4 TI1E MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919. DALL1CE OF LONG A80 BARED BY CRIAI WOMAN TELLS OF HORRIBLE TREATMENT SHE ENDURED. Acquaintance With Mother of Los Angeles Slayer Admitted. SUPPOSED SON IS GUARDED fear Felt That Yonth Who Killed llnc May End Own Life Insanity Plea Is Probable. WASHINGTON". Julr " Senator New f Indiana tonittht Imu4 the following statement regarding the arrest in Los .Qft!ci on & charge of murder of Harry S. New. who says he la a son of the frator: "I have just this t say of the whole deplorable matter, Jlore than 30 years atco. whn I was in my 70s and unmar ried. 1 knew Mrs. Rurger. There was never at any time a question of mar riage between us. Conditions arose hM-h I did not care to dispute which resulted In my dome; everything in my power to make amends then and later. Whatever I did in that direction was ef my own accord and no one else had onrthin- whatever to do with It. The affair was ended 30 years aao. Since mat time the people of my home city Are the pest Judos of what my life has been. I never have shirked any responsibility and I never shall." LOS AVOELES. July 7. Insanity prehably will be the defense of Harry . New, who ears be Is the son of I'nited States Senator New of Indiana, when he is placed on trial charged with murdering Krelda Lesser, his fiancee, at a lonely spot in Topango canyon last Friday night, his attorney. John Richardson, announced tonight. Mr. Kichardson declared he was confident New was not in his right mind at the lime of the tragedy. Mrs. Lulu rWKer. New'a mother, who says she is the divorced wife of the Indiana senator. Is on her way from Imlianapolls and Is expected to arrive some time tomorrow. New was In a highly nervous state In the city Jail here today. A guard was placed in the cell with him. offi cers fearing he might attempt to take his own life. An autopsy, followed by an Inquest, will be held over the body of Miss lesser tomorrow. At the time of his ai-rest New told officers his fiancee had Informed him she was about to become a mother and Intended to have a surgical operation performed. Sur geons later examined her body and de ciared this waa not true. The autopsy will be held to settle the question. v iTTzi "T-j ...... 7 I r y- ' 'Je''w " r 'J ir . v . . " - ill -Sg : DIRIGIBLE TO START Delay Is Necessary to Get En gines in Proper Repair. AIRSHIP SAFELY "ANCHORED TOO MANY WIVES, CHARGE Tacoma Woman, Asking Divorce, Declares Husband Digamist. TACOM.V Wash.. July 7. (Special.) On the grounds that sho is one of three wives living. Mrs. Dorothy May Kelly today asked for an annulment of her marriage to Frank W. Kelly. She also asks for her maiden name, Misa Aibaugh. Her husband has two aliases, she alleges. Fred Wallace Reports) that Trolxky's Co-Rcllglon ana rrftnets . x c 1 1 1 K i u t r. Photo Copyright by Underwood. ' WR. M tRGAHF.T Ft HUMAN. Captured as a spy by Germans, sentenced to be shot, finally Imprisoned In penitentiary where scores of women died about her and living conditions In dcscribable. surh was the lot of Mrs. Margaret Fuhrman while In Germany. Mrs. Fuhrman is the daughter of a Chicago publisher. She went to Ger many to study art. She met the man she afterward married in Germany. "Not only was I starved." says Mrs. Fuhrman. "but we were not allowed to speak and had to work 11 hours a day mending gunny sacks." Illack bread, a beverage made of roasted turnips and half decayed salt fish is the food given them to eat. JEWS FIEHT BOLSBI MESSAGE FROM KUSSIA SAYS RACE SEEKS DEMOCRACY. v. Her divorce complaint reads like plot of a novel. She alleges her hus band has one wife in Alaska; an other wife. Alice I'ettigrove, in Port land, while he Is serving a term in the Cnited States army disciplinary barracks at Alcatrax, CaL He was tried February 10, 1919, at Camp Lewis and the complaint quotes a paragraph of a special order, alleging that he was tried for 'unlawfully and feloniously" marrying one Dorothy Muy Aibaugh. Kelly was a bugler in the .'th company, 7th battalion, depot brigade. Camp lwis. His sentence read that he should be reduced to th ranks, and be dishonorably discharged and to serve the prison term. IMs Aid Revolution Are Declared False. BREWERS WANT TO SHIP Injunction Sought Ajrnlnst Fedora! Railway Administrator. SAN FRANCISCO. July 7. The Call forma Brrwera' Protective association : hrouich it attorney applied here to day In the United States district ourt for