TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, JXJLT 9, 1919. FOR 9 ALE. I1aa, Orr and Mmtrtl laalntmnit. CLOSING Oil THIS WEEK. I Corn : ft pr nr organ, ch f IS I I.J trnto COttaC oritD. CUB.... I - j i--r.ai. apriarit Dlano. I 3"0 EmirKO upright piano, cub... 95 I -J Artoa uprUnt pian. can 14.) I $ Utr upright p.anM. cJh 210 I m. New tort-a uDriat dIsduc. cub : . New iord p.a,yr Piano I Piano stored, bougat and o!d tor uui I a or. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 107 4ta SU PIANO WANTED. Highest eah paid for used pianos. tlrr.ate r;i,v SHHiKU-VO-IJ CAS MUSIC CCX. 1.5 Fourtn Si. FOB SALE. PEERLEP5 BJGH-GR ADRf 'LCM 31NO HXTURE1 PLL'MBI.V'3 SUPPLIES HOUSS HEATING M ATERIALS I HON" PIPE PEERLEPS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND "aLLENT KNIGHT" COMBINATION General Distributors wm- powell high-grade Valve and steam specialties boston belt in (.5 co.'s SfPrrHANIAL RUBBER GOODS. THE ppvi ru3 diipip m Showroom and niciroom 64-70-72 Front st, m wi i.u li. trt Lin, FOB P A LB ArTOMOBTXEH. FOB SALE ArTOMOBTLES. We bar several ued organs. 8EIBLR L4 .N'G-LL'CAS MUSIC CO., 1-3 fourth St. TRADE TOUR PIANO r onannn a nw.Vk-tro! and records. j-ir prtti4 ton mil plrae vnti bEiBsUtLING-LA 'I'Aj MUSIC CO- 125 Fourth St. $15 OR f25 CASH, then S or $16 mouth y bu) new Improved piano, and $S or $10 in rtcorai purcaa nnai new mprovca $2. $42.50. $.aj. or 11 15 phono- g-apa to our hunt, Irom me bco4a riiaou, ill 4 in at. Band organ for sale r trad. UerUjr military band rfia. ! only on a-on. jtit the thine for abating rin or merry-go-round. Terms g.wn. E 6. Orrgoman. K OSH L E bTpiaNO. Colonial styl. nearly nw, fin mahogany mm. ai in d nut pars in orrerea. bEIBEKLI.N - LL'i'AS M USIC CO.. !..' Fourta M. PIANO WANTED. Cah If bargain; dealers don't answer. 31 xr si. All 1517. XfcAlLET upright piano at bargain. I t i m.in(-tr,y cae. toEIBLKLlN'i-LLCAS MUSIC CO 125 Fourth SL ki.VbALL purer puno. manoxany fin;h. f j'l s:e. cot $7.'-u. with 5 roll, for $.;3 if tak-n at once. tall at 4tks Aom- iiwa or paoce vdin. 3""v. 3TOUR piano or organ taken to full or part pa meai i o r t)pi paoaograpa. rv:ca nano to, in 4tn at. ft tirnitart tor reUe. ALL, SPRUCE DIVISION'S OFFICE S"T v i -r r l? r FLAT-TOP DESKS,TVf E WRITER DESKS, D. C W AX. FIRST ST. MAIN 463L NEAR OAK. 8EWTrj machine, new mnn seeond-hand. sold for less; no agents employed ; com p't lino of part for all makeu; KAchlnoa repaired and rented. Main 431. tiEWI.N'O MACHINE EMPORIUM, jq. ftctr Taylor t- GOOD NEWS FOR ALL USED CAR BUT- I ts. and ria-ht at tn moat opportune I uma ox wa yeax. "VACATION TIME." The Boaw lunt returned from a Terr ex- tenalva and successful trip buying rood cars, and Informs ua that he purchased approximately 100 good cars at prices j mat win permit us to resell them lax low taeir actual values. It Is an acknowledged fact that we have oeen eeiung- cars at a much lower iimire i than any of our competitors, and now. I rtirnc at the time when there is a pro nounced shortage of new cars and used I car prices nave gone aKy high, we are ro Inr to sell high-grade late model slightly Used cars at prices that will no doubt cause the ever siwplclous fellow to think they aro probably obtained quietly at Bight without any arguments with their former owners concerning price or clear Ufc.10. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Tou will find the following: cars as represented: 1916 Overland tf-pasa, good mechanical condition: good urea; newly painted. rice aoou. ' 1918 Chevrolet: first-class condition throughout; good Urea, with extra. Price iota. 1918 Ford coupe. In very good condl tion throughout; has shock absorbers. Price $6li. ( 1915 Dodge, good condition. Price 650, 1917 Dodge sedan, perfect mechanical con anion; newiy pa in tea; wire wneeis. with extra tare mounted, .trice siid. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st, Phones A. 277. Main 6244, L exterminate CArkrnarhM rrr burl. bedbuga We also do fumigating: guar anteed contracts. 15 years' experience; cvr 1300 apartanents and private houses under our annual contracts. Reliable In feticide Co., ltzi Abingtoa bldg. Phone Main 5.V.9. 2 glass showcases. 1 counter with ft bins. 2 bakers proof boxes. 1 Toledo computing scale. 1 new 2-wheel box delivery cart. BAKERITE BAKERY, 251 YtmhtIL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, We have a few samples of ralncoata motor coats and leather-tex coats re turned by our salesmen, an to th public at wholesale, prices, tn our office. 12-CYLINDER HAINES; good cord tires and wire wheels: A-l shape. GARY. 522 Aider St. Broadway 2492. i CART, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. SAFES Plre and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. ww mi exenangea. NORRI3 SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second su Phone Main 2045. LADIES Original apparel exchange In Laurelburst has fcr s.le stilts, distlncrtlv gowns, dancing frocks, slightly used, late moaeia, ootainea from wealthy ladies. -ryu f a. . io r. x. i a Dor zhjz. Bargains in slioiitly-used high- liKADB t L KN ITL Kt. A-.n!ce (omw:iian iihr.rv atiit In anllH xnan-iicany, brown antique fminu. compni BA' ts FILING SAFES DIEBOLD AGTS. PRINTING FOR I.R.QJ1 wm Mn oers or any combinauon seeking to raise or control the price of printing; artistic prompt service. hiuiul nrintera. -' ouir su lng Horary Uh S.'