Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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wm upheaval
Rule by France or Zionists Is
Bitterly Opposed.
American or British Protection
J I oped for by People Who Rely
on Promise of Leagne.
Cepynsh. tl. bj the Now York Hormld
Ctxnponr. All rtcnw H-ened.
pul Caole to tee Merid.
DAMASOL'S. fla Cairo. The world
will one day awaken to the existence
f a crave situation nere. a situation
Uiat ts more serious than that in the
Adriatic and which. In certain re
spects. Is not unlike that In Kiume. was
the statement made to me by an Ameri
cas officul who has recently returned
Aere from fans.
-The peace conforence Is entirely un
aware of tne situation in this country."
he said. "It Is niovino calmly on Its
way. apportioning territory among the
Id and new powers without rec&omn
n militant local sentiment.
".Nobody In Paris with whom I talked
Bad any conception of the unanimity of
the opposition of the foreigners and
aatlves In Syria and Palestine to th
political Zionists. It Is simply Impos
sible to turn Palestine over to the Jew
without precipitating- a great massacre
L.lkewi.te the world outside yn
and PaJeMlne believes that the secret
treaty giving Syria to France meet
local approvaL My judgment Is that
would be Impossible to carry out tht:
agreement except at the cost of a re
ligious war and continual fighting.
The cler-y and the adherents of th
Koman Catholic church are France
only aupporters In Svrla. The masses
of the population Moslem and non
Catholic Is utterly opposed to France.
Heertsala t krtotlaaa Fearrd.
"Should the peace conference allot
Syria to France, reprisals by the stos-
lem majority would quickly extend to
the Christians.
"All people here take seriously the
promises of the league or nations, con
tained In the league a covenant, that tn
wishes of the people shall be consulted
In the matter of a mandatory. Th
people here are resolved that they will
not be turned over to either the jew
or to France. Only the censorship keeps
the full truth of the situation here
from being known to the people ot
America and fcurope.
Propagandists are working overtime
and at present are directing their ef
forts toward discrediting the American
commissioners. Henry O King and C.
K. Crane, who are investigating cer
tain Industrial questions here. It has
been openly declared that this comrnls
ston does not represent the peace eon
feronre. and came here only as a cam
ouflage to try to "save President Wil
son's fac?. since France and Great
Britain are determined to stick by their
Another report, quite false, quote!
one of the commissioners as saying
that America would refuse to accept the
mandate here.
frgaada la C'trratate.
Another propaganda move urges the
natives to support France, since she Is
the only anti-Jewish nation and would
be sure to suppress Zionism.
Still another report Is to the effect
that France will rrfues to abide by the
decisions of the peace conference unless
he gets Syria.
It would be difficult for an American
In the I'nited Slates to realise the ex
traordinary ImpreHion created in the
Holy !and by the appearance here of
Mr. King and Mr. Crane, who were
named by the peace conference to study
conditions In Syria and Palestine. The
cities were placarded before these com
missioners rearhed this country calling
en the people to prepare their claims
for presentation to them. The excite
ment was Intense and widespread, since
the whole future of the land was at
Eery utterance, every word of the
commissioners was looked for eagerly
and an importance attached to what
they said such as these plain-speaking
Americans never Intended should be
Thus a remark reported made at
Jaffa by one of the commissioners
atsrted a panicky report that America
would not accept any mandates. This
at once disheartened the people, who
still count on America as the only so
lu'lon of this critical International sit
Native tendencies are well defined.
They are:
1. The independence of undivided
Syria. Including Palestine.
i Opposition to the French.-
J. An American or British mandate.
4. protection from Zionism and Jew
ish immigration.
Thts last issue Is a serious one here.
One objection to a British mandate Is
the promiso of Arthur J. Balfour. Brit
ish foreign minister, to the Zionists.
IouhtU-s when the prejudice abates
aomewhat a compromise will be reached
permlttinr a realisation of the aspira
tions of the moderate Jews.
