Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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CHr Editor Main A a
hunday Kdnor Mala T"70. A
.dvrttlnc Upartmnt Main 7TO. A
Superintendent of Building. Mam 7070. A -SOWS
utorrlN with the following agents. t
your mnmr reaort. to secure the most
prompt delivery f The Ore iron i an. Cttjr
r Subscription by mail are payable In
a q vance :
Rarrtew, Or F. C Robirwon
Hay CHy. Or O. B. Shelley
li-- yocran. Or. ............... .F. D. Mitchell
Mnrhtnn. Or A. W. HO
rox Wuh C B. Smith
i-o). Or. . . .Cannon Beach Mercharalise Co.
iaribldi. Or S. M. McMillan
Oarha rt. r W. . Robinson
Long iMch. Wash W. K. Strauhal
Manhaitan Baca. Or. 1. F. Angel
.Martian it. Or. ........
Nahrotta, H'ash
Newport. fr
Venn Park. Wuh
I'a-rifli- Reach. Wi.h...
Hotkawav. Or Frank Mi!lr
-a-icj. Or A. J. Gillette
tfhipherd'a Hot Sprint's, Wh
Mr. N. St. Martin
."etv!iw. Wash George X. Putnam
Tillamook. Or J. S. Urair
Wheel-r. Or R- H. Cody
K Kardell
H. J. Brown
O. J- Herror
.Emm Campbell
. . Burke cole
HEfLIO 'Broadway at Taylor Otis Skin
ner In "The Honor of the Family." To
night. ALCAZAR Eleventh at Morrison) Alcazar
Musical Players in "Very Good Eddie."
PA STAGES-Broadway at Alder) Vaude
iHe: three shows dally. 2:30. 7 and :U5.
ItlPPODROMB (Broadway at YamhUIr
Vaudeville and movinr pictures. 2 to A.
44 to It P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous. 1:16 to 11 P. M.
STRAND Washington .street, between Park
and West Park Vaudeville and moving
pictures, continuous.
LTRIC Fourth and t-tark) Lyric company
In "The Tourist." This afternoon at 2:30
and tonight at 7:30.
COt.'NCir CREST Free amusement park,
Elevation lino feet. Take C C cars. 3lor
riaon or Washington streets.
THE OAKS amusement Prk car at First
and Alder) Armstrong Folly company.
COLUMBIA BEACH 4 Vancouver cars)
Swimming, dancing, amuaemeni.
On Sale at
Business Office. Oregonlaav
Portland Ni;ws TO Build. The Port
land News Publishing company. pub
1 1.-hers of the Daily News, "has con
tracted for the purchase of the south
west corner of Fifth and Main streets,
uoon which a two-story buildina: wi
le erected. The property fronts 60 feet
on Fifth street and 100 feet on Alain
and has a cross area of 8000 square
f. ct The corner piece. 0x70. with ir
regular depth, was acquired from S. A
rata. and the -0x100 on Main street
was boucht from Waldemar H. R.
Kinck. The assessor values the two
l-icces at $49,7iO and while the xact
nurrhasa orice is not disclosed, it is
ciiid to have been close to assessed
value. The deal was negotiated by W.
L Webb, acuns for the News and the
Stekl Products Export Manager
Coming. If. I Skinner, general man
ager of the Steel Products Export cor
poration, will arrive in Portland on
r rtday of this week, according to In
formation received by the Chamber of
'onnncrce. Mr. Skinners company has
been appointed sole buying; fcent for
the organization which succeeded to
the work of the French food commls
Mon. and is In the market for all sorts
of food supplies, cspcciali: canned
coods. xalmon. fruits, prunes, milk
and bucar. Shipment may be made
from tlx Pacific coast or the Atlantic.
During his visit to the city Mr. Skinner
will confer with local exporters rela
tive to Portland's ahare in the business
thus offered.
