13 RALPHGRUiMJHDME trapshootera in attendance, won eight trophies over a period of five days' shooting in many events and competi tions. Wright's winning of this seemingly large number of trophies started an agitation for a new schedule of award FROM ARMY SERVICE ing trophies In which shooters voiced the opinion that no one should be allowed to win more than one prize in a tourna ment. What will become of the agita tion begun there and since continued remains to be seen. It is all very fine to exDrss such Portland Boxer Takes Part in Who Will Meet Big Champion? Overseas Matches. lofty ideals about one trophy to a tour nament, but it is doubted If the shoot Latest Ring Query. ers who voioed them would want to be limited to the winning of one trophy if the opportunity presented itself for them to win more than one. BESHAM POPULAR FIGHTER There wouldn't be any sense in shoot FULTON MAY TAKE CHANCE ing through a five days' programme for the shooter who won prize the first day.. Very few tournaments, howover. run five days. Most -of the tournaments are one and two-day affairs, but there Johnny Beckett Is Mentioned I'o-ible Aspirant for World's Championship Title. usually are two or throe events on the Willie Meehan, Favorite in Sportln smallest programme. It is only right and natural that on Circles, Looms Big as Title Contender. TIIE 3IORMXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919. DEiOTPPOINT Ralph Gruman. best-known and most popular boxer developed in Portland in several years, arrived here yesterday after serving; more than two years with he United States army. 18 months of the time being spent "overseas." Gru man arrived in New Tork on June 25. From New York he was sent to Camp Mills and thence to Camp l.ewis. Gru man received his honorable discharge j Saturday at (.amp Lewn ana lelt in ranks as a sergeant. Gruman rnlimed at the outbreak o the war and was sent to England with the l!2d infantry. He was transferred to the military police a few months after arriving overseas and served to the las in that branch of the army. Ralph had many thrilling experiences In Kngland, participating in about li ring battles with as many good boys. He has been bothered with a bad knuckle on his right hand and the outcome of the in Jury will determine whether ,he will - once again enter the ring and try to rrach the top of the welterweight di vision or get Into some business and settle down for good. KaaraJe Jajnreel la Bostt. Gruman hurt his hand several times n bouts in England and Is to have an X-ray taken of his injuries. If it can be mended and he- sees any real money In the fighting game he will don the padded gloves again. Regardless of Suture plans hs will rest for a month or so. The Injury to his right hand kept the Portland boxer from entering the inter allied boxing tournament in London after he had qualified to represent his division in the semi-finals. Although ha titd not box in that tournament Gru man took part in f number of other Hirri, (wo U intuit uciiik m ri.tivs, In which he won his matches. During most of the time Gruman was stationed near Jondon and spent much time In the world's greatest city, com ing in contact with and meeting per sonally all of England's best boxers. Ragliah 1ghera Reviewed. In speaking of the Britishers Gruman has to say: "Johnny Bashman. Johnny Keckctt and Jimmy Wilde are the three best men that Great Britain boasts of. Kashman holds the welterweight title, Keckett. the heavyweight champion ship, and Jimmy Wilde, the flyweight title of the world. Wilde is the marvel of the three and Is a great boxer, but 1 saw Joe Lynch, American bantam weight, hand him a terrible lacing at the National J-portlng club In London only to have the decision ruled against l.im. Lynch floored him In the first round, the clever Englishman missing repeatedly. Nevertheless the referee cave the verdict to Wilde. The London papers were unanimous In saying that Lynch was entitled to a draw and Bom went ao far as to declara ihat he should have had the decision. II do not think that there is a man at hi weight In the world who can trim Wilde. Wilde never scales over 10 pounds when In condition. Basham Held Popular. "Johnny Basham. whom I saw fight a number of times is a good mixer and a popular welterweight champion Kngland. He holds his own with all comers but 1 do not think that, he would be able to defeat the best American welters." Gruman also saw Johnny Beckett, English heavyweight champion In ac tion. His name is now mentioned as a possible opponent for Jack Dempsey. Sneaking of Beckett, uruman saia "Beckett Is a big, strong hardhitting boxer and depends upon his punch and aggressivenr.s to win. He Is not overly fast and I think a man of Dempsey s sueed would put the skids nnder