It Is clear to all competent observers
her that the situation In Palestine and
Syria Is likely to develop Into an armrd
conflict If the peace conference decides
wrongly In connection with the man
dates for these lands.
bill at Pantages. The soldiers. Khaki
clad, are late from the big cantonment
at Texas, and are offering a series of
specialties which make up a vaudeville
bill of themselves. They present an
acrobatic turn which is good, and one
of the number gives an Interesting
demonstration In physical development.
The best comedy turn they offer Is a
skit In which one soldier Impersonates
a darkey officer. Important and dom
Inrering. with another soldier In the
role of an ebon buck private, tired, lasy
and full of argument. This act Is really
of good comedy. Another bit la the
aulrk Illustration by crayons on paper,
while another soldier sings. Two others.
a tall and short chap dance acceptably,
and several others sing nicely.
Joe larcy is a likable entertainer.
full of comedy ideas and an excellent
singing voice. He is remindful of Al
Jolson in his crooning and long-drawn-out
method of singing darkey ballads.
Darcy has a Joyous personal appeal
and makes a great hit with bis songs
and chatter.
I Sam Beverly Is a riot with his Swed
ish Interpretation of popular American
songs, and he offers Just enough of
them' to keep his audience roaring.
His voice is an unusual one. melodious
and extremely pleasing and the audi
ence wanted to hear It oftener. Sam Is
assisted by Ada Beverly who sings
prettily and looks cool and charming.
l ne ronr ncneeo no.-
Tents Are Being Erected
Homeless Residents.
Edifice in Worst Part of Conflagra
tion Stands Alone and
BROW.VSVIU.E. Or, July 14. (Spe
cial.) The town Is a scene of chaos
today, with smnt1lri.of.in0
d . n r number. In which one of the four hand, telephone and electrio light
sings and Introduces the three others, wires hopelessly confused and fallen,
who dance in costume the native steps people homeless and tents erected in
of various countries. The three dancers various places, results of Saturday
are graceful and dance smartly and night's fire.
ronlillv manv intricate numbers. One Ti mrml f t V, . j.
of the real delights of this offering among the town folks Is the case of
Is aa Egyptian solo dance by one of Arlelgb. Arthurs, recently discharged
tne youimui neoeea. sanor. jar. Arthurs was married a
Harris and Nolan are two girls who few weeks ago. He brought his bride
sing popular airs, among them a clever from LK,veri Md &nd Saturday while
on jiin soi lu...-.- 1 no ana nis young wire wers out .of
Plays the piano while Miss Harris sings. 1 town the flames destroyed their house
ine act pieases muco. ana 111 tneir belongings. Including the
Anita xsius o 1 , , , I onao s trousseau. Mr. Arthurs gal
open the bill in monkey icwnuiuu.. loped Into town on a nonv lust in time
ana a series 01 iuo 1 - --- 1 to see tne wans of his home fail in.-
hugely enjoyaoie. ine Attorney Amor A. Tussing lost his
continues to Interest and thrill, ana is offices in the business rii.trirt H hi.
now In its ninth episode. I home, in the block adjoining. Inter
ested in rescuing his law books and
valuable papers, he did not succeed
and today
any of the
ere straichtwav
blown back again Into the flames by
the strong wind, and many were hurled
FIGHTERS RCSIIED TO BLAZE sky high miles away. Goods hastily
carried lorth from the doomed stores
.... nnnrinn vIubl Papers, he did no
Conflagration In Anderson Creek
burned in the streets, and gasoline and
oil barrels, rolled from the garages,
exploded where the tired men left them.
District Makes Path Cp Side
of Mountain.
Doctor Is Heavy Loser.
Dr. E. W. Howard, now of Corvallis.
was a big loser, as his residence, hos
pita l, barns and garage, with auto
mobile, were burned. The house ond
hospital were occuDied h v rr. w.itx.
MEDFORD. Or, July 14. (Special,) I who has taken over Dr. Howard's prac-
A forest fire which may grow to serious tlce since the Iatter's departure from
proportions started early this after- town. Very little of Dr. Waltz' goods
noon In the Anderson creek district. The
blaze on the mountain side spread
rapidly to the top of the mountain. The
fire Is outside the boundaries of the
were saved
South Brownsville was sorely threat
ened. The old planing mill building
on the edge of the water was for two
hours on fire In many different places.
