Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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of the company by the strikers. The
previous wage was 48 cents an bour
and a reduction announced by the
company yesterday was to 34 cents
an hour. The strike vote was 968 to 2.
; Company officials concede that the
new wage scale is insufficient, but de
clare the reduction was the only alter
native to a receivership. They declare
the company haa not paid dividends
lifetime Aluminum Ware
Attractively Priced!
Seven-cup Percolators; special. . . .$1.79
Colanders; special .'...$1.59
Fruit Funnels; special 27
Tea Kettles; special $2.79
Cast Fry Pans; special; .$2.79
Crockery & Glassware
For Little Money!
Stone Tea Pots 45, 70?," $1.23
Syrup Mugs; special. ..350
Glass Cream Pitchers. ...... .350, 400
Ten-piece Casserole Sets.' .$1.29
f for several years.
At a meeting today 23 linemen and
sub-station operators voted to strike
In sympathy with the trainmen.
Labor Official Who Predicts
Coercion of Employes to Buy
The company Inserted advertisements
Plan Will Fail Is Hooted.
Liberty Bonds Opposed.
lo local and out-of-town newspaper for
Efforts of the tramway company to
restore partial service precipitated the
first hints of violence. Two cars,
which the company was attempting to
run with non-union crews, were seized
by crowds of strikers and driven back
to their respective barns.
First, Second and Alder Streets
i . i
Leaders mt, Butte Labor Convention
bay MoTcmnt Will Spread
. Throughout Cnitcd States.
BCTTE. Mont.. July . With the se-
Irrtton of Crtat Falls as the city for
the next convention which will be held
about August IS, and with organiza
tion of the "one big union of wage
workers" completed. Butte's labor con
vention ended here today. Before ad
journment a, resolution was adopted
demanding that the government with
draw troops from Russia and asking
recomltion by the Inited States of the
aoviet government of Russia
William Houston, organiser of the
United Mine Workera of America, ad
dressed the deleirates after the chair
man had read a. letter from Kngene V.
Debs Indorsing him. Houston was
hooted when he declared general
atrlkea and general unions a failure
.-nd declared that no funds raised by
the I'nit.d Mine Workera could be di
verted to the use of the "one big
union." and asked that any member ot
the United Mine Workera who should
bo given membership in the "one big
union" be advised that he would be
automatically dropped from the mem
bership rolla of the United Mine worn
Delegates Moody Mlitrs.
Tha attendance at today's cession
was a little lighter than cterday.
when about SO delegates were seated.
The delegates represented unions in
Rutte. Great Falls. Livingston. Miles
'ity and Lewlstrwn. Points In Oregon
Idaho. Washington and Arisona were
also represented by a few delegates.
Most el the men seated In the con
vention wer metal or coal miners.
The L W. W. was represented by a
committee, and members of the or
ganization took a prominent part In
the sessions. 1. W. W. organisers from
utside of this state also were present.
Among the leaders In the movement
here are Canadians more or less promt
nently Identified with the "one big
union" organization of Canada. Joe
Knight, a member of the carpenters'
union at Winnipeg, took a leading part
in the convention and advocated the
adoption of the Winnipeg plan. C. W.
tellers ot Washington and Arizona,
who aaid he was an I. W. V., and C.
P. Gateman of Kdmonton, Alberta,
were also anion's the leaders.
Canadian Plaa Adopted.
The "one big union." convention was
Called by the metal mine workers' union
No. 1 of America of Butte, an independ
ent organization of which Tom Camp
bell is the head. The sessions began
The constitution of the Canadian "one
big union" convention with Its pream
ble was adopted almost word for word,
the principal change being in the
amount of pay provided for members
of the executive committee.
The "one big union" as outlined In
the meeting here provides a plan for
collective bargaining, the demands of
one labor group to be supported by
every other and the general strike to
i-onstitute a weapon to force com
pliance on the part of the employers.
The preamble begins with these words:
Orgaalaatloa Held Hope.
"Modern Industrial society is divided
Into two classes those who possess and
to not produce, and those who produce
and do not possess. Reference is then
made to the "class struggle in which It
is declared there can be no compromise
and which can be won by the workers
only through organization.
Throughout all of the session of tne
convention antagonism wae expressed
toward the American federation, som
or the speakers denouncing that or
ganixation in the most spirited terms.
