TTTE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JHNE 27, 1919. IN ALL IVIARKETSiP New York Court Decision Re' sponsible for Rise. SHARP ADVANCE AT CHICAGO Tide Gain Also Scored at San Fran ciscoLocal Bids 50 Cents to $2 Higher. Imrley markets strciirthened further patrd&y on the assumption that the opinion the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at New York would cira brewers ths right to manufacture 2 per cent beer. At Chl co July barler advanced 3 cents to $1.14 and September sained S cents, doaln at S1.17K cants. Ths bul at San Francisco was pronounced, December selling; at 12-96, ir- $2.90. ths last smlo of Wednesday. Hi port bajring has heretofore been ths chief factor la ths California market and the posalbntty there would also be aa enlarged clomeetio demand for a few months naturally added to the excitement. Oa the local exchange Jane bids oa brew ing barley were advanced S3 a ton to f 55.50, July offers were raised $1 and September TS cents. Bids for feed barley were ad' Weed 60c $ SI. Local and eastern oats were 60c tf$l higher ea bid, and yellow corn averaged 60 cents lower. Millfeed was firm. Weather conditions la the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, Kansas City. If inneapol Is, Hutch Ison. Iavenport. Hopklnsvllle and Cincinnati, clear, fine; hot la Ohio and Kansas; Sedalia cloudy, cool Topeka, showers early; St. Joseph, clear, rained hard last night.1 Liverpool cables there Is -no material change in the position of corn supplies and only small parcels of Platte grades beln released. The general feeding situation will probably sbow some improvement within abort time, however, as slightly larger ar rivals of Argentine can be anticipated, and no doubt the Increased offerings of Canadian feed barley will have some effect. Clear ances from Argentina have fallen off mod erately, but It Is believed the moveraem will be maintained, as the government Is reported as ordering a fair number of steam ers to Argentine ports. Supplies In the United Kingdom are low. Oats business con ttnues on a limited scale. Moderate amounts of native have been absorbed recently, but as a rule merchants do not appear anxious to trade In native sorts, ewrng to the poor quality. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat.Barley.FIour.Oata.Hay. rMrtland. Thorn. 20 ynr ago fUaon to date. .774 Yr ugn 22Z Tacrna Yar ago .irn to dale..FA2 Vr ago 3S a(tl. Wed... 2 Year ago 9ajon to date..M04 Tear ago .... . .W3 .... 11 ? t 1 3 11 M STMT TT5 SM7 531 1459 1574 ffS50 1 4 4t .... 22 1242 109 .... 30 r r r r i.. i. 113 1778 4ft 2M7 343 1702 112ft 3147 RECORD 6TORAGE HOLDINGS OF EGGS Stocks "ow oa Hand Largest Ever Re ported in United States. There was no material change in the local egg situstlon. Receipts have been fairly large for several days, but liberal shipments to Seattle and other northern points are keeping down the accumulation. Street stocks yesterday were 2&35 cases. against 3ft.'. 0 a wek ago. Although storages axe well filled 342 cases were put a war during the dev. making total cooler stocks la this etty Sft.SflS cases. Seattle storages told 7 cases. Local buyers paid 41 043 cents and Jobbing prices were tin-Chanced. The monthly report of the bureau of markets shows storage holdings of eggs on June 13. 1919. as follows: The cold storage holdings of case eggs were reported T.013.A24 casern The estimated holdings of the storages not repotrag would Increase this amount to 7.042.OOO rasee. This Is the largest quantity of eggs thst was ever re ported In cold storage at sny one time In the United States. It Is S49.0O0 cases more than ware tn storage on June 13. 19 IS, and 1.024.0nO cass more than on June 15, 1917. The net Increase In cold storage stocks during the first 13 days tn June amounted to 1. 032.000 cases, as compared with a net Increase of 6U&.0OO cases during the same period, 1913. BIG GXTS Total TS BUTTER STOCKS Storage Holdings Nearly 30.000,000 Founds More Than Year Ago. The cube butter market was uncertain and leas active with a wlds range In prices. Ex tras scoring 92 points sold at 51 cents. Inferior grades wars more plentiful and moved as low as 43 cents. Receipts were smaller but stocks on hand were Increased to 1739 cubes and 3 4 boxes. Ths storare gain was 1X149 pounds to a total of 932,310 pounds. Receipts on Wednesday were: Pounds California ... 3.440 Idaho 30 Oreenn IP.1M Wasaingtoa 3.010 Total 25,934 Cold storage holdings of butter In the United States on June 13 as reported by the bureau of marketa amounted to 66,034. 