THE 3IORXING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1910. 22 1EAL rsTATK. ror 1LA. SfBtKUAN HOJIE WITH AN H.r. I. p! of v.r It ' In o muru. &-room lull "'""; licnl. .1 .a r.r.l- aa. "O.-l:!"!". Kara and rUckil NUW. W U " loll larral qulpm-i. A bona and uouc ctuck-na. F;r4 true fo haulm brrtaa. mtt. t i T ml. Kr4 near cnjr llml:a. oa nr. rt4 J car llaa. for all .D.y -.-". - taird balanca .aaY. I.I'EDDEMANN c'OVPAM, TJ i'ain-r or tonmrf r. eo ACRfcJ IB R.ulil umDiMi"r aal to a-ltr onl . -rni, ! pnea. S3 par acr. an J u. lJD" it par. Wnta for map aUowln WETEKHAKffER TIMBER COMPANY. KIGHT IN TH8 C1TT IJ.VIT WITH ALL CITY O'NVEMKN ES. T-I art-s with one of (he b-t wheat rmr. fruit, b-rnes. etc. yu kaw seen Uil vear; up-to-dats buncaW n bot s;r neat, facing oa ths main road. rod barn and oatbutMinp. cement sidewalk to iUmvL etc.. S good cw. 1 good horssv nin 5 .-ultivator. two-cation harrow alngls plow, separator end lots of imil too all hoa-hrld fomitnr except pi- .no irr, ifnvrrr i-n! Worth and PTtCIl worth about f.nwrt: this tm a rliwy place and a a me any ins rn be prout of. one of ths b-t l:T! pLfi in vsncouver, Wash. Pr ? '.Vh. rr. t-rmi. STEWART BITK. 313 N. V Itink m.-.r A KilAU !V'X KA.NCU . A it tf i v v 1 1 . K. acres. r a-rs in cn!t.. about T3 Knaat In . fi'fi Imr itr.l: DlfHtT o OUt tm for ir-Aiinr: vry kk1 bulldlnca. f.n ih.a. iiwut h'i of Kum1 cat - K.rA h-i mjca;nerv. tnsctor. t-.rhing marhme and -rop. all for on.y f ik,i, wi.; take in wn- lnn.snd PP ert. or mail improved ly fjrm. Tni la a moacr-TJiuni p.c. Wi:i m-as -I tnda of mony to the ngM rrnn. Mct'Ll'RK A HMALVH C iMHANT, i"J KJi.Ajr Kco-nge b-dg. teTOCK AND t'.nPMKNT 40 irr-i. loct t 1 in. - fr o:u NaaftTTT S Ot Linrola county: frr-J and crow fnr-ed acres in com. 4tt and porafo-s C4Mn and orchard and .ta f b-rrlra aw attractive bur.g pno:o at of :ce; b-m grnry. coj. .-n house. olhl rri.k houe and separator. c n snrd; en mam n4. pru - eh. with learn of mres. Jrs-y row. - hetlrra. a. . . . a a-n n h r rt W. D.OW rfise harrow. cu tlVjior. hack, himess and ho o hod furniture. Jhn Ferguson. Ger- hra-r b dg. Opo twninti. lu ki: 14 a. FLACK WITH Ouol CROPS PRicb'n rh;iit. x i jtt irr tii 1 seres miles from Vanronw. Wah.. all under culUvattn. 1 acres m di-eri f,-d or. hard, family gd-a. 4 s re in potato, balance tn t lover, good -room ptaetered hous. fair barn and urbuild ln. nabt oa main rad. If taken at ik. pn.s for U II TOO cuh. oai. per cent . STEWART Bl'CK. 312 N. fUOk Mitlg a Bra raroaix. FOR AI B R F.XCUAfOE. I V PHO CI. AA-srs ranch, near good town satra Or son, g-romm house, big, bam. many fher buildinsa, plenty of water, stock and machinery gos wit plao. worth gj.SOO, but will a-r:ftc for taah or take ity property or acnail frm for part. 5e H. E. sTva at - Ankeny at., cor. 24. No agents; M commUtiua. llavs pu. lures to snow I'HCAP JT'K FARM. ;tW acrva. Yamht 1 . mit-a west of Carlton, nrit fUlv p:e. in S-c. sad .tO. A . & W . I'anrhT reh run throusn wri blr fail. scree g i tim ber. 4 trrr I K TO I "l and 3 SiT slashed. TKO '.. ;l'PAir mKt't'.KK. - Sarlt at. s.R SAl-fri, by ner. 1h frt. i milet northwest jinppnw. Oregon. 2S mie from Parsons ottlon. a a-res under cui ttvatton and l paatorc. 2 acres good tm Kv !aiif i-rMvl aatrr. n In-roorn house. Mnftntahed. bam. Irr plements. tools and crowing crops i UU iO per Sera W 2 . OriB'in. FRUIT FARM. in arreo f'rt bench land. 3 m'tes from lews a sevnic hicnwsr t bsbull tui year. tf acre In fruit. etrything but tppln, a proHpet for t worth ot truit this ar. very isntiy re-ui pis', a spring with eacu one. Ak JlV. -(on :aa. f'oR SALE A a-re In WiUamelte va:.e a,t ol fair irwind. !!rn. or. N lamllr on narii. ail bull: in c new. ion wrtl and Pump bue. W mt e from r iiitol. thts tm a. harsain at 1 if U-n at sac, rail or write A. r. Edman, n F. I. No. 7, box :a.em. Of .oN-RkiSItENT offer at a bargain, if tak mm Ml onr. irrri t-o' torn land, b'ack sandy loam soil; s nrrr unu-r cum t oa. some fruit; -ml.e from good axUi 2 miles from s--t tow n , lots of work c'nee by. For furtrter art.culars add. J. E. Ifsney. Aniaaf. Ot. C'1-Ai'r.AUAS CO. --scre l-rm. ko1 bu Ina-s. piMtr of wtr. snte fruit; on a rd t Mt. Hix-U. at r lrwo !. JuI be ond iand . car stQ ' . Irt' e " lr aTf. with term. Worthy of lnte !" UtTMRirK. M." PH. OF COM tlJ KOK 1-7 ACRES. an acre uudr cuittsctri. 7 -room pla twred bouse. trn. as.riiiieut trull. county road, runninf watrr. cnt '.4i good term, Iraper Cat way. Cham- -r of l umm-Trt bldg. g A'RE1 on-l-r warm spring Irrigat r ro it t at V ate. or.. I ".5 it acre, tand r1 joining va u-l at ll" pr acre. Phone Marshall 1VJ loaean :t snd o P. M-. address Mrs. M E. u over. 414ltth st. VirKV TOt VKf.L or rtchanr your really with the ureson nraity H'-iancr. invest mnt (Ol ou c-l out the middleman and pay no commission. -nd lor iu- (ormaiion, i-a tn. im-. CmfKBV FRUIT. OA It I EN RANCHFH. near Portland. S73 to SJ'K) yr acre, eaay terms: e--t r arms lor sle. mil mu MrFarland. tH2 Teoa bldg , Portland. JOR rALfc I - s r nrar ;-a-itie; tm main bha ; b--st ot soil; gou water good timber: I-- pes acre. F Oregonian- V ACRES, cleared. -rk. house, b-crn. gl'AW. t-raa J-ss f--n. U i., -I. hs f in crop, "itn. mii FOR all purpose farms rn nj- from Ao tu 11 acres, we. I imrruvr 1 nJ m cu ltV rbn. writs J. V. pipe. A'bany. ir. Lii-t'BD-t'r'K land. It s re up. runitini W lr. S l si I, l3 1 1 1'iabi- . employ iTint rar terms, J .. R M.ri, i . .11 : ' Ke-T-CLASS sti k Uad f.r by U ii era tTegoa I snd Co. Cor wins. or. WANT U to a-rs ellhr we-t or eat sni rn govd road. alout 7 or ! nitV from n ); must r-e n-arly all in iu tivati but do rot crs for I'UiUnpgs. lUt ci lomtr ng tODD.KD WIErKICK. 24 M.irk st VANTtU T' 1UY A K 7-K"CI Hil "E. HT KKthWHRI.K PK-PT K vr.iT pk ii--:.r rn.y v- 'PERN Kf. A SON AHt.K rviv:;r itu.N. i;a KA'-r: Vt'!r K NKiK 1 INK IKVINGT MSTKIi T P K tl V F i; K K L. ' KICK AHOIT T S-'V ur.r.i Un, lKVlNGT" lN We ha-r hmrrs that will pay from - la l!i.i"i for modern up-to-date hotiv lne aaiils good liuase on quarter biock. Il R Ho!.VESC. KAST 7TM. 34 11- IMh. n.r PROMPT. RRL1 PT.E SKKVirt A K. HILL .. n T.arrrerrrr-. -Ms. ;.ri sn.t Stjrk V rl buri Mil! r, f-r i :f4 hom I to 1 s rs If i w . . nh us w wt;i so.: f-r your wni'i two wceas If oui prrce sad tns a risnt. C'E A. MviwN.N a t t Mitn .'