2 VOL. jLVIII. NO. 18.293 Entered at Portland fOrtroB) Po.toffle- S-corrl-CaM Vatter. PORTLAND, OREdON,' MONDAY, JULY 14, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. R-34 SAFE IN SHED SOCIALISTS IN ITALY 50,000 HEAR DEVALERA TF VICTIM FORCED TO TO PROTEST TREATY PLEAD FOR IRELAN HELP ROB OTHERS PEDESTRIAN" ALSO HELD VP AXD AFTER 3DAY TRIP REVIVE MONARCHY! iMDicpunDPrn GENERAL STRIKE JCLT SO AXD I HISSIXG OF ALLIED LEADERS, j uuiiniiULU 21 PROCLAIMED. - NAMES IS: STOPPED. ORDERED TO RIDE. M teat I GERMANY HOPES TO SPRUCE MURDER MAY BARE WOOD SHIP SCANDAL Return to England Made Without Mishap.- CRAFT LOST ONE DAT IN F03 i Sun, Moon, Stars or Horizon . . Hidden From Vie,w. i WELCOME GIVEN BY BAND 'Toad for Men on Dirigible Cooked by Exhaust From Engine. Air Causes "o Sickness. ITLHJIM, Norfolk. England. July IX 'By th Associated Press.) Urcst Britain's mammoth trans-Atlantic sir pioneer, th dirigible R-34. arrived at th air station her at t.it o'clock. Greenwich msn time, today, com pie t lng her round trip from the British Isles to th United States and return. Th poked her'nos out of th clouds northeast of th villas, and after circling th flying field three times, slid gently to th ground and ten minutes later was boused in th diri gible shed. Th voyage) from Long: Island was without particular Incident and was completed In approximately 75 hours. Crews Ready to Aid la Laaalag. As th R-34 approached th field she dropped from a height of 5004 feet to 200 feet. Th 440 men who wer to aid th airship In landing wer ordered to their positions and waited silently as th chip circled th field, dropping lower and lower. When Major G. II- Scott, her com. Blander, had maneuvered the airship Into position for th landing, th water ballast was released to ateady her and rope was thrown from th bow. Th rope was grasped by eager hands and th giant ship moved serosa the field to th shed where th delicate operation of berthing her was com pleted quickly without accident. A military band stationed on th field played Th Call of Duty" as tb airship began to settle and then changed to th strains of 73'e, the Conquering Hero Comes." As th ship waa warped Into th shed the band played "Keep the Horn Flrea Burning." Attempt by Allies to Suffocate Bol shevism in Russia and Hun gary Is Charged. Reaction Caused by Talk of ex-Kaiser's Trial. Resolution Opposing League an Rapping England and Japan . Adopted at Chicago. ROME, July 13. (By th Associated Press.) The Intransigeant socialist bav published a manifesto proclaim Ing a general strike July 30 and 21 as a protest sgalnst th peace treaty, which la denounced as "an attempt by the allies to suffocate bolshevtsm in Rus sia, and Hungary. - T- 1 IT - - will A. M V . J I r 1 1 i h i . i i I or wise." th. manifesto saya. "Workmen of VVIineim U6IS IMO dympaUlY in w) HATRED . OF FRENCH SPREADS England also will show their intention to bring to bear the powerful action of their trade onions, workmen in Bwtt serland. Holland, Denmark and Sweden will loin In th movement. Thus the flaa- of th international will be un furled against the new premedlated crimes of the bourgeolse.' The manifesto also was signed by th general confederation of labor. The socialist-Italian union, comprts r mora moderate elements, baa pub lished another manifesto agreeing to a general strike, but warning workmen that th English proletariat does not Join in th strike. The manifesto states he strike in Franc la a protest against he high cost of living and not in be half of Russia and Hungary. NDUSTRY CONGRESS DATED CHICAGO. July 13. An audience of SO. 000 persons, it was estimated, today heard Eamonn de Valera. "president of the -Irish republic" appeal for aid and recognition of Irish independence, at an open air meeting held at the Chi' cago National baseball park. The crowd was enthusiastic but some of the spectators indulged in hissing hen the names of President -Wilson, Vestern Canada, Invitee 20,000 American Manufacturers, Leaders. CALGART. Alta July 13. Western Canada will hold an Industrial con gress at Calgary. Alberta, and other cities August 11-1. Over 30.000 Amer- lean manufacturers and Industrial lead ers have been asked to attend. - Offi cials of th congress expect 10,000 to attend from Canada and the United States. Samuel Gomoers. president of the American Federation of Labor: Robert laity' pouring forth Dollar, San Francisco steamship man; Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer, and Premier Borden of Canada are ex Premier Lloyd Georga and Sir Edward Carson, Irish Unionist leader, were mentioned. Persons on the speakers' platform, however, soon stopped those demonstrations. Mr. De Valera expressed confidence that Americans sympathized with the Irish independence movement hoped that the American government would recognize "the de Jure govern ment of Ireland." Frank P. Walsh and Edward Dunne, members of the delegation sen by Irish societies in America to pre sent to the peace conference a petltlo for settlement of the Irish question, a n A Xfaunw TX7IUI.,.