Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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REMEMBER! Our Store Will Close Wednesday at 1 P. M.
During: the Hot Months of July and August That Our Employes Might En
joy a;?Half-Holiday. Do Your Shopping Accordingly and CO-OPERATE
Tramway Company Announces
Wage Reduction.
$cr ct Curtailed on tvery Line I
When Supreme Court Affirms
Power to Regulate Rates.
DENVER, July 7. Denver faces an
Immediate street car strike. F. W.
Hild. general manager of the Denver
Tramway company, late today an
nounced sweeping reductions In wages
paid employes of the company. The
union men will meet at midnight to
consider what action they will take.
Wage reductions are effective at fi
o'clock tomorrow morning. Karlier In
the day union officials announced a
s'rike would immediately follow any
wage cut.
The reduction In wages followed a
decision by the Colorado supreme court
here today in which home rule cities
in Colorado were held to have full
power to regulate rates of utilities
'aif Call Waxes t ut.
On Saturday a 5-cent fare became ef
fective in len ver under an ordinance
pay tied by the city council. The com
pany did not announce its wage cut
landing decision of the supreme court
irtdiy covering the general question of
the right of municipalities to regulate
Following announcement of the de-
Nion. -the directors of the Denver
Tramway company went into confer
ence with K. W. Hild. general manager
'f the company, on a statement regard
ing wages. It was announced that
waces would be reduced, but the
amount and the time of the reduction
we r not given. The Tramway Em
ployes union has declared that a re
duction in wages will be followed iro
mrciiately by a strike.
Reduction of service on every line In
the city was announced by 'Mr. Hild.
This order, effective at midnight to
night, will throw about 275 employes
out of work.
Twt Fare Increases Granted
The tramway fare fight had Its be
ginning here on September IS, 1918,
when the Colorado public utilities com-
miaitnn rrinlfd t h tr.mwav com
;.ny a C-cmt fare. The increase was! Board Makes 'o Recommendation,
kim for the duration of the war.
1, I
'A Y
Exquisitely Beautiful and Considerably U nd'ervalued
Crepe de Chine and Society Satin
A Sale That Brings to You the Best Styles in Camisoles
Bloomers and Envelope Chemise At Prices
Surprisingly Attractive!
'We ask you to share in our good fortune in securing an ex
tensive assortment of beautiful crepe de chine and satin under
garments at most unusual price concessions by placing the
entire lot on sale at the same great savings.
It is a most opportune sale, coming as it does right at a time
when every woman's wardrobe should include a generous as
sortment of these cool, comfortable and exquisitely tailored
The styles are the best and are endless in variety the ma
terials are of standard quality and the trimmings are fine
lacesdainty hand-embroidered effects georgette inserts,
shirred, tailored and ribbon effects.
In Camisoles
At 98c, at $1.19, at $1.39 and Up.
J In Env. Chemise
At $2.48, at $2.98, at $3.49 and up.
I In Gowns
At $4.98, at $5.25, at $6.00 and Up.
J In Bloomers '
At $1.69, at $1.98, at $2.49 and Up.
Photo Copyright by Underwood.
Here Is Postmaster-General Albert Sydney Burleson affixing the first 2-cent stamp to a letter after the
change from the 3 to the old Z-cent rate. All first-class letter mall will hereafter be 2 cents an ounce. The photograph
was taken In the office of the postmaster-general In Washington. The new regulation takes effect July 1.
In IVcrrnhfr last year the public
utilities commission ftranted a ?-cent
r.ire and also permitted the company
to t-harKe anarxtra cent for each trans
fer iMSUfd.
Inauguration of a 7-rent fare was
followed hy a mild demonstration by
Ittzens of the city against the fare In
crease. On the niKht of January S.
this year, practically all tramway cars
were halted in various parts of the
rtty by crowds who pulled trolley poles
from the wires, refusing to permit
operation of the cars.
4'lfy Oppeard larreaae.
