525 Alder atreet. Al Autrt Work. STUTZ. 7 passenger, first-class mechanical con dition and ppearance. int 7 mod) new batfry. air. 1'hone Main 59S0. or call 1OO0 Wilcox bltlg. FOR SALE Dodge roadster. Al mechanic condition, shock absorbers, bumpers, xn Glare lights. Reason for sale leaving town. Phone Marshall tV4. SAXON SIX, driven less than V.0iHt milesc. good tires, opo extra; Gordon seat covers 472 auto safety lorfc-foldlng carrv-ali for running hoard. S50 ensh, or terms. Call Frank Smith, Bdwy 1130. CHE VROLET touring, 1 oT, n fine CfmdTI tion, good tires: must sell, a bargain at $725. with terms. 3u Grand ave. North near Burnside. ' BUICK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER In fine mechanical condition. 5 good tires; owner will give terms on parL Ta bor 5702. BUICK LIGHT SIX in first-class ndftlon 5 tires, almost new. only run 12,0)j mi !-' 100( cash. Call meat market, 21st and Powell. 1917 DODGE touring car. In excellent condi tion, with three new c ord rTren. new ha t Jry spot light; $900; no trade. Inquire FOR PALE Studebaker 1017. ((-cylinder. 7 passeTieer, Al condition. For further In formation phone Broadway 1224. 11th and Everett. WINTOW 6 roadster; a classy lrvoklngTTr w ith lots of power and Fpeed ; ei-etrlc lights; $350. Piedmont garage, Albina ave.. near Killlngsworth. i-oRI delivery. 1117. panel body, good tire bet cf condition, will sacrifice at $",50 with terms. 80 Grand ave. north near Burnside. 191 CHEVROLET touring, in best of con dition, good tires, will parrlftce at $700 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N-. near Burn Flde. 1917 CHEVROLET, in good condition, a bar prain, $55il. Call before 2 P. iL, 778 Mult nomah. SNAP FOR CASH. 1018 Ford touring car, can't be told from new; runs perfectly; $45tt. East 4671. FORD touring. 117, in best of "condition will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave! nort h. near Burn wide. FOR HLE 5-passengor Chevrolet, model 17. Room 202, Treves hotel, 11th and S'ark. FORD bug. torpedo body, newly painted, a classy car, will sacrifice at $50j n4 Btve term.. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnxlde 3-PASSENGER Buick bir 4 for hTTT w very (tool condition, rood tires. 40ti e! ji.ii fi. - . . or case n-. 1917 STUDEBAKER. cheap for cash, or on time; muft sell at once. Phone Marshall 2--ort. .;;2 Raleigh st. $725 CASH or terms buys 191s Maxwell rn". condition snd good tires. Ca ?1 T a bo r " o. 1916 HT'PMO B T LE. nil rrd tire. $Uif;0 ' SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. " 191 FORD for rale, cash: see it at 2t3 N lbth sL, between 10 A, AL and 3 P. Al, FOR PALE ACTOMOIULK-H. UP THET GO! UP THET CO! ALL MAKES OF NEW CAPS ARE OO. ING UP. NOW 13 THE TIME To BUY A GOOD USED CAR AT A LOW PRICE. SEE OUR LINE: BUICKS, HUDSON SUPER OLDSMOBILE MAXWELLS CHEVROLETS OAK LANDS STUDEBAKERS SAXONS FORDS THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 13TH AND WASHINGTON. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1918 FORD COUPE Just Ilk new, extras $ 1011 CADILLAC TOURING New paint, good shape.. 