16 THE MORXISG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919. f , - A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or yar, or other information, telephone The Orefronian, Main 7070 or A 6093, House 29. rfUf OKDIOV l'I.K.TI. HKMVTlTCIIIMi. IV PLEAT irt-. any style. 1; hemstitch- is i'jc! per ru; OuHuum turd. hatrrn oyeHy Airs. "-. itn st. lidwy. .'imm. A'AfK 1 TTKKS AMI MM.. JKW K1.KK. Ji;Wi;i.HV Mrid MmJI1c tilt-alt r bldg. AIFMKA MKAU f.KOl M 'KCI. II A V. y'ALTKH Si PVT. .t.rd or Trade. M. AM ANAI.VMS. I'NTAXA ASSW OFKJ " rl, J 12 Second Gold, ."livr ud plannuni bought. a rroKN e . V RHiS emirn. A. I'.OU'SrKIN. prrtl.- IU all "2 orthr.-tern Hank bidg. AM KK 1KLUH). I. JOXKS, M. D.- ''ANCEP. TKEATKD. .... .ior;an tiJg. .Uarsha'1 C143. CAIiPtT li.MM.. l'(T. RK.VT KF.E.-TKiC VAt'L'L'M 'MOAN ERS BY THE DAV. AV(nDI..WN i25i. I'KLIVERKU AXU L'ALLKD FOR. AKFET WEtYINO. PflHv The kind that wear the best are i'VUW made from your wornoot carpeta hy tie N(rlhH5t Km . 'urmrf -ddrer. .- l nion avr. t. K mars woven, ari mis 'arpet tlniPi. ri'ittinsr and rmztna Mall oMti f-:i. ied. 1 E. Mrt. PHaNtl K AST .-V.. hi l, H I2mi. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Itaff Ruci, ail me Mll orders prompt. S--nl lor Booklet. $-xl2 rugs it f ana or drv r leaned, $1.50. FLUFF HVH fO . .11-5 Tnlorr vf. N. Km! 65!, B H7V El. 1. 1 l.Oll lilTTONS. TflK IKU IX-H' DStN l'MP.VNY. "7 Washington. Hn-aJway -T.4. A III.".!. 4 IIIKOI'K TOK. m) KNOW M Mail on, I0-',i chiropractor. Thronns pronouncing treatment easiest, bent, permanent. 51 "treats' $15. Tel. JR. W. othe bid. L. HOLLOWAV. Chiropractor and riruKleAS methods. TO.'-u7 IVkura Main 4133. Km., Wood lawn 5 1 7 J. HIItOPOIM.vr ARCH M M I I.IT. WILLIAM. Esteile and Florella D Veny. the only 'cientlric chiropodists and arch -pe-clalsts In the city. Parlors .toj UerltnRer bidr., P. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Wain 1S0I. CHIROPOniST. IK, LOUISE B. COX. aseptic chiropodist, of fice "' Ralefch bldr.. Of h and YV ashing- ton. Hours 1) A. U. to P. M4 Sundays and evenings by appointment. DK. GARTNER. specialist. foot arches made to order, corns and bunions cured. Swettand bldg.. 0th and Washington. Main K'l. Graduate lady chiropodist. tilO Bush-Iane bldg., rrr. Broadway-Alder, open Sundays. (IRItl.AK LETTERS. CHAXK LETTER 0.. 1.M0-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall OS.'L. Multigraphlng, mini eosmphlnic and nuiil adertinit)g. COLLECTIONS. IV A N T E O Co i 1 e. or Tsbor t"J:. tions. Post office box NET II A. CO.. Worcester bldg.. Main 1 TlHi No col ectlon. no charges. Estab. If. lANt INti. JaLA TIf R I N E M. KUW.V guaranties to teach all dances In 12 private lessons. 1- lessons. '; 4 It-ssons. hours Ki A. M. to 10 P. M. c Filers bldg.. bet. 4th and St a on Washington st. Main r J 4 . ALISK Y Punning Acadeniv. 'Id and Morri son. Private lnst rue tors day and evening. Cla-ss social danres held In M. W. A. ha.t. Itth and Biiinside sfs.. Saturday vnlnst BERKELEY Ianr(ng Aadni. ljft 4th t., ."id floor. Main 331s. Mn. Summers. Lessons br apt.; personal attention. Trances Vri. i It S. BATH S I A NCI N a.ademy, 3d floor lekum bldg. Private lessons, day and eve. Social dance Friday eve. Main 134.V M US. FLECK'S ACADEMY. liK 2d st. Ball room and stage dancing; class Tus Fri. eve.; children speejalt. Mum 21. IHMi AM CAT IIOSPITVL, HOSPITAL Dr. C. II. nan. 314 Eat 7th s II tit h man. veterfna Kat 147. B 1062. C0RDW000 Mgltnnmah u-l i'v Main ft.XO. A -1 11 )UK fcALK cord of mill wood. $." cord, drlier.d. fall Eat .VliL K. W. joUWt Oood 'rv Ice ty dlcliared soldier. WHOLESALERS AND Al'TO TOPS. TrHRt ILI.K TuP :.. Din and oak sts. nKY tilH)n NOTIONS. LDINKELSPIELCO.!' Stockroom and efflca North Fifth street. .HIN MKKCILVMS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Uoard of Trade bldr HATS ANU CA PS. THANHOfMiR HAT 'Q . MPS Front St. WOOL. CACAKA mK, Ifi5 Front ftrect. WHOI.r.sM.r:KS AND M A V V FACTCB EKH. W. P. FULLER V.O.. FrontandMorrlson. NKW TODAT. , WEST SIDE INVESTMENT I ) nnn t on A Toiino on I x T II d I J,UJJ,thi;i:t. w mi mobs and TWO HOI M-:. With very littlo fx price could be made a fi:ic paylnB in estment or a fine apartment-house r 1. urine's corner, tme-half cash. In vejtigalc. Look this over. F. L. BLANCHARD Sl-S BII.WAV Kl( IIAM.E. PORTABLE GARAGES $37-S48.50-S58.00 and Up Modern Construction Company 31. E. llth St. East 5114 SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Raits d Woolen Clotsilsic. We Make Reseralhle, llaod-Woven FLUFF RUGS Tkef AVear LIKe Iron KsU Order . e foe Booklet Hasj HS(S AVe, All Slsts Carpet Cleaning t.13 Race, temed Cleaned. HJM WMi.H rtll'P KlU CO. M Talsa A. . 't "ala- 4T FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW 9SO y.mt Hol. t'arnrr tut Thirtieth Miwt. A SNAPMATJ3700-TERMS PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., NO. IH MXOXD ST. MORTGAGE LOANS Isapre.ed city aaa f arsa property Iaatallasvat rrpajr rnt prlllrs If pre lerr prasapt, liable acrvlM. A. H. BIRRELL CO. Z17-31 s'srlswnirra Bisk RaUdlac Marshall 4114. a alls. JOHN B. COFFEY, MORTGAGE LOAN. - Insurance, Surety Bonds M WILCOX bLXK. .ttaiB 70S, A 979 m HARDWOOD IMMRI, CKT estimate for new or oU house. Port- l.ird Hardwood Floor to.. 17 V. Parkst. HKSTIT HIN. K. STEl'HAX. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion Hide pleat, buttons rovfrrd; mail orders. 2P. Pittock blok. Broadway l'H U.M)SAl'K (iAKDKMMi. FAGIFK? I.dndwiip Gardeneis. All Kinds of landscape work. Phone Tabor 400 1. ML SIC. DO YOU need jnule for your danre or en tertainment? I-et the "Harmony Orches tra' play for you. Cornet, saxophone, pi ano and drume. More instrument If 5ou want them. Call Mar. 22 or M. -9Q.Y KM IL. Til I FLU OKN, violin, viola teacher: pupil Sevcik. '7 Flledncr bldft. Bdy. 1'J9. OPTOMKTRISTH ANf OPTICIANS. r.l.A.-iSEtJ AT A SAVING. ' tv7 I solicit your piininMfl " a. tyj h.i nr ear.an e srrvite. inuu- sands of satlfi1 customers. A trial wil convince, Charles W. Goodman, Optometrist. 2"'J jforrison. Main a 1-4. u i i w nn. Ka m.- urvir. Now at VOltT service, for the twientific examination of our eyes and fitting- of eyeglasses ai m.omt nrirf ir. Oorca Kubenstein, rxnert ooticlan. 22 Morrison sU, between 1st and 'd sts. Main 21U. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R tv WRIGHT -2. vears experience. U. S. and foretBU patents. Wl Uekum bldg. GI4DBKRG. tt-' Worcester bid.. Main 2.r: . I'HYSK IANS. i? e WATfH.