THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JULY, 8, i919. - KT.AL ESTATE. I or bale Acreage. AlORTGAG-; sa.e 64Tt7arres state oil lease land at $., per rr. la township 27 north, rani i s wsz. den'-rihed f:ovi: N. W. section 5. ffoutn S of J. K. Si section 11. Tnrzh ' cf ..u:h S section 17. N. E. r f a. W. " and !-. 3. section IS. ini N. r.. of itonon 21; wiil se:; In 40 or O-tracts. Art at nn.?. as prire, wM ad m.ic r; irays Ifir!or county. See Pi rv.e- t'ur.s::A.uca. 114 North Mvnroe iU Ior ale Fruit Ijruid. MVE y ears e ; d. 1 iti orchard in Yimhil!. with i P. Ca! Fiat .:76. f rommerclal fair crop P For ! lie- -Karma. STOCK AND FAIRY" RANCH. 24 MltS FROM PORTLAND, tcrti of n r h loam soli. 70 bottom land, balance beneh. nearly aeres in cultivation, fr-room p. altered houw, full cement bae-nent. large barn, sv-ral wtbulldmn. family ere hard and man fruit: th farm is watered by trout at ream and several sprlnss. water piped t-- t.uiMinf; 5 hre, over 2" head cowl and reifm and farm implements go wit-n tr-.e p ace; cr-am and mail route, electric :a'.ii a 4 mil-. fim and whool ISi m There are about I-! arres of ex-oe.l-nt Mitrinj adjoining this place, which mk'.i It a mlriity fine stock ranch. Prtc onlr $ ar-. rf5onablt terms. CI . K V E U N I -H K N D F. R SO X C O. . 112 I i;wy Excrsnce Bidg. Main S753. ONLY $1700. 2 iri overlook in Co'-irr.b'a river. 1 ml e Wiiji-jsa.: aout -" acres In cult . irr vr- lt m near: a very good nous : we;: wit'T b ock of house : food fnr; I-ind Is rn'l.n" and In prune or c r.f-l district. OwnT ts non-resident and posjM-sa.on can be riven at one, and If you want to work our you can net all the woric you want a: fac'ory 1 miia from this T.e, v hiva i,-n told. Th.i is a rare opportunity fo rt a p ace well located. T n imnrnv'fnr alnn are worth th ttmnv W m-e nkinir rash. blinr I pr cent. Mr.'.'ire-i:'chiauttt Co,. UOli vn r. Tfrk'."iVF!r place. 40 ncr, loctd 1 nuie from Nashville. C . w et cf Corva'Iis; weii fnred and rrojs fenced; '2d a-r.-s in rorn. oat, potato-j and h'.it; l' p.iature. Fine or etird and I"t. of berries: good garden. New Attractive bun low. Photo at orrice. F.arn. t-an ir, t hu k-n houe. woodshed, j::ic hou; and iri tor Main highway by place. Price !'". with t?-m of m.-re. Jersey cow. 2 ii'tfera. - p:c- chlcieens. wirrn, hrro--. plow, dl.c harrow, culti vator, M-ic hirr'-ss and household f ur r!ture; x.-'-oO cash. John Ferguson, Gcr- h;gr M'ig. - 6IO ACRFf. inrt sere open. 2-10 acres tlll mi". a!l th- bet of soli; a large portion of th ttlUnie land creek bottom; .n0.OflO fet ef saw timber, a lot of piling and tie tirrber. hundred of cords of stove wood. 3 ml!' from sawmill and railroad town, running watte. Linton county, Oregon. Prlco only 4" -5 per acre. acres .".5 arres tillable, lots of saw timber. 6 rres clfred. Joining a body of tirnor. clojte neighbors, good soil, m miles from sch-ot. 3 mil from Mullno, 2 ml!t from Portland; prne 3:0. Will take S)rn irr-agw or re.titrnc. assume or pay difference, or s"!l for cah. St ."SK Y. SVfm, Or. V. B ot'KEK FOU SVLE th- finest country home In Idaho, fully equipped with every thing modern that money can provide for comfort and lnxur ; Jlo.rttWl residence with 1)M aT1 uf fin- on htrd and rirh alfalfa land un'l-r private Irrigation system from inhai:Tible soir.-e; deintbiy lot a ted on s't- h;irhway. cioee to tuwn. and paving '2 per "tit on trive.Himent this year frum fruit ami slf.tlf.i; crops and equipment, valued at $ 1 ." MfU. g-j with plari if taken within 3) tlys. Address Jorilin Valley Karms. Id.iho blilg.. Ito!w, Idaho. tul'NThY HM1J. ron-mt ing f 7l 1tm. mrtly und-r hlc'.i eiat- of cultivation, about 4 a-T- or Jiard, large huif, barns and out! uiidiug : running wa'er piped n to the rouso. iht.-t Is a peautilul home. suitable for the tired business man or;st. A variety of fruit and r.errle ; only 1 m il from postof flee lr thriving to n on the N'ortn Bank railroad, Ies than u miles from Portland. I am trie owner and tompelletl to s'II the prop erty. Ft p.trTiculars sea mo at my office, 4M Piatt b'.lg. A REAL ST " K l.ANCU NEAR I'lIiNK VILI-E. f.O acrea. '-" a re in cu't . sbout 73 acres in a! fa fa. Irngit-d; plenty of out ran for rraiirn; v-ry g.iod buildfligs. 2:ij l.ra shevp. ab..iit 7 he id of grd rut t:. horae. hot. mat n.nery. tractor, threshing machine and crop, all for oniy $.; ixmi, rt:; .k tn some I'ort'and prop erty, or amall improved a;;y farm. This ts a mone -man.r.g p ace. Will make all kinds of money t- the right man. McCLT'Rc: A .'HMALTll COMPANY, IU: w ty I'x' hii-C- F!!-. 1 v, miles Ws,iouai. un main suto rond. SO mi-re tn rrp. 1 acr- family orchard, waur p:p 1 Info hoiTte; hig barn on river: five head of cuttle. 2 hordes, chickens, all kin's of ma-s merv, crop included ; price $-sO'Ht; wU tak-- In houe in I'ortlsnd up to I'K1. o ne h a 1 t his pU e t tr 30 Aar, reason for se 'rf.g. d- i r h of wife. M t lure. Scrim i'i'-h Co., SOfi Hallway Ex- s rv- k s r'K sti ck. Never a 1- ttor tune to realize profit ut f Bto.-k rsi-ipc 1 ;ai n.'; t:iiuch niort gag (urv.'io.uf our cU-nt offers at real barsatrt :;jti Rre- in Jnrkran Co . nlceiv n-trd. f-rtil- litotn lund. moeily uniler cu)tlatt..ti. Ii'ic. tarn. running water, tlntr r.f rirr- rrl-e and I'rmv applv A. 1C BIR'CKI.L . -I N. V. Bank bidg. Marha:i 4111. A l!K CAN.W'lAN FARM l.A.l4. Oh-p 1 rid. rTnrKh! eav trmi T.andji---k'"s" e'-uri.-o prtv lavs Port land for i'jlfrv, Albert a. Saturday. July 12. RiU'-d rat. For furth-r particu lars t' r.-iftc lt.i!!wy com pany. RwilM.iy Kx- hanc bidg. I P. Tiiorn ii. itVri.-t r-pr-"rir .t I ve. o Al'liKS. ST.h'K ,NI rum1. 40 acr'e. i" a r l: t ui t i at Ion. 7 -room hvii'. m-nriiii.- f r:it, ail Mixk, farm liiil'iem.-r.'.i a, id h 'Uchfld cods. tflrpiions and li. r ! fn- e i $i2:i down, l'i: vim; a. cai.uav. 5t I'Viimlr CoMimer,- BMg. 4.1 V'TIK f.u n . n liot-s. . fi and r..rn. t . n.. t. t--.-'jr.'. !. .i h: - C.l . nam. t U. k ined tnto house p't-e orcf.ard. .ion. A. M. vv r.i - WIIKN Y I SKI.L or ri!ins our realty l'r- iu Ktatty K--nanc Invest i. ou fit 't tlie tit:ddieman ro con. nt-jiuu. Send for in- loi ktll CHICKEN' FRUIT. CARPK.N RANCI1E.1 near r,etland. $'S to per acre, easy term: bt soil. i'rn-ji for fa'e. nil uea M FarI ind. ',Q2 Trvn bid . 1'ortUnd. C K K In T vt;,-i. fur s. for l.-u 4" :rd. tiTv f..-t uniler cn'ti - a I'lrcain, or wtH trade I o sou!! .r Pn.n.on st. - a r-s, at rltv 'i, to he h M.i 1.11 K-d limits, dyked. . 1 1 y Co.. rjl N t e-i. r..r m cron, rniP, - mi lea. M- p. .Id at. :'?' f c in :. to j .ind in cuitiva h.ny. lr. K. rr e I l- i' v . l I 'i-e. I.iV.r.F.r'.t I- V I-i J... $:n a, -re up. running w-j'er. si ''l. nl'hle; e r: p!o -iient . e.iv frjv.j. .T--s Ft S-tjrp. S3 -v 3d st. 1 I KST-f I. .