an Injunction apcainst AValker D. HlnrM, I'nited States railroad admin istracor. who la neekini; to prevent the railroatis from transporting beer of 2 per cent alcoholic content and under. The attorney also Rave bond In $1000 each for I-ouis Ilenrich. president, and Itudolph Sanet. manager, of the itainter Hrewinjc company, for whom warrants were tnsu-d last week on a charge of illeical brewin. The date of arraign ment was aet for Thursday. RIDGEFIELD CHILD DROWNS Portland Police Forced lo Refuse AppcaJ for Help. M. Fell. 12-year-old son of a Ridffe field. Wash., banker, was drowned In !ake river, nrar his home, yesterday accord in a to word received by the Port land police bureau. The lad was play mi; on a pile of railroad, ties which were floating In the river, and fell Into t lie water. Krtnds of the family telephoned to Portland for help. Police were unable to assist thvm. because the accident incurred outride the state. F. S. Consul-General Quit. YAXCOITVER. rv C. July 7. Oeorpe N. Weit, American consul -general at Vancouver, has resigned from the con ultr service and will leave tomorrow for Washington, I. . He was at one time in charge of the American con eulate at Kobe. Tsi1 Tb Orecnn'nn classified ml. IT'S UNWISE to put off today's duty until tomorrow. If your stomach is acid disturbed take the new aid to digestion comfort today. A pleasant relief from the discomfort of acid dyspepsia. HADE BT SCOTT B0WRE - MAKEKS OF SCOTTS UULSKW NEW" YORK, July 7. (Special.) A. J. Hark, director of the Russian infor mation bureau in the United States, to day made public the lollowlnsr cable from M. M. Vinaver. the recognized leader of the Russian Jewry and chair man of the central committee of the constitutional democratio party: The entire Russian Jewry struggles acainst bolshevlsnv This Is true with retrard not only to the bourgeoisie but to the democratieftclasses of the Russian Jewry. It Is sufficient to say that not a single Jewi-.h socialist faction has Joined the bWsheviki. "The treat majority of the Jewish population, including many of the poor, are being classed by the bolshevik! with the so-called bourgeoisie, and every place where the bolshevik! rule the Jewish population, not to speak of very Insignificant exceptions, is suf fering and starving. The bolshevist re gime has destroyed the industries and the trades and the Jewish population which made its living mostly through participation in the industrial and com mercial life, is suffering probably more than others. The anti-Semites are using very widely the fact that Trotzky Is a Jew, but the participation of several Jews among the bolshevist leaders does not nullify the fart that the Russian army. In 1 overwhelming majority, actively struggles against bolshevism. "The American Jewry would help their brethren living In Russia very much if they would help us In our work of building up an antl-bolshevlst democratic Russia." portant factor in causing a deficit I the operation of the railroads. Director General Hines said today in estimatin that the deficit for class 1 roads, those having- at least $1,000,001) annual In come, amounted to $36,000,000 In May. The loes to tho government In five months this year has been $272,250,183 for the large roads. Other elements in the cost of unifle operation of the nation's transportation pyslem. such as the rentals of th smaller roads, relatione with short lines not under federal control, inland water ways and the deficit In the express business, will be the subject of a public statement soon by the director-general. FAIR SEX MOURN YANKS American Sailor Bringing Score of AYcNh Ilrldrs Home. (Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub- I-ONPON. July . (Special cabl. The last batch of aallors has left the American naval bane for home via liverpooL During their lonff etay the men made many friends, especially among the fair sex, and there were re markable farewell scenes at the rail way station in the early morning hours, sweethearts and newly wed brides having assembled in astonishing num bers. Captain Fitzgrerald. who was in charge of the party, said the Ameri can bluejackets were taking home with them more than a score of Cardiff bride:. Arrangements have been made for them to Join their husbands at Liverpool and travel to America on the sante boat. MEXICAN BANDITS SOUGHT Carranza Government Trying to Capture Slayers or Americans. WASHINGTON. July 7. Acting Sec retary l'hlllips