-i srn; Swetiand bldg. QfC increased f Hcfency druKless'treat 0U Oment. goitre, paralysis, headache, ap pendicitis, liver, kiuiuy. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway Diag. Hheumatihm. Hlomncn, oowei, lung, im-r, kldnev, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin a flections, blood pressure. PLl'MBING StPPI.IKS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices Starke-Davis Co.. i nirq. jxain iwi- I'RINTINti. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gntenbein, Mgr. Printing ma iinoiypins. --' -2 corner Stark. Main or A 141W. DDfMTIWfi F. W. BALTES A COMPANY, I llilll IllUist am nd Oak sts. Main 16S. A 115 tirXONI-HAND tTOKES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO, 211 Front St. "We buy and sell everything: In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Alain ir.tTO. A 7174. SHOW CARDS AND SLIDES. "Washington Slide Co.. r.lH Washington. Mezzanine floor. Majestic bldg. Mar. 2. TRNFEB AM)STOKAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The .-irvir with a Reputation." JIOVI.NO-i-Al'KIXC.-.STOKAIiE-BAUGAGB Ulh ar.i K irnev Bmnch Broadway. PHONE BDWY. 3309 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. (ieneral Transfer and Forwarding Agents. TRVCKAGE. STORAGE AXU TRANSFER 1-4-1': N 5TH ST. BROADWAY 454. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GLISAN ST.. comer of i:;ih. Telephone Broadway 12M or 116!.. Wo own and operate iwo mrm class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. ITRTpTOOF STORAGE r. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 24SPINE. MADlSiiN-ST. I'OCK & W A R E 1 1 0 L S U Of fice, ivj Manison si. utnt-Mi mei . -o.o'ii-HnH forwarding agents. Phone Main 1H!1. nirt-IVf; MOV1VO. STORAGE. gKCL'RITv'fTOKAUE TRANSFER OO. i.i.-. Prk St Main :.1.V A 10..t CI.AY P. MORSB. Inc. TRACKAGK. STOHAliB. TRANSFER. 4IS-4T.4 lilifan St. HAULING of all kinds; wood hauling, car load lot. t-a!t uj-. WATCH BFPAIKINi. Hl,;imT prices paid, old watches and jew elry. I'ondltlon no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 44!"- a?tl. WOODS. VMS. WOODSAW WOODSAW Phone Woodlawn alol. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. KASMI SSK.N ti CO.. :M and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINti AND VALVES. 11. L. KLINE, bt-bd Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM StTPUES. M. L. KLINE. M-M Front street. PKODICE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL. 140 Front street. HOPE AND ItlXPtB TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., llth and Northrup. SSII. DOORS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER 6c CO.. Front and Morrison. W ALL PAPER. MORGAN' WALL PAPER CO.. :M street. NEW TODAY. At Standard Factory No. 2 Grand Ave. and East Taylor Sts. POWER MACHINE OPERATORS to learn on Shirts and Overalls Mackinaws and Overcoats $10.00 per week while learning:. Forty-four-hour week. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY Experienced operators are earning from $15 to $20 weekly IRVINGTON RESIDENCE $13,000; $13,000 Etcht-room ro!ir,eTirp with fireplaces, laMtories. toilets and hath. House finished Inside with cedar and oak. la rpe porches. , rounds filled with trees and shrubbery and roses, just like a park. Lots alone worth the price. S5mm0 cash; balance nt Hf'r. It you want a fino site and a nice home, call on F. L. BLANCHARD SID-SO RAILWAY KVfHAX.K ni-DG., OX STARK, BET. 3D AXD 4TH. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est 1S67. Frank E. Watkins, Manager Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan, and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence solicited. 106 Second St, Phone: Main J6 14 7-ROOM HOUSE ??JP.VI ORi:r.u, CU-AP. Call at 304 (Jeriingrer Building. NEW TODiT. NATURAL PARK One of the most beautiful, exclusive, natural parks, improved as a summer home, containing- 40 acres, 30 minutes' drive from center of Portland. This place is located 3 miles S. W. from Oswego on the. Wilsonville road and on the Tualatin river, which affords fishing;, swimming, also fine crawfish ing and boating. The .natural trees, shrubs and lawn make a beautiful setting for the log bungalow, inclosed with a massive rustic fence. Why go miles for a summer home when it can be had so close to the city? For fur-, ther particulars see E. B. HOLMES, 272 Stark St, Railway Exchange Bldg, REAL ESTATE. FOR A LIMITED TIME all real estate owned by the estate of Edson JL Row ley will be offered for aale at a material reduction of price. This includes city ad ditiors as a whole or single lots In same, residences, acreage, farm properties and water frontage. Reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Mabel A. Kowley. Iv'J E. 10th St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE acres improved, 2 houses. 2 btrns, 2 blocks from Metzger station. Price $4Fi00, make terms. TeL Main 4480. For Sale -Lets. 300 LOTS oOxlCK) $300. City water, graded streets, cement walks In and paid; Alberta car; no restrictions, r!ose to school: easy tarma. F. B. HOL BROOK CO., 214 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. CHOICE LOTS. 1T minutes out. 5c fare. buiMin? restrictions, water, lights, gas; 9 ..'( to cjO. eusy terms. Inquire -Jo Morrison st. $20 CASH, $7 MONTHLY; $350. luox2M); gas. electricity, water. MARSTERS. 2ul WILCOX BLDG. AM anxious to sell my 100x100 corner lot at 17th and Morrison. 11 in teres tea write S. J. Rod key, Fife, Or $1100 BUYS $1H00 lot near 24th and East Flanders, or two blocks from Sandy road. Phone Broadway 821 . FINE lot, 50x100, in Rosa mere, on the Beaumont carlin. .ico resiaence dis trict. BC 177, Oregonian ALAMEDA LOT, street paid, $S00. JOHN LOT IVOxloO on East Oak street, west of Union ave. Cheap. ;iU4 uernnger piag. LOTS for sale. 100x100. on 64th eL and ive. ; mm: terms, tan gen, i-uo. For Sale Beach Property. GET A BEACH HOME now at Seaside. Or., In beautuul "cartwrignt rarn, at re duced prices; $25 to $700; easy install ments, 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000-foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of the most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whitmer-Keily Co., 414 Ptttork block. SALT AIR. TILLAMOOK. BEACH. Two choice lots, 50x100, at Saltair sta tion. Tillamook Beach ; near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces Pacific ocean; suit able for business or residence: value $500; will consider trade for auto, property or merchandise. Address BP 207, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Sunset Beach lots cheap, own ir lives In Idaho; inside lots $60. corners $75; will take liberty bonds at full value. Buy a lot, take your tent and spend your vacation at the beach. AC 635. Ore gonian. WANTED Beach acreage, vicinity Astoria, quote lowest cash price and location; act quick. AO 375. Oregonian. . ON rtde, overlooking ocean, two modern houses on 5uxlu0 lot. Sell or e change Main 5404. WANTED Beach acreage, vicinity Astoria: quote, lowest cash price and location ; act quick. AO 37'., Oregonian. Flat and Apartment Property. .3 ROOMS, furnished complete lor light housekeeping; located in heart of city; cleara $U0 per month. Price $2j50. No airent9. lli-i W. Park St.. corner Taylor. $HKovt;KY attractive west side income property. IRth. between Love joy and Mar- shall. For terms, phone owner. East :t-Si'j. For Sale Business Property. WHOLJSSALE business, factory or industrial site; quarter block, close in, east side, trackage; sacrifice and easy terms for quick sale. Owner. 71 b!4. Oregonian. 10-ROOM rooming house for sale on account of sickness; must sell cheap; income 100. r-nt to; good furniture. Call at, 240 Montgomery. For Sale Houses. S400 FOR A FINE modern C-room house with sleeping porch, bath. toilets, not and cold water, firepiace. built-in buffet, furnace, full concrete basement, wash trays, garage and lots of fruit, shrubbery and rosc-s; lot 4mx10O. with alley, at 475 Halght ave.: S0O cash, ial. .terms. Phone Marshall h9. K. Ii. BLANCHARD, Mft-l'O Rwy. Ex. ROSE CITY PARK $500 cash; a beauty; 5 fine rooms, large attic, well lighted, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays. Pos itively a most t-plendld bungalow In every sense and in fine district. Go south on Sd to Broadway. No. 1441, corner 53d; paved street, paid. Price only 3450, $-0 month, 6 per cent. Tabor S54 forenoons. $4500 FOR a close-In lot and 2 houses on E. Madison, bringing in i-n per ceoi on the Investment; If you want a fine lot with an investment, look this over; this is one of the lifo-iime chance, with very easy terras. Phone Marsl. F. L. BLANCHARD. M!)-S0 Rwy. Ex, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $10i for a modem up-to-date 5-room, with full attic and basement, fireplace. l.iifrett- nanrled dininC room, beamed ceil ins. furnace, streets paved ; a ba renin Jiono cash., bal teiyrt. I'hone Marl. fcJ. F L. BLANCHARD. M9-0 Railway Exch. HAWTHORNE district, very modern 6-room new bungalow, sleeping porcn, ouitt-in tiookcsve, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, wood work finished in old ivory; prtce $4.uu. ii oss. 404 Gcriinger biag.. Aiar -hall 859; ao 4-room cottage, corner lot; pr l cc 235Q. MODERN 4-room bungalow and large garase built for auto true ft. finishing u now; $5(Ki down, balance $30 per month, interest rt ct cent: call afternoons. M4 KUingsworth ave.. bet. 10 and 11. owner. W.ILDKR FAILED WILL SACRIFICE A new 5 or 7-room strictly modern hom full r-ment basement, laundry traya hardwood floors, built-lns. fireplace, book cases, garage. $:300 and $3000. $500 cash. EDWARD A. PROWS CO.. r.f3 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 633. XUm, $1 ."00 DOWN Lot, 1 25x50. five-room soml-bnncalow. earace. fine big garden, chicken house, choice rosea and flowers, berries and fruit, all tn good shape. Take Mnntavllla car to 63d. 2 talks, north to 160!. Oregon st. Phone Tabor .32. FOR SALE 5-room house, electric lights. -an and bath, hot and cold water, pavea street, all improvements paid; lot 50 hy 100; price $1450: $250 down, balance $15 per month. Address 14S5 Virginia st. Take Rivervtew car to Vermont st. ROSE r?TY PARK. New fi-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins, double constructed. cement basement; terms. Main 27(; evenings, A i6W. t PENINSULAR PARK. Below coft. brand-new. attractive 5 rootn bungalow, 100x100 corner, plumbing, cement basement, finish inside to suit vourwlf; sell for cash. 1413 Halght ave. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Nice 6-room house, wide lot, raved -t rtpt. nice location, now vacant. $2G50. See it. 107 E. Grant. Tabor 7S. Owner at 340 Glenn ave. WILLIAMS AVE. 2 modern 5-room cot tripes; income $000; price $5250; $1000 down, or will se'l one $7o0; $oOO down; terms. Owner. East 7722. MUST sacrifice at once my fine 6-room bungalow, with garage, furnace and fire place. $o250. See owner, 1123 East Har- rison st. Tabor 4S82; no agents. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Only $2750. 6 rooms, 90x110 lot, vacant, terms. Owner. 1211 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 13T7. MODERN 5-room bungalow, attic, basement, trees and shrubs: paved; 30th, and Tilla mook streets; to sell quick by owner with auto. Phone Main lljt I HAVE a beautiful bungalow, in Laurel hurst, on corner, quarter block, garage; one of the finest 6-room houses in the city. Se L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. FOR SALE by owner. Main 134. that well built modern house, southwest corner Skid more and Halght sts., near high school. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room modern house. S74 Kiltingswortb, ave., 1 block from Al berta car. Wdln. IRVT NGTOS HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. NHUHAUSEN & CO.. Main P07. East3!4. $2250 4 ROOMS and bath, bungalow. S19 . 60th st. N Rose City car.. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. FOR SALE BUNGALOW. ' S-room house, 'J bedrooms, 1 bath, liv- lngr room, dining room and kitchen, full cement basement, fireplace and built-in bookcases cither side of fireplace. Lot AOs 100 feet. Kast 33d and Gladstone ave. For sale by owner. Price $i'50O. Ail im provements paid. FOR SALE HOUSE 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room and kitchen, full ce ment basement. Lot til'xloO feet. 14J Rodney ave. For sale by owner. Inquire w orcgoman bldg., between I and o i. al price $3300, all improvements paid. IRVINGTOX. . New and modern. 