The leaders express satisfaction over
The work of the convention and sa
that they believe that It Is the begin
ning of a movement that is destined to
prcad throughout the United Slates.
Additions to Force and Xcw Equip
ment Held Necessary to Protect
. Outlying Districts.
The police bureau needs 100 addi
tional men and much new equipment
to enable it to handle Its work prop
erly, according to a letter Chief of Po-
ice Johnson has written to Mayor Bak
er and the city council. The chief says
hat the shortest beat In the city Is IS
blocks in size, while many are greatly
Chief Johnson says the force has not
been enlarged with the growth of the
ity during the war and is now much
smaller than the force maintained by
most cities of equal size. He finds that
Portland has 113 less policemen than
Seattle. less than one-third as many as
San Francisco and less than half as
many as Los Angeles or Cincinnati.
"A family in Lenta Is entitled to the
same protection as a family in the Nob
Hill district." says the letter. "Portland
has 66 square miles of territory within
Its corporate limits. The river splits
it In two. which means, in fact, two
cities. The outlying districts, some of
which contain banks which must be
policed, have grown, and more men are
necessary to cover them.
'Wealth Coined From Blood of Sol
diers,' ex-Organizer of Jion-Par-tisan
League Tells Jury.
Debate Expected to End Thursday,
With Final Vote Set for Latter
Part of Week.
WASHINGTON. July S.By a vote of
35 to 5?. the house today adopted
resolution providing for Immediate
consideration of prontbition enforce
ment legislation as recommended by
the Judiciary committee, and limiting
general debate to 12 hours.
The resolution was adopted after
sharp debate. House leaders expect
that a vote on the bill will be reached
either Friday or Saturday after a bit
ter fi;rht. General debate probably
will end Thursday, and then the meas
ure will be taken for amendment.
There was every indication that op
ponents of prohibition would exhaust
every effort to delay passage of th
measure. Because of the tactics of op
ponents, some members said it was
doubtful whether a vote would be
taken this week.
flarar. Believed to Have Been
Caused by Hot Box. Are Fought
With Difficulty.
UGEVE, Or.. July $ Special i
Fire today dcMroyrd the South Wit
Uirette planing mill and four old reel
dences in the southern part of thi
fity. causing a loss of J?.000 to IJ3.00O.
The planing mill, which w-aa built
'2 years ao. waa om-nrd by the Booth-
eily Lumber company, which took it
oer nine ears ago. The fire started
hrnrath the working floor of the mill,
rreeumably from a hot box. and spread
rapidly that the vorkmen were un
able lo get even their coats. Two men
were forced to dash -through a curtain
ef fUmea to reach safety. They were
ro: injured. In a very few minutes
the whole building was a mass of
flames and the city firemen, unable
to check them, devoted their attention
to saving nearby residences.
It is not known whether or not the
hmes destroyed were Insured. The
firemen with difficulty prevented the
nre rrom spreading to the high school
and a number of costly residences on
College hil!.
Company Officials Say New Scale
Only Alternative to Receivership.
Car Service Para!) zed.
DENVER. Colo. July t. Street car
service in Denver was paralysed today
by a strike of 1109 trainmen and shop
men of the Denver Tramway company.
The strike was authorized at a meet
ing of union employes after midnight
and became effective at 4 o'clock, fol
lowing announcement ot a reduction of
Tramway officials said an effort
would b made to operate cars with
non-union labor. Early this morning
the tienp was complete, officials ot
the company admitting that none but
mail cars and a milk train waa run
nittg. Several large employers used
trucks to bring their employes to work.
A maximum wage of 70 cents an
hour and recognition of the union was
Incorporated in demands to be made
Annual Social Event Is Held at
Hotel Benson.
Hotarians of Portland dined at the
Hotel Benson last evening, when the
occasion of their meeting was that of
"ladles' night," an annual social event
at which the guests of honor ane the
wives of members of the civic organi
zation. Fully -00 members and guests
were present at the banquet, which was
spread in the crystal dining room.
Reports from delegates to the recent
national convention of Rotary clubs,
with an address by Kstes Snedecor, sec
ond vice-president of the Internationa
association, in which he discussed his
recent trip abroad, formed the speak
ing portion of the -programme. Vocal
and instrumental music entertained th
club during dinner.
