Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 15, 1919, Image 11

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Get "Oregon Her History Her Great Men Her Literature" By John B. Horner $2 Book Shop, Main Floor
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash at S. & H. Office, 3d Floor, Morrison St.
Portland Agency for Coolmor Porch Shades, Brenlin Window Shades, Sweeper-Vac Electric Cleaners, Jewel Stoves and Ranges Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
Senator McNary Gets Promise
Take a Kodak
With You
on that vacation trip it will add
greatly to your enjoyment. East
man Kodaks in all styles and sizes.
Department on the Fourth Floor.
Hammocks, Swings and
Porch Furniture
The Summer Goods Section, on the Third Floor,
invites your inspection of the new Couch Ham
mocks, Woven Hammocks, Lawn Swings, Lawn Seats,
Porch Chairs and Rockers. Popular prices prevail.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
of Early Decision.
Olds, Wortman & Kin:
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
1000 Georgette Waists in a Feature Sale at $5
GoTernor'a Telegram on. Operators
and Linemen's 'Walkout Be
salts In Conference.
' '
' SALEM. Or, July 14. Gorernor
Dlcott today received a telegram from
Senator Charles McNarr to the effect
that in a conference the senator had
had with Postmaster-Oeneral Burle
son the latter official had aald th
wir. control hoard was appointed to
hear and determine matters such
telephone strikes and that the Oregon
situation was being considered. - An
arly decision was promised.
The telegram received at the exeeu
tJve offices was in response to a met
age sent to Oregon's representatives in
congress Saturday, urging that the
take some sction to bring about a set'
tlement of the strike of telephone op
rators and electrical workers In Ore
Ths telegram from Senator McNary
to Governor Olcott follows:
TTASHLVGTOX. July 13. 1919. To Hon.
Jla w. Oicott. Sicn, Or.: In a confer
ante with Postmaster-General Burleson th
snorntns ba said that the wire control
board was appointed to hear and detennln
matters of this kind and that It was con
eMerlnf the Oreson situation, and he
promised to expedite this decision.
Employes and Company 3fo Nearer
Agreement Than on Walkout Day.
Strikers and company marked tlm
yesterday in the contest which was
launched Just two weeks ago and which
has seriously Impaired the service of
the lines of the Pacific Telephone
Teiegraph company, not only in Port'
land and Oregon, but throughout the
coast district. So far as solutions of
the situation are concerned, settlemen
f the strike, which is for higher
wages, retroactive pay and Improved
working conditions. Is as distant as It
was on the opening day of the walk
Suggestions that the telephone
patrons, who complain that the Ira
paired service has resulted In business
loss and personal Incoventence. demand
rebates of tolls and rental from the
company, meet with no favor in offi
cial circles of the corporation, where
It Is maintained that the service has
been kept up to at least a passable
standard. Striking operators and line
men have started a propaganda for the
rebate, asking their friends to de
mand It.
-from all Indications." said T. C
Lowrr, business agent of the electrical
workers, "and from the information
a-athered bv ua. the Dhona service is
getting worse every day. It is In
creasingly difficult to put a call
through at .most periods of the day
and anything lik the old orderly
transaction of telephone business has
practically ceased to exist. We are of
the opinion snd strongly urge, that
telephone users are Justified In re
quiring; teuii.i irura mi cuincanr. cun
snensurste with the loss of service."
That the company has not yet
Issued Instructions on the matter of
rebates and that local officials ire
X holly without Information regarding
tft probable policy, was the statement
of W. J. Phillips, commercial superintendent.
At Sain Francisco, according to ad
vices received by the strike committee,
the Joint strike board Is now In ses
sion, probably formulating plans for
the aoetttic refusal which will be
handed Burleson's suggestion that
the wtrej control board be permitted to
arbitrate the iasues between employes
and cowpanr.
The strikers sre ss one In their dec
Juration that such a course Is not
all to their liking. They hsve sug
rested that an arbitration board named
by either President w llson or Secre
tary of Labor " llson would ba ac
ceptable to them.
"The mayor of Berkeley has asked
President " llson to end the strike.
runs a telegram received yesterday
Strike headquarters, from C. E. Don
evan. local delegate to the San Fran
Cisco conference. "He asks that all em-
ployes be reinstated, with back pay.
agreements to Vnd the same date and
with the arbitration of other condi
tions to be by a board appointed by
President Wilson or Secretary Wilson."
Chairman . F. woodward of th
State board of conciliation, which
ecently passed upon the Issues of dis
pute, has received Information regard
Ing the personnel of the wire control
board. Mr. n oedvard was character
istically frank tn expressing his doubt
that relief is to be expected from that
Quarter and pointed to the membership
)f the board aa proof.
The wire control board comprises
Postmaster-General Burleson, his first
assistant. Koontz, and Counsellor Lamar
ef the postofflce department. Previous
messagea from Burleson have advised
the state board of conciliation that
he Is without power to act. yet ha ap
pears as chairman of the organization
which he has declared to have au
Postal Authorities to Sleet Telephone
Employes at San Francisco.
