THE 3I0RSIXG OEEGOXTA3T, TUESDAY, JXXT 15, 1919. 13 TILDErJ AND HARDY WIN WAY TO FIFTH Tennis Match Today Will Fea ture Championship. FILIPINOS ARE SHUT OUT TT. M. Johnston, San Francisco, Is Pressed by Illinois Flayer, But Vina -, -2. CHICAGO. Jnly 14 William T. Tll- 4n Jr. of Philadelphia, and Samuel Hardy, of Chlcaro. won their way into tha fifth round of play In the naUonal clay court tennis championship today and will clash tomorrow In the match that will b the feature of play to date. Tlldets Is present holder of trie cham pionship and Hardy Is one of the pres ent doubles champions. fifty-nl.-.e matches were played today. T. -n defeated C. I- Johnson Jr. of Oiicaao. In the fourth round. 6-2. The Philadelphia man took an early lead In e.irn set. winning- with his speedy drf's ird placement shots. Hardy won ti.i--Ki three rounds, taav- lr. r rather soft opposition. In the fourth round he eliminated Alfredo JUra.5. Kan. the last of the i lllDlno players who started. -!. Forty players competed in today's matches. In the third rouna v.. m. Johnston of San Francisco, former na tional champion, was pressed for a while by Allister McCormtrk of Lake Forest. X1L. but won. 6-4. 6-2. Kobert Klnsey. San Francisco, elim inated Theodore Lightner, Detroit. 6-2. -C. George J. CConnen. Chlcairo, plays Vincent Richards tomorrow In one of the feature matches. Among today's matches were the following: Ken's singles, second round Axel Graven. Berkeley. CaX. defeated Wray Brown, 9u Louts. 6-2. 11-9; J. O. Jos ties, St. Louis, defeated R. D. Johnson, Los Angeles, 6-1. 6-4. Third round Axel Graven. Berkeley, CaL. defeated H. H. Jamieson. Chicago. 6-0. 6-0: Robert Kinsey. ban Francisco, ners of singles and doubles series. The famous Achells cup for the singles winner was lifted in by R. N. Will lams II after being in competition 14 years. V Maurice McLaughlin, world-famous tennis star. Is now training with Tom Busdy In Los Angeles for their games at the Longwood Cricket club, Boston, on August 12. in which they will en deavor to win the national doubles championship. FIGHT IS EXT) ED IX THIRD Official RrJlsg on Dempsey-WULsrd Contest Is Handed Down. KEW YORK, July 14. The board of boxing control, in an official state ment tonight, announced that only 47 seconds of the third rest period had elapsed in the Dempsey-Wtllard bout when Wlllard'a seconds tossed a towel into the ring as a token of defeat The board also decided the bout ended In tee third round These decisions were made as a result of numerous inquiries from all parts of the country The statement, which was signed by Adam Empie. secretary to the board. is as follows: A report having been widely cir culated that W. Warren Barbour, time keeper appointed by this board for the Wlllard-Dempsey contest, bad written o Mr. Pecord. the referee, stating that he Interval of one minute between the hird and fourth rounds bad expired before WIMard's seconds threw a towel nto the ring. I ber to state that Mr. Barbour has written no such letter and further that the statement reported to be contained in the alleged letter is contrary to the fact, aa only 47 seconds had expired in the In- erval referred to. when the signal of defeat was given by Wlllard'a seconds. "The board Is In no way concerned with wagers that have been made on the contest, but aa a number of in quiries have been received it has con sidered the question of when the con test terminated In all its bearings, and the board haa decided that it should he regarded aa having ended in the third round." FAST CHAMPIONSHIP TEilS PLAY START Flye and Wakeman Win Day's Feature Contests. in JUNIORS TO MEET TODAY Varied Schedule Calls for Mixed, Doubles and Singles Play, Start ing Early This Morning. HATCHERY SITES INSPECTED Fish Warden Clanton to Announce Favored Point Shortly. SALEM. Or, July 14. (Special.) Master Fish Warden B. E. Clanton has returned here after inspecting four pos sible sites for the new state hatchery to be established on the Santlam river. Two of the sites are on the Marion county side of the river at a point above Stayton and another point above Gates. The other sites are on the T.lnn I H r, f the river An, near Nimram J ,; , I """' and the second on Mad creek. The site 6-2. 6-0: W. M. Johnston. Sin Francisco, defeated A. H. McCormick. Lake Forest. 111.. 6-4. 