THE 3IORXIXG OltEG OX TAX, TUESDAY, JULY 1,. 1919. -- I A RECEIPTS OF WHEAT ' GAIN IN PAST YEAR Portland Business Larger Than That of Sound Cities. MORE BARLEY ALSO COMES MoTcment In Oats Fall Off, but In creases Are Noted In Flour and Hay. Trhtat receipts l Portland for tho cereal year and jesterday were the lariest since the 1S1J-1S huod, exceeding" those of the preTlous Jer br 3311 cars and ereater bjr I ill eara thao tkoM of two years aro. The total of TTJJ cara comparsa with tile re ceived at Tacoma and t received at Seat Local barley FCTlpu were mora than .f.xibte thoaa of last year, but arrlvala of rata showed a decline of 777 cara. Lar-e , .Ins la flour and bsV receipts last year ara rc-sarded. Total receipts. In car, of wheat, barley, oata. Hour and hay at Portland for tha past mon, aa compiled by tha Werchanta Ex change, wera aa follows: asna WTi-atBarler Floor. fats-Har ".! T.7V. Ill ,'? I-.IT-M 3.VM -''3 1 1,M 1i-17 "-l" -v' ,V1 "r'- -"--J tHW in ..h 11 -j I-.I4-I-1 !.' '"." V--7 "i-i !M3-tl .... V-'-- I- ' . i:u-i3! I7..i3 sm i'3 i3 Tha coarse rrala market yesterday waa t.rr dull. Brewing- barley waa SO cents higher aad clipped oata M cents lower than ci Saturday. Other bids oa tha local board rr enchanted. t'lement Curtis" crop report Indicates a what production of l.IJO.OOO.OOO bushels, orn bushels and oats 1.413. bushels. Tha Kansas corn crop la climated at bushels. Weather con rHUoaa la tha middle west, aa wired from thi-alo: "Clear and lot all oyer south west and west: nuluth. clear. J; Minneap olis, clear. 73: Wlnnlpei. cloudy. 70. Torn-ea--l: Grain belt -enerally fair and warmer except Dakota generally fair and cooler." Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by tha Merchants Exchange as follows: tVhat.liarley.Klour.Oata.Hay Portland. Von.. 3 1 23 J Tacoma Sat fasoo. to date.3.'.7 40 3 1JI battle hat. . 3 .... .... ovasoa to date 3434 113 177 LOCAL BrTTl;R MARKET INSETTLKD Celling rrtnt Tricea Announced by Ona City C reamery. Tha local batter market Is unsettled. One ef the city crcamerira announced a 1-crnt Irop In prints. effective this ronrnlng. but i. hers said they would not follow the de 1'ine. Burins prices of bulterfat remain unrhanged. ' Cubea wera dull and H ID 1 cent under lUlltiliy'i prices. Shipments out wera of llr also, Offerings of Inferior trades were Urge. Tha lnto-etorae movement was 14, KU pounds and 4o3 pounrta were wlthdraaa. leavlnc a balance of :.00.5s pounds. Ptreet s-srka Increased to cubes and 49 boxes. Kerelpts Saturday weie: Founds faltfornia lrf rib .3-. 14- Uuhmctos oou eastern Oregon timothy. $3ff3T per ton; alalia. tzO; valley train hay. I-'S. Iralry aad C a a try Prod nee. TICTTER Pnhes. S2-seore. 49c: PI -score. 48iic: 80-score, 4-; prints, parchment vrinMrL bns Ir.ra R" irt .'.Tc cartOflS. MOW bait boxes. Ve more: less than half boxes, le more: hutterfat. No. 1. 51V-c Per pounu. fllVVr TIllamMk f A. b. TIllamOOK: Triplets. 34c: Younf Americas. S5c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. alyrtle Point, triplets. n.. Tonne Americas, 34'3c; longborns. 8-tHc. EOOS Oreton ranch, case count 4- 9 43c: candled. 4 Te w 4 rtc ; selects. 47c. POULTRY Hens. l'&27c: broilers, !!t 80c: teeae. ducks and turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 21c per pound. PORK Fancy. 2Mc per pound. Fruit and Vegetables. FBI'ITS Oranees. 1S.50.7S: lemons. 17.234, S.SO box: bananaa. ISDHe per pound: snnles. new. 14 Der box: KraDcrruit, $3.736: strawberries, 3.73: cherries. 10arl7Vic per nnunil! mnu nune. S1.7St4.MI Per crate apricots, w.ou tr-'i per box: peaches, $1.23 iwe Iw.x: wsturmelons. - . C per pounu. plums. I-VSO per box: pears, 2.7 per box: raspberries, $ J :;. r 8 10 per crate; lo tanherrles, 12. IM) per crate. VEUETABLES Cabbate. 13 5064 per 100 pounds: lettuce. I2.25tij.30 per crate; pep perw. 40c per pound; beets, $33.30 per sack; turnips, tJ."'tj 4 per sack: cucumbers, S1.2.irl.7& per dosen: tomatoes, 9202.30 per box: spinach. o per pound: peaa, 89c per pound: rhubarb, oc per pound. POTATOES Oreton Burbanks, best. 12.23; new California. 