Kixsc Tradi Expected Here. That
the recent visit of the commercial mis- j
Mun of Finland, members or wnicn
iited Portland a fortnight ago. wil
i-.sult in trade relations mutually
vantageous. is the belief expressed 1
a Jetter from Jacob de Julin. pres
Int of the mfsMon. to Kdward X
vv ewibum. foreign trad secretary of
thc Chamber of Commerce. Writing; on
the eve of his departure from Ne
York for Finland. Mr. dr- Julm said: "I
look upon my visit to Portland as on
of the most important, interesting; and
(feasant, and feel confident that i
the near future a qutfae extensive trade
between Portland and Finland may be
able to crow."
Portland TiioroirT Too Oonser vattve.
Robert MallowcM. treasurer of the
New lpubhc publishing; company
New York, is spending a few days i
Porttand and was a caller at the Cham
.er of Commerce yesterday afternoon
Mr. Hallowcll Is greatly impressed wit
Portland s strategic advantages for
ommtinity itevclopment. but declares
that this city, like Philadelphia, is in
clned to be too conservatve. "I used
to thnk that the guaker Cty wore th
laurel wreath for conservatism." said
Mr. 'llallowell. " but. if I'm permitted,
I 11 have to hand it to Portland. You
hare every thing here that make a city
Wake up."
" Pixa or Guiltt Entered. As the
jury was about to be drawn to try
him on a charge of misapplying; funds
of a national brink. J. A1 Pattison en
trred a plea of guilty in the federal
court yesterday afternoon. Jerome
Mann, cashier of the bank. Is standing;
trial and today the Jury will be com
: lrted. Judge Kean ordered a special
enire of !." men secured for this morn
ing. Pattison and Mann were jointly
indicted. Pattison will be used as
witness against Mann by the govern
CRrorr Men to Meet Tomorrow. The
Portland Association of Credit Men will
hold their final meeting for the year
tomorrow evening, at (S:15 o'clock, at
th Hotel Henson. deMgnattng the scs
sion as "ladies night." In accordance
with the annual custom. The pro
era mine has been especially prepared
in honor of the ladies, and among the
speakers will be the president of Mills
college. After dinner an hour or so
will b spent at dancing. The affair
will be held in the crystal and Tyrolean
rooms of the Penson
Milk and Rest Cure. When the
nervous system is exhausted and the
organs of the body are performing; their
functions in a half efficient way there
is probably no treatment so quick and
complete in results as the milk and
rest cure. The Moore Sanitarium. 115
lUst -Rth t AldVr. Office 9tS Selling
building. Adv.
For Rent. Modern downtown store,
l.Si): No. 30 Oak street, between 5th
and th streets. Heat and water fur
nt.hed. -Wood display and offices for
ny retail or manufacturers agency
lines. Apply Strong & MacXaughton.
H Corbett bldg. Main 815. Adv.
.v as. Mat Andrew Wiqgins. of the
California Truth Center. San Francisco,
ttpeaks at the Hotel Portland assembly
room. S o'clock this evening. Public
invited. Adv.
lR. X. A. NtSBETH.
N!beths sanitarium has opened
ct fires at 3 3 -i J i Pittock block: present
phone residence. Tabor 93; treat
ments by appointmcnL Adv.
Ncttice or Removal. Edward T Tag
gart has moved his lav office to 11 01-;
Spalding; bldg, 3d and Wash., city.
Hill Military Acapemt. Portland. Or.,
teas a splendid primary department.
Make reservation now. Adv.
Walter Gleason returned. Law
off tee, old location, Mulkey bids.. Sec
vnd and Morrison. Adv.
Turlay makes good clothes: 421 Fall
ing bids. IZZa Third sl Adv.
Pr. One F. Wight baa resumed prac
t re. with offices at f0 Stevens bldr.
Te.epbene Main 17- Adv.
N strata Tea. Flavorr end good
s'rength. Ciosset A evera, Portland.
Grind everrtblnr. Portland Cut
lery Co.. li tth St.. near Stark, Adv.