1914 CADILLAC TOURING Soma ' car for 1912 CADILLAC Wheel have been cut down to 34x4', equipped with four new cord tires 1011 CADILLAC l-pasavnger, would make a fine bug 673 soo $00 700 323 250 1912 MITCHELL shape ROADSTER Good 1918 STUDEBAKER Newly painted, wire wheels with one extra, cord tlrca loOO Terms If Desired. Open Evenings. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington EL at 21sL Main 6244. USED CARS. Trsde jour old car in on a better one, balalK e ny tenn. 191 r Vehe, &-put. 1914 Velio, a good car. 1915 Peerless. H-cyl.. 7-ps. 1917 Peerless. 8-Cl.. 7-pasa. 1 91S Chl me rs hoi pot, 7 -pass. ; driven 359U mttcM. Snap! 191 S overland. C-cyl.. 3-psa.; cheap. 19iu overland. C-cyl.. 5-pass.; driven ln mi 'en; a new car at a big discount. 1HI5 Mitchell, 4-ry)., 3-I.. 1914 Hudson. 4-cyt, 9-p.im.; electric enuippeii. $475. 1911 c.i.ltllae. delivery bodj-'. $2rt 191.1 Oakland, fc-pa.. ft tirs. tj50. 191 i Frsntkliu, m ries 3. f trst - U.h, $550 1917 Velio, A-I. fine tires. $105. Our Motto Every Purchaser a Booster. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., up n Evenii-gs und Sundays. ' N. 2td Wt. Main 7!0. VEL1E SIX. like new; a bargain.. -CARY, 322 Alder SL Broadway 2492 GOOD CAR FOR STAGE RUN. Winton six, u'.od condition. prtate use, T-I'MMvn Ker : iclllng Rl a cres t saerl f Ice, ym can earn the purchase prlc in a short t:mj. Better call early. It won't be h-ro long sL fesnt price Call Tabor FRAN K LIN" 3- PA PS KNfl Pin, GOOD ' "XDITIuN. COUD TlltKH. WELL EOUIPI'ED. A Goon BUV OWNER. iiC 220. OREGONIAN. HI ICK FOUR Tlils little car Is ready to go t Ner York. Finest condition a nr could pomlb'y b In. Iw ree, essv t'-rnm. If you want a light touring car. h:ve a look. 525 Alder streeL, Al Auto A nrkt. I'Olt KALE Ford roadster, new top snd dum cover, fihock absorlia. 5 ttr. ttiree new (jnodynr, alt non-akld. Wd chains. speedoiu.-tT, e!ctrlc tall 1 1 g ut. tlouhte radius rntis, $45u. i'lione owner. Main 3ttd, W" J'ies'lny. LIBERTY SIX. newly painted; will guar antee this car; $150. CARY, 522 Aider St. Broadway 2492. BUICK deinorii.tr tor. 19 1 U 1 1 45 touruiic. Hue new, bun-.per. epot liitht, dh suth. winnow shield esii.-r. rutin tor curt7n on doors, full set of tool". ord tlre, $ 1 ;." cunIi or It mat. Frank Smith. Hdwy. 1 1 ::n. CHALMERS touring, in A No. 1 condition, finefi privntoty, looks like nw, will sacrl f iee ut 1450 and give iTms or tomiilrr trade on smaller ia.r. bnlan- terms. 3u Gr.ind ave. north, neur Iiurn-ide. 19H1 FOR It touring car, :i new tlies. 1 extra caHlng. 3 inner tubes, lots of tools, electric rear llnht ; jnotor In fine condition ; price 4ot. call (12 Onritenbein ave. before 2 I. M.. t enr Wllilattm ave. and Skldniore. OLDS. i:i IS. H-cyllnder. in first-class me chanical condition; ha only run 7mhi nilies; fparo tir and cover, spotlight and bumper; c.ih or terms. Call Udw v. liao, or Main flf.J7, and ask for Mr. Knox. FOR KALE hy private owner. Hup 20 roadster, new body, new loi, spotlight and Mora Re battery. Hnseh high -tension magneto. Just overhuled; price 3uo. 445 Hawthorne ave., phone Ea.-t hJ41. FCRI lDld, run only Wmih mi lew, best con dition possible, new tirea, sest cover;, spcdom"ter. loek. cutout, upot light, tool b.x. douhlo emergency brakes, SI5U. Krei dT's tHiIor shop. jh snd Couch. 1017 MAXWELL It Is rewly'refinUhed all over, looks and runs like new. See this on If you are in the market for light car. Terms and low prices always at the Al Auto Works. 