1 spacious rooms, finest selected mahogany and oak finish, hardwood floors throughout, three artis tic fireplaces, white tile bathrooms, three toilets, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished, latest sanitary plumb ing, stationary vacuum cleaner, house phone, large grounds beautified with rarest shrubs and flowers. This is absolutely one of the finest built and most artistic resi dences in Portland. Inspection invited by the most critical. Easy terms. Owner. AK 3. Oregonian. EXCELLENT RIVER VIEW. Five-room modern house, alt conven iences, one-quarter acre. 15 kinds of fruit, roses and other flowers; accessible to per fect bathing beach; garden planted, good soil, spacious porches, on rock road, best electric service out of Portland; $2450 $250 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com.; open evenings and Sundays. LAUKELHURST HOME FOR SALE 4SU0 CASH OK TERMS. Having purchased a country house. I am offering my strictly modern home at this great sacrifice. Like new. 7 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, full lot, 1 block from car, all assessments paid; must be seen to be appreciated. Come out and aeo it. 151Eaat 43d be. , PRICE $2iOO-FURn1sHED. READY TO MOVE IN. Dandy modern 4 -room bungalow, 50x100 lot, completely furnished wjth fine new furniture, which cost $000; all goes for $2r0O; half cash. This is better than it sounds. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $2500 -SUNN Y IDE BARGAIN $2500. -eai o-room uungaioiv w ith i uil-size basement, in good condition throughout, newiy painted and decorated, good lot wicn irun irees, oernes ana nowerg; eplen did locality, close to Punnyside and Haw tnorne cars; terms $760 cash, $20 monthly ti per cent; will include furniture for 2iou. owner, 22 j. ;ith st. s. ENGLISH HOME. Irvlngton, swell 8 rooms, hall, living, library, dining, all oak finished, 4 bed rooms In white, enclosed sleeping porch, tile baths, billiard and servants' quarters, garage, beautiful grounds, corner, lOOx 100; cost $18,000, sell for 05c on $1; have to vacate. East 1347. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established tea years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in butfet. cabinet kitchen, good furnace, 1 block to Rose City car, on tflst st., corner lot; price $3800, $800 cash, $30 per month and interest. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. $5000 HOME FOR $3000. Modern 7-room home, furnace, fireplace, large basement, roses, lawn;' near park, high school, library, stores; near Piedmont, corner Atnsworth and Missouri ave.; $1000 cash; easily worth $5000. Come and sea. Owner, Woodlawn 1603. $2250 BUNGALOW $2250. $250 CASH. $25 PER MONTH. 5-room modern, full basement, laundry trays. Woodlawn. Alberta district. A. H. Akerson, Henry bldg.. Mar. 4070, or Main '4B. HUNGALOW. 0 rooms, bath, attic, base mint, laundry trays, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings, paved street all paid ; newly decorated, pretty modern surrounding; a very great bargain. $6."u, :a cash. 209O Kast Olisan, near b4th. Tabor 854 forenoons. HOSE CITY PAHK. 5430. HALF CASH Strictly modern tJ-room house, all mod ern conveniences, oeautuui location, open for Inspection. Owner leaving, immediate possession. Cali at 537 E. 45th st. N.. Tabor Ujo5. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, FIREPLACE, BC1L.T-TN BUFFET AXD BOOKCASES. GARAGE; CORNER, CLOB IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $400. TERMS. PHONE EAST 3069. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW J3000. rooms, built-in conveniences. 4ild St., 1 block from Hawthorne, east front. 30x07. 5 large fruit trees. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 205 Oerllnger Bldg.. Second and Alder. FOR SALE or rent, 4-room house, bath, sleeping porch full basement, barn, chick en house and coop; water and gas in house; lot 5uxun. 30ot 4Uth et. S. E. Phone Sellwood 3041. fcilX-ROOil bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement basement, hot-water heat. all but It-ins including ice box. lot 50x100. 1557 Omaha ave., net ween iventon and St Johns car lines, $4000, terms. HAWTHORB BUNGALOW 5-room, mod ern; fireplace, built-in effects, full cement basement, attic; East 44th, near Haw thorne, Phono Bert Morden, Main 7070, composing room. ATTRACTIVE, modern, 6-room bungalow, all built-lns and conveniences, garage, corner lot, 100x127',:; improvements paid; on carline; J2H 0 cash, balance, $1050, on easy terms. Owner. Sellwood 1515. NEW 4-room house, chicken house and barn, bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; one acre in cultivation, all fenced in. one block from Carline. $2500; some terms, ftl Richardson street North. MT. TABOR WEST SLOPE. Beautiful home with 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace furnace, built-ins. attic, basement, garage, paved st-. fruit, $5150. Owner. Tabor SSJ4. DO YOU want a home? I have one for sale on your own terms; $500 down, balance to unit; 7 rooms, on paved street, near car and school; wouid consider part trade. In quire o w ner, Kaj t 4 05( l. GOOD 6-room house, newly decorated throughout, good E. S. location, large grounds, for aale on term?, or will rent to good tenant at $25. Tallmadge Realty Co., 013 Henry Bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, garage, ce ment basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, all built-in effects. This Is a bargain. $1200 cash will handle. By owner. Wdtn. 17iiti. MUST BE SOLD. Beautiful corner. 50x1 ou, paved street and carline; 0-rooin house, garage, eight large fruit trees, lots of roses. See this and make oner. iu Alberta street. Owner. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. For sale BY OWNER in most select part of district, 7-room modern home, hard wood floors, threo nice bedrooms, large sleeping porch; lot 65x100; $5500. 493 hi. HUth st. N. GOOD HOUSE, six rooms, bath and full basement. One-half block from Rich mond carline. Good investment or will make ni": home. House is rented to steady tenant now. L 270, Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER "" 5-room modern house, lot luOxlOO re stricted district; 1 block to car and 3 to school. Price $3550. Phono Woodiawn 3063. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern bungalow, 6 large rooms, bath, furnace, hardwood floors, large basement and attic; garage in rear. Phone Tabor 579. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 6-room house, on car line and paved street ; 2 large porches, good view; now vacant; will sell furniture; easy terms, BD 415, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $3000. 5-room modern, white enamel inside, furnace, fireplace, cement basement and laundry trays. Mar. 4079. FINE C-room house, lot 50x100, paved street. fruit trees, cniCKen nouse, uu; ior sale by owner- 897 E. Sth St. 2i. Woodlawn 3495. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, Mt. Tabor, cheaper tnan rent; see it ana you it buy; dealing direct with owner. 1864 E. Tay lor st. Phone Tabor 6416. 117.10 5-ROOM cottage, bath. gas. lights. water; ciose ij iiiuuamai temer, iii . amn ion. Take St. Johns car. See Mrs. Cos- tello. 13:.P fower GOING o build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. . 1. Aiiyn, tarK st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res, phone Tabor 194. s COZY cottage, nicely furnished: price $1400, terms, aauu i niyou su, near .via. t. i. car. 1 5-ROOM bungalow, restricted dist., $3500; $50 down. a4 .. 11 tn, Westmoreland; fruit, lawn," roses. IRVINGTON HOME. DELAHCNT. EAST 1347 FOR SALE Partly modern 5-room house located at e'o 39th ave. a. K., $;i00 down, terms on balance. Owner, 6-44 Fister rd. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, Holladay add.; walking distance: cheap; by owner. Terms. Phone Tabor 492. FOR SALE $2500 buys 6-room house and lot. 342 San Kaiael St.; rea. bargain. 5-ROOM bungalow. fur piano, lawn, fruit, 17th. Sell. 810. rea. diet., 1-4. ., REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FOR SALE by owner. Tel. Main 694 any morning at it A. M.: S. V. cor. 10th and Alder -100x100, one utory garage. Mi.! Overton; 100x100, 11 rooms and double garage. 38 Eugene; 2."xl OO. 5 rooms. 3'.0 Eugene: 2oxH0. 5 rooms. ."(Ml Bonhwick; SOxlOO. IS rooms. OSS Clinton: 50x100. 4 rooms. ,VJ0 r. 30th and Clinton. 50x50. 4 rooms iVJS E. l!th St.: OOxoO, 4 rooms. 3d4 N. 24th; 33 l-3xtiO. 7 rooms. T.tiS Onimhv: 33 1-3-clOO. 7 roouis. Two houses and four f latsv cor. Michigan ave. and Jessup st. All houses have bath, gas, electricity, etc. DANDY BARGAINS. $2500 Siooo cash, wilt buy you a 4- rooni plastered house with ti lots, 40 bv l.il feet. 1.-.O0 $300 cash. B-room modern house, 14-arre tract with fruit. J'-OOO $500 cash, will buy you the best modern 5-room house in Lenta for the money. W e are in all day Sundays. KENNEDY & TILLMAN. t Lents Station. Jit. Scott Car. Tabor 4SU. DELIGHTFUL LAURBLHURST HOME. Complete in every detail. This modern home of I) rooms meets the most exact ing taste. Built bv the nresent owner. no detail was overlooked that would add to the charm and comfort or a real nome, from the artistic ballroom to a hot-water heating system; two large fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, -extra large sleeping porch. Priced, low at S8500, terms if desired. MacINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade bldg. Main 3853. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $.lJ.-.0. $500. 5-room bungalow. 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave. ; has fireplace, buffet, fine lurnace. -white enamel Dutch kitchen, 2 nice, light, airy bedrooms. Can give im mediate possession. Street improvements all in and paid. J. A. HUBBELL. 10S Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. NOW VACANT; $2250; TERMS. 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, wash trays, 12 minutes out on Sunuyside car. electricity, gas, garage. $200 down, $16 a mo. and Int. buys modern 6-room home, full basement, laun dry trays; block Sellwood car, 15 min utes out; snap; $20O0. UPWARD A. BROWN CO.. 303 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2693. LAURBLHURST DISTRICT. $3225. Modern 6-room house with furnace, laun dry and fruit rooms; well lighted living and dining rooms; also a den, kitchen and pantry on the first floor; -three bedrooms and batn on tne secona; 101 wmw, wnu double garage; improvements paid. J. L. KARNOPP fe CO., 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675, IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $K50ft for a fine UD to date, on E. 27th fireplace, buffet, furnace, 2 toilets, fina porches, garage, facing east, and in first class condition, only V cash; if you want a fine Irvington home, see this. Phone Marsl. S29. F. L. BLANCHARD, 519-20 Rwy. Ex. NICE four-room house In good neighborhood for sale cheap. Take St. Johns car at Vnhn.h. four hlor U from Williams ave. 1787 Endicott street. Good home for colored people. Suburban Homes. NOTICE. This cannot be duplicated. Read and judge for yourself: i)hi acres, 8 miles from courthouse, 30 minutes by auto, fully equipped: lou bearing fruit trees, bearing and in fine condition; berries all kinds; 0 acres in cult., 3 acres fine bottom land; would make good, onion land; good 6-room plastered house, good large barn and wagon shed, smoke house, chicken houses and chicken runs; finest kind soil, land lies good; 2 good Holstein cows. 1 good mare. 1 O. 1. C. gilt sow, wagons, culti vators, p!ows. etc.; in fact, fully equipped. Place cost owner over $0000. will sell for $0000, termsT needs money for other busi ness venture. See Geo. P. Henry w-ith Frank L. McGuire to buy your suburban farms and acreage. Open Sunday and evenings. NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE OF MERIT. If you are in the market for a close-in acreage home or a suburban home, do not neglect to consult our suburban home and acreage dept. It will no doubt be to your interest as we have properties of mem listed with us ranging from $100 to '- See Geo. P. Henry with Frank L. McGuire. Open Sundays ana evenings. unip KITRITRBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lb00 up. Inquire third house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook. " BY OWNER Attractive 5-room bungalow. 3 H acres at Aietzger un uiuu fruit, berries, garden. Main liUl. CALIFORNIA bungalow; new, $2200; acre; grove, auto road, elec, phone, water, mod ern $500 cash. McFarland. 002 Yeon bldg. FINE house and 11 lots, alt ior ouv. Phone OaK urove. w iw. For Sale Acreage. NOTICE. This cannot be duplicated. Read ana judge for yourself: 9fc acres, 9 miles from courthouse. 30 minutes by auto, fully equipped: 100 bearing fruit trees bearing and in fine condition; berries all kinds; 6 acres in cult., 3 acres fine bottom land, would make good onion land; good 6-room mastered house, good large barn and waloli shed, smoke" house, chicken hotfses and chicken runs; finest kind soil, land lies good: 2 good Holstein cows. 1 good mare 1 O. I. C. gilt sow, wagons, culti vatS's. plows, etc.; in Tact, fully equipped. Place cost owner over $9000. will sell ior $0000, terms; needs money for other busi ness venture. u Fr'ink L. McGuire to buy your suburban farms an acreage. Open Sunday and evenings. FOR SALE At a great u. s m. . t -.. i , iti.-otinn. 