TIIE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, JULY 1919. 19 FOR 9 I.E. KarnHnr fer Sale. IL'RMTURE of five rooms including solid bran bed. box spring and mattress, oak dining table and rive chairs, dresser. roker end libmry table; mahogany ntm desk end chair. stand ml rocker. Iron bed. mattress, sprtnxs: larxe leather rocker, electric lamp, sewing ma chine, adjustable drK form. M East Franklin, until Monday evening. rR SALE Furniture for 3 room a. beauti ful brass beds, box sprlnc. mattress. 10 rock em. dr-p-vr, some pieces of mahosiny. a gas rinc. 10 rugs: roome all furnished. N. 22 d, at. B. Wilhelm. . 1OX'T sacrifice jour furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through car. Fire proof storage. C. M Cisen Transfer Srray Co.. 248 Pine St. , A SACRIFICE Leaving Portland, a wup4 Oak Chief combination ga and wojd range, flret-clasj. condition; price 60. F. E. Barker. a- East 34th su 6LID oak library table, bureau. wahstasd and bookcase, desk, piano box and large I ball-bearlns: lawn mower, like new. 790 I Gantenbein iv. Wood lawn 5461. 1AVENP)RT. mahocanr. tapestry covered. I6: Stnerer sewinc machine, drop-top cab inet. 14". Telephone Main 4t-. WAIAVT Queen Anne dining room solie. fnmt ".no tftk X3ih: also Ivor bed' room suite. & piece. $LVt; porch set. 4 pieces, la cedar. $.n. Vancouver. 93-1 FOR SALE Furniture of tt-room house in rood condition; home rents reasons uij. Knott st. IVORY Colonial bedroom suite. Ostermoof mkiirML nrarlv new: tireless cooker, din ing table, etc 874 Clackamas St.. evenings. OAS hake oven. 2 ovens 20x22 Inches, for $33. M. H. Calef, 6 Williams ave. East FURNITURE In 5-room house and houe for rent. Cail Sunday -f s. iuth at. FURNITURE I 6-room bouse for sale. VI N. 17th su KLRMTl'RK of 6-room hodso at sacrifice, I by the piece. 8 E. lltn feu B. - bEWIXG msrhine. child's bed. dining room table, chairs, other furniture. Mam 4-4. Poaliry. THE LUHR FARM offers the J. T. Little prixe Partridge Rocks In pen, yeaning nens ana l male, at $3u per pen; 20O V. L. yearling V. L. bene, 1.73 each; 6o0 W. I puilela, rns stock, 1 125 tach for September 1 delivery, at 4 months of ace. one-third rash with ordtr. ta lance date of ship ment. The Luhr Farm, R. 3 box 2b Lenta, or. VG POLD over RO0.000 White Lex horn baby chick to satisfied customers since Janu ary 1. uy cnicas now ana sen ian ana winter broiler at fancy prices; pullets will make fin early sprinc layers. Price per tun: Juiv. S14: Auju.su lii. bare arrival of full count live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer iiaicnery, 4U2 via su, riaiumx, CaL Dog. Rabbits. Birds, ret Mock. ALMOST a xtft Leavlns Portland. 4 srood rabbit hutt-h, 14 younR T-jthbitn. 3 to 6 weeks old. and 3 does, ail lor 1U. F. K. Barker, 3j i:at 34th st. WANTED Kabbit Flemish and and New Zeaiand.t. munt be rood, but cheap. Ad- dr?5s K 3?o, On-Ron in. "ik BLOODKU Flemish Glanl. buck. d. and )ouniUTf, all or part, cheap; leavlns .t. J BOOT i i SPEEDWAT KENNELS; will board your doffn. new. clean, airy; labor GOIN asv, St. Andresburg trainer young ging?re. cheap. Tabor 3617. snd FOR SLE- -Plt bull pup Machinery. Tabor 4t7. 1 11x13 WIKsrnette roader oonkey. 1 xll Wtllainrite vanier donkey. 1 18x10x12 V,niur.iua Underwriters firs 1 pump. 1 ,uxl4il2 Gardner pomp. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. A3 First St.. Tort snd. Oregon. XRA SAW for sale, almost new. and all tool needed for wood cutting, $173. F 333, Oregonian. Launches aad ffosOsw 40-KOoT cruler. 4-h. P- motor. In beau tiful shape; sleeping accommodations for I six people; two toilets, iimall gallev; boat cost $iotM: will sacrifice for Jimh): will I consider automobile In part payment: would make a fine outside trawling boat. Ze tosc h, 121 N. 3d streot. corner uiisan. PAXDT houseboat, 4 rooms, a modern home. west bank river, witn or witnout lurni- ture. cheap; must be sold at once. Main J672. .K Fariand. tio2 i eon bldg. Foil A LE 4-room furnished houseboat. vcoodshed float; bargain. 24 Willamette I moorage. WANTED Furnished boathou.te; roust have I two bedrooms. Ar 4ttt Oregonian. FOR SALE Columbia Marshall 20O3. river fish boat. f ANufc, $13. good condition. Tabor S."37. I Typewriters. KENT A Remington; special rates to stu dent.' Buy your new Remington now, im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, I ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments: I s-nd for priie list. The Wholesale Type- I writer to., rfian nept.. o.t wsn. st. NO. lo. 12-inch carriage. Remington type I writer. 1st -class condition, used Fhort time. $.".. 3.0 Eat Main. KAft 13U. OR RENT Kemtngion type writ err for $.1 per Transfer. Broadway 133. and Underwood I montn. Empire FOR RENT Underwood and Remington typewriters, S3 per month. Empire T mus ter t o. ia wy iso. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Coronal dealers. v. r'ease CO.. u Mxtn it. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut! rates. P. D. Co.. IMl Stark st. Main 14" ALL maks typewriter rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter t. o V4 .;h. Main .H.rtS Miscellaneous. l-OT-WATER tanks, new snd second-hand. I 12 to SJ" installed: expert boiler repair- 'ng. plumbing, supp.lee cheap. 203 Adams t st. East S316. FOR SALE or rent, longing and hoisting 1 engines, all kinds macolnery, rails, cars. R.i: way Equipment Co., 2." 5 St.-irk st. ROLL TOUR LAWN NOW. Lawn roller, garden and other tools, etc, for rale cheap. 24S Tillamook st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show " ast.3 and wall-caes. fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qu!gy. 227 First. Main 5399. OA K DESKS, ranitary flat top and type writer; also tables and chairs. D. C. Wax. S 1st st near sk. Main 4t'3L MALT. hops. caps, cappers, efder. pure fruit punch's and syrups for parties, dances, ere. J. H. DeLacey. 