234 pounds. It is estimated that the unre ported stocks wou!d Increase this amount to 6d, 703.000 pounds. This Is 29.072,000 pounds more than waa In storage on the same date last year. Ths net Increase tn cold storage holdings from June 1-13 amounted to 27.412.000 pounds, compared with a net Increase of 14.O2n.0OO pounds during ths same period In 191A. CANTALOUPES WILL BE SCARCER lint Ire Cream Mel one Received Cherries Steady. Sfx ears of cantaloupes were received from California. Imperial valley shipments are falling off and as tt will e more than a week before Turlocks begin to move a lightly supplied and store se market Is la prospect. Street prices were firmer yester day, standards selling at 64, ponies at 63.30 and Cats at 61.75. Melons wre sMchtlv lower at 2HOS cents oa the arrival of seven cars. The first Ice cream melon were received and quoted at cents. j Cherry receipts bv express were Son boxes ' from Or soa and 3r0 f rvra California. The i saaraet waa steady, the beet Bines selling I st 13 cents and Royal Anns at Sir 12 cents. o ruing to Quality. Standard "A- 55.50 65.30 Eastern oats and com in bulk: Oats No. 3 white 50.00 KO.OO 60.00 34-lb. clipped white... Oo.iO So.uO 30.50 Corn- How en. no 9.oo mixed 6&.00 ob.00 ob.00 f EAT Government basis. 92.20 Jrer -uok9 Patents. $11-45 delivered. $11.30 st mill; bakers, H1.1SO11.30; whole w&eat. S1O.2501O.O: rah am. 610.05010.20. SilLLFEkD Mill run f. o. b. mill, carlota, 6-18 per ton: mixed cars. 61S.50; ton lots or over, 640; less than ton. $41; rolled barley. CORN Whole, ton, $73; cracked. $77 per HAT Buying prices f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy, $36937 per ton alfaJfa, $26; valley grain hay. $25. Talry and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes. t2-score, 51c; 01 -score, 50c; 90 -sco re, 49c; prints. parchment wraanera. box lots 33c: cartons. 64c; nail heiM l mttrm- 1am than half boxes. lC more: butterfat. No. L M&52c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. o. Tlliamooa: Triplets. 34c; Young Americas, 35c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. triDieie. Vminv Amrl-ii 34We: lonchorns. 34 He. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, .42fe43c; candled. 4ot?40c; selects, etc. kulliki lienv z 4c; oroiicra. geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal. VbAL Fancy. 21 e per pouno. PORK. Fancy. 28'ec per pound. Fruit and Vecetablee, miTTS Oranrea. $6.0Oa.75: lemons S?0A:3 box: bananas. GVaC per pound appiea new, 14 per box; grapeiruiT. Btrawberriea 6.o; cherries, ooiao per nound : cantalouoes. IL564 per crate; aorlcota. ner oox: peacnea, box; watermelons, dvc per pound; plums. 62.50 per box: pears. z.7& per oox; rasp berries, $3.2533.30 per crate; loganberries. 12. K0 oer crate. VEGETABLES Caooage. 64V OQ per iw pounds; lettuce, 62.23tr2.50 per crate; pep- nera. eOcfiSOe ner Dound; artichokes, 73c: beets. 63&3.50 per sack; carrots. $3.75 0 4.26 per sack; turnips. $33.50 per sack; cucum bers. $1.23f1.75 per doxen; tomatoes, i.8etf 2.50 box; spinach, 8c per pound; peas, iicn 13c per pound; rhubarb, 7&8c per pound. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks. best, $20 2.25; new California, 403c per pound. ONIONS California, red, and yellow, 50 5Vc per pound. Staple Cirorertea. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis. Fruit or berry. $9.03: beet, $9.55; Honolulu cane, $9.60; ex tra C. $9.15: powdered In barrels. $10.25; cunei In barrels, $10 45. NUTS Walnuts. 27 635c; Braxll nuts. 35c; filberts, 2Sc; almonds, 24a 3uc; peanuts, 11013c SALT Half -ground. 100s. $16 per ton; 50s. $17.23 per ton; dairy. $25 per ton. RICE Japan style. 93c; blue rose, 10c; head. 12c per pound. BEAN'S Buying price, large white. SO 5fec per pound: red. 4c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, in drums. 33050c Hope, Mohair, Etc ' HOPS Oregon, 1918. 45047Hc; MIT crop. 32Vc; 1910 crop, 20c per pound; 1919 con tracts, 87 We: three-year contracts. flOc WOOL Eastern Oregon ana wesmngton. 40 0 57u per pound ; vai ley, 40 53o per pound. MOHAIR una clip, oae per pouno. TALLOW No. 1. 6Wc per pound; No. 64c per pound; grease No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 5ic per pound. j CASCARA BARK New, luc per pouna. OKA IN BAGS In carlotf. 13c, Provintona. floral Jobbing quotations: mams All siiea. choice. 42H 043c; stand arri. 41S042c; akinned. 33&Stfc; picnic, iiti uflUr: cottaxe roil. .snc. L.A Kl i ICice oasis, oc, othiroudu, Mr nound. PRY halt snort, ciear oacaa, iuuoci platen. 27v20c; exports. 31c BACON rancy, MO oc; aianoaru, sv 49c; choice, 'Jtr43c TRADE JIT YARDS QUIET HOGS AXD FIRM IX SHEEP COXTIXCE LOCAL, MARKET. Of Cattle Drag and Undertone Prices la "Weak Fourteen loads Received. Arid, from th. sal. .f two loads of steers and a load of wethers, there waa little busi ness at the stockyards yesterday. There was a fair run. Hogs and sheep continued urm, while cattle were weak in tone. Receipts were 1SS cattle. 1 calf. o hogs and 808 sheep. ' The dajrs sales were as follows 2 hogs. nogs... 6 hogs... 6 hogs. . . 4 hogs. . . 6 hogs... 8 hogs... J hog 2 hogs... 3 hogs... 2 hogs... 2 hogs... :0 hogs... 2 hoKs 10 hogs 11 hoes... 222 2 hogs. .. 220 Wfrt Price. Z43 SU.UU' 177 10.75 243 201 110 200 3J3 380 20J 243 210 225 20 1UO 178 20.00i 5 hogs... 7 hogs... 1 ewe. ... 19.8.11 4 twm... 20.291243 ewes.. Wfrt. Price. J 1 xiD.ia 197 20.00 110 130 . 98 . 833 .1050 .1320 830 20.23111 cows.. 19.S.-.1 1 cow.... 19.00 1 cow.... 20.00 1 cow 19.75 21 steers... 1045 20.15 1 steer.... 900 20.00126 steers.. .1123 20.001 4 hogs ITS 20.001 1 hogs 135 20.25 2 hogs.... 190 20.00 1 iamb.... 90 6 00 7.25 g.00 8.00 5.00 7.50 7.00 8.00 8.10 9.10 20.00 18.0O 20.00 13.50 Prices at th. VmrAm w.m f nl In., Good to choice steers 310.50011.00 Medium to choice steers 10.00919.60 Fair to good bImm . atsa qti Common to fair steers 7.758? 