of the state department announced today that the American mbassy at Mexico City had been in formed that orders had been Issued to th. Tampico military authorities to make every effort to capture the men who killed John W. Correll, an AmerU can citizen, and maltreated Mrs. Cor rell near Tampico on June IS. L'rgent representations to the Mexi can government were made last week by the state department after news had been recivd of the attack on the Correll family. RAIL DEFICIT EXPLAINED Doorcase In Freight Business Is Blow to Government. WASHINGTON. July 7. Decrease in freight business continues to be an im- CITIES TO CONTROL RATES Colorado Supreme Court Denies Power of Utilities Board. DENVER, July 7. Sole power to reg ulate the rates of public service cor' porations is vested in the people, the Colorado supreme court decided today in tne case involving" question of con trol in home rule cities in this state. Telephone, gas. electric light and street car rates in Denver and other large cities are automatically reduced under tjie decision. The decision was In the case of the city of Denver against the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph com pany and the Colorado utilities com mission. Under it the utilities com mission Is practically shorn of its power, as most of the larger utilities of the state are within the jurisdic tion of cities operating- under home rule. ARMY CONVOY CROSSES U.S. Recruits to Be Taken During Trip From Washington to AVest. WASHINGTON, July 7. The first complete military motor convoy to at tempt a transcontinental Journey left Washington today for San Francisco. Colonel A. Owen Seaman of the motos transport corps was In charge. It was expected that the trip would be com pleted within 60 days. Sixty-three trucks, including ambul ances, repair shops and kitchens, com prised the train. The train was re viewed by Secretary Baker and a com mission of army officers. The purpose of the trip Is to develop a through route from coast to coast for motor transport and to demonstrate the practicability of long-distance commer cial transportation by motor trucks. Recruits for the motor transport corps will be enlisted. PENSION PLANS APPROVED Railroad Brotherhood, at Denver Meet, Adopts Benefits. DENVER. July 7. A Pension fund for members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, to wmcn all members between the ages of IS and S3 years are eligible, was voted by the brotherhood in convention here today. The fund will be created by assessment. George K. Wark. vice-president of the organization, spoke to the con vention on conditions in the Winnipeg strike district. He said only a few of the members of the brotherhood parti cipated in the strike and said they were "dupes of radical agitators who fomented the 'one big union' idea." Wind Dies Down and Huge Cruiser Swings Securely at Cables Big Crowds Come to See Craft. MINEOLA. JT. T.. July 7. The return cruise of the British dirigible R-34 across the Atlantic ocean will not start until shortly after dawn on Wednesday. The proposed plan to get the gigantio ship away at S A. M. on Tuesday was abandoned tonight after local weather conditions, which Included adverse bumpy winds, made it impossible for the dirigible's crew to overhaul the en gines during the afternoon. Without such overhauling it would be Impracticable for the airship to take off on her venture, as quantities of carbon accumulated in the engines during the 108 hours in which the craft waa aloft on the unprecedented journey which ended at Roosevelt field here on Sun day morning. Tonight the R-34 swung at ease above this flying ground, her graceful hulk scarcely moving in the gentle breeze. illuminated by great searchlights which made her visible to thousands of spec tators who had come here In motor cars, trains and on foot to watch the early leaving. Alrahtpdn No Danger. In contrast with conditions as the darkness fell on Sunday, the dirigible was not riding in danger tonight. On Sunday she was suspended with her nose pointed toward the ground and her stern swinging at an altitude sev eral hundred feet higher, in jeopardy of being dashed to pieces on Roosevelt field, sudden gusts of wind acting ad versely against her broad surface. Shortly before 9 P. M., the wind hav ing died down until the atmosphere was listless, a stream of water descended from amidship. As this ballast left the craft, the R-54 moved upward slowly. From both