6-2; Vincent Richards, Tonkers, X. T.. defeated Walter Haase. St. Louis, 6-2. 6-3. Fourth round William T. Tilden Jr. Philadelphia, defeated C L. Johnson Jr. Chicago. 6-2. 6-2: Samuel Hardy, Chi cago, defeated Alfredo Jiaraalgnan, jja aila. 6-1. 6-2. ORPHANS NEED BASEBALLS Frank Leipzig Appeals for Supplies for St. Mary's nome. Frank P. Leipzig has started a cam paign to obtain enough baseballs and tennis balls to last the orphans at St. Mary's home. Beaverton. Or, for the season. Anyone who wishes to donate basebaJ or tennis malarial will con fer a great favor upon Mr. Leipzig by telephoning him at Broadway l&si or addressing him at 428 Hoyt street. Tbera are 1&0 boys at St. Mary's home." said Mr. Leipzig last night, "and the shortage of athletic goods Is very apparent. I was out there Saturday and the case appealed to me so strong ly that I determined to see that the little fellows get what they need worse than anything else." IT OFTEN seems that golfers are fairly divided between those who know nothing at all and do not want to know anything and rather acorn to read anything on the subject and those who think, they know so much about golf that they feel quite competent to give unsolicited advice to anybody and everybody who will listen to them. This last class also considers Itself competent to run a golf school, lay out courses according to the latent Ideas of modern golf course architec ture and even pose as authorities on the rules. This sort of golf bug does more harm than .rood, for the quack generally haa his own panaceas which be works off on his too-confiding victims. The main Idea in giving golf tips Is for the giver to Impress one that he knows a whole lot about the game. If. by any chance, you get him a hole or two down, the lips will cease. On the other band. It Is always noticed that when a man receives a gulf tip he immediately plays worse, so ver play a giver of tips for a tall a hole. whatever the odds may be. for you will just be providing the tipster wiLh balls. When a husband tries to coach his wife the results are invariably dis astrous, family trouble follows, no mat ter how loving the couple may have been before. ven the doctor knows better than prescribe for his own wife. It would be well to add to the etiquette of golf. "No advice on how to play should be given unless asked for. below Mehama is said to be favored by the fish warden and sportsmen and probably will be selected if it can be made to meet requirements. Mr. Clanton was accompanied by sportsmen from both Marion and Linn counties. TEXDLER . DEFEATS WELXEVG Six Rounds at Shibe Park, Phila delphia, Are Hard Fonght. PHILADELPHIA. July 14. Lew Tendler of Philadelphia, defeated Joe Welling of Chicago in a hard six-round fight at Shtbe park tonight. Joe Tlplitz. Philadelphia, knocked out George Chaney, Baltimore, in the third round. Ted (Kid) Lewis, former welter weight champion, had the better of a six-round bout with Steve Latzo of Hazleton. Pa. Harry Greb. Pittsburg, and Battling Levinsky. Philadelphia, fought a six- round draw. Artisans Beat Baby Beavers. After losing two straight games. Manager Kmil Tauscher's Liberty United Artisans came to life Sunday and defeated the Teninsula Baby Beav ers, 6 to 2. at Columbia park. John son, pitching for the Artisans, was the individual star, striking out 17 Beav ers and making three assists and one put out. Welch scored both runs for the Beavers. Batteries: Liberty Arti sans, Johnson and Farry; Peninsula, Young and Nunkln. One of the most exciting matches in the first day's play of the Oregon state tennis championships which took place yesterday on the courts of the Laurel hurst club was that between Guy Flye, Junior center champion of Tacoma, and Kenneth Smith of Portland. Flye fl nally won, although the result was continually in doubt. Score: 7-5, 6-7, 6-2. Another close match was that be tween A. D. Wakeman and Henry Ste vens, both of this city. Wakeman won, 6-4. 0-. 6-2. Catlln Wolfard and Phil Neer. two of Portland's favorites, had no difficulty In winning their matches and It looks as if they might meet in tne semi-iinal round. Shlves-Gray Hatch Continued. By the mutual consent of the players. tne James Shlves versus MUlington Gray match was continued over after the score stood 6-4. 