Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1919, Image 1

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    Entered at Portland fOrecon)
rotnir as Secrtrd-Olas" Mntr.
VOL. LVIIL XO. 18.290
President to Present Doc-
ument and Speech.
Solons, After Hearing Wilson,
. to Adjourn Till Monday.
fritter Debate Expected to Follow,
With President Likely to Be
Called to Confer.
' 'WASHINGTON. Julr President
TVitsoa will present the peace treaty and
tit league of nations covenant to the
rrnate tomorrow.
The president will deliver a lengthy
address, in which he is expected to out
line the details of the negotiations re
rently concluded in Paris and tell why
he feels the United States should In
dorse the league of nations covenant.
His address promises to mark the open
ing of one of the bitterest fights ever
waged in the senate over ratification
I it was announced at the Whita
I House today the president would place
himself unreservedly at the disposal of
the senate in tts consideration of the
treaty. He was reported as being
"anxious and eager" to appear before
anr committee of the senate or of th
house, or both, in open or eiecutiv
session, to answer any questions tha
members might desire to ask with re
a-ard to the treaty and the league
Seaafore Are Divided.
While membera of the senate for
mien relations committee declined to
predict whether the president would
be trrvited before the committee, there
was a general feeling that should he
make known directly a desire to ap
rear, he would be given the oppor
tunity. The usual procedure would be
fr the committee to ask for the diplo
maria enrrespondenee leading up to
ih treaty, and since most of the Ver
saitlee negotiations v.ere eonducled
erally. some senators believed the only
alternate course would be to question
the delegatea personally.
Opposing thla view, however. Is the
feeling of some committee members
that tt would be too wide a departure
from precedent to invite a president
before any committee of congress. It
has been pointed out that the chief
executive constitutes in himself a co
ordinate branrh of the government,
and as such never has dealt directly
with such a subordinate body as a sen
ate committee.
Opea Iebate Rale.
Should the president go before the
rommlttre there are indications the
sermons would be open. Some members
are known o oe ocicrmmcaij opposcu
to any secrecy to senate consideration
of the treaty, and in this stand they
expert the co-operation of the president
and his supporters on the committee.
The effect may be to throw Into the
pen the entire committee consideration
of the treaty, as well as the debate In
lho senate chamber. It is considered
ii;r than likely, however, that at least
nieejf the committee discussions will
be in executive session.
A vigorous questioning undoubted'
ill await the president fhoultl be ap
pear before the committee. Among the
members are some of the most bitter
-ritus of the league of nations and of
the president's conduct of the Versailles
negotiations, including Chairman Lodge i
and Senators Porah of Idaho. Johnson
of California and Kail of New Mexico,
all republicans.
I There Is little likeiihoosi that th
committee will Itrein work on th
'. treatv before Mond.iv. although it will
Tevetve the document as soon as it i;
submitted by the president. There are
manv maps attached, and it is not ex-
rcted copies for the committee mem
bers can be made at the governmen
printing office before the end of the
Precedent 1e Be Broke.
The plan tonight tri.i for the fenste,
as eoon as the president ha finished
speaking tomorrow. tt order fh.
trextv printed in the congressional
' re-ord and as a pub'ic document. This
will reverse ane-fher precedent, the
l-ractice haing b.-en t consider un
ratified treaties as ronf uWriial.
The sensle plars to adj''.lrn until
ondav as soon as it hs heard the
presidents address and has referred
J he treaty to the committee and ordered
t printed Seeral senators ill be
ready to speak on the subject the first
of the meek, however, and the debate
is expected to be virtually continuous
until the ratification vote Is taken.
perhaps many weeks hence.
Although there has been little dis
cussion regarding the new treaty with
'rance. by which that nation mould be
promised American aid in case of an
unprovoked attack by Germany, the
general expectation is that it also will
r presented by the president tomor
row and will take the same course as
tie treaty with Germany.
Maar t'eafereaeea Plaaaew.
Irrespective of whether he goe'a be
fore the foreign relatione coremitfee.
democratic leaders in the senate and
rnembera of the committee will have
full opportunity to confer with the
According to plana tonight. Mr. W iT
tl'uacluUtrd iac a c.luina J.J
j When Condition of Lad Is Discovered
Jt Is Already Too Lnte for
Physicians to Aid Him.
F.obert M. Burrell. 14-year-old son of
W. F. Burrell. 818 Hawthorne avenue,
president of the Burrell Investment com
pany, died at 9 o'clock last night, after
taking strychnine from a bottle kept
in the house for medicinal purposes.
As near aa could be learned the youth
did not take the poison with suicidal
intent, members of the family declaring
their belief that he did not know the
deadly contents of the bottle.
