THE MORNING OREGONIAN, -WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1910. a wy FO KENT- refurnished Apartmf 'OCR-ROOM unfurnished apt. near car line. pste hath, y-'l wocxl .'JtiO.i4 J Leo ave. Furnished or Ufam tshed AptftnfBti X HAVE furnished and unfurnished "Mini" with a beautiful sleeping porch. 141 N. r?d sf. Marshall -.'410. Flat. -ROOM MODERN I'PPER FLAT All modem convenience, such as fire place, lurnar, etc, fine neighborhood; no children; references. Will lea lor one year. SMITH-WATONKR CO.. BTOCK EX. $13 I'PPLR 5-room fiat on WillUra ave. carl In; Kan. eltc'iie lights. 272 '. Going at. Phone E4.4 BtAL'TlVt'L 5-room sjodern flat, furniture f?r sale; close in. weal-aide. 9 Harri lon st. - lVE-ROOiI modern upper flat. 201 Hooker street. 4-ROOM. modem ftat. 620 Gantenbein av inquire at 2o. ft-ROOM uppor flat to rent. 387 & N. Slat. si::, inquire on premise. tarn levied Fiat. COMPLETELY furnished lower flat. 4 room. 1171 Aiblna. pear Rtil.ngsworut ; ATTRACTIVE 5-room furnished f!at; west aide; t4Q. 7b4 G.isan. East S57a. $30 upper; lights, water; aduita. East aain. 4-huoM furnished lower Tat to responsible tenant: adults only. 511 wood Jiw. Uwewearepiaa Kooma. VERT not ro!r.for1ib.e front apt., t ranged for light h. k. . Just the thing for MuDlt desirable yount iaa.s or empiojea married coup:, wai k;ng disL; no lin-n or silver rurmsaed. i-ei Aionte. joi Stout St.. nor Mih adW ashing ton SHE BEAVER, f2thacdMarshall, 113 up per month: clean 1L K. fwms. Including eiectrij lights, tot water gas range, llu acd Marshall. TWO furnished H, K. rovma. west aide, walking distance: light, water, phone: separate entrance. $15. 450 College. Phone Marshall sm:s jojoJ. ft TLX rent 3 lar furnished rooms for L. H. to responsible couple ; nice location, eioss hi; p'ltitt bath, price $23. Includ ing light and Phone O 2413 SKUNKS and bssa. delivery to depots and docks from downtown districts. i'c per trunk: che. k ca.led for; aula sirvlte. Phone t't . sVK'JOM suite with bath; one front room. lirn. &iujk?ir.c. wjtd 2 sleeping- rooms. F.i one Mranait n "tn it. 1MR arc roorna. bath, electric lis hi. mnt bitemfnt. f urnlshsd, $J0; no chil drn. i'.H East G isan. ZWO room and hit-henerie. aio 1 sleepin room. S bloock from Wahinston su Z T-tnl?r place. "THE MuST'iOMERT.' Cor. 8th and E. Morn son furnished 1 anl - - room H. K. Complete!, apts. yi'k.VISHED H. K. rooms, adults only. Jen tlemen preferred. Broadway 8G4, 6i4 Ev erett su lUhVISHLD bouekeepinc rooms, lncludln, water, electric lisbt, iuui and gas for cook' Ing. Phone Hdin. i TBNISHKD and unfurnished housekeeping rootn. no cniitireru oiu r lanarra. UUN1SH K D hou-keepinx rooms, chcp rent. .T Knott, near wmiams ave. DORMER. liTH St, Rousekeepins and sleeping rooms. X US FT MA R K. 5dOV Wash. mt one and two- rom modern apts.. c:ose In. AGOAuB and furniture moving-: phone Broadway 4uL Alert Trans :er, 4il BtarK. aioi'SEKEEPlNO room: 17th st. no children. ISO S-ROOM f umiihtd h. k. apartment, cioaa In. S East Bumilds. OR RENT Two desirable unfurnished H. K. rooms, cinee in, w-i sme. jim.'w win. J OR U FU RNISH EL honM-keeplnff rooms. Ill . I7tn. till y. a-. I.E front room with Vltchen.-tte. SlS per month. Broadway Sieti. 140 N. lith at. Ho)e keeping; YUkbji4 In Private Family. PARTIES raovinf est will almost give away Vlctrola, writing; desk. Sinver mode) rinr machine, rug. neater, congo.eum. . tnusic tabie. sewing t.b: house. 4 rooms and bath for rent $-. with ateel ranice, u piare. e'ectrtr-tty. sanftary tuba, wash er, ilreaavr. kit-hen and parlor laoies. - lartf rus. oeus, spritirs. mat f rea. linoleum on kitchen and bath, buf . fef. chair, recker. etc.. furnished free to tenant. 4-7 East l.h st. touch, opposite l-a.ld aoci:ion. tiic n mono car. ONE large housekeeping1 front room, kitch enette. $li; adults, prlvllere of U!e of bath and laundry; 1 block from Richmond ear. um Ion at. Tahor si': LARGE bay window room with clothes clos et, electric If"? f. cooking and use of free phone, bath and laundry, SI 3. SO per Tnonin: aau:ts. ii jiarKet. TWO fine, furnished housekeeping roe ma private bath. room, el-eptnir porch, hot water heat, li E. 14th. corner Taylor. r.aul R--v I. THREE D.i rt i y f u rn Is h ed h . k. rooms. outside moms, llrht. ara. telephone, water furnished, t- VV East 15lh St. orth. 1 biock north of Albert at. ft Rix'MS. furnished; bath. ca. electricity; modern resilience; astraoie location; no rhii Iren: 1 block llawihome car. 734 K. Madtson. K-t 7.-.T1. S-ROOM furnished apartment with bath. Dutch kltchi-n. enameled in ivory; use or porch and yard; aduita. 671 Gantcnbein ave. E.EL!.CNT home for responsible couple in widow's family; ererythiuic furnished. md-rn, central east side. V 347, Ore- gonian. THREE parti v fumuibed H. K. rooms, al outside roorna; liKt. gis. trlephone, water furnished; l.'V 1m9 E. 10th st. N, 1 bik. n-rth of A'herta st. THREE cosy furnished housekeeping rooms. SM per month. 0 IVtiygro. Broadway ZtJX . S-RlXM H. K. apt., sink and range, first floor, facing park block, alo basement H K. .r bachelor. 45 W. Park. LaK(E front room, twin beds, hot and co.d water, a I modem convenVncea. garage, pram. 717 Rodney. E.ft J"". 31 PARTLY lurni!ed housekeeping room. firt fior. ttiifd Grand ae. North, phone Wnodiawn 4101. jtiEAL'T I K1I. front room w 1th use of kit-h-n . a:kinc Untinif; $Jt a month. 