2 miles east Of Al- banv Or ; 100 Italian prune and other trees' and small fruit; 4-room house, barn and other buildings. u; "f'1 ' terms on balance. Call after 5.30 P, 454 Leo ave. cash, M. 5000 ACRES in southwestern vv umuHiw e to settlers oniy, -- price $5 per acre and up. Liberty bond? e .-Vnted at par. Write for map showing WBvSShaTAbB TIMBER COMPANY Tacoraa ning.. i a win. - ... . , -i i-o 1 1 nrf emnti rcnaru. nuusc, i outbuildings. Bul'l Bun water; located Just 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas south of l-.ents. Allen. nwvnKMERR Best of Tualatin valley lands: 5 acres and up; 300 to choose from Handy Bros.. 500 Railway Exchange c . r 1 1 ! l-i hi a a river, rine location, part cultivated; house, auto road fishing. h ir am. mi imm ei. "" " " 4V. ACRES at Tigardville. on paved high way; terms. Phone Main 1093. ACRES near Clackamas. 209 Alisky bldg. fror Sale Fruit Lands. 10-YEAR-OLD walnut orchard, 5-acre tracts. Handy Bros., ROtf Railway Exchange. For Sale Farms. RANCH FOUR MILES FROM TOWN. 120 acres; 35 acres cleared; 2 1-year-old COWS; i IirFl-Cli? inn-, vifwo, a. wvua- barn; 1 first-class orchard, 5 years old; 1 Kood norse, uouuie nfe oi,wia n SOO.OOO feet timber. ' M. FREDRICKSON & SON, Skamokawa, Wash. A BARGAIN. Tfin-er farm, with all improvements, $200 a year rent. livestock for sale to same person; lo good, milch cows. 20 head of cattle in all ; a good team of horses, i small pigs and chickens, all ior suuv casn. Mrs Kati Ronder, ,K.alama, Wash, Box 30. Route 1. ' , FOR SALE 770 acres of land, all fenced in; o0 acres under cultivation ; good water; 31- miles from town; $30 per acre. Will en 11 fnr half cash, balance terms. For information call between 5 and 7 P. M., Beaver apts.. Mr. A. Stone, apt- 4o. 12th and Marshall sts., city. HERE'S the bargain. inough land for three gOOU larms ui iy -w -o cam , some good timber, good mill, good box factory (iruilj, mm um p-j iur tut. rnco $16,500 for whole ball of wax. Write F. D. Watts, Weston, Or. 19 1.2 -ACRE chicken ranch 14 miles from Vancouver on main highway; 1 mile from Ridgefield; houses for 1500 chickens: $1700 will handle deal; balance on easy terms. H. A. Hildebrandt, 762 E. Pine st. Phone East 8563. 100-ACRE farm for sale, 250 acres In culti vation, 160 of this is good bottom land, well watered, good fences; price $65 per acre; unlimited outside range for stock. Address E. Vroman. Yoncalla, Or. 320 ACRES, 2 miles from R. R. station. 175 acres cultivation. 15 acres orchard, good fences and buildings. 10-room house; plenty good water and wood; price $23, 000; easy terms. AV 150, Oregonian. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg., Portland. NICE small irrigated farm for sale; will take good used car in trade as part of first payment. For information call 211 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. IF YOU want a wheat or stock ranch, for particulars write M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or. . LOGGBD-OFP lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, y tillable; employment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. FIRST-CLASS stock land for sale by West ern Oregon Land Co., Corvallis, Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 40 ACRES, about a mile from town, for oniy $600; $200 cash, balance 10 years at ti per cent. , SO acres. 10 in cultivation; small house. 2 small barns; on gravel road and only half-mile to railroad, station and P. O. : price $2too, small payment down, balance can run 10 years at 6 per cent. 80 acres. 20 fn crop: 3 miles from live country town. Will sell this for $2200 and accept $200 first payment, balance in pay ments during next 10 years at 6 per cent. Chance for man with but small amount money to get good home. - w. e. Mccarty co.. Battle Ground. Wash. CHOICE 50 ACRES. $6750. 4 mile live'town on double track, be tween Portland and Seattle; mile sta tion; good high school, creamery, mills, etc.; good level sandy loam; 24 acres cul tivated, balance easily, cleared pasture; some timber and plenty wood for home use; good well and pump; old but habit able buildings; fair fences; 2 acres good winter apples and family orchard of cher ries, plums, prunes, currants, loganberries, etc; $2000 cash, balance terms or trade. H 316, Oregonian. Am BIG BARGAIN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED. 2400-acre ranch, near good town eastern Oregon. 8-room house, big barn, many other buildings, plenty of water, stock and machinery goes with place, worth $85,000, but Will sacrifice for cash or take city property or small farm for part. See B. E. Eva at 240 Ankeny st., cor. 2d. No agents; no commission. Have pictures to show. FOR SALE in British Columbia, 74 acres 60 miles from Vancouver, 5 acres cleared, partly under cultivation, some meadow- land, 30 fruit trees, also timber, living house, barn and toolshop, new settlement, fine climate. 1 mile to salt water, lake nearby, good fishing and .hunting, 4 miles to nearest town, 'price $1500. For further particulars apply to W. W, Gilbert, Van Ands, B. C. Canada. BARGAINS. 40 acres 34 mile from. Sandy. Or., 12 acres level, balance good pasture with spring on it, $1050, terms. 1 acre cleared and in crop. Good house, chicken house, woodshed. Good well. On main road. 0 acres close to town, cheap; owners old people, must sell. Summer homes in Sandy. $1100 to $2000. Terms. Come out Sunday or write or phono George Beers. Sandy, Or. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. TILLAMOOK COUNTY DAIRY RANCH. One of the best and mo.st modernly equipped dairy ranches in Tillamook coun ty; now milking herd of 40 cows; has co operative cheese factory on the place; also unusually good buiLdings; will sell complete with stock and equipment for -5 on first payment and balance on easy terms. Owner in city at present. BF 594. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE OR TRADE. FRUIT IS HIGH. 5-aare peach, orcnard in heavy bearing, fine condition, near McMlnnviile; big de mand for fruit; no agents. Phone Tabor 3557. Griffith, 1142 East Main. EXTRA good team, making $7.50 a day, harness, 34 wagon, 2 dozen hens, brood sow, ly.OOO feet lumber, mostly inch; large house, barn, woodshed full wood, 4 acres cleared; rent free for upkeep fences; 4 miles south of timber on Forest Grov.e Astoria highway, 2 mills operating mile away ; team works year round ; consider trade for No. 1 Ford. Call or write George Fisher, Glenwood, Or. FOR SALE, by owner; 100 acres. 