In the opinion of physicians, who
were summoned when the condition of J
young Burrell was discovered. the
poison had been taken at least an hour
or so'before. It was then too late to
alleviate his suffering- or retard the
action of the strychnine.
Corner Earl Smith was summoned to
the Burrell home immediately after the
boy'a death, and will make an investi
gation to determine whether the deadly
dose was taken with intent to commit
Common People in Eng
land and Italy Suffering.
Profiteers in Britain Continue
to Reap Harvest.
shor jf
Lloyd George Announcement
No Enthusiasm.
(Copyright by the New Tork World.
Iished by Arrangement-
LONDON. July 9. (Special cable.)
"tt is now admitted on all hands." says
the lobby correspondent of the Daily
Mail, "that the plan for the trial in
London of the ex-kaiser has fallen flat.
Government Restrictions on Imports
Tends to Work Hardship Upon
the Struggling Masses.
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
LONDON. July 9. (Special cable.)
High prices of food and the cost of all
the prime necessities of life continue
to cause grave anxiety and are in
creasingly important as factors in the
prevailing labor unrest. It is offi
cially announced that- the food ministry
despite the anticipations of the prime j probabIv wilI be continued in office
minister ana nis advisers.
"It was to have been an appeal to
popular sentiment hene, as evinced in
various quarters in the last election
but reflection and second thought have
apparently cooled any momentary en
thusiasm excited by the announcement.
The prospective trial is now dis
cussed, even in ministerial circles, with
"In retpect to the trial of other Ger
man offenders for violation of the
laws of civlluation. the publicity giv
to allied inlentiona has led to guesses
of the names of flagrant enemy offend
rrs. Government spokesmen say that if
the guessing shall continue It will
Jeopardize the chances of allied suc
lccs in this direction."
ir York Official Report Al
leged Ahue to Federal.
NEW TORK. July 9.' Evidence re
sting to the sale of Rovernmentownd
mo vine picture films will be presented
to the federal authorities, the district
attorneys office announced today,
Facts already In hand Indicate that
government employes and moving pic
ture producers hare collected large
sums through the sale of such films, it
was said.
In one instance, U was said, permis
sion was granted by the government to
private concern to display a film
made for the committee on public in
formation with the understanding that
he net proceeds were to be turned over
the Red Croi-s, but the relief organ-
xation never has received a cent from
this source.
until the autumn of next year.
There has been a, slight reduction in
the prices of certain commodities, but
for the most part the profiteer still
reaps his harvest and the feeling of the
masses is becoming very bitter. It is
almost Impossible for persons of modest
income to provide decent clothing for
themselves and their families, although
there seems to lie plenty of wool, and
cloth goes to satisfy the urgent de
mand of foreign markets.
Imports Are Restricted.
A contributory cause in the dearness
of commoditicS'is the government re
striction of imports. Japan is manu
facturing many of tile lower priced
goods that formerly came from Ger
many and Austria, but the Japanese
manufactures are allowed to enter the
country in limited quantities.
A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph
from A. Beaumont, its correspondent
in Milan, reports disorders over pro
visions and prices in numerous Italian
towns. In Genoa yesterday morning
hooligans broke Into shops and looted
them. Some anarchist youths were ar
rested. A large crowd gathered in the
plaxa. The police came out armed with
revolvers, with which they opened fire
when the crowd refused to disperse.
Several persons were wounded and two
were killed. Order was not restored
until toward evening, when the munici
pality ordered the compulsory reduc-
Southern Steamship Route 'Will Be
Followed by British Gas Bag
on Flight to England.
-VN. T., July 9. The British
34 - left . Roosevelt Field
ore midnight on her return
eat airship, held In leash by
erican balloon men, was re-
11:55 o'clock and floated lei-
up to a height of 200 feet with
Mors silent. The motors then be-
o whirr and the craft nosing up
. headed for New Tork.
iree great searchlights playing on
ship made her clearly discernible
to the thousands who had gathered to
bid her bon voyage. With three en
gines port, starboard and forward
running and two others in reserve the
R-34 glided off toward the south, then
swinging in a westerly course, she
pointed her nose in the direction of
New York.
Quick Passage Is Hope.
It took the R-3 about three minutes
to rise to a height at which she began
to cruise. At 11:59 she was about 600
feet up. barely discernible and with no
lights visible, and was skimming along
at a speed of about 35 to 40 miles an
Brigadier-General Lionel Charlton,
British aviation attache in the United
States, said the ship would employ only
the three engines on which she started
unless unexpected conditions arose.
With favorable conditions Major G. H.