-. Hal. TKnmncinn rt "1W ... t r'UI -.1 , Tlsbea by arrangement.) I visn reierrea lo rreniwr xioyu BERLIN, July 13. (Special cable.) George as 'the trick mule of Great An undercurrent of monarchial reaction Britain" whose actions, he said, nobody is setting in strong among the German I could forecast.. people, particularly In the provinces. Resolutions that congress be urged i-remier Lloyd George has proved the to "recognize the Irish-republic as now Dest press agent the former kaiser ever established" and to establish trade re naa. not excepting A.ari Kosner. lations with Ireland for the benefit of Talk of New Ruler. REPUBLIC LOSING "HOLD Improvement of Food Renews Fight. I lng Spirit and Predictions of - Early "War of Liberation.' At no time during th war or the American commerce and labor, and peace has the ex-kaiser been mentioned -tronelv onnosln the league of ... .o onen or so continuously m u. were adopted with enthusiasm. man press aa he is today. Every edition contains alleged news from London about "the- kaiser's trial.' No serious wave of popular sympathy for the former kaiser has resulted thus far, expressions of sympathy and loy chiefly from the nationalists. The German people still consider the ex-kalser as a "basbeen, and even the staunchest loyalists do not pected to be among the ipukere. -,, ,, . K . Friendly relations exist. between pect him to come back. Canada and th United States will be strengthened by the congress. It is be lieved. The congress. It Is expected. Ill be the greatest of its kind ever held in Canada. Old Monarchy Is Discussed. Bat while the bulk of the German people are not particularly Interested In the ex-kalser's fate, yet the news The league. It was declared, would im pair American sovereignty and would imperil the constitution, destroy the Monroe doctrine and would guarantee the "world supremacy of the two re maining despotic empires of the world. Great Britain and Japan." The' degree of doctor of laws was conferred -.upon Mr. De Valera at De Paul university this morning. He plans to confer-tomorrow with local bankers concerning the proposal to issue Irish republic bonds. At 7 P. M. he will de part for San Francisco. Sfea of Crew Welcomed Hasae. The tlreo. unshaven, but smiling men rho composed the crew quickly climbed from the gondola and were greeted warmly by th officers and soldiers gathered on th field. "Th voyage home has been without Incident," said Major Scott. "We want Breakfast." After breakfast and while enjoying th belated luxury of his little black pipe, smoking not being permitted on the ship. Major Scott told the story of th return flight as follows: "W estimated we would make it In from TO to 30 hours." he said. "v mad it in 75. When we left we had m strong wind behind us and we covered the first (00 miles in about eight hours. .When w circled over New Tork we could plainly ae the crowds on Broad- ?wsy waving to us as we psssed. but w could not hear them because of the dots of the engines. Head VJ lada Arc Eaeoaatered. "South of Newfoundland we en Countered bead winds and our progress from then on was slower. We traveled at an average height of from 3000 to 4000 feet and found much low clouds and fog. Once we saw nothing but fog for 34 hours. "We struck Ireland at Cllfden and fnads good progress from there, al- t hough our steering engine broke down Katurday morning. We left with 4S00 gallons of gasoline and had 1000 left. "We ar naturally pleased with the trip, all of us. I expect Important changes In th sis and speed of future airships big ships that will travel TO to 10 miles an hour and powerful nough to crawl through anything.' "This has been a great trip." said Colonel W. N. HensleyJr. of the United States army air service, as he climbed out of th car and shook handa with th British officers. Craft Last Oa Day la Fete We wr lost on whole day because th fog was so thick we could not get s shot at th sun. moon, stare or hori- son. but w worked out of it and struck th Irish