-S eto i IV em 0-e-n I a,r. I Co , d for Mia by W Corvalha. Or. -Erf. FstTTE. av . n t k : i ri v ; m: t-r-jom n t Vh' t'-: i i-:. t:A-i-" vrL" kk n LINE II V l i rKJi r R LKKKKKD; rFI'-K A I 'IT 5: T Sv or,col4.n. v. 1; u we JTOO c 11 ir .". r---n molern dwe'llng. 3 "a'i f-T 5 "oon rnode-n we'iinjs. JT.-O d"n t it 5-rvn iTU'dcm dwelling. 3 oO co n 4 'coti no i-rt buticiow. li. .'. V 00 .v. 4ii f-' :T . -,;. ..f r-om. h'rfg. TO SK IN W UN TED. crs fr small tn r.TfWl.d 1 1' v i hae M .-, pa I " 1 ' ' - w "r,v:i d. .a. I FX" IIIiadMji. I Vi li .1 Vain 752. -ii U A N'Tr'I1-- r.. s k 'Tie-' F ' "?-.' hir In Gooi Ihs hrr 2 IS i t. ia S. ...... ! tn, r.rtt!.iv. i t rt;i 1 .-1. location first Uiter. AM W.WTt'!' Tw, est iort:nd. T'n'h hv suto. V .,-r Ro id. to f me rre rtar south- ,ivr p-M.-v and how to l R. G-rorst. 65th and V XT or ti airri o- n-r fr rr!' n Ci'y ur. I Set rwJ g: r . Mr as A. x . Limner. 31 o ft t : r : ;vi :n n 1 order. All v. .:. I.K l-u'er f .r lrin;;wii to n. a. eral fr'ers r.'r runa.lows x-- derv s- M. . I".,v. Cross. cy-Yigars v v.Nriun t .-y I.aur"i-rjt lf.'em 7 or S-room I"-iUTon A'i-q'Ia or " ' prefc m !'.. ire r -n:n. w-ti $.." cah wj-i:s small .house ,v r" d t; -t. ?r v payment. ;:TKK 2' 1 W ; cox hMc. Min CM 7. w a.;:,l 'sb r 1' .. hv lot in Irvm. f .i.-rrt a ad East cf ;Tl- :w can pay $1500 JlOt'SES Kw A of merit. ee:i qulck'.y: list with Brvsn, 31 R. KicMrf. I K INGT' N TO $-;.-0. FOR W A NTF D R KAL ESTATE. 400 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, IMi 104 SOLD ONE MONTH.. 13 HOMES SOLD Runriav and Vnndiv. June 22-23. By Frank L. McG uirea aalea force of 10 experienced real estate salesmen. I "N DISPUTED RECOKD FOR U. S. Naturally w need new listings more homes to sell- We have been established nine 10. We advertise extensively, ar in touch with the majority of buyers, have a rerv emcrnt selling organization. ma MrtJL'IRE SYSTEM seta results. Every house listed is personally Inspected, photo graphed and appraised by an expert ap praiser and the photograph of your house is piaceo on aipiay in our enow room id Its respective district. If you have a borne xor aaie LIST IT WITH rs. We will aret quick and satisfactory re salts for you. SEE FRANK L- McOriRE TO 8 ELL TOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McOulre Co., Established In IN ho. Office open evening and Sundays. hOO TO 700 acres suitable for pa l urine; sheep. not over 7 to io per acre, well watered. 5 to 10 acres suitable for chicken farm, era rel lands considered, on Sunny side, Redlands, Lowell Valley roads, not too fr out 20 to SO arres of tie timber, prefer Wash ington county. FRED W. NEWELL, OREGON INVESTMENT MTO. CO 221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marhall 204. LAUKELUUftriT or Irvinffton. 7 or 8-room modem home, with sarajee; prefer four rooms down stairs; direct from owner; re ply, statins; lowest price, particulars. X 75. Ore yon lan. Farms Wanted. WE HAVE sevsral parties with enough money to make a good substantial pay ment on large or small farms, aaar Portland. Try us and see If you don't get results. We look at your place be fore we bring parties out. Give price and - terms if by letter. STEWART BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank B!dg. IF ANYONE bas farm to rent In good loca tion, writs H. Holmbo, Clatskanie. Or nox nrt. M anted to Rent Farms. WANTED To lease, long terms, ranch. 50 to 2h acres, with option to buy. AM. 39d, wrfronun. Vp ANTED To rent general farm or dairy tarm. witn or witnout a toe a. a. r inaal. ewenwn, ur. WANTED To rent, rich soil farm, with! 12 miles of Portland. 1 Hasntke, K. No. 4, box 1 4. t n erwood. Or. TIMBER LANDS. 53 MILLION feet of ysltow fir and cedar in ec 3M-.-;t4. ti. io s. or k. i w. in l.ane county. Oregon. Is miles from R. R ta mile from river: cash with land S per 31000 feet; terms, 31.25. Also a mail tie mill lor sale. E. Schiller, 6J1 Henry bids. e ty. KuR SALE By owner, 100 acres Oregon timber land; sacrifice for Quick sale. O tM. i regonian. FILING wanted: give scale, price and whea cut. u. v. ti amble, couch Blag. FOIt RENT-FARMS. 974 ACRES, 64 miles trom railroad; 135 miles south of Portland j nay. grain, stock or dairy: two setM of farm buildings; can purchase equipment If desired, terms or cash. p. o. box .it, cresweii, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANTED land and residence near Port land in exchange for the undermentioned: STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 4S4 V acres In Lincoln Co., '2 miles from Eddyvnie; wi acres Dot torn lana in culti vation ana about su mil land in cuitiva tion; remainder excellent pasture; very large outrange: o acres or orcnara. room house, fair outbuildings. Little Elk river runs through place; no Incumbrance. vaiue si-ovii. 40 acrs near Oast on, about 6 acres cleared, small buildings, no Incumbrance. aiue si-UU. 107 acres, of which about 60 cultivated; 13 miles rrom Redmond; no acres irri gated: of remainder about SO acres rocky; good buildings, no incumbrance. Value $3000. IrtO acres-, all with water right, near West land, Umatilla Co.: about 80 acres In alfalfa. 50 acres in rye and ready to seed Ira alfalfa: no buildings; 6 horses, 2 colts, 2 cows, fully equipped with new machin ery; mortgage 39i, which can be paid any time. Value 310,000, except personal property. House. 1540 Michigan ave., comer Simp son. 3 rooms, modern, lot 50x100. Cash 100. J. HUM F ELD. J2 Ainworth bldg.. cor. 3d and Oak. WO ACRES of fine, rich farm land; nearly all bottom land; about 4oo acres In cul tivation, the balance In open pasture ; fair buildings: well watered: this (arm has yielded 73 bushels of corn, barley and oats and 10 to 2 tons of ensilage per acre. Price. Including stock and equip ment. $135 per acre. Want good apart ment house. O. W. Bryan, &UJ Chamber of Commerce. INCOME property in a good Willamette val ley city; Is all In first-class condition, lo cated on the main street: net income la over 2ov a month: Is always rented; the owner Is a farmer and wants a flrt;class Willamette valley r southern Oregon farm in va.ue from 130,000 to 50.oO. For further information call afternoons or ad dress owner, 31 Worcester bldg., Port land. Or. LAURELHURST HOUSE. Fine, strii-tly modern a. room house with 4en. sun room and tdeeping porch. 