2:'3 Y.tmhill st. FOR SALE 173 yds. good Phone Tabor 2163 or call grade carpet, at 1236 Divl- FOR SALE Second-hand bicycles. Apply Saturday afternoon between It and 3 at room 319 Fittook Mock. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles suits. dre.-c, slightly used. 1132 K. Oil -an. Montavltla r to 39th st. - Tabor 2S23. BABY corral ml l-uccv for sale or trade Tor shotgun or .22 rule. 12 Last 78th N. MVea r. FOR SALE Monarch ranee. Good condition- Must be ic-M by Saturday. Yvoodiawn 331, or can jienn acnue norm. A. B. GAS RANGE, pd as new ; half price. Thone Woodlawn '::t or call 993 East Md m. North. REED buoy tarn. 12 Call a: ice. cost 375: '10 Johni.n till sell for Tel. Main riKAt TlKUL r pj and suits, slightly ivorn. obr.uncd frciu smartly drvi-ed ladies. Main JiR .M ii-'w mo w in-lo b m N. r. Mif 3 ft 4x7. al.-o ;iie 330. 423 E. aIAB VYCi lD X U tory S:ab.vood Co. New y rd. Try u -n rw o you money. Call Broadway l-'l or Sf:,wood 747. I'El. 1CIOUS rib'. clrs. cvsten. fresh riii. I- F.rst b I. Wash, and Alder WMrn r"i."h Co . !M.trh.i!l ilV. FR SALE R.iby lavrjic, -hall 473. 2.f Ma. I ft , j hand made. Mar- FOR SALU "a-h register, i i nne ar.d hti-asc. 43 Is: , adding ma- near Ash. ll Nt . :irrir. ltc pound, picked. 3 bl j.k tast Kt. ton t-rk. ,ugu.-:i:; place. ROYAL A N N r 1 S. p e t h e rr ies. 1 0 cen t a Mn:avi;:a car to 4'th. to blocks nor:h. VAi 1TM c,inpri for rnt i.r . rn.rf. Hoorr." lrc-ada: t. atuum 2V:. THREE, rn? top cek. 2 man. ro:i:op desa, fl ,nc tir.'i. uhong V Co.. l Park. NiW i t'.i- Krr. fT raintrr-ir and ppr hirg-ng. gt an estimate. T.:or 67:.'!. l l'M c.e. K.ir.ged. t. so'd, r.-palrrj Might. IiTTt "T CO 'ft & V LE C cte of L'ar: art. t u:rafng the propbe- Vil KuK I ES ' "orrt get off 84th ft.. i! pu k il uth to 1 u. WS car. Hoi gate. BART S whKe uamM bd. almost new, rea sonable KM 37 S 7. Apt. 6. SAFES lor a; ne large and one small r!a?. S 7?. Oregonian. BEDSTEAD. .T'trr. ma tres and 14x2J aug.m. S-an:Mi for sale M. Johns. 1 n . Sellwood wi;l 723. . I.. CAPF.-I WRECKING "0. Windows, dugrs -3i.r. br.ck, Xr sale. Maa 7.u. I' ci t-nt : b.r sains. .Nl T:ite:ir. NV I c;ii.k :iO Lartman st ii S V..E i'tamord. v.c.?: J:r fare fcr r'-rd FOR 5. I.E. Micella PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES - HOUSE JJKATI.SU 3d ATE RIALS IKON PIPS PEERLESS HlDrt-ORADS TOILETS AND "SILENT LNIGHT COMBINATION f General Distributors WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADE VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING CO.'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom 6S-70-72 Front St. ' Portland. Oreron. BRASS bed. felt mattress, heavy springs, $15; Hotpolnt electric stove and oven ette. . dresmaKer full-length form. 73c: Singer sewing machine, S20; 6x13 Cong-oleum rug, $1; 9x12 rub. $3; violin, -"; heater. $6. Call 47 East lth at. 8, Ri'-hmonil ar. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have a few earaples of raincoats, motor coats and leather- tex coats re turned by our salesmen, on sale to the puhlic at wholesale prices, in our office. 7i' Morgan bid.. United Rubber Co. SEWING mechines. new and eecond-hsnd. I sold for less; no scents employed: com plete line of parts for sll makes; machines repair a ana rented. Main W4:u. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, l'.0 3d. Near Tayior St. WE exterminate cockroaches, wster bugs. bedbugs. We also do fumigating; guar anteed Mntrrt i.i tf4nr exDerience; over 1500 apartments and private houses! unaer our annual contracts. Kenaui in- i secticlde Co., -3 Abington bldg. Phone I CHERRIES. Rasnherrles. Loiran berries. Savs, pick itiem yourseli. Caubaxe, raie. tnou i Moellier tomato plants, cheap. Rabbits, f Corner Kith and East Stark. ML Tabot imt 8Rth car to end, four blocks north. one east. 3 glass showcases. 1 counter With tf bins. 2 bakers' proof boxes. 1 Toledo computing scale. 1 new 2-wheel box delivery cart. BAKEP.1TE BAKERY. l!ul Yamhill. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new I ana second-nsna. nt right prices. Dougnt, soia ana exensngea. NoRRLS SAVE A LOCK CO.. 103 Second St. Phone Main 2"4r LADIES Orixinal annarel exchange In I lHureinurst lias rnr sale suits, aistinctivei gowns, denclnpr frocks, slightly used, late 1 models, obtained from wealthy ladles. 1 Open " A. M. to P P. M. Tabor SS'.'.Y PRINTING FOR LESS We are not mem bers of any combination seen in g to raise j or control tne price ox printing; arttstio work, prompt service. btnttli, printers. atarK st. LEAKY roof, eh I Very axxravatinx. indeed. nny not permanent ana cormortabie rooir We repair and KuDbor Bond all kinds of I leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Alain nil). ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner and extras; Ice! cream rreezer, gas iron, books or best au thors and carpenter's adx, all in good con nition. f-t.f .uorrison i SELL cheap or trade, two 20-foot wall caes wiin snaing giafs aoora; ..-toot open I cases to match. Very fine cases. 163 West f l arK. ai aln 50-P. DICTATING machines Just like new: bar gain; a derating, i iratiscrioing, l snaving machine, factory service guaranteed. 1 I 4 uu. Ore go n la n. EAFErJ- -FILING SAFES DIEBOLD AGTg. r.TPert work done. Prices richf PACIK1C SCALE ex SUPPLY COMPANY. 4b front st. Broadway 1966. OREGON cherries. 6c. Woodlawn 3054. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WE HAVE the lowest prices on used cars in town, iney are all tafcen In trade on nw cars, and we make all our profit on new car sales. Below is a list of cars that we havo Just taken In, and have never been of JcredJor sale before. Late 1913 Chevrolet touring car. new tires all around, brand new spare, bumper, spot licnt, dah light, over-slxe steering wheel; $723. 1918 Chevrolet touring car, good shape, looks and runs like new, $673. 