4w4?jc per pound. ONMON9 California, red and yellow, 59 S4c per pound. Staple Groceries. T-ocal jobblnt quotations: fii;OAR Sek basis. Krutt or berry. 19.93: beet. I 53: Honolulu cane. JH.ftO; extra C 19.15: powdered la barrels. 110.23: cubea In barrels. 110.43. M7S Walnuts. 27ff35c: Braill nuts. 3c: filberts. 2; almonds, 24e3c; peanuts. 11 r 1.M-. SALT Half-troond. 100s. Il per ton; 30?" $17.23 per ton: dairy. $23 par ton. RICE Japan style, ?c: blue roae, lOe; head. 12c P-r pound. BEANS Buytnt price, larira white. 59 3Hc per pound: red. 4o per pound. COKFEU Roasted, In drams. 33930c Hope. Mohair. Ktc lirvpq Oreena. IKIH. 47c: 11T crop. S3b37c: 1918 crop. oc: 113 crop. 20ff25c; 1H19 contracts. 40c; tnrea-year couirmcu. 40c. 30r. 00c. wmi, Eastern oreton ana nunmn, 40t57o per pound; valley. uvo per MOIIA1K JJ'is cup. og r ' r' TAI.IX)W No. 1. tie per pound; No. 2. 6So per poond; treasa No. 1, 3hc; No. 3V;C ler pound. I'AJCARA BARK New. 10c per Pound. UltAIN BAG In carlota, 13c Provielooa. Ical Joboint quotations: HAMS All sues, choice. 424 94Sc: stand ard. 41',fr4Jc: skinned. 33930c; picnic, 28 Si b:-9'.c. cottace roil, atc. Iki Tlcrco basis, 6c; compound. 29e per pound. I , a y SALT Short, clear backs. 30 9 33c; plates. 27t29c: exports, iic BACON Kaucy. &3tf33c; ftandard. 4B9 49c; choice. 39 f 43c Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. X salt-cured hldea. 30 lbs. and up. 20c: No. 1 part-cured hides. 30 lbs. and up. 1hi,c: No. 1 treen hides. 30 lbs. and up 17-; No. I salt-cured bull hides, 60 lbs. and U. 14c; ISO. 1 part-curea suit hww ao lbs and up. lie Tho price on ro. -hi,. i:l bo i,t rer pound less than on No. I. No. 1 calf skins, up to II lbs, 45c: No. 3 calf skins, up to 13 lbs.. 43c; o. I aip sins, IS to 2i lbs. 25c: No. 2 kip skins. 13 to 23 it., -v- Art flint hides. 7 lbs. and up. 30c; ' iin .ir hl.Uvr. under 7 lbs.. 40c; dry a't hides. 7 lbs. uud up, 24c: dry salt calf h!.les. under 7 Ik.. 31c; dry flint stat or k..:i MJ ": rlrv salt hld-s. lie; ary bull hides and skins, half price: dry horse lules. acenrdint to size and quality, eaon I15UU3 salt horse hides, sklnucd to hoof and head on. I3'U. horse hides with heads .ft r.ih. .m,TH Pry Ions-wool sheep pelts, per lb.. 25 0 33c: dry medium wool sheep pelts, per lb., los.toc: dry shearling sheep pelts. . in 7.-.- Mlterl looa-wool sheep pelts. each! $2n3: salted medium wool sheep pelts. eaih, $14'-: saticu iiiwuHi each, &VV75C. STOCK MARKET IS STRONG GEXERAL TEXDEXCT OF PRICES IS "CP WARD. Trading: Restrained in Measure by Firmness of Money Rates. Bonds Inclined to Ease. NKW YORK, June 80. Trad!n(c In atock today occasional ly was reminiscent of the dullness and hesitation which in pre-war time marked the advent of the new fiscal year and its attendant uncertainties. Despite last week's better bank state ment, call money opened at 6 to H per cent, rising; later to 8 for mixed loans and 10 for all Industrials, indicating- increased discrimination ag-alnst the latter form of collateral. The new order created by the Versailles treaty found ro rery clear reflection In the r-n-ira nf n nntfrt value, aside from the sus tained strength of chares which hve as- f sumed a fixed pUce anions so-cauea peace inuustrtals. Transnorlatlont shared only moderately In tbe day's movements, excepting; Texas I'acffic, which was again reaporsive to ub stantlt! accumulation. Kubber issues related to the motor divi sion! extended last Saturday's gains, AJax, Keystone, Killy - Springfield and United biates Rubber recording gross advances of two to seven points, but motors were rela tively backwaid. Food shares came next In speculative favor, Wilton Packing, Jewel Tea and Cem Products rising three to fiv points with af filiated Ibjucs. notably American Can and Continental Can. Baldwin and American Locomotives, cen tral .Foundry, common and preferreu; Cen tral Leather, Hide V Leather prsferred. American Woolen. A met lean Express and International Paper were con.