525 Aid e r s t . CHALMERS touring, newly painted. In fine condition; a bargain at I MOO, with terms; consider trade on smaller car, balaneo trmia. 30 Grand ave. North, near iiurn- fide. lHH DODGE- TOURING. Late rnodl car. In perfect condition, can't be told from new car. Tabor T"i" 42 E. 41?t north. ChM after 3:30 P. M. CH EVROLET. PMO. in perfe, t condition, only run 27O0 mie, mut sell, barcntn a ?775 with terms. 30 Grand ave. north i"ir Rurii'dde. WIIL SELL my Hudson 5-passenger 'touring 11 12 model, in good condition, frsr J 375 ; will consider motorcycle as part payment. Tabor 40)S. 1 3l E. Main. MoToR, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck a.i innkes of cars and sell thir parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. ltlM FORD, all good tires, A-l shape. See this ne at f45u. S.MITH AUTO fO.. Pnrk and Couch. TBl'C K. Ford motor. In good running con dition, must eii, a bargain at t.luo. 30 ;rand ave. North, near Burnside. MAXWELL roadmc-r In flno condition. liM 7 model, a barsrain at $075, with terms. 30 Grand eve. north, near hurnstde. OLDSMORILK -," 1017. like new. fine cord tirt-it, "0. balance terms. Drive it away. MICHIGAN 5-paens;er; good body and top running order; a snap at 2(J3. oo 6bth 101. CHKVRuLKT, new storaia battery, Kood tiies. in Al shape, $55u; terms or trade. hi: i.ast 4 i.i. Hit VNU new 7-paheenger Hudson. cali onlv Will consider small car lu Wade. liC 273. t re(5rnrin. 101h HU1 MOBILE, this la a rel car and at a. price that v,1it appeal, $1150. SA 1 1 T II " T O CO . Park wimI (n. 1 c 1 . 1016 FORD delivery, jut overhauled and painted ; In Al condition; 4o0. Will give easy terms. Call owner, Marshall 34 !. luls FORI sedan, eiectric starter, mechan ics :iy perfect, cheap. Erlckson. Broad w ay lLflS MAXWELL touring, looks like new, good tires; will sell at $773 with terms' oO Grand ave. V.. tinr Rurnslde. 1017 PAIGB, w ire heels and a pippin. $1150 SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Cou h. FOR D, 1I10 tourlnn, run about boo miles " 1. Marshall 47. FOR hAl.B ONE K-iRD BUG. VA.Vrf.r. VKR. WASH.. UPPER CANTONMENT. CKEVROI.KT tourinr. 1PM. rood shape. $450. c-.h or bons. 5' Montgomery. $310 BUI S srnail roadster, new tires, fine condition. Owner. 20 N- th. MAXWELL, the bet bu v in tow n. f 5s5. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Com h. OVERLAND touring car. good bu, cheap for cash. Broadway 1 572. REPUBI.I'' I-tou truck. 10IH. special motor. g o oj rnnnnion, ii"u. Knons 't t.resham. Ll'-HT Buick 6 touring car. 110 13th sc Broaflwny 4a. T'- BUV ui.il ca r f.i family, $5 0 to $GJ0 caso, Ma.i sxxuil j -ArrOMOBTtBl. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN. We will take your liberty bonds at face value. ItMft MKrhell. S-psa.. 6-cyl. 1U17 Mitchell, a-pasa., e-cyl. l'.17 Mitchell. 7-paaa.. 6-c L 1014 White. 6-pas,. 4-cvl. 10 IT National. 7-pasa 12-cyI. 1917 National, 7 -paw . 6-cyl. Iftlo over. and. ft-pass.. 4-cyl. 191T Oldmoble 1-pa.. -cL lill Chandler. 7-pasa. 6-cvl. 1W1H Overland, 5-pasa.. 4-c L 1!I llolller. 3-pasa.. 8-cL 1016 Chevrolet. 3-pasa. 1U12 Mitchell. 7-pasa 6-cyL Pope 2-ton truck. 