Kiwanis Club to Meet. Portland
Kiwanis club will meet today at Ore
gon Grill. The meeting will start it
13:15 with a drawing for attendance
prize of a sack of flour donated by Bert
Allen, sales manager of the Crown
Mills. The speaker will be Lieutenant
J. A. Beckwith. formerly executive
officer of United States steamship
Marblehead and later captain of United
States steam&Mp Rainier. Over ten
months on parrol duty for the navy on
the Central American coast supplied him
with the data for his talk on "Trade
Conditions In Central America." In
ternational Secretary O. Samuel Cum
min gs of Kiwanis club will be in Port
land August 1. and the Portland club
will accompany him in a body to
Astoria, where he will present the
charter to the newly organized Kiwanis
club there. Ben Haxen of the board of
governors. Kiwanis club, is now in Chi
cago on business connected with the
190 International convention to be held
at Portland.
Chapters to Be Formed. Captain
Elvers, state chairman of the American
legion, will leave this morning for
Safcem and other Oregon cities where
he will complete the work of organiz
ing and installing local chapters of the
legion, preliminary work has already
been accomplished in the towns and
great -enthusiasm has been created
throughout the state. Captain Eivers
wll be gone about ten days, and will
visit Salem, Eugene. Roseburg, Med
ford, Ashland and other points. A more
solid state organization is hoped for
as a result of his tour. It is the aim
of the legion to Include every dis
charged soldier in Oregon in the mem
Victory Chorus Dances Tonioht.
The Victory chorus will meet tonight
in the Soldiers and Sailors' clubhouse
for its regular practice at 7:30 o'clock,
under the leadership of Mrs. Jane Albert
Burns. It was decided several weeks
ago to hold future meetings in the city
auditorium, but this order has been
cancelled and starting with tonight
the practice will be resumed at the
Soldiers and Sailors club. Following
rwe practice will be a dance at which
service men will be special guests. Mrs.
Norman Christie, girls worker of the
War Camp Community Service, with
Mrs. Albert will be the chaperones.
Three Dealers Face Charges. Upon
the complaint of the state dairy and
food commission warrants were issued
In the district court yesterday for the
arrest of three Portland dealers, S. W.
Mackenzie of Frye's Cascade market.
L. Neuoelman and J. J. Carlin of the
Albina Dressed Beef company. The
Frye market manager was charged
with selling sausage in which bull flour
had been used in the making, while
udelman and Carlin were charged
with selling sausage containing sodium
sulphite. The cases will be heard to
Credit Men Entertained. About 200
credit men of the city were the guest
of the Portland branch of R. G. Dun
& Co., financial publishers of New York
city, at a dinner at the Benson hotel
ast night. O'Brien Atkinson of Nw
York, general manager of the ledger
report Mepartment. gave a technical
talk on "Credits and the Interpreta
ion of Credit Information." New de-
eiopments in regard to reporting,
brought out by recent studies, were
illustrated by charts. William Young,
district manager of the company, was
Mrs. Ladd Figures in Auto Accident.
Mrs. William M. Ladd of Rivera and
party of her friends figured in
tomobilo accident at Eleventh and
Hall streets yesterday. No one was
injured. G. F. Allen, Mr. Ladd's chauf
feur, reported to the police that he
was driving east on Hall street when
machine driven by S. C. Hanson of
ast on. Or., came south on Eleventh
street and struck the Ladd machine.
Mr. Allen alleges that Mr. Hanson's
rakes were defective. The damage
was smalt.
Ex-Soldiers to Have Carnival. A
three-day carnival in honor of re
turned service men of Clarke county
will be given In Vancouver by grange,
labor union and business men during
the latter part of August under the
auspices of the War Camp Community
Service, according to G. B. Shadinger,
executive secretary, who was in Port
land yesterday. Included in the plans
are a barbecue, athletic events and
possibly a community sing and band
Casuals to Arrive Today. Seventy
nine casuals, en route from Newport
News to Camp Iewis for discharge, will
pass through Portland some time to
day. It Is expected that they will ar
rive either at 12:30 or 3:50 P. M. and
will leave at 4 o'clock. If they ar
rive on 1 he earlier train they will be
entertained by the Portland reception
committee and will be given dinner at
one of the hotels and later taken to
(he Multnomah club. Most of the men
arc from Oregon and Washington.