-yslcuous amonn the other strong stocks, bales amounted to LlA.OOO shares. Bonus, Including liberty and international saues. were Inclined to ease fractionally. Total sales, par value, $10,800,000. Old United StMcj bonds were unchanged on call. CLOS1.VQ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. . High. Low. bid. Am Beet Sugar... i0 Mi's &rt American Can.. -4D,tKK) ti0 r7H Am Car&Kdry. 4.1'00 11U lo.t Am H clt L. pfd e.CHtO l.'.l hi American Loco. b't3 Am Sm & Itig.. O.1U0 ls4Vs Am ISugar Refg boo I'M Am Sum Tobac. I.0"0 Ji:ti 1.U00 1 Total 33.772 Cheese receipts Saturday were 1,3S2 pounds from Orgoo. 24.1t from California and COO from Idaho. STORAGE EGG HOI.MNC.ft ARE LARGER lacrMs mi SO. I'rr Cent la Stocks Held la the Northwest. Eggs were firm, with buyers paying 43 cnts to country shippers. Jobbing prices re unchanged. Only a few cases went into storage, but a conlderab!e quanttty was shipped to Seattle. Floor stocks were 3117 cases. Receipts Saturday were 33 i.tti from Oregon. 6 from Washington and il from Idaho, a total of T."T cases. Total receipts last werk were C31 cases against 4IK ra.fes In the preceding week. Thirty-three storagrs in the Parlfle north st report total holdings of eggs on June IX Iil. as 123.03O canes, compared with 1 tX I.VJ vases on June 13, IMS. The 1010 holdings represent an Increase of -0.9 per cent or the H1 h''ltng. C ATALOlTES ARE UKM AND HIGHER Ood Prices Are Experted te Rule for the 'Next Three Weeks. Cantaloupes were firm and are likely to continue so for the next three weeks, or un til Turtocks begta arriving In car lots. Stand ards were quoted at 4 23J -6(. ponies at 93 30(M flats at f 1 75y 2. Watermelons rrr steady at StfSi cents, bulk. Cherry receipts by express were 600 boxes from Oregon. St0 from California and a few small lots from Washington. The mar ket was firm, Btngs selling at 15 J17j cents and Royal Annes at 10912 cents. Two cars of dec id uous fruits arrived. Plume sold at $3.30, apricots At $2.23. peaches at $L23 aad new apples at $1. Berries were unchanged. Visible Wheat reapply Icrreass. The American vlvible wheat supply com pares as follows: June 3. 11 .inly 1. twit .tulv 1. 1U17 July . 111 Julv , l'.'l. June 20, lult , BtuheN. Iecrea!te. .14.-n.oiH 1.4.IHHt . . .::.taj viNNi iw,on . .. 7.1'l.tHN 2.2ii.K1i .. .14,v.uo 3,yJi,w0 The oats visible Increased 2.49,000 bush . and corn decreed 2i.000 bushels. New rotate Decline. Three ears of new California potatoes were r- tvd and the market was lower it 4044 nm for garnets and 3 tf 4 cents for w mrM. Old stork was stenly at $2 23. Hank Clearing. Unk clearings of the northwestern cities j McrUay were as foi o: Clcarinir. Balances. v rrland 14 j.7wl ,Ht.a 2.tSt.l7a i m. .vna jt tMt.Tas M'.'Une 1.717.122 i'ort.and bank cleariniis tor June of this .-"I years were: ll J123 4.r7 i;t. lH.!il'v44l 1-I7 7.32ti.!42 t;i 47.iJl.lHMi 41. --.-' i 44.721. ITHH 41.343.!Hi.- "i 4 3. I;."' 7 rti 4.riM:.ain ..0 4L'.14rt.01S jt0 30.04a.a4J BAN ITtANCIHCO PROPrCE MARKET priree Current oo Eggs. VegcUblee, Freall r-nilts. KU- at Hay 1'Hy. AN FRANCISCO, June 30. Butter, o."c. Kitgs Kresh extras, &3l3c; extra pullets, 44 i-c Cheese New firsts, 30c; Young Ameri can. 3:.c. Poultry Hens. 24J30c. according to else; young roonterK, 40c; broiler. 2UltS3c, accord ing to eixo; fryers, ."Vn3!c; geeie, nominal; M4iials, 4."if30c; ilcou, 2.A0f3 doxen. Vegetables tiraded axparagu. H3 10c; etrgpiant. 10fl.V: pepperm bell. lOUr; largo chile, I0il2c; summer squash, bdev $l: small box tomatoes, 75ctf$l--3 box, ac cording to district; potatoes, delta. $2.50C 2 7.) box; ontoii. red. $t4t4 2; green, 1.7fl (1 1.H3 box; rhubarb, $22.75 box; green prase. (ItfSc; cucumbers, $1.75 if 2 small box; string beans, 2Uf22c; max. 10 ft 12c; pole, 124fl3c; okra, H' 12 be; rn. 4' dox en: garlic. 17 4n-'lc; celery, $4. 505 crate. Kruit lemons. I?7: orangen. $4.2."J5; grapefruit, 3.&Otv4.(0; banana.. 597c; pine apples, S3 a 3: pears, 12ovl-35 small box; plums, I1.30U2 crate; Newtown Pippin ap ples. $J.3ofrJ 7": watermelons, 22c; currants, I10U13: peachen, bOcQtl crate; fig, black, CO (T Too single-layer box, $1Q 1.25 double layer; strawberries, $141."; lo ganberries. 