4-6. A freak of the draw brings together the same players today in two separate events. since Phil Iseer is scheduled to play Guy Flye In the Oregon state cham pionship and he also meets the same lad in the big Pacific . northwest Junior caampionshlp. The first day's play in a bltr tourna ment is always a case of more or less uncertainty and the matches are usu ally somewhat delayed, but that was not true yesterday. Only six defaults were taken. A. B. McAIptn, Portland's official umpire for the United States National Lawn Tennis association and also referee of the tournament, han- aiea ail or his work with his usual skill and diplomacy. Many fine matches resulted, and the fast play was only excelled by the pace with which the thermometer traveled In its desire to make a real record. The first match between Mr. Neer and Mr. Flye takes place at 4 P. M. today and will be the best of five sets, and they will again meet at 6 P. M. for the best of three sets in the Oregon state championships. Another match which will cause, much discussion will take place when Jack Wright of Spo kane meets Herbert Little of Seattle in the Pacific northwest junior tour nament. The boys' event between Portland, represented by Isadore Wes terman, and Tacoma, represented by Charles Grimes, Is another setto which will draw a large gallery and which will be for the best of five sets. Today the refreshments will be in charge of Mrs. W. J. Hofmann of the Irvington club and she will be assisted by the Misses Adele Jones, Bernice Burke, Elizabeth Wiggins, Elizabeth Ettinger and Janice Ettinger. Day's Results Announced. Results in the first day's play were i follows: Men's singles: Catlln Wolfard beat A. S. Frohman, 6-0, plonshtjw Jack Wrtt. Spokane, versus nwwi b. jjitue. beattie. Oregon state championships H. E. Wheeler versus Catlln Wolfard; Harry Gray versus W. Taylor: S. B. Cooke versus A. R. Munfrer: A. D. N'orrls versus Jack Wright. 5:30 P. M. Miss Harrietts Johnson versus winner: alias Gertrude Schreiner versus Mrs. Ethel w amer. .Harry Gray and partner versus M. C Frohman and partner. 6 P. M. A. X. Wakeman versus Jacis Neer; T. Greene versus Herbert Swett;- E. Griffin versus winner: Halsey versus Smith; Phil Neer versus Guy Flye: Miss Irene Camp- Den versus 3iss ituu iarlson. 6:S0 P. M. Jade Neer and S. Smith versus Herbert S. Little and Joe Ltvingood; H. V. Cote and Harry Westerman versus E. Griffin and Marshall Allen. 7 P. M. Miss Lilly Fox versus Miss Marl am Sinclair; Walter A. Goes and Phil Neer versus Rodsers McVeigh and W. Tay lor; M- Gray and T. Green versus Guy Flye and Charles crimes. 7:30 P. M. Mlsa Irene Campbell and Miss Gertrude Schreiner versus Mrs. Harland Wentworth and Miss Mariam Sinclair; Harry Westerman versus E. P. Steinmeta; H. V. Cte' versus winner: J. B. Btlderbach versus Walker; A. S. Frohman and Robert Gllmaa versus H. E. Wheeler and Whitmer. Marines Beat Rainier, 9 to 2. ASTORIA, Or July 14. (Special.) The marine nine today defeated the Rainier team by the score of 9 to 2. Libke in the first five innings shut Rainier out. Captain Toumans re placed Libke with McKlnnie, who held them the remainder of the game to two runs. The feature of the game was the hitting of Goreman, Herman and Stewart, the latter getting a three bagger with the bases full. LUTHERANS ARE IN SESSION OREGOX, WASHXXGTOJf, IDAHO CHURCHES REPRESENTED. Sounding the Sport Reveille. M ISS OLGA DORFNER, the cham pion swimmer, will marry a Phila delphia business man. Miss Dorfner holds the world s outdoor records lor 40. 100 and 200 yards. Cuban fencers will clash with New Tork Athletic club exponents in the tatter's clubhouse next December. The Cubans sill bs represented by army officers. The decathlon, which figured on the programme of the Olympic games at Stockholm, will not be repeated at next year's revival In Belgium. All the sta dium events, running. Jumping and weight throwing, will be held between August IS and September L m m A gigantic Serbian, who is a phenom at the weights, javelin and discus, ap parently has all the records at his mercy. The prodigy, who is named Yanjushevitch. la a student of Pem broke college, Cambridge. He stands feet 6 inches and is proportionately built. The Public School Athletic league ot New Tork city has conducted 172 ath letic meets, in which more than 70.000 youthful pupils have competed this year. The championships will take place in the fall. Miss Zinderstrin cf Boston won the Canadian championship in the women's open singles July 10. defeating Mrs. Bifle of Toronto in straight sets, t-6 and 6-4. e e The Seabrlght (X. J.) Lawn Tennis and Cricket club has IS grass courts available for its annual tourney, start ing July 26. New trophies known as the Seabrlght bowl wLU as gives,. win-1 POGROM THREAT IS ISSUED Bela Kan, of Hungarian Soviet, Or ders Arrest of 3000 Jens. VIENNA. July 11. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Three thousand Gali- cian Jews have been arrested in the streets of Budapest, according to ad vices received here today. Bela Kun. head of the Hungarian soviet government, replying to a Polish protest against these arrests. declared: "Great pogroms are bound to come here, but we do not want Hungarian Jews to suffer for the acts of the Galician Jewish speculators who infest this country. Also, we refuse to re turn money found on their persons." I Cline Pleads Not Guilty. CHEHAL1S. Ws.-h.. July 14. (Spe cial. Waller Cline. charged with murdering Kirk Assbury at Morton recently, pleaded not guilty today when arraigned before Judge Reynolds in the superior eonrt. Kobert Harper beat Ted Steffen, default. w. Taylor beat Herbert S. Little, 6-2, a-2. S. B. Cook bat C. C. Ralph. 6-2. 6-2. Guy Flye beat Kenneth Smith, 7-5. 8-1. Jacie Neer beat Joa Llvingood, 6-3, 6-1. A. V. Norrts beat David S. Cohen. 6-0. 6-1. Jack Wright beat George Dewey, 6-4. 6-2. T. Greeno beat H. E. Randall, 7-3, 6-3. K. P. stelnmetx beat Thomas H. Youell default. Rod sera McVeigh beat Leonard C. Wilson, 6-4. 8-4. Douglas young beat Bartlatt Cole, default. 11. . cota beat 5. bmaah, default. A. R. Munger beat D. G. Wltmer. 6-1, 7-5, Phil Neir beat Percy Lewis, 6-3, 6-2. A. D. Wakeman beat Henry Stevens. 6-4. o-e. 0-2. Herbert Swett beat Robert Gllman, 6-1. 6-0. !. C. fronman beat A. Line, default. Marshall Allen beat N. Vantage, default. Harry Westerman beat C. D. Lewis, Jr.. default. Ladles' singles: Mrs. Cushlng beat Miss Ines Falrchlld. 6-2, 6-0. Miss Irene Campbell beat Miss Madeleine Steffen, 6-1. 8-6. it lis Stella Fording beat Mrs. F. E. Har rigan, defHUlt. Miss Harrietts Johnson beat Mrs. J. P. Mulder, dffault. Mrs. W. I. Northrop beat Mrs. Harland Wenta-orth, 8-0. 6-0. Today's schedule: 11 A. M. James Shlves vs. Mllllngton Gray. Miss Gertrude Schreiner vs. Mrs. Ethel Warner. 1. Halsey vs. S. Smith. 12 noon J. B. Bildcrback vs. John Walker. 2 P. M. Miss Bernice Burke vs. Miss Adete Jones. Miss Schreiner and Dr. Stein meta vs. Mrs. Ethel Warner and partner. 3 P. M. Winner of Shlves vs. Gray match vs. M. C. Frohman, Marion Kyle va. Charles Grimes, Miss Stella Fording vs. Miss Mildred Terry, Miss Marine McDonald and W. Taylor vs. T. Oreen and partner. 4 P. M. Pacific northwest junior rhanv ptonships Phil Neer. Portland, versus Giiy Kiye. Tacoma. Pacific northwest boys' championships Charle-s Grimes, Tacoma, versus Isadora Westerman. Portland. Oce gon atate championshlpa Robert Harper versus Douglas Young; Mrs. Cushlng versus Mrs. Clark; Deo Mallett versus Marshal) Allen. 5 P. M. Pacific northwest Junior eham- Pastoral Sermon Preached by Sher wood 3Iinlster; Holy Com munion Is Celebrated. Lutherans of Oregon, Washington and Idaho are gathering in Portland for their annual convention, which ends to- tght. Zlon church, at Chapman and Salmon streets, of which Rev. H. H. Koppelman is pastor, has been the place f meeting for the delegates, who have been in session a week. This body is (filiated with the Evangelical Lu theran Synodical Conference of North America, the largest of all Lutheran church bodies in the country. Last night the pastoral sermon was slivered by Rev. F. Westerkamp of Sherwood. Holy communion was also celebrated. Rev. F. Dobberfuhl of Sandy officiating at the preparatory service. A special meeting of all pastors and delegates started a movement to form Lutheran education society also in this district for the purpose of better supplying the colleges with young men esiring to enter the ministry, and achieving better support of the insti- utions. Rev. J. Hilgendorf of Omaha, Neb.. ce-president of the national body. preached the sermon which opened the conference. Morning sessions were de voted to discussion of a paper by the resident of the district. Rev. L. stuebe. hlle afternoons were given over to general business. Sunday evening the Lutheran choral society rendered a programme for the