sides, well forward, and from the under surface, also well for ward, three wire cables were connected with anchorages on the ground. The stern was left to swing with what ever breeze might stir during the night. There was no possibility. Major G. H. Scott, the commander, said, that the stern would rise as it did Sunday night until her massive form assumed at times an almost perpendicular posi tion. It was explained that on Sunday too much water ballast had, by mistake, been emptied from the stern. Tonight the amount of water ballast let go was eaually distributed throughout the length. Films to Be Censored. Orders that all motion picture films showing the R-34 be censored by navy officials before they are allowed to be exhibited anywhere were received here this afternoon from Secretary of the Navy Daniels. It is understood that censorship was decided upon in re sponse to a request from .British ortl cials. It was assumed that British of ficials suggested censorship on mill tary grounds. upheld conviction In the district court at Portland, Or., of Carlos 1 Byron. Byron had been found guilty of using the mails to defraud would-be purchas ers ef northwestern lands and was sen tenced to serve 15 months in prison and pay a fine of $1000. Appeal had been taken, reciting that errors had been made by the trial court. Carlos L. Bryon is'one of a number of people who were engaged In offer ing to secure preference or prior rights on the Oregon & California land grant for a consideration. Many of these locators were Indicted, among them being Byron, whose con viction was secured by United States Attorney Haney shortly after he took office. Mr. Haney's predecessor, Clar ence Ia. Reames, caused the indictment of a number of these Individuals. There Is an indictment in Seattle against Byron. STATE DENTISTS GATHER 26TH .WSVAJj CONVENTION OPENS AT COLLEGE. STOPS FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Matinees especially for the Ladies and the Little Babies. 9 Business Session Approves Pro rased Change In By-Laws. Many Addresses Planned. The 26th annual convention of the Oregon State Dental association opened yesterday at the North Pacific Dental college with 200 of the most prominent dentists in the northwest in attend ance. The meeting was called to order by Dr. C. M. Harrison, president of the association. The morning session was given over largely to business. Change in the by laws was discussed, so that the president-elect would assume office one year after election. The plan waa favorably considered. Other changes were also discussed. Dr. F. Ewing Roach of Chicago gave the principal address of the day. He is an authority on removable bridge work and partial dentures. He will deliver four more lectures during tne conven tion. At the evening meeting. Dr. J. B. Bilderback of Portland, child special ist, spoke. Captain L. G. McAloney, regimental dental surgeon of the 148th field artil lery, who has just returned from 18 months' service in France, was one of the honor guests at yesterday's meet ings. Captain McAloney passed through the major engagements of the Cham-nagne-Marne defensive, Alsne-Marne offensive, St. Mlhiel and Argonne Meuse. The women's entertainment commit tee under Mrs. W. C. Adams has ar ranged for a luricheon today at the Benson hotel for the wives of the visit- ng dentists. This will be followed by a theater party and automobile trips. Among the sneakers .in the dental and other professions who will give lectures during the convention are Major R. L. Benson of Portland, bac teriologlst and pathologist, recently re turned from , overseas duty; Dr. A. Leland Le Gro of Detroit, an authority on porcelain Jacket crown work, and Dr. C. A. Furro of Tulsa, Okla. Clinics and exhibits will be conducted by sev eral of the leading Oregon dentists. Saturday's A3 2 Crowds i$i!;t.S3gy' Are Mm si? Laughing Over It S.-1 til J&S Pi .yv i ft If 5M WHEN KIDS FROM 6 TO 60 ALL LAUGH AT A SHOW IT MUST BE GOOD. THIS ONE TICKLES THEM TO DEATH! 