Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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The New Map and Guide to the Columbia River Adds to the Pleasure of the Trip 50c Book Shop, First Floor
S.& H. Green Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month Take Advantage of Cash Saving Get Your Stamps!
Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Model Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen, Fourth Floor Hammocks, Porch Swings and Shades 3d Floor
Total of 145.9 Miles of Road
Work to Be Considered, j
Royal Hair Restorer
An Unequaled Preparation
for restoring gray hair to its original color. Not a
dye acts directly upon the roots of the hair. Will
not injure the hair in any way. Treatment, and for
sale in the Beauty Shop, on the Second Floor.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Kodaks and Films
' Department Fourth Floor
By all means take a kodak with you on your vaca
tion trip. Complete line of Eastman Kodaks and
Cameras, on Fourth Floor. Expert developing and
printing. Prompt ' service. Bring us your films.
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store News of Vital Interest to All Who Would Save!
Today's Feature Offerings in Summer Apparel and Household Needs Bring Many Splendid Economies
Or Contracts to Be Let 21.5 Miles
J- on Loner Columbia Highway.
Other Sections to Get Paving.
Eids for 143.9 miles of road work will !
be opened by the state highway com- I
nu.-.-ion this morning at the courthouse. !
. There will be 61.4 miles of paving. 59.7 1
miles of fraiimt, 10.2 miles of ma-
udim and -4 miles of grading and
of the paving contracts to be
awarded. S..5 miles will be on the
lower Columbia hithway. There will
be right miles between Svenson and
Ko. k creek and 5 miles between Rock
creek and West port, in Clatsop county.
In Columbia county will be contracted
l".i miles between Westport and Clats Uif to Ciet ravtajc-
on the Pacific highway there will be
miles of paving between Eugene and
Junction Clly; 4.- miles between Salem
and Brooks and 13.1 miles between
;-.lm and H.l a. On Ih. west side
will be a 3 4-mile paving job from'
Beaverton to the Washington county
line, connecting with the Canyon road.
A half mile of paving will be let on
the .eufert section of the Columbia
highway near Tha Dalles.
The biggest grading job on which
bids have been asked is the Sarvice
creep-Valades ranch section of the John
Kay highway. In Grant and Wheeler
ountiea. This haa been advertised be
fore and the bids rejected by the com
mission. The job is 49 miles In length
and calls for 359.000 cubic yards of ex
cavation. There are grading jobs in
Bakrr. Clackamas. Douglas, Harney
and Yamhill counties.
Bridge bids have been called today
for structures in Douglas. Columbia.
Jackson. I'matilla and L'nion counties.
Staleateat to Be Made.
Among other matters of importance
will be a statement by the state high
way commission as to the condition of
the pavement being laid on the Salem
Aurora section of the Pacific highway,
on which considerable comment has
been recently made. The statement of
the commission will be based on the
Investigations and tests of experts in
the slate and government service.
fnless there are a large number of
delegations to appear before the com
mission, the session can be completed
Insurance Man anil Reform Investi
gator J'acs Anay.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July 7. Special.)
Volney H. Hart, aged 64, a resident of
Seattle for the past years, during:
which time he has been prominently
Identified with different insurance com
panies as well as serving two terms in
t h city council, died at the Seattle
ptnteral hospital last night. Hart was
w- ll known in Portland, where he was
a frequent visitor.
Iunng the Investigation of police
Cr-Hft Hart was chairman of a commit
tee of city councilman that Investigated
the conduct of former Chief of Police
. W. Wappenstein. who was later in
dicted and convicted of taking money
in exchange for police protection.
Hurt has been connected with the
Great Northern life insurance company
since its organization ten years ago and
prior to that time was northwest man
acrr of tho New York I-ife. He was
also connected at one time with the
Pacific Mutual.
Dainty New Porch Frocks
Cool and Summery
The Garment Store invites, your special attention to a wonderful col
lection of the new wash frocks for house and beach wear. They are made
up in fine quality ginghams and percales in various plain colors and
the popular checks and plaids. Some have collars and cuffs of white
pique or organdie one style has white organdie collars, cuffs and
sleeves. Others are shown in surplice effects priced $3.75 to $5.73
Summer Dresses of cool, sheer voiles and ginghams in many styles
and delightful colorings. Prices range from $6.50 on up to $10.00
We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases ask for them!
Jewel Gas
No stooping and back-straining while
cooking and baking equipped with gas-saving
burners, which keep gas bills low fin
ished with baked Ebonite, to protect against
rust requires no blacking sanitary and
beautiful and, "THEY BAKE BETTER."