.42-inch top with cane panels, handsome wing-back settee, rocker and arm cnatr with cane back panels and s-i. a bvautilut, i:gnu graceful suite. vh.cb any home wouia l proud of. worth. ii.u. specjai at sliu. oun Ant lady's writing desk In cen- ajine cahotcoy and pracuca.ly new, value for -i.n: a. so an extremely pretty, candelabra In solid mnh irny. a big bar gain at fiUL.-v Terms if desired. Misb Fur niture to., i-s-i:o First st Eroert work- don Tr(e rirhr PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY COMPANY, "rroni su uroaaway luon. FoR SALE Soda fountain, cash registers. sate, cneese cutter, snow cases. wa:i cass and oil tank, 24s Va 2d at. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. la to I2U Installed: expert boiler reoalr- mg. piumoir.f. supplies cheap. 2Ud Adams JVVLNG to our discontinuing-housekeeping I SHE EPS K IN tanner)', bark tanned, as lining, we are ofr-rtng for sale a choice and I flcv, Addreaa 1032 Macadam road, Port- l'eni or:runi or nouserto l lumlture. Inc.uding ouffct. tables and chairs, dressers. br-ASS a;id irt a beila. ic chest, couch. Mor ns coaira, porcn lurniiure. garden too is, hve and lao mower. In fact everything watch goes witn a wed eouiuoed and furnished 12-room home. This is your op portunity to secure gooa Furniture and tne at t.fter takes any or ail: will be ready to show any time today between W A. M. , and 2 P. M. 1...'. N. ISth iu corner of irving street, wst s;ue. Y. AND E. filing cabinet, sell at hlf price. b- Aiyers at .renting Aotej or 303 bwet- LELICIOt S crabs, clams, oysters, fresh aauy. tq rirst si., net. wash, and Alder. western r'wh Co.. Marshall 519. CREAM separator. De I -aval; IS galvanised nop ouksu. lau i cnamoer ox Com merce. rabi tab! bed. Pho, rail. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting ennuie. an iinai macninery, rails, cars. nauway equipment to, 2Ja stark at. CONSISTS of steel mailable range, kitchen cabinet. lng machine, d.ning ro4n tabi, m cha.rs. heavy brass bed. baby bd. oak bureau, oak tab.e and craDha- I BILLIARD and Docket bnilarrt tmhlea ). pnnn. ana an oiner nousennia pa rap her-I cases and wall-case?, fixtures; easy tonus. ii-ii.-. rumiB i"'"'r iiw cim jiain st. I j. vuia'ey, rirst. Main fettn?. XK'N'T s.tcrific your furniture if gomg east I MALT. hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit or to t aiiiornia V can sav you money on your fre.ght tn our through cars. Fira p'oof storage. C. M. Oisn Transfer 4k y-orase o.. l ine St. FO.:i ?A,E Fur.iituro of room and hue ;r rvnt raionutc .oo ioth. i'ort-land. rowUry- THE U'HR FARM offers the J. T. Little pnxe Partridge -n eri ins nna ana maie. at $so pr pen; 2 . L yearling . it-.i.-, i nrn. wx . i. puileLs. Fern stock, $1-25 each for September 1 fi-.lvery, at 4 months of age. One-third cjfi with ord-r. ta ance date of ship ment. The Luhr Farm. K. S box 26. lent. Or. WF7 SOLD over .000 White Leghorn baby . iiiira cuiwmvni since Janu ary i. tiuy coicxs now and sell fall an winter broilers at fancy prices; pullets will in a rine eariy spring layers. JTlce per j"v a uf. it, auium, s i a. mt arrl oi full count live trucks cua ran trod Ttt, Pioneer Hatchery. 4u 6th su. Petaiuma, v a i BABV CHIi'K AND EGGS FOR HATCHING. Barred Rocks and i;hot!e Island Red ehtck - per hundred : White leghorns aoo nron Lagrioros -o ptsr hundred J. R. Mcuire. is, iton at. East 1 LA YI.N'i ou:i Leghorn hens 51.8a each very i:n Mn.ifj stock. . "7 Oregon a logv. Babbits. Birds, Pet Stock. PI KK B RAN for rabbits and chickens mad from giod. c.ean wheat: contains ground at hulis or other mill run. Orders o- i or more win be delivered si-!e delivery dis:rtct. Fasuioned Mill in U). r une t.aat Oioa. FOR S LF Mountain roller canaiirs, ing era. 54 each: fln eincers. bejt stck. Ad' nress nirine ;iiern. r. . box l.t.v Can by. Or., or phone Tabor CtiJi. Ask for W, J. Tnortia. In ?-Ti-N terrier with Pedixree: male months. aal brlndie. good markinss. screw iyi. 4u. owner uaving town. Wood.two TOT FOX TERRIERS. S1A and t2Q e.,-h 'a!l t.Klav betwe.-a 2 and 4 P. M.. 173 E. -"i i . .Moaiaiu car. iiUU-t. I-AiN red water spmiel dog for sale. $:. Phone bell wood 14W or call 77 Machinery. FOR SALE. One flier and stowell. 9 ft band saw. head rig. complete with four 12- inch Mil NORTH PORTLAND BOX COL. North Portland. Or. S 'xl TUBULAR bu't strap boi'era. 1 ixlS-in, tuuar butt water leg. 1 7'xl-ln. tu;-u.ar butt 2-boiler. 1 'stl4 tubular botr. 1 ioxlt tubular boi'er. 1 5-tflg tu-u:r boiler. 1 4xI4 tiu.ar boi'er. 2 3-i10 tubu'ar boilers. 1 20 h. p. firebox botr. 1 "'0 h. p. firebox boi er. 1 5." h. p. f.r:ox boi'er. 1 h. p. lipr.sht boi;r. 1 7," h. p. s.;.-h marine holier. 1 50 h. p. Jf-orch marine bo lie r. I 1" h. p. upright engine. 1 tx!2 Erie enne. 1 .. h p. S. .M n marine enpine. 1 rotary d.T.w-x w :i :if; jbs. rDrske n a- K. M U'lUXEKY rO. Phone Msln b2Ul 1 111S U ::ame:te reader Qoi:ky 1 yvxll Wili.irnette yanier donkey. 1 1U12 Woniuction Uuderwriiers fire P-1TI". 1 2uxHT? Cardrer rurrp. THE J. E VAKTIN CO M First St Port anil. Oregon. punches and syrups for parties, dance. etc J. H. DeLacey, 21(5 Yamhill st. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits, slightly worn. ooiameu iroia smartly areasea ladles. Main 9..tf7. SLAB WOOD Victory Siabwood Co. New yard. Try us we save you money. Call AB'i;T 40 yds, Axmlnster carpet, good con-I n 1 1 ion, reasons f te ; particulars. Wood lawn I FOR SALE 1 go-cart, 515: 1 sulky. $2.30. ":i W6 Borthwick, or phone WooUtawn I VACIT. M cleaners for rent or sale. Vacuum cleaning. noovr, rtroaa way Zo4tf. THREE roll top desk. 2 man. roll top desks. NOW la the time for painting and paper- I hanging: get an estimate. Tabor 67ja, I Remember, folks, we are on the east ae. out of the high rent district. "Liberty bonds taken at face value and easy terms given on any car you purchase. If It is not convenient for nu tn dh v cuth. Read this list over very carefully, and men oeat it lor No. 12 Grand ave. North, and pick out a good one. They won't be ere long at tnese prices. Take a Up. Get busy. Here are a. few of them. 1916 Studebaker big 6, 7-paasenger; six cord Urea, Car hag run only 2100 miles. 