Crater National fo.-est but Is In the 0rganj2ed workers fought the
state lire patrol mwihw
The forestry office of iledtord was
quickly notified and Deputy state su
pervising Fire Warden Garrett soon
started for the scene witn is tire iigni-
fl&gration with the courage born of
despair because the pumping plant was
located In the old mill.
Had the mill burned the water sup
ply to the city reservoir would have
era. It is the nr torest j been cut off and the firemen uptown
consequence In tlTis lection n ,m would have been unable to hold the
heavy smoke and path of the fire could I . , ,,,,, . ,. v.,
plainly do seen iron. jcu,ui ...
spread east, west and south over the
best parts of six blocks, doing $100,000
irebrands and burning missiles of
all sorts were hurled into South
Brownsville all afternoon and many
times the bridge rpproach and walks
were burning. A freakish clrcum
stance of the flro was that the large
Methodist church directly across Main
MISSOULA, Mont. July 14.-A new street from th, - Howe garag. . where
fire of serious proportions at Black .'i"" , " ,v
ine. In Granite county, reported today ; ' - - -" " -
to district forfeit service headquarters '..;,,' T,,;" T
ASHLAND. Or, July 14. (RpeciaL)
The first forest fire of the season in tne i .,
.. . . . . . . I Cl. 1 f
(llRIrlCl DCtWeeU rtniinauii oiiu -
an creeks, eight miles west 01 mis
rir, waft reoorted rsging toaay.
wild Is blowing and It Is believed that
rill be comparatively easy to get tne
fire under control
here, was the day's most Important de-
velonment in the forest fire situation
in northern Idaho and western Mon
tana. -
The forest service Is sending many
gangs of fighters Into the woods.
would veer a little and the edifice never
burst Into flames. Five large burning
buildings went down directly adjoining
the church, but the place of worship
stood intact.
Origin of Blase Is Mystery.
The origin of the blaze is mysterious.
When first noticed It had obtained a
fiery hold of the Hazelwood cream sta
tion. A strong wind spread the flames
east and west among the business
houses on Spaulding avenue and di
rectly southward among the residences.
nnrrnv vtvisTFRS TO HEVRlw"hen tno breeze would die down thel
OREGON MI.MSTfcUS """flames would leap backward across'
the avenue to the north and attack
the line of buildings there. Then as
the wind would resume Its southward
Co-ordinal Ion of Different Dcnomi- puff the firemen would rush in and
llgm ine nr, iinmcn, oi..
nations Is Aim of Well-Sponsored
National Movement.
little success, and finally the north
Dart of the town was saved.
This .was not of Linn coun
ty's biggest fires, but was one of the
i r , ... t rho itrnnff v tin is mostly
Authorities from ail parts 01 m 1 , hi. me for the speed of the destruc
tlon. In less than an hour and a nail
country on the Inter-church world
At the Theaters.
Pan taies.
THE famous Kelly Field Players, a
group of 13 men forming the only
0fflcl.1l military act authorised by the
vir department for vaudeville, tops the
movement will address a conference of ,0 residences were In ruins, as well as
irrgon ministers to convene " e""c'-1 cores of business offices and oulld-
ay and Thursday at the loiing itcn s 1 ,n(r! n( many garages and barns. A
Christian association building. 1 fan,ny would go to assist their neigh-
The- conterence win 00 cum-cm 1 h , ,, nK nut goods ana return
largely with the city and rural survey to f)nl tne flames devouring their own
problems. The fundamental objects 01 1 nome.
the movement are to get tne cnurcnes
of various denominations into closer
touch and working relations, and to
lessen the overabundance of churches
.0 many " WASHINGTON. July 14. Following
The objectives of the inter-cnurcn III Is a list 01 additional casualties
survey and the auspices under wnicn reDOTta
Official Casualty Report
Stlncheomb. Paul. Winder. Ga.
Devtlle. Currie H., Turkey Creek. La.
Williams. David L,, HInton. W. Va.,
Davis, Wesley. Finely. Tenn.
Ivle. Dave w.. Park City, Utah.
Lee. Brooks. Midland. Tex.