Tuesday Special '
Art Cretonnes
48c Yard
Bargain Circle, First Floor Fancy Art
Cretonnes in a great variety of rich floral
patterns and all the most attractive floral
effects for summer draperies, pillow A Q
tops, bags, etc. Tuesday special, yard OC
At 19c Yard
Main Floor Curtain Marquisettes
fancy colored borders. Dainty and
effective for window curtains. Priced
very special for Tuesday; the yard
1 '"2fi -t J
otD o q
I "fil I -s&4
15-Inch Straw Porch Mats, Special at 29c
15c Brass Extension Curtain Rods, each 9c
Tea Wagons
$18.50 to $22.50
Fourth Floor The Furniture Shop has just re
ceived a new shipment of Tea Wagons in both
mahogany and oak at $18.50, $20, $22.50
Day Beds with mattresses $41.00 to $59.00
Oak and. Mahogany Pedestals in many attrac
tive designs. Priced Tuesday $1.98 to $3.98ES
jr. "
Model Grocery
Iowa Canned Corn- spe
cially priced Tuesday; can
By the dozen special $175
Standard Canned Toma- 1 P
toes, priced special, a can J-Jly
By the dozen cans; only $1.75
Preferred Stock Canned OOfl
Peas, priced special, a can
PEOPLE who are about to
leave for the beach or camp will
find it to their advantage to buy
provisions and camp needs here.
Marshall 4800 A 6231
Demonstration Economy Jars
Department Third Floor
The factory demonstrator would be glad to have you come in
and ask her anything you may wish to know about canning
fruits and vegetables. She conducts daily demonstrations, show
ing the many advantages of using ECONOMY FRUIT JARS!
Jar Caps, the dozen, at 35
Jar Clamps, the dozen 15
Jar Rubbers, the dozen 10
Pint Jars, the dozen $1.30
Quart Jars, the dozen $1.40
-Gal. Jars, a dozen $1.80
Pint Jars, the dozen $1.30
Quart Jars, the dozen $1.40
-Gal Jars, a dozen $1.80
Kerr Lids for Wide Mouth
lars priced at, the dozen 20
Jar Rings, a dozen, at 20
Pint Jars, the dozen $1.10
Quart Jars, the dozen $1.15
V4-Gal. Jars, a dozen J!1.45
Kerr Lids for Regular style
Jars priced at, a dozen, 15
Jar Rings, per dozen 20$
-Pint Jars, a dozen $1.00 I Quart Jars, a dozen $1.20
Pint Jars, the dozen $1.10 We give S. & H. Stamps.
75c Silverware
Special 59c
Third Floor Silver-plated Bud Vases, Glass Marma
lade Jars with Silver-plated Spoons, Glass Mustard
Jars with spoons, 2-piece Salt and Pepper Casters,
Glass Sugar Shakers with silver-plated tops, Silver
plated Call Bells, and many other articles. Dainty
gift pieces. These are regular 75c values. CQ
Priced special for Tuesday's selling, at only
Male lliliuay Commissioners Fix
Hearing fur Tmla .
SAL KM. Or.. July ".(Special.)
CuiiMdcration of charges regarding1 the
Paving being laid by the Blake-t'omp-un
company on the i?aletn-Aurora unit
of the Pacific highway will come be
fore the meeting of the state high
way commission at I'ortland tomorrow.
K-porta of engineers who have made
thorough investigation!! during the past
werk will be received by the commis
sion. These report?, it is understood,
will show that the work is poorly laid
in place, but is r.ot in such a bad con i
dttioit as to warrant the condemnation
of the entire project.
loveriior oleott, who first made a
personal inspection of the paving, will
not attend the meeting, it was said at
the executive office today.
IIkhI People Active in Behalf of l-ol
I.aLr Highway.
IK (OP r.lVKR. Or.. July 7. (Spe
cial. The fund for the Lost lake
hieliway continues to grow. Finding
that a county nppropnut ion of $JT50
would not complete four miles of grad
inc to le done ly the county, the Hood
Itiver County .,ame Protective associa
tion started a subscription fund, and
to date nearly $Tit has been raised for
the work.
'ounty Judue Flowers and Commis
sioner Hlacktiian have each given 910.
I'uruiK the past week subscribers have
contributed respectively as follows
M.irtln Pracselh. H: IaKoy Chillis
and A. J. lira ft. J 10: K. A. Massee.
J. l I'ortcr. :: K. W. Kirge. :..
Wounded Man's Description of As
(.ailanls Corroborated by
Later Reports.
McMINNVILLE. Or.. July 7. (Spe
cial.) Developments in the attempt on
the life of l'oliceman Clark yesterday
morning are slowly unfolding and
motive pointing to murder and robbery
becomes more apparent.
The sheriffs office is Informed that
on Saturday night three men driving
a gray car stopped at a .ew port
garage. About 1 o'clock they broke
into the garage, took the car and dis
appeared. Garage employes noticed a
xhotgun .tnd a rifle in the car. The
description of two of the men tallies
with that given by the wounded police
man. The men shot at the policeman with
a shotgun. Luiter pistol sneus were
found on the street and bullets of the
same kind were found imbedded in
shade trees and in the walls of the
city hall.