8.73 Good to choice cows, heifers... 8.00 0 9.00 Medium to good cows, heifers... 6.50 0 7.50 air to medium cows, heifers. .. 4-60 5.50 Canners 8.009 4.00 Bulls fino, 7 50 ir S.0091S.00 blockers and feeders.. ......... 7.00010.00 HOES Prime mixed 19.250.25 1U.004H9.25 18.00 918.73 Medium mixed Rough heavies , , r 17.25017.60 Uheep Prim, spring lambs. ll.SflO13.50 Fair to medium lambs.......... 9.00010.00 leanings 6.000 9.25 Wethers tnna qiui Ewes 6.OO0 S.00 STATE ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest. Cattle, Horses.Mixed Calves.Hoga.Sheep.Mules.Stock. For Portland California Oregon w ashington 30 9 4 Ttls. Portland one week ago. Four wks. ago. one year ago. . 2 for other markr-La Seattle 1 Spokane 8 Totals U. 8 13 One week ago. 1718 f our wks. ago. 2121 One year ago.. 1818 4 2 6 1 2 1 2197 2456 2075 1893 13 4 6 720 557 661 133 7.1 77 81 463 615 7K2 403 Hides and Telta, HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides, 30 lbs. and un. 20c: No. 1 part-cured bides, 30 lba aad ap. Use; No. 1 green hides. 30 lba and up, 17c; No. 1 alt-curea bull niaes. ou 10a and us. 14c: No. 1 part-cured bull hldea AO lbs and up, lie. The price on No. 1 hides will be lc per pound less than on No. 1. No. 1 calf skins, up to 13 lbs, 45c; No. 2 calf skins, up to 15 lba, 43c: No. 1 kip skins. 15 to 25 lba. 25c; No. 2 kip skins, 15 to 25 lba. 23r: dry flint hid.s. 1 lba and up. 30c; dry flint calf hides, under 7 lba. 40c; dry salt hides. 7 lba and up, 24c; dry salt calf hides, under 7 lbs., 34c; dry Hint stag or bull hides. 20c; dry salt hides. 14c; dry bull hides and skins, har price: dry horse hides, according to size and quality, each S1.5003; salt horse hides, skinned to hoof and head on, I30H; bora, hides with heads off. 60c lesa PELTS Dry long-wool sneep pelts, per lb.. 25 0 85c; dry medium wool sheep pelts, per lb., 20930c; dry shearing sheep pelts. each. 60fr76c; salted long-wool sheep pelts, 'each, $25; salted medium wool sheep pelts, each, S 1 r 2 ; aalted shearing sheep pelts, each, fit) 075c WEAKER T CLOSE K-lPID FLVCTCATIOXS WITHIX NARROW LIMITS. Prices Swing Back and Forth With Reports of ' Crop Conditions. Ca&h Market Steady. CHICAGO, June 26. Rapid fluctuations within comparatively narrow limits were the rule today In the corn market, which dis played aa unsettled condition. The close waa weak with prlcs unchanged to lc lower, with July at 1.70S to $1.79; Sep tember. I1.T5H to l.T5tt and December, ILSS1 to Lr.3S. Oata declined from c to c. and provisions closed unchanged to c h if: ner. Rannni of rrot conditions, some Brood and mb depressing, but In the main favorable the grow-In; harvest, were reriectea in he changing; quotations. There waa evi dence of a fair eastern demand, with sales round n,0OO bahl. The cash commodity ranged from 1 cent to 3 cents over the uly delivery. nt emulated corn In the rapidity of price fluctuations, nut kept nearer the high lvl. rrv weather in the Canadian north west territories and In western fields off set pressure on ths low spots. ipe traa In was larselv local. Provisions exhibited rew c nan gee ana of fers were readily absorbed. Leading futures ran red as follows: CORN. Oten . Hlsrti. Low. CI ose. 74 $1,774 1-75H 1.7.-S ... 14 X.-V. l-04 OATS. 70 .70H .MH ... .im .714 .7H .704 MESS POKK. -..M.2S M.2S M.10 51.25 . . .t.2A 4i .13 eS.90 49.32 LARD. ...S4 20 84 S S4.15 S4.3S ,...34.10 34.23 33.95 S4.17 SHORT RIBS. 7 7 27. 27. T 27 5 . ..27.87 2&.Q0 S7.8T 2S.00 Cash prices were: Corn No. 3 yellow. $1.7i1.804: No. 4 yellow. $1.78: No. 6 yellow, nominal. tais o. a wmif, Rve No. l. 44. Barley 41 14 1.U3. Timothy $912. Clover Nominal. pork Nominal. Lard $.14.34. Ribs $27.202, Chicago liveafctck Market. CHICAGO. June 26. Ron Receiots 85. 00O. market very uneven. Kenerallv steady 1th yesterday's average. Karlv too ti.:to out of line. Bulk. $20r2l: heavvweiKht. IJ0.4020.9O: medium weight, $2021; light- wetght, $20.2521.10; light llgnt, $18.50 20.50; heavy packing sows, smooth, $19.65 ek20.1ii; packing sows, rough. $18.75 10.50; piss, 17.2A18.A0. Cattle Receipts 12.0O0. Beef steers steady to strong, butcher stock and feeders steady, calves steady to 25c higher. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, (14.40 lft.50; medium and good, $12.40& 14.50; common, $10.7.1012.50; lightweight, good and choice, $13.2515.25; common and medium, $ 10 13.25; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.754z 1325; cows, $7.oO3 12.2ft; canners and cutlers, $6.257.50; veal calves, light and handy weight, $17018.50; feeder steers $9.25012.75; stocker steers, $8012. Sheep Receipts 10,000, fat classes strong, others steady. Top lambs, $17.50; lambs, 84 pounds down, $15 17.50; culls and com mon, $H4r 14.50; yearling wethers, $10.25 13.50; ewes, medium, good and choice, $tt.25 48.25; culls and common, $2.5005.75; breed ing ewes, $7413.50. V Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA, June 2ft. f United States Bureau of Markets.) Hoga Receipts 12,500, gen