3 bed rooms, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, buf fet, bookcase, lot 50x1 OO, city liens all paid ; on Laurelhurst ave. ; price 953(H); terms can be arranged or will take 5 room bungalow an part. C.RL'SSI Ac RENN ETT. 314 Board of Trade B.dg. Main 7452. WILL exchange 8-rcom Itou In fine resi dential district. Portland. Oregon, Tor bungalow In Oakland or Berke.ey. Cali fornia. The bouse nas nardwoo.i iioors, firep..ce and full cement basement with f urnare. 1 block from street car; now rented for $50 per month. B ulZ. Ore- gonian. HAVE fino little ."-room re. and sleeping porrh, plastered, ncwiy tinteo. cement walks, cement basement, plumbing; fjooO; mould llkt irnstl iicreage. Improve!, within rrt mllas of Portland, on or near good auto road, will assume a&out 9TUH. Art ii2 rf conmn. A XT to exchange 10 acres of Bart left poiirs in bearing, loeated in the beautiful K-eue River allev, onn mile from the 1 eut.-r of i rants Ia53. Or. Want some Ihlng In or near Portland Owner In the r-irv for a few days. W 27t. Oregoninn. WANTED To trade a Big Bend ranch of "0.0 acres, with good improvements and plenty of water, lor a Willamette valley Tarm of 20 acres or b-tter. Price 3i0u0. 1. T. tiriswold. Mansfield. Wash. EX"tl ANilE Furnished country hotel and other business property in good valley town. a'ue $.y00: want Improved acreage wtthm 20 miles of Portland. BC 211, Ore gonian. MoriKRN 9-room Westmoreland residence, flreoiaee. furnsre. raving. 35000. for am ller house. 212 Monaw k oiag. Tabor ESTACADA acreage and town property for sale or trade for Portland improved. Boa 255, Orenbsm, Or. to rxrn.-vyrE MifrriLAFors. BAND ORGAN TO TRADE Wurlitzer military band organ, used only one season Auto preferred. What have von? E 907. Oregonlan. e.-!iange. business lot tn Vancouver, B. : What have you? P 176. Oregonlan. 'HAl.VFRS 3. Al condition, for lot; will assume. p lS7. Oregonlan. $1 FOR SALE. Hotr, Vehicles, Livestock. joung mare. 6 ears old. weiRht 1400 , nnu-t be --ld at once, as I have loat mate and have no place to keep her. Front kt.. U. S. stables. VOL N'i Jersey cows tor sale, just fresh; good milkers; 510 Kerby at. E : Missis sippi car to Rmsall sL P. Georre. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash psid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone M:waukie 69-J for results. FOR $105 SMALL team, harneaa and wagon; elo 1400 -lb. horse for $75; all guaranteed Woodvard. $-7 Front st. IV R SLE 2 heavy logging trailers, flrst--.aM voi-oiTion. viheap; ale; other iontrac t'T' equipment, cheap. Call Tabor 2947. FRESH c-. f'rat calf, 4 gal.; tuberculin l-eted. 327 Front st. 1. EAP boreea and animals hauled away free. Tort'and Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. PASTURE for stock at Ladd's Canyon farm, Canrou road, close in. Phona Main 481. DEAD horses taken Quick. Caah for dead c - w . Ta bor 4 2X TEAMS and drivers for hire; city work. Main $119. FOR SALE One team of heavy horse a 1 1 o! m n Fuel o.. barn E. 0th 4 Ivon sts. TWO good work horses at jour own pries. TV. E. Ts-Phlll st. YOUNG Jersey-Durham cow, fresh $00. 154 F.. S7th N. SALR 32 HEAD OF SHEEP. FilONii FOR B AXE. Horeea, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE Mountain roller canaries, sins' era, $4 each; fine alns;ers,.best stock. Ad dreia Birdie Zeilern, P. O. box 15&, Can oy, ur., or pnone xaoor e2S. ask zor w. J. Thomas. J5o CASH Black farm horse. 1350 lbs., rood puller. F. W. Hlli. 1113 Gasco. Sell Pianos, Orcirm and Musical Instrumente. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. flOO Cornish parlor or ran, cash I 2S Chicago cot tare organ, cash.... 35 2T5 Small upright pianos, 65-73 80 Emerson uprirht pianos, cash... 93 223 Arlon uprjtbt pianos, cash 140 fioo Weber upright pianos, cash 310 473 New stored upright pianos, cash 290 6A0 New stored piayer pianos 3d3 Pianos stored, bought and sold for cash SKCURITT STORAGE CO., 107 4th SU PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos. Es timates pladly given. SEIBEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 12$ Fourth St. ORGANS. ORGANS. We have several good used organs. SEI BERLIN G-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or or ran on a new Vlctrola and records. Our proposition will please you. SEIBEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO IL'S Fourth St. 115 OR $25 CASH, then $8 or S10 monthly Duys new improved pianos, ana o or iiu In records purchased sends new improved -'0, $32.50, $50, $60. $i or $113 phono graph to your rrome, from the Schwan fiano CO., Ill 4Ui iL BAND ORGAN FOR SALE or trade. Wurlitzer military band organ. used only one season, Just the thing for I seating rinn or merry-go-ro una. lerms i given. B 1H6. Oregonlan. " KOEHLER PIANO. Colonial style, nearly new, fine mahogany f case, at tne biggest bargain or re red. SEIBEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO Ilia Fourth St. PIANO WANTED. Cash If bargaic; dealers don't answer. Marshall 1517. BAILEY upright piano at a bargain, neat styte. manogany case. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO-l-'5 Fourth St. KIMBALL player piano, mahogany finish. full size, cost $T5U. With $45 rolls, fori Jb5 if taken at once. Call at 4(iS Kose l.i wn or phone Wdln. 3SS0. - YuUR piano or organ taken in full or part payment for 1UI9 - type phonograph. aenwan nano to., in em su PIANO WANTED for open-air dnce hall. Must be very cheap. Pay cash. E 08, Oregoniau. SAVE 375; new Ludwig piano for sale; 3100 casa or uoeny Donaa, uaiaoce terms. Jiej, oregonlan. ALL-RECOKD cabinet pnonograph. real bargain: will take liberty bond; no deal-i ers. -4i McMinan si. W ILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SI KBKiiLi.NG LUCA3 MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. I PAY CASH FOIt USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st PIANOS tuned. 33. George T. Peck, Tabor m4. Oraduate isew bnc Conserva to r y . $100 CASH or more paid for your upright pianos at security storage co-, iua 4th at. WANTED Sweet-toned piano, at once; all cash or bonds. Marshall UtW. Wl LL pay $ 150 cash for used piano; no dealers apply. L 280, oregonian. Furniture lor Sale. FOR SALE On account of moving, fine oak dining-room set, o chairs suid sideboard, white mountain ice box. 2 rugs 9x12, bed, couch with muttre&s, oak desk with book case, 2 birdcages, cooking stove, coal or wood; walnut chair, rocker, piano, 6 doz. quart bottles. 747 Everett st., near 21d. COMPLETE outfit of almost new furniture for four rooms, also fiat for rent, all ready to move in, close to shipyards. Call be tween 11 and 2, 213 Sheridan sL, apt. 4. Take S car south. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to laiuornia n can save you money on your freight In our through cars. Fire proof storage. C. M. Oleen Transfer at Storage Co.. 248 Pine St. SOLID oak dining set, 332.50; bedstead and bedding, tire, ess cooker, 312.50; writing nesK, rugs, etc., excellent condition, cheap. i-7 Whitman ave., Mt. Scott. FOR SALE Household goods, rugs, sew- ing maciiine and v ood heater. In Al con-I d:tlon. 8i7 Maliory ave., near Failing st. I -PIECE brown mahogany living room set. 4-picce ivory Deuroom set. 'neater and range almost new. Call 1S59 Klickitat. OH SALE Furniture of 5 rooms and house ior rut reasonaote. uo jutn, Port land. 'OR SALE One G-hole range, good as new. ian r-asi Asm Poultry. THE LUHR FARM offers the J. T. Little prize Partridge Rocks In pens, 5 yearling bens ard 1 male, at $30 per pen; 20(i W. L. yearling W. L. hens, 11.75 each; oOO W. L. pullets, Ferris stock, 11.25 each for September 1 delivery, at 4 months of age. One-third cash with order, balance date of ship- I luenL l.enis, The Lunr Farm, R. 3 box 258, 1 Or. WB SOLD over SK,000 White Leghorn baby chicks to satisfied customers since Janu ary 1. Buy chicks now and sell fall and winter broilers at fancy prices; pullets will make fine early spring layers. Price per loo: Juiy, 14; August. (15. Safe arrival of full count live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 402 6lh sL, Petaluma, Cal. I PI HE bran for rabbits and chickens, made I from good clean wheat: contains ground-out hulls or other mill run: or ders of sacks or more will be delivered Inside delivery district. Old-Fashioned I Milling to. Phone Kaa BAB Y CHICKS A Nl EGGS FOR HATCHING. Barred Rocks and Rhode Inland Red chicks 3-5 per hundred; White Leghorns and Brow n I .eg horns 320 per hundred. J. R. Mctiutre. 7S7 Oregon st. East 15 ! LATINO young Leghorn hens l.tiO each; I very fine Hoganized stock. 7S7 Oregon st. ( Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. WHAT have you to offer for good home-1 stead relinquishment; new house, near Portland: g"od snih F 3n. Orey-onlan. I Bl'ICK bug. new body, now paint; 322.1. I i'an b ",en at Lincoln gatage. Union I se. snd S-niiyier. PKrI.RKKl Airedale pups. $10 and $lft. H J. O'Neill. 17b4 Gilbert su Columbia 1007. H IG H -CLASS red water upaniel dog for le. 32... Phone Sell wood 14I9 or call 797 ;tt 32d P. Machinery. 1 11x13 Wil'emetto roader donkev. 1 Pxll Willamette yarder donkey. 1 18x10x12 Worthington Underwriters fire pump. 1 20x14x12 Gardner pump. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St., Port' and. Oregon. 6 SAW snd bolter. American lath mill, good ,ii new;-also cement machinery. C. A. llaulenberk. 422 Henry bldg. WANTED To buy or rent yarding donkey engine. 9 by 11 Phone Main 497. Lannches and Boats. ONE of the fastest runabouts on river; hard lv one season's use; fully equipped; com plete with boathoise: high-class through out; 3S.VI. Tabor filBl. 100 FPIJ5NDID 4-room houseboat, modern Plumbing, west bank of Willamette river: half rash. Main 5672. McFarland. 602 Ycon bide 1 CASH huvs a beautiful modern 5 -room fumisnei nouserjoar. isno- 1 p. Typewriters. RENT A Remington : special rates to stu dents. Buy your l ew Remington now. im med nte delivery, reasonable terms, item ington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKE-, sola on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer to., retail oept., a 21 wasp st. SALE No. 10 Remington. $65, good as new. Tabor 3243, or call 1731 bcott ave., Mt. Tabor. FOR REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, e. w. fesse Co.. 110 fcixtn st. NEW. ret uitt, second-hand rentals at cut ratea r. u. to. . 20 1 auric su aiain iui . ALL makes tvpewriturs rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 .5th. Mala Miscellaneous. GENTLEMAN S leather coat, size 38; ideal for machine; almost new. Call East 6tS2. - $725 COLUMBIA steel rangs. used only mon t h s. for sale, Woodlawn 102. 1 KF.ED baby buggy cheap if taken at once. f.M) East Ash. FINE soda fountain and iixtures for sale cheap. Woodlawn 5K.70. NEW si.k dr-ss. never worn. S3 bust. Pax- tl-u!ars T :t:7. Oregonlan. ICEBOX, hefcht 7 ft., length 6 ft., width 3 ft.; $2.V 2-: Yamhill st. Main 5y. 1917 ROYAL ANNK cherries for sale, picked and delivered. 12c per pound. Tabor 843S. CgKRrUKfig w Ah, pa tr, -U & atT" 1817 FOB SALE. Mlscellauieoas. - I - - 1 PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND ' "SILENT KNIGHT" OOMB1NATION General Distributors W1L POWELL HIGH-GRADE! VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING CO.'S II EC HAN I C A L R UB B E R GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom 68-70-72 Front St. Port 1 and. Oregon. ONE good young cow, fresh soon, giving milk now; good Studebaker 4, in good running order; some chickens and ducks, garden tools, woven wire fence, furniture of three rooms, new? one 3-hola cas Diate. one dandy 6-hole Majestic range, good as new; qeaiers stay away. SO fc,. iaiQwin mi SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sola xor less; no agents employed.; com plete line of parts for all ma ken; machines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d. Near Taylor St. WE exterminate cockroaches, water bugs. bedbugs. e also do fumigating: guar anteed contracts. 15 yeaxs experience; over 1500 apartments and private houses under our annual contracts. Reliable In secticide Co., 22o Abington b:dg. Phone Main 5359. " NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, We have a few sam pies of raincoats, motor coats and lat her-tex coats re turned by our salesmen, on sale to the puDitc at wholesale prices, in our oixice. 7iM Morgan bldg. TJn Ued Rubber Co. FLY RODS, $3.00 and up; from maker to fisherman a 9-foot 6-ounce three-piece rod, agate guide, steel tip top Calcutta bamboo, a $12 rod. price 37.50; satisfaction guaranteed. Write for list. H. D. Ho boo a. Gooch, Or. 2 glass showcases. 1 counter with G bins. 2 bakers' proof boxes. 1 Toledo computing scale. 1 new 2-wheel box delivery cart. BAKKRITE BAKERY. '2ol Yamhill. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have a few samples of raincoats, motor coats and leather-tex coats re turned by our salesmen, on sale to the public at wholesale prices. In our office. 72 Morgan bldg. United Rubber Co. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. so: a ana exchanged. NORKIS SAFK sc LOCK CO., 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. LADIES Original apparel exchange in Laurelhurst has for sale suits, distinctive gowns, dancing frocks, slightly used, late models, obtained from wealthy ladies. Open 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tabor 2825. PRINTING FOR LESS We are not mem bers of any combination seeking to raise or control the price of printing; artistic work, prompt service. timitb, printers. zu star- su 1 8AFES flLING SAFES DIEBOLD AGTS. Ein"rt work done. Prices rieht- PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY COMPANY, 46 Front st. Broadway 1066. 