'DADDY LONG LEGS" , f tl am f lim . Without Question The Greatest MARY PICKF0RD Picture Ever Made 1 I 1 i ? Mi it I i ilMH Ifl il 111 MMl fTl fill Itlal ill 1 tahWHH M l PLANES HUNT WIRE BREAKS WASHINGTON, July 7. Weather conditions will be unfavorable for return flight of the British dirigible R-34 during the next 48 hours, ac cording to a weather report for warded to the airship at Mineola, Long Island, late today by the navy depart ment. The report said threatening weather would remain over the sea and that head winds probably would be en countered as far east as Newfound land. NEW YORK, July 7. Purchase by the United States of the R-34, the big British trans-Atlantic dirigible balloon, or its sister ship, the R-33, as a work ing model for dirigible development here, was urged by Henry WoodhoUBe, chairman of the dirigible balloon com mittee of the Aero club of America, in statement Issued here tonight. Mr. Woodhouse added that army and navy aeronautical experts favored tho plan. Model Alrahlp Wanted. The R-34 or R-33, he said, could be Craft Travel 50 Miles to Repair Minor Defects In Line. WASHINGTON, July 7. Airplanes are now used for "trouble hunting1 along Panama canal zone telegraph lines, the air service announced today. seaplane piloted by Lieutenant J. R. Duggan and carrying Major Prescott, was sent from Balboa to San Carlos, 50 miles south, to repair a break, com pleting the round trip and the task itself in an hour and 50 minutes. By horseback over jungle trails, the trip would have taken three days. EUROPEAN TRADERS HERE (Continued From First Page.) steamers to the orlnt, using vessels he controls. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Winther are of the party, Mr. Winther being promi nently identified with Norwegian im porting and exporting, though for sev eral years he has been directly con nected with South American trade, hav ing his headquarter at Valparaiso. He left .here I nDecember, 1918, and after investigating the newspaper print and lumber markets here, will proceed to Chile vie New York. Food Big Demand. "There are abundant finances in TODAY ONLY WALLACE REID in the Hilarious Comedy YOU'RE FIRED" also other attractions COMING TOMORROW BIG DOUBLE BILL 1. U. S. NAVY BAND 45 Sailor Musicians, appear at 2:00, 3:30, 8:00 and 9:30 P. M. 2. "BETTER TIMES" Zasu Pitts, the feminine Charlie Chaplin, in ' an all-laugh comedy. used as a pattern In building a larger Scandinavian countries now. but what airship in the United States and as a they lack seriously is food," said Mr. practice ship for training a nucleus of Larson, and to his statement there was personnel for rigid airship service. Heretofore the practice has been to send a commission to Europe to study the subject," Mr. Woodhouse said. When the commission .was away the rmy and navy administrations changed and when the commissions returned general assent. "Copenhagen is most rn Europe. Before Hamburg can gain she really controls the trade of north active in a commercial way and today its feet again as regards its commer cial status I am satisfied Copenhagen will be the distributing point for the government during the war, Rutherford was sentenced to i prison. ' and Mr, . term in their reports were filed away and no countries of the Baltic, and that opens action was taken. the opportunity for the northwest, es- It is recommended that from now on necially Portland and Oregon, to supply the policy be to bring the best possible present needs in various products, such dirigible to the United States, with com- as grain, wool, cainned fruits and vege Bridge Dedication Is Set. CHEHALIS. Wash., July 7. (Spe cial.) Chehalia business men today ac cepted an invitation of a committee headed by George H. Landes, of Mossy Rock, E. D. Overstreet and others to attend the dedication of the new steel bridge across the Cowlitz at Riffe Sat urday. State Land Commissioner Clark Savldge, of Olympia, will give the address. petent experts if necessary, to co-oper- te with the American experts, in pro ucing even better dirigibles. "The army and navy authorities, like the civilian aeronautic authorities, now feel that the sure way of bringing this ational procrastination to an end is to purchase immediately a large dirigl ble from Great Britain and use it as model for the construction of a larger one and to train engineers and experts in this country The army can finish the large angar under construction at Langley eld by- the end of next month to house the R-34 or the R-33 and the navy is- ready to construct a large shed at one of the naval stations for future. rigids. PAST ROUND UP HERO DEAD D. E. Presley, Champion Broncno- Bnster, Thonght Suicide. DENVER. July 7. Once the cham pion broncho buster at the Pendleton. Or., round-up, D. E. Presley was found dead here today, a revolver by his side. Friends said he had been despondent because of a lung disease contracted