-22. :fi s' . -f T-a. ; .1c. m:i;i o -.-a- bo r io . i i-s Win r',,'a 'y e-i ikui ir i i: or plnT' l ii. Croe. ry-V ijtars Co.. A.N TKITao to fte r- par suth es Portland. C.Ue p-1. - and bow io rr.-h br auto. I. R. Otorcr, b and F 'l-f Road. f tao and .ru k de.t f t t-...rn 4 r i-rra hurfi,i In ditr!. e-t b : . e rw .n huvi. re A. K. In. J. V 4 I.o m bert- r n .! c 1 WANT a f jl-Ue lot. close .n on rul SK. will gie s f'l 'or ar sne rata f-.r same. wr:-e ful particulars fint .et--r AH 23 I'r-f jnun. V A T itfn-' ri.-.lrn at or 7 -room rl-i-"-s la lrmgta vr Liar. hurst, up to 3 HOlHtAKD A Wir.PRICK. 21 S-srk f. HAVE lU'V ca ard '.. pay down e A-rom n to $.. fi2 K. T4 o .-th $ to : bargain UP A NTS I H-w -i eastern Oregon. r..d f'ri'iu,lif'",f i.tts Herri. tig. Crttert- V'ANTtD To buv 1 or J - :1 rarttaa mast be rrssorab e. g r an. B 4-1. Ore- UoUKS sa snsnu ' quick. ; F!w A Frnsi 03 Kch Farwa Wanted. A " l T 2o a.-ra t 1 a- rrs bear.rg prures. bul -rncs tio oblet: Vancouver vi r ai'T p'-rfe-red. Sv full desc-r.ptloa and prices. Write w. Orin:n AVTET To rnt a farm. lb,oruhJy m -fHertn-et. b-t refer-n. e. R.a. R. k.assaover. R.F.D. 3. box 72 C. dalem. or. FOR RKXT FARM. 74 ACRES, SH mHH from railroad. 133 railrn south f Portland: hay, grain, stock or dairy; two sets of farm bui.dings; can purrbA equipment If d-slred, terms or cash. P. o. box 7, Cresweil, Or. TO LEASE 10tf-acrs farm. In Waahingtoo county: one of ths boat In lta locality t 44, OrYxonian. TIMBER LAXD. TEM.OW FIR timber for aale; good site for Mvmiil, 4.iX).iXX feet. SI per 34., six miles from Claiskam. Or. Owtnr, AV 2a. Ors- trinlan. WANTED l.Ooo.noo to feet of sec ond growth fir: muac be close to R, R. or rnM gravel road. B 452. Oregonian. Want to - a mill where 37. Orejconlan. timber is PI LINO ranted ; giva, semis, pries and when V. Osmbie, Couch Bldg. cue O. TO FXCHANC.B REAL ESTATE. PIEDMONT horns, rooms, fas. bath, fire place, furnace, electricity, cement oase ment. combination gas. ooal and wood range Installed: lot SoxlOO: beautiful loca tion, hard-surface street and walks, close to cars and Jefferson high school. Will rnnMer going business up to 7uoO. Box 71. t;.k city, ur. WILL exchange 8-room houss In fins resi dential district. Portland. Oregon. for bungalow in Oakland or Bej-keiey. Cali fornia. The houss has hardwood floors, f irp 4cs and full cement basement with furnace. I bloc from street car: now rented for per month. B 12. Ore- xoman. WILL exchange for city Income property S20 acres .ev:. wll fmprovsd land, in famous wbrat oet. ir exenangea neiore juy io. Include ltJ acres winter wheat, 2 acres f ax. 1A acrrs sweety clover to seed this year; price an acre. Write owner for Particulars. .Uyron J. Dourtc. Rotbiemay. Mont. WANTEl To trsds a Big Bend ranch of 2'mi acres, with good im provrments ana pnty of water. lor a wiuameiie -iu.irj farm of 20 erres or better. Pries loouv. U T. Gnswoid. Msnsfield. Wah- EUGENE. Two beautiful view Iota In Hlllcrest. c!ear of incumbrance, for sale on easy r-ma or will trh.nri for Portland Im proved. Address owner. SOS E. Everett it.. I'ortiAna. I WOULD like to exchange my large hou.-ie snd kt In California for a bungalow in Portland. East iUlJ. ask for Mrs. George N"tchoi!Kn. Tn p"rilAT.E House and lot on paved i:rft. restrictea aistrici. in ronnna, tor rnprove.1 3 or 10 acres in W illametls vl y. 7'vi. uregonian. 7-KOOM plastered house and 2 lots: near sl yards; win trade tor automooi! or farm. Iil4 Mark!e ave.. Vancouver. Wash. FLAT BI.DG. nar Stark street. Montavllla , car, 10O montn income; price i-.vw. ex change for farm. .13 LumDarmcu uiag. 170 ACRES, Lincoln county; 11700 for quick siie: terras ir aesirea: awwwa vauue 3IJtw; a bargain. F 294. Oregonian. tSTACADA acreage and town property far I sale or trsue sor roruaaa unprgifo. su Ores ham. Or. S4j ACRES near Lakeview, $". for good I auto or Portland lots. Address si x. Iloiman. FOR MXE. Horses. Vehicles. Liven lock. JUCT received a shipment of 20 cows, some just fresh snd otnars coming fresh; tuberculosis tested: very hesvy mllkei run In pnrt from $Ou to $loi. You can see these rows dsy or night. Union Stock yards Fsrm. North PorCand. W F. HAVE 1 hesd of gd young farm chunks welshing from 1200 to li00 lbs.;, ail stock guaranteed true to work; If one Is In n "! of a good horse, call and In spect thi stock before buying. 1UO Last ; an d Fland.TS. 3 young fresh high-crad JerarVe with their t int calf. 2 other Rood tr.i.k cows for s-t r rheap. Phone F-1 iwoo-1 ill. ife.L sto k removed quickly. Cash paid for dead rows ana rripplea norses. x none Mllwvuhle 6P-J for rewults. IX'K SALE Nearlv new wsgona. used but a snort time. Haker Kinney. 7U1 wash' t c:on sr. sn. ouer. w ss:i. Sl. CASH takes black farm horse, weight l.-.oo. icottd pullT. F. W. Hill. 1112 Gasco b -lc. sellwood 3'M- KhtilSTKKtLt Jersey bull for sale cheap, or trade for cows or horses Mxi Powell YYooffo-k car THREE e.tra-flne Jersea for sale at ft I Harvard st. Take Su Johns car to Ftske. Columbia M1. WAN'TKl lior. for l:a ke.p for llef.t f work. K. F. D. 3. Box 22. Portland, Lents station. f . buys gootl team of farm horses, weight 2:mi ; ll..rn-ss sad wagon go ttb 1U la II be 1 1 w fHl . I. IBAl horse snd snlmals hauled swsy f re. Portland Rendering Co.Cll Womilawn 2'V PASTURE for stock at La-Id a Canyon farm. Canoo road, close In.' Phone Main 41tf. DEAD horvs taken quick, coas. lilor 4il Can for dead I .(I Nti Jcntev-imrhsm cow. fresh, 3 65. 1M 7th nt. N. TEAMS and drivers for hire; Main 3119. city work. Poll SALE Ore team of llolrrm Kuel t'a, barn K. heavy horses. fith Ivan at: I 'Is no. Org ana and Musical Instruments. CLOSING tUT THIS WEEK. find Conufli psrlor organ. can 2S 1 11'! Ch: cati. cottage organ, cash.... Sj ?; Small upright pianos. 65-75 1 ;t'.'i Emerson upright pianos, cash... - I "J 5 Arinn upright pianos, cash . ..... 1 4 "m titer uprisht pianos, cash 21 1 47. Nw stored upright pianos, cash 20 1 -" New sttired p. aver pianos Pianos stored, bought auct sold for cash onl. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lu7 4th St. 115 tR JJ5 CASH, then $S or 110 monthly buys nw improved piano, ana 10 or iu In record purrna. eo senos new improvea S.i. 32-oO. $M. fji or phono graph to jour home, irom the Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. THE HKST. the cheapest pisno; used l.ers A i'ond tplain artistic. fsi, used fc..-ttey I former owner ales ). s.t-oi. snop Portland like mine, Harold S. Gilbert, 3o Yamhill st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on s new Vutrois and records: our proposition will plae you. SE1BE11-1.ING-LI OAS Ml SIC Co.. 110 4th st. KOl.H LP. K PI .NO. colonial style, nearly ria. : mi. ntartoaanv c at me dikk tart-am offered. S El UEitLlNG-LL CAS M 1 MO CO.. 2s 4th s. ORGANS ORGANS vlUJANS. W have irerl god used organs. FElHEKLi.NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO 12J 4lh PIANO WANTED. Iflrhest ca;h patd f-r used pianos; esti mates g'a-liy given. S F.I H K R LING I.I CAS Ml SIC CQ.,1J5 4th at. Main vad YOl'K piano or organ taken In full or part pavmnt tor iuiv - iype pnouosrapn. Knan Piano Co., Ill 4lh el. PIANO WANTED. Cah If bare a in. Dea.ere don't answer. Mirhl IM" m A LL- R E "O K I cabinet phonograph. real btrsain: win t.tke .loer.y oouu; no ueai rrs. I'll Mr Ml Inn St. BAII.KY pl.wo. n.ah-gany case, plain, at a baraain ior a piano itae in 1 erma b-i.'r inf-l.ura Music Co.. lo 4th st. 1-1 iv.i warned fvr onen-air dance hall ;t;t n neap; pay cain or vuuua. -v O-iS' WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PFAVOM AND j;NI INMIu tfc.i. ri r. r.rc ii.c LUCAS MUSIC CO.. l-'5 4TH ST. EXOH ANUS the piano rolls you r tird of at I'K- per roll, iiaroiu o. .uoru'll t- ' I PA V C HAK'M.P 8 ill FOR USED PIANOS. lill.KKKT. :i?4 Yamhl l st. I X OS tuned. 3a. G-ofge T. Pe- k. Tabor Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. WILL s.i'-rlflc my new plana at a bargain. Ad'nis. near Mo.iaa.iy. hi CASH or more paid for your up-tght aros at Secur.ty Storage Co.. 100 4th st. .1 i f.VK W 1.1 for $20. 340 Jeffer- K SALE Vtse p ano Phone Kast 31.17. DIN IN .-ROOM set. china cabinet, rockers. j hlte Iron oetia. sprins. maiiress, r1reer. chi'onier. rugs, dishes, etc 650 I: 7irh N- TatNT iMi FU ii-N 1H IN .S of 4 roon.s for sale: also many other artic'es groceries. l.14 tet t. etc. 2I' N. lrh st- Hot'Sr.HOLD furniture. d:he. revoking u', carpets, etc 414 lioliaday ave. K vi. v TWO nice iron bed steads, springs, mattress es, carpets, one good lest her lounge, ta b.ea. 43Ad 4-d ave. fU-ilwood 3CT. OXK co:onia!range. practlcal'y new. 6 ho es, warn ing ovea and water colL E r(5. Ore gon: an. FOR SALE 4 rooms new furr-lture; owner leaving city. 07 Commercial st. FURNITURE In a .'.-room house, for sa.e or rn: 2T E- l'th t. North. 0TT2 VELVET Brussels rug. $23. 323 Main street. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. PERFECTION" OIL. HEATER, coal and wood heater, library table, bed springs and mattress, clothes wrinirer. carpet sweeper, dining table, new wardrobe trunk. 659 Kearney atreet. Broauy 40-"0. DOVT sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can aava you money on your freight In our through cars. Fire proof storage. C. M. OLsen Transfer A Storage Co.. 24S Pine at. Poultry. WE SOLD over 800. 0OO Whits Leghorn baby chicks to satisfied customers since Janu ary 1- Buy chicks now snd sell fsll and winter broilers at fancy prices; pullets will make fine early spring layers. Price per luO: Julv. S14: AujrtiM. 115. Safe arrival of full count live chick guaranteed. Ths Pioneer Hatchery. 402 0Ln aL, fetal uraa, Cai. THE LI H R FA RM. 00 W. L. yearling laying hen St 91.75 each. An agreement just closed permits us to offer uo s raos. punets w. Aug. 15 to So. delivery at 0c each in 100 )o:s; $1 in lesser lots. Kendall station. Estarada line. P. O. address R 3. box 20-S. Lents. Or. BROILERS, home-fed, milk-fattened, whole sale price. -1 iJth ave. Phone Sell wood l-.V FOR SALE W. L. hens In full laying, 1 and 3 years old. 4336 slid awe. Sell. 3447. FOR SALE o R. L Ked laying puilets. Ta bor 7114. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED BOSTON TERRIER, can be seen evenings. Apt. 40T The Barker. Mar. 3f. FOX TERRIER toy dog for sale. Phone Tabor 361. or 20T East Madison St.. city. WHITE LEGHORN and A NOON A youug hens. GZ4S Mth st. S. E. Taior U4MJ. Launches sod Boats. REASONABLE One of the fastest high class runabouts on the river; fully equipped with windshield, wicker chairs, etc.; owner has no further use for it snd will sell very reasonable, completo with boathouse. etc. Tabor 641. I.AI'KT H BARfiAIM. Fine 25-fi.. speedy motor boat and launch house, worth SOO; going awuy, will take s-!irv for quick; aeat. f oot ox iuiies sl. Marshall St'il. BEAUTIFUL, completely furnished house boat at Sellwood moorage. A sacrifice. Wlil take email auto or lot as part pay ment. Phone Tabor 12'J8. Air. Peterson. FOI SALE lg.ft. Brook s gas launch. H. P. Brook's engine, all A-l condition at 4714 Powell Valley road. CANOE. 10 foot. Good condition, just re painted, bargain at ajo. noma evenings. 11"0 E. Taylor su CLASSY aneed motor boat and boat house. worth fioou; quick sale xor jwv. x-nons Alain ills. FOR SALE Brand new Peterboro canoe. Cat! Main 9148. ATTRACTIVE 4 -room houseboat; a bargain. Kast -'44. Mschioery. 1 11x13 Willamette reader donkey. 1 9Sxll Willamette yarder donkey. 1 1 Si. 10x12 Worthington Underwriters fire pump. 1 Ux14t12 Gardner pump. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St.. PorCsnd. Oregon. FOR SALE One 24-42-inch J. I. Case threshing machine, fully equipped, or wiu trade for larger machine of same make. E. H. Crowe. Lorane. Or. TWO dump beds for auto truck. HI piete. re;ny tor immeuiate use. Mt!!en. East DONKEY ENGINE for sale or will rent. Y 2!. Oregonian. Typewrit erg. KENT A Remington; special rates to stu dent Buy your rear Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Kens ington Ty pe ati ter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. Ths Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept., 31 Wash st. IlFNTAL RATES. 34 per month. 