9-YR.-OLD driving horse, harness and wag on. 3o5. 72d and McCoy sts- K. No. 2, box 413. Take UL Scott car, get off at T mont. FOR SALE Soda fountain, caah registers, scale, safe, cheese cutter, show cases, wall cases and oil tank. 2481 2d Main 342. LOGANBERRIES 6 cts. per lb., you pick them. Take Oregon Electric. 5 oiocks ri. u. of Tigard station, inquire ior w. t. J act ion. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. sii to S20 ins tailed: expert Doner repair ing, plumbing, supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East HDIO. 1I.VOBT nvtr hot-air furnace, floor and wail registers and hot-air pipe; win neat i or o-roora house; bargain, to. laoor oo.j. 527 E. 37th N. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. 120 First St.. bet. wasn. ana Aiaer. Western Fish Co.. Marshall 5189. BIXO cherries, fresh eggs, at Grayhaven, mile south of Mllwaukle. river road. Phone Oa k G rove, 1 J2 i . FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway .Equipment wo., o aiarn su BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases ana wail-cases, iixtures; easy -Lerms. W. J. Qulgley, 227 First. Main Sotftf. BITCKl aras range, double action, for sale. -to; aiso oaK uniuig utuic, fin. nisi auaii 827. 881 Broadway. VuH RAI.E Load of wood, mostly hard' wood, also range and coil. 412 Hall. Phone Main 2svv. ' MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches and syrups ior parries, nances. etc J. xl. uej-tacey, luaniii su rkaittipitt, tnwm and suits, sliehtlv worn. obtained from smartly dressed ladles. Main ROYAL Ann cherries for sale, 10 cents lb. Take Montavilla car to E. 4 9 la et.. two blocks north SLABWOOD Victory Siabwood Co. New yard. Try us we save you money. Call Broadway laiw or faeuwooa i4f. SEVERAL dozen Mason fruit jars cheap, at ;;0 East 6th at. rvortit. ! FOR SALE Green siabwood 37 a cord, by discharged soioier. ian cast ooj. 9x12 AXMINSTER rug in good condition, 323; bargain. 328 Main st. MEDIUM SIZE safe and gas range for sale. C. M. Oieen uransier & btorage Co. VACUUM cleaners for rent or saieZ Vacuum cleaning. Hoover," Broadway 2649. I THREE rolltop deks, 2 man. rolltop desks. filing cabinets, .uusuong &. to., i Park. NOW Is the time for painting and paper- hanging; get an estimate. laoor BioO. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex change aDOUjr-nuejost 7050. Foil SALE New 3 h. p.. a. c current. C. E. motor. I'hone W. S. Fleming, East 5545. SCALES overhauled and repaired. Inquire at 55 Second st.. cor, of Pine. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. FOR SALE Black Republican cherries, c pound, delivered. Main C3r5. BLACK Republican cherries. 5c a lb. if you pirk them. Woodlawn 3QS3. B1NG cherries, 10c pound, picked. 5 blocks east Kenton bank. Augustine place. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 LIBERTY SIX, BOUGHT IN 1919. RUN ONLY 2600 MILES. Two brand-new rear Thermoid ni-skid tires, front tires nearly new, 1 spare and cover, upot light, bumper, plate glass in rear, original pafnt good as new, good mechanically a when it left factory; must be teen to be appreciated. 1917 Grant Rtx, in first-class mechanical condition, 35 ., terms. BUTLER At WOOD, East Burnside Street, Near Bridge. Phone East 321. 12-CYLTNDER HAINES; good cord til and wire wheels; A-l rnape. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. VELIE SIX, like new; a bargain. CARY. B23 Alder St. Broadway 2492. 17 CHANDLER SIX ROADSTER New nalnt. six tires, three- Pew; car in Derfect mechanical condition; will sell for cash or take In light car as part payment; this car Is worth seeing; by owner. Main 243 MAXWELL roadster. 3917. In best of con dltion; will sacrifice at $675, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE 1917 Ford bug. For particu lars call East J iw. 191 4 Ford, $250. at 1394 E. 17th St. Sell wood car to By bee ave. MUST saerifl.-e 19J7 Paige tourinsr like new leaving Portland: a"t quick. East 66SL BRAND new 1919 Studebaker 4. run SOO miles: for quick sale. $i4o". Main 56?8. 1916 OLDSMOBILE Al condition; for a buV see this. v. ooaiawn -ivn. FOR SATjE A Ford delivery. Call Broad way 'JW, .-wonoaj . FORD. In good shape, cheap for cash. Haw- thome Garage, 445 Hawthorne. SALE 1918 Chevrole4good condition. $.5o; terms. jj"".. m-t-j. iiwim t.-j. HUDSON SIX, 5-pass.. like new; fine con dition; 36..Q, quicK saie. .viarsnaji B22. FOR S4.LE Ford bug body, newly painted. 153 E Mh st Phone East $?UK DTDi-Rr ir 1-ton truck. 1918sneclal mninr good condiiioa. jrt--Jins o.i uresnfun. 19IS STUDEBAKER. See this one. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND C COUCH. CASH or terms buys 1918 Maxwell, fine Condition a-m wu. DODGE. $700; 1 Maxwell. $650; 1 Ford. $425. Klng-Sr, Garage. 168 King st, 1919 CHEVROLET, completely "overhauled. ..w..r T-rn pi Vk' ivn r-Ai-cu Minn - " '-" . MAXWELL-BRISCOE roadster. East SntrSt-. cor, r. -ndin. BARGAIN Win ton 5-passenger, $600.50. Marshall wr-w. CHEVROLET, good Mi ape, 35. Tabor 5it or .. iasi, jifi. 191 MAXWELL: the best ever. SAUItt AL.XO CVrt rLAia. JL2SU, TOR SALE AtTOMOBIUCS. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL USED CAR BUY ERS, and rivht at the most opportune time of the year. "VACATION TIME." The. "Boss lust returned from a very eX' tensive and successful trip buying good cars, and informs us that he purcnasea approximately 100 good cars at prices that wiil permit us to resell them far below their actual values. It is an acknowledged fact that we have oeen selling oars at a much lower xigurs than any or our competitors ana now, right at a time when there is a pro nounced shortage of new cars and used car prices have gone sky high, we are going to sell high-grade late model slightly used cars at prices that will no doubt cause the ever suspicious fellow to think they were probably obtained quietly at night without any arguments with their former owners concerning price or clear titles Remember, folks, we are on the east side, out of the high rent district. Liberty bonds taken at face value and easy terms given on any car yoa purchase, if It is not convenient for von to Day cash. Read this list over very carefully, and then beat It for No. 12 Grand ave. North. and pick out a good one. They won t be aero long at tnese prices. Take a tip. Get busy. Here are a few of them 1019 Studebaker big 6. 