2-ton Mitchell truck with cab and body. Most of the above cars have been rebuilt and painted. We will take your old car as part pay ment on some of the above cars. CP ED CAR DEPARTMENT. East First at Morrison. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK. Phones: Broadway 615. A $343. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAYER CO. FOR SALE 1918 Ford Truck Smith Form A; has original tires on and Is in first class condition. Stay be seen at 30 1st st. FORD MOTORS FORD MOTORS. FORD MOTORS. We have several practically new Ford Motors at Bars-sin Prices. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 3d and Glisaa eta. MODEL N M UP. Repainted, overhauled and god tires; If you m ant a good depsudab.e car, this is lu Re Mr. Mountain at MANLEY AUTO COMPANY. 11th aud Oak. at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. FORDS FORDS FORDS. JflT Touring. It 17 ttnadier. 1117 Ielirr. JiUT Truck. I'.tTH Radter. 1117 Itoaiater. delivery. EAST TERMS. ROBINSON -SMITH CO, 6th and Madison. Main 1100. i uhi BL-GS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. 6 Assemble yurown chassis, we will fur nlh tho parts at bargain price. Hurry; only a few left. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 3d and Oli.-an. sta. OVERLAND TOURING, car newly painted, eafcy terms. 1 551. CA R V. 322 Alder s u liroaaway 4i2. TIRE AND BATTER V SERVICE. Open eveninss and Sundays. Goodyear crd t.res for Fords, $24.53. Authorised Wizard sales elation. UNION AVE. TIRE Sr BATTERY SHOP. 4S L'nion ave. N . cor. Sacramento. Phone Fast :!:;. . F RDS. T have two roadsters and three touring Fords, all late models, that I mum sen tnifl week: prices are right and can ar range terms to suit. V. K. Snavely, 2SH K!eenth st. Phone Main 1J2. RKO TOURING car. like new. his beea re f inlsiied all over and runs first-class. 1 f you like a Reo have a rids i, this one: It will please you. Low price, long term, bonds at face value. 52.1 Alder street. Al Amo Warks end Patnting Co. Big USED CARS. Prices htock. Kishu No misrepresentation. COVET . . . Mo To It . .CAR... CO. WIRE WHEEL roadster. This Is a clasav Job that will suit yon. Readv for de livery now. Long terms. low price. Utile down. balnfYc monthlv. 525 Aider atreet. Al Auto Works and Painting Co. MAXWELL BUG. new body, good tires, me chanically guaranteed, a bargain at 35J3 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Buru Fide. CHALMERS roadster, 1017. in good me chanical coudlt ion : wilt terrifies at $u75, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, bear Burnside. $450 DOWN BUYS 1U1. CHALMERS hK TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LuOEa LIKE NEW. CALL X.A6T 1 'Jti2. MITCHELL 1018 lourlnr. n perfect condi tion, good tires, a bargain at $ 1250 It h terms, consider smaller ear in trade. 3u "tr:md ave. north, r.ear Burnside. FCR D bug. get In the races, w bite paint. Wire vhcel. $523. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Conn. 1017 FORD roadster, with delivery back, alt new tires. Al shape, $450; terms. call East 7154. CHALMERS roadster. In fine condition, good Grand ave. north, near Burnside. FORD touring, 1017, In best of condition will sell st $4h5, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. 