7iii; Markberriej. 310 12 per cheat; cherries, lOtf l.')C; apricots. $1,259 l.oo crate; gooaeberries, $010; cantaloupes, 2'2 50 standard crate; raspbrrlet. l0fi 14. Itecetpts Flour. 40 quarters; barley, 6720 centals; beatTs, 1020 sacks; potatoes, 143 nacks; hay, 510 tons: onions, 5i5 sacks; hides, 2b0; wine, 2S.200 gallons. COAST AND E.8TER DAIRY PRODUCE Butter Market Conditions at Leading Dis tributing Points. San Francisco and eastern dairy produce reports received by wire by the Portland of i ice of the bureau of markets yesterday follow: Boston. Feeling little better, selling prices showed some advance, demand light, mostly for small lots. Cars bad slow sale at oo '4$ &OHc Chicago. Market Just steady after decline lc with trading only fair; quite a few sales; 92-score. Mo. New York. After a little firmness with a slight advance market became quite in active with little demand and difficult to move top grades at quotations. Philadelphia. Xlarket Ho higher, un settled, condition, some freely selling, others holding. Reeepita light. San Francisco- Prices declined fully lc Market appeared weaker at close and 92 cure could be purchased as low as 52c in limited quantities; orXerings were liberal, but demand light. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS 4 rain. Flour, Feed, Etc Oat? No. 2 white feed taarlev M idard feed ...... ;-.i0erJ "A" ltt) ... 'J, white -'tv clipped ithtte. July August .$03 00 f.VUK) , 5, M f OO . 53 ; .. . M on .no no . 5l.t0 iO.OO . ft o c :o . 07. o7 50 basis, $2.20 per N't. 3 ye!iow ,Nk J mixed V H liAT Go ernraent bu-el. 1-IsOCR Patents $1143 delivered. $11.30 at n'l: bakers'. l.lill S". wholewheat. Jl 25 H-: graham, I lO.ui if 10.2O. UII.U KiCl) Will run (. o. c. mill, ca riots, t.'.s per ton; mixed cars, $3'50; ton lots or, $40; leas than ton, $41; rolled barley, j, rolled oats. $: ground bari-y. .".i. i CRN Whoie, ton. $73; cracked, $77 pel t . UAT Buying prices & a. h, Portland; ROAD WORK HINDERS AUTOS Parlnc Orerations in Full Blast on Colombia Highway. HOOD niVER. Or.. Jun. 30. (Spe cial.) Comfortable travel over the Co lumbia river highway is ended until after paving operations between here and Cascade Locks are completed. ac cording to motorist, who went over the route yesterday, ravinu crews have begun work at Cascade Locks and Wyeth. and a crew has begrun grading between here and Ruthton hill. Announcements as to whether the highways will be completely blocked by the pavine vary. The state Aish wiy commission recently declared that traffic would be allowed at certain hours of the day. but J. K. Nickelson. In charge of maintenance in this coun ty, says that he does not see how It will be possible to carry on paving operations without closing1 the route entirely for several weeks. OPIUM TAKEN BY POLICE Max Ttclss of Seattle Held for Grand Jury Investigation. ABEUPKKN'. Wash., June SO. (Spe cial.) Max i'.eiss, arrested here Thurs day, was held to appear before the fed eral urand jury at Tacoma. His bail wus fixed at SsOO. Keiss la charged with having in his possession eight ounce., of opium and two ounces of Tenshee opium, which, together with Bealr: pipes and other paraphernalia, were removed from the luggage of the accused man at a local l.oteL la known In Seattle aa "Ace King." He said that he bought U drug in a Seattle poolroom. Read Tha Oregonlan classified ads. I 44 ir 1(10 ins 64 i i 47 4!4 i;;s 1IV Am Tel & Tel. Am Z L c 8. Anaconrla Cop.. Alchlson a a wiss.. Ualdwln J.OCO.. Knit ic Ohio. . . . Hth Steel "B" Muue & Hup Cop lal Petroleum.. -UU Cansdlan Paclf l.ttiO Crural Leather S6. Ches & OHIO... UO r. M sc St. P. .. 4 K I & P 4(10 Chlno Copper.. 8U0 rol -uel Iron 1.10 Corn Products, j IS. Itno Crucible steel.. 7.71)0 Cuba Cane Susr. JB.iKin If at III Seeurttits 7,"0 Krle It40 tlen Klrc tlen Motors 7.PO0 tit Northern pfd 1.4ft' lit. N Ore t'tfs l.'MJ Illlnnts Ceotral no Inspiration Cop 20..vm InU M M pfd.. :;.mhi int Nlrkel I.rmn lot Paper 21. -'00 K C Southern Kennecott Cop. 7,400 l.ou & Nash .Mx Prtroleum S.90 Miami Cop 1.JO0 "-"S Mldvale Steel.. 