3 months 10; special students rates, la. oraiia a- Bros. Type-vnter Co.. 104 Fifth St. FOR RENT Remington and Underwood OPewnters. So per mo. empire iransier. Bdwy.lA REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona qeslera w. fease io.. im oixia 91. MEW. rebuilt, eccond-hand rentals at cut P. D. Co.. stark st. jiain jaut. ALL mak-s typewriters rented and repaired. yregon 1 y p w nt-jc co., "y;"; .Mlseelianeoos. SAFES Fire and ourglar-proof sales, new and second-hand, at right prices, bougnt, soid snd exchanged. NoRRlS SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. I FINE Bing cherries for sale. 12 cents In uV-lb. lots; you pica mem. omerwise is cents Lnmt:rts 7 cents and 11 cents. Cotton farm. Powell Valley road. G res nam. H. W. Strong. WATCHMAN'S CLOCK. Nearlv new. Perfect condition. Call Main o82. Everett-Johnson Lbr. Co.. Northwestern Bank Building. IOU SACKS of Improved Burbanks, liK) sacks Pride of Multnomah, iuu sacKs American Wonders, suitable for seed purposes, at half price. Bosses. 1M Front. SPOTLIGHT, biff snap. 33. all complete; regular retail price b.3U. jage advantage this special ofler. Mail ordrra C. O. L 2"tf Railway Eschnnge bldg. Main 067. APPLE BOXES with lids. 7c each: also one 14-inch plow. 1 cultlv a tor. 1 Planet Jr. cultivator and other tools cheap. 0'. Union avenue. Tabor M72. FOR SALE RrtOO feet hesvy timber. 12x12. from 16 to 4 feet long: also some hcay benches suitable for driveway or bridge. i a l Sellwood -"10. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. 12 to f- installed; expert boiler repair ing, plumbing, supplies cheap. 2"3 Adams st. East 8310. LADIES DRESS EXCHANGE 4."6 rittock bik.. burs, sens ana exsnansen siigntiy used dresses, suits and coals. Broadway 175. ONE Smith two-sack concrete mixer; Just overhauled and in urst-ciass condition. As to ria Fuel A Supply Co.. Astoria Or. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, ail kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., :jo Stark it FOR SALE Good electric iron, also sns iron, small rug, pictures, cheap. 0-0 Tv'er st.. St. Jonns. BILLIARD and pocket Millard tables, show cases and wail-cases, nxturen; cay ternts. W. J. Wuigley, 217 Irst. Main 03y0. BIN; cherries for sale. 10c per lb. 5 blocks eat of Kenton Bank. Kenton Mis&is&ippi rar. Angerstein ptace. DELICIOUS crabs, clam, oysters, fresh daily. 12 nrM st.. tet. waan. and Alder. Western Fish Co., Marshall MS0. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches ano syrups ior psrties, dances, etc. J. II. DeLacey, 203 Yamhill at. $0 KLEC. i;RlLU 13.50; $5. 3-burner gas P'nte. ob; So. rule, gauge o.-4u, 315.00 4 V !th tfU Fiit IT JARS 12 dos. quarts and half gal Ions, with covers, at oc per uox. b-4 4 Insley ave. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits, slightly worn, atned from smartly dressed ladles. Main I'.'iJi. u.H complete porcelain toilet combination 1 washbowl ana fixtures; bargain. 027 E. ih N. HIGH chair, toilet chair and baby buggy, almost new and good bicycle. Wood lawn FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine ana s.iuwcase. to im at... near Ah. ROYAL A-. ning ana ismiwrt cherries. li ir pound, you puK in'-m. oivision A t-t M ctcanera ror rent or sale. acuum cleaning. noover, oroaaway i'4. $4 TWIN baby buggy for sale, $15. 14th at. N. TO PICK. Royal Anne cherries, ft eta. lb. 1428 K. st:rK. between n.a and ."..Id rts. Da INT V gold wrist watch and healthy rub ber plant. 1133 E. 21st st. N. THREE rolltop desks, 2 man. rollton (ImIi. filing cabinets. Bushong A Co.. Wl Park. KEPKlGfclRATOR w ood 344i. jood as new. Call Sell BING cherries. .1 blocks east Kenton Bank. T a Ke tvenion Jtisa. car. Angrifin Place. NEW dress overcoat, tuxedo suit and busl- ness sun, site .-v r .m, oregonLin. NOW is ths time for painting and pa per -hanging; get an estimate, labor 67aiti. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. chsrged. tought. Bentley Co., East 7050. ElK HEAD, beautifully mounted. East 3O0S. FOR SALE Nw 3 h. p.. a. c. current, G. E. motor, rhone W. S. Fleming, East 5545. DIAMOND Bargain. LOS carat stone, cost rtn.'U. lor saie. tv. v s?i. oregonian. FINE old violin for sale; A-l condition; cheap for cash. D 419. Oregonian. USED applf boxes with lids, 7c each. Phone Taoor ioi or emu y-s iun ave. SiNCtER sewing machine, telescoping dress form at a oargain. WANTED One or two Urea 36x4 r 37x4 4 rats price. P 177. Oregonian. ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale. 2i6 W. Far ragut st. Woodlawn 4S57. "ii-NT and tarpau.ln. Laker ihcaier. Alaiu 2. FOR SALE. sUsccUaneooa, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBINO FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PF!P!RT.ircja i-j inH-HRADE TOILETS AND "SILENT KNIGHT" OOMB1NATIOK General Distributors WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADE VALVE AND i-TEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING CO.'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO., Showroom and salesroom 6K-70-72 Frjmt St. Portland. Oregon. TEXTS TENTS TENTS. Attention, fruit growers, hop growers, contractors and dealers. For thia week only we will sell or rent at cut price 1000 used U. S. army tents: first-class condi tion. Write or wire. Will send sample. N. B. MESHER. 229 Front St. Main B277. PRINTERS, ATTENTION Owing to consol idation of two papers I have for sale Diamond 6-column folio, power series; fexlJ Chandler oc Price Gordpn, ltMnch Challenge cutter snd other print shop equipment at a bargain. Address Geo. 11. Flagg, Condon, Oregon. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1U0 3d. near Taylor St. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have a few samples of raincoats, motor coats and leather-tex coats re turned by our salesmen, on sale to the public at wholesale prices, in our office. Ti'ti Morgan bldg. United Rubber Co. LADIES Original apparel exchange In LJiurethurst has ror sale suits, aisimcnvw gowns, dancing frocks, slightly used, late models, obtained from wealthy ladles. Open A. M. to P. M. Tabor 2825. PRINTING FOR LESS We are not mem bers of any combination seeking to raise or control the price of printing; artistlo work, prompt service. Smith, printers. 204 Stark st. SAFES FILING SAFES DIE BOLD AGTS. Expert work done. Prices rlghL PACIFIC SCALE - SUPPLY COMPANY. 40 Front st. Broadway 1000. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. IF IT'S a good used car CONLEY HAS IT. 1017 Hudson Super. In the best of shape, only 11400. Hupmobile, Tou know what a Hup Is, 31050. Overland touring. Just painted. It's a good one for abd. 1918 Chevrolet touring. Rung fine. 9675. 1018 Chevrolet roadster. Nearly new. Studebaker Four. This car Is service. Think of it only $400. full of CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. Cor. 10th and Washington sts. USED CAR BARGAINS. ST ABA VI) AVE. AND EAST STARK. 1 Reo bug 300 1 1914 Ford roadster '00 1 Saxon 0 roadster 000 1 1917 Maxwell 0 1 1117 Hupmobile Big 4 10u0 1 1110 Saxon -"0 1 Oakland Sedan 1000 And over 50 other cars to select trom Dealers Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. and Eat Stark. Phone East 7M0. Open Evenings and Sundays. OA K LAN DS SENSIBLE SIXES i.-v-TAr.Rr.IMARY VALUES. 101S touring, engine, tires, top and body in rirat-rinM condition: a bargain at 10m t-oariter: motor fine. 2 cord tire: 3 others, all good. See for yourself; SoO. Two 1016; engines are unusually power e.,1 i,,mt nvprhaulprl: tires eood. tops prac tically new, bodies are good; one at $6o0, the other at fb.-a. If you want Immediate dajivery on llKht, powerful and economical car at price far below the average, see us. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY, Phone Broadway 82. 344 Burnslde St.. City. OVERLAND with winter top, good tires snd paint; a bargain, iiti. CAREY, 03 Alder. Broadway 249. HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN COST NEW 3330M: USED LESS THAN YEAR wit 1. ni'i H ivtHK M Ei' H A NIC A L CON DITION SAME AS A NEW CAR; AM USING CAR UNTIL JULY 10. WHEN WILL SELL FOR 200; PART TERMS IF DESIRED. THIS IS A RARE BAR GAIN, ti 2S.1, OREGONIAN. tiiik 'ivn IUTTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord t res lor roros, a.t.uu. Willard sales station. eA U.NIU.N AVE. TIRE &. BATTERY SHOP. 4$S Union ave. N., cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1303. MY beautiful late H1S Maxwell: would pass for brand new-; iooks biihu-v brilliant as the day It left the factory; runs smooth and quietly; lots of power; a car that you can be proud of; a real snap at 3irto W'llI give some terms. 128 E. 3d at. or pnone 1 auorowv. iTTSTSrp.innmv SIX 48. 7-nass.. a beauti ful car. In splendid condition and has rood tires; carefully ufed and is abso i,iriv first-class in every way: owner must have cash before going east; 31100. Willamette Oakland Co., 344 B urn side. Broadway 82. 1017 FORD TOURING CAR $475. CAREY. 023 Alder. Broadway 240. Big Stock. USED CARS. No misrepresentation. Prices Right. . a CO. COVET . MOTOR . . . v Art YOUR choice of 3 cars. Hudson. Hupmobile or Chandler: all overhauled, repainted, ex cellent condition; real values at 3,3M; terms to suit. If interested call Broadway 170 room 43. for owner and leave phone number or address. t-m-DTii rV .1TTI.V SPRflAL. Two 1017 Ford touring cars and one 1017 roadster; all in line snape; goou me wmu extras; each one at 342.t. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. tidv r.pivn rHKVROLET. Think of It! nearly new Baby Grand Chevrolet, only $1100. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. HJ7 Washington bL . . vti-vr 1 rnHuiur 1!17. In nerfect me chanical condition; good tires; a bargain n. SC75. with terms. 30 Grand ave. near Burnside. FOR 6VLE 1012 Hudson, just overhauled with all new gears in transmission; come and see It and try it and make me an offer. ll3i iu. aian Phone Tabor 4908. PIERCE-ARKOW 36 5 passenger in perfect condition; late model- cord tires; will sacrifice for cash or liberty bonds. C 4S1. Oregonian. 1017 PAIGE, Just a dandy; you will have to are it to appreciate it. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COVCn. MAXWELL touring, 10LS. in fine condition; s-ood tires; a oi sm i ;;i Grand ave near Burnslde. "I M truck 4 -ton. In good mechanical con dition; will sell at $650 and give terms. c:rand ave. N.. near Burnside. FOR SALE 101S Maxwell, factory paint, excellent condition, pries $700; terms. Call Bdwy. 1270. room 423. and leave phone No. iV"DOWNBUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB B E R. CALL EAST 1962. " 1017 FORD TOURING. Some pep to thts one. S MI Til AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul- REPUBLIC 1-ton truck, 1018, special motor, xood condition, $13Q0. Phone 621 Gresham. J7"5 CASH or terms buys 1018 Maxwell, fins condition and good tires. Call Tabor 630. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, good condition, $550; terms. Call Bdy. 1270. room 423. STUDEBAKER. E. M. F., 30, fine condition. $25. snap. m gecono. aiain iwo. 111S FORD sedan with electric starter, $700 cash. Lmsuus avenue. 1017 OVERLAND, going away, $523 cash for quiCK saie. r-iioiic am 1918-1019 Reo roadster, 6 good tires, cash. owner, can laror .in. APFERSON bug. brand new throughout $4.5; terms, no utn bi. proa a way is. 191S OAKLAND, good tires. 1P16 Dodee. good tires. 7 E. 10th st. North. j17 "BUICK 6" roadster, $075: cash or terms, no i;itn st. aroaaway 43. HO 4 BIG Chalmers, $00; good mechanical snape; must sen, tan Jiain FORD touring. ju?t overhauled; good buy for rath. 44 Hawinome. WILL sell 1013 Dodge at a very low price. Phone Broadway 1234. llth and Everett. 1013 BUICK TOURING. EMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL USED CAR BUY ERS, and right at the most opportune urns of the year. "VACATION TIME." The Boss just returned from a very ex tensive and successbul trip buying used cara. and informs us that he purcnasea approximately 100 good cars at prices that will permit us to resell tnem iar ue.uw tneir actual values. It Is an acknowledged fact that we have been selling cars at a much lower figure than any of our competitors ana now, rlrht at n tfm whpn there Is a P10- nounced shortage of new cars and used car prices have gone sxy mgn. we are gums to sell high grade late model slightly used cars at prices that will no doubt cause the ever suspicious fellow to think they were probably obtained quietly at night without any arguments with their former owners concerning price or clear title. Remember, folks, we are on the East Side, out of rhe high rent district. Liberty Bonds taken at face value and easy terms given on any car you purcnaso, if it Is not convenient for you to pay cash. Read this list over very carefully, and thsn beat it for No. 12 Urana ave. isorin, and pick out a good one. They won't be nere long at tnese prices. Take a tip. Get busy. Here are a few of them 1019 stnrlahaker Bis fi. 7 nassenger. Six cord tires. Car has run only 21u0 ml lea 1918 Chandler Desoatch. 