Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Former Oregon. Coach Puts
, Team in National Running.
3Ianager Modest Over Success and
Homesick for I'amSIy Penn
talc Offers Great Opportunity.
NEW YORK, July 15. (Special.)
Hugo Bezdek, whose Pittsburg Na
tionals have been battling New York
here, modestly evades discussing his
club's chances.
The old University of Oregon athletic
director and football coach took the
Pirates, you will remember, in the mid
dle of the season of 1917. He had been
a scout for Dreyfus for several years,
tie had no chance to pull the Pirates
out of last place that year, but in 1918
put them into the first division. They
were, in fact, in third place until the
very last week of the 1918 season. Cin
cinnati nosed them out by winning five
straight games that last r.eek, while
rain held Pittsburg hopelessly idle.
Kight now he is in third place in the
National league race.
Harmony is playing a strong game
for Pittsburg while Bezdek is manager.
Vith an array of talent that admit
tedly does not measure up to that of
the league leaders, his team is never
theless a dangerous factor, if not a
positive contender, simply because the
colege coach has that happy faculty,
so essential to a successful college
coach, of getting the last ounce of
service out of his men.
Many Mansgeri Kail.
Major league ball clubs too often are
handled nowadays by managers ap
pointed, not for that ability, but be
cause they are popular heroes on the
ball field, the idols of the stands, fa
vorites with the press or simply great,
outstanding ball players whose name
carries advertising weight. Too often
this type has not at all the faculty of
getting along with others of the team,
too oft-;n the type proves a failure as
a manager because somebody did not
fake into calculation the college coach
qualification "getting the last ounce
of service out of his men."
Only three years a major league
manager, Kezdek is" not at all sure
that the glint and glory promised ma
jor league stardom is enough to offset
the hardships of the career, the bumps
and the chuckholes and the ruts and
the dust and the sweat.
Huro Th Homeslrk.
"Here's a sample," he said, pointing
to a little tray of dishes on the table
in the center of the living room of his
hotel suite. "Here I am alone, lone
some, and my family a thousand miles
away. Four or five months out of the
year I live in a hotel, on a sleeping
car, and am a slave to my profession.
1 can't get away from It night or day.
I am routed out of bed in the morning
and kept from bed at night by the
troubles and arguments and discus
sions of a professional baseball man.
Don't you think I want to eat break
fast with my family and my chil
dren?" And so Hugo is already figuring on
a "getaway." He sketched glowingly
for nv; his future- at Penn state, where
he coached football last fall and where
he has bound himself by contract to
stay for at least another year. As far
as returning to the Pacific northwest,
that is not possible before 1920. But.
like everybody who has ever liv-ed
there, he pines for that land as the
ideal place to live. If one might be
forgiven for paraphrasing Rudyard
Kipling's ".Mandalay" to the point of
controverting "east" and "west"
Yhn you 'ears the west a callin" then
you can't 'ear nothink else."
Penn State Great Proposition.
Hugo has a great proposition at
Penn state, a chance to establish a
really new thing in American college
athletics. I want to discuss that in
detail in a subsequent article, in which
1 want to make an argument for a new
type of college athletics, based on my
experience with the army in France
thin last year.
Meanwhile, I am .enjoying watching
the major league pennant races in the
cast, where our old stars of days gone
by still linger as green spots in the
Memory are now proving themselves
to possess all the talents that we
thought they ha-1, then.
Players Walter Found.
If I might be pardoned for the per
sonal digression. I might add that I am
taking the profoundest delight, only
10 days back in America, to find that
some of the boys I boosted so strongly
lo th Cincinnati and New York Na
tional league clubs, for whom I acted
as northwestern scout several years
back, are making good.
T made the deal by which Walter
Holke went to New York, and upon
my recommendation the Cincinnati
lub purchased Ken Williams, Reuther,
ISawlings and Douglass. My files of
correspondence will show glowing let
ters on Klagstead. Coveleskie. Heilman
Highee and Jack Smith, and for all
these players Cincinnati was a bidder
but unhappily for them (for me. also,
alas!) pome other major league club
was a higher bidder.