JACKSON. Minn.. July S. President
A. C. Townley, of the Non-Partisan
league, was not called as a witness
Townley and Joseph Gilbert, a former
league organizer, are being tried on
a charge of having conspired to teaah
disloyalty during the war. Gilbert took
the stand for cross-examination this
morning. His direct examination was
completed Just before court adjourned
Gilbert testified upon cross-examina
tion by Prosecuting Attorney E. H.
Nicholas that he had been editor of
several newspapers before he came to
the Non-Partisan league. His last po
sition before joining the league staff
was editor of the Seattle Herald.
Was that a socialist organ?" asked
Writings Arc Admitted.
I would not call it a socialist organ.
Half the socialists there were opposed
to it." replied Gilbert.
With regard to the league's war pro
gramme, the witness testified that he
wrote portions of the pamphlet.
"Did you write this?" the prosecuting
attorney asked, " 'we are unalterably
opposed to permitting stockholders of
private corporations to reap enormous
profits while at the same time a species
of coercion is exercised toward already
poorly paid employes of both sexes in
urging them to purchase government
bonds to help finance the war?"'
Gilbert Backs Statement.
"Yes," replied the witness, "and I
believe It."
"You wanted to tell the people this
too, to conscript men and exempt the
bloodstained wealth coined from the
sufferings of humanity ia repugnant to
the-spirit of America and contrary to
the ideals of democracy?'
"It certainly is."
'You wanted the people to under
stand that wealth was being coined
from the blood of our soldiers?"
'That's what It says." replied Gilbert,
referring to the war pamphlet.
Nebraska Allows Beverage if Pur-
' chased Before Law Effective.
LINCOLN, Neb.. July S. The moder
ate use of liquor as a beverage by
householders in Nebraska, if'purchased
before the prohibition law went into
effect, is legal, according to adecision
handed down by the Nebraska supreme
court today.
Men Strike for Closed Shop.
CHICAGO. July S. Employes of the
Corn Products Refining company at
Argo. Ill, went on a strike today, de
manding a closed shop. The men have
an eight-hour day and received an in
crease in wages July 1. Officials of the
plant at Argo declared that not more
than one-half of the 2000 men employed
left their posts and that the plant was
etui in partial operation.
They dented a report that the work
men at other Illinois plants of the com
pany had gone bn a strike.
No Material Damage in Red River
Valley, Is Report.
FARGO. N. D.. July X. No material
damage has been done to crops in the
Rd river valley and probably will not
occur from tne prevalence or black
rust in the valley, according to Dean
11. K. Bolley of the Norm Dakota
Agricultural college.
"All of these dry winds of the past
few days have tended toward the
hastening of crop formation and to
ward the checking of the rust," Dean
Bolley said today.
Increase of IS Cents an Hour Puts
End to Strike.
CLEVELAND. July . The strike of
Sno union street car men which has
tied up traffic here since Sunday ended
ast night, when President John J. tUan-
ey of the Cleveland Railway company
accepted Mayor Harry L. Davis propo
sal to arbitrate the company's demand
for an Increase In the dividend rate
from per cent to 7 per cent.
The men s demands for a 13-cent-an-
hour increase in wages were granted.
Car service will be rrsumed today.
Tnttmi'-ji Vrom First Pg-
Kelso Cheese Factory Ready.
KELSO, Wash.. July 8. (Special.)
Th Kelso cheese factory, with E. K.
sswein as proprietor, is ready to op
rate. Sir. Esswein comes here from
Woodland. He purchased a building on
Oaf and Fifth streets and has com
pletely remodeled it. The vats and
other equipment have been installed
and Mr. Esswein has notified dairymen
to start delivering milk.
Hood River to Have Park. -
TIOOD RIVER, Or.. July S. (Spe
ciai While the auditing committee
has not finished with its work, it has
been ascertained that well over $1000
was cleared by the Hood River com
mercial club from concessions at the
Fourth of July celebration and the city
is assured a purchase prioe for a three
acre tract. Just west of town, which
will be used for an automobile park.
Extra Sugar Dividend Declared.