5 wire wheels. 5 cord tires. This car is just like new. 1918 Jordan, fl passenger, 5 wire wheels, 5 cord tires. This is a beauty. 1918 Jordan. 4 passenger, 5 wire wheels. ft cord tires. Can't beat It. Packard Twin 6, run only 1100 miles. Looks and runs just like a new car. - Cole 8, Aero type, b cord urea, iseau tiful paint job. This is the pret tifsf far in town. 1917 Hudson Super 6. 5 wire wheels. 6 cord tires. 1916 Hudson Super 6, S tires. 1017 Oakland 6. 5 pass. Perfect condition, lttlti Dodge Touring. Almost new tires. 1017 Maxwell Touring. The economy tires. 1016 Maxwell Touring. Fine shape. 1017 Mix we II Roadster. 5 good tires. 1016 4eo 4 CyL 5 pass. Some fine car. 1010 Mitchell 0, 6 pass. Completely over hauled. 1016 Mitchell 6, 7 pass. Completely over hauled. 1015 Packard 6, 7 pass. Cord tires. 1918 Studebaker 0, 7 pass. A real buy. 1010 Stutz Speedster. A sacrifice. 1015 Chalmers 6, card tires. 1917 Chandler, 6 cyl. 7 pass. 1016 Chevrolet Touring. Seat covers. 1017 Haynes Chummy Roadster. New cord tires. 1017 Haynes 6 cyl. 5 pass. We hare over. 100 others to select from. Open Evenings and Sundays. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTOR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 12 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. We wilt take your liberty bonds at face value. 1!1S Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. .. 1017 Mitchell, 5-oass., 6-cyl. .. 1!)17 Mitchell, 7-pass., G-cyl .. 1014 White. 5-pass., 4-cyl 1017 National, 7-pass., 12-cyl. . 1017 National, 7-pass., 0-cyl . 110 Overland, 6-pass., 4-cyl. .. 11)18 Overland, 5-puss., 6-cyl. .. !H7 Oldsmobile. 7-pass., -cyl. 1016 Chandler, 7-pass., 6-cyl. .. lsM6 Overland. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. .. 1018 Holller. 5-pass., 8-cyl 1014 Haynes. 5-pass., 4-cyl. ... 1112 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl. .. Pone 2-ton truck $1250 1050 1JU0 1400 14t0 1 050 0 13. 050 5110 800 450 Most ot the above cars have been re built and nainted. We will take your old car as part pay ment on some or the above cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, East First at Morrison. Phones: East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak. Phones: Broadway 515. A 3343. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO NO USE LOOKING FURTHER. rvi-R csi-'n CARH GUARANTEED. WHY BUY ONE AND TAKE THE CHANCE f SEE OLK'i FIRST. Paige, 1017, 5-passenger. False. 1017, 5-passenger. Paine, 101S, C-passenger. Paige. 1018, 7-passenger. Olds 8: dandy car. Maxwell. i:l;; looks like new. Overland chummy roadster. Overland roadster, model 83. Cadillac. 11)11. cheap. Several Others to Select From. REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE THEM. EIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO., 35 N. Broadway, near Couch. Phone Broadway 12L Al AUTO WOBKS ft PAINTING CO. 1017 Chevrolet touring. like new. me chanically first-class; demountable rims and all good tires; a snap; small payment down, bal. easy monthly payments. 1916 Chevrolet, fine running conditions, all good tires, $405. Small payment down, bal easy .Al'AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. 525 Aldar St. 1IBKRTT SIX. n-w!y painted: will guar antee tnie car; .i.tuu. CAREY. 523 Alder. Broadway 2492. BUICK BIG SIX. Here Is some car. Don't rass It up. '"the'used car exchange. 527 Washington st. FOR SALE BY OWNER. LATE "17 STUDEBAKER SIX. Newly pain-ted cord tires, Victoria top; big bargain. Call Marshall 3617. 300 Clay st. FORD roadster, perfect mechanically, 4 new tires, speedometer, uenesco suuca .uoiu ers, Yale lock, spotlight, lots of other extras; cash or terms to reliable party. AM 377, Oregonian. DORT TOURING. Here's a car that you. will enjoy; price U right, only $675. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington st. 3017 FORD TOURING. i... cam mv ITnrr1 rmrrhased new Nov. in'iT- rm. like new: rood appearance and gnod tires. A snap for cash, $425. East 4671. FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL. lfllfl Chevrolet sedan, looks like a new car; oversize steering wheel, dash light, -a tiro cinr.ii FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. 750 BUYS a very good 1917 Studebaker 6 -ui a- i-a o nnd terms. $325 buys very good Stoddard-Day ton mnHaior- will irive Kood ttTir8; can be seen at Beaver garage, 200 Union ave. N run vttr MS R1V ROADSTER. With wire wheels and in the best of 527 Washington st- -An iwiK. lust like new: only run a lew tnousana hhict, Al. f , , an tee; win consiaer irauo v-"v, J! or Maxwell, balance terms, ave. N., near Burnside. 30 Grand CHALMERS. 1017, touring, in perfect con dition ; just repamifu .i -, bargain at $1400, with terms, or wi.l trade on smaller car. balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N-. near Burmnde. 1 WiYWFt.T. A 1917 Maxwell at the price of a second band Ford. Kee It for jf K 527 vv asmngtuu m. MAXWELL. '16. thoroughly overhauled, new tires ana aemuuuwHie i" -', ..-.j painted; only $G00. Call at Kast 8th and Belmont. Y late model Maxwell; looks like brand new, runs smooth and quietly; a car you can be proud of: a snap at $77j; will give terms. 128 E. 53d st. or phooie Tabor 8350. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1158 E. Morrison 5t. Dod ge, n-pass., in pei i i wuumuu, looks and runs like new:- hurry if you want a good car. Tabor 5338. WANT to buy 1017 or 1018 Ford, in good condition; will pay cash. East 73 after 4 p M. 11 E. 12th et. N. 101S FORD touring In good condition, with new bony. Jtuat sen, eoo. jr oiv, Ore gon inn I WILL sell at a sacrifice 117 Studebaker 4- looks HKe new. van uruauwuy Moore, llth and Everett sts. FOR SALE By owner, 5-pass. car; first class condition; bargain for cash. Tel Main C613. 403 2d st HIGH-CLASS bug, 6-cylinder motor, all good tires, spotlight; must sell lmmedl aiely. 