The rlty has opposed an Increase In
tramway fares, laklns: tie stand that
cities under home ruie have irisdic
t inn in such matters. I'ity officials
):ave contended the utilities commis
sion waa without authority to regulate
On January 1 1. last, the state
supreme court ruled that the city and
not the state utilities commission, had
jurisdiction over rates. As , a result
f this decision the 6 cent fare was
restored and transfers were issued
free. From this decision an appeal was
taken and a re-hcarin? was granted.
Today's decision by the supreme court
The fare issue became a plank In the
platform of Mayor JDewey C bailey
iitrtnjr his eanipaicm for election In
.May last, lie promised restoration of
tile 5-cent fare.
bat Blames Federal Official at
Washington for Inaction.
fConflnurd From First Psse.)
Influenced by any recommendations
that might be made by the Oregon
board, and. therefore, none were made.
"The Tory best that we might do. Mr.
Hartwlg said, "would only embarrass
the men. They have been loyal and
their demands are modest, when you
consider what common labor Is re
ceiving, and taking into considera
tion also the cost of living."
One of the features of yesterday's
session was the testimony given by
C. W. Hurd. president of the electrical
workers- organisation, who was a dele
sate to the San Francisco conference.
u. Hi.rH was outsnoken in declaring fio superintendent, and W
the strike Illegal:- scored outside in- division plant superintendent,
with the union rule that prevents :
man from receiving more than a stipu
lated maximum, and said further he
did not want to see such an attractive
wage established for electrical work
ers that there would be a rush of new
workmen to that department, thus
crowding out some of the older
I'ttloa Members Examined.
Summing up the situation Mr. Hurd
said, "It is the worst mixed-up mess
that ever put a labor organization in
the spotlight."
Members of the Electrical Workers'
union were examined relative to
charges of intimidation of non-union
operators, as alleged by telephone com
pany offioia's. All denied that such
practice had been indulged In. Inter
national Organiser Von Schriltz asked
permission to reply to some of -Mr.
Hurd's statements, contending that the
strike procedure was regular, that he
had no authority to arrange an armi
stice and that he could not reveal
secrets of the organization relative to
the taking of that vote. He refused to
say whether the meeting was a spe
cial one or a regular session.
Officials of the telephone company
in Portland were called as witnesses
during the morning" session. W.. J.
Phillips, division commercial superin
tendent: J. H. Corcoran, division traf-
D. Moore,
work theywere interviewed and given
details of the situation from tle stand
point of the strikers, but no coercion
was used.
In no way discouraged by their ex
perience. Miss Nealeigh said none of
the 14 operators who joined the union
would return to work until their de
mands had been granted in full. JThe
local striking operators ask 12 a day
for beginners, $4 a day in three years,
back pay from January 1 to the date
of settlement, overtime Sundays and
holidays, and two weeks vacation with
full pay.
Two Under priced Offerings in the Fancy Goods Section We Have Devoted
Extra Space to the Display and Sale of the Following Offerings Savings
Worthy of lour Best Attention.
40-Inch Embroidered
Voile Flouncings at 98c Yd.
A handsome dress material of exception
ally fine quality comes full 40 inches wide
and shown in white, tan, rose, Copenhagen,
etc. a full assortment of cleverly embroid
ered designs to select from.
- 27 -Inch Ruffled
Baby Flouncings at 59c Yd.
A most exceptional value at the above low
price. Fine ruffled baby flouncings in 27
inch width and a good quality lawn pretty
designs in both open and blind effects
crisp, new goods.
jins. i.isTr:it presses claim
I"ncjr. Intended for Relief of Ex
Uotrrmir, I.iMed as Entire
EMatc of Official.
fluences for telling the telephone com
pany employes what they snouia nav
rather than permitting the employes ti
i.i.iri. for themselves: expressed th
htiaf that the meeting at which th
strike vote was taken was unconsti
tutlonal and asserted that the question
hnntd have been decided by a reier
Asaertloa la Dlsaated.