191S Chandler Despatch. 5 wire wheels, I VELIE SIX, like new; a bargain. 9 cord urea. This car is Just like new. 1918 Jordan. 6-passenger; 6 wire wheels. o cora ures. This Is a beauty. 1918 Jordan, 4-paasenger; 5 wire wheels. o cora tires, can t beat it- Packard twin 6. run only 1100 miles; looks and runs just like a ucw car. Cole 8. aero type: B cord tires. Beau tiful paint Job. This is the pret. nest car in town. 1917 Hudson super-srx; S wire wheels. 5 cord tires. 11 Hudson super-six. 5 tires. 117 Oakland . 5-paas.; perfect condition. 1918 Dodge touring; almost new tires. 191 T Maxwell touring; the economy tires. lwlfi Maxwell touring: fine shape. 1H7 Maxwell roadster: 5 gopd tires. 1918 Reo. 4-eyl., 5-pass.; some fine car. 1918 Mitchell 8. 5-pass.; completely over hauled. 1918 Mitchell 6, 7-pass.; completely over- nauiea. 1P15 Packard 8. T-pass.: cord tires. 10l Studebaker 6, 7-pass. ; a roal buy. 1018 Stutz speedster; a sacrifice. 1M7 Chandler. 8-cyI.. 7-pass. Chevrolet tnilHnr- imI envaes 1917 Haynes chummy roadster; new cord I LIBERTY SIX, newly painted; will guaran TWO CHEVROLETS; new tires and extras; 5425 and 5550. CARV, fll Alder St. Broadway 2492. ARE you still strcggltng with the old -nn- satisr&ctory grease cupsr iet us aemon sxate the new system that eliminates grease caps and dirt, giving you positive lubrication in a lew minutes. Aieinite Lubricator Co.. 432 Alder st- Phone Broadway 3500. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 458 Union ave. N., cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. tires. 1917 Uaynea. 8-cyL, ipass. We have over 100 others to select from. Open Evenings and Sundays. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTOR CO.. USED CAB DEPARTMENT. 12 Grand Ave. North, near Burnsid tea this car: $1500. CARY, 522 Aider SL Broadway 2492. TJSED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. We will take your liberty bonds at face 1918 Mitchell, 6-pass.. 6-cyI. 1M17 Mitchell. 5-pass., 8-cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 8-cyL 1914 White. 6-pass.. 4-cyL 1917 National, 7-pass., 12-cvl. 1917 National, 7-pasn., 6-cyi. . 1918 Overland. 6-pass., 4-cyl. 1917 Oldnmnbtle. 7-pass.. 8-cyL 191 Chandler, 7-paas.. 8-cyl. 191G Overland, fi-pass., 4-cyl. 1918 Hollier, 6-pass.. 8-cyL 1918 Chevrolet. 5-pass. 1912 Mitchell 7-pasa., 8-cyL Pope 2-ton truck. 2-ton Mitchell truck With rnh nnrf hnrfv Most of the above cars have been rebuilt avna pair. tea. We will take your old car as part pay- ucul uu uuia vi uio aoova cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, Bast First at Morrison. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK. Phones; p.roadway 515, A 3343. MITCHELL. LEWIS A ST A VCR CO., CHANDLER. 5-passenger, 6-cy Under Chandler, good condition; will sell for $S5Q or take In Ford as part payment; if you want a bar gain don't fail to see this car. Call at 114 1st st. or phone Tabor 8152. FOB SALE-AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. DON'T LET THE HIGH PRICES ASKED FOR USED CARS KEEP YOU FROM OWNING ONE. COME TO HEADQUARTERS . AND SAVE MONEY. OUR MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE STARTS TODAY. And if you hurry you can buy a dandy car for 5175. i And for Just a little more money we are going to include several 5-pass. touring cars, all well-known makes, that have j been thoroughly inspected and pronounced ready to run. " ' YOUR CHOICE OF THIS LOT AT 1375. We should hava all cash for these cars, I but if you haven't got It, bring along- a small down payment and let u hava the rest while you ride. But don't wait until you see someone I also drive away the car you wanted. I WE HAVE ONLY A SMALL STOCK. BUT WHAT WD HAVE IS GOOD AT RIGHT PRICES. 1918 Model N. HUP. 1917 Model N HUP. 1917 GRANT SIX. 1917 STUDEBAKER SIX, 7-pass. 1915 KING FOUR, a light car. 1915 OVERLAND, in fine condition, nearly new tires. MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Oak at Burnslde. Bdwy. 217. FORD touring cars. 4 late models at bar gain prices Look these over before you buy and save 50. Any reasonable terms. tieias Motor Car Co., 14th. and Alder. Automobiles Wanted, . AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lota at Saltair station, iiuamook beach, near depot and notei : aajoins board walk, countv road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; also 50 by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or tor cottage; will pay some dif ference. Address BD 205. Oregonian. LONG & SYLVA. Auto, wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. tend in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East OS 40. 462 Hawthorne ave. CALL IN PERSON, OR PHONE RIGHT WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 15S2. HAVE cash and a fine lot worth $750 to pay ior good car up to $1500. Tha lot is not Junk but good value. Write, giving max, moaei ana price or car. v tty, Oregonian. AWAY. EVERY ONE OF THESE CABS WILL SELL ON SIGHT. THE PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. THE BIGGEST AND BUSIEST CORNER WE CAN GET TOTJ MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. 