SAX FRAVCISCO. July 14. Tele-
rrami from Washington to leaders here
of the strike of Pacific coast telephone
electricians and operators said a con
ference would be held today with post-
office department officials.
A statement of the strikers demands
has been submitted to the postofflce
department through P. J. Noonan. In
ternatlonal president of the electrical
brotherhood, and a reply Is expected at
tomorrow s conference. It was said.
The electrical workers will be repre
sented by James Puree 11. an Interna
tiunal officer, and Miss Julia O'Connor,
president of the operators' division of
the brotherhood, will represent the
women strikers.
T 90-Acre Ranch Brings CI, 000.
EUGENE. Or.. July 14 (Special.)
A deal has been consummated during
the past week wherein the 700-acre
ranch owned by w llhelra Fisher at the
foot of the hills east of Harrlsburg
was sold to F. R. Studnlcka. of Philo
math, for l:i.0t)0. ilr. Fisher comes
Into possession of some property at
Forest Grove In the deaL Mr. and
lr ftudnlcka and four sons arrived
In the Willamette valley from North
lwkota nearly a year ago. They have
been engaged In stock raising for a
number of years snd will devote their
attention lo this branch of agriculture
n their new purchase.
Waists as
SKETCH A Women's Waists of
splendid quality Georgette crepe
in white, flesh, navy, copen, red
and bisque. Tuxedo collar and
tucked vest. Full range of QfT
sizes. Priced special; only DJ
SKETCH B Georgette Crepe
Waists in white, navy and flesh
color, trimmed with contrasting
shades. 3 rows of chain stitch- I
ing across the front and (PET
around the neck. Special ''
SKETCH C Georgette Crepe
Waists in flesh and white, nicely
trimmed with 6ilk braid around
neck, piped with pale blue, fljf?
All sizes. Priced special, at DJ
SKETCH D Georgette Crepe
Waists trimmed with light blue
hemstitching, plaited front, and
small bows of ribbon. In (JP
white or flesh. Special at
SKETCH E Dainty Waists of fine
sheer voile with V neck or square
collar. Front trimmed with hand
embroidery and hemstitch- Cf?
ing. Priced special, at only tDeJ
SKETCH F Georgette Crepe
Waists in red, nary and copen
with white polka dots. Collars
edged with tiny ruffles.
Very stylish. Priced special
SKETCH G Dainty Waists of
Crepe de chine. Front tucked to
give barred effect, turned back
iruffs and hemstitched. All (Pf?
sizes in this style. Special
SKETCH H TaUored Waists of
striped tub silk with convertible
collar and turned back Qr
cuffs. Priced special at
I Mid-Columbia Salmon Rnn On.
' HOOD RIVER. Or. July 14. (Spe
cial.) Th annuel run of blue back
Salmoa Is now In the mid-Columbia.
ad local fishermen sre supplying the
4Vml1. markets and shipping the small
mm AMmmm
wwm' a . .jrnmct
miufi ny waist ? wmwu
Here Illustrated and l'gfe
' Many ther Styles ?f ISjm
AjrSB! r-' 4w A W'ftl V.
. T.vARnm m wai
jxvL7 04 x i" rum mm
f - e -
Choice Hams TfeSigr
Housekeepers' Needs
Special Underprice Offerings
Main Floor TEA CLOTHS of
pure linen, with hemstitched
sdges. Size 36x36-inch. flJ Frt
Excellent quality; only D-eOU
64 inches wide. Beausif ul new pat
terns. Good heavy quality. JK--
Priced special, the yard Utll
MERCERIZED Pattern Cloths,
size 58x58 inches. On (P-! p?Q
sale Tuesday, at only tDAeOO
heavy quality. Size 2i (J-f ?Q
x2 yards. Sale price -LeU7
BLEACHED Pillow Cases.
Size 45x36 inches. Priced QCT
special for Tuesday's sale JtJC
of good quality and (PI OJ?
large size. Special, each BJ-eCO
scalloped edges. Special tDOeUU
BATTS; 3-pound size. flJO rrr
Priced special Tuesday 5.e I
Wash Goods Specials
gandies in many delightful new
patterns and colors. Cool A f
mer dresses. Daintydesigns on
light or dark grounds. Of?,,
Priced special, the yard
and dainty. Special; yard
NEW GLASGOW DRESS GINGHAMS 32 inches wide yard $1
Fern Stands Special $9.95
As Illustrated
Fourth Floor An attractive piece of furni
ture for any home. Old Ivory wicker or
fumed oak finish. These sell in the ?Q
regular way at $12.50. Special at 5el7J
Other Specials
Leather Top Foot Stools, special at $1.59
Oak or Mahogany Foot Stools, at $2.98
Headquarters for Telephone Stands, Maga
zine Racks, Tea Wagons, Day Beds, etc., etc
46c lb.