1 also helped in the Schneider deal,
hut that was engineered directly by
Fielder Jones and Dugdale.
SO, 000 Bales in Argentina Await
ing Ships England Chaotic.
BOSTON'. Two features are com
manding attention in connection with
.tuition sales of wool by the govern
ment. Tho ftrst Is the effect of the
exhaustion or supplies of the better of
ferings, and the other, when the New
Zealand crossbreeds will he made
available. The growing difficulty in
arraneini- desirable selections of wool
lor bidders at the sales caused some
conjecture upon whether the sales
w u!d be continued as scheduled.
Of the. 88.000 bales of Australian and
New Zealand wool shipped to the
1'nited states under the contract with
the British government, 47.115 have ar
rived in this country. The latter in
clude 25.000 bales New Zealand cross
breds. t seems that no definite date
an be fixed for the auction of these
supplies because they are scattered in
lifferent places, mixed with other wool
or buried under piles of the staple,
making it a difficult matter to gather
them together tor cataloguing.
Meantime the reception which these
croi.sbred8 -will receive from buyers is
madr. uncertai.i by what happened to
Australian ctoi-.sbreds. The faitt that
in the past N'ew Zealand crossbreds
were among the most popular of wools
that came to this country has b-en
1 onsidered a factor to warrant predic
tions of favorable attention and spir
ited bidding when they should appear
for sale by the irovernment. The re
cent auction sale, however, has created
pome doubt at least, the Australian
crossbreds making a disappointing
showing when conditions appeared fa
voiable for the ready sale. The ten
Uaucy seems to be toward the finer ani
softer wools, to the detriment of cross
bred sorts; hence the doubts.
With 80,000 bales of wool owned by
Boston houses awaiting shipment from
Euenos Aires, the announcement by
the manager of the transportation de
partment of the Boston Wool Trade
association of the completion of ar
rangement for regular sailings o five
vessels between this port and the
River Plate naturally is full of en
couragement. The five steel vessels
which have been promised by the
L'nited States shipping board, for bi
weekly sailings back and forth, will
be available for shipments of wool
both from Buenos Aires and the Monte
video market.-
Statistics of wool exports "from
South America indicate how poor has
been the shipping situation. The ex
ports from Buenos Aires for the sea
son from October 1, 1918. to April 17,
1S19. were 78.440 bales, including 39,
692 for the United States, compared
with 176.211 and l3l.2k!7, respectively,
for the like period of 1917-1918. Ship
ments from Uruguay for the same time
this sessou Were 55,094 bales, includ
ing 86.211 to this country, compared
with 37,939 and 12.208. respectively.
for tne corresponding period of 1917
Steady conditions are reported for
the markets at the Cape, with Eng
land operating freely and prices for
scourrds showing a strong tone. The
recent announcement from London that
the government no longer controls
Cape of Good Hope and Natal wool
h3s encouraged little hope among im
porters here of shipments from Great
Britain, though the ruling also stated
that such staple hereafter could be
exported. The probability of such ship
ments is considered remote, because of
the high prices ruling in London and
tne demand for the Cape sorts. Good
combing seems to be a scarce article.
It is said that keen buyers here are
placing orders at the Cape for future
delivery. A dealer has cabled an offer
of 198 bales. Cape six to eight months'
lambs', practically free, good color. 43
per cent yield, at 23d. c. i. f.