erally 10&15o lower. Togw $20.90; bulk, $20.30 0 20.50 ; heavy weigh t $20. .15 0 20,55 ; medium weight. $20.50020.90; lightweight, $20.35 & 20.90; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.250 20.40: packing sows, rough. $200 20.25; pigs. $18019.50. Cattle Receipts 4300, beef and butcher cattla slow, steady; etockera and feeders firm. Beef steers, medium and heavy- , weight, choice and prime. $13014.50; dlum and good, $11018.25; common, $100 11.25; lightweight, good and choice, $12 014.50; common and medium, $9.75012.50 butcher cattle, heifers, $7.50012.75; cows. $7.250 11.75; canners and cutters, $5.50 7.25; veal calves, light and handy weight, $13Ki 14.75; feeder steers, $10013.25; stocker steers. $8 012. Sheep Receipts 2no, strong to 2c higher. Lambs, 84 pounds down. $14.25017; cull; and common. $ 10 0 13 : yearling wethers, $11.50013.50; ewes, medium and choice, $. 07; culls and common. Jawtj. 8eattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, June 21. Hogs Receipts 20, strong. Prime. $20.50 0 20. 65 ; medium to choice, $20.25020.50; rough heavies, $16.25 19.15. . Cattle Receipts 181, steady. Best steers. $110 12; medium to choice, $10011; com mon to good. I7D1U; sest cows andjiellers. $809; common to good. toitfT.ou; Dulls, aoitf 7.50; calves, $7012. BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET today, owing to the renewed strength of Brazil, covering by recent sellers, European buying and a moderate demand from the local trade. The opening was 20 points lower on -July, but generally unchanged to 35 points higher, owing to the early cable showing an advance in Santos futures. There were some irregularities during the early trading, but special cables received later In the day showed further sharp ad vances in Santos, and December contracts here sold op to 22.15c, while March touched 21.95c, or 150 points above last night's clos ing figure. The maximum fluctation ruling stopped the advance at this level but prices were fully maintained, with the close 130 to 150 points net higher. Closing quotations: July, y2.5Cc; September, 22.60c; October, 22.45c; December, 22.15c; January, 22.10c; March, 21.95c; May, 21.65c. , The spot market was unsettled and en tirely nominal around 23c to 25t4c for Rio 7s and 29c for Santos 4s. COAST AND EASTERN DAIRY PRODUCE Batter Market conditions st Leading Dis tributing Points. San Francisco and eastern dairy produce reports received by wire by the Portland office of the bureau of marketa yesterday follow: Boston Prices showed very little change today and the feeling waa steady to firm. Fancy butter, good sale, car lots 53c; under grades in demand at 51052c, some dealers showing little confidence. Chicago Market steady to firm after ad vance of 4 c on 92-ecore. Buying is largely to fill orders and trading fair. More busi ness has run to extras. Centralized cars steady, sales mostly at 510514c New York Easier feeling, trading- light, barely steady. Market In buyers' favor, lib eral offerings. Good centralized cars sell ing 51 051 3. c. Receipts fairly liberal. In crease in storage holdlnga Philadelphia Market barely steady. Some Inclination to shade prices. Pair amount of trading, some Improvement in demand for undergrades. San Francisco Prices 4c higher, very lit tle butter is moving at 53 4c and no confi dence expressed In late advance. Stocks accumulating this week and dealers re port little demand at present prices. MONEY RATES M EASIER STOCK MARKET IMPROVES, BUT TRADIXG IS RESTRICTED. PAYMENT MADE ON MILL KERR, GIFFORD & CO. TO BUY ECGEXE FLOURING PIAXT. Grangers Warehouse Association En dcaYors to Subscribe Stock to Purchase Property. EUGENE, Or., June 26. (Special.)- Kerr, Gifford & Co incorporated, ex porters of wheat and manufacturers of flour, have made a substantial payment in accordance with a three-day option which they had upon the flouring- mill of the Eugene Mill & Elevator company in this city. It was announced today that this firm intends to complete the purchase of the plant if the plan meets with no ant a? toniem on the part of the farmers of this locality who are endeavoring- to subscribe enough stock in the Grangers Eugene Warehouse association to buy the plant and operate it on the co operative plan. Representatives of the company an nounced today that the firm will not come to Eugene unless the hearty co operation of the Eugene business men and of the farmers is assured. It is the intention of the firm, it was said, to continue the manufacture of the well known brand of flour that has been turned out by the local plant for many years and that a wholesale department will be established. Sept. Dec. , Sept. Dec . Jnty Sept. Ju!y . Sept. . Ju?y Sept. 3Tew rata ftteadr. Two cars of new potatoes were received from California. Prices were unchanged at 3 cents. Old stock was steady at 25. Another ear of California onions came In. The market was fairly stocked aad slow at 0 OA1 cents for red end yellow varieties. Bank Clearing. Ttank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wars aa follow: Clearing. BaTancea Portland ......V..9M.7. $ , 4M Seattle tt.TiiA T aroma JMl iM0 3VV4K fcpokaoe l.lia.Oel 34.134) rOBTLAVD MARKET QCOTATIONS. Gimia. Flew. Feed. Etr. Merchants' exchange, aooa seesloa: Bid Oa: JCx 3 white feed-. Farley cUAaaard feed ...1510 ... M.30 Juiy. 6 4. JO Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 26. Barley, f 1.03 47 11. Flax. y OA Dalnth Linseed Market. DUL.CTH, June 2ft Unseed, I&.01 03-03. Grain at 6n Franeiace. BAX FRANCISCO. June 2. Flour. 