At one noint In his testimony Mr.
Hurd made the statement that there
saro not more than 5 men on tne en
tire coast who would not be glad to
rn to work at per day. tne con
ion mad by the company. ini
statement later was disputed by other
witnesses, who. said they had heard no
exDresston of dissatisfaction among
mn on strike.
That the telephone operators of Tort'
land were ordered on strike at mia tav telenhone message "in orde
ih.t the electrical woraers migni uc
Influenced to vote for a strike at thel
special meeting the following day, was
Mr. Hurd's statement, with the ex
planation that the girls were in the
street when the special meeting was
held, and that the sex appeal was
laraely responsible for the action taken
"If it hadn't been for the fact that the
girls were out." he ald, "the electrical
workers could not have been pulled off
the Job w ith block and tackle.'
Belaaevlkl Are Biassed,
Mr. Hurd said he didn't believe mem-
OLT.MTIA. VaaK, July 7. (Special.)
Mrs. Alma tjster. widow of the late
governor and executrix of his estate,
rxiay procured a supreme court cita
tion aeaint C. W. Clausen, state audi
tor, for rrfu!na to authorize payment
of S.'.OOO appropriated for the governor's
relief Ittst winter. This claim Is listed vera of the organization had expected
with the elate tax commissioner as the I prior to the strike, to get a concession
i-mir- cmiii- 'i uie iiie Kuvenior, ci- lfl ifi.40 per day. ana tnai me oper-
clu.lve of life insurance said to amount I .tors' schedule tendered by the tele-
to about $10,000. Iphene company Is so much better than
state Auditor Clausen is directed to had been expected that much surprise
liow cause in the supreme court on h, occasioned. "If they v-ere let alone
July -. a to why lie should not Pymnd not Influenced by stronger minds.
the appropriation. Ho has heretofore I he saH. "I believe they would return
.iecline.l on the ground that the appro-I to work and accept the offer. I know
priatmn was made to pay the expenses I it i. hat they will accept finally.
f a southern trip, which it was be-1 The strike waa fostered by bolshe-
licved t th,. time Governor Iisler
would be able to take.
Tt-e question raised for Judicial set
tlement is whether the'eupreme court
c.m iro beypnd the statement of the act
a parsed, which Is a straight relief
vlkl. said Mr. Hurd. and by non-union
employes of the company, and be ex
plained his stand by saying the elec
trical workers' union was in the wrong;
that the 117 strike waa engineered in
precisely the same manner. He said
impropriation without specitlcation as but 1S per cent of Portland telephone
to bow it "hall he .pent. operators are required to earn their
own living: that married women with
AMERICAN LAWYER LAUDED 0., athee bo'p,' un.oS
was formed primarily to help the men
l!i?K'rt X. Crane. I". S. PL-natch get their demands, and that tne girls
1 organization now 19 &vuuu w -
Xsrnl ( ailed to HritUli Bench.
C-'opjrlRht yr t!ie New Tork World.
i?ltc.l in Amnpmrnt. )
I.O.VIXN. Juiy :. i.-pecial cable.)
. "l-'y ca'.Iu.g to the bench Kobert New
ton I'rane. dispatch affent to the United
states mbaa?y in 1-ondon." says the
.Morning Host, "the Middle tempi last
:ticht performed a notable act of
nurtoy to the American bar. Mr.
'-ane probably is the first American
. :tl2cn from the Kngllsh bsr to be so
honored by this Inn of law."
Robert Newton Crane has been a
Vnited States government dispatch
I'Krnt since 104. Born at Long Branch,
.x. J., ta 1M4. he was a newspaper man
in h l earlier years and with Richard
at.n :i;d.'r founded the Newark
.Vurmng Kesister In 19. Mr. Crane
a admitted to the American bar In
!". and was cailed to the British bar
In lsl. lie has represented the Ameri
can government in Important interna
tional least cashes such as the Saraoan
arbitration a.ward. Mr. Crane, who
Mands very high In Masonry, haa con
tributed much to legal and sociological
literature. He resdes at 200 Bromptoo
road. London.