Along the line of the sucgestion that
the United States might get rid of
some of its surplus in Great Britain,
the trade now sees the possibility of
other burdensome holdings going to
France. The French wool industry is
begging for raw material, as was re
ported a week ago. It is not surpris
ing', therefore, that-some importance
is atached in Washington and Bos
ton to the removal of restrictions on
French imports of wool, as announced
by the United States department of
Conditions are said to be out of
joint, with the irregular and unsatis
factory movement of wool at the bot
tom of the trouble. What appeals to
be a scarcity in wool is laid t'j the
handling of shipments: it ts asserted
that wool in arriving in Great Britain
too rapidly, the freight situation being
extremely unsatisfactory. When the
freight situation has been ameliorated,
say some factors, Americans and oth
ers will be privileged to buy wool in
London, or elsewhere in the United
Kingdom. It is hinted that even Ger
mans may be permitted to buy. If
they are not allowed to buy in Great
Britain, it is adduced, it is hard to sec
where they are going to do it.
As one report says, Kijgland per
haps will be glad In a couple of months
to buyers from outside to
take a portion of the wool available.
It is believed that the English . trade
alone will not be able to support the
market when supplies get as heavy as
they promise to be.
Outlook Bright, Says President ol
.Manufacturing Concern.
NEW YORK. With peace at hand,
the business outlook for American dye
manufacturers is good, so William J.
Matheson, president of the National
Aniline & Chemical company. Inc.,
stated in his annual report to stockholders.
"With such adequate governmental
protection as is now In prospect against
a flood of imported dyestuffs during
the next few years," he said, it can
not be doubted that the dye manufacr
taring industry, so quickly and suc
cessfully established in this country
during the war, will be successfully
continued in peace time as a vital part
of the country's permanent industrial
Mr. Matheson referred to the large
share which the National Aniline &
Chemical company and Its constituent
companies had in the development of
dye manufacturing i nthls country; and
stated that the company was prepared
to maintain its position as a leader in
the industry.
"Prior to the outbreak of the war in
August, 1914," he stated, "coal-tar dyes
had never been manufactured continu
ously in this country In any real sense.
German manufacturers having effec
tively monopolized this industrial field
and supplied the world for many years.
Hence, in order to meet the large and
urgent domestic demands for colors
following the embargo on German ex
ports, it became necessary to create a
more or less complete domestic dye
manufacturing industry virtually over
night and from the bottom up."
For the year ended December 31 last
the company earned a net income, after
charges and federal taxes, of $4,220,248,
which, after the deduction of 10Vi per
cent preferred dividends, including back
payments, was equivalent to $4.94 a
share earned on the 395,990 outstand
ing common shares of no par value.
Net profits from operations, after de
ducting manufacturing costs, .selling
and administration exjenses. deprecia
tion and amortization, were $5,980,497.
Income from other sources aggregating
$331,888 was added, bringing the total
income to $6,312,385.
rail CedHT!
Montenegrins likened to Kentucky
Mountaineers In Their Aloofness.
KIKSICH. Montenegro. This town
and the hills about are full of revolu-,
ttonists who are scheming to put King
Nicholas back on the throne of Monte
negro. The royalists and nationalists
of Montenepro do not take kindly to
the idea of their little country's inclu
sion in the Juero-Slav state. i
The American douchboys who are
brininsr American food into Montene
gro for the food mission and the Amer-j
lean Red Cross Balkan commission are'
well liked tnd trusted by the Monte
negrins who suspect the motives of the
troops of other nations in the country.
The Montenegrin, however. Is much
like the Kentucky mountaineer of old.
He dislikes intrusion of any sort and
shots have been fired at the numerous
power stations which operateth cable
tramway by which the American food
is swuns throuph the air from Cattaro
to Cettinje. The instinct of the Monte
negrins to preserve their aloofness
from the world dies hard.
Hitherto American flour brought tn
by the food mission and the Red Cross
had to be laboriously carried over the
loochen road in oxcarts. Recently,
however, the Americans put the line
from Cattaro up to the top of the first
pass in good order so that it Is now
used by the Red Cross to transport its
goods over the first and worst stage
of the journey.
Cettinje recently was the scene of a
revolution to put Nicholas back on the
throne and thereby prevent Montenegro
from becoming a part of the Jugo-Slav
Ftate. It was a failure because some of
L-ncle Sam's doughboys marched up
from Cattaro and neither side cared to
tackle the Americans.
