THE 3I0RNIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JT7LY 9,- -1919. IS IS 11 HELD IN SECRET the llarshfleld city administration to place the old Marconi wlreleae station on Telegraph bill under the city police patrol, to protect It from the depreda tions of tjoys who have partially de stroyed the interior of the building. Demand for Open Session Formally Sent Board. Is GOVERNOR TO GET REPORT Child Welfare Commission Conducts Inquiry; Bars Pnbllt Because Fearing Influence. Some time early next week, with scores of witnesses interrogated and their testimony duly digested, the child welfare commission will conclude Its Inquiry Into affairs at the Waverly baby home and will forward Its find ings to Governor Ben W. Olcott at Salem. Not m hint has rone forth concerning the progress of the investiiratton, for all sessions of the commission have been closed to the public, and the na ture of the report will not be divulged until Governor Olcott breaks the seaL The Waverly Inquiry. Instituted when charges of gross mismanagement, bad diet and unsanitary conditions were leveled at the home, has gripped the interest of the Portland public as have few other civic matters within recent years. Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull of the com mission said yesterday that the secret progress of the inquiry had been dic tated by a desire for thoroughness and expedition rather than by any intent to suppress the facts or limit the scope ef the probe. Bias Feared Krosa Crowd. Public sessions, explained Mrs. Trum bull, would have drawn record crowds and tended to create an atmosphere of rancor and invective. And witnesses, in two or three instances, had freely im parted testimony that would have been withheld had the sessions not been ex ecutive. said Mrs. Trumbull. Leading the fight against the secret Inquiry, which she declares will fail to licit all of the facts which may be arrayed against the msnagement of Waverly home. Is Mrs. Ella H. Klippel. who sponsored the first alleged expose and whose charges of malnutrition and neglect brought about the demand for an inquiry into conditions, both past and present, at the institution. "X know, from Information In my possession and from wttnesses who will be produced by me. as well as by oth ers." said Mrs. Klippel." "that any re port that may go to Governor Olcott, without such a full exposition of all the facts and circumstances relating to the past management of the Waverly baby home, will not disclose the full truth or the full facts with reference to the past management of that institution." 9eeret 8eaaloa Jrka. Summoned before one of the com mission's hearings Saturday night. Mrs. Klippel Instantly declined to testify at a closed session, reiterating her opinion that the Inquiry is of right the concern of the public, and her be lief that secrecy will tend to drag out tee whitewash Irom the cubbyhole ol civic affairs. In a letter to the child welfare com mission, dispatched to that body under date of yesterday. Mrs. Klippel re peats her position and offers to pre sent not only h-r own testimony, but that of other material witnesses. If the commission will but name a day for a public hearing. "I will gladly bring forward my evi dence." offers Mrs. Klippel. "both oral and documentary, and produce such witnesses as are within my knowledge, to the end that full justice may be done, ana that the institution may be, If possible, placed upon a high plane of management such as its character demands. Pablle Heartag Asked. "1 hereby make format request and demand upon your honorable body to appoint, in the very near future, such a public hearing as will give Vll par ties tn interest an opportunity to be heard." Waverly baby home, the target of suppressed individual criticism, as well as of a specific official report on the part of the women's protective division of the police bureau, became a storm center of open criticism sqme weeks ago when an epidemic of malignant dysentery caused the death of 14 in fants in less than a fortnight. Though existing conditions at. the home were not held to be directly re sponsible for the epidemic, the gates of Attack were opened. Following the rubllc airing the board of directors of Waverly home asked that an official inquiry be instituted, and Governor Olcott directed that It be made by the child welfare commission. STREET SPEAKER BEATEN Socialist Saved From Attack: by Ar rest Before Mob Acts. LANCASTER, Pa.. July . A mob of S000 persons last night attacked W. W. Cox while he was addressing a street meeting at Columbia. Cox. who was severely beaten, was placed under ar rest. The crowd then marched to the home of J. T. Brenner, a prominent socialist. Constable Blair of the borough appealed to the crowd to be calm and promised to place Brenner under arrest, which he did. AMCSFMKNTS. TOO T.ATE TO CXASRTFT. HOCSB TO RENT. Id-room house. 4 bath rooms, fine for hlKh-clars rooming house. - US Hoyt at. WANTED First-class metal polisher. John O. Golden Co. plating works, Sellins- Hirsch bldg.. SRI hi Washington St. 1 r N'HT gt'gplng room. Tatvr lrwfl. AMTJiMiyrs. A MATINEE TODAY ALCAZAR With MABEL WILBER OSCAR FT OMAN la the Smart Musical Comedy "VERY GOOD EDDIE" oily Tunes Bsppy Time I J Jost Fon Jolly T W E e. SOr. T.Vc. $1. W f J ' NEXT "THE ed. and Kat- SAc.SOe ONLY TICKETS NOW SELUXG FOR ENGAGEMENT HEILIG Broadway at Taylor Main T. and A 1122. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. TODAY, 2:15 iZ TONIGHT 8:15 CHARLES PRO TIM AN PRESENTS Wrf m otis. SKINNER in His Greatest Success THE HONOR. 4 OF THE FAMIIY r Tonight Entire lower floor 53. Balcony. 9 rowa 13 ronj, si. oallery. reserved. 7Sc; admission 60c. Wed. Mat. Kntire lower floor S1-&U. Balconr, a rows Si. 13 rowa &Oc Ticket Office Sale Now Ope a. STt-N T , 1 z T- wr 1 l 1 1 I'l HoMffllttsiSil NEW TODAY. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified, for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ' ACCORDION PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING. HEMSTITCHING. WE PLEAT skirts, any style. 51: hemstitch ' ing 10c per yard: buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. 85 a 6th at. Bdwy. 2U00. AGATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELER JEWELRY and 355 Wash. st. wutch repairing. Miller's, Majestic theater bldg. ALFALFA MEAL, GROUND FEED, HAY WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade, M 866' ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS courts. A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In 802 Northwestern Bank bldg. CANCER TREATED. L. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED, 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. RUGS The kind that weaer the best are made from vour worn-out carpets oy the Northwest Rub- Co. (former address 1S3 Union ave.). RaR rugs woven, all sizes. Caroet cleaning. refit tine and resizing. Hail orders solicited. 1S8 EL 8th. i'MOAS EAST 3580, B 128a LYRIC MUSICAt COMEDY - MAT. DAILY, lOe ONLY. DILLON A FRANKS, the Funsters, with the Rosebud Girls In -THE TOURIST." MDce and Ike at ti- Summer HoteL All laurnter. music and jrettv alrls. Country Store (extra) Tuesday night. Chorus Girls' Contest Friday. P A N T A G E MAT. DAILY 2:30 Alexander Pants Presents 8 8HIUMIE DANCERS 8 Is America' I .a test sod Greatest Tracing Sensation 1 First Time In Portland) OTHE& BIO ACTS 6 Thre Performances Pally. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. TOO laATE TO CLASSIFY. H. K. room, $3; phone, bath, close in. west side. 221 13th il WANTED Experienced Janitor for apart ment house. Call Woodlawn 3092. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Keg Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send lor Booklet. 9x12 rug's steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. 84-58 Union ave. N. East 6516. B 147C. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 887 Washing-ton. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100" chiropractor Throng's pronouncing; treatment easiest. best, permanent. 81 -treats" $15. Tel. DR. W. L. HOLLOW AY. D. C. oxyaen vapor for rrip and after flu effects. 705 Dekum bldg. Main 4133. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florella De Veny, the only scientific chironodlsts and arch spe cialists in the city. Parlors &02 Gerllnger bldg., s. W. cor. 2d and Alder, l-bone Main 1301. , AUCTION PALES TODAY. At WUsen's Aoetloa House. ! Furniture. 169-171 Seeond at. HASSALO CIRCLE YVashIn Clara Kimball Young it artoa "The Road Through the Dark' Also big 2-reel comedy. "Independence, By Goh." and Pathe News. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning; until o clock t the follow Ing mo mine BASEBALL Portland vs. San Francisco VAUGHN-STREET' PARK JULY 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13 GAME BEGINS: 3 O'CLOCK SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. DAILY METEOROLOUICAL REPORT. "'"""i'. "r.. July a. Maximum tern FTatiire. si d-tr.ea; minimum lraprature. --- nun in.;,(. 3 .i.. n ; fr: rilansa In last 2A h'.urs. 0.3-fo.t fall Total ramriil ..1 P. M. to 5 p. M.). n.uie: to la. rain:a.l smc. September 1. 1.11. 41.17 in. nrm. normal ratn.'a.l since September 1, -. i . inraaa. ! :!. len.-r ol rainfall sine wpt'mtar I. 1J1-. inches. Sunrise. S.Jtf j.. ..... tunm. n. t". m.: total unhgn i- noum minutes; possible surshsne. 15 n.,i.ra . minillM. JUO"nrl... 5 37 I. M mont. 1:44 A. M. Baromerer (relu-ed -a ieu. j t". 31. Inches; re.atlvs ,uuiimj mi noon. per rent. THE WEATHER. rranoNs. re t E ! 2? ! S rf .1:5 S ? :t I : : : ft 2 hi 1 a r Hls- HojiTon ....... "'srT Chuaco lnr 1 Moines. . . Kurka lisl VMCtOfl He.n tJunsau Kahaas ritr... ! s .. Marshf;;d ... MtnnMr'!li . . NfW Or.eans.. New York Nrrth He-T . . .North Yakima. P?)onix roft'snd Rorurr Sstcramtnto . . St. Uu - Sail L .... Psn , Saa Francisco. Pa:t) si-.tka , Snkne Tacoma Tatorn Island Va;dex tval'.i Walla..! V?ilnftoB . . XVinrlnec Watfce. 02 o oil . . s Cier Too. o- . k Ipt. cloudy HJ .! . . V Br; II.INI t Pt. c.oudy io ;loudy 'i'le-ar iler M'ar . . . Uloudr 1" ;it. cloudy Pt. cloudy 64 ! .o . . sV T H.'d t w ;pt. cloudy m T- .n '.' sK "lesr .".' 0.V 24 NW "r 4x ivj ii m vV "!ear T4 lv.- o n! . ..N W Oar 4 l' rt.Oti . . NV Oar .i n.tMt 14 v riear Si M . . OA . . - .rip TO 104 n.iv. s inear To s o.irt. in k Pt. cloudy vo o.fv. 14 XW Oar i4 To.iMtiow pt. cloudy 5 o.oo u SV riear :4 Tn rt.ix. n xw rsr iio 5 o v . . . . ..-c-iAudy 4 v? o.oo'. . nt rvr J.'- ?io.oo .. n Clear 0 eo 0. ..'W 'near 46 .rt.l ..! Rsin .11 0 o. . . W ;c.ear M 2 0.0 . . FT. Oar 12 0.00 22 Clear t M iv1st. P M. report of preceding day. CHAT 0. 