101S. looks like new. gooa urea; a oargain si with terms, at i Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD touring, 1015, in good mechanical con- union; win n 1 wiin terms. 3(i urand ave. North, near Burnside. MAXWELL louring. 1019, I ti perfect condU iion. ihj urr. Mc-rince t.K. some terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 20 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TiURI SJ CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB. B E H. CALL EAST 1962. MAXWELL roadster. In J!ne condition, good Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 3-1ASS. Maxwell; fine condition; new tirea; uu m uc value. nM Linn ave. S-11 wood lfil. fi-PAt-SENGER. Reo. excellent condition t hrougtiout : Can n seen at Twin atatea Motor-Cur Co, 16th and Alder. FORD bug, torpedo body. In god mechanics! condition . m a w it n terms. HU Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BARGAIN IV 111 CHALMEi:S IX Kl"V AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR f.tO. FORD touring. 1013. b-t of condl:ion. good tires, w tit sell at $-173. some terms. go Grand ave. nortn. i-sr Burnside. It IS M K7Z, a good buy. $Vn SMITH AUTO o. rark and ruri. SLIGHTLY ud tires. f3 to $13 tah; vul- canizeq. -c. tirerpa:rer.g. -'JT Million. Iil7 CHEVROLET touring, good tires. terms, tiroaaway jo.;. 1U1H FoRD touring; like new; bargain at S47. aiv -v. oregonian. BARGAIN In Maxwell touring rar, rung and 100KS use new. an Aitr. mv., apt. 4 J. A I'H-I.Ai". rn4l'ur; thia Is r lna. 47.".. feMITU ALIO CO., Paris and Co a. a. TOM. HAU FOR g. IK Al'TOMOBILFA WEDNESDAY S SPECIALS. MAXWELL touring. S tlras, ItoUfhL It's some buy. bumpers. CHEVROLET roadster; It sure la some goer. Don t mlvs iu FORD touring; you know its a Ford." Priced low. THE VSFD CAR EXCHANGE. 13TH AND WASHINGTON. HLPMoBlLE. MODEL N " This la the big one; owner will sell on eay terms or mnMUer evchaune on hunca low In R. C. I-ark or Pther ,iod diatricu Tst-or 3T2. eeninc on:y. AutouiuMles Wanted. IF YOU WANT CASH FOR YOCR AUTOMOBILE. BRING IT TO US. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LltfT OF BU VfellwS AND THE BEST LOCAilON IN PORTLAND. THE PORTLAND USED CAR bl'oKE. the biggest and busiest corner on broadwav at burnside. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. PHONE BROADWAY 616. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice jots at Salt air Station, Tl.lmouk beach, near depot and hotel; adjo.ua board walk, county road anl ral.roati; faces the Pacific ocean; s.so 60 by el-out Hu Wi; su.taDis for bun r ens or tor cottage; wili pay some Cif ferencs Address ii 205. Oreconian. Lo. G 4t t V LV A. Auto wreckers. V wreck cars and save you 50 per -ent on parts. t-end in the parts you need and we duplicate thciiL Autos bouKlit regardless of cotiiitlloO. Phone East tf4h. 4J Hawthorne ave. TWO diamonds, one over 1 H carats, per fect; one 1 2 carats, and one carat; wl l trs.le for (ooj auto and pay or ac cept di;irence; A-paensr louring pre ferred. Phono Se;l. J15tk WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LA T E MoltEU THE USKD CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASHINGTON T. T'HoNK BROADWAY 132. wi: cam fir.r you more monet for your car. i:k t s bkkore you FELU CL.M.KVa fKH CAR CKN'TKR. . W. CtHL I. "Til AND WASHINGTON. WANTED F.l mmi, MIST BE IN A! NI'ITIOV. M' T CASH ROOM htuck kmium; 1 : B 1 .DG., a ft e R lu A. M . ASK, I-oR HENRY. GOOD lisht 5 tloti raided, pia er piano tntanh. J 4 l.'i.r car in Al coudi suillii gKt. new piano or a part pament. dit;erenc . I'r-iiiiian. 