THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JUXE 27, 1919. ' -i TOR BENT. ! ! FOB RENT. I BUSINESS OPPORTOITIE9. . BC8INKSS nPFORTrvrrnr. ! " . c I 1 f ' ' I " I . I I inallAU LAR'iG mnt H. K. rooms completely fur-m-hed, light and clean, light, water, tel- rpnone free, $15 month. 4 Thuxmaa. trnr 28th. meat Bide. Majn 371. 1'SVO light, e'ean front room, walking dia 'nr. Jirt pjr month Including fu. 154 N. Hh. cor. Irving. ' HoMf. WWK.V YU MiVE Cm NORTH ft'EsTERX ELECTRIC light a r vice. 1 us. J way 5 HO. A 674T. Kl e TI C, modern cabin, on paved road, eight ni ; i . ideal pi ace to summer, woods, 'Ji'fkii, etc phone Milwaukie 44T. M'AVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Service Co., 4u Second sU Phone Broadway 611.' I. Folt RKNT 4 basement rooms, modern. -t side; furniture for sa.e. cheap rent. GEARHAHT house for rent to August 1. lo cated on firat ridge directly on beach; completely furnished. 4 upstairs bedrooms, hot and cold water tn all rooms; la r pee enclosed tun porch, living room with fire p'aS' dlnlnT rogm. den, kitchen. 2 serv ants rooms, bath and shower, cement base ment, laundry, ice chest and all beach con venience.. W. B. RoDerson. Gasco bias;. RESTAURANT. 7 A WnK7.V t k' Hers Is a dandy buy, right across the street from one of Portland a large street wr oarns. ana your trade is only umiiea by your , ability to "DELIVER THB UOODS"; just the thins; for man and w . price i uu. RELIABLB INVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. THOROUGHLY modern cottage at Gearhart, " room wnn large rirt-piace, kitchen with all convenlencea including wash travs, P?trr mlth n refrigerator, four nice bedrooms and bath; all nicely furnished, new garage: positively moot beautiful view in ferhart: available Juiy ft for balance of Season. Eaat 41. R K.N T Modern a-room house, $10 per month ; also inwr A-room; no cniioren. T- Taor 77. rV. FOR REN'l Home of T roomi: hot-water heat; lwiltm. 1403 Pacirtc, at i-d. ioe . ' h,im. of Com. Main li63- fc-t.'oM cottsgt. 5tk Rodney ave.. bs Gra ham and Knott. Inquire Wascher Bros., Knai 10th and Broadway. tiAAI.L family, adults, will leas 5. modern buopow. Rose City. ireg,niaa. or ik-room AP X, li lPS of 1 2 moms for rent, furniture fur ni'e Hl." Swetiand bldg :vv I. y cleaned "room house, close in, 427 J Kitt Iitn at.; f.'. NICE ctean bouga to w.a sleeping porch, nar high school; adults, Wdin. J-ltf. ft-R"OM house for rem on SL John car line, Wood.awn 24";!. POR RENT. BEACH COTTAGE AT SALTAIR. Till a mnnlf tlata.! Right at station and on beach, hot and wiu water. PHONE E. 3060. I HAVE. In Maricopa, Kern county. Cal., Stock Of hardware nntnri oHm etc.. th will invoice between $18,000 and $20,000, 1 - oviiuu teet; a two-siory irarii' buiiding- known as Hotel Lenox, 24 fur niched rooms upstairs, store below, valm ail clear. Business Is rood. Wisl to exchange for a stock ranch. E. W, &irong, Alaricopa, Kern county. CaL GEAR HART PARK rnii. TTTTTT" ocvan front; bedrooms, living room. 'din Ing room, kitchen, encioaed iun oarch. natli x toilets, rue nine water in every rocni. niceiy furnlahed; 4iO for season till Pep-ember is. B. Ad. Lombard. liOuV Sd. THE NICKUM cottage at Seaview for rent. lumianeu, ior tne season. 7 rooms, moaern MumDInr large grounds, convent ent locauon. H. E. Kohin. LumbrmDi " g. ENJOY TOL'R VACATION ! By tenting in beautiful Oceon Grove; every mnM-nifnrf; rttMi very reawnabie. far ticuura 212 Lumbermen's bldg.. Broadway NEWTON'S STATION. Long Beach, fur- nianed cottage, h rootis. ocean front, cor- nr. vT desirable; $loQ for season, slain 4-HuOM cottage. Jit: no smail children. I SEA VIEW Cottage, bath, large living room. App'.t 541 Montgomery at. cV-LoOM boutte with one acre. 2.02 E. iL, near Livtsioa, Apply 130 tb at. JirsE fr rent furniture for sale, 32 E Sod. Tabor eooM. AtartiDQ JiOT'.K of 21 rooms, .west fide, cheap for quica a I e. Pia bwetland DlCg. N'SVHIDE ifodern v-room house, garage. aetata. Tabor ls alter v. ji. ilV3-ROOM bungalow for rent. Call Mixn 9 and 1J A. M., && Bryant. ON JTLT north. $2' sun parlor and sleeping porch, right on the ocean; season rent Si'00. furnished. East - . v. sc h uy ier. w . HulL MODERN furnished houxe nesr beach, month wr aeason. noom 4.iu, Kamapo hotel, or L .i 5'toeria, etn ave,, near 3d at., seaside. Or. THB U-TAHANA for nice rooms at the wvaca. A DIOCK SOU I Q OI UrOldVAV. on 2d. aside. Or. uk hfc.NT Kill Kare cottage. 