B. H. rreen stamps for easa.
Xlolman Fuel Co, Main 1SJ. A list.
Biockwood. short slabwood. Rock
spring and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv.
ft Devcr. Portland. Adv.
bllity rather than an asset. He adviBes
against co-operation of men with the
women a organization, ana expressea
the opinion that the girls could be
aided to much better advantage if they
were not organized. Mr. Hurd said but
one labor union man In 10.000 has the
nerve to accuse his union of being In
tne wrong, but be took such a stand.
Threats Said Have Beea Made.
Asked why he had presided at the
special meeting of electrical workers
at which the strike vote was taken, Mr.
Hurd said be "wanted to save ibis
bunch from Just what they've got
and that Is a licking. That's why I did
not refuse to preside. Mr. Hurd told
of threats of violence alleged to have
been made against him. and said he
had been called a traitor because be
had opposed the walk-out.
Again reverting to interference of
outside influence. Mr. Hurd said If the
workers were let alone for lr minutes
there would be no strike. He referred
to the fight as a contest to disrupt the
organization, and said it bad extended
over a period of 14 years. He scored
the government for failing properly to
assume financial obligations when
wires were taken over, commended local
officials of the telephone company for
meeting employes more than half way,
and said that any petty discriminations
that may have been exercised against
union workers were not with the
knowledge nor on order of these of
ficials, lie expressed dissatisfaction
ing as to the wage schedule offered by
the company. Thomas I.owry. business
agent of the Electrical Workers' union,
represented the employes. Officials
stated that telephone service is be
tween S3 and .90 per cent of normal..
PohtniaMer-General Would Have
Wire Control Hoard Act.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 7. From two
sources news came today to etriklng
electricians and telephone operators
here of efforts to mediate the differ
ences between the workers and the
company, a A dispatch from washing
ton told bf an invitation from Fost-
master-General Burleson that arbitra
tion of grievances be placed in the
hands of the wire-control board.
Mayor Rolph of San Francisco re
ceived a telegram from Postmaster
General Burleson quoting a message
from Burleson to J. P. Noonan, inter
national president of the Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, urging that the
controversy be placed before the wire
control board for arbitration.
The telegram follows:
"The only question in controversy on
the Pacific coast seems to be as to when
the Increase of wages should become ef
fective. The wire control board is still
In existence and functioning and will
promptly pass upon the question as to
when the wage increase is to go into
Full hearings of both sides, with op
portunity for presentation of all phases
of the question will be given Dy tne
wire control board and the question as
to when the Increased wage scale will
become effective will be decided strictly
upon its merits and absolute Justice
done to all parties.
The wire control board is a govern
mental agency created to settle such
controversies and to set this board
aside and create another agency would
be a confession that the government
could not be relied upon to do Justice.
"To take such action would be inde
fensible. The suggestion of arbitration
by other parties on the coast only tends
to confuse and delay a satisfactory
settlement of this controversy. The
operators should return to work and
you can assure them that there will be
prompt consideration given 10 mis
matter by the wire control board as
soon as they are ready fully to present
their case."
Strike leaders here, on reading the
postmaster-general's telegram, pointed
out that there were other points of dif
ference between the company and
workers aside from the one mentioned
by Burleson as being the "only ques
tion In controversy."
The company, the strikers said, had
macfte no offer to meet the demand of
operators for a minimum wage of $4 a
day at the end of three years' service,
and a difference exists between the
final wage offer to the electricians and
the demands made by them.
Cnion Is Organized and 2 7 Oat of
32 Operators Walk Ont.
ALBANY, Or.. July 7. (Special.)
Twenty-seven of the 32 operators in
the local office of the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph company Joined the strike
today. The company succeeded in se
curing several new employes and has
maintained a fairly good servic1.