530 Alder st. WANT to buy 1018 Chevrolet, in good condi tion; will pay spot cash. Call Broadway 110, morning. 10 to 12. WANT to buy Dodge touring car; must be in first-class condition; will pay cash. 581 0 62d ave. S. E. 1017 MAXWELL for sale by owner, almost UKe new; onigoiu a b tyuuv. wo Dttu Cak Sixth and Madison. 1917 PAIGE, just a dandy; you will have to See It to Biirniaio i. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Conch. OAKLAND SIX, good shape, good tires; pri vate owner ; terms or caan. Jiariaaii 3703. 122 Idaho. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE Al AUTO WKS. PAINT CO. We have large list light cars. All are refinlshed and are the lowest priced in city. 2 Maxwells, '17 touring. 1 Maxwell, "16 touring. 1 Chevrolet, 17 touring. 2 Chevrolet!, 17 touring. 3 Fords. T6-'17 touring. 1 Loco roadster. 1 Chevrolet Baby Grand touring. 2 Buick Light Sixes; some extras. 1 Marion touring; low price. 1 Overland touring, $300; good shape. 1 Briscoe touring, late '17. Our terms are most liberal and small payments down, balance long time. We do not charge brokerage. We Invite inspection. Call 525 Alder street. Al AUTO WKS & PAINT CO. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Vftn fiBorl mnnA rar for the holiday, Do not deny yourself the pleasure of an auto. THE FOLLOWING ARE BIG SNAPS. 1917 Paige touring, like new, $1000. 1014 Cadiilac, touring. Hup 1U bug. $300. 1017 Studebaker. $725. AUTO SALES CO.. AUBURN DISTRIBUTORS, NINTH AND COUCH. L-.nM Tvrnw nv "vvb. ARK fiOING TO OF FER A SPECIAL UAKUAiA AHfi- IN A USED CAR. WATCH OUR ADS FOR THIS SPECIAL. TODAY'S SPECIAL. SOME BUY. 1017 FORD. IN DANDY SHAPE" $450 - THIS CAR CARRIES OUR USUAL GUARANTEE. AUTO SALES CO.. AUBURN "BEAUTY SIX" DISTRIB UTORS. NINTH AND COUCH. rui. n PARAN CO.. 23d and Wafchington. Phone Main 4693. Distributors Plerce-Arrow trucks and motor cars. Packard, 5-passenger Dodge sedan, 1017 Pierce, 4-passenger, 86 Pierce, 4-passenger, 36 Pathfinder twin six, 7-passenger Pierce 48, limousine Vlri-A r..nBSi'nirrr. 4ft ...$ 750 . .. 1250 . . . 1050 ... 1750 . . . 1750 . .. 2850 . . 3000 Pierce, 7-passenger, 48, demonstrator 6000 Pierce, 7-pasceuge-r, 48, demonstrator 6-00 Plerce-Arrow standards of value and representation maintained in sale of our used cars. After July 10 In our new loca tion. Ninth at Burnside. Broadway 4093. OLDSMOBILE 6, well cared for; low price, cash or terms. TWIN STATES AUTO CO., 514 Alder. 1018 BUICK 6, 5-PASSENGER TOURING. Here is your chance to get a very classy car in Al condition, only driven about DO00 miles; see extra equipment, wire wheels, bumper, spot light, shock absorb ers, motor meter, clock, flower vase, tires gocd; act quick and don't miss thia chance ; price right to move quick. See car at Auto Rest Garage, 10th and Sal mon sts. FORDS NEW AND USED. FORD PARTS. FORD REPAIRING. WILLIAM L. HUGH SON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. TWO Chevrolets, new tires and extras, $425 CAREY.' 023 -Alder. Broadway 2492. FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL. Mitchell B-cylinder touring; very power ful car; looks and runs fine; $25 if soid FIE LPS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. FORD sedan, 1018, in periect conaiiion; used very little: win sacnutB iu. e"v. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnpide. . MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck, all manes ot cara auueu me.. parts at halt price. David Bodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL. 1017 Studebaker, 6-cyl., runs like new; good tires; $650. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. TT-rD ej a t.p". Ruir-ir hue. eood mechanical condition, goou tires, new uuuj, painted; must be sold bythe 4th; can be seen at wncuia vj.vbg, m.. ...... FORD chassis, just overhauled; fine shape $250. HOLLISTER, 3S0 Everett. MITCHELL LIGHT SIX, 5 passenger, first- class COnaillOn. 1 1 cawno.... , save dealer's commission. Lange Ac Erick son, palntera. 111 12th st., near Wash. FOR SALE 1018 Oakland sedan, run less than 40U0 miies, ownc. must eell at a sacrifice; will take terms. Main 0472. room 212. i 1450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOL'RINd CAR, A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. OR SALE 1010 Ford Touring car. A num ber one mechanical condition. Call at 752 h Albina ave. or phone Woodlawn oSSo. FORD delivery or roadster, demountable rims, storage battery, eiecinc iignts ana spot light, excellent condition, $350. 171 Fourth st. " BUG In good condition, with good tires, newly painted, $275 terms or $250 cash. 2S4 1st. near Jefferson. 1917 HUPMOBILE, new paint; just com nietolv overhauled: a Dinoln of a buy. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. T.ATE Ford, starter, other extras, $450 i sold tonight. Call after 3 P. M, garage 4th and Market sts. 1917 MAXWELL touring; the best one you ever saw. SMITH AUTO CO., PARK AND COUCH. MY 6-cylinder Buick touring car. repainted ano. overnauieu, tor quita oiu. Terms. HO 33th St. Broadway 4. 1018 CHEVROLET touring, in fine condi tion: good tires; will sell at $775, terms, 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL, mi s Ford delivery, panel side. $425. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. TWO Ford bugs for sale cheap. Come and see them. Phone Broadway, 1234. llth and Everett sts. CHEVROLET, 191S touring, fine condition, 5 tires, uol a r.asi Jjavia street, corner 14th St. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX; RUNS AND LUUh.O ajiV.e. in n vv . tALL A A its UK 630. FORD touring, 1017, in perfect condition; good tires; a bargain at ooo, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnslde. OVERLAND 5-passenger, overhauled; this is a bargain at au. nawmorne uarage, 445 Hawthorne. MAXWELL car. late model, 7 tires. 2 brand new; price 4Zo, casn paiance oo per montn. b-l nenry uiub. 1916 FORD touring car In perfect mechan ical saape; win sac mice ior so.o casn. K 3SS, Oregonian. OLDSMOBILE, 8-cyllnder. In perfect condi tion, looks like new. run only 8000 miles; $1000. See car Singer store, 382 Morrison st. PIERCE-ARROW. 