5 rooms, be- -awvirw ana long titfach. East 71524, , ft-room cottage, 210 E. toth at. . 11 am 34. lrulsbed Hoasea. lores. i'lSi aay. will rent our home. furnthed. jnr A moatni to responsible party; 1 bed rooms, sleeping porch, baihroom. sitting I room, kitchen and basement; rrasona e I rent: east side, .u minutes trom jostoKite. CaU Last wi, or Mara hail IRVIVUTON VT7 R.VlsHED HOME. Modern 7 -room house. Cenirally located em Buy. ear. Nice yard, r'towers. Large Porch, Rare chance. O. U, ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, PANAMA BUILDING. M THE OYI.Y STORES TO RENT BETWEEN 3D AND 10TH. T A M HILL AND STARK STREETS. CORNER OF ALDER AND J0TH 613. CORNER STORE. !Sx75. WITH OR WITHOI T "L" IN REAR: NVV USED A3 restaY R XNT. ALSO NO. J.;o 10TH STREET, 1x4U OR lSxTA. AVAILABLE JI LV 1. W. H. WEBB. VEOX BLDG. s'R RKNT i-roora furnished house at "44 F- llih si., near Rhone t.. for 2 months; houM La nHelv furn:sried and almost nei tenant to botrd and for etderty lady tor the use of houe. Apply at 30d Ptne w; PHn" Hdwy. 3J.. 4 K(h.)US completely furnished In -room hnuM. Hoosier cabinet, sewing mscnine. fine range, large yard, water, lights and telephone free. $3i a month. M4 Thur- mwn. comer VHth. west side. Mam oil. iK Ju y snd August, my residence of ft rooms with one r--TVe l. b aut fully fur- n nr.I. pmno and firep.acc, for ..; adults of.v. refe-renres. Phone Marahail 2154. -h H1'I district. C.-Km1 house', fine piano, phonograph, sell, h-ap with terms and rent house for long j tune or rent furnished; auto shelter; rinded among trees, close tn, west aide. OLD frame bldg., large etore rooms on 1st floor and 15 small rooms upstairs. 14 th ana reiiygrnve; cneap rent. RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. JQI-V5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Stores. cigars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the Business Line. If you wfah to buv or sell call ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY A REALTY CO. .jp coarq or Trade Bldg. Main 5315. .NtW enterprise In iron snd steei for th Columhea basin is organized and needs a least on more activa man; a practical iiK-iaiiurcisi wno can take a substantial Interest in the business of at least S10.OO0 una give it all his time. Write for ap puinimenc and state experience and re "f'nMniiiiy. i 3H4. oregonian. A BUSINESS OF GREAT POSSIBILITIES. MJ will handle, or will Invoice a gen eral merchandise and arietv store on i prominent corner; suitable for a man and wue, or two live persons: will accept Ijb- ngr oonds. Cat! Broadwav 2867. B. F. 8INSHEIMER, 105 Twelfth Street. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Sawmill onemt i n r on mncA fnrvlrn onn tract, together wit if 80,000.000 feet of good eaw nmner ana logging outfit complete. Can make car or cargo shipments. Will consider trade or partial payments. B 4 Oregon tan. WE WANT 25 practical timber and mill men wno can invest 11000 and become working partners In the business. Have over 100 minion leet high-grade Oregon timber and sawmill. A live-time business for all of us ana oig money. Address AV ltfO. Ore- Kuniaa. $12,000 BUSINESS and property, 150 feet w car une, ouuning 4jx.0 feet; 2-story with full basement: woodshed 60x90 eet: new 2-ton truck. 