053 .!tnrn near ;i'(ti. THHLK unfuritishd detl-able h. k ri family. c.t In. N. 21SL Prt Main 9 W KLL-Kt'K.V ISM KU housekeeping room: rrlvate rrBi.'rv, : clo,- in. eaat side. VloTe Kit: ".; forentns. C.N K ho $7.50 1 fk-'j'.' I r.w.m for workltig man nth. 34 12h sr. 4 HOUSE K KKP.'NG r,'OTrs. private 4.10 l- ralre t. E. 2:23. fi LIGHT rm. Itgnt. hrat and ihed for housekeeping. WHi'LK KI.R. 3 lart: r.Kjm. rrtly fur nished. Tr:o.t--rn. 32 East l?t. North T"" fum!l'fi rooms. I.i'y sr.. n- ir l'rt.-n ave. IsINGl.E hou'p -r.fe ap Vtouw 4-ROOM HOME. CORBETT STREET. New ly renoxated. nive 5 ard. 3x1 15; plenty of shade. ro?ea aud lnea. On car line; rent on: -KK THK TELLOW TGN." MlTH-W'AiioXtR CO.. BTiVk EX. 9-Rimi SE. WEST SIDE. 1 40 tii rst: j 1 t r rkxovatko 110. FIFTH AND C'LLKGK STKfcih.TS. Here t a chance to he our winter fent tre hv t.iktr.s a coupi of roomers. SMtTH-WAil'NKR "t., STi"K EX. FIN AA;T in E;.NUE TRANSFER. I'UOUH K 'O. l"i v e f ' f re M-nraI fau'lnj. irl?- . St. J--hn nd Nt-n-tanla KrsrJcn. Columbia, 914; office. Last "-H7o WHEN Y' t V.'VE ! NORTH VVEsXEr.X ELECTRIC tight service. BrciJwiir 3. A g7T. 1 A IN Ul. lot 1 and lone distance A 7261 lt our au:o ir'iik no you. Green Ti.vnsVr l o. 22 a AMer st. X'K.SIR Hl.K a-rtw-Ti how and two fin-shed rx-ms in tti. ; San iiafucl, near Union, ciop-' in. Ejsi 16,'.". JI''V I V' Pisno. ftimlture and long-ditance haulir.g a pec!alty. O, St W. Truck Rentes Co.. 40 e-ond st. Phone Broadway 512L 3T owner. 5-riK:u modern cottage, gas, e'evtr:. . verandas. built-in kltraen. f.owera. Inquire 21 Kar.n st. A VODER X house for rr: coin. $ '. sel'.w ood I od and Lin t-ROoM house with St.. rear I:v'p or. er a 1-re. 2 E. A??'y I" erh st. rOl'R. five arrt i:i-roon hou. 34r. i4-r-5M Northwestern National Pink bfdr. $- ROOM mcwiern hue : walking distance. 44J Kat at. I'hone East 4174 a-ROOM bouse for rent, furniture for sale. Furnished Houses. ITR.MSHED five-room bungalow for um mrr , no children. 313 E. 49th at., after T P. M . We-kday. U' ER fIo-r. 2 or 6 rooms, pnvate home. 774 E. Hi:rs'd- East 3IM. JS'I'EI Y furr.ishf-1 houe; du.ts oni. K 6th st. N Wd n. .tji2. TWO furnished bungalows. Caii 72i il or gan -S- fl'VM.'HED bungw n lrvington; aUa-u FOB BEM. F araibed Hodin. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 5-room bunckiow: sleeDlng Don-h. hardwood floor. mahogany furniture, Edison; until October S. 414 E. 55th st. Tabor 4052. Ft R V I SH KD hou. will rent or sell fui rlture. your own terms; delightful place fr a terre family, cloae to shipyard; bar gain. 23 Curry it. LEASE Beautiful modern home, every con-j venience. $ls. urnuhed or unrarnnneu. 4.if E. 2th N.. cor. of Tillamook; Broad- war car. A kOOUS modern, sleeolna Dorcb. piano. Mwinc machine. S13 Glenn ave. or Tabor 1181. $V per month. COMFORTABLY furnished. T-room house, hath, furnace. gas. electricity, yard, fruit. rarare. ftfctt East Aider, near lth. fa. ijo. H X U'THoRN'K AVE. Clean, modern, com pletely furnished 7 -room house; adults. , Tabor 4079. COMPLETKLT furnished modern 7-roora 9oo Hawthorne house; adults; Ion a; it ave. BARGAIN for someone; rooms; rent S1U: mov $150. 2tW N. lth at. furniture for In; 5o; worth WANTED Congenial party to share small furnlahed houae; icarden. fruit, roaea; best Koyal Anns cherries for aa'e. Tabor FftTi BF'T fUrnnm modern bunralow. fur- nlohed. 14th ft. North. Aduita only. East .'74. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 41ft Russll near Union. .ast j-Jo. i-KOOM modern furnished duplex bouse, 47ft K. !th at. a., $ East o.ta. Satnmer Kesorts. FOR RENT Modern cottase at Gearhart, wonderfu view, llvlna; room wun ure place. )ars;e kitchen with wash trays and full equipment: two bedrooms with bath between on first floor: also two bedrooms upstairs; screened back porch, pantry and refrigerator, carafe; lor-balance oi juiy i only. Tabor lilts. i.rvrx nvirw xnRTH BEACH INV. rirMtlv farlnr ocean. Surf bathinff. Trre. shady srrounds. Rooms $1.50 day 1 and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEF.PINO TKNTS 9.30 week- Also for rent S-ROOM COTTAGE CJ beds). Mar. 23u or Box I lift Lons; Beach. Wash. GEARHART PARK 5-room cottage, neatly furnished. 5 beds, swing-ins nammocK mi sun parlor. Franklin stove In living room. linen, dishes, silver; complete; near golf I links: stores and P. O- Mra J. IL Lan- r'-I. Gearhart. Or. FoR RENT For August, well-furnished 8-1 room cottage, with all mouern conven- i fences In choice location; on board walk at I Seaside; price $1S0. Phone Main 1501 or I a t i i r went Tattaa-a at Cannon Beach, op posite pontofllce; 4 lsrge rooms, living I room Ifixio. with fireplace; wood: Tor the I bnianee of July and August. Phone Colura- I bia CW. F. A. Kice. CAMP sites now available at Colombia beach. I to I- per nionin, inciuamg f inint light, water and wood; aak for Mr. Uolmea I at the beacn. r.KtRHART todem g-room furnished cot tage. C. A. Lewis. First National Bank. Marshall 6500. iron rext. AT SEASIDE. OR. 7-room 1 house, furnished, on ocean front. $150 to thelirst ot ftept. rnona taoor i s..H RKXT 2-room f urn shed cottage at Manhattan beacn. rnooe laoor un ir i P. M. .ii-:&vifr:w Urnom buncalow. unusually de-I alrabie; aiso new '-ro.m cotiave ana nous i tent: worth investigating. Main 8WS. r.KARHART Lteslrable. attractive. com pletely rurnlsbed modern o-room cottage. reasonable, siain eu. FURNISHED 6-room cottage on Tioga ridge. for rent from jioy uniu Aug. -u lor ou. fin hx H K . Ocean Crest abta. rates rea sonable ItocKiway Ben. i pik irem vca. SEASIDE Small furnished house, $10 week. Wood lawn 43$. NICE, clean cottage. Seavlew; fine location. S .,0 for season, labor iw. NICE 3-room place. Ocean Lake, Tillamook 1 b-aeh. after July JS. laoor ow. evening, i Sterew. STORE. 