Game Law Violator Fined $23. O.
Albertson of 8.11 Alberta street was
fined $ Jo in Judge Dayton's court yes
terday, charged with violating the
state game laws. Albertson was ac
cused of having celebrated the Fourth
by catching undersized trout at Eagle
creek. He was arrested by deputy game
warden C. W. Delg, who asserted that
he had II trout in his possession
smaller than the size, allowed by law.
E. A. Stanton Dies Suddenly. K. A.
Stanton. .i. fell ill on a street car yes
terday while riding from his home at
Burragn? street to his work in the
Union Meat company's plant at Kenton,
and died after being carried to a phy
sician's office. Heart disease is be
te ved to have been the causae. The
body was taken to the morgue -Mr.
Stanton is survived by a widow.
Legeon Charter Received. A framed
charter of the American legion, da bed
May 21, 1919, announcing Oregon as a
unit In the organization, was received
yesterday afternoon by Captain Eivers,
state chairman, at the headquarters in
he Liberty temple. The charter was
signed by Henry D. Ltndsley, acting
national chairman, and Eric Fisher
Wood, acting secretary.
Huntington Home Iootep. Burglars
ntered the home of B. F. Huntington,
ttorney, of 1225 Thurman street, during
the absence of the family early yester-
ay. and stole about 0Q worth of
jewelry and silverware. Entrance to
he building was gained by cutting the
screen of a window.
Telephone Operators Benefit Dance.
I ouble-Header. Wednesday Night.
otillion Hall and Columbia Beach.
Tickets Good Either Place.
But a Ticket. Help Boost. Adv.
Hiking Boots, black and tan, $6.45.
ownstairs dept. Knight Shoe Co., Mor-
ison and Broadway. Adv.
Dr. Hicks C. Fexton. eye. ear. nose
nd throat, has returned. 01 Stevens
bldg. Adv.
Watch the Lion Windows Daily
Men are quick to favor
these famous suits more and
more they are coming in and
asking for them.
We are splendidly equipped
to meet their most careful
$40, $45, $50
We Give "S. & H." Stamps.
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House
in Portland
couver barracks in making- trips to the
sound cities instead of coming to Port
land to see her, and that later when he
was with the expeditionary forces. in
Franco failed to write to her is the
allegation of Mrs. Louisa He i I berg:, who
filed suit for divorco in the circuit
court yesterday.
The couple were married in Vancou
ver. The plaintiff also alleges that
since his return from France Mr. Heil
berg has refused to come to see her
and did not come to the hospital when
the plaintiff was recently taken sick.
Suit for divorce waa filed yesterday
by Alva R. Moss against Ella J. Moss.
The couple were united at Eureka, Cal.,
February 15, 1914, and have one child.
Desertion is claimed.
The time of big, juicy, crisp Watermelons is here! You will have
the real pickaninny delight when you see a piece, of this south
ern treat before you. At the first morsel you will forget that
you have ever felt hot or tired and you will know that the very
thing you have been wanting was this newest of summer treats.
Hazelwood Special
Can now be purchased from enter
prising dealers in nearly every
town in Oregon. If your favorite
store does not already have them,
send the name to us and we will
write them.
The Hazelwood
Are the finest and the sweet
est that the city can offer.
127 Broadway
388 Washington
The Palace Beautiful
"Where Home Comforts Abound"
If you enjoy Good Meals com
bined with Prompt, Courteous
Service, Reasonable Prices,
Pleasant Surroundings and En
trancing Music, our $1.25 Din-'
ners Served in the Gold Room
will appeal to you.
ERIC V. HAUSER, President.
A. B. CAMPBELL, Manager.
of makins all kinds of mattresses.