'OK. 15TH AND WASHINGTON- ON BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. LOCOMOBILE SIX "48," 5-passenger, four nearly new suvertown cora tires ana one good fabric spare; a wonderful buy for someone looking for a high-class car; price $6M0 cash or $675 terms. This car cost $5000 new. Call Sellwood 1211. j 300 1913 LIGHT 5-passenger Maxwell ; good paint ana tires: leatner upnoister lng; used as family car by careful driver; excellent condition; will demonstrate after 6 P. M. 664 Linn ave. Phone Sellwood 1818. DODGE sedan, only run a few thousand miles, in perfect condition; extra wheel and tire; will sacrifice or consider trade on Chevrolet or Maxwell touring, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnsid OPEN EVENINGS. ' PHONE BROADWAY 616. I WANT to buy 191S Chevrolet or Maxwell touring; must be In good condition; will pay cash. Call East 73 after 3 P. M. I EXCHANGE painting for light car; will pay some auierence. uau ova vwuiams ave., after 5 P. M. I TEN acres near Tualatin; price $1500; will exchange for a light car. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 5256. 4 1 GOOD buys in used light trucks. D;" cars. Tne cars uaicu " I WANT to buy used Dodge car. condition immaterial. will pay cash. Miss Gray, 249 6th st. Main 7352. FOR SALE A number of squeak chasers in the form of Aiemite Fittings, is your car equipped? If not ask us for a dem onstration. Aiemite Lubricator Co.. 4J: Alder. Phone Bdwy. aoou; CHALMERS touring, just repainted, in per feet mechanical condition; good tires; will sell at 51400. with terms, or consider trad on smaller car, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. Big Stock. USED CARS. No misrepresentation. . . . MOTOR . . . CAR , Prices Right. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent H v changed, bought. Bentiey Co., East 7050c bC ALES overhauled and repaired, inquire! FOR SALE: Cash register, safe, adding may. cmne ana iupwcmb. j ii at., near Ash. GENTLEMAN 8 leather coat, also 3K; ideal for machine; aimoat new. Call East r -i . It F.ED baby buggy cheap if taken at one. FINE soda fountain and fixtures for sale I r neap. ooaiaw n o o. ICEBOX, height 7 ft., length 6 ft width 3 I it.; -i umniii st. Main 549. ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale, picked and uemereq. ic per pouno. Tabor K43S. BIKE In fine condiUon. 515. 95QS 58th ave., I SINGER sewing machine, box top. tic her. $. 9.0S 5-Mh ave.. Lenta good I Roy a I j ANN h cherries, 7c lb. on tree, Ta- I FOR SALE Diamond. 85-100, cheap. Main OWNERS NEED MONEY, . You Will Find Real Value in These: Elgin Six Sedan. Bulck Six; it's a '17. Hudson Super, Dort Chummy, Studebaker Four, Chevrolet CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 8. W. Cor. 15th and Washington SL FROM NOW ON WB ARE GOING TO OF- r cn, a cr-coiAL. HAKUAIN EACH DAY IN A USED CAR. WATCH OUR ADS run nia ar-coiAU. TODAY'S SPECIAL. SOME BUY. 1917 STUDEBAKER TOURING. $725. THIS CAR CARRIES OUR USUAL GUARANTEE. AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN "BEAUTY SIX DISTRIB UTORS. NINTH AND COUCH. 1913 HUDSON touring car, tires practically new, a real bargain. iuu iJurnsiae su, Bdwy 93, ask for Mr. Smith.. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes ox cars ana sell their parts at half price. David Hod Co., North Broadway and Flanders. BY owner, late model Oldsruoblle, 8-cyllnder, in perfect condition, looks like new, worth $1500: for quick sale. $1000 cash. See car. Singer Store, 3&2 Morrison st. 1118 SCRIPPS-BOOTH touring, run 6000 miles: Une condition: S100 in eouioment terms. 534 E. Burnside. Phone East 6508. I ESSEX 1919. .touring, brand new; will con sider trade on Chevrolet or Maxwell tour ing, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. MUST se-il my 1919 silver anniversary, 8 cynnaer Apperson; just iiae new; run 4oo mi. ; cost $4200. My price. $3200, with terms, eee owner, aoi iutn st. I 5725 HUDSON Six. 5-passenger: fine con dition; nice appearing; gooa tires; nothing wronx. Simmy must nare money. qui 37th st. Richmond car. I $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TUlKl.Mi UAtU A-l LUAUlliUA ; HUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 19ti2. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in best of con dition; good tires; win sell at $775 and give terms. 50 wrand ave. lorth, near Burnside. A PINK wool bedroom rug, 9x12; two 3x6 to I maicn; -mj. xaoor -too. LIGHT SIXES. CHERRIES Royal Anna and Black Re nub-I 1 1 1 us. t.wa i.un ave. o. ru., aeil. 277 FOR SALE Black Republican cherries, 8c puunu, u:irrru. Jiain O.0. BLACK REPUBLICAN cherries 10 cents lb. ici r.ast .ii n sc. 1917 Bulck six. In nice condiUon; see It oeiore it is too late. I PAINTING as part payment on mv late. model automobile. .Phone Mr. H age man. w am. or leave pnone numoer at Marshall b67. 1917 CHANDLER at sacrifice; must sell; will take terms. Call Broadway 1270, ask for Mr. Smith. Overland, model ar; look it over. MAXWELL 1917 touring, just repainted and overhauled, a bargain at $650, some 6, cord tires; some I terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burn side. Bl.Nti cherries, 10c pound, picked. 5 blocks I ast Kenton Dane Augustine place. rOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 FOKD A-l condition. Hassler shock I absorbers. Tlmkin bearings In front wheels, I ovij i ires, an aro una. j. k. intensifier. Strom berg carburetor, front seat cut down for bed, dash lighL tool box, battery, .cut-out. etc. 3 almost new tires. Can be seen week days at Heaver garage. Union ave. ana tiotiaaay. si.,. Saxon six. listen! Here's a six for th price ox a i- ora. isow s tne time. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, .527 Washington St. Where Washington and Buraslde Meet. A SNAP in a late model Chevrolet Baby orana, run iiuu mnes, just nice new. Phone Broadway 1234, 11th and Everett sts. FORD touring car In best of condition; good tires; will sacrifice at $390, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. I FOR SALE 7-passenger Speedwell, a dandy car for naunng passengers, o gooa ures. Phone Bdwy. 1234. 11th and Everett sts. FORDS NEW AND USED. FORD PARTS, FORD REPAIRING. WILLIAM L. Hl'OHSON CO., 60 N- Broadway, at Davta Bdwy. XM AUTHORIZED FOKD DEALERS. CADILLAC 8, 7-passenger; first-class con dition. 19IS Chevrolet, first-class condition. 1919 Chevrolet. 90 per cent new- Overland, 5-passenger; $100 will handle. wo i;i.i .aaiiiaca. a snap. SEE WH1TE A STEVENS, 421 Burnside. Broadway 821. MY 7-PASS. JORDAN. It is practically new; has wire wheels, cord tires, spotlight, bumper and lot of extra; cheap. Call East 7338. MAXWELL TOURING CAR. We have two iate-model -touring cars. I MUST sell my Mitchell light six before Sat urday, in fine condition inside and out. Phone Broadway 2935. 1918 MAXWELL, good condition; delivery box rear; snap: leaving city.. 210 Yam hill. 40 ACRES pine timber; value $SO0 to $1000 to exenange zor gooa used car. AV 226, Oregonian. condition, will be found exactly as '"afj DODGE touring car wanted; will pay cash, sented and will be sold on feP"""y Apply Alice Hutchinson. 701 Corbett bldg. tttXi l"lf desired. Trade, will be taken. Sit FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 Garford I'-ton with express body top. side curtains and wind shield; excellent condition .JjlKOO 1918 Ford worm drive 1-ton; used 4 months: good tires and express body complete .-r TOO Beo speed wagon. 1917 model; fully equipped and in excellent condi tion 850 Ford 1-ton truck, gear drtve. In good condition; body, cab and wind shield 466 PARK AND EVERETT. BDWY. 1369. FOR SALE 3-ton truck, $900, good paying contract to go with sale, reascanabl terms. 490 Burnside sL, Bdwy. 93, ask for, Mr. Smith. AUTO REPAIRING. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. If your car is not working properly, call at the HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS and our free service department will tell you Just what is wrong witn your ma chine free of charge. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. hi. 2tka at. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1872 Division St. Phone Tabor 5918. We call for and deliver. EXPERT i . . AUTO . . REPAIRING. HAVE your automobile truck, tractor over- nauiea at your home by nrst-ciass me chanic. Call Marshall lbb5 before 8 and alter 5. GARAGES. GARAGE for sale: full of stomxe; cheup rent; shop full of work. Phone East 5201. 374 Union ave. N. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 UP TO $25. Meyer the Tailor pays hiichest cah prices for men's suits and overcoats, shoes, etc. THE MADISON" CLEANERS & TAILORS. 253 Madison St.. Near Third. Call Marshall 1229. We call anywhere in the city, day or eve. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay anv price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS & TAILORS, 117 2d SL, N. W. Cor. Wab. Main 9344. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for gentlemen's and ladles' second-hand clothes. Try m before you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 Burnside, between 3d and 2d. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men s used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off ciotning; highest cash price paid; will call day or nighu PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 2U9 Madison. CASH for your Ford, Maxwell, Dodge or Bulck. can Epple, Main 206. 50-52 N 20th St.. west side, near Washington. WANTED LIGHT AUTOMOBILE; MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION AND PRICE RIGHT FOR CASH. 530 ALDER. FORD truck wanted : must be cheap. Call 11 East 12th st North after 5 P. M tmt t a r 1 U. O.TON 1012 model Cadillac, new Graham Truck attachment, mecmoiwi tlon A-l, tires solid In rear, pneumatic in front, all practically new; Platform stake body, all newly Pn.-J1" electric lights and starter. Price $140 -.t-vt OTH-ITTTTTTJ 5 1-TON. 1918 Dodge with Graham truck attach ment, mechanical condition Periect, uj 4- n t-y- nneumatlc front. large body with top and side curtains, CASH paid for wrecked or badly damaged electric lights and starter; wil 1 paint Ford cars. Hale's garage. 429 E. Davis. ...it nnrnhamr. Price $1400. I -- - - . . n-mT xrr uiWRT. nFI.TVERY. 1917 Overland, first-class mechanical i(An ,nnd tire with extra; Will nnint to suit purchaser. Price $500. ALL CASH for late Ford; prefer roadster must do cheap. i 414, Oregonian. WANTED Late model Ford or Chevrolet. 244. & .fcuuingsirorth ave., apt. 7, evenings. Motorcycles. n-rtun rtPT.TVERT. 197T Ford, panel body, good mechan- i i JiUn tiram nl-n.ctlcallv new: will paint to suit purchaser. Price $400. leal condition, good Urea, Price $300. Open Evenings and Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. INDIAN, twin, 7-horsepower, Bosch mag neto, prestonte, gooa ures, running well; or wouia traae. nil ui vision st. labor i(o. TWIN HARLEY motorcycle, 1916 or 1917 moaei, in gooa condition; win pay cash for bargain. Apply Wed. before 12. 840 .mississippi ave., apt. xx. FOR SALE Harley-Davideon motorcycle. ai condition. Maxwell snop, loth and w asmngton. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of an auto. THE FOLLOWING ARE BIG SNAPS: .