50xfW. on GHsan. between 4th and Mh sts.. in one Ding.; aiso urn iramv hirir . larm store rooms on first floor and i IT. smai I rooms upstairs. 14th and Petty- grove; cheap rent. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-J-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORES lat it, 4 fu long; $20 each. Tabor 1114. Offices. GROUND-FLOOR office space for display. Main S44. Call at present office, 1230 1 r- miiBt iu in DUiinU QUI. - rnoiia Northwestern Bank bidg. nt'ci d a m s! ttttifm mnrfni eonvenlencea Stark street, between a ana ia. appi room 312. Railway Exchange. WANT one office with Joint uae of recep-I Hon room, phone ana Btenograpnere serv ice. AH :i.o. uregonian. STORE room or office for rent on Oak st. Inquire at 2C7 Oak st. BV8INKS9 OPPORTrNTTIES. FOR SALE One of the best variety stores la Oregon is lor sate: invoice aooui om address AV 2 PP. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Well established millinery store! In good tnnvmg town; reason ior acning. poor health. AV n Oregonlan. APPENPICITIS and stomach trouble cured I without the Rnire: circular iree. xiiu t C o. . Pwetland bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE by owner. 2 greenhouses, four or six lots, witnin cuy iimiia. .aii even-1 Inga. Tabor WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents I for Kokn i earner cnaira. twemp xtaruers Supply Co.. 271 Yashington st. OH SALE Vulcanixlng and retreading plant; plenty oi business; gooo tease. aii t at 510 Alder st. Phone Uroadway 22i. ARLTON HOTEL restaurant, 14th and Wuh., estatiunea ousiness, xor saie; low price; at once. Apply at omce. it kstaTHAN T for sale, takes In $53 day. expenses light; price $750. Boom 401 i ivkum bldg. OR SALE At sacrifice, my grocery store. In good business location, ar w, urego nian. SOFT drinking and sandwich place In one of the best parks, with 8-year lease. 24s 2i st- BAKERY. whole or part, for sale; in live town In Washington: good opportunity fori good baker, write av uregonian. IF LOOKING for a good restaurant busi ness in good live town, address box 413, Pend. Or, - LIGHT rocerls. confectionery, etc, a cash store for $050; good profits and S living room. 401 Dekum btdg CONFECTIONERY The nicest little busi ness in town; come and sea for yourself. 7m; Hawrhorne ave. at 2th. GROCERY, doing good business at small ex pense; wi;i stand trial. Owner, Woodlawn 4H. GARAGE and repair shop, 82 cars steady storage, also sen g.isoitne, etc.; pries omy S12-V). Room 401 Dekuru bldg. COUNTRY garage, on highway, does re pairing, etc; prica Is $2ooo for quick sale. Call 511 Railway Kxchange bldg. ONE of the best lunch and soft drink stands; good location: S300. 10 foard of T il e bldg. Mam 3.".15. AUTO repair shop, clears $33 week; obliged to leave cltv. win sacrifice ior aav. call r. MKa I !wa y Each ange hldg. E soda fountsln an4 fixtures for sale cheap. aqiawn o..'l fOtfe KfcCLfe. 1 MEMORY (2x?2M LMCAi Sfc0 "To BUSINESS OPPORTTX1TIKS. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 614 to 51 S wet land Bldg. Garages ' $ 3.500 50t123. conrreta building, ?retl equipped shop, location good, working S men. good long lease. k Look thrs up. 9 6.900 -'-story .'.OxluO concrete building. 0 cars regular storage, now; wesf side location : 4-year lease, shop working to capacity. Do you want W MA thte? UlClt- 9 ,000 East side location. Thla Is a real business place, doing a fine busi ness: lots of vulcanizing work, ac cessory business alone la worth the price asked. Cadillac service car. 5-year lease. One of tha best m . Investments in the market. i 9 4.500 50x70. two stories, 6-yesr lease. I full of storage, well equipped shop and lots of work, very light over- ( $ 6.000 East side location, concrete build Ing. 50x1041. long J ease, SS5 per montn. big stock accessories ana supplies, clearing $500 oer month. $15,000 Beat buy in the state. Five car agencies, one truck agency, coun ty agency ires?one tires, between $7O00 and fSoOO stock of tires and accessories, county ajrency solid tires. only tire - press In county, clearing $1000 per month besides commission on sales. Sold 40 cars last 00 days. Make us prove it. Confectionery. f 1,100 Soda fountain, candles, cigars .and tobacco. 2 living rooms in rear, about $250 stock, very prom Inent suburban comer location, Going good business. Restaurants. $ 1,0 00 Washington-street location, rent $50 per month, doing good busi ness. t 1.250 Yamhill market district, very busy place, well equipped and doing a nice business. $ 2,000 North tith-street location, doing an average daily buslnesa of over one or tne oest equip pea. low rent, long lease. This 1 real olare. Look after thla. $ 1.850 Morrison-street location, rent $75 per month, :t-year lease, $5 a day o us mesa i ms is an right. - Groceries. t 1.000 Eaat aide grocery and bakery. clearing $"00 per month, rent only $15 per month, fully equipped, bakery in connection, f 1,600 East aide, rent only $2.1, dally receipts $75 and up. bickness cause of selling. $ 3.600 Eaat aide, rent $50. doing a bual ness over $loe per day; owner has other business, cause of selling. $ T.OOO This store is doing a business of over si't'o per nay; exceptionally good location, low overrteaa ex pense. For de tu.1 Is make special appointment. PACIFIC ACENCT. IVC C14 to 519 Swetland Bldg. Marshall yi9. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND ClUAKt. We have several good bargains to gro cery stores and conf. and cigars rang ing price from fioO to S 7.'. 00 ; if you want anything in th;it line, come in and see us; we will take you out in our car; you I are sure to find lust you want here. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY 4l REALTY COMPANY. 716 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5315. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Stores. Cigars and Confectionery. nesiauraui. Garaaea Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything In the Business Una. ir you wish to uu or sen can ATLAS BUHINESS AGENCY c KEALTI tv. 716 Board of Trade Bldg.' Main 5313. GE.VL MDSE. STORE Dry goods, hard ware and drugs and filling station; 5 rooms I nicely furnished, near Portland, on hard- surface road. 10 cords wood for winter; rent $10 per month. 5-year lease with bam and 1 acre of ground In garden,.- iZt chick ens, stock well up, doing fine eash busi ness; price Jl'oOO. Mr. Millers hip. Alder hotel. FULLY equipped tailoring and cleaning busi ness, Chevrolet delivery car, new Ameri can steam press, sewing machine, work table, two 20-pound electric irons. 4 press stands. Ironing board, new- combination I "biici aiiu cAimubi'i, V imi.uihki cica trical fixtures, gas pipe: v. ill sell all or part. C. W. Huss. 6u7 Wash. St.. ancou ver, Washington. WELL established and paying general merchandise business, located in one of the best agricultural districts of the state; no competition : will take from $H000 to $l0,ooo to handle same: ave razed S150 a month in lSls clear profit above living and business expenses; no agents. AV SOU, Ore gonian. CONFECTIONERY. Finest conf. and Ice cream Darlor In the ciiy- nets nuoo a montn clear: once $700: $.'.ooo will handle It. This merits your investigation. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY ft .REALTY COMPANY. 16 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5315. va.i up to nu.uuv tan in iirsi-ciass proposition; prefer one handling staple I proauct: investor desires managerial salesmanaaer Dositlon: caoable executive: jo years training; also expert promoter I and publicity man. W 20. Oregonlan. $6V'0 BUYS grocery store on Alder st. with living room, rent -(0 per month, we .iave several otner stores xrom 4oO to auooo. ti you have anything to rent, sell or ex change. John Brown, 324 Railway Ex change bldg. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Central location. 40 cars stead v s to rare. big repair business, also sell supplies, gaso line, etc.; this is a bargain at $17 oo. call room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before cmslna deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice or Portland Keaity hJoaro. PALL COWUILL, Secretary. COL" STR Y STORE TO TRADE. Price $7500. of which $1500 Is genera! country merchandise and groceries. Wants a home or other property in or "near Port- iana. re rorest, av nenry Diag. FOR SALE A dandy little confectionery and soft drink parlor in North 2od street district: good cnance lor sanawicnes ana coffee; good reasons for selling. AP 303. Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH SHOP, equipment; cash trade: retiring, old age; bargain ror old established shop; price $750, terms. Ad dress Blacksmith, 70, assistant postmaster. cent ran a. asn. FoH SALE Well equipped pool hall in Oregon City; price S2000. inquire of Scott Lynch, 2t5i 13 Russell st flat A. Portland, or. A RESTAURANT for sale, doing a large business: town bono Inhabitants. For par ticulars call at 1254 N. 3th st.. between 0 and 8 o clorK. ask for. -Mr. Jones. MILLING stock and fixtures; must sell to settle an estate; will sen part stock and fixtures or all. 010 vtuiiams ave. East 8440. WELL-EDUCATED ex-sailor has $1200 and ?rvlces to invest in we!l-Taying business In city: no curbstoners or agents. T 3 "J 2, Oregonlan. DENTAL office for sale; ethical. located modern office building; recclpta $15,000 to $20,000 per annum; owner other business, must sell. AO 32.. Oregonian. A HANDY man with $400 can buy In auto repair shop with a mechanic profits are $40 week clear for each partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT man with family can open up only business In town 1200 people. Big pay rol I. Can h s ve hotel if desired. F. Droege, Falls City. Or. MILLINERY stock and fixtures; must sell to settle an estate: will sell part stock and fixtures or alL 619 Williams ave., city. East 3440. FOR SALE Grocery store at 72 E. Couch, doing good buslnesa FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and garage. R1dsreflld. Wash.. Route No.l i k I rv -I II - I lLdt I MIF, iLXjlTrl IS I IhCCAl n, I S ' 'J . J 1 I 1 11XDUU I IE 1 It i lit I ' . r-t I TTi s3 iitWuiw-K ? -11 jit ni . If 31V ft! 1 .-p. PASH CZTl rT FIT? T Located near In and has 6 rooms and bath above the store, owner goes east, of fers you his business doing $S5 daily for $L'Ouu or invoice. RKfiTATTlANT. Owner goes to New York, leaves at tractive place, doing $100 dally; low op erating expense, worth $3000. will take $2000. $1200 will handle it: act quickly if you want this real saermce. CARL E. TUGGLE, 630 N. W. Bank. Bldg., Main 3002. liRAIV. FRF.n AT) FTTKL. BUSINESS. On account of elckness owner will sacri fice business and property consisting ot 2 trucks, wood saw, wagon scales, piatiorra acales,, hand trucks, office fixtures etc, business lot 50x115. warehouse 47x70, on hard surface st.. In good locality in Port land, all free of Incumbrance; receipts close to $100,000 last year. Price 700; some terms. Will stand closest investiga tion. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open even, and Sun. OPPORTUNITY. Tou're looking for a chance to step Into a good paying grain and commission busi ness; we offer for sale our U warehouses and good will known aa the French Prairie warehouse at uervais, or., at oargain prices; all ready this season's business. See us at once. Mckinley mitchelu 202 Stark BL OREGON" SALE S MAX AG E R WANTED. Eastern factory, nationally advertised product, staple aa sugar or beans; Portland merchants used over $100,000 last year; bralna and $1500 required to finance sales force, factory representative now here. AN 281, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY. Located on Washington st., only $700. RESTAURANT. On Washington sc., yours for $650. CAKLj E. TUGGLE, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main 3002. I HAVE immediate steady work more than eight hours for several j-ton irucus, close to Portland: small payment down, long time on balance; chance to get into business for yourself. If i uteres ted address BP 4'iO. Oregon tan. AUTO garage: partner wanted to aell eup- plles. gasoline, etc.. ana mane mui?eu generally useful in the business: profits are 2.v month Tor eacn, partner. i.aii room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted with capital to put into business purchasing second-hand cars, out of town, for this city, and agency for popular car for li20, by expert salesman. v ;tir., uregonian. OPPORTUNITY for active man with $450 and his services aa partner in estaousnea business, pay good wages. L.aii iiii xva.ii way exchange Diag. RESTAURANT, best location; worth more but will sell for $7o0 cash, reiepnone Main 723. or AL 316. Oregonlan. SHOE SHOP This Is a bargain. Champion stitcher. Progressive finisher. Jersey st., Su Johns. pknniTK himinfta for aie: well estab lished, paying business; price lioo. al Oregonian. FOR SALE OR RENT 50-horse O. K. saw mill with planer. J'ranic wnson, crowns- vllle. Or. si'Rl'RRAN crocerv. eood location, has living rooms; owner will invoice, aooui JlhOO. Call 611 Railway Exchange bitfg. FOR SALE To be removed complete, sas atnd door manufacturing plant, now oper ating. W. J. Hartzell. Aledlorq. or. RESTAURANT for sale; a bargain at North 10th street. $S00 GROCERY, doing $40 per day. Kali way exchange oiag. Business Opportunities Wanted. APARTMENT house At once. Danly fur nished or unfurnished: long lease; one building, modern; no Junk or rooming bouse, and must show good revenue for investment, a r a, uregontan. yoi'NG man, energetic, well educated, has sioiM) and services to offer In legitimate business proposition; state full particulars, no agents. tsiJ 44, oregonian. HAVE l.VHt to Invest in soft drink. DOOl room or rooming nouse; xnaate oner. j.k 279, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. oa ROOMS and apartments, with private baths and p nones, west siue. moaern orica building with automatic elevator; 3-year lease, all furntehed and In good shape; price $5500; $2500 down, balance easy. De Forest. 320 Henry bldg. WILL TRADE 11 rooms, i all housekeeping, all on one floor; price $1050; will take good lot or bungalow up to S'J.tou ana assume oaiance. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. UPTOWN HOTEL 40 rooms, corner brick, located close to 7th and Wash.; hot and cold water in rooms: extra well furnished: mostly brass hods: , 4 000: 12000 cash. See Mr. Bow den, E. O. Magoon. 4;1 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK! WHAT ABOUT THESE? 10 rooms, rent $30. $600 handles. It rooms, rent 132.50." S50. terrat. Good furniture, centrally located. Have others. CALL Z01 10TH ST. $2000 HANDLES 36-room classy little room ins nouse. an nicni ana uirr ruoins. run1 ning water, large closets: nice brick build ing; rent only i-a per montn. clears oou net. J-e rorest, o-u nenry uiug. FOR SALE Going to farm, 9 rooms for hnuitekeeDing. a 1 zuiea. income 40. in eluding five rooms for owner's use; nice garden; will aell for $350. 10C5 Corbett street. ROOM ING-HOUSK, 20 rooms, doing good business, rent fo a montn; retiring irom business, inquire juts. -fc. a. nonerts. 40154 Main at., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 320. Terms. 20 ROOMS, all housekeeping, splendid loca tion, rent $.(; clean as a pin; price imu. SEE MRS. KELL.KK. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WANTED From owner, 15 to 24 rooms. nouseKeeping: must oe moaern, ciean, gooa furniture and carpets; will pay cash up to 2500; no agents. AP 278, Oregonlan. GOING away, must sell this week; 50 rooms. one and two-room apartments; a minutes walk to Meier ft Frank's; always full; good money-maker; a bargain. Main 8409. 22-ROOM housekeeping near 14th and Al der, furnace, electricity ana gas. nice ana clean; rent $7$; Income $175; $1375 han dles it. Mrs. Louden. 820 Henry bldg. 10 ROOMS, completely furnished for house keeping; price only $600. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR beat bargains in rooming or apartment house see members of the Realty Board Yates Realty Co.. 240 4th st. MODERN rooming house. 15 rooms, nicely furnished, all on one noor; iwu; terms. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE or trade. International hotel, 100 rooms, office, dining room, kitchen on ground floor; rent reasonable. 72 N. 3d st. 25 ROOMS, well furnished, best location, east side, brick building; will sacrifice for $1500. Pbone East 5913. SNAP 8 rooms; rent $25, nicely furnished; price only $400. part time. Mrs. Louden, 320 Henry bldg. FOR hotels, apartments or rooming houses SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg"" $1800 WILL handle 17-room H. K. house. rent VU, mciuaiDK ucmi kuu not wairr. Clears about $190 each month. Main 5109. WANTED Rooming house, about 20 rooms. Main 36QV. m. w. ariana, jg -inira. FURNITURE of 9-rm. house for sale. Rooms allrented. 