Sanitary 'Roll-Me' Mattresses
Feather beds made Into folding -mattresses
with summer and winter aides.
Feather Renovating
town people write for li
which we will gladly mail.
Feather Mattress Co.
Out-of-town people write for literature,
which we will gladly mall.
in Furniturte and Appliances, Vault,
Filing Equipment and Supplies, Blank
Books, Indexes, Cards, Loose Leaf
Forms, Seals and Rubber Stamps,
Engineers' and Typewriter Supplies.
A 6548
KS Williams Arc.
Phone East GS49.
Overseas Spouse Alleged to Have
Failed to Write.
That her husband. Julius W. Heil-
rc, pent his furloutha from the Van-
Seventeenth Annnal Meeting of
soclution Will Open in I'ori
lund This Morning.
Xursery stock is to rise in price, to
meet Increased costs of production and
to yield a commensurate profit, ac
cording to the prediction of nursery
men now gathered in Portland for the
convention of their clan on the coast
The seventeenth annual meeting of
the Pacific Coast Association of Nur
serymen is to assemble in Portland this
morning, with convention headquarters
t the Hotel Imperial.
Sessions of the nurserymen will be
held today, tomorrow and Thursday,
with the opening- session at the Impe
rial, at 9:30 o'clock this forenoon. Presi
dent Alwood will deliver a brief ad.
dress, followed by the reports of the
ice-presidents, and of various commit-
ees. Among the topics to be discussed
by speakers this forenoon are uniform
aws. state legislation, transportation,
andscapes, etc., as represented in the
reports of the several committees.
The afternoon session, opening: at
1:30. will present the following pro
gramme: Kcport of committee on elim
ination of undesirable varieties, A
Krownell, Portland; president's address,
C. J. Atwood. Toppenish. Wash.: "Higher
itetail Prices and vtay. H. A. Lewis,
M. McDonald. John Mickelsen, and A. T.
Gossman: "Better Plans for Co-opera
tlon in Selling." K. A. Bennett. C. D.
Hobbs. and I. A. Gale; "Style and Stock
Mrs. R. Day, Lee Benedict, and C
"Following: several years of depressed
business conditions, ' the statement con
tinues. "the general demand for stock
has at last overtaken and surpassed the
supply, a fact that compels advance in
prices, but there needs be caution
against extremes, either too high or too
low, for the fruitgrowers and the nurs
erymen s interests are mutual.
Women's Employment Bureau Will
Be Continued Here.
Fear that the- work of the women's
division of the United States employ
ment scrvico in Portland would be
brought to an end before the close of
the season for lack of funds nas been
diiipe'Jed by recent advices from Wash
ington. A recent message from the
secretary of labor gives assurance that
sufficient funds will be available to
continue the work of the women's divi
sion until the close of the year.
Action in the matter was instituted
by the Chamber of Commerce recently
when an application for the employ
ment of 600 girls in the berry patches
near Astoria waa temporarily tabled,
owing to lack of definite information
regarding the continuance of the wom
en's division. The Oregon delegation
at Washington took the matter up
through the proper channels, with the
result that Jhe secretary of labor has
indicated that the provision will be
made for the completion of the seaeon.
ncss on June 30. in compliance with an
order of the controller of the currency.
In the May statement total deposits
were shown to be J140.69I.832.25. as
compared with the 1129.867.532.24 in the
more recent statement, which is as
Bank-- Dfpnsitp. Loans, dise'tfi.
First National. . 30.::nR,fi3K.M f 1 II. 1!,US8.S3
V. fv National.. S.SOl ,;3!i.:s 1 7,K0.414.1ir
N. W. National. l"J.;s.,4lH .7 11.4ir.H74.l7
Irld & Tiiton.. L'n.5!t,:7o..!.' 12.L'30.71 1 i'ti
Bank of t'alifor. .V.l4.ii34.5.- r,.74,2lN.42
Hllx-mla Savings 4..ri3:t.! ".17.BI!I.4J
Can. of I'oni.... :i..VJI.i;:il.30 11.413. 7UH.5.-,
Sllito of l'ort... 3.077. 1 ,7Sl.r,n!,1
So.-urity ::. ."!. IM4.!K 1.547,9!t7.1l
' l.!.Tl.4!t4.75 Hl'H. 103.71
Livestock State. .L'1.143.r.7 !t73.1S!).3."