500 cords of wood and 6m0 stum page; smalt amount of money nanuie; gooa location; a Dargain, Phone Sell wood o400. FOR SALE! Drug store In suburban part vi n-r: vrrKon (.own; expenses light, good uufcinfss; man wun tne a-s.sistance of boy or girl, can run it; about lir00 will handle this; no trades: best of rea son for selling. Address AV 18, Orego-nian. sTuitE. .0xo. on Gltsan. bet. 4th and 5th. in ones: oing.; also small space. RITTER. LOWE A CO. . J!01. 3. 5. 7 Board of Trade Bldg. DRY GOODS store wlfh four k- rousekeeping rooms, ner shipyards; ren wain .i i . 2 STORES 1st gt,, 04 fL i-- 2Q each. m l7 r till, OfHcee. ALL of the top floor of class A office bldg. n-.i . umk'hj i mm om ana washing' -. jui vacaiea oy u. t. governmen to take spate In new tMWt office bldsr. Thu space Is exceptionally desirable in every " - j -, vrrjunian. DESIRABLE office, modern conveniences, iM.-ir street, oetween ;td and 4th. Apply i naiiwar bxenange. LAI RULHl'RST home. 8 rooms, sleeping I STORE room nr W , Dor-h and breakfast room: every con- J.ff J!.?! fVc. for nt on Oak at. por-'h and breakfast room; every ton- vnn'n'-, hot water, rtirmtce. baby gran a p miu; furnished beautifully; garage; 1UU. Inquire at 227 Oak st. I"Il KENT 2-roomd furnished houio I en is a'lilitton. ne ly tinifi. gas range. wi.i ivnt to small ismhy S3 month. Ad- ilnv i"n.-t 6ih ave. tVH RKNT w-room modern house, com- DltiV furnished with sleeping porch 1I4 Division sc. cor of 30 in st- Inquire at house. C-IM furnished house. 2 sleeping port. be I piano, very quiet, walking distance, lfi K. 7th N. ; call between hours of 11 A. M. ard 4 P. M. , .5 PER MONTH. An Ideal 7 -room west side house: com pletely furnished. Including pUno. Phone Ilr.m.lway 2";4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful. weU-fur-nii-hed 8-mom house. 2 baths. Turkish rat:: to leas for one year. Marshall 4a7, b-KKM beautiful house for summer, one fiHuri aside for young man. Mt a mo., $1J with garage. Adults. labor MjIKHN ft-nHim house, well furnished. c hiding piano, 25. Mt. S. car to Clark, llt'3 E. Mat. Tl RVISHFD. $123: unfurnished. !; 8 roo-ns. sleeping porch, hardwood f'oors. 2 fireplsces; Irvmton. Sellwood li31. 4-ROOM modern furnished cottace. 311U K VLh sc. near Hawthorne, 2i. East iii-SE t'lTY PARK Furnished 0-room mod ern bungaioa. with s.eeping porch; wul -nt Ju T and Auicusf. Tibor 42t. lORTLAND HEIGHTS July and August. h-ro.m fumlxbed house, grand piano; no chwuxen. rviervnecs. 3lain lutfo. 1 ICEI.Y furnlsh l house for rent for 2 morrjas married couple without chil dren; cloe in. 6J E. Main. Eft l."tk. MT HOME for rent furnished, newly tinted. rooiu. tath. kkk. electricity, to adults. o E. ytark. East Js It ' E. lame, indern house, beaut If ul loca tioiu tH Flael ave.. rent 3i- Phone Seil wood 3414. e KA).M.H nicely rurnlhed. private home, for rent Juiy aad August; Garage. 347 K. 71 h N. BrSINESS OPPORTrMTIES. ri.Nt. opportunity for willing man to learn u, accessory and vulcanizing trade a partner in a busv tire store: dv mnH salary. Only l20O required. Call 511 auto n n ir.r Fireproof bldg., looxino; good lease: big repair business: also sell supplies, gaso line, etc. Oood reasons for wan tine to en. Mti rogia miWKum blag. PARTNER WANTED. Owner of a growing manufacturing hul ins wmii a reiiaoie partner; duties are easily 'camea and only 600 required. HERE'S your chance to make some money - fui'uinr summer resort; a shrt-orier lun hrofm on hei trt in town; a good proposition for cash. L. E Fisher. 