in the navy, which he feared would pre vent him from ever riding a horse again. He was 24 years old. S. & H. green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co.. Main 353. A 3353. Block wood, short alabwood; Rock Springs and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv. STRATA TEA. A perfect blend. Ceylon-Indian-Java teas. Closest A Devtrs, Portland. Adv. CZECHOSLOVAKS GET CASH U. S. Loans to Allies Now Reach Xearly Ten Billion Dollars. WASHINGTON, July 7. The Czecho slovak republio today received a credit from the treasury of $5,000,000, making total of 353,330,000 advanced to the new government. Advances to the allies have reached j east soon. a total of ;9,459.5Z5,81, out of a total of $10,000,000,000 authorized by congress. tables, manufactured articles and scores of things that only negotiations with the men directly concerned in their sale abroad can bring forth. I've have told these men that iv per cent of the commodities on which they have depended on the world out side of their lands to supply can be obtained here, and bought direct with out the middle man being considered That has been an objectionable system in their countries before, buying vir tually everything through brokers. I found canned' fruit on display, labeled as a California product, and, inspect ing the boxes in which they were shipped, discovered they came from Hood River. Chehalis, Portland and such places, but the Scandinavian buy ers knew only of California. "When I produced data to prove to them what we raised and manufac tured, I gave them an Insight. Now, I feel that it is up to us to convince them that trade once established in Oregon is dependable and by purchasing direct they are following economic lines." Japan to Be Fought. In the shipping pool formed to take home American products, as well as to ship those of Scandinavian lands abroad, C. K. Hansen of Copenhagen, Blidburg Metcalf of Gottenburg, and Mr. Sagan of Chrlstlania. are to use their own vessels, besides shipments being made on the vessel operated by Williams, Diamond : Co., It Delng likelv that many Scandinavian tramp steamers will be sent to the Pacific in the future. County Ranch Inspected. An inspection of the old county rancn about two miles and a half from the city on the Canyon road was made yesterday afternoon by Judge Kanzler of the court of domestic relations and Cununings Party Is in Idaho. SPOKANE. Wash., July 7. Homer S. Cummings, democratic national chair man, and his official party are continu ing their trip through northern Idaho. They planned to return to leave for the Lecture to Be Given. The Hope of Humanity" is the sub- lect of a lecture to be given at the PflMVirTinM IQ lUTAIMPn HeiliK theater Sunday afternoon at V W II I W I W IS IM WW W I nillfc-fc I . V, 1nnh V TtiArfnrd- Tha meeting will be free to the public C. S. Circuit Court of Appeals ITp-rr Rutherford is successor of Pastor . .. j,. . , I Russell as president of the Interna noias eraici tn Bjron (.use. Uional Bible Students' association. He siv T-RANfTTsro. Jnlv 7 The TTnited is the author of "The lnisnea Mvs- States circuit court of appeals todayltery." This book was banned by tne C0TICDR4 HEALS RINGWORM On arms and body of brother. Very ore and inflamed and could hardly keep from scratching. Clothes irri tated very much. Used several med icines but none helped. Sent for free sample Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. Bought more and only used one cake of Soap and a half a box of Ointment when he was healed. (Signed) Miss Grace V. Btone, Coburg, Mont., Feb. 10, 1919. Use Cuticura for every -day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soap 2 So, Oiatmaat 25 and 60c. Taleaai 25c Sold throughout the world. For ample each free address : "Cuticurm Lab oratories, Dapt. H, MaMea, Maas." jKjSstr Cuttcnra Soap ahaves without ma, . Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses duplicated. Geo. Rubenstein Optician 226 Morrison St, Near First members of the" boavd of county com missioners. The Inspection was one of a series that Judge Kanzler has been making to familiarize himself with the work of the county along these lines. Assortment and Variety!! the two things that are hard to get when you lunch or dine downtown; that is, until re cently when we con ceived what has proven a BIG HIT, in serving daily, Different Table d'Hote Dinners! Priced at 50c 75c $1.00 $1.25 Take your choice! ! ! ! ! imperial i