70S Everett et, POLLY AND HER PALS VoL.'. toMT tfctxfcp SfcO ) '"opyriglit, 1919, by WHE1 DISCRETION LIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IF YOU WI6H TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, sea F. Rlerdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN HOTEL. 33 rooms, modern building, furnace heat, also hot and cold water in all rooms, good furniture at a real sacrifice. $2200. CARL Ev TUGGLE, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg., Main 3002. 100-ROOM apartment house, 34 apartments, each with private bath and phone, corner ones ouiiaing in easy warning aisiance rent .150: S-var 1mr- rood furniture anc carpets; big income; price $9000, half cash. ue rorest azo wenry blag. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars or tne f ortiana aitway, L,igni Power Co.. Julv 7: 1 nurse. KDectacIes. pins, flashlight, law book, 8 pr. gloves, 1 packaeee. sweater, overcoat, boards. suitcases. 2 suit boxes, bucket, 4 umbrellas. 4 lunch boxes. Owners may obtain prop erty at Front and Alder streets. LOST U. S. navv dfurharee somewhere 1: business district of Portland. Monday July 8: when I last had papers was on 3d st near Bumsido; will finder please turn in same to the recruiting station, 3d ann wasnmgton? Deia Aaier jraotrec. LOST A small doe with black spots: an swers to the name of "Snub"; half fox terrier and hair coach dog; no coiiar; reward. Address 167 N. 6th St., Portland. -r. LOST On road. Timber to Hillsboro vl; p orest nrnvft. tmitcAnn contain trur chlla and lady's clothing. Finder please notify airs. j. n. nuioert. i-t unerwooa anve, roniana. Kewara giv en. LOST In rest room of LIpman-Wolfe store, Saturday afternoon, small purse containmi two kevs and about S14 cash. Finder kind ly return to Oregonian bldg. and receive noerai rewara. LOST Lady's rings, diamond brooch, 13 stones. 1 solitaire dfamond ring, nail-carai 1 ring 2 small diamonds. 1 cameo ring. Liberal reward. woodlawn loots. LOST Roman strioed crochet handbag Main library bid. Reward. 415 Yamhll st. Call Main 6953, room 31; if not there leave number. LOST Saturday morning, about 10 o'clock on or near east 80th st., Montavilla, wrist watch with leather fob; liberal reward. Tabor 431. PARTY who called East 7264 in reference to walrus traveling bag lost the evening of juiy 1, Kindly can Marsnau iw, engine if, ask tor o. m. TacKaoery. LOST Lady's ring. 25 small diamonds aet around 5 turquoise; also one oval agate ring; liberal reward. Mrs. J. K. Snellen berger. 459 East ftlst North. LOST On the. Pacific hizhwav. between Kelso and Toledo, Sunday evening, black traveling bag: liberal reward. Address owner. J. E. Pinkham, Elma, Wash. LOST In or around Gas Co. garage or on GIfsan street, brown leather wallet, con tain ing large sum of money. Reward to finder. Call Woodlawn 4014. LOST Leather suitcase., nearlv new. some where between East Morrison depot and Westover drive. Call L. W. Humphreys, Main 344. Reward. LOST Gent's gray coat, just east of.Monta villa, July 4. Address 561 G lis an. Phone .Broadway i,t3. Kewara, LOST Rundav afternoon at Eagle Creek. Brownie camera. Kinder please notify Ruth Sanders. Marshall 5130. FOUND Auto tire. Owner can have same by identifying and paying for ad. Phone Main :ou5. between s A. jm. ana o r. xi. LOST 1 carton shoes marked John Dellar. Finder please deliver to 33 second et ana receive rewara. macule uransier tjo. LOST Sunday. Junti 29. purple velvet bag, containing gold rosary ana purse wun money. Reward. Call Main 125S. LOST Glasses, gold rimmed, on East Har rison su, near 24 ih Kinder please can Sellwood 470 or 796 E. Harrison. LOST A mink neckpiece near East 13th and Broadway. Kewara. Call James Thompson, Broadway 310a. LOST Telescope steel fish rod and reel at 5 P. M., July 4. at loth and Dekum ave. Reward. 14S5 E. 15th st. N. LOST Whlte-and-liver pointer, no collar. Return o 432 Alder, or call s road way 3500. Reward. LOST Saving acct. book. J. Carson. Goble, Or., care C o lumbla T im be r Co. K e w ara. LOST Near 20th and Hawthorne, an outing coat, size ss, can Kast ois. Kewara. LOST Saturday, large gray male cat. Tabor 5125. I06tt pact dc ave. LOST Two white bull terrier pups. 458 E. 21st st. iv. : reward. Phone iast 470. LOST Brazilian opal in Vista House. Re- ward. Mrs. Ijimmlc. vista House. LOST Hubcap for Oldsmobile. Main 4501. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for fir timber and plank. U. S- Engineer Office. Seattle, Wash. faeaied proposals for furnishing fir timber and plank f. o. b. cars at the mills for use in the Chicago, Illinois, district, will be re received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, July IS, 1919. and the? opened. In formation on application. Miscellaneous. NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my son, Henry j. acuneiaer jr. n. j. ecnneiaer. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY -AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED TUESDAY, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST 34 $ 9957 SECOND 4 94.30 THIRD Wfr 96.40 FOURTH 95.27 FIFTH 3W 100.61 WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 90 ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY, STOCKS AND BONDS. 31 TT. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN" ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. $65,000 WANTED for approved Irrigation enterprise; will net lOrOOO guaranteed profit in 1919, together with other profit participation estimated at $50,000; Invest ment secured by title to alfalfa and fruit land valued at $300,000; closest investi gation. AF 489, Oregonian. CASH paid fdV mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in wasnington or Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen's bldg. N.wpper Factor, S.rrica. lac. Great 1ST SILEXCE. BY CX1FF STEHRETT. 