4.IKWI .'.14 Missouri I'aelf. . 14. .'. :i:i'5i Montana Power 40 Nevada Copper. N Y Central. . . . V Y.N H & H . . Norfolk & West North PselflC. Pan-Am petrol. a.4ii Pennsvlvsnla .. S.rtno Pitts at W Va l.-V'O Plil.burn Coal, is.rtnn Ray Con Cop.. 2..".0 Krudlns; ."."" Rep Iron Steel K.voo sint.i oar. Il.r.on .ik.,n Parlf. 10.0OII 10 Southern Ry... T'OO '-'0ai studebaker Corp 1on. Texas Co l.ion ITOi, Tobacco Prod.. 1T..S00 II" Union Pacific. 1.r,00 J S Unit Cla Stores. .4.4110 l.l1, tl S Ind Alco.. 1. ."0 1S2 tt S Bteel . 62.200 inss; V f Steel, pfd.. 2.200 HR'i l-,ahScoPp-r . 4.100 00 Western Union 100 BS West Klcc ex diT 2.100 r.Bt, Willys-Over ... 4,""" a? Royal uutcn... . ' . " " ,J J ' " Bid. .V. 5t l-'xH 8 Ts aa i:iV5 loJ 103 lur.i si. a 7a 7.t lo.ili 100 1 T:t 174 107H 104K loni 4.t S.i 27H 11s -fs 34 S H4 la ISSVi !.- 10' ltirt4 64 41 40 U 8-'H I'7 47 no "4 4, 117? n:: j, 4cio in', 'M 71 600 3 1 4'M 107 1.1 OQ !17 !. 4 40 6S'i 24 88 W cm 214 171), 2.11 'i KB 4rs on Kt4 HO',3 .s C4V 41 27?i 4V4 4S 84 H 114 U 70 17 105 07 4i sr :: 117 ' 32 6:; 3o'U IIS is:t barrels; shipments. M barrels; stock, 7014 barrels. Rostc Steady; sales none; receipts. 834 barrels; shipments. 1728 barrels: stocks. 84. 870 barrels. Quote: B. 14.7514.0: D. 1515.10; B, J13.10S15.20; F. 15.1515.25: G. S15.20BH5.25; H, 15.2515.40; I. $15.50 18.85; K. J1 6.35 16.50; M, 1.5016.75; N. (17917.10; WG, $17.24917.30; WW. $17.60. COFFEE FUTURES ARE ST1I.L FALLING Near York Market Closes With Losses of to 64 Points. NEW YORK. June 80. An early decline waa followed by sharp rallies in the market for coffee future on European buylnl and covering, but the advances were nSt main tained and the market was unsettled In the later trading. The openint decline of 39 to 64 points was on local selling on the lower market for futures at Santos, with December selling at 20.45 and March at 20.35c The rally carried December up to 21.40e and March to 21c but this met re newed liquidation accompanied by talk of a slightly easier tone in the cost and freight market. December closed at 20.75c bid, with the general list showing net losses of 29 to 64 points. July, 21.40c; September, 21.20c; October, 21.03c: December, 20.70o; Jiimm. 20.65e: March. 20.55c: May. 20.45c. Spot coffee, nominal; Rio 7a, 22tc; Santos 4s, 28 54 29c Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 30. Copper firm: elec trolytic, spot, 18e; futures. 1981914c. , Iron and lead steady. Spelter quiet; spot offered at 6.95c; July, 8.97jc Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 30. Spot cotton steady. Middling, 34.90c New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, June 30. Raw sugar, unchanged. Tralntb Linseed Market. DULUTH, June 30. l.lnseed. $5.39g5.4L CORN ESTIMATES LOWER CROP MAT FAIjTj 800,000,000 BUSHEIiS TINDER 1918. inn 70 i :n i, n4 ni 24 60 4 10. -T, 2I 102- 20.-. 1 1 . ". Vj 132 IHft 146 107 IK.". 8i 51 -' r.m 0s 7S 1!U4 711 :n 107 97 x:;i 4.-.V. r.:u 67 '4 2Vs 87(4 921, 1 'i 100 10 26S 114 133 lf.o'4 14 107 -j llll'.i so 86 i SB '.4 111'i 112 D 8 Lib Slis... ".' Am T & T cv 6s. 103 do 1st 4 94 o Atch gen 4s I .... 81 oi Am 03 BS 1) R G ref Bs. .'.'i 'i do l-t 4Us. . .9510 N Y C dob 6s... P9.i . ... . 1 ID V T 4s 81 1n n.l 1U, 115.12 N' P 3s do 4th 4is 94.04 Pac T & T 5s. .. Vlftory Ss 100.06 Pa cv ejss tj S ref 2s reg..99t; So Ry 6s dO rOUPOn ua . TJ H cv Ss reg no coupon . r 8 4s reg. . do coupon . . ,9 U P 4s . .S9 Anglo-Fr 5s ,1004 106't "Bid. 5R5i 90-S.J 9,t 10lii 93 '.i ..101 . .'8.-, "4 .. 96 Mining Storks at Boston. BOSTON. June 30. Closing quotations Allouea 42s Old Com Arls Com 14 Osceola Calu Hecla... St4 Qulncy Centennial 1 Superior Cop Range 51 Sup tt Boston. Fast Multe J' .-.i'"""" .... Fritnkiln 42 Utah Con ... Isle Royalle ... 36 Winona . . . Lake Cop 5 Wolverlna-. . Mohawk 69 Oranby Con . North Butta . . 13 IQreene can . 41 . 55 . 71 . 8 . 34 . 8U . 10 '4 . l!i . 24 . 66 . 