46. Tomorrow Im tke bis day at THE OAKS. We feel we eaa safely promise yon the moat wonderful, the moat thrill- injr diapiay ol ft rework ever hroucht to Port la ad If you jola the throaica at THE OAKS Thursday even in a. The big display of flame will start aa noon aa t he daf kaesa la deep eaoufth, and will last Ions; eaonjch to P res? at some of the moat apeetacnlar aad splendid pic tares ever attempted la powder. ot the least of the majestic crea tions for Thursday aljrht is oaerep- tlaa; aa eas;aa:ement betweea odera srun boats. iaht flrtna; aa practiced la the trenches overseas will be vividly res resented aad aeorea of other re marks hie works of art aad a;ealua will mark the display. Special aceommodatloas have bee a arraasred ao that all may witness the patriotic eelebratloa. Come early aad atay late! Today, friends, la children's day. ad everyoae at the bis; park la eea terlna: all effort on ma kins; the day plcaaaat for the little folks. Brln them out now. One free eoaeessloa and Kate free to S P. M. todsy. Cars at Urst and Alder. 9lx eeat fare. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Maaaajer. Fireworks Tomorrow 1'lsjht i MEETING NOTICES. Members are notified we will pay a fraternal visit to Samaritan Lodge, No. 2. I. O. O. F.. this (Wednesday) even- in r at s o clock. A Joint at a nation of officers will take Din. J. DAVENPORT, N. O. F. COZENS, Rec Sec CHIROPODIST. DR. LOUISE B. COX, aseptic chiropodist, of fice 405 RalelEh bldx.. 0th and Washina- ton. Hours t A. M, to 6 P. AL, Sundays and evenings by appointment. DR. GARTNER, specialist, foot arches made to order, corns and bunions cured. 310 S wet land bldg., 6th and Washing-ton. Alain 1081. fm 15 - LaO SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, I. -O. O. F., meets every Wednesday. 8 P. M.. at Odd fellows' temple. 22 Alder st. Tonight Joint installation of officers with Hasan lo No. 15. Minerva No. 19 and Villa No. 124. Visiting; brothers in vited. EARL R. AD KINS. N. G. . JESSE T. JONES, Sec Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening. East Sixth and Alder streets. Joint Installation of offi cers of Omega Rebecca and Orient Lodge, No. 17. KAY MAN AG HAN. N. G. STARR, Secretary. Lodge, No. 67, come. All that there is to the mountains, the woods and the ocean, right at your door, 20 minutes from town. Bathing on the mile of white sand beach. Dancing Every night on the largest floor of all. TELEPHONE OPERA TORS will be there Wednes day night They invite you alL COLUMBIA BEACH The smile-Ber-m .sate" f aa resort PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 3. R- A. M. Special convocation today (Wednesday), at 5 and 7:30. Royal Arch degree. Vis itors welcome. L. L. SCOTT. Acting Sec WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. IS, R. A. M. Regular convoca tion this (Wednesday) evening, East Eighth and Burn side sis., at 7:30 o'clock. R. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order ' ROT QtTACKENBUSH, Soc ALBERT PIKE LODGE. NO 162. A. F. AND A. M. .Special communication today (Wednes day), juiy . afternoon at o'clock, and evening. M. M. de gree. Visiting brethren wel- G. W. COOK. Sec FRIENDSHIP LODGE, No. 160, A. F. AND A. 11., E. 43d and Sandy road Special com munication this ( Wednesday) eve., 7:30; F. C. degree Visit ing brethren welcome. - H. F. CHAPIN, Soc MINERVA LODGE NO. 19. I. O. O. F. All officers elect and members are requested to meet with Samaritan lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F.. anB other lodgas today (Wednes day), July . 8 P. M. F. S. WILHELM. N. G. Pro Tern. PETER WIEDEMANN. Sec PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 2fl7, WOMEN OF MOOSE HART LEGION All members are requested to be present at the meeting this (Wednesday) evening. July 9. Hear the report of delegate to Mooseheart. Re freshments. EMBLEM Jewelry, out'ona. charms, pfaa w designs. Jaeger Bros.. 1S1- Sixth at. FRIEDiaANDER'S tor lodge emblem elaea plop and medals. 810 Wmshlngtoa at. GRADUATE lady chiropodist, 610 Bush-Lane oiag., cor. uroaaway-Aiaer. open aunaayg. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigraphing, mim eographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. WANTED Collections, or Tabor 20:29. Poe toff ice box 233, NETH A CO., Worcester bldg.. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. ALISKY Dancing academy, 3d. and Morri son. Private Instructors day and evening Class social dances held in M. W. A. hall, 11th and Burnside sts., Saturday evening. KATHARINE M. ROWN guarantees to teach all dances In 12 private lessons. 12 lea eons 5; 4 lessons $2. 603 Eilers bldg., bet. 4th and 5th on Waah. au Alain 5004. MRS. BAHY'S DANCING academy, 3d floor Dekum bldg. Private lessons any ana eve. Social dance Friday eve. Main 1345. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 2d at. Ball room and stage dancing; class Tues., ri. eve.; children specialty. Main 2100. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. K STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Pittock block. Broadway 1099. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. All kinds of landscape work. Phone Tabor 4661. EM XL THIELHORN. violin, vioia teacher; pupil Sevcik. 7 Flledner bldg. Bdy. 16i'9. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. i.nousanos ot sauaflea customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W . tieodman. Opto metrist, 209 Morrison. Main 2124. GEORGE RUBBNSTEIN, the optician, re turned from the service. He 1 - expert eye titter and bis charges for glasses are very reasonable, batisiaction guaranteed. 22i Morrison su Fnone Main 2tfL PAINTING. PAINTING Zistle Malone. 691 Umatilla ave. or 624 Clifton st. aeilwood laa- At Standard Factory No. 2 Grand Ave. and East Taylor Sts. POWER MACHINE OPERATORS to learn on Shirts and Overalls Mackinaws and Overcoats $10.00 per week while learning. Forty-four-hour week. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY Experienced operators are earning from $15 to $20 weekly REAL ESTATE. For Bale -lloosa. - - 3RVJNOTON SNAP. Hr Is, ws believe, the rst buy for thn money in Irvinpcon; ;i splendid 7-room home with all the mc-dern .nvenlenees; lartte reception hnll, very fine living; room with cosy den: dinins room and kitchen extra larse and well arranged; three blK bedrooms with large, light closets; sleeping porch and fine bath: fireplace pood fur nace and biff basement: very large front and back porches: the lot Is full size with a fine lawn and many flowers; well located as to car service and neighbors; has Just been painted outside and Inj'interior whit enamel throughout. This would be a good buy at 7.)'0. but we are authorised to sell it for $(iufl0, and on terms; w think this is the greatest snap offered tn Irvtngton and we know the property wiH sell quickly at this figure. THE FRED A. JACOUS COMPAVT, 104 5th St. Main 8S89. rAIEsI AXXOiCiEStS. B. C. WRIGHT 22 years 'experience, U. S. and foreign patents, wll jJeaum oiag. GUUBtlRS, 20 Worcester bldg. Main 2525. JPUYSIC1AXS. DR. R. K. WATERS, aoa Swetland bldg. Ones' increased elliciency drugless treat OUOment, goitre, paralysis, headache, ap pendicitis, liver, kjaney. a DR. R. A. PHII.T.IPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female aisomers. ekta affections, blood press are. PL.UMBINO SUPPLIES at wholeal prices. btarke-liavis Co., 212 Tnlra. main mi. PRISTrXO. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping, iimi w corner Stark, slain or A 1418. IDIUTHUfi F. w. I)llll 1I1U BALTES & COMPANY, 1st and Oak sts. Main loo. A 1106. SAMTA RICM. W SANITARIUM E. rnn for business: treats chronic dis eases ot any nature. 73 Hawthorne, corJ E. 21st. . SECOND-HAND STORES. EVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St. We buy and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Main ttait). A 7174. ; Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 1867. Frank E. Watkins, Manager Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan, and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence solicited. 106 SeconU St. Phone: Main 1644 MUST PE SOLD RV WEDNESDAY. . 22M A BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2,50. ADJOINING PIEDMONT. Very attractive 5-room modern bunir low. full lot, just repainted IlKht French gr&y, with white trimmings, re tin ted throuchout, just like new, 5-piere plumb ing set of white enamel, electricity and gas. good basement and laundry trays, very artistic indirect light fixtures. vacanX, Immediate possession. You'll say Ifs a real bargain. Easy down payment, ntlT balance only $2$ per month, no mortgage or street liens. We have over 8-00 other homes for sale, photograph of every housa In our office; at your convenience ona ot our machines will call for you. Sea PRANK L. McGlTIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abtngton Bldg.. Main 10S. Alain K156. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. SPLENDID ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN $4500. We have just secured one of the test bargains in Rose City Park; on East 45th street only one block from car line; splen did two-story., six-room house, complete In every detail; all rooma very large and well arranged; three big bedrooms with large, light ulosets, fireplace, furnace, full basement; good garden In, lots of roses; this is a real house and there is no better location in Rose City Park. The property is worth over J.Vioo, but for quick aale owner will take $4500; $1000 cash, balance terms; shown by appointment. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, REALTORS. 104 5th St. Main 6869. PORTABLE SHOW CARDS A.VI SLIDES. WASHINGTON Slide Co.. Soltt Washington. Mezzanine Floor. Majestic pick, sm. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE-BAOGAGE. 13th. and Kearney. Branch 68V4 Broadway. PHONE BDWY. 3309 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer and Forwarding Agents. TRACKAGE. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. 124-12 FIFTH ST. BROADWAY 454. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 G LIS AN ST corner oi imu. a eiouuuo , or 1169. We own and operate two large claws "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in wip FORECASTS. Portland and vjolnlty Fair, continued Warm: gantle nrth weatrrly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, continued Warm: gent I aorthwe:r!y winda Idaho Fair and continued Wireless Protection Asked. MARPHF1ELT. Or.. July S. (Spe ciaX) The navy department head quarters at Brcmarton has requaatad Dance Tonight COTILLION HALL Portland's Dancing; Palace, coo lent and best ventilated hall. Fall-Dear. nir spring: xioor. onaenui orcnestxa Daaelaa: every eve alas;. ADVISMOX 25c AXD Me l.VCLLDINU TAX Except Satnrdaya aad Ball day a. TELEPHONE OPERATORS BENEFIT DANCE TONIGHT. JVLY 9. Double-Header Tickets Good at Cotillion PIED. MOI.Ij In this city. July . Therkla Hasel Moll, aged 27 years, beloved wife of Les ter L. iloll. of U703 Foster road, mother of Lester. Theckla. Vivian Moll: daughter of Mrs. Theckla Bright: sister of Mrs. T. M. McSloy. of this city: Mrs. Leo Jessen. of Lrfs Anaelen: Mrs. Lee Kt. Clair, of Ocesn Park. California: Charles Bright. Fred Bright. William Bright, all of Los Ange les. The remains are at the funeral par lors of A. D. K.nworthy. 