coast. W were passing over th Isle of Man about 3 o'clock this morning and then, mounting above the clouds, witnessed a most beautiful sight. Above was the bright moon; the low. soft, fleecy clouds touched with all the colors of the rainbow, and far down below occasionaly could be seen th dark. dep blue of the sea. But w did not bav time to admire th beauty rf th scene. "W soon passed over Liverpool and then other cities and towns, and her w arc W suffered no hardships and to inconveniences except that we had no hot water for shaving. Our eggs wer cooked in the exhaust of the en gines, and w had plenty of other good food and coffee, tea and cocoa to drink. No on suffered from air aickness and while th sea below was tossed by a 49-mll gale, we wer moving along In comfort on aa even keeL Reawlar iln Predicted. "Regular airship servic between Eu rope and America la bound to come ad soon." Th members of th crew were eagerly surrounded by friends who w-re waiting at the airdrome. George - ( I,,..- - .- .fiol his Drobable trial has set the uer-I the province of Alberta, commencing at I man people talking about "the good old I FRAUD ' Medicine Hat and ending at Banff, a I peace times under the monarchy." with I noted health resort of the Canadian whichthe republican reign Is contrasted state Scaler Tells of Fraudulent WARNING ISSUED Rocky mountains. ARMY FOOD PRICES LISTED Carload Minimum Set for Proposals for Surplus Slocks. '''-"' WASHINGTON. July 13. Prices at which surplus stocks of canned and cured meats held by the war depart ment will be sold to municipalities were announced yesterday as follows: Corned beef from 33.60 per dozen cans to 3:4, dependent upon sizes ana grades. Roast beef, "from 13.43 per dozen cans of ona-pound each to 326-40 for six pound cans. Corned beef hash, 31.7s per dozen cans of one-pound each and 94-80 for two-pound cans. Bacon In crates. 34 cents a pound. In 13-pound tins, 36 cents a pound. These prices are about :o per cen less than the cost to the governmen Proposals must be for a minimum of one carload. most unfavorably. So many people are beginntng to talk openly about "our new kaiser and without mentioning names, a revived monarchy idea la un doubtedly gaining strength and con verts even among the democrats. While) no names or candidates for fu ture Imperial honors are mentioned openly, the Hobenzollern stock Is un doubtedly going up again. Some shrewd observers would not be surprised to see a serious attempt to restore the mon archy within the year. Old Flaa; Retained y Some. There is strong, but silent, monarch ial sentiment within the pivotal center party. With equal stubbornness many Germans cling to the old black, white. , American Intervention Jfot Welcome red flag and refuse to acknowledge the Tester Taking Fees. SALEM. Or., July 13. (Special.) The state sealer, of weights and measures today Issued a second warning to per sons living in Central Oregon regard ing- th preaonce- in tnar Fectlonr" of man representing himself to be con. nected with the eealer's offipe. It Is said that the man is repairing and test ing scales, for which he is charging a fee. This work Is vested in district seal ers throughout the state, and no fee is charged by the department. MEXICO SAYS "KEEP OFF" ALLIES REBUKE BELA KUN Hungarian Communist Leader Told to Observe Armistice. PARIS. July 13. The allied and as sociated powers today Joined In a wire less message to Bcla Kun. Hungarian communist foreign minister, declaring they cannot enter into a discussion with him until he has carried out the conditions of the armistice. The supreme council In Paris on Fri day discussed with Marshal Foch and representatives of the Czech and Jugo Slav governments the question of com blned military action against the Hun garlan communist - forces. The Hun garians have been slow in carrying out the terms of the armistice which re sulted in the Czech. Roumanian and Jugo-Slav armies stopping their ad' vance on Budapest several weeks ago. FIRE DESTROYS INVENTION Valuable Motion Picture Improve ments Are Destroyed. SAN RAFAEL, CaL. July 13 Fire which last night wiped out the labora tory here of Leon S. Douglass, Inventor of colored motion picture photography, caused serious loss In the destruction of Inventions in th process of de velopment, it was announced today. Mrs. Victoria Douglass, wife of th Inventor, fought the flames single- handed before the arrival of the fire department, and according to the fir chief, saved the residence adjoining the laboratory. Mrs. Douglass, whs