Scott, her commander, hopes to make
the voyage in 70 hours, sailing over
London before proceeding to East For
tune, Scotland, if weather conditions
The great ship presented a beautiful
picture as she drifted up into the sky
bathed in the white light of three pow
erful searchlights. Just as she nosed
out of Roosevelt field the moon ap
peared from behind black clouds, par
tially lighting up the dark field.
Airship Lights Gleam.
At 12:01 lights along the deck of the
dirigible were switched on and the j
great ship herself appeared a long
streak of lights swimming in the ra
diance of the. searchlights.
Up to 12:01 the R-34 had drifted side
ways in the current of a southwest
wind. At this hour she nosed into the
wind, now sailing at about 900 feet, and
one minute later disappeared from the
view of the crowds.
It was just 11:50 o'clock when a bell
rang aboard the R-St signalling that
the hour of departure was at hand, j
An officer on the ground with a mega
phone yelled: "All clear."
Major Scott, leaning out of the port
window forward, cried: "Cast off."
Weather Reported Favorable.
Favorable weather conditions were
reported over the entire route save
for one. bad spot in mid-Atlantic.
The big gas bag had been repaired
and filled with hydrogen, and tle
engines were in excellent condition.
Forty pounds of official mail is stowed
Amendment of Phone
Franchises Advised.
How Would Yon Like to Be In Phoe
ni and Swelter in 108 Degrees?
So, Dear Citizen, Be Thankful.
Dealings With Far-Distant
Headquarters Not Wanted.
Conciliation Board Indicates Dead
lock Between Company Officials
and Employes Is Clamped.
Amendment of existing franchises of
public service comnrations so that
power for the adjustment of industrial
differences will rest with officials
within the state is recommended in the
report of the state board of concilia
tion on its investigation of the tele
phone operators' and workers' strike,
submitted to Mayor Baker yesterday.
The report Is signed by William F.
Woodward, chairman: Otto R. Hart
wig, secretary, and J. K. Flynn, third
member of the board.
The report recommends also that la
bor unions so amend their rules that
authority to settle disputes will be
granted to officials residing within the
state, rather than with national offi
cials. whose headquarters may be thou
sands of miles distant from the con
Board's Duties In Strike End.
The report reviews in detail the in
vestigation made by the board at the
reauest of Mayor Baker and admits
that, with the officials of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company in
Portland powerless to act in adjusting
labor difficulties and with national of
ficers of the electrical workers' or
ganization refusing to sanction any set
tlement unless such settlement be
coastwide, there is nothing further the
hoard can do to bring about a resump
tion of telephone service in Oregon
through 'settlement of the present
The board reports that it dispatched
a message to Postmaster-General Bur
leson, on July 2, asking for a defini
tion of such powers as he possesses, if
any, which would enable him. on his
own initiative, to restore service.
Ftve Years' Time Mld Kxeessive.
"No answer, direct or indirect." the
report states, "has been received as yet
to this wholly proper Inquiry, one made
good faith and for the purpose of
"Is it hot enough for you?" O, fetch
forth the club! Go summon the fool
killer out of his tub. Bid him smite
with a will, bid him slay on the spot
the dub who inquires if you like it this
It was raining in Chicago, though
the mercury touched 92 degrees, and
it couldn't have been much more than
a thunder shower. In happy Winnipeg,
blessed In spite of the general strike,
the far Alaskan temperature of 68
marked zenith for the day.
As for Portland, when the weather
man had mopped his brow and peered
at the tube, the ultimate temperature
of yesterday was 8S degrees identical
with the climatic feat of the previous
day. You could have found a thousand
fans to swear that yesterday was far
the more torrid of the two. To these
enthusiasts the weather-wise responded,
"But, you see. it's the humidity." Which
served to make everyone feel the fervor
of the day more keenly, a3 they passed
the remark along.
Tet Portland was thrice fortunate,
for there were cities in the land of free
dom where coats were shed perforce
and the summer straw-did dual duty as
a sky-piece and a fan. Down in Phoenix,
Ariz., for instance, the natives observed
the thermometer and declared that it
was a fine, bright sunny day. The
registration was 108 degrees, clinching
the all-American record for July 9.
Temperatures for several Oregon
towns exceeded that of Portland. It was
102 in Medford, down by the Rogue;
100 at Roseburg and the same at Baker.
For the northwest. Walla Walla scored
the highest notch, .with a temperature
of 104 degrees. -
"It's brewing a thunder storm," said
Portland folks last night; cocking their
hopeful glances at a sky as blue as a
robin's egg.