7-naasenger: six cord tires. Car has run only 2100 miles. 191S Chandler Desnatch. 5 wire wheels. 5 cord tires. This car Is just like new. 1918 Jordan, 6-passenger; 5 wire wheels, 5 cord tires. This Is a beauty. 1918 Jordan. 4-passenger; 5 wire wheels, 5 cord pres. Can't beat it. Packard twin 6. run only 1100 miles; looks and runs Just like a a new car. Coie 8, aero type; 6 cord tires. Beautiful paint job. This is the Drettlest car in town. 1917 Hudson super-six; 5 wire wheels, 8 cora tires. 1918 Hudson super-six; 5 tires. 1117 Oakland 5-pass. ; perfect condition. 1916 Dodge touring; almost new tires. 1917 Maxwell touring; the economy tires. 1916 Maxwell touring; fine shape. 1917 Maxwell roadster; 5 good tires. 1916 Reo, 4-cyl.. 5-pass.; some fine car. 1916 Mitchell 6, 5-pass.; completely over hauled. 1916 Mitchell 6, 7-pass.; completely over hauled. 1915 Packard 6. T-pass. ; cord tires. 1918 Studebaker 6, 7-pass.; a real buy.. 1910 Stutz speedster: a sacrifice. 1015 Chalmers 6; cord tires. 3917 Chandler. 6-cyl., 7-pass. 1910 Chevrolet touring; seat covers. 1917 Haynes chummy roadster; new cord tires. 1917 Haynes, 6-cyl., 5-pass. We have over 100 others to select from. Open Evenings and Sundays. "LEWIS E. OB YE MOTOR CO.. US.ED CAR DEPARTMENT. 12 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, You win find the following cars as represented: - 1916 Overland? 5-pass., good mechanical condition : gooa tires ; newiy painted. Price saoo. 1918 Chevrolet; first-class condition throughout; good tires, with extra. Price ibid. 1918 Ford coupe. In very rood eondl tion throughout; has shock absorbers, Price soo. 1915 Dodge, good condition. Price 3650. 1917 Dodge sedan, perfect mechanical condition; newiy painted wire wneeis, witn extra tire mounted, irice i2io. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Phones A. 2577, Main 6244. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of an auto. THE FOLLOWING ARE BIG SNAPS: 1912 CADILLAC TOURING 1914 CADILLAC TOURING .. 1917 PAIGE TOURING 1914 OVERLAND TOURING. . 475 875 .. 375 . . 375 AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN DISTRIBUTORS, NINTH AND COUCH. FROM NOW ON WE ARE GOING TO OF Ftit A SPECJALi DAK l j A 1 iAUH JJA1 IN A USED CAR. WATCH OUR ADS FOR THIS SPECIAL. TODAY'S SPECIAL. SOME BUY. 1917 STUDEBAKER TOURING, 4725. THIS CAR CARRIES OUR USUAL GUARANTEE. AUTO SALES CO., AUBURN "BEAUTY SIX DISTRIB UTORS. NINTH AND COUCH. USED CAR BARGAINS. AT GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. 1 Reo bug 3 300 1 3918 Ford roadster 500 1 Saxon 6 roadster R00 1 1917 Maxwell 60 1 1917 Hupmobile Big 4 1000 1 1916 Saxon -r00 1 Oakland pedan 1000 And over 50 other cars to select from. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, Grand ave. and n-ast atari. Phone East 7810. Open Evenings and Sundays. CADILLAC 8, 7-passenger; first-claes con dition. 1918 Chevrolet; first-class condition. mia rhvrnint mi ner com new. Overland, 5-passenger! $100 will handle. Two 1911 Cadillacs: a snap. SEE WHITE & STEVENS, 421 Burnside. Broadway 521. TWO CHEVROLETS; new tires and extras; $425 and $550. . CARY, 022 Alder St. Broadway 2492. ARE tou otill Ktxusglins with the old un satisfactory grease cups? Let us demon strate the new Fystem that eliminates grease cups and dirt, giving you positive lubrication in a few minutes. Alemite Lubricator Co., 432 Alder st. Phone Broadway S5Q0. OVERLAND with winter top, good tire and paint: a bargain, $700. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. TIKE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 488 Union ave. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. , . LIBERTY GTX, newly painted; will guaran tee tms car; i.ov. CARY, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492. YOUR choice of 3 cars. Hudson, Hupmobile or Chandler; an ovemauieu, reyauncu . ex cellent condition; real values at $13o0; terms to suit, lr mterestea tan jjiortwaj 3 270. room 42.1. for owner and leave phone number or aaaresB. RY OWNER- 1919 G-passenger Grant six; five tires. spotlight, motor meter, flower vase, etc.; vat-v little: car better than new; will sell at a bargain. Act quick. Phone Main 6797. PH avdler. 5-passenger. 6-cylinder Chandler, good condition; will sell for $850 or take in Ford as part payment; if you want a bar gain don't fall to see this car. Call at 114 iFt at. or phone iaoor pu-, LOCOMOBILE SIX "45." 5-passenger four nearly new eiiveno z Y,' good fabric spare; a wonderful buy for someone looking for a high-class car; nri stf.'O cash or $675 terms. This car cost $5000 new. Call Sellwood 1211. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wrec k an mattea en " -o-trts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. BY owner, late model Oldsmobile, 8-cylinder. In periect wnuiuuu, , "&l.r : ipoo- for quick sale. $1000 cash. See car. Singer Store, 3S2 Morrison st. FORD motor, complete with transmission. JUSt oeruou'cu .. , v Ho1i?ter. 3-9 Everett at. NI"E BUG Electric light; $225; must leave town. Call at 3?6 E. 7th St., 10 to 12 A. M.. 6 to 8 FORD delivery, first-class condition : some terms., o "uv uwu juuo FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Wo will take your liberty bonds at face value. 191 5 Mitchell, fl-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 6-paas., 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 6-cyL - 1914 White, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1917 National, 7-pass., 12-cyI. 1!17 National, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1910 Overland. 5-pass., 4-cyL 1917 Oldsmobile. 7-pass,. o-cyl. 1916 Chandler. 7-pass., 6-cyl.. 1916 Overland. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1916 Holller. 5-pass,, 8-cyl. lyi4 Haynes. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1912 Mitchell, 7 -pass., 6-cyL Pope 2-ton truck. Most of the above cars have been re built and painted. We will take your old car as part pay ment, on some ox the above cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. East First at Morrison. Phones: East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. BROADWAY AT OAK. Phones: Broadway 515. A 3343. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R CO.. 1917 FORD TOURINO CAR, $475. CARY. 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492 $300 1913 LIGHT 5-passenger Maxwell; good paint and tires; leather upholster ing: used as family car by careful driver excellent condition; will demonstrate after o ju. bb Linn ave. .rnone seuwooa 1318. DODGE sedan, only run a few thousand miles, in perfect condition; extra wheel and tire; will sacrifice or consider trade on Chevrolet or Maxwell touring, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOR SALE A number of squeak chasers in the form or Alemite Jr ittings. is your car eauiDoed? If not ask us for a dem onstration. Alemite Lubricator Co.. 432 Alder. Phone Bdwy. ZoW. GOING east.