him. Beckett however, is not a chump and will be backed by the English boxing followers no matter who he meets, aairriras Mosey I'lratifsl. Gruman adds that the American box era In London are cleaning up regularly lv betting on the horse races ana lights. old Eddie JlcGoorty is knocking them lown every week In London and is a In card. "The National Sporting club of Lon don, where all of the big fights are held in a national Institution." says Grumajl. "The boxing game in England Is on a high standard and shows are attended by men. women and children. The bouts are on the square and the fans always get plenty of real action for their money. The English demanu mat the fighters break clean, which results in many fast bouts and not half wrest ling matches." while In England Gruman also met Eucene t'orrl. the famous refsree and other well-known sporting personages . sneaks very highly f the all- round sportsmanship of the English fans. IS ft. k- V i t i ,1 v. ' - .it" ... Ralph Grwsaaa.' PSTtlaad boxer, who has retaraed aosae. should be limited to the winning of one prize in any one event, but if there are two events on the same day and one shooter is good enough to win a trophy in each there Is no reason why he shouldn't get it. OVERSEAS BOOTS THRILL YANKEE PROMOTERS I'RGED TO CLEAN CP GAME. J.EOXARD MAY QUIT GAME Champion Lightweight Sees Fortune In Playing Slock Market. Benny Leonard, world's champion lightweight, has longed for other fields to conouer. according to word received from the taut. He is going to get his wish. The premier boxer is going to match his wits again.it the solons of the stock world. I nlcss he is well e.iuitned financially he Is going to find the task a difficult one of blocking. parrying or sidestepping deals when the markets start to go against him. It will be a new experience for Leon ard, and he will doubtless pay for the exneriment. He does not know now- many friends he actually has until he mingles with the stock market crowd. He will find it no trouble to be sep arated from his money. With the announcement that Leonard is going to take a fling at the stock market is coupled a statement that he proposes to retire from the ring. It has been two years since Leonard annexed the lightweight title from Freddie Welsh. He has not defended that title in a regular ring battle at the stipulated lightweight limit, which In this country is 133 pounds ringside. The American public has been very kind to Leonard- They have allowed him to collect a fortune in limited round contests where no championship was at stake. He has merited all the attention which has been showered upon hlr.i. because he has been a credit to ths sport. WRIGHT WINS EIGHT PRIZES New Schedule of Awarding Trophies Under Consideration. In f h. Fin.httr.t fV C transhootlnr tournament, Frank S. Wright of Buf- New York stale, shooting in better Jimmy Branson, Y. M. C. A. Boxing Promoter, Writes Interestingly of Fights' Over There. PALACE DE GLACE. Paris, June 17. (Special.) "American boxers and boxing promoters may well tako lessons from the way the boxers box and the promoters promote, here In the. A. E. F.,M said Jimmy Bronson, T. M. C. A. boxing promoter, after SO rounds of brisk fighting had been dished out to the howling doughboys at a "Y show here. Th Yanks training for the inter allied meet gave an exhibition, and he milling between Yanks and French was exciting. Bronson, considered the lasslest referee In the entire A. i.. was kept stepping, and after it was over he sat and talked with several cronies over a dish of ice cream at the "Y" cafeteria. "I have learned some things her that are going to be of value to me when 1 get back to promoting at horn," remarked Jimmy. "Jf every boxing pro moter in America could have been over here he would be able to go home and aid in the great ring revival that I think is coming." Bronson says that the day of big purses for champions and meager ones for the little fellow is past. Of course, he believes that the champion is worth mora than the novice, but he also be lieves that the promoter should work for the so-called starter, the under-dog of the ring. Bronson continued. "Boxing in the army and navy camps at home and In the A. E. K. has started a great wave of enthusiasm for boxing. and boxers and thousands of new box ing fans aro the results of the hun dreds of shows the Y. M. C. A. has staged over here. " "Y" and Red Cross girls who never saw boxing at home have seen scores of bouts over here, enjoyed them and are hoping they can continue to see them when they go home. But the home clubs will have to do some re forming, and the spectators and the game will both have to go through a renovating process if these fans ar to be retained." It was not so many years ago when