5S0204 2d St. S. E.. Lenta Funeral notice later. GIBSON At the residence. 445 Eleventh street. July 7. 191v. Thomas Gibson, age 72 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Alice Gibson, father of Ruth end Svbll Gibson or this city, and Irving Gibson of Sacra mento. Cal. Remains at Hoiman's funeral pannrs. uneral notice later. POWELL In this city. July g. 1919. Thomas Powell of Doris, Cal., remains at Hoiman's runeral parlors, f uneral nouce later. HOSPITAL Dr. Q. H. Huthman. veterlna rian. 314 East 7th at. East 1847. B lo2. ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st St., Portland, Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 104 FUEL. SLABWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. M.ain 5540, A 2118. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co, 187 W. Park st MADiSON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF- fice, 1S Maaisan st. id forwarding agents. Phone Main 1691. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE 4 TRANSFER CO, 105 Park St. Main 5195. A 1051. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-454 Glisan St. WATCH REPAIRING. $37 -$48.50 - $58 and Up mm. v ivioaerg. vjnsirucuon Company 315 E. 11th St. East 5114 SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rn and Woolen nothing. ' we Make Reversible. Uand-Uuven FLUFF RUGS "TIey Wear Like Iron. MaU Order; Menl fnT Booklet. Rag Rags Woven, All Size. Carpet Gleaning 84 Union Ave. N. East fiHlH. "r 1i7K 5y2i Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co, 8. BANK BllLIJI.NG BEAUTIFUL HOME IN IRVINGTON. By owner, atory-ana-a-ha)f bungalow, containing living room, dining room, dn, breakfast room, reception hall and kitchen downstairs; 3 beautiful bedrooms and Sleeping porch and artistic bath upstairs; all the built-ins. house throughout In Ivory, toilet up and donwstajr. hardwood floors, full cement basement, finest furnace and artistic fireplace, fruit trees, one block from car; house built for home 18 months ago; double constructed throughout: owner leaving city; price J75O0, half cash, bal ance 6 per cent; to be seen by appotnt ment only; no agents. AP 313, Oregonian. LAURELHURST. SOME NEW ONES, fl-roorn corner lot, bungalow, complete, with garage; improvements all in and paid; not offered before; 050. ALSO 6-room bungalow for $3000; all Improve ments paid. " A 7-room. 1 -story bungalow, aJI In old Ivory, for $5200. A 10-room house, fine location, best part of Laurel hurst and a big sacrifice, and several others. Get keys at Laurel hurst tract office. East ;.Hth and Glisan sts.. or phone Ta.borJi4.Kt; evenings, JEast 2088. WHO WILL PAY ONE-HALF CASH FOR THIS BARGAIN? We have a new five-room, strictly mod em bungalow, 'i blk. to Union-avenue car line, we can offer at the bargain price of $:ifc00 provided you can pay cash; IS good bedrooms with bath between, big fireplace, full cement basement, large front and bak porch built entirely of cement, lot in excellent condition; this Is a splen did home and well located; don't let this bargain slip without investigating. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 6S9. REAL ESTATE. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jew--irv Condition no object. Repairs a spe cial ty. Rainier Jewelry Co. , 449 y WOOD8AW9. WOODSAW WOODSAW Phone Woodlawn 8161. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th and Oak sts. DRY GOODS JiOTIONS. L, DINKELSPIEL CO. Stockroom and office 7 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Boagd ot Trade bidg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS..) 195 Front street WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front street MINING A 280-acre coal property, fully developed, millions of tons of dry, hard, clean lignite coal in sight; none better in the west; easily transported to market by water or rail; can be mined and shipped to Portland for less than $3 per ton ; same coal now selling at from $9 to SI per ton. This property for sale or lease at a very reasonable figure and terms; a rare chance for a party able to handle it. Wrce or see T. K-, 270 Graham ave., Portland. DON'T BUT REAL ESTATE, without knowing where your lines are. properties accurately surveyed by Quinn A Patch, civil and mechanical engineers, room 605 Oregon building. Phone Bdwy. 2736. For Sale Beacb Property. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL, 140 Front street ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and MorriBOn. WALL PAPER. W. P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d street FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors , Established 1877. Third and Salmon Stresta. Main . 