112-00 b warehouse. Oratn Wheau $2 20. oata, red feed. $2 50 i. 40; corn. California yellow, $3.15 eSa; barley. No. 1 feed. 1918 crop, $2,709 X7S. Hay Wheat or wheat and oata. $16918: tame oata. $17010: barley. flll. aifalfa. 141; barley straw, ftoefeOc bale. Fact era Dairy Produce NTEW YORK. June 20. Butter steady, tm cbancd. Ftr and cheese steady, unchanged. Poultry Liva. easy. Broilers. 50 055e; fowls. &3 1 6 3-te: old rooetvra, X!w2c Others and dressed, unchanged. CHICAGO, June S6. Butter hurber. Creamery. 4051 Ents hirnrr. Receipt. 30.S29 eases. Firsts. 3 rlc; ordinary finsta, 39(r3c; at mark, cases included, 3 a 36c: stores; parked flrata, 41Ulc: extras. 42fieWc Poultry Alive higher. Fowls. 30c Tfrrted Fruit at New York.. $32.30 I NEW YORK, June so. Kvaporaura appiee I urm. i nines wiruwi mm 4wb i uci Prices Current on Egrs, Vegetables, Fresh Frolta, Ktc, at Bay City. SAX FRANCISCO, June 26. Butter, 56c Ega Fresh extras, bUc; extra pullets. Cheese Young Americas. 35 Ho; new firsts 30c Vegetables Asparaa-us, graded, 8 10c eggplant, 1015c pound; peppers, bell. 15& 17 wo large, 8&10c small; chile, loa 12c squash, summer, 65c 61 box; tomatoes, Mex ican. $'2.50 '2. 75 box ; potatoes, new delta, $2.5Q2.73 box; rhubarb, $2&2.75; onions, green, $1.7501.85 box; new red, $44.25 crate; green peas, tiAii Moon bay, o&dUUc: cucumbers, southern, $1. 092.00, small; $3.50 ti 3.75 large, box; string beans, 20S2 c pound; wax. li15o pound; pole beans, 12 ?13c; lima, 124f loc; green corn, Alameda, xtji&i sack; oitra, Autaixo 10.; garac. lo loc pouno. Fruit Lemons, $407; oranges, $4. 25 5 grapefrulu $3.5004.50, fancy; bananas, 7H be; pineappiea, 3d 5c; pears, $1.251.3o, small box; pluma, $1.501.75 crate; fancy at $2; apples, Aewtown Pippins, $3.5oq 3.75; watermelons, 22o potmd; currants. $013.54; loquats, 68c; peaches. 75cO!-25 crate; flirs, OiacK, idboc, single layer box; strawberries, $i4is; loganberries, red. $7 0; black. $70 chest; blackberries, $1041 12; cherries, Koyal Ann. 10 & 12c pound; Bing, 13014c; apricots, $101-50 crate; gooseber ries. SO 10c; cantaloupes, $2 & 2.50 standard crate. Receipts Flour. 5073 qrmrters; barley. 5T.561 centals; beans, 1711 sacks; potatoes. 1O00 sacks: on km. 415 sacks; hay. 150 tons hides, 1945; wine. 1350 gallons. COFFEE FUTURES REGOVEH OPTIONS ADVANCE LIMIT AT NEW TORE. , Spot Quotations Are Cnchanged and Nominal; Brazilian Crop Report ed Damaged by Rain. There was no change in wholesale coffee prices yesterday. The eastern markets have been fluctuating for several days and it Is difficult to see what the outcome will be. The New York speculative market, after two days of declines, became firmer and futures advanced 130 to ISO points, but spot prices on the New York exchange were not altered. The Brazilian market was strong and 2000 mllreia higher, equal to about 3 cents a pound. This advance In Brazil wss explained in a later cable aa duo to heavy rain damage to the growing crop. New York speculators, for two days, had been selling the market short, but when Braslllan In terests began buying futures at New York yesterday the reaction waa sudden and sharp. Local dealers who attempted to buy cof fee in the leading markets said they were unable to place order as sellers would not let go except at exorbitant prices. There fore, they believe snother general advance in the market Is due. though few cared to predict what course the marketa of Brazil may take in the near future. NEW YORK. June 3& There was a sharp recovery in the market or oXee future 2 MEN CAUGHT LIKE RATS Burglars Trapped in Act of Robbing VancouTer Pawnshop. VANCOUVER, Wash, June 26. (Spe clal.) Like rats in a trap. Ralph Ste phens, alias Arthur Dennison, and Phil Martin, alias Earl Todd, who claim to coma from Canada, were caught last night by the police i nthe act of rob bing the pawnshop of J. J. Beauregard at 708 Main street. By reason of a care fully laid trap prepared by the propri etor, the burglars, met the same fate that seven burglars before them had met.. All were confined in the county Jail. The two were caught about 9:30 o'clock and had gained entrance by prying a board off the rear ' of the building and breaking through an inner door. A No. 32 Smith & Wesson re volver which they had discarded was found hidden in refuse at the rear of the building. They said they live at 708 Everett street. Portland. LIME BOARD HEAD NAMED More Than 2482 Tons of Product Shipped Since September. CORVALUS, Or., June 26. (Spe cial.) Benton Bowers of Ashland was elected chairman and Dr. A. B. Cordley of the college secretary at a meeting of the state lime, board here today. Dean Cordley reported that 248Z ton of agricultural lime had been shipped since the plant was