was overcome by fumes from the labor. atory, was reported recovered today. MONTANA FEARS EXODUS tnd Laborers Flock From State Mines Face Shutdown. HELENA. Mont. July 13. Montana coal mines face the probability of being unable tonesume normal production because the mine workers, mainly men of foreign birth, ar becoming dis couraged at lack of employment during the summer and ar leaving, literally in crowds, for their native lands, it is declared in a statement today by the Montana railroad commission. Consumers are urged to order winter coal now. in order to prevent the de parture of the laborers by furnishing them tmplojmeuu . new colors voted by the national assem bly. An equally suggestive symptom is the widespread and rapidly increas ing hatred against the French, which will be further inflamed by the return of German prisoners.. The idea of re venge is Iqeradicably rooted In German minds today. One notes the renais sance of the German lighting spirit, too, 4nrluded on Pass 2. Column 2.) to Southern Republic. PARIS, July 13. (By the Associated Press.) Intervention by the United States in Mexico would tend rather to complicate the situation than to ameli orate it, according to a statement made today by Franciscp Leon de La Barra. former provisional premier of Mexico, in referring to dispatches received in Paris to the effect that American in tervention was possible. I Crir-0al Misuse of Funds Ll Coast Alleged. . COST-PLUS SYSTEM CRITICISED Affidavits Show Foodstuffs Carelessly Thrown Into Mud. COLONEL DISQUE TARGET Former Chief Accused of TTsinj Poor Judgment and Inefficient . . Methods of Production. . WASHINGTON. July 13. Affidavits purporting to show criminal misuse of public funds by the spruce production division of the army air service, col lected during the past year by the Providence Journal, have been submit ted to the special house committee in vestigating war department expendi tures and are being Investigated by a ubcommittee of which Representative Frear of Wisconsin is chairman. According to a statement authorized today by Mr. Frear, the affidavits al Youths, Failing to Find More Prey on Two-Hour Jaunt, Leap Into Brush at Miln ankle. K. L. MendenhaU, . 791 East Main street, reported to the police yesterday that lie had been held up and robbed by three young men who met him on the road near Milwaukie, ' Or., and, after taking his money, forced him to drive them around the country for two and one-half hours, and to witness the robbery of another man whom they met during the Jaunt. The robbers forced their second vic tim to enter the machine and accom pany them for a time, and finally dis appeared in the woods about 2:20 A. M. The second victim made no report to the police. . The highwaymen stepped out of the brush on the Portland side of Mil waukie, as Mr. Mendenhall was return ing home about 10 P. M. Saturday. said. They took 310 from him an then climbed Into the rear seat of his machine and ordered him to drive on according to bis report. They rod slowly around the country roads, adopt lng a circuitous route. They met the second victim southeast of Milwaukie more than an hour later, he said. Two of the robbers descended from the car and went through the victim pockets, while the third guarded Mr. Mendenhall. From the second robbery the highwaymen netted 20. They forced the second victim into the front seat beside Mr. Mendenhall and con tinued the hunt. Finding the country ' roads aban doned, the robbers stopped the automo bile on the bridge on the Portland side Investigations Will Follow Dowsey Inquest. THEFT OF PAPERS SUSPECTED Attempt Made to Involve Port land Builders in Fraud. ARRESTS ARE EXPECTED lege that contracts for spruce produc- of Milwaukie at 2:20 A. M.. and took to tlon and railroad construction on the Pacific coast were awarded under. the cost-plus system to companies which had no practical experience in the work, with the result that great sums of money were wasted. Dishonest methods were used by the . companies, it ia charged, to obtain larger fees from the government. Excessive Cost Charged. Charges are made," the statement says, "that the government was sub jected, under the cost-plus system, to a cost of practically 3650 per thousand the brush again, Mr. Mendenhall said. Mr. Mendenhall said all three bandits wore masks" of white handkerchiefs and carried revolvers of blued steeL TEUTONS' GOLD DWINDLES Reserve Piled TJp During War ' Cut Down, by Reparations. WASHINGTON, - July 13. Germany Is increased her stock of