Parsons. Cecil T , McComb, Miss.
Schwab. Frank. Coal City, 111.
Simpson, Albert. Sheridan, Mont.
Died of wounds
Carter. Louise (Cp!.), Atwell. Tex.
Hedgelon. William F., Honesdale. Pa.
Died of disease
Carlisle, Roy D. (Red Cross). Brooklyn.
HuRhes. Harry W.- (Sgt-). Jacksonville, 11L
Hecre. Porter (Cpl.). Lake Grove, la.
Collins, James A.. Chattsworth. Gs,
Hunter. Charles L.. Mobile, Ala.
Jackson. Frank. Winchester. Ky.
Jones, Hunter P., Elkhorn. W. Va.
Lee, Jesse, I Kan. port. La.
Rise. Roy. Tazewell. Va.
Thompson. Aubrey L.. Queen City. Mo-
Locke, Sheridan A.. Rochester. J". 1
Condon. Arthur, Gardner. Mo. -
Vorburs-h. Jess. Lum. Mich. -Burchfleld.
Wftllara R-. Greenback. Tenn.
BraswelL Robert B-. Lawreneeville. Va.
Cotrlss. Edward F., Medina, N. T.
Diaz, Abraham Jr.. Keeler. Cal.
Fritt Carl W . Avne. K. T.
Henderson. Ernest H., Manistee, Mich.
Hoffman. Thomas H-. Detroit.
Jefferm. Clarence J.. Holland. Mich.
Johnson. Ruble I... Grayson. Ga.
Koclenskl. John W., Haydenville. Mass.
Izvaskas. William. Branford. Conn.
MeCullouuh. Chamt-ers K., Sidney, Pa.
McDonald. Benjamin, Corbln. Ky.
MeGinnis. Sidney L.. Blue Earth. Minn.
Moore, James M, Danville, Ark.
Oliver. Clyde. Bellalre. O.
niiiin r- r T. I St.nleV. Wis.
Powers. Ool Con die, Cumberland City. Tenn.
Private Flllberto, Trenton. -a.
Roberts. Roy E., Brookvllle. Ind.
Schmidt. Henry C, New Britain. Conn.
Stove. Hans. Howard. S. D.
Wilson. Charles R.. Springfield, O.
Died from accident
x, v. L' i ipanl 1. Reno. Nev.
unn.i. n fit Blue Point. K. T.
ArmitroM. Edward K. (Red Cross), Cape
May. N. J.
Erlckson. Carl W. (Set.). Toungstown. O.
Snonsler. Murl E. (SgL), Ottumwa, .a.
anv.nUn l-hlH fKcrl , .TohnstOWn. Pa.
Montgomery. Georite D. (Sgt.). Du Bols. Pa-
Murray. Lee C. Srt.). uentonvnic, ...
ii-1 1 1 , , i ii r-nl t Run River. Mont.
Roberts. Elber B. (Mech.). Canastota, N. Y.
Esquibel, Amado, Monte Vista, Colo.
B ration. Vaster W.. Kansas City, Mo.
Chickslone, Joseph. Beacon, N. T.
Dusek. Frank, Owatonna, Minn.
Fromm. Henry. Hortonvllle, N. z.
Mahoney. Peter. Erie. Pa.
Algerlo. Pasquale. Northport, N. I.
Rasarewskl. Fellks. Holyoke, Mass.
Bellman, John. Osage City. Mo.
Dwj-er. William E.. San Francisco.
Garrett. Charles, Bahama. N. C
Gerall, Mike. Jeanette. Pa.
Hartman, Louis. Russellvllle. Mo.
Haugen. Emil. Doran. Minn.
Holoman. Odie. Fredonla. Ky.
James, Steven L.. Wilmington, Dei.
Schiel, William H., Ranshaw, Pa.
Slems, Walter. Milwaukee, Wis.
Taranto. PaUy, New Tork.
Roux, Frank L., Ama. La.
Returned to doty (previously
killed In action)
Hall. Eusene L. (Cpl.). Atmore. Ala.
K.llv. John S.. 'Dixon, 111.
t--!, jAhn A.. Dayton. O.