Fourth Floor Extra special offer
ing for today's selling. Sugar-cured
Hams, sweet and tender; medium
sizes, weighing from 10 to 14
pounds each. Get your order ACtn
in early. Special, a pound
Model Grocery
$5 Toasters, $3.97
Third Floor Nickel-plated Elec
tric Toasters with spring toast
holder, cord and patent (PO Q'T
pull plug; $5.00 values DO.i7l
Fruit Canning Time
Let This Store Supply
Your Many Needs!
Third Floor The Housewares Section is well-
stocked with everything needed for fruit and
vegetable canning jJars, Caps, Rubbers, Jar
Holders, etc., etc. AT POPULAR PRICES.
Economy Jars
-Economy Jars, pints, special, a dozen $1.30
Economy Jars, quarts, special, dozen $1.40
Economy Jars, &-gals., special, dozen $1.80
' Kerr Fruit Jars
Wide Mouth Mason Jars, pints, dozen $1.30
Wide Mouth Mason Jars, qts., dozen $1.40
Wide Mouth Mason Jars, -gals. doz. $1.80
Kerr Regular Style Mason Fruit Jars:
Pts., doz. $1.10; qts. $1.15; -gaL, $1.45. .,
Mason Jars With Sure Seal Glass
Porcelain Caps Top Jars
Pint Jars, the dozen, at $1.00- Pint Jars, the dozen, at $1.25
Quart Jars, a dozen, at $1.10 Quart Jars, a dozen, at $1.35
-GaL Jars, a flozen, at $1.40 -Gal. Jars, the dozen $1.75
Ideal Glass-Top Jars
-Pint Jars per dozen $1.00 I Quart Jars, the dozen $1.20
Pint Jars, the dozen, at $1.10 S. & H. Stamps with purchases.
Fruit Presses at 40c and 75c
1 v I
species In quantities to canneries.
Heary catches are reported by Ed. C.
Wright and C. Larson, the latter's nets
and traps being: located near Under
wood, Waeh. t
Warm Springs Land Owners Apply
for Benefits of Xew Law.
VALE. Or, July 14. (Special.) At
an election recently the landowners
under the Warm Springs Irrigation dis
trict voted unanimously to apply for
the benefits of the irrigation Interest
guarantee law, passed by the people at
the recent election. If the state ac
cepts the petition of the directors the
interest on 1400,000 of bonds to be sold
August S will be guaranteed by the
state for a period of five years. A fit
ting coincidence is that the first ap-
resentative Gallagher, who was the
author of the bill, and of Senator Hur
ley, who fostered the bill as chairman
of the senate Irrigation committee.
Old Building Considered Inadequate
for Pasco District.
PASCO. Wash.. July 14. (Special.)
Plans which have been under con
sideration for some time by the Catho
lic church for the construction of a
new and modern hospital seem in a
fair way to be realized. The site owned
by St. Patrick's church just north of
the church building is being consid
ered. Several years ago the property for
merly used as a hotel on Fifth street
was obtained and was transformed into
hospital, but the building is now in
a building so constructed as to admit
of additions.
Dakota Man Held Insane.
SALEM, Or., July 14. (Special.)
E. D. Southard, resident of Grandville,
N. D., was brought to the state hospital
here last night from Albany, where,
while on his way home from Los
Angeles, he attacKed and attempted to
rhnke the conductor of a Southern Pa
cific train. He is 80 years of age. Mr.
Southard will be held here pending the
arrival of relatives from Ivor to a
plication under the new law comes adequate for this section of the state.
from Malheur county, the home of Rep-( The plans contemplate the erection of
Bryan to Visit Raymond.
RAYMOND, Wash., July 14. (Spe
cial.) William Jennings Bryan will be
in Raymond on the Chautauqua pro
gramme Monday, July 28. Another
celebrity on the programme Is Ida Tar-
bell, newspaper and magazine writer.
whose disclosures some 15 years ago of
family to the aS30iBnTr i rnMliiiB
fraerance of fresh 1 1 1 1 n
coffee by serving (la
Golden West Vacuum Packed Coffee.. ( I L
the secret methods of so-called "big ' mittees were organized last week with
business" caused Roosevelt to dub her I W. H. Force president, E. E. Case vlce
a "muck-raker." The Chautauqua com-I president, J. M. Tadlock secretary, J.
T. Dorrien treasurer and Paul Hol
brook chairman of the advertising
The Pet
ViAfcl i-i.lni Mini 0 l. I llfa. f Wi
Qcf oil for cooking
AZOLA is equal to butter in' making all
kinds cf cakes and at a remarkably
lower cost.
Follow your usual recipes with to V3 less
of Mazola than the amount of butter called for.
Mazola is better than lard or any
compound and is more wholesome.
FREE 1116 "P oeantifufly ffluitraied' Cora Product Cook
- Book, It really helps to 6oIve tie tliree-meal-a-day
problem. Every Louse wife should Lave one. Write us today.
P. O. Box 161 New York