gold during the war, but lost 3122.000,000 between Jan feet for spruce when private concerns I uary 1 and May 7 of this year, accord lng to information obtained by the federal reserve board. The loss was due to reparations made Belgium and Rou- mania for gold stolen fram those coun tries and by shipments to neutral coun tries for food. Beginning with 3298,000,000 in gold at the outbreak of the war, the Ger man reicnsDansr increasea its metai.TO perwcre carelessly thrown Into the I 3339,000,000 at..Uieend of . -131,8. ud at the side of the road and left to I The federal reserve banks of this In one instance,-even stoves were I country and the Bank of England in- were procuring the same kfnd for from I 30 to 3173. "The affidavit asserts that the waste caused by companies in building camps inaccessible localities ran into many I ousand dollars; that there was an utter lack of proper care of foodstuffs. nd that In many cases hundreds of I :Wlts worth of flour, lard even-pep- rot. ft exposed to the weather and ruined. Colonel Dlaane Criticised. There are affidavits alleging that miles and miles of two-inch plank road were built Into the forests and never used and camps constructed where spruce was felled but not an inch brought out.' Colonel Brice P. Disque, former chief of the spruce production division criticised in th affidavits for having adopted wasteful methods for the pro ction of spruce, for having used poor creased their holdings of gold, but the Bank of France and the Bank of Italy showed decreases. COSTS TO STAY UP, IS VIEW High Prices Predicted Until Libert Bonds Paid Off. WASHINGTON, July 13. Continua tion of high prices may be expected at least until liberty bonds, are paid oft dgment in the lumber tracts to be Representative Osborne, republican. Cal- worked and for having often reversed himself in decisions. By his adoption process of splitting logs, it is charged, only 200.000 feet of timber was obtained from 3,000.000 logs by one mill d only 5 per cent of the timber was fit for airplane stock. IF SHE WASNT TURNED OUT TO PASTURE SHE WOULDNT GIVE MUCH -MILK. -I ifornia, predicted today In a statement inserted in the Congressional Record. 'There is every reason fo believe th purchasing1 power of money will con tinue relatively low and that the cost of things necessary to existence will continue, as measured by money, rela tively liigh," he said. berlIn cars to resume Transportation- Settlement Effected by Labor ' Federation. BERLIN, July 13. (By the Asso ciated Press.) As a . result of interven tion by the federation of labor, a set tlement of the transportation strike here has been effected. Traffic Is expected to be resumed on Monday, after a suspension of 12 days. V Slany at Seattle Tolunteer to Testify on. Alleged Graft by War Construction Officials. INDEX OF- TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 85 degrees; minimum, 60 degrees. TODAY'S Fair: warmer. Foreign. France celebrates victory amid unrest Page 3. R-34 is safely housed after 75-hour return trip to England. Page 1. Socialists in Italy proclaim strike to protest - treaty, raje i. Treaty with Germany Is step toward new world methods, secretary Lansing states. ' Page 3. Loyalty to America is necessity abroad, w. T. Ellis asserts. Page 4. Paris restaurants target of strikers. Page 2. Germany hopes to revive monarchy. Page 1. National. - Waste In coast spruce camps charged. Page 1. Interest In senate centers on peace treaty. Page 2. v Domestic. 50,000 at Chicago hear De Valera plead for Irish republic. Page 1. Coast shlpworkers to draft new wage scale. Page S. Pacific Northwest. Dowsey murder may bare wooden-ship scandal. .Page 1, U. S. Marshal Jones of Idaho, former game warden, held short in accounts. Page 4. Loss In Brownsville fire huge. Page 5. Sports. Pacific Coast league results: Portland 7, San Francisco 6: Sacramento u-4, Vernon 2-0; v Salt Lake 3-8, Oakland 1-2; Los Angeles 6, Seattle 2 (14 innings.) Page 10. Handicap contests draw crowd to Portland Gun club traps. - Page lu. Men's singles open Oregon state tennis championship.. Page II. Portland and Vicinity. Telephone operators and linemen pledge mutual support, page lb. Billy Sunday may be candidate for demo cratic senatorial nominee. Page 8. National Building association may convene here in 192L Page 1. Bryan, reaching Portland, evades all talk on politics. Page 12. Dr. Boyd says farewell to pastorate in memorable sermon, page u. Robbers force autolst on jaunt In search of other victims. Page 1. Officers at