Died of disease (previously reported died
SnoTe'jas. P. (Sgt.). Smithfleld. W. Vs.
Killed In action (previously reported
died) w ,
Krengel. Edgar R. (Cpl.). Govans, Md.
Jones. Ernest C. Pickens, S. C.
Marken. Albert I., Blltfork. Mont.
Markham. Avery E., Okmulgee. Okla.
Mund Arnold. Bonne Terre, Mo.
Osborne, Thomas, Newport News, Va.
Parnell, Edwin. Cboudrant, La.
Savltsky, Hypollt. Swoyervllle. Pa.
Rosa, Louis. Fall River. Mass.
Wirl. John Frank. Pittsburg, Pa.
York. Hugh N., Rltehey. Mo.
Returned to duty (previously reported
Bali. Jesse L, Cincinnati. O.
Davis. Homer F., Clayton. Ala.
Douglas. Arthur C. W-st Pnrk, O
Died (previously reported missing In
! inn
Hakt-r. Theodore H., Lancaster, O.
Doherty, Thomas E. Jr.. Brooklyn. N. r.
Gardner. William H., Nyack. N. T.
Mueckler, August Carl. Manistee. Mich.
Zoller. Herbert T St. Louis. Mo.
Died of wounds (previously reported died
of disease)
Rowell, Harold A., union, .-no.
Died of wounds (previously
Mrlntvre. Wilson G., Gsrrett. Pa.
Killed in action (previously
wounded slightly) -
Mccarty, Dean C. Merrill. Wis.
Died of wounds . (previously
Faulk. LeonMas B. (Lt). Monroe, La.
Brown. Harold. Loa. L'tah.
Kimmel, Ernest W Butle. Mont.
Knoph, Orvllle. Minneapolis. Minn.
I.. A . Tcrri'i I Tex.
Died of disease (previonsly ''reported
ti. ' . v if. i n, n n Lneiinoi ni l. nana.
Killed In action (previously reported
missing) .
Welmer. John Henry (Lt-. Beach City. O
Tnhn .T iPnl.l. Charlestown. Mass.
Mero'ls, Jos. Lang (CpU). Mamaroneck. N. T.
Reeves. Delbert (Cpl.). Washington, u.
Sherry. Claude (Cpl.). Bowling Green. Ky.
Teachout. Henry I- (Cpl.). Theodore, Ala.
Cerll. Edward (Mech.). Elliabethtown. Ky.
Coleman. James J.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Dance, Cardwell.. Edmunds Store. Va.
Flynn. Benton. Broadhead, Ky.
Hawtrey, Frederick C. Is Angeles. CaL
Hesslnger, Oscar C. Callicoon Center, N. T.
Howley. James L Philadelphia. Pa.
Ideus. Theodore A Cherokee. Tex.
Klnkel. Edward. Mlllstadt. III.
Kllebert. Adrlen. St. Patrick. La.
Leonard, Dennis E., Hydra, Okla.
Ipone. Salvatore. TJtlca. N. T.
Llmle. David Gus, Omaha. Neb.
Mapes. Lloyd B.. Akron. O.
Mott. Marvin, Brookeland. Tex.
Rogers. Edward W., Hawkeye, Iowa
Simmons. Jessa M-, Eatonton, Ga.
Stout. Emest A.. Bessie. Okla.
Tansey, Alfred P.. Toledo. O.
Tedesco. Andrew J.. Wlnsted, Conn.
Todd. Van, Danvers, III.
Trumbo, Leonard, Reliance, S. D.
Vetter. George H., Niles. Mich.
Wolpert, Louis, Los Angeles. Cal.
reported J
t&j Assisted by Har- . - f$ J
i'if rison Ford in the s ' - 4
f comedy of youth - - : She's a dashing V..I
f and love, . V young widow TSf
U - X and ,
Romance -..;:-? :;f 1
- 1 - x V V - ,s r- 1
UUU -f sts voune- man 1
. ArahpIIp" 's , s'U a faddist '
1 x-'r f v" An unsophisticat-
Today . X1 Aeris'- i
l " in love with her. j
I A Cecil Teague, king ? : WTiich one did she J
h of organists, at ' " " s choose? ).- 1
the Wurlitzer. . , N N f Vi
igk y srs - x
I'WziXlrJ . if "i ...l t$Mi :i
17 -i . ; ,4 , v I ! .