- will sell my S-cylinder Scrlpps itooth. in A-i condition ; o wire wneeis and tires: car Just overhauled; If you are looking for a good car, come and see this one. Ioj E. Mn st. ihone Jast osia. CHALMERS touring, just repainted, in per fect mechanical condition; good tires; win sell at $1400, with terms, or consider trade on smaller car, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. Big B USED CARS. Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. COVEY . . . MOTOR . . . CAR . . . CO. 1013 HUDSON touring car, tires practically new, a real bargain. 400 iiunujiae st., Bdwy 93, aak for Mr. Smith.. 191S SCRIPPS-BOOTH touring, run 6000 miles; hue condition; $lni iu equipment; terms. 534 E. Burnside. Phono East 65titi. ESSEX 1919, touring, brand new; will con sider trade on Chevrolet or Maxwell tour ing, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MUST sell my 1919 silver anniversary, 8 cy Under Apperson; just like new; run 4000 mi. ; cost 4200. My price. 33200, with terms. See owner. 2G1 12ih st. $725 HUDSON Six, 5-paseenger; fine con dition; nice appearing; good tires? nothing wrong, simply must have money. 5ol 37th st. Richmond car. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR, A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. CHEVROLET touring, 191S, in best of con dition; good tires; will sell at $775 and give terms. HO Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE by owner, Chalmers model 24, 5-passenger touring, good meohanical con dition; motor just been overhauled; $750. Call Main 4739. PAINTING as part payment on my late, model automobile. Phone Mr. Ma gem an. Wdln. aSSO or leave phone number at Marshall 867. 1917 CHANDLER at sacrifice; must sell; will take terms. Call Broadway 1270, ask for Mr. Smith. MAXWELL 1917 touring, just repainted and overhauled, a bargain at $tf;0, some terms. 30 Grand ave. X., near Burn side. PIERCE-ARROW 36 5 passenger in perfect condition ; late model; cord tires: will sacrifice for cash or liberty bonds. C 481. Oregonlan. A SNAP in a late model Chevrolet Baby Grand, run 1900- miles. Just like new. Phone Broadway 1234, lltli and Everett FORD touring car lu best of condition; good tires; will sacrifice at $.suuf with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOR SALE 7-pasijenger Speedwell, a dandy car for hauling passengers. 0 good tires. Phono Bdwy. 1234. 11th and Everett sts. MUST sell my Mitchell light six before Sat urday, in fine condition inside and out. Phone Broadway 2935. 1918 MAXWELL, good condition; delivery box rear; snap; leaving city.. 210 Yam hill. FORD bug in fine condition ; new torpedo bady, -some extras; a bargain at $525. terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 191S HUPMOBILE, just as good as any 1S m town; cnooae your own paint Job. SMITH AUTO, CO.. PARK AND COUCH. FOR SALE By owner, car., first- class condition. inquire 4U.J 2d st. Tel. Main 5613. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell, factory paint. excellent condition, price jwu; terms. Call Bdwy. 1270, room 423. and leave phone No. :00 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR, Al CONDITION AND GOOD KUB BER. CALL EAST 1962. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX; RUNS AND lAJOiva isxuw. tAU. TABOK 030. FOR SALE 1917 Buick Six touring tar; 2467 bar-rain for $900. Tel. Woodlawn or call lol9 Haight ave. 1917 HUPMOBILE. This will make you think. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. CHALMERS roadster, in. best of condition; will sacrifice at $975,' with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1918 DODGE roadster in very best of condi tion, including six new tires: can be seen at Autorest Garage, cor. 10th and Salmon.,) 1918 BUICK 5-passenger. 5 wire wheels, in , very best of condition; can be seen at Autoregt Garage. 10th and Salmon sts. !'l 7 PAIGE touririfr. some class, wire wheels, look- like a million dollars. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND fTOIJCH. LATH model Cadillac roadster for sale, at a barpjin; ren be seen at Autorest Garage, eor. 10th and Salmon sts. 1918 MAXWELL touring in fine condition; jcood tires;- a bargain at $77o, some terms. :;0 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1919 CHEVROLET, new rubber, $100 extras. $750. Apt. o. jviiiingsworin ave., Portland. R. E. Dodge. Woodlawn 49S4. $000 TAKES 1917 model 5-pass. car. electric llgnte, Ftancr. suuu m t. uftntr, .u North Sixth. Broadway 4130. 1918 OLDS S; runs like a top; new paint. new if res. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COI-CH. FORD touring, 3917. In perfect condition ; good tires; a bargain at $55n, with terms. SO Grand ac. N.. near Burnside. BY OWNER, 6-passenser car in good con dition, 65th st., between 66th and 67th ave., just out of city limits. Call evening.--. 1917 FORD touring;, has the pep and will stand the fr&ff. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. LATE model Hudson, first-class shape; will sacrifice for some cash and security. Own er, phone wooaiawn o?. 1918 FORD for -sale, cash. North 10th Ht. See it at 243 PACKARD C-cylinder, in good shape, $750; by owner. AP 309. Oregoniau. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each: vul canized, 25c; tire repairing 207 Madison. Automobiles Wanted. WANT the best light car $100 down and $100 per mo. will buy; roadster preferred. V 377, Oregonlan. WANT to buy 1918 Chevrolet or Maxwell touring; must be in good condition; will pay cash. can East o aiter d r. m. EXCHANGE painting for light car; will pay some auierence. L-iiii ji-o toiiiiams ave., after 5 P. M. WANT to buy 1917 or 191S Ford, in good condition; win pay casn. jasc is arter 4 p. M. 11 E. 12th St. N. WANT to buy 1918 Chevrolet, In good condi tion; will pay spot cash. Call Broadway 1180, morning. 10 to 12. DODGE WANTED. Will buy Dodge car for cash. Inquire at 249 6th at Madison. Phone Main 7352. WANT to buy used Dodge car, condition immaterial. win pay casn. jiiibs Gray, 249 th st. Main 7352. 40 ACRES pine timber; value $S00 to $30QO to exchange ior. gooa useo car. av 220, Oregonian, DODGE touring car wanted: will -pay cash. Apply Alice nuicmnsua, iui --oroeii mag. Main 815. CASH paid for wrecked or badly damaged I Ford cars. Haie s garage, uavis. 