dinner criticise slackers. Page 16. SEATTLB. Wash., July IS. (Special. With the announcement by Coronor Tiffin that an Inquest into the death of F. A. Dowsey, federal agent investigat ing shipping-board affairs on the Pa- ' clfic coast, who was murdered in the Securities building May 2, would be held Tuesday, leaders In the shipbuild ing industry in Seattle believe that the investigation of the crime will fall into Insignificance in comparison with the scandal that will arise in connection with wood shipbuilding during the pe riod of the war. Many were free In their assertions that it has been known for a long time that all was not right with the government department handling ship building and they have told federal agents in the last few-days that they are ready and willing to take the stand to testify as to what they know re garding the alleged crookedness of cer tain officials connected with the ship ping board. Federal agents said this atternoon that affidavits are on file at Washing ton, D. C, giving the names of the men who endeavored to involve certain Portland shipbuilders into participation in their fraudulent practices. The probe now in progress has narrowed to a point where arrests may be expected at any time. The government men re fused to give out names of Portland firms or indicate in any way the Iden tity of their officers Theft of Papers Suspected. That Dowsey Was murdered and Im portant papers relating to his investi gations here stolen from his pockets accepted by the government men working on the case. They do not concur with the coroner that death was uc to apoplexy, especially, since the finding of a blood-covered iron bar which they allege was used by Mr. Dowsey's assailants. An analysis of the blood on the bar is being made for the purpose of comparison with blood taken from Mr. Dowsey's body. Among -the government men working on the case are some of the most expert fin ger-print men, chemical-analysis ex perts, Bertillon-measurement men and expert criminologists. Seattle shipbuilders declare that It Is very probable that following the Dowsey inquest the Investigation of shipbuilding affairs on the Pacific coast may be taken up by congress. That grand jury recommendations regarding . probe of the shipbuilding industry ere will be made, shipbuilders say, is practically certain. Inquest to Last Several Days. Coroner Tiffin is at present at Camp Lewis with the Third Washington in fantry. The decision of Dr. Tiffin was made after a longconference today at the camp with Major M. S. Game of the shipping board intelligence depart ment. The federal agent went out to see the coroner, and the coroner said the entire situation was reviewed, though Dr. Tiffin was familiar with all except the latest events, which, it was Said, did not bring put much, if any thing, that was not already known be fore he went to camp with the troops. Dr. Tiffin said the inquest probably will last three or four days. Unless some situation develops which is not now foreseen he will not be present, owing to his military duties. The coroner is a lieutenant in the National Guard medical department. Additional Details Given. Deputy Coroner Koepfli will go to Camp Farwell probably Monday to take the deposition of Dr. Tiffin, which will be presented to the Jury at the time of the inquest. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Carmody will be present at the Inquest, it Is stated, for the pur pose of familiarizing himself with the testimony brought out, and to deter mine if, in his opinion, there Is any ground fcr the prosecutors' request for a grand jury investigation and action, as has been asked by Major Game. Dr. Tiffin yesterday gave additional details of the Dowsey case, and the developments since the man's death. Investigators Are Busy. No less, than three separate sets of special Investigators have been here looking into the case," Dr. Tiffin said. "As I remember it, the federal inquiry " began about the time Mn Dowsey's body was shipped to New Tork. Two special investigators came here and came to see me. These were men from outside of Seattle. The first step waa taken by these ien." One set of two Investigators worked along for a while, but failed to turn up anything of value on the case. Dr. Tiffin said. They then went away. ' "Were you ordered by 'any govern ment officials in Seattle to render a verdict of apoplexy." "Well," he replied with a grin, per haps 'suggestion' or 'intimidation' would be a better description." iCoacluUed va i a i. Column 1-) r1