1918 Chevrolet touring car, good tires, newly painted, seat co' irs, etc, $673. Late 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet, purchased last October; mechanically In better aiiape than any Baby lirand we ever had; good spare tire and spot light. Being used as a Uemotmtrator; $1030. We have many other good buys, but this Is a list of new trade-ins. You must hurry, because It take 6 weeks to get new cars, and conse quently It throws in a big demand, lor good used cars. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. LATE MODEL LIP.HT npfl MAXWELLS, CHEVROLETS, BUICKS, We have the line to Dick from at ths prices you can afford to pay, and when buying a lixtit car you have nit rinn tn I ijrM ui in running it email Urea, large 17 Chevrolet touring, newly refinlshed I and looks better tna, a new one; low price, I long terms. . 1 Chevrolet touring notice the price. i4.. it is right and ready to run any t ivruis ana long ones. 17 Maxwell tnuHnrr leather top and plate glass in rear, and fuvE vw, toruia aro jong. IB Maxwell. refinlhf delivery, and it looks as good as any new Reo tourlnr. Thin, tm a rt mu uua 10 uiease you. We will show you anv of -our ran t.b-. I you anywhere, take bonds, give liberal I terms and small payments down and we I m ou oroKerage, see us be fore buying. 623 Alder. Al AUTO WOHKS & PAINTING CO. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. au?o! dCDy 7ur-eIf ln Pieaaure of an THE FOLLOWING ARE BIG SNAPS: 1912 CADILLAC TOURING HU4 CADILLAC TOURING 1917 PAIGE TOURING 1114 OVERLAND TOURING ... 1917 STUDEBAKER TOVHIXG .$ 475 . 875 . 1000 AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN DISTRIBUTORS. NINTH AND COUCH. TWO Hudson 7-passenger 6-54s, good me chanical condition, $t25-$775. One Maxwell, US model, $630. One Saxon. 2-passenger. $223. 123 17TH ST.. NEAR ALDER. REO ROADSTER, boueht new Jan. 19. ibis has bad best of care, looks and runs like new; 2 cords and 3 fabric tires, rearlv new; private owner; $1250 cah. I?ione a 4 ana win drive car to you, or call '.- .Montgomery m. 191S OLDSMOBILE SIX. like new. U months oid; .c1l for cash only in a few days; dealers offer $1050 for this car; will ik 1 1 .iv cajn. is uregonian. FOR SALE 1018 Ford, Al condition, with demountable rim, shock absorbers, and othr extras. 903 Montana ave. Woodlawn 111 ST sell 1918 Chevrolet, good condition; 3 new iirw; present owner; some terms. "OR PALE. CASH Dodge limousine, really a oargain; pracucauy new car. Henry bids., city. WHY BE A WAGE SLAVE? Have a lorg Jub frr pur hacr of motor -m-K at per nour. tast 2100. CADILLAC tate model roadster, sacrifice for $2130. Autoret Garage, Tenth at Salmon. FORD bug, torpedo body. In good mechanical condition; a bargain at $523, with terms. 30 tirand ave. North, near Burnslde. BARGAIN ln Maxe looks like new. t'j 1 touring car, runs and .11 Mar. 1!:.0. apt. 42. BARGAIN In Bulck light six. repainted and good condition. Calt Tabor 63-j. FORD roadster, cheaper. cah or terms, or trade for touring car. Owner. East 6528. MA WELL-B U 1 S CO hi roadster, $ 133 24 0 EisrOth t- cor. E. Main. HUPMOBTLE roadster, has good tires, cheap for cash. Pdwy. K-T2. SAXON six-cylinder 17, sacrifice for $425 ca.-h; good shape. 292 11th t-treet. 19IS CHEVROLET. bet b:iv In town. '. xood tire. hke -new. i; Mih sr. N. Sundav. -CYLINIER 1?1 Cloverlesf roartter. r ! --. T-v . v.'" vn.-.jt;iiiti t 0 l.Kl.A N l fiilflT. exf-l;ent condition; m'l sell cheap. Phone Lal 1 T II. IWILL sH my U1S Hudson Super at a very reasonable price. 3'S North 6th st. FORD, good condition, for cash. Washing ton Tire Co., 4i0b Wah. su FOR ArTOMOBIXES. HAVB WR CLOSED OUR BROADWAT STORK? I'LL SAT NOT. . During the past week I have bad this ouejtlon put to me several times. I'll ad mit there have been no cars In for the past 4 or S days, but there are 3 very good rea sons for this absence of high-class cars' which heretofore nave iwsys invitea your inspection at this ever-popular cor ner. REASON NO. I. Ws have been refinishing our salesroom floor and consequently could not show any cars until this worK was com pie tea. REASON NO. 2. There has been such a generous response to our advertising and such an avaiancne of sales orders pouring in every day that we almost had to close up for a'few days in order to gain our equilibrium ana in cidentally replenish our stock. REASON NO. 3. The bo ju.t returned from a three weeks trip over the entire coast- buying used cars and he sure brought home ths bacon, in the form of 20 carloads of al most new ued cars. In fact some of them are new. He did not buy anything but the very latest models, the cream of the market, and he sure knows how to buy 'em right, which means that we can sell 'em right. TAKE A LTTTLB TIP. " Buy the car right now. In 80 days It will be practically Impossible to buy any Kind of a car. opportunity is knocking. While they last you can buy cars here at prices that prevailed 2, 3 and even 4 years ago. cars I nut you will be proua oi ana win give you the same service as new onen. I am going to list a few of them below and we will be glad to show you the rest or them wnen you come in. Tour credit fs good, your Liberty bonds are gooo. our cars are goo a. "Jnui cea. Cole 8 Aero type, 4-pass, touring, 5 cord tire- Ktudebaker, IS series, big 0, 7-pass., 6 cord tlrea. Chandler Despatch, 5 wire wheels, 6 cord tires Packard Tain Six, 7-pass., model 25, 5 cord tires. Jordan Sport Marine, 5 wire wheels, B cord tires. Jordan suburban. 5 wire wheels, 9 cord tires. Hudson Super ft, model J, 5 wire wheels 0 cord tires. ReoN6. all dolled up, $500; top, special body, cord tires. King 8 touring, never been driven, cord tires. Hudpon Super 6, model O, 6 good tires. Haynen Chummy, model 3ft, good tires. llaynes Chummy, model 37, 4 almost new cord tires. Paige Lin wood, 5 -pass, touring, good tires. Slut speedster, 5 wire wheels, 5 good tires. Oldsmoblle 8 chummy roadster, 5 wire wheels. Hiitrk light 6. B-pass . R tires. Bulck big 6, 7-pass., 5 cord tires. Bulck 6 roadster, 1018 and ir17 models. Hupinnblle. Mitchells. Maxwells; Dodges Fords, Rook. Overlands. Elgins, Oakland Sixes. Chevrolets, Saxons. Any kind of a car you want. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO., Broadway at Couch St. Open Evenings and Sundays. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. We will take your liberty bonds at face VSlue. 1918 Mitchell, 5 -pa os., 6-eyL 1U17 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 3-cyl. 1914, White, 5-pass.. 4 M 1917 National, 7-pass., 12-cyL J17 .National. 7-pass., o-cyi. 191 Overland. 6-pass., 4-cyl. 1917 Oldsmobile. 7-pass., 8-cyl. 1916 Chandler, 7-pass., -cyl. 191U Overland, ft-pass.. 4-cyL 1916 I'.olller. 5-pass., 8-cyl. 1910 Chevrolet, 5-pass. 1912 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyl. Pooe 2-ton truck. 2-ton Mitchell truck with cab and body. 3 lost of the above cars have been rebuilt and painted. we win tana your oia car as par pay ment on some of the above cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. East Flrat at Morrison. WEST SIDB SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK. Phones: Lroadway 515. A 3343. MTTCHBLL. LEWIS A STAVER CO., BUY USED CARS NOW. NEW CARS ARE HIGH. ' Hudson, 7-pass.. a bargain $450 Buick six. 5'pass 995 1W1S Maxwell touring car 725 1917 Maxwell touring car 573 1916 Fjrd touring car 395 1916 Studebaker six 7W5 SEE EFPLE. BO-52 N. 20th SL N., West Side Near Wash. I HAVE a Maxwell touring car run very slightly on pavement; looks just as good as the day it was delivered; not a mar or scratch on the car: extra tire. See it and compare It with a new car. Why pay the price or a new car wnen you can ouy tnis tor iuu, on easy terms ; r. iiyior, 314 Burnslde su TIRE AND BATTERY SIfRVICE. Gjen evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.33. Authorized Wlllard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 4SS Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. OVERLAND, model 73, in good shape and looks rood: this Is very lixht car and doesn't cost a fortune to run; I will sell it for S475. $200 cash or liberty bonds, bal ance $27.50 per month. P. ri. ULN.N, 1652 E. 13th St. Sellwood 1393. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOU 707 Hawthorne Ave. Small 5-passenger Overland $200. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. COVET . . . MOTOR . . . CAR . . . CO. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. Wire wheels, good tires. Price $795. 1295 . cash, balance $50 per month. P. H. DUNN. 1652 East 13th St. Sellwood 1393. I HAVE a dandy 8-cyllnder Scrippe-Booth in A i condition, i ust completely over hauled; chummy body, wire wheels and tires: this car Is a snan. Phone East 8219, 133 East Stn st. IBIS STUDEBAKER "6." 7-uass.. De Luis mode! touring car, cord tires; car will be sold today at the low price of $975; in first-riass condition. 335 Ankeny st, cor- ner uroanway. 1919 CHEVROLET Has only been run 1600 miles and is just :me new. This car can be bought for $750. Call Mr. Knox at Broadway 1130 at once. 1919 CHEVROLET, 5 passenger touring: good as new; 6 new tires; price $750. Call between 10 and 12, 360 Williams ave.. cor Broadway. FOR SALE By owner, 1918 Big 6 Stude baker, Victoria top. Just overhauled and newlv painted; 5 cord tires; big sacrifice for ta sh; SS00. Ma in 59. CHEVROLET touring, 1818, In- fine condl tion, good tires; must sell, a bargain at $725, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. BY OWNER Late model Oldsmobile, 8-cyl., In perfect condition, looks like new: worth $1300, for quick sale. $100O cash. See car. Singer Store, 382 Morrison st. FOR SALE Apperson model 55 bug, good tires and In first-ciass shape. See White or Stevens st Portland Motor-Car Co., 30th and Burnsidc WILL PKMi my iiuason o-passenger touring Ji 1- mouei, in iwu I'cnuiiion, tor 3 1 0. Will consider motorcycie as part payment. Tabor 49M. lvni n. .Mam. Bt'ICK roadster, electric starter, best eon dttlon. See Kelty, Robinson & Smith, 6th and Madison. OVERLAND roadster, model - 73. perfect mechanical condition, new tires. $350. Call Braouway itd. or &s w. j'aric st. SOMETHING nifty in a bug. special body. best looKinp tar in en; , very attractive. Call evenings. 1224 A 1 bins' ave. CHEVROLET baby grand, 10 model, good running connition. Liu alter 6 p. M-. 635 East Morrison. BY owner, 1916 Case 4. In fine condition. starter, eiectric iignts, some extras; a bargain at $33X. Tabor 1717. 1914 FORD In Al condition, good tires; will demonstrate, can .at. or bun. afternoon. 6 2 3 Lin n ave.. Sellwood. ESSEX 4, runJ6 miles; will sell at sacri fice or siw, easy terms, rnone American Soda Works, East 364. POWERFUL 4-eyIlnder bug, in Al condi tion; win demonstrate anywhere, $350. 330 Burnslde st. TRUCK, Ford motor, in good running con anion. mui eit, m oargain at JOU. HO Urand are. North, near Burnslde. FORD touring. 1917, In best of condition: win sen al 4i. witn terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. HERE is your chance Buick 6. 7-passenger, late model. some ouy. Phone Bdwy. oj::l mnd ssk for Moose. 10th and Stark. CHEVROLET touring, 1918, looks like new. pood ltr; a Larsam at 77.", with terms. t iran-i ave. .ortn. near uurnrldc FORD touring, 1913, In good mechanical con dition ; will sell at $375, with terms. 30 - Grand -ave. North, near Burnslde. FOR SALE Ford delivery, first-el uitiou. 10V 12th SU con- FOR SALE AUTOMOBIXES. FORD MOTORS. FORD MOTORS. , FORD MOTORS. We have several practically new Ford Motors at .Bargain Prices. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 8d and GUsan ets. USED CARS. Trade your old car in on a better one. Balance easy terms. litis VE1.IE. 5-passenger. 