Peninsula 1.431.L'.'i.rL 7-J2.14K.73
:. W. Hates.... l,07.17o.7!i 712.KfiS.8H
K-nton 7-"4.31'rt. r.n7.1t!t 1.0.1
Hart.-TliompHon 4r.:i.(i!H..V) 1 J12.584 Oil j
KeHwood 471 .Sr.."...'5 ,11 S.17.MI i
Asniey-Kumcnn. 4(13. .-,-..( 3l,s.74l 01
Montavllla 14.170.44 o'j.l'H.S 31
l.innlon llni.444.l J. ".11,001.41
Multnomah .... l7!l. ."4,M6.00
Fifth and Oak Sts.
Portland. Orison
To Our Customers
If unable to reach us by phone please drop us a postal and
we will call at once.
Dyeing & Cleaning Works
Main Plant, Grand Avenue and Schuyler
West Side Office, 200 Broadway
The SEWARD Is a new, modern n4
elegantly appointed hotel, possessing
one of lhe most beautiful corner lob
bies In the Northwest. Located at
loth end Alder tits., opposite Olds.
Wurtman & King's big department
store in heart ot retail and theater
district. Rates, SI and up. Bus
meets all trains. "W" ear aluo runs
from Union Depot direct to Hotel
S-tVVAKU. W. AI. Seward, .Prop.
Hjyi FOR YOU j Bldg.
cordial letter of acknowledgment from
Mr. Kendrick for felicitations sent by
Portland's mayor at the tima of the
birthday of the man holding the high
est henor in command of the ohi'ne.
.-.2.14 S79.S2S.00l.20
Imperial Potentate Parses Birthday
at 'Country Club.
Entertainment of 95 aged men, SO
aged women and 60 children at the
Lu Lu Temple Country club in Phila
delphia was the manner in which W.
Freeland Kendrick, imperial potentate
of the shrine, spent his birthday on
June 21. according to information re
ceived yesterday by Mayor Baker. In
terest surrounds Mr. Kendrick for the
reason that he will visit Portland in
the near future on his official visit and
to complete preliminary plans for the
annual session it the imperial council.
Mayor Faker yesterday received a
Aero Club Sanctions Competition
Sponsored by Ince.
LOS ANGELES. July 7. The official
sanction and indorsement of the Aero
Club of America has been granted the
trans-Pacific airplane flight, sponsored
by Thomas H. Ince, according to a let
ter received by him from Augustus
Post, secretary of the club, today.
When the flight was proposed the
Aero club asked that the rules and con
ditions be submitted before its indose- j
ment was given. These were forwarded
several days ago and favorable action
nounced yesterday by Sir Thomas
White, dominion minister of finance.
The proceeds will be devoted to the
retirement of the Canadian loan of
$100,000,000 issued here two years ago
and maturing August 1.
Presbyterians lo Gallirr.
SEATTLE, July 7. Presbyterian
ministers and elders from many Wash
ington cities are expected to attend the
conference of the synod of Washington
which is to convene here tomorrow
night. The conference will continue
until Kriday. The opening sermon of
the conference will be delivered by
Rev. George G. Bruce, of Juneau
Alaska. Election of officers will take
place at the opening meeting.
COURTESY, comfort,
homelike atmosphere
at moderate prices,
whether for the day, week
or month.
Absolutely fireproof.
Centrally located.
Convenient to all carllnea and
points of Interest.
Refined and substantial fur
nlshteKS cheerful and Inviting.
Portland Oregon.
Canadian Loan Bought.