607, A 151L. Lady Assistant Get TViat Happy. Healthy Habit Hop a CO Car Today to COUNCIL CREST PARK All Amuemnts Start 1 P. M. DancinH Kveoing iuxcpt sunoay .oscarti Sunday, rUNEBAL NOTICES. ATKINSON July 6, at his late residence, 4;il Graham ave., Arthur Atkinson, aged 11 rears. lather of Dorothy Atkinson, cous in of Robert Orr, at 2.17 Xnott St. Funeral service will be neid today (Wednes day). July 9. at 2:3u P. M. from the Grace Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of A-asn and Alblna ave. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Park cemetery. He- mains are at Pearson s undertaxlns; par lors, Russell st. at Union ave. Deceased was a mem bar of the Teams tars' .Local, No. 102. STANTON E. H. Stanton, the rIoved hus band of Mrs. Julia Manton, Main 559 Rurlag-e. July 7. Deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. D. O. Oliver, Amity. Ore gon; ilrs. J. A. Tanner. Portland; one son. B. E. Stanton, Plainview, Oreffon. Funeral services at 2 P. il. Thursday, July 10. at the parlors of Chambers & Co.. 248-250 Kiltlncsworth ave.. near Williams. Inter ment at Lone Fir cemetery. Friends invited. HERVET In this city. July 7, "Winard C. Hervey, aa;ed 56 years. Husband of Mrs. L.ucy Lincoln Hervey. father of Katherine and Elisabeth Hervey. all of tht city. The funeral services will be held at the resi dence, 551 East Forty-ninth street north, at 3 P.. M. today (Wednesday). Friends invited. Concluding services at Portland crematorium, direction of .F. & Dunning-, Inc.. 414 East Alder. SELLING At the residence, 76 Johnson street, July 7, Mrs. Simon Sell In. boloved sister of Mrs. Charles Kohn and Miss Eda Jacobs. Friends invited to at tend sert'.ces which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today (Wednes day), July . IV 19. interment 3eth Israel cemetery. Please omit flowers. THOMPSON In this city, July . 1P19, Scott Thompson, ace 6 years, late of 735 Third street- Friend Invited to attend services wnirn wm De neia at hoi man funeral parlors, at 2:30 p. M. tomorrow (Thurs day), July 10. 1919, under the auspice of Portland lodge L. O. O. iL Interment Mult noma a cemetery. STAFFORD At the residence, 13.13 Corbett street, w alter i nomas siairora, age 1 year S months. Remains will be for warded by the Holman Undertaking com pany to Libert yvllle. III., today (Wednesday-, where services will be held and in terment made. STAFFORD At the residence, 1353 Corbett street Caroline Stafford, age 34 years. Remains will be forwarded by the Hol man Undertaking company to Llbertyville, 111., today (Wednesday), where services will be held and interment made. STAFFORD At the residence. 1353 Corbett street, Richard W. Stafford Jr., age 87 years. Remains will be forwarded by the Holman Undertaking company to Liberty viJle. III., today (Wednesday), where serv ices will be held and Interment made. PUPKE The funeral services of Mrs. Haxel Pupke win De neia at tne conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. East Sixth and Eaat Alder streets, at 2 P. IL today. Friend invited. Interment Rosa City cem texJC , . J MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Services lor Lea. Independent Funeral Directors. Waab?" bat. 20th and aut West Sldj. Mala 26111. Lady Assistant. 7Ss. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS, llain . Montgomery at 6th. A loan. DOWNING A McNBilAR, buccessors to W1U1U.N ROSS. Uullnouian, at ! 7th, E. 64. IrvmKtoo district. McENTEE FILERS. -i Dialora, with ail tae privacy of a JeETaad T-Everett sta. Paon. Broad- way xlaiJHoma Ajiloi J F 8. DUNNING, INC 414 B. Alder.. Phone East 52. ' t service, personal direction, free of Iloral carpet aad auto quippient. DOWNING & McNElVIAR Successors to E. ' to. E. . irvingtop aumcL Sates) for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line. One Dne.. ; 12e Two consdutlve times .22e Three consecutive times ....30o Six or seven consecutive times 63o The following classifications excepted, tbe rate of which la 7o per line per day: Situations V anted Male, Situations WantedFemale. 'o ad taken for less than two lines. Count six words to the line. Adrertisementa (except "Personals") will be taken over tbe telephone if the advertiser la a subscriber to either phone. prices will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for Tne laily Oregonian until P. M-; for The Sunday Oregonian until P. M. baturday. GET A BEACH HOME now at Seaside, Or., in beautiful "Cartwright Park," at re duced prices; to $700; easy Install ments, o per cent; soon to be connected by - all-paved highway with eastern and sontnern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000-foot pier, will make "Cartwriuht Park"' one of the most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whitmer-Kelly Co., 414 Pittock block, Portland, Oregon, or Inquire JH , L).e, agent, uroaaway, beaside, TW BKAfMONT . NEAR KNOTT STREET A 6-room modern home, located on full lot; street improvements In and paid; house has exceptionally large living room; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, sleeping porch, Dutch kitohen, 2 bed rooms and screened-in rear porch. Mod erately priced at $4200. with terms. Mr. Brown, 270', Stark sL Main 1700; even ings Tabor 59. $22o0 I LEAVE JULY 15 2250 must s-ll my house before I go. 6-room, very attractive, substantial, mod ern bungalow; cottage, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement basement; eat-y terms; no mort gage or street liens to assume; full