NEW TORK, July 8. The American
Sugar Refining company today declared
an extra dividend of of 1 per cent
on its common stock, together with
usual quarterly disbursements of li
per cent each on common and preferred
shares. A extra common divi
dend was declared three months ago.
French Permit Imports.
PARIS. July 8. (Havaa.) Decrees
suppressing almost entirely prohibi
tions against 'mports into France were
signed by President Polncare today
after a meeting of the cabinet to dis
cuss the question of the high cost of
living. The prohibitions will apply to
only about a dozen articles.
Summer Hats for Men
Genuine Panamas Only $5
Genuine Toyos Only $3.50
Dress Straws
$3 and $2.50 Values, Special Cleanup
Silk Poplin
the Yard
We show this popular material in
36-inch width; the colors are peach,
red, navy, pink, bronze, brown,
gray, yellow, tan, light blue, white
and burgundy. Take advantage.
M. J. B. Rice; 5-Ib. sack..4O0
Pineapple; No. 2 can. . . .250
3-1 b. earn .
6-lb. can. .
a-lb. can. .
. 2.20
New Percale
the Yard
A good heavy material, 36 inches
wide. We show it in light, dark
and in plaids. '
Women's and Chil
dren's Middys $1.49
Choose from white galatea or fine
twill; collars and cuffs in either
light -or dark blue.
Bathing Suits for
Men $1.50 to $5.50
Men's Sport Shirts
In all the newest summer
$1, $1.25, $1.50,
Vacation Specials
Gillette Razor Blade 1 don.
tor SI
as Gillette Razors, special now
for S4.69
Wire Camp Stores! 25c. 35c1
One. a;al. Water Bags for. .65c?
Get yonr hunting- and fishing;
license In oar fishing tackle de
partment. - -
Envelope Chemises
Only $1.19
Daintily made of fine nainsook;
lace and embroidery trimmed.
Athletic 850
Balbriggan $1.25
Staple Cigars at
Bargain Prices
White OwlasSS in box SI. 75
Owla; 50 In box 3.00
Little Bobble, 50 box.. 2.85
Little Rol-Tsni 50 box 2.85
Sam'l I. Davis 1886
rea-nlar S6 special. . 5.00
Van Dyck. staple; box. o.oO
Van Pyck victory! box 4.25
Children's Muslin
Gowns 79c, 89c
In'ages 4 to 14 years; good muslins,
embroidery and lace trimmed.
Towel Specials
Huck Towels..... 220, 250, 350
Bath Towels 250, 350, 490
Low Footwear
Whatever we offer in footwear, you
may depend upon it, we sell it for
less. To buy here is to save.
White "Mary Jane"
Tennis Pumps
With Rubber Soles
Children's, 8 to 10 '2 . . . ,85d
Misses', 12 to 2 98d
Women's, 3 to 8 9Sd
Children's Brown
"Muleskin" Barefoot
Worth twice the price. They have
soft uppers, leather soles. We show
them in sizes from 6 to 11.
Xew Tork and Charleston Greet Big
Batches or Soldiers Returned
From Overseas.
XEW TORK. July 8. The transport
George Washington, arriving today
from Brest, brought "08 officers and
2286 troops. Included in this number
were 116 officers. 224 enlisted men and
S6 civilians composing the Second
Guard company of the peace commis
sion and the presidential party.
Other units aboard were the 6ud, 64th,
65th. 69th and 70th companies (trans
portation corps), 463d aero squadron.
48th administration company, 302d and
338d butchery company. 45th and 115th
camp hospitals, 307th and 506th laundry
units, 3d sanitary squad, 9th salvage
sound. 309th and 324th supply com
panies, 318th sales commissary unit, the
1240th and 1275th onto casual com
panies and the 2d casual company (dis
trict of Paris).
One hundred and fifty convalescent
soldiers from the 344th Brest detach
ment were also aboard.
The transport Muskatlne from fct
Nazaire also arrived here, having been
diverted from Charleston, S. C.
CHARLESTON. S. C July 8. The
transport General Goethals arrived to
day from St. Nazaine, France. with
1416 officers and men. units on hoard
included 260th, 806th. 807th and 809th
companies, transportation corps, 426th
and 627th motor transport companies
and sanitary squads 15 and 69.