1 11 1 1 pi."i , . , FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must cell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty r Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO FETTER YOU MAY MAY DO WORSE. On Tuesday. July 8. we paid the follow ing prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued Interest: N. Y. Market. Interest, Total 34 $ 99.32 .23 $ 99.55 l&t 4s 94.40 .27 94.7 2d 4s 93.70 .60 94.30 1st 4S 95.2 .28 95.54 2d 4"4s 94.24 .64 94.SS 3d 4s 95.04 1.33 96.o9 4th 4 U s 94.24 .99 93.23 Victory 3s 100.03 .51 lu0.53 Victory 4s 90.96 .63 100.61 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In sailing Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price, plua tne accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS' PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Bare Deposit Boxes ior Kent. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris bldg.. 09-311 Stark st., bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Es tablished over years. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. E. L. ZaEVEREATJX & COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS, W. S. S.. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS. 7. 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CLIENT has from $500 to $3000 to loan, local. quicK action. J. a. Aiears, atty., yi cnaniuer ot commerce Diag. WILL pay $100 a share for Portland Gas & coke CO., i per cent prererrea stock up to 9tooo. j. ti. nartog, xo uasco Diag, Money to ixiaa on Real Estate. " OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.36 per month for 36 months. $21.24 per month for 60 months, or 115.17 tor u months pays a $1000 loan and in terest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., ziJ. staj-K St.. Portland, or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6W to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley farms. No commission. No delays, DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from ooc up on improved city or xaria prop- e'y'THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. M. 6913. A 2S15. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. , Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. farm a::d city property, PER CUNT, 0 PKK CENT. 7 iftj K CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. WANT $3500 LOAN. 6. Responsible business man wishes 3-year loan t-tooo at 0V0 on nis neariy new a-room Laurelhurst bungalow, near park; no brok erage, v ;i 1 s, uregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, made on improved city property; prompt action: no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mortgage Loans On Improved farm and city property ; ravoraoie repaying privi leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 5 06 PI att bid g. Main 537L $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brok erage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. $20,000 TO LOAN in rums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 215-216 Failing bldg. Phone Main 8407. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going- rate of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. S800, $400, $500. $650. $750, $1000 AND UP; lowest rates; quick action. Gordon Invest ment Co., 631 Cham, of Com. Main 1370. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Fucbs, 420 Cham, of Com. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. A. H. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Belling bldg. $500. $1000. $1500. $1700, $2500, $3000. F. 1. PESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. ALARY. LOANb. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salariad or working men on ineir own notes. weexiy. semi' monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction sLrictiy confidential. JffO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 218 Failing Building. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans en auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas. etc. Security left In your possession. Small weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried pee pi a Rates reasonable. Private office. Ail business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed), Third and Washington sts. 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8230, MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jeweiry; legal rates, an articles neia a year: established since 1SSS. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. Britain Right Retti-recT Ragutaraa1 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 894 fitark Street. Near 10th, Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrola a, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THfiBOJU ROWER. City and face value. county warrants cashed fr CARRIE MTERS-HERRMAN, . Manager. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor 5S06. Lowns Wanted. $10,000 LOAN wanted, high-class, extra choice, improved, close-in farm, worth 5S-S0 CAiSH' 525 Henry bldg. Maoshall WANTED To borrow $1500 for 3 years on house and corner lot, close in. east slo worth $5000; now clear.C 4S6. Oregonian. LOAN WANTED-1700, 3 years at 8in well located city property. See Mr. Chrts tenson. The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg. iV- 1 i!sLi A loan from private party of $-500 on income city property, valued at $SOO0. P 190. Oregonian. ON IMPROVED1 CITY PROPERTY. $1500. I16O0, $1750. $2500. $;;soo. uMtioji, io Cham, or Com. Bid. WANTED 12000 on new, modern bungalow, close In. 508 Cham, of Com. Main 1963- va.