$ 475 I S-SPEED Indian motorcycle, fully equipped. a ream tanaem. oan ana see it. .Price reasonable. bi4 2d at. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY NS. 2O4-2O0 BO ST. Main G16V. 191S CLEVELAND, worth $180, sell $140; bargain, ah ozo, oregonian. 1912 CADILLAC TOURING . 1914 CADILLAC TOURING . 1917 PAIGE TOURTNG 1914 OVERLAND TOURING. AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN DISTRIBUTORS, NINTH AND COUCH. S-SPEED Harley motorcycle as good as new; casn or terms, xaoor 4iu. 875 I FOR SALE Cheap, twin Indian motorcycle. 875 just overhauled. Tabor 2702. I 1U12 INDIAN, completely overhauled; good tires; rnone Aiarsnau nzifo. Auto Tires and Accessories. SPOTLIGHTS, big snap, $3. all complete; regular retail price $6.50. Take, advantage this special offer. Mail orders C. O. D. 206 Railway Exchange. Main 967. Automobiles for Hire. TIRED CARS. Trade your old car in on a better one. valance easy terms. 1918 VELIE, 5-passenger. 1918 PEERLESS, 8-cyl., 7-pass. 1917 PEERLESS. 8-cyL, 7-pass. 1918 FORD SEDAN. $700. 1918 OVERLAND, 8-cyl 5-pass., cheap. 1917 DODGE touring. IftllS MTTCHRLL. 4-cvL. R-Dass. 1914 HUDSON, 4-cyL, 5-pass., electric equip., $475. 1910 CADILLAC, delivery body, $200. 1913 OAKLAND. 5-pass.. 5 tires, 5250. 1914 FRANKLIN, series 5, first-class, $850. 1917 VELIE, A-l, fine tires, $950. Our Motto "Every Purchaser a Booster." ' Open Evenings and Sundays. X. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD and GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. JUNK WANTED Full value paid-for rags. bottles, old clothing, tools, old furniture, scrap metals and rubber. Call. Main 734. 2U1H First street. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHING, FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF JUNK. MAIN 4776. 246 1ST ST. WANTED MISFIT AND DISCARDeTj CLOTHES OF QUALITY. LIBERAL CASH APPRAISEMENT. ALTERATION x DEPT. PHONE JROADWAY 1879. WANTED 500 S. C. White Leghorn pullets, March, April or May hatch; tmall lots ac cepted; state price and number. T 320, Oregonian. DENTISTSrTTENTIO? " Will buy your 2-h. equipment for cash. -What have you? Address T 312, Oregonian. WANTED .22 riile and .30-30 carbine. Call Broadway 1822, room 20. R 799, Oregonian.. DIAMOND wanted by party from southern Oregon, V to 1 KL; cash. V 824, Ore-gonian. WANTED Electric fan and rash register. The Vista Lady .tsarDers, 324 oouch, near 6th. WANTED Good pole, reel and tackle, trout; state casn price; give pnone number. An 595, Oregalan. WANTED Good second hand wood pipe. 4, a or b-m.; statu pianiy conuition, terms. BC 194. Oregonian. WANTED Used furniture at once. Call Main 5064. HIZZ Co., 705 Swetland bldg., want addrea of any one with appendicitis. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. Oregon Typewriter to., 94 otn. Lutomatio and 85 3d. WINCHESTER, Remington , pump shotguns. Hocnteia, HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for diA- monus. oan Marx, 2j w asnington. JUNK, rags, rubber, old clothing, tools, met' ais, trunks; gooa prices, cast aid. WANTED Second-hand spring wagon and single harness. AH 319. Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE; HIGHWAY AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. COR, 6TH AND WASHINGTON. Main 70S0. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. 86 10th st.. Broadway 840. FORD bug in line condition; new torpedo bady, some extras ; a bargain at $525, terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. roR SALE By owner. 5-pass. car.. fint class condition, inquire 403 2d at. TeL Main 5blo. both refinished and look new, are in fine I $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING running condition and will please you; low price and small payment down, our terms are most liberal in city. 525 Aidne au, ai auio vvorasa FORD light delivery, late model; thla car is in vpicnaia condition, gooa tires: $400; terms to suit. Phone Broadway 240 and mm win enu iub car out tor your In- I spection. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and I A i n er. READ THIS! 1918 Ford sedan. Goodyear cord tir shock absorbers, driven 1711 miles; it's a I new car tor oniy .to. terms. D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N. 23d St. Main 70. HUPMOBILE. the new comfort car. I have one 1915 model and one 1919. this year a both in fine mechanical condition; these cars are very economical on gas. tires and oil: they are cars that will give entire sa i i?i action. arraniH ror eariv oemnn- etration by calling Mr. Ireland, Bdwy. 217. "mi l uciay, tory win setl quick. A I R C"1 V "H ESS" KS. A I R T A N K S. I & TWO-SI OiE COMPRESSORS. A tr he. che k a'.v e. a f: y valves, mur'.inti and automatic aw itches, ver - tr.vr a - r if: ;i 1 r i:i COMPKESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO, Hr-i 'mv ,V2'. t'ouoh t. Launches avnd Boavta, STUTZ. Late model. T-pasenger Stutx. run 1 noo I mtlea, 4 new cord tires on car, 2 new cord I tire on rear, tan mt. rtutcninson. Main I on ho, or iw v ii cox oiag. WILL sell my 919 Ford touring car cheap I ana give easy terms to responsiDie party; I nr only run 2 months and Just like new. can owner, Jiarsnan oi.-o. LOCOMOBILE ROADSTER. This Is a factory Job and has soeed to burn, looks first class. Call at 525 Alder at. ana see a real car; price is low. AI avuio v oras. ALMOST new Henderson motorcycles, $lo8 in extras, will sacrifice at big discount with easy terms. Fields Motor Co.. Aider at inn. BY OWNER. 