NEW YORK, July 7. J. P. Morgan
and company announced today that a
syndicate of New York bankers' had
purchased the new Canadian loan of
$75,000,000, issuance of which was an-
Modern vessels are supplied with a
device which may be exerted to push
the craft away from the wharf in case
of fire to a distance which will render
it safe from the ravages of the flames.
Brownsville Organization Is Expanding
Two Experienced Men Are Added to
Brownsville Staff
Statement for Jane Shows Drop of
About $11,000,000 Here.
A moderate decrease, in deposits for
the month of June, by comparison with
the statements of May 12, is shown in
statements issued at the cloee of busi-
v .::.!5 -'Blk"- ' 4r J S
After You Cross the Divide
the bank pays the home folk what you have saved ; the
Northwestern 3Iutual Life
pays them what you meant to save.
H. R. ALBEE, General Agent
Main 99S
1306-11 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
PROMPTED by his desire to build up
his organization and to give the
Dublic efficent service, J. L- Bowman,
president of the Brownsville Woolen
Mills Stores, has added George H. Rot
nor and Clarke Leiter to his staff. Mr.
Rotnor has assumed his duties as mer
chandise manager, and Mr. Leiter as
publicity manager.
MR. ROTNOR is an experienced mer
chant. He came to Marshfleld, Or.,
1871. In 1898 he came to Portland
and remained for ten years, being con-
nected -with a large clothing business
here. In 1908 he Joined the staff of
Mr. J. I Bowman and opened the
Woolen Mill Stores in Marshfield and
North Bend nd operated them success
fully for eleven years. Four months ago
he went on a vacation, touring Califor
nia and Oregon, and on his return as
sumed his duties as merchandise man
ager of the Brownsville Woolen Mill
Stores. Mr, Rotnor Is an able merchant
and will give the organisation the ben
efit of his large experience in carrying
out the poliey nf guaranteed satisfac
tion to all customers.
m- -"
R. LEITER came to Oregon in 1890
land almost continuously. After gradu
ating from Stanford university in 1899
he went on the staff of The Oregonian
in 1904 he became city editor and served
in that post until 1914; he resigned to
manage the campaign of William Han
ley. In 1915 he became city editor of
the Journal and for one year and a half.
during 1916-1918, he was publisher and
editor of the La Grande Evening Ob
server. After managing the campaign
of Louis J. Simpson he joined the staff
of the New York Tribune and was ap
pointed by Governor Withycombe
chairman of the New York wel
come commission. Returning to Port
land, he joined the Brownsville organ
ization as publicity manager, in which
post he will actively assist the promo
tion of the use of Oregon-made woolen
goods, Brownsville Oregon-made clotti
ng and northwest manufactures in
general, i
CHUNKY COAL am Ion? burn
hip economical an' comes in
Hilt Lump. It am all i
name implies It am C'HI'NRY.
Low Ash. No Soot. No Cllnk
rrs. No Smoke nothins but
Ask yo' dealer foah
OreKon Building-, Portland, Or.
J. L. SHAW, Mgr. Bdwy. 1450.
Eventually Yours,
446 Wand i DC ton Street.
Large, airy roomn, elegantly lurnlihefl, in
heart of retail and theater district. -Strictly
modern, absolutely fireploof, clean and quiet
surroundings,' Kuomd without bath, $1.00.
Rooms with bath, $1.20 and up. Our ll.Od
rooms equal to any $LJ0 rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at il.50 equal to any
$2.00 la the city. -Special rates by week ur
month. Heat rooms in city lor tne money.
A Modern tcly-l'r.crd Hotel of Merit
East Morrison St. and East Slxtk.
1.35 Per Davy. CS Per Week Vp.
Apply VapoRub
lightly it soothes
the tortured skin.
Three-quarter-inch 6-19
second-hand cable. Any
quantity, either plow or
crucible steel.
3829 25th St.
J San Francisco, California I
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
. 5O0O or
mat flOOO.
Brunswick Phonographs
Pathe and Okeh
Soule Bros.
166 10TH ST. :
Near Morrison
m mm m