(Conrlnufd From first Page.)
rentiests have been made that the tires
lent veto this measure, but apparently
no one tn Wasr.inirtOTi knows the prcs-
derts mind on this subject.
J I ia understood the president hoped
' corfer t mcrrtw with members of
he senate foreign relations committee
nd leading administration officials.
Acting Secretary of State Folk will
probably discuss with Mr. Wilson the
proposal that he go to Paris to take
he place ot Secretary Lancing at the
peae conference.
Tne itinerary of the presidents
swing around the circle" still is un-ettled.
The president s speech will bi sent
to the printing office tomorrow.
Chehalis Band Leader Resigns.
CHEHALIS. Wash., July f. (Spe
cial.) G. L Thacker, Chehalis. attor-
ey, who for the past six years haa led
he Chehalis concert band, haa an
nounced his voluntary retirement. Mr.
Thacker will take an active hand in
elptng' to maintain the organization
which will now be under the director-
hip of J. B. Seavey. Chehalis Jeweler.
who has had it years' experience as a
band p.layer.
Contest for Justice Lively.
SOUTH BEXD, Wash., July g.(Spe-
cial.) A lively contest will be waged
this week before the board of county
commissioners between the friends of
Mike Crowley and J. T. Dorriere to se
cure for their respective candidates the
position of justice of the peace of the
Raymond precinct. The office is a sal.
aried one and pays Jl-00 a year.
Portland Couple to Wed.
- CHEHALIS. Wash., July 8. (Spe
cial, i jiarriage licenses were granted
to Charles H. Harlan and Mary Angle.
both of Tacoma. Wash.; Edward Miller
of Seattle and Miss- Lenora E. Yeager
of Centralis; C. Lloyd and Inez Nash,
Portland, Or.
Pershing to Visit London.
PARIS, July 8. General Pershing will
accompany a detachment of 3200 Ameri
can troops who will go to London to
take part in the Victory celebration
there July 19. The visit of the soldiers
to London may be prolonged until
July 26.
French Killed at Finmc.
ROME. Monifay. July 7. About a
dozen men. mostly French colonial sol
diers, were killed at Flume during the
recent disorders there in which allied
forces and Italians participated.
Burleson Denies Resignation.
WASHINGTON. July 8. Postmaster-
General Burleson today declared there
was no lounaAuvn iui rcpuria ini uei
had sent his resignation to President I
Wilson, ; J
British prime minister thereupon ex
pressed a desire to meet us in con
ference, and. pending the fixing of a
date for this conference, gave us diplo
matic passports to visit Ireland, ex
pressing a desire that we should visit
all portions of that country. Including
"We went to Ireland and thus were
ablo to give to President Wilson, the
American commission and to the world
a true, unvarnished story of English
atrocities' and military misrule in Ire
land. We compelled the castle author
ities in Dublin and finally the whole
English and Irish press to take up and
discuss openly the scandal of military
occupation and oppression.
"We compelled them to admit that
the1 right of trial by jury, the right of
habeas corpus and all the other safe
guards usually thrown around a people
in civilized countries had been over
thrown in Ireland, and that British
domination was sustained only by the
presence of an enormous army of oc
cupation equipped with all the murder
ous weapons of actual modern warfare.
League Membership Wanted.
"We have plainly shown to the Amer
ican commissioners that Ireland is. not
in the position of seeking favors from
England, but is in the position of de
manding from the world's conference
recognition as a de facto and de jure
government, and as having the right
to- become a member of he league of
"We are confident of the outcome.
Eighty per cent of the people of Ire
land 'demand a republic and are en
deavoring to function as a republic,
and its people will not be content with
anything but a republic.
"The English government now stands
at the bar in the court of public opin
ion and before many months must with
draw its army of occupation and allow
the Irish nation to govern the Irish
people or be convicted of tyrannical
misgovernment such as does not exist
elsewhere in Europe or America."
Lloyd George's Words nefuted.
Mr. Walsh asserted that despite Mr.
Lloyd George's declaration that Eng
land does not seek a yard of territory
since the war England has not only
suppressed the movement for a free
Ireland but "has seized vast territory'
in Egypt, German East Africa, German
Southwest Africa, German Samoan
Islands, Naura, the Bismarck archipel
ago. German islands of the Solomon
group and the German portion of New
"The strategic advantage won by
England through the seizure of this
territory," he said, "Is the rape of
Egypt and the transfer to England of
Turkey s power in relation to the Suez
canal gives her political control over
every drop of salt water in the world
and makes not only the Mediterranean
but all the seas mere British lakes.