-w tiu.uon at 7, 2 years, from privats party. T 3S4. Oregonian. BEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 1 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. . , A F L I R T. A lady came into our store And bought a swell silk SKIRT; It made her so attractive Sho felt much like a flirt. She wore it on the street each day mt a a" ner 'rind would say: Please tell us where you bought it And the price you had to pay." She said to them: "Take my advice And to Peterson's go; Their store Is full of bargains aiiu iuokb iiKe a style show." She also said: "You'll see swell SUITS A WAIST. COAT. DRESS and more And you II be bound to save on each of them At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor. Pittock Block. MAN WANTED Anyone knowing the whereabouts of James Wesley Bever. a mine operator formerly of near Ourav Colo., now somewhere in Oregon, notify Mr. Cuthbert. 820 Citizens Natl Bank bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Daughter in quirer. WISH te know the whereabouts of An tonio Pereira, or Tony Perry, who lived in Portland, Or., about three years ago and who has four fingers of the left hand cut off. Address Maria P. Martins, 87 Clay st., San Francisco, Cal. ATTENTION! Swedish massage, gymnastics, electricity, steam, for run-down condition, constipation. rheumatism, superfluous flesh. Naturopath Ruth Olsson. 653 Washington Bldg. Main 6o4. Twelve years experience. HONOR BRIGHT! THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. Does grow hair. Write or call 800 Union ave. North for positive proof. MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing; has crystals for sale; also her book "Palmistry Made Easy." 375 Taylor. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, super- nuuua pei ma ne n 11 y removea, luce, scalp specialist: ladies, gentlemen. blO Bush & Lane bldg. MRS. M. L. LAMAR, 235 5TH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health, sue cess and harmony. .' BEST STEAM BATH. Massage, vibration, electric and chiroprac tic in city. Dr. Margaret Haynie. 21$ Swetland bldg. Main 1765. MRS. ROSE BOWMAN holds circles Tues day, 'i nursaay, Sunday, S P. M. ; also lec ture followed by messages; readings daily; all welcome; 365 4th st. S. Main 3921. FEBVET & HAKNSBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest stocK numan hair goods, halrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 646. WISH to hear from young lady who in company with her mother arrived on Str. Georglana from Astoria Sunday P. M. B. R. Goodwin. 735 Everett st. $1 WILL get both feet fixed up good at Dr, batons, tne tiiinurufisi, wno doesn t hurt you; 3 years here; exam. free. Globe theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S24. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to a, or by appointment. Phoue Main 1049. Office 30S-C Third st. GOING to San Francisco by auto; want 3-4 passengers; line iisning and scenery ; ref erence. AR 394. Oregoniun. REFUSE to pay any bill made by Mra, Myrtle Foreman after July 7. '19. A. L. FOREMAN. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever bj multiple needle memoes, indorsed by phy slciana. 504 Swetland bldg.. 5th at W as h. MADAME JE ANNETTE, teacher of palm istry. Zorn hotel, apt 15. Corner of 5th and Morrison. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial tree. Josie in ley, 014 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 63H8. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau; work executed by skilled operatives. 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3812. DR. ELNA SOREN3EN, 508 Panama bldg. Drugleas methods. stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc. Main 60S6. IF VERS E. CLARK will write his uncle, L, Mason, 9 W. 6th st., Duluth, Minn., money for you from mother. FOR RENT ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEAN ERS BY THE DAY. CALL WOODLAWN 1259. DELIVERED A KD CALLED FOR. DR NELSON cures corns, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain; consultation free; very reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, and scalp. 32$ Fliedner bldg. Broadway S92. WILL gentleman letting two little boya ride on auto truck from Albina ave. to Van couver ave. call Wdln. 973? SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual adviser, 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings, Tuea., Fri.. 8 F. M. Marshall 2503. HANDWRITING character delineations by expert; send $1 and specimens to Miss Eaton, apt. 22, The Marlborough. - MMe GRF.NELL relieves itching, scalp dandruff; lace massage; moles removed. 230 FMednw bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an op eration. Froe booklet. P. O. box 1105. PILES CAN BE CURED without operations send for free booklet. P. O. box 1105. SOLDIER boy psychic teacher of spiritual science. 494 Taylor st. J. B. AND B. Received message. Love, Write. Momer. MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card reading. 882 Park sU Main 7548. LADY BARBbftS Shave 20c. haircut 35c, face massage 00c. o unsdu, uoar uui. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of FIgS. 844 Hi. O-Jd. Mliwoua muming. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay yout bee ViereCK, c-ouectmna. ieuhi BE individual, comfortable, stylish: haye a Barclay corset maaa iur juu. num. vnv. in U. S. Patant Offie.