1911 model, good con dition, Cora urea, uue-ruau top, utt-riy new paint. Main SOfeO. Mr. Lyons. FRANKLIN 1017. GOOD CONDITION PRICE $1550. Administratrix. Main 112. -25 Gasco 1 Gasco bldg. MAXWELL bug, good mechanical condition except carburetor; take it as it is; snap at $150. Sellwood 204. 191S HUPMOBILE Some car and some buy. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. FORD roadster, fine condition, $375. Call owner, Broadway 151. 1018 FORD roadster body, windshield, side lights. Hollister. 380 Everett. MAXWELL bug, $150. Woodlawn 4637. 14. East Baldwin. FORD, touring, in good condition, 305 Cherry street, after n r. w. 5-PASSENGER OVERLAND, in good condi tion, $250. t2i o-u at, o. ju. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. WILL SACRIFICE MY OAKLAND 8-CVLINDER CAR QUICK SALE. Good tires, summer and winder top, perfect mechanical condition; one demon stration will prove Its worth; this car will sell quickly, so aee It today at WHITE & STEVE VS. 421 Burnslde. Broadway 521. ENJOY YOUR FOURTH OF JULY TRIP IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING GOOD DEPENDABLE USED CAKS. 1017 Hup. ready to drive away. lld Hup. 1017 or '16 Grant Sixes. 1015 Studebaker. "-pass.; a real family car. 191$ Ford; this one Is a snap. 1015 Overland. 1015 King lour. 1013 Hup. 1014 Maxwell. MANY OTHERS AT BARGAIN PRICES. MANLEY AUTO CO.. llth at Burnsido St. Broadway 217. NEW OVERLAXDS. MODEL 00. Sold on e::y terms. For Immediate delivery. Used Cars. Model 73 Overland in fine shape Price $475 on easy terms. Overland Country Club. One of the Brown ones with brown uphol stery, a dandy price, $525. Terms $325 cash, bal. $50 per month. P. H. DUNN. Automobile Dt'iler. 1652 E. 13th et. Sellwood District. Phone Sellwood 13U.J. USED CARS. Every one worth the money. Motto: Every purchaser a booster. 11)14 Franklin a fine car. 1018 7-passenger Chalmers snap. 4-cy Under, 5-passenger Hudson, cheap. Grant six, overhauled stem to stern. Model 79, overhauled; line condition. 1010 Velie, cheap. 1015 Mitchell. 4-cyllnder, fi-passenger. 1018 Overland, 6-cyllnder, 5-passenger. 5-passenger Oakland. $250. 1910 Velie, guaranteed. 1018 Velie, guaranteed. 1917 Velie, guaranteed. Saxon six. cheap. Open evenings and Sundays. Easy terms. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. FORD TOURING with all kinds of extras; wire wheels, ail good tires, eltctric starttr, shock absorbers, extra size steering wheel, etc.; the beet Ford buy in Portland; $150 down. bal. easy. 1016 Ford, flrst-ciass running condition, all good tires, demountable rims, seat covers, etc.; a snap at $425; $loi) down, bal. easy. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 025 Alder St. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 light Buick 6, $1150; 1 Buick 6, No. 55. $1100; 1 1018 Dodge, $1000; 1 Oakland, 1018, Sedan, $800; 4 Ovor lands, $ (no to $550; 1 Grant 0, $050; 4 Fords. $250 to $550; 3 ChevroletK, $350 to $450; several cars from $50 to $200; 6 trucks, $3U0 to $1500. LONG & SILVA, 402 Hawthorne ave. Automobiles Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltatr station, Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and ratiroaa; iaces tne raciuc uc-cmvm, vmu B0 by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or lor cottage; will pay some de ference. Address BP 205, Oregonian. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 0840. 4ti2 Hawthorne ave. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASHINGTON ST. PI1 ON E B ROADWA Y 1532. WE CAN GET TOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. CONLEV'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. HAV'iS cash and a fine lot worth $750 to puy for good car up to $1500. The lot Is not junk but good value. Write, giving make, model and price of car. V 320, Oregonian. 1917 BIG HUPMOBILE, In firBt-claes con dition; iooks line a new cai , win neu or trade for smaller car. Call It. R. Morroll, between 8 and 12 A. M.. at B. 1SS4. b2 East Ash. CHOICE building lot on Peninsula, half block from car line, win give goou ira for used car in good condiiion. Ford pre ferred. Owner, Tabor 2018. 40 ACRES of timber, near Wheeler, Or., to trade lor o-pass. car. au anmm,iu CASH for your Ford, Maxwell, Dodge or Buick. call ppie, mam oo-o 20th st., west side, near W'ashlngton. $S00 RESTAURANT to trade for Ford tour ing car and some cash. Call 201 Gerlinger bldg.. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. WILL pay $500 spot cash for 1019 or 1018 Chevrolet, good condiiion. Adress P. O. box 300. city. . DODGE car, late model, from owner. Will pay cash. Main 1012. K ex ford apt., apt. 3. WANT to buy used Dodge car, condition immaterial. Will pay cash. Miss Gray, 240 6lh Ht. Main 7352. CASH paid for wrecked or badly damaged Ford cars. Hale's garage. 429 E. Davis. $100 SPOT CASH for auto if worth iL Call b33 East 14th N. after 0 P. M. FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck; Mr. Harris. 1 Grand ave. TWO LOTS to trade for a late model amo. O OSS. Oregonian. Mo tore v cles. 1917 INDIAN motorcycle w itli side car for sale cneap: nas aioi urmi, n. dem side car top. motor In good condition, cash only, $250. W 2M), Oregoniun. 3-SPEED "INDIAN," light, speedometer and dream tanaem, suoi w. uw. E. Harrison. 1017 INDIAN FOWEKPLUS motorcycle. light ana a ream mimeui, io looh, 04 East 63d st. North. A 1117 CLEVELAND motorcycle ;u caan. Northwest corner ntn ana uurnsiue. n. Ward. FOR SALE Twin Ha Hey Davidson, 11 odel. excellent conumon. r.ast oi.w. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204--0O oJ- Qi. Jiain oiw FOR SALE Henderson motorcycle, A-l con dition: a snap, 'labor uo'.u. TWIN INDIA N 3-fpeed electric generator; new tires. i-o. loiumoia tt. H A RLE Y-D A V I DSON single. good tires. cheap for cash. 433S r.a st. . . Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 28J9. BROADWAY 2629 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE; HIGHWAY AND CITY TKira. P. vyxw aa a.w WASHINGTON. Main 7080. FOR HIRE by the hour or trip. Hudson Super Sixes, .-pass, luunoc tmi, .aic reasonable. Main 134. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th Bt., Broadway 840. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, caning. hopping, hignway. uroauway wi.