opened in 8eptem ber. Farmers have reported beneficial results through use of the lime. The price of lime will be $2.50 a ton for carload lots of. a minimum of 30 tons f. o. b. Gold Kill. Orders will be received by Cordley. - Motors Lead Brisk Advance in Spe cialtiesGold Exports Assume -. Larger Proportions. t NEW YORK, June 28. In its general aspects today's stock market duplicated the previous session, the turnover again falling far below recent high totals, with specialties manifesting conspicuous strength. Money conditions were under Detter control, prob ably as a result of lessened demand. . Call loans opened at 9 and 9ft per cent but fell to 9 at midday and closed a fraction under tne latter Quotation. The gold outflow assumed mors imposing proportions, boutb America being tne desti nation of a small additional consignment. with Spain also represented in the day's arrangements. Better industrial advices were helpful to equipments, although the strength of those shares was materially assisted by the ex cellent annual statement of the American lar company. Reports that contracts for heavy purchases of copper may soon be awarded by foreign Interests gave fresh momentum to metals and specialties, notably chemicals and fer tilizers, were accelerated by th. "extra" di vidend on Virginia-Carolina Chemical. Trading In the Intermediate periods lacked initiative or Incentive, but the pace quick ened as money relaxed. Keels, tobaccos, food shares and local tractions rising briskly in the final hour. The one noteworthy movement among rails was Baltimore & Ohio's decline of 4 points on overnight news of the passing of the di vidend, such action accompanying the com pany's new bond issue. on the constructive side. Chandler Motors led at an advance of 22 points, other motors, their subsidiaries, and miscellaneous hold ings gaining 1 to 3 points. ales amounts! to 87a.0u0 shares. Liberty bonds were steady, the general domestic list easier and Internationals ir regular. Total sales, par value, SS,7oO,Ooa Old United States registered Is rose is per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last n Bales. Hih. Low. Sale. Am Beet Sugar, l.luu 85 Vs 84 ft o American Can.. 4,300 5B14 55 , 55 Am Car & i'dry. 11.SUU lliii 109i 11414 Am H & L pia. So0 12i 15 American Loco. 2.700 Kali t4i 84 74 Am bm & Refg. 3.S00 83 81 Sxhi. J. -00 13.1 loV. luiv. 1.800 112 lllii 111V4 2.100 104 104 104 ft l.l'OO 12,000 Am Sugar Kelg. Am sum xobac. Am Tel & Tel.. Am Z L & Em.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchison 2,000 A ti 4WISSL 300 Baldwin Loco . . 15,500 Bait & Ohio ... 2t,oo0 Beth Steel B... 12,000 B & S Copper .. 2,100 Calif Petrol . . .. uoo Canadian Paclf. 2.600 Central Leather. 8,100 cnes & oiiio . .. Chi M & st P. . Chicago & N W. Chi R I & Pac. Chlno Copper .. Colo JTu Iron . . Corn Prods .... Crucible Steel . Cuba Cane Sug. Distill Sec coip 1,000 300 ""900 3,(IOO 300 10.MO0 . .U0O 2.90U 4.000 Erie 00 General Electric 400 General Motors. 11,800 Gt Nor pfd 800 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 3,000 Illinois Central lnspfr Copper . . 8.3O0 lnt M M pfd ... 4,00 Inter Nickel ... 32,000 Inter Paper . . . Kennecott Cop., Louis & Xash . . Mexican Petrol, Mitimi Copper ., Midvale bteel . . Missouri Pacific Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N Y Central ... N T N H & H. . Norf & West . .. Northern Pacif. Pan-Am PetroL Pennsylvania .. Pitts & w va .. Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Consol Cop. Reading ReD Ir A Steel.. Shat Aris Cot.. Sin Oil & Refg. 1! 50 ft 11J ft 125 8514 83 133 112 104 73 ft 101 175 ft 104 47 ft 875, 28 34 ft 162 103 65 42 '27 ft 46 47 ft 78 ft 92 S4 80 ft 17 164 235 87 ft 45 ft 55 109 ft 123 84 ft 81 132 ft 111 104 21 72 ft 100 ft 175 102 45 ft 85 28 34 160 102ft 64 41 '27 ft 11 33 70 17 164 45 $8,500.00 City of Cheney, Wash. Municipal Bonds DATED MAY 15, '1910. DIE HAY 15. 193. Cheney is a very prosperous city, located In Spokane county. It is the most important grain shipping center in the county and has the largest flouring mill in east ern Washington. The territory surrounding Cheney is very prosperous and is one of the most substantial communities that has come to our attention. v Price: To Yield S.20 Liberty and Victory Bonds If 70a moat sell, jtmr Libert or Victory bond, veil to ns. If 700 b tray more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from n. On Thursday, June 26. the closing New York market prices were aa riven below. They are the rovrning prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise these prices daily in order that you may always know the New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. 1st 2d 1st 2d 8d 4th Vic Vie. 8H 4s 4s 4s 4 Us 48 4N.S S 4s Mitt. Prices. .99.28 $4.S2 $d3.H4 $95.0 (94.14 $9lV13 94.13 $100.04 $ UU.W8 Acc d. Jnt'st.. .12 .13 .47 .14 .50 l.Zti .85 .89 .49 Totals 9&40 $94.95 $94.41 16. 34 $94.64 S96.32 $95.03 $100.43 $100.47 When burins; we deduct 87o on a 50'bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. We sell at the New Yot-k market plus the accrued interest. BurmUue and fireproof bale Deposit Boxes for R1"1 MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL. BOND HOUSE 1109-11 Stark Street Between Fifth and Sixth (Ground Floor. Established Over 25 Years. Telepbonei Broadway 151. 