1 WANTED To buy for cash, a good Dodge I .touring, 10-19 or j-vjv. j.uot xauu. -AUTOMOBILES. Automobile anted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two ehoiee lots at Salt air station. Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; aleo 59 by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay some dif ference. Address BD 205, Oregonlan. LONG & SYLVA, Auto wreckers. We wrevk cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we wiil duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6M0. 402 Hawthorne ave. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LATE MODEL. . THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 5-27 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 15S2. HAVE cash and a fine lot worth 3"50 to fay for good car up to $1500. The lot s not junk but good value. Write, giving make, model and price of car. V 32a, Oregonlan. WE CAN GET YOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE I"S BEFORE YOU SELL. CONLEVS USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. HAVE a dandy fine lot, near Hawthorne ave. car, free from incumbrance, which I will trade for good Ford touring car. Phone East 2015. CASH for old model touring or delivery or light express, with dependable motor for hill climbing; owners oniy; particulars first letter. AN 276. Oregonlan. WANTED 1 second-hand Dodge, good me chanical shape. Apply before Thusjday at North Bank Garage, 101 North 11th St. CASH for your Ford, Maxwell. Dodge or Buick. Call Eppte. Main 2oi. 50-52 N. 20th St., west side, near Washington. WANTED LIGHT AUTOMOBILE; MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION ANDFKICE RIGHT FOR CASH. 530 ALDER. WANTED - To buy for cash. Stutz six Tabor l.ltt. passenger. FORD truck wanted; must be cheap. Call 11 East 12th st. North after 5 P. M Motorcycles. INDIAN, twin, 7-horsepower, Bosch man- neto, prestoiite, good tires, running well; $IS5. or would trade. 1111 Division st. Tabor 1770. WILL pay $200 crnsh for late model electric ally equipped twin tiariey-JJaviason mo torcycle; must be in fin-t-class shape. Call Marshall 1 60, roo m 409. 3-SPEED Indian motorcycle, fully equipped. a ream tanuem. can ana see it. price reasonable. 014 '4 2d st. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY IS 5. HlH-JOti 3U t r. Main oiay. GOOD side car. $50. Call after 4 P. M. 48 East 8th st. N. 3-STEED Harley motorcycle as good w; sii'.i casri or terms. Tabor 4IHS. Auto Tires and Accessories, SPOTLIGHTS, big snap, 3. all complete; regular retail price $6.50. Take advantage this special offer. Mail orders C. O. D. 206 Railway Exchange. Main 967. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT, WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD and GLISAX STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE CARAIIK. BDWY. 2408 l.TTH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVE RS FOR HIRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE: HIGHWAY AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. Main 70S0. AUTOlTwiTHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th st.. Broadway 840. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. GOOD buys in used light trucks. Delivery cars. The cars Hated here are in excellent condition, will be found exactly as repre sented and will be sold on exceptionally easy terms if desired. Trades will be taken. CADILLAC, I -2-TON. 1912 model Cadillac, new Graham Truck attachment, mechanical condi tion Al, tires solid In rear, pneumatic in front, all practically new; platform stnke body, all newly painted; has electric lights and starter. Price $1400. DODGE BROTHERS 1-TON. 1918 Dodge with Graham truck attach ment, mechanical condition perfect, solid tires on rear, pneumatic front, large body with top and side curtains, electric lights and starter: will paint to suit purchaser. Price $1409. OVERLAND PANEL DELIVERY. 1917 Overland, first-class mechaniesl condition, good tires with extra; will paint to suit purchaser. Price $500. FORD DELIVERY. 1917 Ford, panel body, good mechan ical condition, tires practically new ; will paint to suit purchaser. Price $400. 1915 Ford, panel body, good mechan ical condition, good tires. Price $300. Open Evenings and Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. 4 BARGAINS. 2-TON- GARY, completely over hauled and in Al shape; tires prac tically new, equipped with cab, prestoiite and platform body. This truck is an excellent buy for $2300; liberal terms to reliable, parties. 2-TON GARY, practically new. This truck lias not been driven over 50o miles, and is the best buy in town at $2U0. 2-TON TtEO, good condition, equipped with delivery body. top, curtains and prest-o-Iite; $700. S-TON" G. M. C. good condition, equipped with 2 brand new tires, delivery body, top and prest-o-lite, $700. GARY COAST AGENCY, 71 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 2162. Portland, Or. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 Garford 1"4 - ton with express body top, side cur taint; and wind shield; excellent condition $1500 191 Ford worm drive 1-ton; used 4 months: good tires and express body complete 700 Reo ppeed wagon. 1917 model; fully equipped and in excellent condi tion 850 Ford 1-ton truck, gear drive, in good condition; body. cab and wind shield 'oU PARK AND EVERETT. BDWY. 1389. WORM-DRrVB FORD. Will trade my 1 "?s-ton Federal for worm-drive Ford truck. A Bargain If Taken At Once. BD 312. OREGON! AN". ASK a White or Federal Truck agnt why l 11 their trucks are equipped with tho Ale-mtte lubricating system beforo leaving the factory. We can equip your track, re gardless of the make, with this same sys tem. Call, write or phone for informa tion and prices. Alemite Lubricator Co., 432 Alder st. Phone Broadway 3500, I HAVE Immediate steady work moro tnC eiffht hours for several Sj-tnn truciS close to Portland; small payment dowA, lone time on balance; chance to get into business for yourself. If interest tuldresa BD 406, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-ton truck. $900. good paying contract to go with sale, reasonable term. 490 Burnside st., Bdwy. 93, ak for Mr. Smitlu FOP. SALE Good second-hand 3-ton In diana truck, will accept 1 or 2-ton truck as part payment. Apply at 103 E. Water St.. Portland. Or. , FOR SALE Easy terms, or trade for car, 2 ton truck. See Smith at McCraken Motor Car Co., 15th and Burnslda sts. 2 -TON Mack and 2-ton White; first-class condition; easy payments. 694 E. 19th st. Phone Sellwood 2227. FORD ton-truck for sale; 1918. 301 Burnside st. Apply at mm ' A1TO REPAIRING. v.iyii .nd Maxwell specialist. Bring me your troubles. 230. ana aJivisiou. eeu wood 3755, - ,