1918 PEERLESS. 8-cyl.. 7-pass. 1917 PEERLESS, 8-cyt., 7-pass. 1918 FORD SEDAN. $700. 1913 OVERLAND, ft-cyl., 5-pass., cheap. 1917 DODGE touring. 1915 MITCHELL, 4-cyl., 5-pass. 1914 HUDSON. 4-cyl., 5-pass., electric equip., $475. 1910 CADILLAC, delivery body, $200. 1913 OAKLAND. 5-pass.. 5 tires. $250. 1914 FRANKLIN, series 6, first-class, $S50. 1917 VELIB, A-l, fine tires, $950 Our .Motto "livery Purchaser a Booster." Open Evening and Sundays. P. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. fifi N. 23d St. Main 780. CAN TOU BEAT IT? USED CAR BARGAIN 2 Maxwells, each .$ .M X Oakland 1UV 1 Studebaker 1 Studebaker 1 Huick 1 Overland 1 Bulck 3 Chevrolets S Fords 1 Ford bug .. 130 ; 200 ! 200 200 330 $330 to 430 $-30 to 600 .100 uverinnn :hj 700 1 Overland club roadster HrtO 2 Grants $600 and SOO I 2 Bui'iks. 6-cyl $10j8 and 1 loO Several trucks that we will sell at less I than cost; 1-ton to 3-ton. LONG & SILVA, -402 Hawthorne. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. Assemble your own chassis, we will fur nish the parts at bargain prices. Hurry: only a tew lett. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 3d and Glisan sts. MT 7-PASS. JORDAN. It is practically new; has wire wheels, cord tires, spotlight, bumper and lot of extras; cheap. Call East 7338. A 191 COLE 8. 4 -PASSENGER. AERO TYPE. LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW. Equipped with 6 cord tires, spot light; bumper front and rear and a lot of other extras. Priced right. Will give reasonable terms. Call East 7338. BUICK light 6, 3 cylinder; fine condition. 1919 Chevrolet; 90 per cent new. 1918 Chevrolet; has new service In It. Overland, 5 pass., electric lights and generator; iivu iirst payment ana a rive it nome. 1911 Cadillac; make a classy cut-down. Cadillac, 8 cylinder, 7 passenger, well equipped. WHITE OR STEVENS. 421 Burnslde St. Broadway 531. FORD LATE MODEL 5-PASS. With cord tires, shock absorbers, bump er, spot light, speedometer and cowl 1 board. Yale lock, large steering wheel 1 which eliminates shock from rough roads, ana much otner special equipment: I just thoroughly overhauled and will give I absolute written guarantee as to condt-1 tlon mechanically. Phone owner. Tabot I 4703. ak for Ray. 6-CYL. NATIONAL 6-CYL. 1917 TOURING CAR 1917. Just overhauled and repainted; a fine I car; uses 34-inch tires; better than cheap new car; price $12o0; very easy terms, come ana see it. HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th and Davis. Ask for Montgomery. 12-CYLTNDER HAINES; good cord tires and wire wheels; A-l shape. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. LIBERTY SIX. nlwly painted; will guaran tee this car; si&uu. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. READ THIS! 1918 Ford sedan, Goodyear cord tires, shock absorbers, driven 1711 miles; it's a new car tor onty ?i"u, terms. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. VELIE SIX, like new; a bargain. CARY. 522 Alder St Broadway 2492. ARE vou Mill struggling with the old un satisfactory grease enpsr let us demon strate the new system that eliminates grease cups and dirt, giving you positive lubrication in a few minutea Alemite Lubricator Co., 432 Aider st. Phone Broadway 3500. CHANDLER. 5 -passenger, 6-cy Under Chandler, good condition ; will sell for $850 or take ln Ford as part payment: if you want a bar gain don't fall to see this car. Call at 114 1st st. or pnone laoor aio.'. CHALMERS touring, newly painted, ln fine condition; a oargain at iiwu, wua terms; consider trade on smaller car, balance terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burn- side. WANTED OFFICE FURNITURE. As first payment on either a hew or used Overland touring car or ngnt trues:. P. H. DUNN. 1612 East 13th St. Phone Sellwood 139a IB1R CHANDLER CHUMMY ROADSTER. PERFECT CONDITION; LOOKS LIKE NEW; FOUR NEW CORD TIRES; COST $2383: BARGAIN AT $1700; TERMS. BD 380, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE A number of squeak chasers in the form of Alemite Fittings, la your , car eauinoed? If not asK us lor a dem onstration. Alemtto Lubricator Co., 432 A 1 der. Phone Bdw y.3ou0. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck ail makes of cars and sell their parts at halt price. juavia nodes Co., North jjroaaway ana r lanaers. CHALMERS roadster. 3917. in xood me chanical condition; will sacrifice at $975, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. WILL sacrifice 1913 Studebaker Six. fine condition. 5 tires, spot light, bumper, $1030. Need Ford or Dodge. 1314 Bel-! mont. 1918 SCRIPPS-BOOTH touring, run 6000 miles; tine condition; $100 in equipment; terms. 534 E. Burnslde. Phone East 65i)6. MUST sell my 1919 sWver anniversary, 8 cy Under Apperson ; just like new; run 4000 ml. ; cost $4200. My price, $3200, with terms. See owner. 261 32th st. $723 HUDSON, Six, 5-passenger; fine con dition; nice appearing; good tires; nothing wrong, simply must have money. 501 37th st. Richmond car. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. A FLAT 1013 Chalmers touring car in good running order. Am compelled to sacrifice at once, $185 cash. 1809 Newman st. ; St. Johns car University Park, cor. Hunt st. MAXWELL '17, thoroughly overhauled. newly painted, new tires, demountable wheels: snap at $600. Call East Sth and Belmont. 5-PASS. Overland and n-caas. Six-- 6 fr sale at your own price, see sir. price at Diamont T truck sales agency, 330 Burn- s'de. 1017 CHANDLER at sacrifice; must sell; will take terms. Call Broadway 1270. ask for Mr. Smith. FOR SALE 1917 Studebaker. sold by first owner: cora iirtrs. v. xv. mecnanicai loca like new; bargain. Marshall 2206, 7 to 9 A. M. . 