1 NEED a ear, community needs a store; bas iuinva lots nor station on O. E- to trade for auto In aod condition, Ca.l e rnmt U&o M:.a'ui st. Wl LL TRAlE $41 equity la nTne acres clear la nil hfr k -k.1 cai.nery for auto vr piano, J. a, I'utuaan, MctJiger. Oix-Kjn. Ma:n 0317. W A N TL1 Al aito. .rf.-r Dodce. Bui. k or Hup. at b-irsa.ti f.-r iah. g. lu'.t pZ' 1 1 u ars. F ..o. Tfrt.nun. 1U AL US, n-sr Tualailn ; price $ 1 5 mi . i,l vd.iiitd Kr a liaht car. L- J. Gelcr, 411 Chaintx r of t oit.tiu-rcc. CA.-il lor cur Foid. Buick. Call El'pia. Me.l. M;un L-o.k le.t or '-nit st.. et s..'. n A N T E I Bu l7k"nVhT cunai'.ion; nut le Iri ate party. AO mtr Wi.ins!en. 6. S'-xvl ;i around I ara.4n f..r cash. 44. orejonlan. WANfKl-Au'. ern .v-rooni 5 p. M miioIh le . 1 . fcuUie. Call Hi liai.K'T Est J old m.,i. alter WANT 7-pj tiger Bui. k Immediateiv; mut be l-argaiu. Box M, Mi.utukii-. cJr. THHKE -ols. in ji.M.ttun, a u- A.uut 9 1 ' Mt. to tra-;e for n u o, 11 If. frtjiTun. Lt i . ki'i.e r toiji -0 , . 1TI. e CI Mi. in . LD. '-oJ chape. aM"r 4 .' P. M . .Mtt.tfr rlea. lUlN S-al'MBl twin i lari - I a v ltou motor 1 rk, dream Utnlnu, a te domtr and cuotliirht. lutl nc-tr:c euipled and ,a f.rl-Ms Shape. J.;.J ah. Call Marshall l;u. room 4";. before r.co:i. INDIAN motorcycle with siue car, tor .5 f. c ct nd l : in ; HI tiko liberty bonus Call 4C4 Fremont. FoR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. i.t4--lM 3L ST. MAIN 6131 3-SPEED Harley, caa or tt rtnn. ik good sa new. Tabor 4i:5. A ti torn ooiies for II ir. NEW AdoS WITHOl T DRIVERS. B UICK i i A V NES. COLUM liiA HIGHWAY OARAGE. 421 AND BELMONT. TABOR 7ilT4 Y A Holt t"2. NLW CARS FOJt .i.NT. WITHOL T bltl ERS. 1. N. SMITH. THIRD and il.liAN fcTS. A 2G2J. BHOA D W A V 2 ti J . NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVELS. 0 E RLA M'S hl'UeOXA Lo NSDALE 11 A RAGE BDWY. 24 1 T H AND WASH. A UTOS WITHOUT DRI V l.n FO R KIKE. L. 1. SULLIVAN'S fashion g a r a g i ; Mar 212. lull! AND lAMll.L A 123A HIGHWAY AUTO MfRVICE; HH'.liWAY AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. CUR, tiTIl AND WASH 1 NGToN. Ma.n 7v0. A U TtS I T H Ol 7D R V E RS. New cars, rrao.abie rates. City Garage. 10th St.. Broadway S4'. 6-PASS. DoOK for hire, touring, railing, shopping. Mchnsy. Hroaaway 254 7. SNYDER'S Auto Service; ail highways any time; very refrei-hinx. llast 4.2. FOR SALE TRCCKS AND TRACTORS. WE NEED THE ROOM AND Ml'PT PELL THE-E TRUCKS AT GIVE-AWAY IRICES. LOOK AT THESE! Three-fourths-ton G. M. C. in the beet of shape, tua delivery bod. v. top and nearly r.w tires. A snap. Two-ton Reo. Al rhape mechanically, de ll wry uod. Imp aid curisms. Tao-ton Gary, has platform hodr, nearly new tirea. Here is a real buy. Two-ton Gary, almost new, amy been driven a few hundred miies. HART COAST AGENCY. 71 B roe d w a y . Brou d a y 21 62. BIO HAULING CONTRACT. OVER A YEARS HAULING CORDWOOD OV I! i t A PA V K D ROAi. THE PA V IS C.00D this is the b.