A gray car was seen early the same
morning in this city, one stranger
standing in front of it and another a
block away watching a side street,
officials here believe the failure to kill
the policeman spoiled plans for a Sun
day morning robbery. Yamhill county
has offered a reward of J 300, in addi
tion to the $300 offered by the city,
for the arrest of the men.
At the Theaters.
IIinxI Woman." Father lic.
liH'P KlVKl: r.. July 7. (Spe
rial, i Mrs. J. C Butcher csterday
received a tclccram announcing the
death of hrr father. Walter II. Klernan,
ut l.or.g Peach. t'al. Accompanied by
her husband, a former local spray
manufacturer. Mrs. Butcher left today
'or ilalesbnrg. III., where her father's
b.dv will be twken for interment.
And all fish dishes are
improved one hundred
per cent in flavor and
digestibility by the
use of
It imparts that delicate
touch that has jriren
A world wide reputation.
SAVE for one act the new bill at Pan
tages is exceptionally worth while.
Madame Olga Samanoff, a violinist
of extraordinary ability, has a 'cellist
and a pianist of excellence in her act.
he plays with a fine fervor of har
monic skill and a complete mastery or
her instrument. Her selections are
ail In splendid taste and are from the
classics save for one popular air.
played however, in a distinctively or
iginal manner. Madame Samanoff's
act is thoroughly artistic and appre
ciated as such. When she played "My
Wild Irish Hose" as an encore the
audience hung enraptured on every
Another hiahly appreciated musical
act Is that of the "Three tiirls From
Harmony Land." One is named Ueorgia.
one Is Alice and the other is Pat. Their
voices are fresh and unspoiled and
harmonize beautifully. The audience
recalls them at every number. Their
repertoire varies from cladsome Jan
to pretentious arias and all of it is
The Teeter Septette is a capital of
fering. The Teeters feature a teeter.
and the teeter acts as a bounding board
which catapults a tiny Teeter lad and
rharming Teeter lass and two Teeter
big boys into the air. somersaulting
onto each other's shoulders and sailing
through space revolving like pin
wheels. Their spectacular offering is
topped off by an event In which two
of the Teeters, one atop the other's
shoulders, somersault simultaneously
into the air and land on Papa Teeter's
shoulders. The septette Is handsomely
dressed In golden brown costumes.
fresh and smart In design and style.
They work rapidly, happily and
Arthur Lloyd Is a sensation, a human
card index. Every card known to
print was dexterously produced from
somewhere on Arthur's well dressed
person. Menu cards, milk cards, reg
istration cards, liberty bonds. I. W. W.
cards. , union cards, even street car
transfers and every conceivablei man
ner of card was produced as called for
by the audience. The latter caught the
humor and possibilities of the game
and the fun waxed high as each wag
tried to stump Arthur and failed. Be
sides this clever turn Arthur does i
brilliant sleight of hand act and keeps
up a gay conversational obligato. He
is a real riot of fun.
Cook and Lorenx are two hoboes
who maintain their atmosphere nicely
while they chat In an original vein
and step with eccentric flavorings.
A pack of smart little doggies.
monkey or two and their trainer, Mons.
Schepp, offer a happy, snappy act
which surprises and pleases.
An act which has noplace on any
vaudeville stage is offered by four
pale, anemic, slick-haired young men.
and four sad-eyed girls who jerk their
shoulders and twitch their bodies while
they peer through their paint in what
they fondly imagine is an alluring
smile. This exhibition is heralded as
the "shimmie dance," barred from
New York and Chicago's stages. It
is hopelessly vulgar and was not even
applauded at yesterday's matinee.
More Than 120,000 Fry Planted in
West and Middle Forks.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 7. (Special.)
Orchardists of the Dee Flat district
."-'aturday transported 120.000 trout fry
from Dee to the west and middle forks
of Hood River. The fish were brought
here from the Bonneville state hatch
ery by the state game and fish commis
sion distribution car, the Rainbow.
Several other cars of young fish will
be brought here later in the season.
With the Lost Lake road completed in
the .late fall, one car. according to
plans, will be carried to the lake for
Phone your wants ads to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070. A 60i5.
West Murham, on First Voyage
Abroad, Carries Consignment ot
Oregon Products.
Oregon prunes, packed in Oregon
made boxes, chipped in an Oregon-made
vessel on its maiden voyage between
Portland and the Orient were received
with grateful appreciation by numerous
distinguished officials and newspaper
editors in various cities of the orient.
This is shown by the appreciation
voiced in numerous letters received by
Mayor Baker, who originated the novel
idea of calling attention of these peo
ple to the first voyage of the West
In addition to the thanks voiced in a
letter from G. Martini of Manila came
auerv for Quotations on apples for
export and Mayor Baker Is asking Ore
gon apple shippers to send this infor
mation at once.