England Considered Dominant.
"England likewise is dominant in the
control of the league of nations. Sir
Eric Drummond being given the sec
retariat, he is now perfecting his or
ganization in the shadow of Westmin
ster hall in London.
"This secretariat control is second
only to its acquisitions of territorial
riches. European statesmen agreed that
the secretary of the league of nations
will be a more powerful factor in hold
ing England's imperialistic gains and
further her aggressions than would be
the control of a clear majority of rep
resentatives in that body of which
England alone has five to America's
Phil Metschan Jr. Works Despite
Injuries Suffered in Battle.
Phil Metschan Jr., proprietor of the
Imperial hotel, was able to attend to
business affairs yesterday, despite his
battle with two highwaymen at East
Water and Belmont streets Monday
night. The robbers beat him into sub
mission when he resisted.
The highwaymen jumped on the run-
nine board of the automobile with
drawn revolvers and ordrered Mr.
Metschan to throw up his hands. In
stead of obeying, he struck one of the
men. The other man struck back with
his revolver, cutting Mr. Metschan's
face. After they had subdued him.
they took him to a dark spot and
robbed him of cash and papers.
Police had found no trace or tne
highwaymen yesterday. Mr. Metschan
could give only a meager description
of his assailants.
Departure of Oriental Awaits De
cision asto Status.
Louie Pby, Chinaman, who was in
terned April 20 at the county hospital
suffering from leprosy, may have to
be kept here for some time before he
can be sent to a leper colony as the re
sult of complications which have arisen
as to his status.
The oriental came to Portland April
19 and reported at the police emergency
hospital suffering from a "burn." He
was taken to the county hospital and
there Dr. Thomas Wynn Watts di
agnosed the case as leprosy. County
officials immediately took the case up
with the state health department to
have the man sent to a leper colony.
Dr. David Roberg. stata health of
ficer, immediately informed the health
authorities at Washington. In answer,
he was advised that it would be neces
sary to take the matter up with the
Chinese government.
Tou will enjoy
Closset & Devers,
i cup of Kuraya tea.
Portland. Adv.
Phone your wants ads to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070. A 6095.
The lanreet and flaeet Popolar-Prleed
Grille la tae
ortbWMft la
Pleued to u.
ounce ka'l
will play , from 11
l:SO. t 7. -so,
aad :3 to 12:3a,
Way sot spaed your
vooa hour oor aad
enjoy our cxceUoat
service and cui
sine T If you don't
cmxe to daaee, yoa
may cat your noon
day meal midtt
ploaaant ouirouad
lna and enjoy our
unexcelled llll(
II A.M. to 8 P.M.
Me. Hoc. 40c aad
including- soap, vet
tables, drlnica, dea.
aert wlta. an meat
A. H.
Cnlcken or Tur
key Innner 3oe.
Hours 11 A. M. to
p. M. American
aad Chinese
Lttebee Any Time
Uay or .ht. All
bUndo et bill
i). Latrao'4 wmmirien.
Shopping News
for Toda
Will Be Found on
the Back Page
I Tne QuAtrrt'STOs or- Pqktlamd ' I
MAB makes cleaning
very easy. Order a
can from your dealer.
But Lydia . Pinkham' Vege
table Compound Restored Her
Health and Stopped
Her Pains.
Portland; Ind. "I had a displace
ment and suffered so badly from it that
at times 1 could not
be on my feet at all.
I was all run down
and so weak I could
not do my house
work, was nervous
and could not lis
down at niehL I
if took treatments
from a physician but
they did nothelp me.
My Aunt recom
mended Lydia ' E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I
tried it and now I
am strong; and well
again ana do my own
work and I give
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound the credit"
Mrs. Josephine Kimble, 935 West
Kace St., .Portland, ind.
Thousands of American women giva
this famous root and herb remedy the
credit for health restored as did Mrs.
For helpful suggestions In regard ia
such ailments women are asked to writs
to Lydia E. Pinkham . Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass. The result of its long
exoerienco ia at your servica, ,
. ( .... .N