But the weatherman says that today
will be fair and . "continued warm,"
with the slight boon take it for what
you will of "gentle northwesterly
Oregon Highway Awards
Total $1,713,113. ,
Cement Orders Split Between
Oswego and California.
Members Say Price Similarity in
Cement Offers Indicates Com
bine; Called Thieves.
Fort Rati Dij-trlct Blaze Hemmed
in by Strip of I'loMrd Land.
BEND. Or.. July 9. (Special.) Fire
of unknown origin which started yes
terday in timber in the Fot Hock dis
trict in the Deschutes national forest
was under control today. Iast night
a wide trench was plowed around the
200-acre tract included in the fire to
prevent a further spread in case a high
wind should spring up today.
Yesterday's fire was close to the
scene of one of the mo?t disastrous
conflagrations in the history of centra
Oregon and forest officials are pleased
that the blaze was so quickly con
trolled, aa larxe quantities of under
brush and a heavy growth of lodgepole
pin allows the flames to climb read
ily to the tops of the trees.
Three Carloads tif Stale Grain Bass
Disposed of in Wa:-liincton.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. July 9. To help
dispose of this year's output of grain
sacks at the state penitentiary. Gover
nor L. F. Hart, on his recent trip to
eastern Washington, sold three car
loads of sacks whiln at Garfield. Wash.
As private dealers have been selling
at prices lower than the state offers,
the governor has directed that the state
price be lowered from 14 cents to 1 Z
rents and that narks be delivered in
carload lots to any part of the state.
frrieht prepaid. The governor recently
discvred that but ino.Ono of the 1.000.-j
09 sacks manufactured at the Teni
tentiary for this year's crop have been
Labor I'nliVrly lo Force Complete
' Down nly 20 and 21.
opyriahl h the N . r York World. Tub-
llhed hy .rranx.menl. I
FAr.IS. July . Despite the reported
agreement reached at Southport be-
ween the leaders of the British. French
ind Italian labor confederation, there
seems to be a better chance that France
win not experience a complete closing
down on July 2 and 21. as was first
A memorandum sent to the worker'
organisations only calls for manifeeta-
iona on those days, the form of mani
festing being left to the various labor
groups following the economic political
ituation of the countries interested.
" iConcluded on rase 2, Column 3.) Concluded on Page L Column 1.) (Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
' '
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REED ESTATE $14,000,000
Government Will Get $3,000,000 In
heritance Tax L'ndcr Law.
DENVER. Col., July 9. That the late
Verner Z. Reed. Colorado caoitalist and
federal mediator, left an estate of near
ly 114,000,000, became known today, fol
lowing the Opening of a safety deposit
dox maintained by Mr. Reed in Colo
sado fapnngs, his former home. He was
one of the organizers of the Midwest
Oil company.
Mr. Reed died April 21 last at Cor
onado Beach, Cal.
Estimates placed the amount of the
nheritance tax to be paid by Mrs. Reed
and her children, the only heirs unde
the will, at 13,500,000. Of this amoun
the United States government will get
about J3.000.000 and the state of Colo
rado approximately J500.000.
f ......i
7 Awarded road work aggregat-
l ing $1,713,113.
Let contracts for 100.1 miles
of road, of which B7.2 miles is
I Rejected bids on 65.6 miles and
J will readvertise the work.
!. Rescinded plan to pave from
Medford to Eagle Point; will ma-
cadam Instead.
f Will not cancel order for Cal
l ifornia cement, but will give bus
T iness to Oswego plant as well.
Induced contractors to lop off
$17,500 from bids.
Ordered $1,000,000 road bonds,
4 H per cent, sold in August.
Heavy Itain in Iowa Ruins Crops
and Washes Away Buildings.
uubuwuis, la., Juiy s. seven per
sons were killed today and a number of
others seriously injured as a result of
two inches of rain falling in Dubuque
ive were drowned when a pavilion
at .Union park was undermined by the
heavy rain -and fell.
Six bridges were washed out in Du
buque county, crops were ruined and
trains were delayed by washed-out
tracks. .
i e .
i .
The Weather.
TESTER DAY'S Maximum temperature, S8
degrees; minimum, 60 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair, continued warm; gentle
northwesterly winds.
Food prices in England cause grave anxiety.
Page 1.
Xorthclif fe attempts to counteract British
criticism of America. Page 2.
John Bull urged to use American zeal Jn re
covering markets. Page 2.
Austria's eastern border to be extended by
peace treaty. Page 3.
Germany ratifies peace treaty. Page 4.
Kansan introduces bill to prevent presidents
leaving nation or. duty. Page 4.
Big farm crops forecast. Page 14.
Mother says Harry New not slayer of fiance.