4Qii Broadway.' SeaKide, Or. RESTAURANT In eastern Oregon town. bargain. M. li. Jackson, Elite Rooms. La waatku Man with 130OO ready cash to oecome :niereiea in sound investment worth while to investigate. BD 377, Ore conian. AJ E small restaurant and 14-room house, rent 13fl, close in: stands Inspection: very cheap if taken before 10th of July. Phone STORE and theater building brlnsrinar lion per month income, price -fM0; will ac cept Portland bungalow nart payment. I. O. Holmes. ClaUiKMnie. Or. EXPERIENCED, desirea to become assocl- aie.i nnanct.iliy and actively tn reputable concern handling men's ready-to-wear. T "4't. Orrgonlan. AM going away, must sell bv Saturn's v miscellaneous tools oxvcetnline welder and No. 3 Oiiver typewriter, good as new ri4 Sa ler st. N'TED Man who understands bakerv business: splendid opportnnitv; ha-o new revolving oven; some capital required AB 4o. Oregnnian. JEWELRY STORE FOR SALE. On account of poor health I wish to sell my business located at HUO Belmont. INVESTIGATE. Phone Tabor 2Li3. Res . Tabor 1769. H. HANSEN. CHANCE of a lifetime to hotel or restau rant man; J30OO cash puts you in posses sion of only hotel in live country town, big payroll; 30 rooms, eood buainess. Account sickness will be sacrificed. Clay Oxford, t&7 E. Morrison st. CONFECTTONERT STORES. 9o9 Busy, prominent st, corner. $S50 Attractive little place; snap. $1800 Expensive futures, select trade, - CARL E. TUGGLE, 630 2. W. Bank. bldg. Main S002, I fully equipped foundry and will make an attractive proposition to an en ergetic, experienced moulder to take charge of same; it fs possible to net at least 250 per month; situated in rich farming country where there is big de mand for castings. To the right man the use of this foundry will be given until able to pay a rental. H. N. Pnngle. Iay ton. Wash. RESTAURANT. Owner goes to New York, leaves tractive place doing Sioo daily, low op. erating expense: worth $3000, -.will take $2000; $100 will handle it. Act quick if jui "boi mis reai sacrirtce. CARL E. TUGGLE. x. W. Bank bldg. Main 3O02. THE CASH SHOE REPAIR SHOP at 7024 Mam sc, Vancouver. Wash, $650. or $4.'8 down, balance in monthly payments: best location in town and good for another year; muse oe sola at once: Includes umsner stitcner and .Progressive finish er. Call at Shop. NEVER offered before; good 6-room house. store, garage, warehouse; acre, cleared; near Portland on O. E. ; stock of groceries and mdse.: will invoice about $2000; will sell for $5.vh, part cash; can clear $200 iiiuntq. uregontan. Bnalneas Opportunities Wanted. NOTICE. THE PARTIES AT 44 TATLOR ST.. MAIN 2173. HAVE ESTABLISHED AN w p inii AT 616 BWETLAND BLDG. W E INVITE ALL WHO WANT TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES, HOTELS. APT. HOfPES ut UU.MI.(i HOUSES TO LIST WITH t'S. filrt S WETLAND BLDG., OR PHONE WANTED SO years old, 10 years retail Dusmess experience, honest, capable, mar ried; want to mpve to Portland in Septem ber, looking for business opening of merit where a few hundred dollars and service will make a good living with a splendid future; must be business of unquestionable merit and above board. Write in detail to H. R. Klocksiem, P. O. box 116. La Porte. Ind.; references required and given. N experienced sales and advertising execu tive, at present northwestern manager for a nationally known product, wishes to purcnase interest in a Portland concern making a food or woodenwarn lin: com- munications confidential. V 332. Oregonian. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co June 25, 3 918: 3 purses, 1 key, 1 bunch keys, 1 pin, 3 gloves, 1 pr. gloves, 10 packages, 8 lunch boxes, 1 milk car rier. 2 baskets. 1 pr. sandals. 1 suit case. 1 scythe, 1 steel rule, 2 mouldings, 1 sack tools, 4 pieces pipe. 2 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder- aueeta statl on. REWARD To anyone who will give any information leading to the discovery of my five -passenger Chevrolet automobile, 1919 Oregon license No. 54352, factory 192S0, motor B-ftOoJ; stolen last Monday noon from the front of my barber shop at the corner of 2d and Couch sta. J. Horenstein. Telephone Broadway 2482. LOST Black velvet baa- on S T train Vo in Tuesday A. M.. between Wood bum and Turner, containing leather purse and $10 bill. small rhm a A si hr anH n,i(- rmoer ainaiy write Mrs. C. st. v-uuudtn, i ii. jza, Portland. Or. Re STVRA.YED or stolen from 927 Willamette Y i' " ooslon ou 1' terrier, sol Id brln d 1 e with small white star on breast, answers to name of Buster: notify or leave at above address or Sam Boyer, care the . wmnious M'ransrer. Kflwara LOST One dark-brown horse. 