the boxing fans were wondering if there 4 I ever would be a man who would be able i to defeat Jess Willard and wrest th world's heavyweight crown from hi brow. These doubts were dispelled when soma of the "experts" would come out periodically with a story to the effect that big Jess was a super man and would retire undefeated. Hut at last a fighter developed who not only took Wlllard's measure but gave him the most terrible trimming In history. This person is jacK jjempsey, the new heavy weigni cnampion. The question now occupying the minds of the fistic followers is whether there is a man who can beat or -who has chance to stand up against Young jaca a np-irearing punches. The crop of heavyweights now is no better than four or five years aeo. Dempsey is the only one to soring ud wno nas snowed any class outside of be ing an ordinary stand up and put out your mitts heavyweight. Would-be Fighters Plentiful. Summing up the heavyweight situa tion the most formidable of the lot ao pears to be Fred Fulton. Bill Brennan, rsniy MisKe. Willie Meehan, Georges Carpentier, Joe Beckett, and one or two others. There are a hundred others of about the same caliber. Dempsey knocked FvAton out in round. Bill Brennan In four rounds and holds a decision over Billy Miske and w line Meehan. Joe Beckett is the heavy weight champion of England while Car pentier, the Frenchman, holds the Eu ropean title. Beckett has never done anything to stamp him as a world beater and it is doubtful if he could stand the onslaughts of Dempsey for many rounds. Georges Carpentier is in the same boat as Willard. He has been out of the game for nearly four years, only weighs 180 pounds and Is another man who never fought many tough heavies during his career. Meehaa May Fight Champ. Willie Meehan, the fistic enigma of the country, a short fat battler who by some hook or crook managea to stay the limit with the best of them and has won a decision over Jack Dempsey over the four round route and will no doubt be boomed for a battle with the latter now that he is champion. Meehan was credited with a decision over Dempsey In San Francisco about six months ago after four rounds of fighting. Some of the critics thought that the bout might have been a draw while others sided with the referee. Meehan has fought Dempsey four times and has always held his own, but in a bout of 10-rounds or more he would probably be butchered beyond recognition. Mehan fought Miske in Milwaukee several weeks ago and al though he stayed the 10-rounds he was beaten to a pulp. Billy Miske. the rugged St. Paul 175 pounder has met Dempsey on two occa sions, both bouts going the distance, 10 rounds. One was considered a draw by the critics and in the other Dempsey received the popular call. Foltosi Through, Is Guess. Fred Fulton is through in this coun try for some time to come while Jim Coffey is another who would not last more than a round with the champion. There are several colored boxers, in cluding Harry Wills, "Kid" Norfolk and Joe Jeanetta who would be glad of chance to give Dempsey a real fight but it is doubtful if he will fight negro. Other heavyweights may spring up as at present there is a crop of youngsters being touted in various sec tions of the United states and some of these may develop into contenders for the champipnship. Dempsey will be grabbing off some big money In the theatrical game while the promoters will be figuring some logical opponents for the Colorado cyclone. ' II M l ""H l ""'I o. " .,...,j:j;.v....jmtw)rr jii ' IF yotf haven't rung-in on the joys of a jimmy pipe with Prince Albert for pack ing you certainly want to get introduced inside the next hour! Talk about a pal-party! Why, it's like having a pass on a park merry-go-round early in June! For, Prince Albert has brought pipes into their own led three men to the utmost tobacco happiness where one man smoked a pipe before! P. A. has blazed the trail for thousands who figured they would have to do "Kitchen Police" on pipe smokes the rest of their lives! Thousands more have taken the tip to roll their own with Prince Albert! So, climb injo the P. A. pipe or makin's cigarette pastures and have a session! . You'll soon get wise, all right, that Prince Albert never did bite the touchiest tongue in your township and, it's a brace of aces against a two-spot that it never will fuss yours! Read on the reverse side of every Prince Albert package that P. A. is made by our exclusive process that cuts out bitcand parch! Give Prince Albert tb,e speed-o taste-test and tongue-test you. want to suig-smoke'songs-at-stinrisc! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. Toppy rsd bag, tidy root fin, handsama pemJ end kalfptmnd tin Aami dors and that cauy practical poand crystal glass hmmidar with sponsrm moistmnar tap that kmmps tha tobacco in sack parmet condition. V CopyrtrM in R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co JILLARD OFF FPU KANSAS SHOWIXG OF PICTURES IS RE FUSED BY CENSORS. Ollphant .loins Atlanta Club. COLUMBUS. Ga July 7. Lieutenant Elmer Q. Ollphant, star football player of West Point, has joined the Atlanta club of the Southern association as a pitcher. Ollphant. who is stationed hers at Camp Benning. is on a month's leave and expects to play most of the time with Atlanta. rhone your wants ads to The Orego- nlin. Main 7070. A 95. VICTORIA WATER SPORTS LIKE Crack Swimmers Expected to Enter in Northwest Meet. VICTORIA. B. C, July 7. Crack swimmers from Pacific slope points from California to the Yukon aro ex pected to compete in the Pacific north west amateur swimming, diving and water polo championship tournament to be held on the banks of the gorge here July 10 under the auspices of the Victoria and Island Athletic associa tion. Several present tltleholders aro ex pected to be here to fight to retain their honors. Among them will be Miss Thelma Payne of the Multnomah Athletic club, Portland, Or., holder of the national diving championship. Checking Up of Gate Receipts and Attendance Will Probably Be Completed Today. TOLEDO, O., July 7. Jess Willard, dethroned heavyweight champion of the world, tonight is on his way to Law rence, Kan., home and permanent re tirement from the ring. Willard, accompanied by his wife and two personal friends, began the long motor trip late this afternoon. The defeated champion is making the trip in a seven-passenger car he purchased here during the training period. Wil lard expects the trip will consum about a week. The swelling over hi left eye had entirely disappeared and the only marks he bore was a slight discoloration over the eye and a cut lip, The task of checking up the gate receipts and attendance of the Inde pendence day battle proved so stupen dous that Promoter Rickard announced tonight that the official accounting would not be completed until tomor row. Rickard, however, estimated the re ceipts would not exceed $500,000. Allegations by William O. Rocap, sporting writer of Philadelphia, that there was collusion betwen Klckard and Willard in promoting the cham pionship match were investigated to day by the Toledo boxing commission, under whose license the contest was staged. The commission gave Kickard a vote of confidence and invited Rocap to present any evidence he may have to the commission, of which Mayor Schreiber and C. H. Wall, director of public afety, are members, and adopted a resolution declaring It had been unable to find any evidence of collusion; that the contest was con ducted squarely and honorably, and that Rocap be notified to present all proofs, if he has any, to the commission within a week, or "forever hold .his peace." The refusal of the Ohio board of motion picture censors to allow pic tures of the contest to be exhibited caused disappointment here. Hundreds of persons waited outside picture thea ters hoping that the picture would finally be approved. Frank K. Hall of New York, who, with Rickard and Wil lard owns the picture, said $200,000 would be lost in Ohio because of the board's action. Quail Numerous in Clackamas. There are thousands of Oregon mountain quail on tho upper Clackamas river, according to J. H. Hogan, special deputy game warden, who has Just re turned from that region. The quail were almost extinct for years, but un der the game protection laws they are coming back in great numbers. Mr. Uogan will leave soon for the Mount Jefferson country, where he will spend some weeks. Bankers' Teams to Clu.-li. The Northwestern National bank team will meet the Hibernia nine this evening at 6 o'clock on the Vaughn street grounds. On Friday. July 11. the Northwestern National wain will play the U. S. National at 6 P M. at the Vaughn-street grounds. These are the two last games to be played by the Northwestern National In the Bankers' leaprue schedule for 1 01 Next Time Buy TIRES A remarkable Product. Every tire worth more than it costs. . The Over-size Non-Skid Fabric; The Big Fisk Cord; The Red Top, Extra Ply, Heavy Tread. GOOD LOOKING, GOOD VALUE TIRES For Sale by Dealers eraianen or Young W osmons omen Permanent and temporary posi tions open for young women as tele phone operators with or without pre vious experience. Applications will be received dur ing the present strike at any Central Office in Portland or Room 601, Sixth Floor, Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets: or Room 226 Morgan Building, Washington street between Broadway and Park street. Tele phone Broadway 12000. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company lurm than any oi tat nunarca or more