.Manager Sanders said there was a
force of 20 girls working tonight and
mat six were old employes and the
other 14 experienced. The strikers said
that many of their successors were in
experienced. - Mr. Sanders asserted that
with the exception of one hour the
company had given better service to
day than formerly.
The striking girls" have picketed the
entrances to the telephone officss con
tinuously all day. The picketing was
orderly and the girls did nothing: but
call the new employes scabs. Some of
the girls on picket duty spent the time
knitting.. The company is furnishing
cars to take the employes to and from
The strike began at S o'ulonk this
morning, when the girls tusn on duty
locked up the office. Manager Sanaers
had an intimation that thi strike was
coming and had Psted some available
employes. Before 7 o'clock four girls
were working and the nuin'icr
augmented gradua'"y during the day.
There was no telephone operators'
union here unt'l Saturday niirh;. .Miss
Hazel Hammond of Portland came to
Albany Saturday and at a mating that
evening formed local union 41-A. a
branch of the Portland union.
Pendleton Has Phone Strike."
PENDLETON, Or., July 7. (Special.)
Fourteen telephone operators struck
here this morning after forming a local
union. They ask 2 a day for beginners
and $1 a day for operators who have
worked more than two years. It is re
ported that the company has offered
tl2 a week for beginners and 119 as a
maximum after five years. The com
pany still had on duty today three of
its old operators and was giving serv
ice. .
Fine Feather Pillows Featured at 48c Each.
For outing purposes for the beach or summer cottage these pillows are most de
sirable. They come 15 by 21 inches, are covered with good strong blue-and-white stripe
ticking and filled with good, clean feathers only a limited number sold to any one pur
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
received word that the federal author
ities will permit the state to retain
custody of Rupert until his sentence is
After his term in the Oregon peni
tentiary he must serve time in a Fed
eral prison. Rupert was convicted in
both the circuit and federal courts at
Portland for the theft of $19,500 in
liberty bonds from a Portland bank.
Unknown Young Man Prevents Hood
River Accident.
HOOD KIVER, Or., July 7. (Special.)
Mrs. W. E. Petri, wife of an orchard-
ist of the cast side district, tolls of a
thrilling1 runaway accident. With, her
two email children she was accom
panying: her husband to market "While
en route down a steep grade a bolt
dropped but of the double tree and the
team lurched forward and threw Mr.
Petri to the ground. Although dazed
by the fall, sustaining a deep gash
across his forehead, Mr. Petri tried to
run after the team.
An automobile happened along and
the driver, a young man, racing his
car up behind therunaway wagon,
stopped the machine and regained the
lines. The young man hastened away
without revealing his name.
A wheat recently developed in Italy
is said to yield an average of ten
bushels an acre more than any other
known kind.
Oregon Deputy Leaves for South to
ilctnrn Bond Thief.
SALEM, Or.. July 7.-(Speclal.)
Armed with extradition papers, William
Esch. a deputy in the office of the sec
retary of state, left today for Los An
gles to return Clyde J. (Red) Rupert,
escaped convict, who was arrested last
week at Brawley, Cal. State officials
I rtBy ffr Sut rT?i flf5 flPri. ?W&
Deep-Curve Lenses
Are Better
VIOMAN was created beautiful, and
if it is her duty to maintain and to
enhance, if possible, that with which
Khe has been endowed. Aside from the
graces of mind "and soul which every
woman possesses, her complexion is
her greatest charm. Many aids of more
or less value have been offered to help
woman to maintain and to promote the
natural beauty and transparency of her
skin. It has remained, however, for
Santiseptic Lotion to furnish the sim
ple, the natural, stimulus to Nature in
keeping woman beautiful. Santiseptic
clears and whitens the skin; it acts as
a gentle astringent to close up enlarged
pores and it takes off the "shine." giv
ing the skin that permanent, soft, vel
vety texture which everyone so much
admires. Santiseptic also will relieve!