5 miles northwest facapjjoose, Oregon, 2'i miles from Parsdns station. 30 acres under cul tivation and in pasture, 20 acres good tim ber plenty good water, nine-room house, unfinished ; barn, implements, tools and growing crops go with place; $40 per acre. W 24S. Oregonian. STOCK .farm for sale by owner, 443 acres. s mues irom ieoanon, good, buildings, fine water, 150 acres plow land, balance fine pasture land, rolling, a bargain at $40 per acre, including horses, machinery, etc. If you want it or have a buyer, write at once; terms. Roy Fitzwater, Lebanon, Or. TIMBER LAND8- FOR SALE OR TRADE. Thirty million feet of good saw timber, together with saw mill and logging outfit complete. . Mill now operating on foreign contract. Can make car or cargo ship ments. Will consider part trade or par tial payments. This will stand a thor ough investigation. A 276, Oregonian. WANT to get in touch with some one who nas a little money and a good -body of timber, we have a good 35-M mill ready to move: answer quick; no agent. AG 2tj3, Oregonian. YELLOW FIR timber for sale; good site for sawmill, 4,000,000 feet, $1 per M., six miles from Clatfikanie, Or. Owner, AV 2&tf, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 40 acres of line piling and tie timber, two miles from railroad; sacrifice for quick sale. Tabor 59&0. TIMBER for sale, close to Portland, easy to get out. rnone warn 33!to. PILING wanted; give scale, price and when cut. O. V. Gamble, Couch Bidg. FOR RENT FARMS. 150-ACRE FARM FOR RENT. 50 acres, rine crop, 7 cows, cream check $J0o month ; three horses, binder, mower, rake, cultivator, 2 plows, buggy, wa.iron, small tools, etc. Good house, '2 bfirns. running creeks, fruit and berrJes. Plenty of fine pasture for 20 cows; Crop worth $1000. All goes for only $1S00 cash; one-tnird oron rent next year, lm mediate possession. See Ott, with G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce TO RENT OR LEASE. By" responsible party, hi to 1 acre, som chicken houses and barn on place, abou a 5-room house, in Montavtlla. Sellwood Mt. Tabor or districts around Multnoma station. Call Marshall 5015 and tell u about your place. W. R. Patterson. FOR RENT 26 acres. 11 cultivated: eouin men, iurnisnea rent iree to party witn good references. Call alter 10 A. M. Sun day or address 535 Yamhill St.. Portland; Or. PLACE for rent and crop lor sale. Ernest Thomas, Tigaravine, or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY A 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. BY RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE MUST BE ABSOLUTELY MODERN REASONABLE PAYMENT DOWN; OA RAGE; MUST BE' NEAR CAR LINE IRVINGTON DISTRICT PREFERRED PRICE ABOUT $3500. AB 304, OREGO- ACREAGE WANTED. Wish to buy from U to 1 acre of land situated on the very-edge of city limits not over 42200. 5-room house preferred must have either electricity or gas; would like chicken house of some size on place. What have you? State all in first letter. I can pay $.'100 down; would prefer balance in mortgage. S 690, Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS HOUSES WANTED. We have several clients for high-class homes from $10,000 to $25,000. If you have - something of this class let us sell it lor you. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER, LOWE & CO.i 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN R-ROOM RESIDENCE. WEST OVER TERRACE, OR PORTLAND HEIGHTS; MUST HAVE VIEW. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. HAVE NOT SOLD 400 HOUSES THIS YEAR. But have sold a few. and could sell very many more if we can get the right kind or places at the right prices. 1 us soon. Many buyers waiting. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. WHAT I want is houses. 1 have the buyers waiting. Your nouse win be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELL YOUR HOUSE? We can do it. List your property with us. Clients waiting to be suited and more of them coming in every day. If you have the goods, we can find the buver. WAKEFI ELD-FRIES CO., 84-5 Stark St. Main 14. WANTED Irvington lots, between Knott and iviicKttat, i.nn ana --im; state loca tion, price, street assessments due, also whether will accept Portland lots and Gladstone house as part payment. AG 292, Oregonian. WANTED The best bargain in a 4 or 5- room bungalow arouna -aou; aiso oest bargain in modern 6-room residence around $6000; no inflated values consid ered. F. Fuchs. 420 Ch. of C. WANT a full-size lot, close in on east side; will give a good lot and some cash for game; write full particulars first let ter. AH 293, Oregonian. WANTED Between 2 and 5 acres, one acre in cultivation, near can me. gooa smau house and outbuildings, place suitable for small chicken ranch. X 807. Oregonian. WANTED Modern bungalow in exchange for 100 acres on mam line k. n. ask ior Prentiss, Marshall 4026. between 8-9 A. M. HOUSES of merit, sell quickly; list with Edw, A. Brown. 303 By, Exchange, WANTED REAL 'ESTATE. 400 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. lf1!.. 104 SOLD ONE MONTH. U HOMES SOLD SUNDAY AND MONDAY. JUNE 22-2 By Frank L. McGuire's sales force of '.5 experienced real estate salesmen. FNP1SPUTED RECORD FOR U. S. Naturally wa need new listings more homes to sell. We hav been estah!jl:tid since lSt0. We advertise eitensively. ;i ri in touch with the majority of buyers, h;iv. a very efficient selling organizHllon. THi' McGUIRE SYSTEM gets results. Every house listed is personally Inspected, photo graphed and appr:iisd by an expert ap praiser and the photograph of your hou& is placed on display in our show room in Us respective district. If you have a home for sale LIST IT WITH lTS. We will get quick and satisfactory results for you. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO SELL YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McGuiro Co. Established In ISMS. Office Open Sundr.ys and Evenings. WILL PAY CASH FOR LAURBLHURST LOT. Must be reasonable. What have you t offer? Give best cash price, phone num ber, block and lot number. Your infor mation will be for personal use only. I am not a real estate agent. AE 140. Ore gonian. HAVE CASH BUYER. WANT 5 TO 10 ACRES. Want 5 to 10 acres near Portland on good road; prefer something near Clack amas. If you have some citing K'od. and price is right, can make you quick denl. See tis at once. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .10 OAK ST. BROADWAY 41.:;,. Farran AVanten. WILL drill and prospect for oil, largest available acreago offered, leasts to h.' placed in escrow. Write Real Estate Ex change, o25 Railway Exchange bldg., Port land. V) anted to Kent Farms. WANTED to rent, from 2 to 5 acres with buildings. State full particulars. F - Oregon i in. TO EXCHANGE-REAL KSTATE. INCOME property in a goo Willamette val ley city, is all in firt-class condition, lo cated on the main street, net income, over $200 a month, is always rented; th owner is a farmer and wants a first-class Willamette valley or southern Oregon farm in value from $30,000 to $50,000. For further information call afternoons or ad dress owner, 311 Dorcester bid g.. Port -land. Or. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful home 1U00 feet above city, un equaled view, sheltered by forest trees on three sides; good road: garage; take value in timber or cut-over lands and bal ance long time mortgage at 0 per cent. See Taylor, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 414 Abington Bldg. Open Evenings. Main loos. FOR SALE or exchange; any or all of th following: Houxe and fractional lot, Idaho town, rented for $8 per month: value around $700. House and 4 nice lots Hub bard, Oregon; value $tiu0. Lot and frac tion Fair Grounds Add. to Seattle, $000. All frets and clear. Want Portland prop erty, acfeape, farm, ay to or w hat h e. you ? C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. GOOD BUNGALOWS FOR VACANT LOTS. Have several medium-priced houses that owner will take a lot us part of down payment; no fancy prices. See Taylor, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 414 Abington Bldg. Open Evenings. Main 10GX WILL exchange for city Income property acres level, well Improved land, in famous wheat belt. If exchanged before July l'1. include 100 acres winter wheal, 22 acr! flax, 10 acres sweet clover to seed thin year; price $00 an acre. Write owner for particulars. Myron j. Dourte, Rothiema. Mont. 40 ACRES, 55 miles from Portland, on rim.i! road, will exchange for city properly or acreage, close in; there are builditiKS on this property; 7 J4 acres cleared, lots at employment within is mile if needed. AE 130, Oregon i an. EXCHANGE, sell or trade for farm property, my Portland residence. 9-room house, in cluding 2 lots, or Hood River farm. 3 short miles to depot; orchard, berries, hay. buildings, creek, well, near school, chun li. F. -B. Mercer. Route 4. Hood Rlver.Or. $12,000 BUSINESS and property, 150 feet on car line, building 45x50 feet; 2-slnry with full basement; woodshed 60x90 feet; new 2-ton truck, 500 cords of wood ami 5000 stumpage: small amount of money will handle; good location; a bargain. Phone Sellwood 3460. 32 ACRES choice fruit and vegetable land, near Pacific highway, in heart of Wil lamette valley: cost $2900; will trade for , Portland residence property of equal value. Write to owner, box 104, Monroe. Or. 21 V. ACRES rolling ground. 5 acn.s under cultivation, balance timber ; house, barn, outbuildings, spring creek, orchard, ber ries. 17 miles south of Portland ; $25u0, terms. V 3S6, Oregonian. NICE small irrigated farm for sale ; wilt take good used car in trade as part of first payment. For information call 211 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. FINE 5-room bungalow with basement and largo porches: no incumbrance: or trade for Clarke county acreage. 6423 91st st., Mt. Scott car. HAVE 191S touring car, exchange for well located acreage: also have city property for farm. AH 292. Oregonian. A CLEAR lot for sale, Mount Tabor; for sale, or tralefor machine; lot worth $750. 504 E. Oak. East 2536. ESTACADA acreage and town property for sale or trade for Portland Improved. Box 255, Gresham, Or! TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. AUTOMOBILE repair shop, tools, oils, ac cessories, filling station, near shipyards; building, all for $00. Take Ford car. Seil wood 4SS. WOULD trade $400 blue-white diamond for used car. would pay difference for good car above that amount. P 191, Oregonian. WILL exchange dental services for light car penter worK. uregonian. FOB SALS. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. 3 CHOICE of Jersey and 2 Holstein heifers. ail fresh with their nrst can; other fresh cows, heavy milkers and rich; one farm mare, weight 1400 lbs.; 2 farm wagons, harrow and plow. Call at 85 Powell Va 1 1 ey road. SEVEN fresh cows, sell or trade for beef cattle, take Vancouver car 10 coiumoia boulevard, go ono block north. DUROC-JERSEY .boar, "Crimson Model''; farrowed Marcn .tn. rju; prime conai tion. Phone Bdwy. 615. NICE gentle family cow, fresh 4 weeks. Ior sale, witn caiixiaDor ou.i. ou-4 u:n st. Mt. Scott car. WANTED At once, a good milk cow; mut give live or six gallons per day. Call Tabor 4208. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Go to E. 50th and h remont, J blocks north. u. 11. Dawson. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows ana. crippieu no ryes, rnonc Milwaukie 69-J -for results. FOR SALE Team. 7 and S years old, weight 2100; new harness, i.; wagon, $,.u. a Russell st. DEAD horses and animals hauled eway free. Portland Rendering to. 1 ail vvooyiawn n. DEAD horses taken quick. Cash for dead o ws. 1 a uor 1 -v.. FINE DURHAM COW and can; gives . 5 gallons. .;o rront st. FOR SALE Young Jersey Holstein cow. fresh, rnone caatoioj. TEAMS and drivers for hire; city work. Main aim. FOR SALE 5-months-oid. heifer. Wood- lawn IU. PASTURE for stock at Ladd's Canyon farm. Canyon roaa. close in. rnone aiain -a.iif. 1 ISOO-LB. 6-year-old horse for sale. St. Johns LumDer t;o.. oiumnia ii. 1 JERSEY cow for sale; party leaving city. 47 Hooker 1st. TWO good work horses for i lie. 10-9 East Yamhill. ONE goat for saie. Sellwood 3692 Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. FOR SALE Upright piano. Columbia phono graph ana recorus. mnoKun, aimoii nun. Mrs. Raleigh. 243 W. Park. WILL PAY CASH F OK I SUD I'lANOH AMI BAND INSTKUJifiift is. 1 j5,iti,i.- -LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. EXCHANGE the piano rolls you are tired of at 10c per roil, iiaroia o. uuoeri, oat Yamhill at. $95 CASH buys $373 Emerson upright piano at Security Storage Co, P'9 4th at Wash. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st 100 CASH or more paid for your upright piano at security morage ..o., inr tin m. IANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Graduate jNewt;ng. conservatory. PIANO wanted. Pay cash for bargain from private party. Aiaraau 011.