4414 MINOR HEARS OF CHARGES Correspondent Held nt Coblenz by V. S. Authorities. COBLENZ, Saturday. June 28. (By the Associated Press.) Robert Minor. American newspaper correspondent and cartoonist, was today given a copy of the charges under wnicn m n tntt.j h.r hv American army au thorities. The charges were not made public. , . Minor was arrested eeveral weeks ago in Paris at the request of British authorities who had been trying a num ber of persons charged wnn circuit ing propaganda. When later the Brit ish announced that they did not wish to proceed against Minor, the American authorities began a separate investi gation. Minor's father telegraphed his on from San Antonio not to spare expense in arranging for hie defense. SAX FRANCISCO, June 30. Robert Minor was publicity director and treas urer of the international workers' de fense league here from August, 1916, to January, 1918. Minor was active in tne rirn of Thomas J. Mooney, now serving a life eentence for murder at San Quentin prison. In connection wuu a preparedness day bomb explosion in this city. Hood River Elks Getting Money. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 30. (Spe cial.) Computing their subscriptions today. Hood River's Elks' committee in charge of the Salvation Army drive found they needed an additional $600 to complete the county's quota of $2200. J. H. Frederick, manager of the cam paign, declared, however, that his o liciting committees would immediately get busy, and that this total sum would be secured before he and hie fellow Elke ceased their task. Phone your want-ads to The Orego ninn. Phone Main 7070, A 6095. Money. Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. June 80. Mercantile paper. unchanged. Sterling 0-day bills. $4,57: commercial 60-day billa on banks. $4.56: commercial 60-day bills, 84.56H; demand. $4.59; cables. $4.60. Francs, demand 6.45, cables 6.43: guilders, demand 8Hi. cables 89; lire, de mand 7.9S. cables 7.96. Time loans strong, uncnangea. Call monsv strong: high. 8 per cent: low. 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent: closing bid. 8 per cent; oiierea ai on per ccm, last ln. 8 per cent. rtar silver. Sl.os. Mexican dollars, 824c. LONDON. June - SO. Bar silver. 53d per Ounce. Money and discount uncnangea. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK. June 80. Butter, steady; creamery, higher than extras. 51i52iic; creamery, extras (92 score) S1S8511M. Kggs steady, uncnangea. Cheese firm, unchanged. CHICAGO, June 30. Butter lower: cream ery. 45 50 He. Eggs lower; receipts. 20.133 eases: firsts. 40a41c; ordinary firsts. tBU3SMc; at mark, cases Included. 88939c: storage packed firsts. 424c; extras. 42fe3?43c poultry, alive, higher; fowls. 30c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. June 30. Evaporated ap ples Quiet but firm; western, ;0 22c; state, "'f'runes Firm: California 0G32c; Ore gon. 14?33c. Peaches Firm; standard, 23c; choice, 24c; fancy. 26c Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., Jure SO. Turpentine Firm. OOc: sties, 33 barrels: receipts. 30s SALT CREEK PRODUCERS This great Oil Producer and mar ket leader is stated to have nearly 100 producing wells capped await ing passage of the Oil Leasing.BilL Our latest Wyoming OH Resume, Letter No. 2. fully describes this company. Also gives latest infor mation regarding the OIL LEASING BILL now before Congress, together with an up-to-date map of the Wyoming oil districts and latest reliable data concerning Merrltt Klk Baaln Midwest Ref. Northsrest Glenroelc Copies Free Upon Request Commoncrealtk Boston-Wyoming Midwest Oil Omar Allen TEXT BOOK OF WALL STREET THIRD EDITION Now Ready for Distribution INVESTMENT SECURITIES 20 Broad St., New York Philadelphia Harrlsburg DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES Predictions Cause Strength in Chi cago Option Market Stocks in Store Are Meager. CHICAGO. June SO. Fresh strength de veloped in the corn market today, largely aa a reault of lha bullish estimates as to tha size of the domestic crop this season. The close waa unsettled, "lc to lc net higher, with September $1.76 to $1,76 and De cember $1.54 to $1.64(4. Oata finished HO to l4c down. In provisions the outcome varied from 25c decline to 17c advance. E3ti mates suggested by current figures on acreage Indicated tha 1919 yield of corn In the United States would fall 30,000 ,000 bushela under the total for 1918. Denyind waa further stimulated by the fact that stocks In store were meager and that tne movement of new wheat seemed likely to delay the handling of other grain. An unlooked for Inclease of tne "' supply total had a depressing, effect on tne cats rrarket. . low Quotations on hogs deprived pnvi eione of any tendency toward a. decldtd I ad vance. Commission houses, thougn, wsr conspicuous at timea aa buyers of lara. Leading futures ranged as follows: COKS, nn,n High. ...$1.70 $1.7711 ... 1.63H 1.55 OATS. ... .'4 .69'4 ... .60' .701, MESS PORK. M.TS M.2S ...49.50 49.60 49.15 LARD. ..34 00 84.32 34.00 ...34.07 34.35 34.00 SHORT RIBS. ...27.70 2S.0O 27.70 .. 27.80 28.10 27.80 CorNo. 3 yenow. antflW yellow. $1.771.7S!i; No. 8 ycllotv, $1.72 fip 1 74 Oats No. 3 white. 6S960UC Rye No. 2. $1.41(4. Barley $1.141.2L Timothy $912. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $34. Ribs $2727.75. Sept. Dec Sept. Dec July Sept. July Sept. Jul Sept Low. $1.75 1.53(4 .67 H .68 Close. $1.7634 LETS .67 .69 51.40 49.20 34.05 34.00 S7.T0 27.90 MinneajMilis Vraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 30. Barley, $1,040 1.13. Flax. $5.395.41. Grain at San Francisco. SAN -FRANCISCO, June SO. Flour, $12 f. o. b. warehouse. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed, $2.45 2 55; corn. California yellow, 13.808.40; barley. No. 1 feed, 1918 crop, $2.602.70. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats, $16(18; $75,200.00 British Columbia Bonds $70,000 Brltlah Columbia Bond Dae 192 SVXOO British Columbia Bands Dne 1039 These bonds are direct and primary obligations of the govern ment of British Columbia and' are payable from its general revenue. The natural wealth of British Columbia comprises forests, minerals, fisheries and agriculture, and is probably the richest of Canadian provinces. Exempt from all Dominion gov ernment taxation. PRICE: TO YIELD 5Y, Liberty and Victory Bonds If yon must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can bny more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. On Monday. June 30, the closing New Tork market prices were as given betow. They are the governing prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise these prices daily In order that you may always knew the New York market and tha exact value of your Liberty and victory bonds. Victory Victory 3 (is lst4s 2d 4s 1st 4Us 2d 4V.S 3d 4s 4th 4s 3s 4s Mkt. Pr... $99.36 $94.90 $03.90 $1(5.10 $04.12 $95.10 $94.10 $100.0S $ 99.96 Ac Int... .16 .18 .51 .19 .64 1.25 .90 .43 .04 Total $99.52 ,$95.0S $94.41 $95.29 $94.66 $96.35 $95.00 $100.51 $100.50 When buying we deduct 87c on a $30 bond and $2.50 oa a $1000 bond. We sell at the New York market plus the accrued interest. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxea for Rent. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. THE PREMIER SHTNICD7.VL BOND HOUSE Morris Bide 309-311 Stark St., Bet. 5th and lh. Telephone Broadway 2151. Lstabllahed Over ts 1 ears. tame oats, $17019: barley. tll14; alfalfa, $1B19; barley straw, S080o bale. Strawberry Harvest at Close. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 30. (Spe cial.) The Hood River valley's last carload of strawberries for the sea son will be shipped by the Apple Growers' association tomorrow night. The total tonnage will be 98 car.-, which have sold for approximately $3000 per car. Berry harvest hands are leaving for The Dalles cherry or chards and for the Willamete valley to engage in loganberry picking. Many will remain here to thin apples. OLAEK, KENDALL S CO. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Corner Fifth ana Stark Streets. LIBERTY BONDS We recommend the pur chase of Liberty Bonds and are prepared to fill orders in aay amount. If you hare Liberty Bonds to 'sell, we will buy them from you at highest prices, depending on New Tork market quotations received by wire daily. HEADQUARTERS for LIBERTY BONDS We BUT and SELL any amount. New York quo tations by wire every morning, lntereet in cluded: 3s.. $99.S1 FIRST 4s.. 95.07 SECOND ' 4s.. 94.40 FIRST 41,4a.. 95.28 SECOND 4 Us.. 94.65 THIRD 4S.. 98.34 FOURTH 44s.. 94.99 VICTORT 4a.. 100.60 If necessary to sell your bonds, bring them to us. We pay highest local prices. ROBERTSON &EWING ZOT-8 N. W. Bank Bldg. Frank Robertson H. C. Ewlag July Investments We offer, subject to sale: Municipal Bonds yield Amount Maturity Per Cent S. 40,000 Columbia Irrigation Dis trict 6s (new issue) 1930-1939 6 3,500 Cowlitz County, Wash., D. D. No, 8-612 1928-1929 6 89,000 Cottonwood Highway Dis trict, Idaho, 512 1930-1939 ' 300,000 Bingham Co., Idaho, 5s. .1929-1938 44,000 Lapwai Valley, Idaho, High way 5s 1930-1937 7,100 Madera, California, Im provement 7s 1920-1923 15,000 Port of Bandon, Or., 6s. . .1920-1923 26,500 Sheridan, Wyoming, Im provement 6s .... 1920-1928 26,900 Worland, Wyoming, Drain age District 6s 1926-1938 Corporation Bonds ? 13,500 (Par value) Fisk Rubber pany 1st pref. 7 stocks 15,000 New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. Co. 6s 1931 35,000 Canadian Northern Ry. Equipment Trust 6s ... . 1920-1927 5.875-6.00 5.15 4.80 5.25-5.50 6.75 6.25 6 6 6 6 Canadian Municipal Bonds $ 75,00 Burnaby, B. C, 6s 1924 15,500 Greater Winnipeg Water District 6s , 1923 V 5,000 Vancouver, B. C, 4s 1922 11,000 Vancouver, B. C, 4V2s 1924 23,000 Victoria, B. C.,4i2s 1924 Circulars containing a full description of the above issues may be had upon request. Lumbermens Trust Co. Lumbermens Building Fifth and Stark Half Million in Capital Hundred Thousand in Surplus We Want a large amount of Liberty and Victory onds a a, a, A -....--AJ''aAA-. rm aarrV"a"a"f"a" a ---x-xx-c-j-:-:-:--:-:-:":-:--:- FACTS NO. 453. I AN AWAKENED t& IN A 1 IU1N It is a question whether all the nations combined have ever spent so murh in a single year for the improvement of roads as has been set aside for this purpose in the United states in 1919. Between half and three - quarters of a billion dollars for road work has been ap propriated by tho gov ernment, states and coun ties. This vast amount will be wisely spent if the roads are paved with BITULITHIC WARRED BROTHERS CO. M- -:- :-:- -:-:- :- :-:-! - :-: 'X- m Ws hssa unruled orders far a b-rre amount and will par you top prices pay yon mors aad sara oar elienta moony br eHmtnsrinr shlpplo ehsrses. loss of tims. axchsnaa and commissions test. New Tor market br -Ire dallr. Ask us to quoteyou mm r smith Camp Co. sacoHD noon is.HsuiuM bams Blds- HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL, Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg., Portland, Or. Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain J.B. Steinbach&Co. 201-2-3 Railway Kieuaie biob. (4th nnd Stark) PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS. PHONES: MAIN 285284 Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold E. H. ROLLINS 6? SONS 411-412 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Established 1876 San Francisco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. VUtaTigHAi eitv tASD' For Investors Who Seek an Attractive Long-Term Yield Beef and office space are essential commodities that form the basis of two attractive bond issues " now available for investors. Both are long-term, first mortgage, sinking fund securities : Price Morris & Co. 4Kb.. 872 Trinity Bldgs. Corp. of N. Y. 99 Vi Monthly offering sheet containing further infor mation about these and other current offerings will be sent free upon request for OR-231. Yielding about 5.55 5.50 The National City Company Correspondent Offices in 50 Cities Portland Railway Exchange Building" Telephone 6095 Main Bonds Short Term Notes Acceptances Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold . L QevereauxSiGmpany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building