1919 5-passenger Grant six: five tire spotlight, motor meter, flower vase, etc; run very little; car better than new; will sell at a bargain. Act quick. Phone Main MUST SELl, my 1018 0;dniobi! Six quick I or casn ; poou new. never oil pa e- 1917 CHALMERS SIX ROADSTER New paint, six tires, three new: car In nerfeot mechanical condition; will sell for cash or take in ngnt car as part oavment: thi car is worm seeing; oy owner. Mam 2-i ment and ran only little over 4000 miles. I NEW 1919 Elgin 6, run only 1400 miles, bet- FOR SAL E 4-rtm furnished houseboat. woodhed float; bargain. 24 W'uiamette rr.i.ra k- FOR SALE 7-H. P. macneto. IW cah. h t. N. r.arl'ie engine, Bos4h P. J. Pierre, 145 E. $ll-x SH :uvi a ba'j:iul mTa 5-rooni :urn:sr.ea reuf-vur. laoor l . v Tj pew rltrrm. KENT A Remington: stefjI rate to sttt- den' Buy your tew Kemington now. In n-.ed at d-ivery. nawna'-k terms. Rem ir.goa Tpe-riter company. CUARANTEKD fartory rebul't tvpew.itrrs. A LI MAKKS. o'r .n mcn'.hly payments; erd for pric i;t. The Wholesale Type writer to.. r tail drpt.. 321 Wash st. RtRT'II.T typewetfent and stirpMe, Corona dgalera. E W. Pase Col 10 Sixth at- KEW. ret ulit. ir xnd-hand! rental .t rut raica P. L. Co.. 231 Stark aL Mala 14o7. ALL m ks typewriter rented and repaired. orgon Typ-a rr.rCe. 4 5th. Maui 5tia. FOR RENT Plant and grafcnola with rec arda, Empire Transfer Co.. Bdwy. 15$. Call 51aln 817. aak for Mr. Ereny. This will make you 1917 HUPMOBILE. think SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. BY OWNER. 5-passenger car In good con dition. 65th st., between 66th and 67th ave.. just out or city limns, can evenings. BUICK bug. new body, new paint, $225; can re seen at luncom oarage, inion avi and Schuyler. L-1S HUPMOBILE. Just as good as any 'IS in ton; cn-o your own paint joo. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. lJl'y CHEVROLET touring, a bargain ai $ Too, ome extras, trm to auit. Chev rol-t agency. 14th and Alder. 6-CY UNDER, 1918 chummy roadster, good as new in every wa; will aeli 60c on the II. CaU 2K1 12th st. 1W4 FOFID touring, good mechanical con dition. .50; a bargain. Tabor 3tfu, V E. 55 d St. N. CHEVROLET touring car. late model, extras ana spare tire, easy payment plan. $700 Fields Motor Car Co., Alder at 14th st. 191 STUDEBAKER., See this one. SMITH AUTO CO, PARK AND COUCH. ter than new, can be bought for siioo lex man new price; aiso fclgtn 6 for $950 These cars are both in AI condition and gooa ouys. tin ais in 440. A FLAT 1913 Chalmers tourlnr car in rnmt running order. Ara compelled to sacrifice at once, ioj casn. isu Newman sL; St. v i.uiri).y ram, cor. nunt St. FOR SALE Chevrolet, 1917, run about 3.V0 miles: first-class condition; price $550. See tne owner, i. 1. a-aiiora. Washington at. 1918 OLDS 8; runs like a top; new paint new tires. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. MAXWELL-BRISCOS roadster. $135. East 36th St.. cor. E. Main. 1917 CHEVROLET, good shape, $535. Call Tabor or 258 East 31st. APPERSON Good mechanical condition. $5 iaan ui mub tor i jiier car. jna:n .mg. 1917 SIX-CYLINDER touring, to exchange for roadster. AE 177. Oregonian. 1918 COUNTRY CLUB Overland. I43 after 9 f. 3d. 19IS FORD for sale. cash. is or t a ittn su See It at 243 CAR, AI CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. UALL 6AQ1 lWOa. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX; RUNS AND LOO.bB uaa r.r w. CAXJa TABOR 630. FORD motor, complete with transmission. just overnauieu aiiu in nua conoiuou. 120. NICE BUG Electric light; $225; must leave town, can at tf&o a. un sr., xo to 12 A. M. 6 to 7 P. M. MAXWELL roadster, 1917, In best of con dition; win sa.cn nee at 075, with terraa 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHALMERS roadster, in best of condition will sacrifice at $95, with terms. 30 Grand ave- N.. near Burnside. 1U1S DODGE roadster in very best of con ill tion. lnciuaing six new tires; can be seen at Autorest oarage, cor, mtn ana Salmon. 1918 BUICK 5-passenger, 5 wire wheels. In very Dest 01 conuition, can oe seen at Autorest Garage. 10th and Salmon sts. LATE model Cadillac roadster for sale at a bargain; cen u seen ai autoreai Garage, cor. 10th and Salmon sts. 1918 MAXWELL touring in fine condition; good tires; a bargain at sjto, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. $600 TAKES 1917 model 5-pass. car, electric light, starter, guuu urea. wwner, au North Sixth. Broadway 4130. FORD touring, 1917, In perfect condition; gooa tire. witn terms. 30 Grand ave. N- near Burnside. LATE model Hudson, first-class shape; will eacrtfice ior some casn ana security, own er, phone Woodlawn JJ854. SLIGHTLY used tires. $8 to $15 each; vul- canizea. zoc. npinug. 1 jaaaison. 1918 LIBERTY SIX. BOUGHT 1919 RUN ONLY 2600 MILES. Two hrand-new rear Thermoid non-skid tires, front tires nearly new, 1 spare tire and cover, spotlight, bumper, plate glass I in rear, original paint (good as new), good I mechanically as wnen it ieiL tne lauiorjr, must be seen to be appreciated. 1917 Grant six. In first-class mechanical condition ;$575, terms. VnrA roadster, newlv nainted. new tires. good as new mechanically; jou. Ford chassis for bug, good order, $265. BUTLER & WOOD, "SELLING USED CARS." At Approach of E. Burnside Bridge. Phone East 321. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. USED CAR BARGAINS. AT GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. 1 1918 Ford roadster $500 1 Saxon 6 roadster foo 1 1917 Maxwell 1 1917 Hupmoblle Big 4. ............ .IOOO 1 1916 Reo 5-pass. 1 1916 Dodge, 5-pass. 1 1918 MltcheU light six. f And over 60 other cars to select from. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, Grana ave. ana r.a?t oma n Phone East 7810. . Open Evenings and Sundays. MID-WEEK SPECIALS. Renault delivery; fine steel body; In AI mechanical condition; your own price. White 30, touring; fine shape; 4 new Racine tires. STUDEBAKER delivery; electric starter. White delivery; beat condition; good body; snap. Cadillac with good tractor attachment. tiABI i CKM o. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway, at Davis. Bdwy. 321. 4 BARGAINS. 2-TON GARY, completely over hauled and In AI shape; tires prac tically new, equipped witn cao, prestollte and platform body. This truck is an excellent buy for $2300; liberal terms to reliable parties. 2-TON GARY, practically new. This truck has not been driven over 500 miles, and is the best buy in town at $2800. 2-TON REO, good condition, equipped with delivery body, top- curtains and prest-o-lite; $700. -TON G. M. C, good condition, equipped with 2 brand new tires, delivery body, top and, prest-o-Uta, $700. GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 2162. Portland. Or. A HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniturt, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tdols, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all office furniture. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO. 221-3-5 Front SL FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY , FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. MARSHALL 69SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 First Street. A 1919 COLE 8. 4-PASSENGER, AERO TYPE. LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW. Equipped with 6 cord tires, spot light; bumper front and rear and a lot of other extras. Priced right. Will give reasonable terms. Call East 7338. FOR SALE: 1917 Ford bug. For partlcu- ara call msi bub. 1914 Ford. $250, at 1394 E. 17th L 611- ood car to pyoee ave. MUST sacrifice 1917 Paige touring like new; leaving r-ortiana; act qmca. ,aat 665 L 1916 OLDS MOBILE Al condition; buy see tnis. wouu awn 0100. HUDSON SIX 5-pass.. like new; fine con dition; quicn mie. rnail REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, 1918, special motor. good condition. iow. roone 621 Gresham. 725 CASH or terms buys 1918 Maxwell, fine conaition ana gooa tires. ia.u labor 630. DCDGE. $700; 1 Maxwell. $650; 1 Ford. $425- King -St. Garage, 168 King at, WIRE-WHEEL ROADSTER. . This Is certainly a beautiful car and all in a class by itseir, iooks rine, runs better; , in the best of mechanical condition; you i can get this car for a small payment down and balance monthly. 525 Alder sL, Al Auto Works A Painting Co. ESSEX 4, run 16 miles; will sell at sacri fice of $100, easy terms. Phone American Soda Works, East 564. 191P BUICK, 5-PASSENGER. 1700 miles only, like nw, cash or terms. Wooulawn 1639 or 839 Glenn ave. N. 1917 PAIGE touring; some class; wire wheels; Iooks line a million aouars. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. FORD touring car, 1918 model, for sale. Call East 6771. 1917 OAKLAND for sale; A-l shape; $600. Phone Sellwood 489. 1-TON FEDERAL TRUCK FOR SALE OR TRADE. 128 FRONT ST. WORM-DRIVE FORD. Will trade my 1 Vz -ton Federal for worm-drive Ford truck. A Bargain If Taken BD 312, OREGONIAN. ASK a White or Federal Truck agent why c 11 tneir irucas are equippea with the Aiemite lubricating system before leaving the factory. We can equip your truck, re rardless of the make, with this same sys tem, oaii, write or pnone ior informa tion and prices. Aiemite Lubricator Co., 432 Alder st. Phone Broadway 3500. I HAVE immediate steady work more than eight hours for several 46 -ton trucks, close to Portland ; small payment down, long time on balance; chance to get Into business for yourseli. Lt interested address B D 466, Ore gon ian. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE . SEE US. We are In need of all kinds of used fur- . niture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and otflce furni ture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 587. and our buyer will call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St. Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALLMAIN 809IMMEDIATELT, WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CIT FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE KURN1TUR0 CO. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TA.lk.OR, MAIN 809. - STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. Why have old furniture in your home when you can sell it and get new? WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES. PORTLAND FURNITURE STORE. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article ' or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 26u8. Crown. ' 1 WANTED 2-wheel trailer for hauling wood. liive tun description ana price. AJS 20, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1917 Ford truck, price $425. .Main ik'.u. FORD ton-truck for sals; 1918, sua Jiurnaiue su Apply at WANTED By private party, bedroom, liv ing room, dining room furniture and rugs; must be good and reasonable for cash; no dealers. AC 679, Oregonian. I WANT used furniture; will pay a much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Calef, dealer, 540Williamsava, WE NEED SE"COND-HAND FURNITURB of any description;' have the t ready cah. Phone today. Main 462 7, or 204 First su HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. CASH for office desks, chairs, files and Bares. Pacific Sta t y. A Ptg. Co. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices in city. Main 1633. HELP WANTED MALE, BARBER wanted; Morrison st. good suady job. 249