lot, 459 Simpson et., near 8th. See my agent, Frank 1 McGuire, Abington bldg., Main 1008, Main 5150. VISIT LAURELHURST TOD A Y. I have several bungalows In course of construction, one almoHt ready to move in. Don't pay fancy prices for an old home when you can get a brand-new one fr about the same. Drive out to Laurelhumt tract office. East 39th and Glisan sts. No trouble to show you. Phone Tabor 34alo; evenings. East 2086. SAXjTAIR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots, 50x100. at Saltair sta tion, Tillamook beach; near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces Pacific ocean; suit able for business or residence; value $500 will consider trade for auto, nrooertv oi merchandise.' Addre3B BP 207, Oregonlau. BEAUTIFUL building site, Cartwright Park, oia en iouaaay property, on ooara waiK corner 210x100, facing ocean; attractive as seaside home site or as speculation at low price offered. Apply Graham Glass. owner, 65 Broadway, Portland. Phone Broadway 1158. For Sale Lots. WEST SlaE 1 ACRE. At Bertha station; 3 blocks to car, close to school, level, good view. 8 full lots; gas. electricity and telephone near; few blocks to Terwilllger boulevard; 15 mniutes" drive center of town.. This S2000 site for $12, half down. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. LADD'S ADDITION. Elliott ave.. naar 20th and Hawthorne ave.; all street improvements paid; price $1500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St 50x100 LOT, with 9 bearing prune trees. South Mt Tabor, 2 blocks fronr. Haw thorne ave. car. free from Incumbrance. Will sell' on very easy terms. Phone East 2015 or address 322 East 15th north. . -s tf. M X AiU, iU" v uus.wis DU 1 f 0 ,i Mine st. Pnona sbroadway -t -- . dv auenaanu A. .WCa, - - - 44U. 1,. LiKKCil iuast 11th and Clay Su. Twelfth and Morrison fits. Broadway aos. A. D. KBNWOKIHI CO B 802-04 H2A St.. Lents. Tabor 15267. A. R. ZELLER CO. 682 Williams Ave. East 1088, C 1088. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d SXORISTS. T-nBLINtCR. FLORIST. S28 Morrisoa st, Portland bfteL Mar. 75. &48 Morrisoii bet. Bdy. and Park. Jaar. 267. xiiRTlM & FORBES CO., florists. 354 Washington- Idaln Sf.9. A 12USI. Flowers for all occasions artisucauy arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrisoa st. Main or A 1S05. Fine flowers aad floral designs. No branch storea PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder. Flow ers ana qcbieim . 7 aasuuauia. mar, o.f. IRVINGTON PARK. FLORAL CO., 4th and yamdlli. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A L!L Selling bldg., etn ana Amer an. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. etn ana dul mkid 1 . A not. M03CUMENT5. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tM 4tU St. Op p. City Hall. Men Broa. Irfh B LAPSING GRANITE CO. ITJ THIRaAT MADISON STREET 1 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 133 Courthouse, 5th St. ' ' Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5. Main 878. Home obone A 2525. Ms-ht call after office hours. Wood lawn 7t4. Report all eases) of cruelty to the aboTe saarrsA. Electric letnai cnamoer lor small , animals. Hone avmbuiaJice for sick and dis- abled animals at a moment's notice. Any- I one deftlrine; a dos; or other pet com muni- j cate with us. Call for all lott or st raved . stock, as we look after the immtuntlinr. There la no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. ADJOINING IRVINGTON. . 100x100. cor. 24th and Knott str, all Improvements paid ; price $2300 GOPDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON CORNER, $14!0. " The ' most si gh tly corner on 11th st. Cost owner $2400. J. I. Kennedy, 329 . Salmon. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Owner offers attractive bungalow with extra large living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and bath down, and extra bedrooms upstairs; modern, pleasant home, well built; good as new; nice lawn, loLs of flowers, beautiful location; low price for quick sale. 1030 Pacific St., 2 blocks from 33d and Sandy. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Hailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN (5-ROOM HOUSE. FIREPLACTB. BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASES, GARAGE; CORNER, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; 42iiu. TBBMS. PHONE EAST 3008. 5-ROOM house and sleeping porch, nearly new; bath, toilet, hot water, gas. electric lights; lot 100x100. Can give more lots 3 blocks from streetcar, 1 block to hard surfaced street, j:2,r)0, haiX cash; move right in. Near MV depot. A. M. Searle, 1124 E. Glisan. CLOSING THE ESTATE Modern' 7-rom house, close In, east side, property in good district, price $4."00, cah 42500, balance on ' terms to suit purchaser. Apply to George L. Kauch, 0(2 Yeon bldg.,, attor ney for the estate. Tel. Main 24ti(t. 5200 buys modern 7-room house on E. Burn- side st. is an excellent du.v, eitner ror home or speculation. Non-resident owner wishes quick action, hence the price. For particulars see Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg. MODERN Hawthorne bungalow, $4000; 8 rooms, rumace, iirepiac-e, ourret. book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment; all Improvements in and paid for; corner lot on car line, by owner, Tabor 4K73. SiX-ROOM. bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement basement, not-water neat, ail built-ins, including ice box; lot 50x100. 