6-PASSENGER Reo. in excellent condition tnrougnoui; cau m seen at iwia states Motor-Car Co.. 16th and Alder. $6O0 TAKES 1917 model 5-pass. car. electric Mgnta, starrer, juou mes. uwner, -WJi North Sixth. Broadway 4130. MUST sacrifice 1917 leaving Portland; Paige touring like new; act yuick. East 66SL H UDSON SIX, 5-pass., like new; fine con dition: $650. quick sale. Marshall 822. APPERSON Good mechanical condition. $500 or trade ior ngnter car. iiain 2106. LATE 1917 Ford for $400 cash. Third su, room . jj"2Qg7 I FOR SALE ACTOMOBILKS. WE HAVE some classy used cars, both In looks and performance, and furthermore, we are willing to back them up with a written guarantee. Why not call in and look them over? Easy terms. Here are . some of the best buys in the city: Ifllfl Chevrolet, all new tires. 1915 Studebaker, all new tires. 191S Paige, Essex model. 191$ Paige, Linwood model. 191 S Paige, Linwood model. 118 Maxwell, just like new. 1918 Maxwell, a good buy. 1018 Paige, Linwood model, newly painted. 1918 Ford touring, demountable rims and other extras. Model T 83 Overland, a good buy. 1917 Bulck six (this will go quick) and many others to select from. We can sell you a car that will meet with the size of your pocketbook. Remember, we are open Sundays and will be glad to show the cars any time. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO., 33 North 14th St., corner Couch. Phone Broadway 121. TOU WILL FIND AT CON LEY'S BUICKS. CHEVROLETS. , HUDSON SUPERS. MAXWELLS. OVERLANDS. , OLDSMOBILE. SAXONS. t MY PRICE IS RIGHT. CON LEY'S USED CARCENTER, S. W. Cur. 15th and Washington. FROM NOW ON WE ARE GOING TO OF FER A SPECIAL BARGAIN EACH DAY IN A USED CAR. WATCH OUR ADS FOR THIS SPECIAL. TODAVP SPECIAL . SOME BUY. 1917 DODGE TOURING, $S00. THIS CAR CARRIES OUR USUAL GUARANTEE. AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN "BEAUTY SIX" DISTRIB UTORS. XTNTU AND COUCH. USED CAR BARGAINS AT GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. 1 I9IS Ford roadster ...$ 500 1 Saxon 6 roadster 500 1 3917 Maxwell 0 1 1917 Hupmoblle Big 4 1000 1 1916 Reo. 5-pass. 1 1916 Dodge, 5-pass. 1 1918 Mitchell light six. And over 30 other cars to select from. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, Grand ave. and East to tarn. Phone East 7S10. Open Evenings and Sundays. 1917 BUT OK 6. 1917 HUP. 3918 OVERLAND 6. J918 MITCHELL 6. 1918 MAXWELL. HUDSON 7-PASS.. ?950. OVERLAND TOURING. $600. OVERLAND ROADSTER, $150. BUICK TOURING. I"CM. FORD TOURING. J350. FORD ROADSTER, $375. FORD DELIVERY, $375. SEVERAL BUGS. , SEVERAL OTHER CARS FROM $100 TO $1500. E-Z TERMS. 530 ALDER ST. COMPARE THESE VALUES. 1917 Maxwell touring, $550. 1918 Studebaker, only IS 2 5. 1918 Chevrolet roadster, almost $725. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington Street. FORDS NEW AND USED. FORD PARTS. FORD REPAIRING. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., 60 N. Broadway, at Davis. Bdwy. 321. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 1918 MAXWELL. This is In nice condition and the price Is right. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington Sts. 1910 GRANT SIX. That's right, it's a 1919, and It's a real buy. See It at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington Street. OVERLAND TOURING, car newly painted, easy terms, ;bu. law i , Aider et. Broadway 2492. OVERLAND, with winter top, good tires ana paint, "9. CArtEX, i22 Aider eL Broadway 2492. MY late model Maxwell; looks like brand new; lots of power, runs smooth and quietly: a car you can be proud of ; a snap at $775; will give terms. 128 E. 53d St., or phone Tabor S850. 191 HUPMOBILE ; choose your paint; real car. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. Broadway 115. 1918 8-CYL. OLDSMOEILE. 7-pass., prac tically new, run 5000 miles:, 5 tires, A-l condition, price $1700. Call Woodlawn 4711 between 8 and 10 A. M. today. 1917 MAXWELL Come in if you want a good one. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. Broadway 1185. 1917 FORD, A-l condition with demountable rims, shock absorbers and spotlight. Must sell at once. $450 cash. 529 E. Ash St., phone East 113. 1917 PAIGE You will have to see this one to appreciate. It. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. . Broadway 1185. VELIESIX. We have several late model Veils sixes; right price for cash or will consider trade on any of above cars. 846 East Alder. FORD roadster, in good condition, price rea sonable, some terms. aii at zix baimon st., between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. or even ings at 6543 96th st. S. E. FORD BUG, a bear cat, painte1 white. smith auto co.. parit ana couca. Broadway 1183. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. $750 Overland 6-S6, 7-passenger, fine condi tion, original iamu xsew cora tires. Phone Tabor 6235. 1918 OLDS "R," PERFECT SHAPE. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. Broadway 1185. $ 2 00 DOWN BUYS M A X W E CL TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BE,R. CALL EAST 1962. MAXWELL roadster, in fine condition, good tires; a bargain at $675, -some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6 touring car in best of condition. Autorest Garage, Tenth and Salmon. 1913 SMITH BUICK, $373; SOME CAR. AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. Broadway 11S3. MAXWELL touring, 1918, in perfect condi tion, good tires; sacrifice $750. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. LEAVING city, will sail my practically new scnppi-cooin u-pass. at a pargain. 307 Barker a pis. Marshall 2995. FORD touring car for sale cheap, 1914 model, good running order. Call at 1240 Wilbur st., St. Johns car to Jess up, two blks. easu BUG. fine condition. Franklin engine, $350. Cor. E. 16th and Schuyler. Phone East 6155. LATE model Buick roadster, must be sold at once, can be seen Sunday at 84 Broad way opposite Benson hotel. FOR SALE By owner, 1917 Maxwell, in good -ondltlon, $700. P 357, Oregonian. $725 CASH or terms buys 1918 Maxwell, fine condition and good tires. Call Tabor 630. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized, "25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. REPUBLIC 1-ton truck. 1918. special motor, good condition. $1300. Phone 621 Gresham. 5-PASS. OVERLAND, Call Marshall 2277. 1918, good as new. FORD car for sctle. cheap, all new tires. 52C E. Richmond st. Automobiles 'Wanted. FROM OWNER Ford touring or bug. 180 Morris st., Wdln. 715. FOB SALE ACTOMOBILES, Automobile Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltair station, Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel: adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; also 50 by about 140 feet: suitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay some dlf ference. Address BD 203. Oregonian. LONG A SYLVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 30 per cent on parts. end In the parts you need and ws will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 1352. WE CAN GET TOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. TO SWAP. 20 acres land at Ashland, Or.; clear title, for Ford in good shape. 745 E. Main. Call before noon. NEED a car, community needs a store; have business lots near station on O. K. to trade for auto in good condition. Call evenings 11S0 Milwaukle sL WILL TRADE $400 equity in nine acres clar land near good cannery for auto or piano. J. A. Putman, Melzger, Oregon. Main 9317. WANTED LIGHT AUTOMOill LE ; MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION AND PRICE RIGHT FOR CASH. 380 ALDER. DODGE WANTED. Will buy Dodge car for cash. Inquire st 249 6th at Madison. Phone Main 7332. WANTED To buy from owner for cash. 1919 Dodge touring for persons! use. Air. Myer, 403 E. 40th st. N. Phone Tabor 133. WILL pay all cash for a 1D1S or 1919 Chev rolot from private party. Woodlawn 6233. 266 Failing st. WANTED To buy 191S Maxwell or Chev rolet; win pay cash; owners only. Call Tabor 36M4. Larsen. CASH for your Ford, Maxwell. Dndgq or Bulck. Call Epple, Main 206. 00-62 N. 20th st.. west side, near Washington. CASH paid for wrecked or badly damaged Ford carg. Hale's gitrage, 429 E. Davis. WILL pay cash for good Ford touring; no dealers, ab Knott nt. AUTO wanted in exchange for 20-foot new niotorboat rmlK- BJ 38, Oregonian. Motorcycles. 1918 READING STANDARD, Dream tandem, speedometer, Fpotllpht, good tires, Al shape, $200. 634 V E. Burnsido st. East 996. A DAYTON motorcycle, horn, speedometer, Presto tank, 2 nearly new tires. Tabor 6997, or call 283S East G2d st. S. DAYTON bicycle like new. Ask for H. Kingsbury, Multnomah club, Saturday be fore 6. 3-SPEED Harley. for someone, $12 4198. s good as new. cash or terms. HA RLE Y-DA VI DSON and side car for sale; electric lights. In Al condition, fully equipped. 144 Beech st. Mississippi car. 1917 HENDERSON, tandem, speedometer, spotlight, $210. East 996. 654 E. Bum side st. FOR SALE Main 2530. -Good bicycle, lots of extras. TWIN Excelsior, 1914 model. Call Main 1 529. or 863 Front st. . FOR MOTOROYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY 14. 204-20G 3D ST. MAIN' 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOP. SALE Several automobile lighting and starting batteries. aimot new, reasonable prices. re battery man at Long & SHva garage, 462 Hawthorne ave. SPOTLIGHTS, big snap, $3. all complete: regular retail price $6.0. Take advantage this special offer. Mail orders C. O. D. 206 Railway Exchange. Main 967. WANTED Box to fit on back of Ford run about lor camping outfit. Call Eant 7(56. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT, WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD and GLISAN ETS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION UAKAUE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE: HIGHWAY AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. Malrt 7080. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th St., Broadway 840. 6-PAS3. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, hopping, highway. Broadway a54. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 4 BARGAINS. 2-TON GARY, completely over hauled and in Al shape; tires prac tically new, equipped with cab, prestollte and platform body. This truck is an excellent buy for $2300; liberal terms to reliable parties. 2-TON GARY, practically new. This truck has not been driven over 300 miles, and Is the best buy la town at $2800. 2-TON REO, good condition, equipped with delivery body, top, curtains and prest-o-Ute; $700. -TO"S G. M. C, good condition, equipped with 2 brand new tires, delivery body, top and prest-o-lite. $700. GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 2162. Portland, Or. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 Garford 1 Vk -ton with express " body top, side curtains and wind shield; excellent condition $1500 1918 Ford worm drive 1-ton; used 4 months; good tires and express body complete. ... .r 700 Reo speed wagon, 1917 model; fully equipped and in excellent condi tion 850 PARK AND EVERETT. BDWY. 1369. 1-TON FEDERAL. THIS TRUCK ITAS JUST BEEN OVERHAULED AND IS IN A-l MECHANICAL CON DITION. WILL TAKE SMALL TOURING CAR AS PART PAY MENT. BARTLETT. 522 ALDER. BDWT. 2492. WORK FOR YOURSELF. I have an Al trucking proposition for you; stead v work tho year round; $800 will handle. For further information see Bart lett, 522 Alder. Phone Broadway 2492. GOING AWAY. AS I AM ' LEAVING PORT LAND, MUST SELL 1-TON TRUCK AT ONCE; $500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. H 213, OREGONIAN. 