"We are interested in the Importa
tion to these island of the famous ap
ples grown in Oregon," reads one por
tion of the letter, "and cnan ne oDiigea
if you will put us in touch with firms
in your city who would give us quota
tions on apples for export: such quota
tions should be made c. i. f. Manila. As
you are, no doubt, aware, apples need
not be shipped to the Philippines in
cold storage, but can be sent as ordi
nary freight. We have an office In
New York, the address of which is
Martini, Ltd., 69 Wall street, New
York,' to whom we are writing today
and shall be glad if any Portland firms
interested will communicate with our
New York house."
Merchants of Manila are wide-awake
to the future possibilities of American
trade in the orient and to this end are
willing to go more than half-way in
meeting American shippers, according
to N. Lyons, editor of the Cable News,
published in that city.
tions by the Tleedsport people in the
amount of $1000.
Paroled Man Intended to Obtain
Money From Convicts' Friends.
SALEM. Or., July 1. (Special.) That
John Connors, paroled convict, contem
plated a series of swindles by obtain
ing money for alleged influence in pro
curing pardons for penitentiary con
victs is indicated in correspondence re
ceived today at the governor's office.
A letter Connors had written to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Branson, whom he
swindled out of J22a by asserting tnat
he could have their son released from
prison, showed that he also was seek
ing to collect money from friends of
Jesse Webb, who also is serving a life
sentence for murder.
The governor announced he will post
a $100 reward for the arrest of Con
nors. who is believed to have fled th
Drain Chautauqua Closes.
DRAIN, Or., July 7. (Special.) The
Chautauaua season closed here Thurs
day night wih the largest crowd of the
five days. It was a success in every
way, and 55 of the leading citizens
signed a guarantee to bring them back
next summer. The large tent was in
the City park near the banks of Elk
creek. The programmes were very
good and it was the first summer
Chautauqua held here.
Auto Lands in Diteh.
ROSEBURG, Or., July 7. (Special )
T. V. Gurney of Gilde escaped with
only a few bruises and scratches when
his car left the road and turned com
pletely over a couple of times before
landing in the ditrh on his way to
Roseburg today. The car is said to
have been running 4 .1 miles an hour.
Now Is a Good Time to
Drive Out Catarrh
Reedsport Legislation Places Project
Before County Court.
ROSEBURG. Or.. July 7. (Special.)
A delegation of Reedsport men visited
Roseburg today in the interests of a
road from the railway station at the
former place to Winchester bay. Com
pletion of this project will place this
summer playground within a 15-minute
ride from the railway, making it the
most available ocean resort on the Ore-
coast. Much work on the roaa
done by the lower
has already been
ITmnnua neoDle.
The county court is asked for $4000
which will be augmented by suoscrip
Telephone Operators
On Strike
Operators now on strike, who desire to again take up work
with this company should report in person or by telephone, at any
Central Office in Portland or at Room 601, Sixth Floor, Telephone
building, Park and Oak streets.
New schedules of pay are now in effect.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
It May Not Be Troubling You
During the Warm Weather,
but It Is Still in Your Blood.
Catarrh is not only a disgusting dis
ease but is a dangerous one, and you
should never let up in your efforts to
get it out of your system until you
have done it thoroughly. Get rid of It,
whatever it costs you in trouble and
Mild weather will aid the treatment
and this is an excellent time to thor
oughly cleanse the blood of the germs
of Catarrh and be forever rid of the
troublesome sprays and douches that
can only relieve you for a time.
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable blood
remedy, made from roots and herbs dl-
rect from the forest, which combat dis
ease germs in the blood. This great
remedy has been used for more than.
50 years, with most satisfactory results.
It has been successfully used by those
afflicted with even the severest cases
of Catarrh. It relieves Catarrh, for it
treats the disease at its source. S. S. S.
is sold by druggists everywhere.
For the benefit of those afflicted with
catarrh we maintain a medical depart
ment in charge of a specialist skilled in
this disease. If you will write us fully,
he will give your case careful study,
and write you just what your own'in
dividual case requires. No charge is
made for this service. Address Swift
Specific Co. 262 Swift Laboratory, At
lanta, Ga.
7jL Bread
' pSmki "HOME-AID"
J? When He Come Home
f'iii'u0if J24'''V Does he find you tn a hot kitchen
JSfflwF'TOfir" with flushed or out to meet
V- S!i5fl him with a smile? It's too hot
I 1 'SrZ& to blke- Just 2 ,ew words over
a 'iirflKgy the phone and your biking is
jrii ""yrttT done- Ask for "Luxury Bread."
yffiJl i ' ; J I jjjy "There's a smile in every bite."
Baked by
New York Bakery