entertainment of the visitors. Professor Blankenbuehler, director of the chorus, was assisted by solos and a uet by Mrs. Louise Christian and Mrs. H. J. Hucke. and a few special numbers on the organ by P. J. Hillmann. vie The Board of Lubrication Engineers Our Board of Lubrication En gineers study the lubrication needs of each make of automobile. These experts have determined the correct consistency of Zero lene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are avail able for you in the Zerolene Cor rect Lubrication.Charts. Theris a chart for each make of car. Zerolene is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts and deposits least carbon. It is the product of the combined resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest .station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY California) I COflRlCT LUBRICATION I 4lrt-! mm fcX..V.-AV.V.VV.,'ii grade for each type of engine Jfotot OFFICER HONORED 4 TIMES -Major-General SIcAndrew Returns From Overseas Service. SEATTLE, Wash., July 14. Wearing four gold stripes in token of two years' service overseas, Major-General James W. McAndrew is in Seattle today with Mrs. McAndrew, visiting friends. Gen eral McAndrew in 1909 was stationed at Fort Lawton, near here. He was then a captain. On his breast he wears decorations ot the French, Belgian, American and Italian governments. General McAndrew while overseas was attached to General Pershing's staff. He expects to leave in a fe days for Washington, D. C- where h s to become chief of the army war college. LAND FRAUD IS SUSPECTED Indian Sales to Whites Are Reported Below Value. SPOKANE, Wash., July 14. InvestI gations are being made by a special inspector of the department of justice It became known here today, into al leged fraudulent acquisition by white persons of large tracts of valuable land in the Coeur d Alene Indian res ervatlon. Reports have' been received by th department. It was stated, to the effect that much land had been sold by th Indians to white persons at prices con siderably below their real value. DAHO MAY SUE EX-WARDEN Present United States Marshal Asked to Explain Accounts. BOISE, Idaho, July 14. (Special.) Civil action against United States Mar hal LeRoy C Jones, former state gam If Each : V. man has !j V his own jj answer. See -Thursday'siPapers NOT AN ADVERTBEMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR CIGARETTE It may eoea make you Uk your present cigarette better warden, will be instituted if the alleged 125,000 shortage in the fish and game department during the period he was in charge of it, is not make good or a satisfactory explanation given. This is the announcement of Roy L. Black, attorney-general for Idaho, in charge of the case. The auditors filed their re port Saturday. It is claimed the books failed to account for this amount of money in the fish and game license re turns, penalties collected, fees and in terest. "It is the duty of the attorney's of fice to take steps to bring an account ing following the report of the auditing committee, and this we intend to do," stated Attorney-General Black. "10 is the intention of the department to give Marshal Jones a reasonable length of time to explain matters and in order to do either it is not unlikely that he will want to look into the records. It is not the intention of this office to crowd him, but no unnecessary delay will be permitted. The department will proceed against Marshal Jones, as it would against any other person in a civil matter." The report states that there is evi dence to the effect that commissions for the sale of fish and game licenses were not correctly accounted for and also that contrary to the law a portion of these commissions were retained by members of the department. Informa tion backing up this evidence discovered by the auditors is also in the hands of the state, according to Attorney-Gen eral Black. DRAFT RECORDS MISLAID xo PRECAUTIONS TAKES PRESERVE DOCUMENTS. TO Papers Affecting 25,000,000 Men Carelessly Stored in Cellars and Stables, Says Report. CAMP COSTMJT EXCESSIVE House Committee Told Government Got Good Bargain. WASHINGTON, July 14. Cost of con structing army cantonments during the war was not excessive, the house in vest 1 grating- committee was told today by Brigadier-General Marshall, chief of the war department s construction division. ' General