1 WE NEED the room, you need a truck. Call and see these bargains: Two-ton Gary, run less than 500 miles, equipped with platform body. Two-ton Gary, Al condi tion, equipped with cab. presto lights, platform body and practically new tires. Three-quarter ton G. M. C. equipped with 2 new tires, delivery body and presto lights. GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway, Phone Broadway 21ti2. Portland. Or. ASK a White or Federal Truck agent whj til their tnftks are equipped with the Alemite lubricating system before leaving the factory. We can equip your truck, re gardless of the make, with this same sys tem. Call, write or phone for Informa tion and prices. Alemite Lubricator Co., a S 2 Alder st. Phone Broadway 3500. tOR SALE 1917 Ford track, price $425. Main lSf.0. ONE-TON FORD truck almost new. quire 68 North 6th sU No dealers. In- WANTED A truck for a slab, tie and lumber-hauling contract. Tabor 1742. FORD ton-truck for sale; 1918. Apply at 301 Burnslde st. TOR PALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. USED TRUCKS. 1 FEDERAL one-ton truck $100 1 1918 FORD truck, chain drive 70" 1 TRUCK 1 TRUCK 250 3 FORD light deliveries. LOOK THEM OVER. GOOD BLTYS. ITUSHLIGHT & FENNEY, INC. Authorized Ford Dealer. 363 E. Broadway, City. Phones East 303, East 3367, C 1361. AUTO KEPAIK1NO. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. If your car is net working properly, call at tho HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS and our free service department will tell you Just what Is wrong wltn your mu ciiine free of charge. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 iiawthorno ave.. cor. L 2utn st. ATTENTION! If you are having difficulty with your car no will locate tho cause without charge and give you an exact estimate of cost to repair or arljust. All work guar anteed. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division St, Phone Tabor &31S. We call for and deliver. EXPERT . . AUTO . . REPAIRING. GARAGES. IV K WILL erei:t garage on N. E. corner East 3Mh and Hawthorne. See us for full particulars, i'arritdi, Watklns & Co., 1"6 Second st. GA KAGE for sale; full of storak': chca n rnt; shop full of work. Thone East 3291. 374 Union ave. N. WANT portable g-.i raff"; w rite or phonu D. G. Wilson, 230 u ;id st. Main 5692. WANTED-HMlSCFTLANEOr. $7.50 UP TO $23. Meyer the Tailor pays hichest cash prices for men's suits and oven-oats, shoes, etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS & TAILORS. 233 Madison St.. Near Third. Call Marshall 1229. We call any v, hero in the city, day or eve. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS, 117 2d St., N. W. Cor. Wah. Main U344. POT CASH PAID FOR Shotguns. rifles. bicycles. suitcases, valises, handbags, kodaks, electric fans, showcases, cash registers, desks, furniture. NEW MA N S E X C H A . G E . 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 7!S. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for gentlemen's aiid ladles' second-hand clothes. Try ma before you call otheis. Phone Broadway :;uj2. 245 '-i Burnsido, between ad and 2d. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying mens cast-off clothing; highest cash price paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3:425. 209 Madison. WANTED TINNER'S TOOLS. Medium beading machine, burring ma chine, shear or comb, punch and shear. East 2110. JUNK WANTED Full vaiue paid for rags. bottles, old clothing, tools, old furniture, scrap metals and ruhber. Call Main 7 2014 First street. 4. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHING, FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF JUNK. MAIN 4770. 246 1ST ST. WANTED MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES OF QUALITY. LIBERAL CASH APPRAISEMENT. ALTERATION DEPT. PHONE BROADWAY 1879. DENTISTS, ATTENTION. Will buy your 2-h. equipment for cash. What have you? Address T 312, Oregonian. WANTED To buy or rent, sectional floor lor dancing or skating. Tabor 2819, 1113 East Washington st. WANTED Electric fan and cash register. The Vista Lady Barbers, 324 Couch, near 6th. ' WANT guitar, banjo, violin, trombone. -NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 123 FIRST. NEAR WASH. MAIN 4495. WANTED Used Main 5064. furniture at once. HIZZ Co., 705 Swetland bldg., want address of any one with appendicitis. WE wilt buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th, WINCHESTER, Remington automatlu and pump uhotguns. Hochfeld, 83 3d. HIGHEST SPOT CASH psices paid for dia monds, uan Marx, wasmngton. JUNK, rags, rubber, old clothing, tools, met- ais. trunks; good prices. East 0171. WANTED A small safe; no dealer. oregonian. WANTED SET OF TINNER'S TOOLS. Phone East 2110. WANTED To buy a second-hand safe; state size ana price, a -;o, oregonian. Fnrnlttire Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefore we can pay tho top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all pffics furniture. CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO. 221-3-3 Front SU FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOW'S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. MARSHALL 5081. Phona. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 First Street. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE! SEE US. We are In need of all kinds of used fur niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer wiii call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First Su Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. STOP, LOOK. LISTEN. Why have old furniture in your home when you can sell It and get new? WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES. PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid fur stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a housefuil and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Calef, dealer. 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First at. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. W 1 LL PAY CASH . MAIN 3332. CASH for office desks, chairs, flies and tales. Pacific Staty. A Ptg. Co. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices n city. Main 1633.