1157 Omaha ave., between Kenton and St. Johns car lines; $4000, terms. , BEAUTIFUL lot 104x82 in E. St, Johns clear of Incumbrance for sale on easy terms or exchange for auto or liberty bonds. Room 8S2, Cham. Com, bldg. . - IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 50x100, paving paid, $700. 75x100. E. 24th st., paving paid, $2000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 24.1 Stark St. ALAMEDA LOT. street paid. 1800. JOHN- SON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK bldg. LOT, 60x100, on Pacifle et., bet. 70th and 71st; $650. terms. - Inquire 130g 6th N. E. For Sale Business Property. W TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property. , Installment repayment privilege If preferred prompt, reliable aerriee. A. H. BIRRELL GO. XI 7-21 8 Northwestern Bank Baildla, Uarsfaall 4114, A 41114. . , HIGHEST class, corner lot in Portland, de sirable for apartment hotel site, 2 blocks from business, first, time on the market. Out-of-town seller solicits inquiry from parties interested in something big. AM 3D5, ' :Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 5-room, mod ern; iirepiace, Duiu-in eiiects, iuii cement basement, attic; East 44th, near Haw thorne. Phone Bert Morden, Main 7UT0, composing room. $50 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY. $550 for 2-room cottage on 57th st. S. E., good construction, 8 years old, 60x8tf lot, Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, ot Com. Open evenings and Sundays. IN LAURELHURST A modern house, colonial design; clone to car; price $5500, terms. Mr. Brown, 270 Stark su Main 1700; evenings Tabor 59. 5-ROOM house for sale at E. 62 d and Mult noma.h sts., $975; $500 down, balance on terms. Inquire 1613 Multnomah su Phone Tabor 8"JS. Garages Call for IHnatratfcsl WceLUt. ' -aal 354 AJifceny St. Phone Broadway 148. Sam Conneii Lumber Co. b - n iftr D!ir?p a (580 .1 bill I I1UUO 138. rrom om carpets. Carpet cleaning and iKiiuif. rtag raffs woven, all ausa. Mail orders solicited. - ' KORTUWEST FLUFF RUG' CO. Former address 163 Union Ave. EAST 3580 - B 1280 JOHN B. COFFEY, MORTGAGE LOANS. nsurance, Surety Bonds tOt WILCOX BLDG. Main 70. A 870 EVERGREEN STATION. Store and living rooms with 1 acre of ground rtgnt at- station, now leased as grocery, subject to sale; price $2850; terms $300 down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. INDUSTRIAL SITE 100x100, close in. east aide, on trackage; sacrifice; easy terms. , Owner, AP 300, Oregonian. CLEANING and pressing emporium, doing - good business; fine location; leaving town. Call 1st st. Phone Main 7670. For Sale Houses. $3150 MT. TABOR, good 7-room house on 100x100, good , bath, laundry trays, book cases.' etc.; cment ' basement, lotB of 1 -fruit, shrubbery and garden; good garage, near school; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N.-W. Bank Bldg. 8-ROOM, late, modern home, garage In base ment, best buy in the paper at $3800, terms. Phone Wdln, 8S80 or call 468 Rose-lawn. MODERN 3-ROOM HOUSE. Fine lawn and garden ; this must be seen to be appreciated. For details and terms phone Woodlawn 258.. MODERN furnished 7-room house, furniture like new, IVt lots 7x150. berries and fruit; nice lawn and roses; close in. 84 E. 52d St. N. Phone Tabor 5419. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn, 248 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Bes. phone Tabor 104. (5) FIVE-RUUM nouse; eiec, gas, full-size nil "Tl"-1 UCH lilLa 1IUII . GROVELAND PK., BLK HAW. CAR. $2800 Beautiful 5 large rms., fireplace, built-ins, enamel plumbing, concrete bast., artistic. 50x100, terms.. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 48u3. Xacamont. blocks from Hawthorne car; Dy owner. HtH k. aiam st. t rees : $2350; two sold A JfRAND NEW up-to-date 6-room bunga low, cheap. Will consider one or two lots for part payment. 2042 Hawthorne ave.; Mt. Tabor car. Owner. LAURELHURST home, 7 rooms, with or without furniture; owner at premises. 150 Mirimar place. . . $2460 ROSE CITT $2460. Bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, basement, bufet, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot, fruit. "G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland." . 100x200 $1650. All In. garden and fruit, good house; best buy on west side; former price $2000. MARSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bldg., Main 7359. Phone your wants ads to The Orego- nlaji. Main 7070, A 6095. 5-ROOM cottage, beautiful lawn, flowers, garden and chicken house; close in. Call owner, Eaat 217. FOR SALE Email bungalow, Multnomah, Or., 3 blocks north of school. See owner, W 237. Oregonian. 11100 CASH buys a beautiful modern 5-room furnished houseboat. Tabor 1220. IRVINGTON HOME. DEL AH UN T. EAST 1847. IRVINGTON. Modern 8-room furnished bouse, hard wood floors. East b748. FOR SALE 7-room house and lot in Irvine ton district. Call Bdwy. 2790. COZY COTTAGE, price $1250; terms. Siskiyou st., near 70th. R. C. car. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. KBUH AUSEN & CO.. Main 8078. Bast 394. $7500 WEST SIDE COLONIAL; 9-rm.l strictly modern; garage. Main 3730. FOR SALE or lease, an eight 4-room apart IRVINGTON JfUWO TO $8500. FOUR CLASbY HOMES EAST 419, i