11)366 3.510 7,000 "iioiio sou ""soo S.BO0 2, Si 10 700 1.400 4.200 2.5O0 200 300 700 Southern Paclf. 7,000 Southern Ry ... 2.100 Studebaker Cor. 30.600 Tenaa Co 1.100 Tobae Prods . .. 1,900 Union Pacific. . 400 Unit Clg stores. .ou U S Ind Alcohol 7,100 U S Steel 93,300 do pfd x.mnt Utah Copper ... 3,3oo Western Union. 300 Westinft Electric 1.700 Wll vs-Jveriana Royal Dutch .. 15,100 em. 117 33 57 1. 40 183 "si 33 7S14 'so" 30 V, "T4 i3 48 Sit . 63 24 8 90 15 KlV 106', 104',i 2!)4 107 133 Vi 168 Vi 151 107 118 89 56 7, 35 112 54 60 VI llv 32 5, R6 39 181' '06 32 80 30 97 92 45 89 62 24 87 90 34 60 106 29 101 267 107 133 169 3 49 106 115 88 88 B8 34 108 100 175 1U3 46 88 28 34 161 103 64 4 101 27 40 47 77 VIA 84 80 17 164 97 4 80 116 33 07 89 119 1S3 28 far- Si 32 19 80 30 107 97 93 45 89 62 24 87 90 )4 61 108 29 10S 269 '4 107 33.! 168 lni 107 4 115 88 88 56 35 111 Bid. BONDS. Am TftTCT 6s. 103 Atch nen 4s . . D & R O ref Ss, M Y C deb 8s. ., N P 4s DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. June 26. Maximum tern perature, 63 degrees; minimum temperature. b'd aeirrees. wver reaainjr. s a. m . feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.2-foot rise. Total rumtau la f. at. to o aLj. .14 wen total rainfall sines September 1. 1918, 41.39 inches: normal rainfall Since September 1 43.77 inches; deficiency of rainfall since (September 1, 1918, 2.38 inches. Sunrise, 5:21 A. M.: sunset. 8:08 P. M. : total sun shine, 1 hour 15 minutes; possible sunshine. l.-i hours 4a minutes. Moonrtse. 4:24 A. -M moonset, 7:o8 p. m. Baroneter (reduced sea level , 5 P. M., 30.08 inches; relative humid ity at noon. 77 per centr THE WEATHER. STATIONS. Wind Baker Boise Boston Calgary Chicago Denver ....... Des Moines -. Eureka ....... Galveston .... Helena tJuneau Kansas city .. Los Angeles... Marshfield ... Medford Minneapolis .. New Orleans.. New York . North Hesd . . North Yakima. Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg Sacramento .. St. Louis ..... Salt Lake... .. San Diego . . .. San Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane ...... Tacoma Tatoosh Island Va des Walla Walla.. I tr.ililnfton Winnipeg ... .1 54 82 o.oo:i4:.vw 64 98 0.00 . . NW 6l 80 0.00 14'S 40 96 0.00 16NE OU.U'10i. 80 0.00,16iW 90 O.OOl. .!E 2.0.00I13IN' 62 96 0.00 28,SW 4 '66 0.18 . . hi 84 0.84 . . X 82 O.OOIlOlW 64 0.00 12 NW 86 0.00 12INW 84 O.oo 14..VE 90 0. 00. ,SW 72 0.18 20 S 56 0.1018 XW Ri'O.nO'ia'vw 78,114 0.001. , WasUhee, Clear Clear Cloudy PL cloudy iciear Pt. cloudy Pt- cloudy Cloudy Pt- cloudy HJlouay Kain Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy rtatn Cloudy Clear k:iear Pt- cloudy 5S 63 0.14j . .INW Cloudy f4 74 O.OU 1UI 54 88 0.00 14 S 72 90 o.oo:..p.-r 72 98 0.00..!SW 62 72 0.00'12!NW 521 62 0.0024!W 54 60 0.12. .W 4S . . .10.001. .ISW 64 88 0.00112 SW 54T 60'O.OS'. .ISW 52! 56 O.OO 10iSW 42;56 O.OOi. .1 6S 8rt 0.00 . .!W 70 S0'!l'! t'S Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear ' Clear Cloudy Cloudy Ft. cloudy Cloudy KTloudy cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy 72 0.00110iNE ICloudy tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day. '- FORECASTS. -Portland and vicinity Fair; moderate westerly winds. Oregon ana wasmnsion r air, cooler in eaat portion: moderate westerly wmds. Idaho i- air. except saowera m us jamta- coolexa 80 . OS . 99 . 81 . 69 . 91 .95 .107 . 94 . 86 .101 . 97 North Butte .... 13 Old Dom .1. . 42 Osceola A5 Qulncy 68 Superior 8 Sun & Boston... 8 Shannon ........ 2 V S Lib 8s... 99.28; do 1st 48 m b- do 2d 4s 93.94 do 1st 4s.. .95.201 An 41,4 s. 94.141 An ad 4Us 95.12'N P 8s do 4th 4s 94.18Pac T 4 T 5s Victory 100.04IP con 4s. do 4s 99.98 S P cv Ss.. TJ s ref 2s reg.."9ISo Ry 5s do coupon ...99U P 4s TJ S cv 3s reg..."89 U S Steel 5s do coupon ...89 Anglo-Fr 6s U S 4s reg 106 I do coupon . .'1001 Jm. Mining Btocks avt Boston. BOSTON. June 26. Closing quotations Alloues 42 Aril Com 14 Calu 4 Arls 68 Calu & Hecla...407 Centennial 17 Cop Range 51 V.oat nuttA 14V Franklin 6 lUtah Con 10 Isle Royalle .... 25 Winona ...j 1 Lake Copper ... 4Woiverine 22 alohawk 68 ' Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, June .26. Mercantile paper unchanged. . . Sterling 60-day bills, S4.9B; commercial 60-day bills on banks, (4.55; commercial 60-day bills, 4.55; demand $4.58, cables $4.59; francs, demand 6.49, cables 6.47; guilders, demand 38, cables 38; lire, de mand 8.02. cables 8. Time loa-ns unchanged. Call money strong. High, 9 per cent: low. K per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent: closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 5 per cent. Bar silver. $1.09. Mexican dollars. 84c lyTNTWV, June 28. Ber silver. R3d per ounce. Money an aaiscouni aDcaaaseu. Naval Stores. RAVANNAH. June 26. Turpentine firm. 98 99c: sales 149, receipts 150, shipments 114, stock 6133. . Rosin firm. Sales (Ml, receipts 735, ship ments 415, stock 54.999. Quote: B, 114.75; D, $15.10; E, 1516; FO, J15.20: H. 113.20; I. 115.50; K. $16.35; M. $16.50; N, $17; WQ, WW, $17.25. ' Metal Market. TCPTW YORK. June 26. Copper firm. Elec trolytic. June and July, 18c; August, 18o. Iron and lead unchanged. Spelter flrss. Spot, 6.90c bid; July, 8.95c bid. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 26. Spot cotton steady. Middling, 34.95c New York Sngar Market. NEW YORK, June 26. Sugar unchanged. APPLE CROPS EiffiEBE! Ninety-Five Per Cent of the 6803 acres of fertile land comprising; the WORLAND (Municipal) DRAINAGE DISTRICT which lies in the famous Big Horn Basin of North -Central Wyoming1, are already producing profitable crops. We- own and offer, subject to prior sale, the unsold $115,500 of an issue of $170,000 bonds- secured by the district, at par and accrued interest, A Municipal to Yield 6 The acre debt is but $25 an acre. The amount of the indebt edness of the district is but five per cent of the actual value of the district officially estimated. Send for our illustrated circular describing the wonderful crops produced in the Worland district and explaining the pro visions of the Wyoming law safeguarding this bond issue. Lumbermens Trust Company Lumbermens Building Half Million in Capital Fifth and Stark Hundred Thousand in Surplus Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold fi I Revereaux Sigmpany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building orchard company, are more or lesa di rectly connected with the crime. J. B. Fink, local manager of the orchards, says he doubts whether the standpipe, which Is in an Inaccessible mountain section, can be repaired In time to save the crop. A 40-foot flume from the standpipe to the main aitcn was also destroyed. He will at once put a crew at work picking; the green apples from the trees in tne lower sec tion, which were estimated to bear 12, 000 boxes. In an effort to save the trees. ATHER 0FHER0 DIES . E. Andrews of La Grande Passes Away. LA GRANDE. Or., June 26. (Spe cial.) C. B. Andrews, father of the late Bert Andrews, who died In France while with the La Grande hospital unit, drooped dead at Union last night while attending an Oddfellows' gathering. His wife has been In a critical sun since the death of their son In France and has been largely helpless for serv er a 1 months. She has no other children. Mr. Andrews was prominent in lodge circles here. Read The Oreirontan classified ads STAXDPIPE BY DAM SEAR YAKI MA IS BLOWN rp. Crime Is Laid to Old-Time Settlers Opposed to Encroachment of Big Union Orchards Company. YAKIMA, Wash.. June 26. Crops on 700 acres of Yakima valley land, most of it belonging to the Union Orchards company and planted to apples, were endangered today when the concrete standpipe by the Wenas dam was blown up with dynamite. The perpetrator is not known, but there Has been high feeling in regard to the water rights of the Wenas valley for several years and it is assumed by officers that some old time settlers, who are bitterly op posed to the encroachment of the bis JIIIIIIIII!l!llllllllllIIIIIIIIII!III!lllllllllllg HEADQUARTERS S 5 for - S LIBERTY BONDS We BUY and SELL any 5 amount. New York quo- tatlons by wire every H morning, interest in- S S eluded: E SHs. .199.59 S FIRST 4s.. 84.94 S SECOND 4s.. 94.40 FIRST 41s.. 95.S3 SECOND 4s.. 4.62 THIRD 414s. .,-96.31 5 FOURTH 414s.. 95.02 . VICTORY 4 14 s.. 100.47 If necessary to sell your bonds, bring them to us. W e p a y E highest local prices. 1 ROBERTSON &EWING 1 E 207-8 N. W. Basic Bldar, E Frank Robertsoa H. C Ewit TlIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIllllllllHllllf? Two 1st Mortgage Loans Both are long-term, sinking fund securities: Yielding Price About Morris & Cork's 87', 5.55 Trinity Bigs. Corp. hVi 'a 99j 5.50 We recommend' them to investors The National City Company Correspondent Offices In 6A cities. Portland Railway Exchange Baildlnsj Telephone 6095 Main FACTS SO. 452. To Holders of Austrian Notes Maturing January 1, 1915 The 'Allen Property Custodian an nounces that, sarins- received the assent of the Austrian government to , the application of certain funds in his bands to the redemption of Austrian government treasury notes which matured on January 1, 1815,. notice of their claims should be pre sented to the Alien Property Custo dian by the holders of such notes oa or before July SI. 1918. Forms for presenting such notice of claim may be obtained from the bureau of law, Allen Property Custo dian. Sixteenth and P streets. -Washington. . No payment on account of such notes will be made until August 1, 1919. IN FRONT RANK Oregon will spend eleven million dollars upon the roads in 19J9. and will soon be known as the O o o d Roads state. Every section of the state is construct ing and improving its high ways, and it need only be caid that only the highest type of construction is the rule, as many of the roada are being paved with BITULITHIC WARRE.V BROTHERS CO. Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain JsB. Steinbach&Co. 201-2-8 Railway Exehang Bids. (4th and Stark) PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS. PHONES: MAIN 233284 7