Marshall said that under the cost-plus system the "government got as near a dollar's worth for every aouar spent as 11 we were to oegin the construction today. Convicts Pulling Flax. SALEM, Or., July 14. (Special.) Superintendent Steiner of the state penitentiary this morning put a crew of 60 convicts at work pulling flax. The state has about 600 acres to har vest, and according to Mr. Steiner, the yield will far exceed that of previous years. About 30 aays will be required to complete the work. When Beard and Razor Fight No beard, however wiry, can resist the softening influence of EZONALL, the new antiseptic, soapless shaving cream that does not lather. EZONALL gives 100 protec tion to the shaver. It goes direct to the face from the container without the use of cup or brush. EZONALL PRODUCTS CO. Seattle, Wash. For sale at Drug Stores and Better Barber Shops. In Tubes or Jars as You Prefer. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 14. The war department has taken no precau tions to preserve military draft records sent to Washington today from the states. Chairman Graham today in formed the special house investigating committee on war-time expenditures of the war department, which decided to begin inquiry Wednesday of plans for taking care of the records. Mr. Graham told the committee that the records, affecting 25,000,000 men, were a Washington barracks here stored in cellars and stables, without any provision for their protection. The committee today also directed a sub-committee headed by Representa tive Johnson of South Dakota to begin an investigation this week of the rea son and legal authority of the war de partment in bringing 4000 Czechoslo vak soldiera to this country from Si beria, and the cost of their transporta tion and maintenance at Camp Kearny and Fort Rosecrans, California, where they were quartered. Chairman Graham was instructed to call on Secretary Baker for a report of land purchases made by the department since last June 1. Raymond Ferry Runs to Beach. RAYMOND, Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) A county ferry has been put on connecting Nmah, the present termi nue of the Ocean Beach highway, with Nahcotta, a town on the Peninsula. This connecting link In the road to the famous beach resorts was authorized by the board of county commissioners. The terry makes tle round trip each day except Fridays, varying Its pro gramme to correspond with the tides. The fare will be $3 for autos and teams and 50 cents for foot passengers. This arrangement maloes accessible the peninsula and beach resorts, which up to this time could be reached only by boat City Planning Bulletin Issued. The first bulletin Issued by the city planning commission, outlining its re port on the housing survey and other activities of the commission prior to June 1, 1919, is now being distributed. The bulletin was compiled by Charles H. Cheney, consultant to the commis sion, with the aid of Charles F. Fieher, secretary of the commission. Official copies of the reports Included in the bulletin have been submitted to the city council from time to time. Millard Stevens, 70, Found Dead. SALEM, Or., July 14. (Special.) Millard Stevens, aged 70, was found dead in a barn at the rear of his home by his widow late last night. It is believed he succumbed to heart trou ble. Besides his widow he is survived by two daughters. Cfiehalls Boy Drowned. CHEHALIS, Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) John Music was drowned while swimming in Newaukum river at On- alaska late yesterday. The body was recovered. Deceased, who was 19 y-ears old, had been living with a brother, Amos Music in Onalaska. W. F. Simon of Independence Dies. SALEM, Or., July 14. (Special.) W. P. Simon, aged 45, employed by the Spaulding Logging Company, was stricken with illness late yesterday and died while on the way to a hos pital. He resided at Independence. Phone your want ads to The Grego rian. Main 7070. A 6095. M Mfs possibles! last I a real Qualify smoKe graJ for7c Short filler 3 ifSil 'of Hie same high jjia& pSft tobacco that goes Kmratl-' fatoKKacd2fcr25 3 iS cigars And no BlfeM scraps toyoiu-mouth Try It i S TO RETAIN THE V3 5 C AROMA l.v J X 2 c sAjiTAPai;T0O)j I v3iGT p Heinemao Bros. Baltimore Md Makers The Hart Cicar Co., Distributors 305-307 Pine St. Portland Phones : Broadway 170S Home, A 4638