The revolutionary force of 240 men
and their women laid down their arms
and were put to work by the American
.lied Cross. XUe revolutionists, includ-
IQRpM Bagdad to
Frisco, men in every
walk tf life greatly
prefer pure Turkish
The fact that "ordinary" cigar
ettes cost a trifle less, sometimes
appeals to one's pocket, but never to
one's taste.
Murads are 1 00 pure Turkish the
world's most famous tobacco for cigarettes.
Don't wound your pride or scramble your taste for
rifling saving.
Murads are worth more than they cost and you
don't have to sneak the package ih and out of your
pocket in any company you know what we mean.
ing the women, are now unloading flour
and rood lor their starving relatives in
the mountains. The women are even
harder workers than the men. During
the war they operated machine guns.
carried up ammunition and cooked for
their fighters. Now that peace has come
tney have reverted to their old duties
of burden carriers.
Widow of Dr. Lewensood Become
Plain Mrs. Good.
NEW YORK. The application of
Mrs. Emmie L. Lewengood, widow of
Dr. Samuel Lewengood, who was for
many years one of the city's leading
physicians, and of their daughter.
Helen L. Leweng-ood, to drop the first
two syllables of their name and call
themselves plain "Good," were granted
by Justices Weeks and Whltaker of
the supreme court.
The mother and daughter, who lived
formerly at 450 West Knd avenue, have
been abroad about five years. They
spent most of their time in En gland
among their relatives, including Mrs.
Lionel Asprey, a sister of Mrs. Lewen
good. What time they spent on the
continent, especially in Switzerland,
they say. induced them to drop the
Lewn out of their name because it
made people think they were of Her
man extraction. They have therefore
been calling themselves merely Mrs.
and Miss tiood. First they tried hy
phenating their names Into Lewen
Good, but the Herman taint lingered
around it still until they dropped the.
Lcwcn altogether.
Great White Plague Considered
More Than Deadly Scourge.
ATLANTIC CITY. Tuberculosis must
be considered not only as a deadly
scourge to be feared but also as one
of the greatest economic enemies, de
clared Walter S. Vfford of Washington,
before the annual meeting of the Na
tional Tuberculosis association.
"Sickness." he said, "is the greatest
single factor In bringing about poverty
and dependency. Among the various His
found in dependent families none plays
so big a part as tuberculosis.
"The public must be aroused to grap
ple with the problem of tuberculosis as
it now affects our civilian population,
on broad lines of health reconstruction.
For this purpose departments of health
everywhere should be charged with the
control of tuberculosis as a contagious
disease. These departments should not
only be given legal authority to cope
witU Him problem but should be. pro
vided also with the necessary funds to
deal with tho disease, in its contagious
stages, as a menace to the family and
the neighborhood."
In a plea for health insurance. John
A. Lapp, former director of the Ohio
health insurance commission, pointed
out that there can be no solution of the
tuberculosis problem among working
men without It.
"Men cannot stop work long enough
to take treatment." he says, "because,
as is well known, the great mass of
workingmen are living only a few days
or a few weeks away from actual want.
Some means must be devised to enable
people to stop work and to receive ade
quate medical treatment. There are
only two possible ways to do it, one,
through charity; the other, through
health insurance."
"The public attitude toward tuber
culosis must be changed.1' said Miss
Mary A. Meyers of Indianapolis. "For
merly the masses of people thought
the disease was hereditary and that
nothing could be done about It.
"Now," she said, "due to educational
work, there are few grownups or chil
dren in the country who do not know
that tuberculosis is a preventable and
curable disease."
Montenegro In Pitiable Slate; Amer
ican KcI Cross I'ecd Starving.