Central and Southern Oregon as
Well as Northern California
Points Are Visited.
the local survey is to be conducted
will be dealt with by Rev. W. I'. Shrive
of- New York and Rev. John R. Vorls
of San Francisco. Methods of organlza-
tlon for the survey committee and the
details cnttinrcted with it will be the
subject of Kev. Roy B. Guild of rew
The conference on the rural survey
work will be conducted by Dr. fc- Deb.
Brunner of New York, national director
of that department. Other noted
speakers at the conference will be Rev,
K. Watsch and Rev. r. Uale of Seattle,
Kev. tieorfte W. Knepper of Spokane
and Kev. A. A. Morrison. Rpv. Robert
M. Pratt and Kev. Levi Johnson of
Portland. About 60 pastors, represent
ins: all the Protestant denominations
snd from all parts of the state, are
expected to attend the conference.
Treat your beauty
fairly - keep your
No msater bow pretty yonr
features are, too camot be trnrjr
attractive with a red, rough,
pimpiy complejtkirt. But Rcxi
nol Ointmesu, axictl by Reainoi
Soarp, wi!I tsroa.''y make poor
kins dear, fresh and charmirtf;.
James Boltger, While Enjoying Self
In Vmatllla River, SIt-eU Death.
ECHO. Or, July It. (Special.)
James IL Boits-rr. aged 26. well-known
young man of Echo, died last week as
the result of injuries sustained while
in swimming In the Umatilla river west
of Hermiston.
With several companions he had been
swimming- and and enjoying:
himself. Some one In the party missed
young; Bottger and the body was seen
lying where the water was only 'four
feet deep. He was taken out immedi
ately and a doctor called, who found
that liotteer was paralysed from the
head down. He had broken his neck
in diving;.
He was taken to the hospital at Pen
dleton, where he died Thursday. The
funeral was held here yesterday.
Aired Woman Recovering.
Mrs. Louise Hughes. S3, who was in
jured last week In a fall from the fron'
steps of her home. 4!-3 Tamhill street,
is slowly recovering at the Good Samar
itan hospital. She Is bruised severely
about the head and body and her ad
vanced age is expected to make her re
covery a matter of weeks. Mrs. Hughes
Is the mother of Bishop Matt 3. Hughes
of the Methodist Episcopal church. She
came to Oregon from the east to make
her borne with her son some time ago.
In the 4S states of the union there
an counties.
Killed In action
Cole. Walter H . Rainier.
Killed la action
Rankin. Joan li.. Ellensburg.
Woonded sllshtly
FJdwarus. Charles M.. Lewlston.
Jensen. John O., Coeur d'Alene.
Killed la action
Jenson. Ivor K-. Pine Island. Minn.
Lewis. McCoy. Wooton, Ky.
Qulnn. Paul. La thro p. Mo.
Sherman. Elmer C. Minneapolis.
Hood River Lad Says Service by
Company Was Ordered.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 14. (Spe
cial.) Writing his mother, Mrs. A. D.
Moe, Mark E. Moe, Just back in Amer
ica after li months' service overseas
with an aero squadron, says his dis
charge was delayed by arrival of the
big British dirigible, the R-34.
Members of the 88th, In which squad
ron Mr. Moe served, and other recently
returned aviation units acted as a
guard at Mineola, L. I., for the big
air machine after her remarkable
flight from England.
THE DALLES, Or, July 14. (Spe
cial.) G. L. Coleman, jailer for Wasco
county, has just returned to The Dalles
from a 1062-mile automobile trip
through southern and central Oregon.
The trip required two weeks.
Mr. Coleman, with his wife and three
children, left The Dalles on June 28,
going first to Portland, where Mr. Cole
man attended the Shriners' convention.
From Portland they went through the
valley as far south as Hornbrook.
Stops were made at all of the valley
towns and at Crater lake. They re
turned to The Dalles by way of Bend
and Wasco.