Page 3.
Strikers keep streetcars from operating in
Denver. Page 3.
Prominent Arizona citizens charged with
kidnaping alleged I. W. W. Page 4.
R-r.4 leaves on return to Scotland. Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Publisher F. A. Haaseltfne discounts soldiers
upheaval in United States. Page 7. j
Democratic officer rtsigns at Otympia,
v age u.
r ports.
Pacific Coast league results: Portland 5, San
.Francisco 1 ; I.os Angeles 6, Seattle 0;
Fait Lake o, uaKiano o; v ernon 3, Sac
ram en to '1. Page 12.
Seals' manager begins hunt for pitching
talent. Page 1J.
Dempsey is given 27,500 for whipping Jeas
Willard. Page 13.
Beniamin to box In New York circles.
Page IX
Commercial and Marine.
Government estimates Oregon wheat crop at
2 1,000. WO bushels. rg& 21.
Corn passes $2 mark at Chicago. Page 21.
Stock advance resumed m-ith easing of mon
ey rates. Page 21.
Employers offer grainhandlers chance to
conciliate strike. Page 20.
Portland and Vicinity. - j
Conciliation board urges changes in phone
company's franchise. Pago 1.
Burleson refers phone strike problems tft
board of wire control. Page 9.
School hoard's tire of fund for campaign
advertising held illegal. Page 10.
neceiver Is named for Columbia Engineer
ing Works. Page 11.
Judge Gatens sets speed record for granting
divorces. Page 14.
Heat wave continues. Page 2.
Son of "W. F. Burrell takes poison; dies.
Page 1.
Weather report, data and forecast. Pago 2L
"When the highway commission ad
journed yesterday it had let contracts
for $1,713,113 of road work and placed
another 100 miles under contract. Con
sidering figures excessive, the commis
sion held up several bids, aggregating
41 miles of paving, until the contractors
knocked off $17,500.
After a long hearing, when cement
men and the commissioners talked
frankly, the commissioners admitting
that they felt suspicious of the cement,
the commission decided riot to revoke
its order placed with a California plant,
but promised to help the Oswego fac
tory by giving it business which will
approximate the order awarded to the
California concern. The Oswego plant
wanted the California order canceled on
the ground that home industry should
be encouraged.
Combine Is Suapected.
That the highway commission is of
the opinion that the cement men are in
a combine against them was voiced
when representatives of cement con
cerns were given a hearing.
"Wo believe there is an understand
ing," explained Commissioner Booth,
because the prices are the same; we
understand that California cement has
been shipped Into Oregon in sacks bear
ing Oregon labels, and that therefore no
Oregon payroll is affected when the
commission gives an order for Call
fornia cement; and we understand that
the cement people have made lower
prices to contractors than they have
made to the state."
How can California cement be fur-
nishe'd in eastern Oregon cheaper than
cement from Oswego?' inquired Com
missioner Thompson. The commission
now feels that the Oswego company
has not treated the commission fairly.
On the Hillsboro road job we offered
cement to the contractor at a price
quoted us by the Oswego company and
he contractor said he would get cement.
cents cheaper than the state could
furnish it. It looked to us like an in
side deal. Oregon cannot tie itself to
one company for cement. Anyona can
see what would happen in such an
Cement Men Termed Thieve.
Commissioner Benson frankly in
formed the cement representatives that
had his suspicions. He said that
when cement men entered a piea of
guilty to a charge of a combine they
paid a fine and the next week cement
went up 10 cents a barrel. Mr. Benson
decjared that "we believe the cement
combine is robbing the state out of.
money, and we think the cement men
are thieves."
The Oswego Cement company, through
its representatives, asked that the com
mission rescind its order for 23,000 bar
rels of cement to the Henry Cowles
Lime & Cement company, of California,
contending that the commission should
patronize home industry. The attorney
for the California company said thai
his company did not feel that they were
competing with an Oregon industry, but
with the Riverside, Cal., cement, and
he produced a typewritten sheet show
ing that 30,670 barrels of cement were
shipped to Portland and Astoria, con
taining Riverside cement, and most of
this cement was in sacks bearing the
label of the Oswego company.
Explanations Are Offered.
It was admitted by the Oswego rep
resentatives that California cement was
imported in Oswego sacks, because th
sacks cost 25 cents each at the time
these shipments were made, so instead
of buying new sacks they used those
which were stamped. The representa
tives declared, however, that the ce
ment was shipped as Riverside and was
not represented as made fn Oswego, it
was further asserted that only Oswego
made cement had ever been offered to
the state.
Explaining the attitude of the con-
(Concluded on Tage 6, Column 1.)