-t hauling contract in oregon. i will sk.ll you a truck on easy terms. a small payment down and the truck. will pay the rest. BARTI.FTT. DLE1L BDWY. 2l?2 WE NEED the room. ou need a true. Cail and s-e t'ieo t'arpains: T o-ton Gary, run lcs than Dhi miiea, equipped with 1 piatform body. T o-tou Gary. A 1 condi tion. iuirr"d .th c.-.h. pr-sro lignte. I platform body and prac:icaUy new urea. Tnree-quarter ten G. M. C equipped w-tth ' 2 new tires, delivery body and prests 1 l.ght. . CART COAST AGENCY. tl Broadway, ho-ie p-oad way -j 1 J Portland. Or FEDERAL Vurk. In Al mechan. leal condliie-ti ; 1 his is Just tit t ruck for f riR hung or wood hau.ing Job, snd in ready 10 start ripht out Kn the o. for a cheap, or wlii trade for liaht car or Frl tru.k. Call LarttCtL, Broadway J2. HAVE .Vton R" I an e truck, eui'.abte for any kind of hauling or heavy work. Want wocd-hauUna tontiact r sr.y ork miit a?i.e is f. h 1 ..mi t.u- k. H 2 : S. f'rr ;on!in. MM TRUCK. S-ton. In fine mechanical cn- otiion. gooa ooiy ana t..p. iiti, niil. w ;i. ell t i'C'O itn tsrtua. 30 Grand a ve. n u r t h . t far B -j r n 1 d e . ltl Ford tr-ick. worm drive, lik Broadway 1.VT2. new. HAVE S'-j-ton tru k end trjnr, i.-w. w m hsul:nc logs or liimlr, AE '., cr-fonu WBITH -ton tr.-W. parfe-t pundit in. $1JoO. hMiTH AUTO CO. I'arW. and l'.u- h. FORD truck. t!M, model, more like new. Kow 3ul Luruaiuo au FOB SALE TRrCltg AND TRACTOU. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC. Cai-fe.rd. 1, ton. 11T. with ft P'eaa. Nijy. top. Ma curtains r.d Indshie.d. cxce.lent lOfedltluo. I1SA0 Ford, worm drive. ued four months, good urea, ex press oody and, .windshield. . 6TS Reo Spe-4 Wagon. 1W7. wth se'f staxter. r,fVtnc lights and express body 6)0 Mstwit. vns ton. 1IS; eab utndchie-d. express body; a.l cw overslxe tires. ...... SAO G. L O. thre-founhs ton. wjth express body, complete; Ken nvrrhm! .i m , . Lne shape. Ford, one ton: chain drive, 191S; in excellent condition; hum express body, windsh4:d, aids curtains Fortl. one ton. chain drive. P. 16: new tire-a. ip, wind shield and body; new motor PARK AND EVERETT BTSL Broadway 1369l IF IT IS a ued truck )ou are looking for IT WILL PAT TOIT to inspect our stock. Denby one-ton. Republic i-ton Iffht deltvsrv, pneumaua tiree and repainted. Overland. light express body. Ford one-ton. el ec trio starter. MANLEY AUTO CO. 11th and oak at Bumide. Bray. 217. TIT K fo'lom lnK lisht deliveries and truck li:el br.on iu l o l-.und exact y as r-:-re--nted. Tertjis iil g.ru or w mi. I cunMikr taktiiR liKhl cars la tiade. ISIS DODGE With one-ton Graham . truck s t tttchmn t ; in ftrat- c.as shape. 1'rice $1400 1912 CADILLAC With 2 -,-ton 'irli:ii attachment. newly rsini- u. ur. . a I median- 1I7 OVERLAND L I g h t deMvsrv, panel body, car lu good shaixe. Price 3Mi 1017 STl'PER A KER IJght delivery, screen lo y. lias jul be-ti bauied. 