the skin from the effects of outdoor
exposure, n prevents ana corrects the
-discolorations and the blemishes caused
by sunburn and windburn, tan and
irecKies; ic is good lor any skin affee
nuii, no inaLier wnai us nature or
cause may do. xaae a Dottle or Santi
septic when you go on your next out
door trip. You will find many uss
for it. Use it every day and insure an
attractive and healthy skin. Santisep
tic is prepared scented and unscented,
with powder in tints of white, flesh
and brunette. You can procure Santi-
sentln nt almost anv rirnir or Hono .
ment store. If your dealer cannot sup-J
pty 11, eenu 9v ceuis, wiin nis name, to
the Ksbencott Laboratories, Portland,
Or., for a full-size bottle, postpaid.
Telephone Operators Picket Ex
change, but Are Orderly.
MEDFORD. Or.. July 7. (Special.)
spite of strenuous efforts of the
triking girl operators to persuade the
trike-breaklng girls to quit work.
local telephone service was maintained
today with normal efficiency, and as
far as reported none of the substitute
hello girls walked out. Sunday the
local girl operators were organized by
Miss Nealeigh of Portland into a sub
local of Portland 44, and the local ex
change was picketed throughout the
day. I
When the girl operators on duty left
Pleasant surprise at finding your
skin trouble so much better in the
morning after you have used Poslam
the night before proves to you that In
this splendid remedy you have an
urgent, powerful, valuable means to
skin betterment.
Poslam relieves skin aggravation,
makes your tortured body happy and
does ail this with the utmost ease and
astonishing rapidity. Let It begin right
now today to help your skin become
what it should be clear and free from
eruptional disorders.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency -Laboratories, 243
West 47th St.. New York City.
Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam,
brightens, beautifies complexions. Adv.
I Trademark Ifeglstcrfd
Thoroughly experienced
Optometrists for the examina
tion and adjustments, skilled
workmen to construct the
lenses a concentrated serv
ice that guarantees depend,
able glasses at reasonable
Complete Lens Grinding
Factory on tbe Premisis
i9 3to W & s
Portland's Largest, Most Mod
ern. Beat Equipped, Exclusive
Optical Establishment,
sno-io-ii cohbett blik;,
since lUOtl.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water ,
Sure Relief
S. JNOlfieSTLfiJi
n the job
ly and night
A Chicago contractor had five Novo Tri
plex Pumping Outfits at work six weeks, day
and night, keeping a drain clear of water.
Not one of them laid down on the job
not even for five minutes. '
Just one more proof that Novo is Reliable
Engines, 14 to 15 H. P. Outfits for Pumping,
Hoisting, Air Compressing, Sawing.
Clarence Kxiexxt.Vlce-Px-e. 1. Gcn-Mpt
Factory ami Hub OfBcvi Lusbff, Mickifu
New York: Wocrwortii Building
Chicago: Old Colour Building
Novo Triplex Pump
o I Nora v
W J 6 H Boat
By Jamrs C. Fernald, L. II. I.
This Intensely interesting and Inspiring
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speech, covers every aspect of. KuglUU
Bufllneas KnajlUh; cultivation of Htyla;
Fuzz In of Oram mar; beat usm of Anal
ojty. Kynonyms, Antonyms, Connectives,
etc.; reveals the secrets of powerful ex
pression and will show you how to give
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"Anyone of ordinary ability and ca
pacity who diligently applies hiinpelf
to a study of tills, the last and In many
respects the best, work of on of tlta
most eminent philologists of our day
cannot fall to become, if not a masmr
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English language." Brooklyn Times.
474 pp., cloth-bound, fl.60 net; post
. paid,
Bookstores or Publishers
858 Fourth Avenue, New York.
In eight lessons. Ladles.
J2.50; gentlemen, fi, at
DeHoney's Beautiful
Academy. 33d and Wash
ington. New summer
classes start Monda .
Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, 8 to 11 :3u.
Plenty of desirable
partners and practice.
No embarrassment. Pri
vate lessons all hours.
L,earn from professional
d a n c e rs. Phono Main