Mr. Coleman reports that Klamath
Falls is making great preparations for
the state Elks' convention and says
also that the Elks of Bend have ob
tained an auto truck and are taking
tents and camping equipment to Crater
lake, where their delegation expects to
set up a camp.
sale of the railroad spur at Beaver Hill
constructed y the government before
the signing of the armistice.
Lieutenant E. F. Postal, who is in
charge of the epruce division business
of this district, said the spur was being
offered to the Boutins for $7500. The
money expended on Its building was
between $12,000 and $13,000. The epur
is about three miles in length and has
two large bridges and some smaller
ones. It opens up one of the tracts of
the Boutin timber, one of the beet in
this section.
Point section in large quantities. Plen
ty of moisture in the higher altitudes
is resulting in berries of fine size.
Today while their husbands were
landing nice basketfula of trout Mra .
Norman W.- Mays and Mrs. L B. Apltn
filled several two-gallon buckets with
fine blackberries.
Outings in Hood River County En
joyed by Families.
HOOD RIVER, Of., July 14. (Spe
cial.) In the forested and burned-over
areas in the southwestern part of the
county families are enjoying summer
vacations, the men whipping the trout
streams and the women picking wild
blackberries. The fruit is found on the
Order Placed at Cottage Grove to
Supply Chicago Home.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., July 14.
(Special.) James H. Lang of Chicago,
who was a guest for two weeks of
the W. Frasier Johnson family, has
made arrangements with the Cottage
Grove cannery to have shipped to his
home a large quantity of cherries,
loganberries, plums and assorted fruits.
Mr. Lang intends to show his windy
city neighbors that the best fruit in
the world is grown and canned in the
Willamette valley.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
Want to Feel Just Right?
Take an NR Tonight
JUST TRY IT AND SEE law ama batter ywa feel fat the merahtf. That "lottr
headachy. tliW, dsat-knew-wliat's-the-mattar feeling: will be (one Trail feel Cue.
TROUBLE IS, your system is
clogged with a lot of impurities that your
over-worked digestive and eiiminative organs
can't get rid of. Pills, oil, salts, calomel and ordi
nary laxatives, cathartics and purges only force the
bowels and prod the liver.
Natur 'm Remedy (NR Tablets) acts on the stomach,
liver, bowels and even kidneys, not forcing, but ton
ing and strengthening these organs. The result is
prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make the test.
Nature's Remedy will act promptly, thoroughly, yet
so mildly, so gently, that you will think nature her
self has come to the rescue and is doing the work.
And oh, what a relief 1
You'll be mrprbed to
Cod bow noes better von
feel bxisatez. better ereir war.
II ftablrullr or irabbornlr con
Kipsted. ttfcs one N8. Tablet
4 r33r3f4 V3V W? li each aisbt for a week. Thea .
I AiA "9CSefsri,Xl'VXHrv m yon "so aarelo take medicine f M - - -
V-AEyv aCwV whSLj-O- "I) ererr dar. JnM an occasional fjCf ' ' J
.foC7 KR T,bM m,,er ,t" win be fr ; I
vCyTVXAi JerQ5r nuficienl to keep your intom vjJij
M 32Zf. ia condition kee, tjSTUlVti " 1
jJrVsa inline roof bejfcyVX r:3-5v' .
ttsodaerajneed "T
rad recoasmended ler your h-uogiaC- -m ".,'...r;: i
- ' T rf'-'- --- -.M--fi n'l
Timber Men Negotiating for Line
Built by Government.
MAESHFIELD, Or., July 14. (Spe
cial.) Negotiations are now on be
tween the government and the Boutin
interests of Minnesota and holders of
vast tracts of timber land here, for the
tributaries of Hood river in the Green nian. Main 7070. A 6095.
Caroline McDole, of Indianola,
Iowa, writes: ' "I have used Cham
berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy and it has done me a
great deal of good. I don't believe
there is a Ipetter medicine on
earth." Only 35 cents per bottle.
I! Is enongii li
. "Turkish" for jj
k me too much i
k for yon? .
See Thursday's Papers
It may even make you Idem
your present cigarette bett&