NIKSIPH, Montenegro. Montenegro
in in a pitiable Mate. The inhabitants
are destitute. tJwelllng are burned or
smashed by shellfire. The young men
are gone. There are no tools to work
with, no seeds to plant. The city dwell
ers have no livelihood. Each day the
American Red Cross gives everyone a
kilo of bread or two quarts of thick,
meaty soup. Ajnerican nurses visit the
sick from sunup to sundown, each nurse
attending to about 60 sick persons daily.
Before the war most of the clothing
worn by the Montenegrins was made
by the women at home, cither of linen
or wool. Only a small number of offi
cials and tradesmen used Imported
cloth, rurlng the war no clothing was
mnde and now the home supply is cut
off because tnere is not enough labor
to produce food and no one can spare
time for spinning or weaving.
As a result Mentenegrtn men, women
and children are clothed in burlap
sacking. There is not enouch sacking
to go around and the mountaineers
huddle in their huts during the inclem
ent weather. When one of their num
ber, penerally a child, is sent after the
Red Cross rations, lie or she Is supplied
by maktnsr a round robin collection
with sufficient sacking to keVp warm
durinie the Journey to the relief station.
Malaria and tuberculosis are common
anil tne children suiter Irou ttie
itch, due to the general filthlness of
conditions In the mountains and moun
tain towns. In the former residence of
Prince Mlrko, son of Kins; Nicholas,
near Podo-orltsa, American doctors and
nurses maintain a 60-bed hospital and
treat daily about 80 patients. The sur
geon's principal work has to do witb
bullet wounds.
At DanilR-orrrad the Red Cross main
tains a dispensary. Here In Niksich
the Red Cross feeds 1200 persons In its
soup kitchen, miking no distinction be
tween royalists and those who favor
the Jugo-Slav state. The Red Cross
also cares for 300 people housed In the
six rooms of the local "poorhouse"
whose condition Is most wretched.
At Cettinje the Red Cross feeds SO0
people daily In Its soup kitchens and
maintains a hospital.
Owinir to the hostility to foreigners
shown by Montenegrins almost the only
foreign element found In the interior
towns are American soldiers and offi
cers and workers In American Red
Cross uniforms. The American army
trucks and ambulances are driven by
chauffeurs largely drawn from the am
bulance service in France.
Alaska in Need of Cook.
Jl'NEAl. Alaska needs cooks. A
recent bulletin of the territorial bureau
of publicity raid that there I a grst
demand for family, hotel and restau
rant and comp cooks in many localities
throughout the territory.
TJiree Hundred Families Now In
. Texas re?.lre to Ileturn.
MEXICO CITT Among the methods
adopted by the Mexican government to
aid Mexican laborers in the United
States who have suffered during the
reconstruction period following the
ending of the war, is one by the de
partment of agriculture to allot tmatl
plots of land in l-ow er California to
those who wish to return to their
homeland from north of the RioUramle.
By this means It is hoped to repatriate
thousands of Mexicans and also to pop
ulate and render productive millions of
acres of land In Lower California which
the government has taken over from
the former concessionaries for not car
rying out their obllaatlona.
Requests from more than ino Mexi
can families now residing in KI Paso.
Tex., that they he allowed to return
to Mexico and-engnge In farming have
been received by the department of ag
riculture hre and Intimation Is given
thai tti rdrs! government In the nesr
i L3 h n ii h n n VLJTn r r
future will provide for their repatriation.
Oh, for a Swim!
Thesy hot days arc just right
for a dip In the water for a
good swim. If you are in need
of a
Bathing: Suit
you can supply your wants from
a large and varied stock.
rrssa SXJVO to
Kr.i IAO t. T.3.
lot K !..
Tennis Rackets
"Goldsmith Guaranteed"
Regtrlar - grade, now $!.?
Regular SI '0 grade, now 1 Si
Ueftrr grades up to IS. 09.
on .hort notice, and
work guaranteed.
Outing; Clothing and
For Men and Women.
Hardware Company
Portland's l-arae.t Fportlng
tioort. tstore.