1 ricu 3t0 orr EvrviNGs and Sundays. COVEY MoloR CAR COMPANY. Washington b'L at 21L Main 62i. WHILE THET LAST. I S ED Tlii c USED TRUCKS W K II AVE A FEW V V D TRUKs WE ARE OF f ER IN'S AT PRICES THAT W II. I. ASTONISH YOU. THESE HAVE BEEN iHnOT'-ltJl Y o ER IT A I :.K( AND ARE IN A-l MECHANICAL C.VI. TlnV. IF YoU ARE I.NTKlt- i;r I N A TRt cK. Co it K .AND LE r l'S W Y u: t"'ME cK THIS T EST BAR. (j Al.Nif IN THE wll Y. w. v. wa i.li V': for n co . ASK FtUt HARTLKTT 522 Alder u Broadway 2492. I-TOV BUICK TRUCK, pneumatic Hres. CAR Y. &22 Aldtr. Bdsy 241-2. AUTO REPAIRING. NOTICE TO CAR OWNE. If your car Is not worUmg proper!, call at the HE.4PH ILL'S THAI'S fcCHOOU and our trea service depart msnt will tsil ou jut a hat ts roug with, your ma ttoine free of chart, HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 AaWihurne avs cor. E. 2ota at. DIAIfTON . . . OARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 91s. We cad for and deUvsr. LSPERT . . ALIO . . REPAIRINO. G A RAG FA. THE N EW W ILL A M ETTE GARAGE. Now open, fireproof hide, storage and washing a-ctine eltliug. We co all U:nds repair work; work, guaranteed- 4t E. Third st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LP TO 125. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's c. other OREGON CLEAN fcKS 4fc TAILORS. 117 ild tou. N. Y. Cor. Wftkh. Main ko44. HIGHEST PRK ES PA I D for genie mens and is dies' second-hand clothes. Try m l fore ou ca:i others. Phone Broadway ;;tC2 :ij4 Burnaidc. beta t-yn 3j nnd 2d. 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $lu up lor men a ured sulfa and overcoats. Call us and )ou will get the riht tidi irlce lor our gootla. 167 11 st., near Mrrtbon. Main SA. OUR bPECI ALT Y is buli.R mens cast-off clothing; highest cash price paid; wu cad da v or nlRl.u PEoPLL S PECOND-UAND. STORK. Mart.all 2$. 2o9 Mad ieon. JINK. WANTED Full alus paid f r.r rsTa. but t'.ea. old chthlng. tools. olJ f uruituic, s-rap nietais and lubUcr. Ca.i Malu 734. 21 Vital strict. :CduTlT('L(j THING WANTED WE PAT li I..H EST PRICES FOR CIATHLNG HKMft'RE AND A LL K I N DS O JUNK. MAIN 4776. 246 1?T ST W A NT ED Set ond-haud office fuim:uie; J:sia. double det, office chairs. t pe -writer ana Uisk; a. so filing cases, etc. N 2'.'. O: e i;oi! l: n. W ANTE D MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES OF QtALlTT. LIBERAL CASH APPRAISEMENT. ALTKHAliON DEPT. I'll ONE BKOADWA Y 17'. WANT VL'l.IN, BANJO, CUITAR. MANDO LIN. BRA AND STRING INSTRU MENTS. J-S FIRST. TAUOll ;l6. MAIN 4P.i. WANT T01H.S. ELECTRIC FANS. TENTS. TYPEWRITERS. 12 FIRST. NEWMAN. MAIN 44.'o. KUr-PuTToM rolKt 10 hold 4 or 6. liul t" eucvl co!iti;tn,u but rt-.stp. I'haTte Main 1 A 311. 1 a 2d at. SHOTGUNS. RIFLES. CAMERAS WANTED. N E Y MAN. 1 i: 3 FIRST, NEAR WAbii, MAIN 4 ,y nu rnai ...oa I or day time T'T-.; c. condition and alas of K s. Ore soni an. name It. h. PI ! ON i R A PH AND I'.ECORDS WANTED. 1- FIK.-T. NEAR WASH. MAIN 443i. DENTISTS. ATTENTION. Will buy yo:r snjaipmeai for csth. What havs you? AdJrsss T 31J. Orrtontsa. rural Lure at one. CaU Ma.n .i4. liiZZ Oa, 75 Set.and bids., want addr " ny--on appendicnla WE w-i.i buy your o!d vpswrttsrs snd tv w ou cah. Or-son Typwriisr Co.. fr4 i u. WINCHESTER. Rem In et on sutomaUo aad pun.p sr.otcuns Hocole.q. 3a. UiGHET SPOT CASH pnwi paid for d.a- L-an Marx. 1 J aington. WANTED La res safe or saf cabinet. ri "-.ir li.r.. !-:ftom. L-3 1 irk mi. Co; DIAMOND, st.-tajre or pair ear rings war.tel. !-- g ! :i t- H 1 r l e. y .Tin a-' t. u to .". .. WANTCrv To buy a eeond.hard isfe; slats :- t:.d r,- S 7'-'t,orssoaiaa. JI NK. far. rul.Urr. oM tlothtrr. Ivn , utiaa, carpais; good pricts, J,aat Alii,