13 years old white star in forchMH n h-anf nn Hs-h hip. Please notify Tony Daneee, Scap poose. Or., Star route, SpiUenberg-. Lost ouxie XV IV. LOST Package containing silk scarf be .rcu D ana o clock Wed. eve. on Van couver car or on sidewalk in front of Ow uS more. Main Z4tf; reward. LOJ r9ne :ld i6" Hberty'loan bond $100, ' ana one 1U0 tn issue NO. i iovhi. newara. J essie E. Kois. 751 tin ave. e. E. LOST In Lipman-Wolie store, lady's black patent leaioer purse, about $T cash; also uaiiH boor. rtewaro. rnone East -J4L or xiruaaway mo. SMALL black bill folder containing; $40, on ow. uwi jnorgan oiag., or between Mor an bjd g and Pantages. Finder please LOST In downtown district, Thursday noon. Ainu urwen hcl wun inrizn nnrn ttnna- finder please call at 1101 Xeon bldg. or STOLEN FROM STANDTFER SHIPYARDS, AOi-tiCK AT OKEGONIAN OFFICE. LOST Blue hug-me-tight, between Brooklyn - wou jienmi worth park. Please phone ociniuuu mj; rewara. YOLNG man of ability and energy wishes l i"vet a iew Hundred dollars with services In growing enterprise. Opening inUSt Stand Btrir.te.Kt Invostiira linn fit KHU Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY business man with con- siaerable capital la looking for a clean, legitimate business; must bear close in vestigation. V 33. Oregonian. WANT to hnv hiif nr- v.,-.i in barber shop, must have busy business, write full particulara. Address AV 170, Ore- LOST Postofffce saving account and two myv nuerij uonas, iwo cheques. Keturn to tvaiuiuue. newara. STOLEN June 24. blue Pope. Western Union wrueei, lo. JtttWHO; $5 reward; return to y i n union, ana (mk sts. LOsr Young fox terrier female, white and yellow stripe; license Bothell. Wash. J3e turn 294 Russell st; $2 reward. LOST White fox terrier, black and tan coots; no tail; suitable reward. Phone Woodlawn 408, evenings. LOST By sick man with large famllv, $90 on or near 4th 8L Phone Sell wood 1500 and receive good reward. CONFECTIONERY F i n e s t confectionery and Ice cream parlor in the city, net prof its $looo a month. This merits your in vestigation. At lg Business Agency & Really Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5310. COUNTRY store, general merchandise, oaved road, farming community. Rood schools, steady trade, little competition, an un usually good location. $ti000 cash will handle. Including buildings. C. H. Sweany Curtis. Wash. CONCESSION Columbia beach consisting of ice cream parlor and restaurant for sale; forced to sell because of ill health: best i uucessien at oeacn. Apply Mrs. William Thomas (Mother's Kitchen), Columbia ueacn. POOLROOM or small store; pay cash; Port- vasmngion: no dealer: write only; full description; price. 411 Stark street, A OARAGE and repair shop in city or v'-uini y must oe gooa location; have cash. BO 191, Oregonian. WANTED To rent or work on percentage a merry-go-round for the 4-5-6 July, lively ma muiip. nLj uregonian. T W1WT . . . " " w man wun .hju who can afford to lose It and not afraid to take a vreKoiuan. waaieu Contractor to build house and Eist 77u8 r Payment. A BARGAIN, cash grocery and confection ery. with good fixtures and stock, cheap inn. a iimiiv rooms, neatly lurmshed, all ftotra inr .M'U can. tiH E Mt h St, A.. phone Tabor 6279 Montavilla car. FOR SALE Generai merchandise store do me a gooa ous'ness. with a ranch In con nection; located in a thriving stock coun try Id eastern Oregon, Address Post master. Beulah, Or. WANTED Partner In good garage business; must nave -at least $5000, or will sell same outright; this is a wonderful opening, it will pay you to investigate same. AV 199, Oregonian. MEAT market at invoice, business runs $150 any ana 4u on Saturdays; cheap rent, fine location; will in voire about $1400; this will make you $350 month clear. L 237. Oregonian, GOOD lumber ml!l. planer and yard, on rall- uu. cunneciea wun ttume at mill; abouf 40 miles from Portland; 42 to 200 million standing timber. Information nhon T. uor y-t. lermi reasonaoie. WANTED 3, 4 or 5-room furnished house or flat, not over 25. Call Main 4914. Iloteia and itooming House. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS HITTER I.OWM a. i'- 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ?ft SALE At Eugene. Or., the Smeed ho tel, with furniture and bus; 42 rooms, large dining room, office and sample room; doing good business; well and etna-ally located; 3-story brick building; good terms, part cash, long time. Address kj. oiiireu. otti. w. mth ave.. Eugene, Or. LOST Black spaniel doff, female, near cor ner E. Burnside and Grand ave. Finder call East 171, room 307. LOt.T Lady's gold watch, between 5th and Morrison and Yamhill and W. Park. Finder call E. 1176. ask for Mrs. J. A. Meier. LOST A small bunch of keys. Return to A. B. Caughey. 207 Ash st. Reward. LOST Small Scotch terrier puppy, answers to name Scamp. Call Main 2241. Reward, LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from ua We buy and we sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER, YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Thursday. .Time "ft w nnid thai fnl. lowing prices for United States Govern ment Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest. New York Ma-Vet. Imprest 3H $ ist es 94. R2 2d 4s 93.W4 lst4tis 95.20 2d4s 94.14 3d4V 95.12 4th 4m 94.18 Victory 3 s .... 100.04 Victory 43. s Mtt.Bft In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we aeauct rrom the above prices 37c on $50 bond and 42 50 on a xioon hond In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus tne accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit va r or rceni. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. 309-311 Stark St,. Bet. 6th and 6th, (Ground Floor.) Telephone Broadway 2151. Established Over 25 Years. .13 .47 .14 1.20 .85 Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly pavmenta. Each transaction strictly confidential. N.O MORTGAGES. NO 1XDOR3ER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc., without removal. , CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, 218 Failing Buiiding. Total. $ 09.40 94.05 94.41 H5.S4 94.64 96.32 95.03 iSS-i?l1500.AVD i::ooo MONEY to loan on diamonds, jeweiry; legal ?oo- tViartif,e" ne;a VMr: 'bnshad since 1S8S. Dan Marx. 283 Washington, HotThHAWAT'. 'oan- on Pianos, furniture ana vn, ,.ua W ashington b'.dg. Loans Wanted. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO l.MSH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BtTRKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDti. (2D FLOOR), CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICB. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit by return mail. Send us your receipts. MONEY TO LOAN ON BONDS. W. S. a, 7 per cent Interest; also on real estate. Remember the Place 725 Gasco Bldg., Fifth and Alder. ; CELLARS-MUHTON CO. HIGHEST values In cash paid for mortgages auu BBiivr interest in real estate con tracts. WILLIAMS LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 422 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 4479. WANTED By private party, liberty or vie. imy uonus. rnone East om;u. at $4Oo0 1 and frtooo; one in" Piedmont and in ,,Iur"; Bt lmD JI ,n- ful1 goni'an money wanted. W 228, Ore- WiVi ,for,CeXy tnterest to obtain remaining principal. $170. on property sold on con- ilfrdrawijigper cent East 4611. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE 1500. $1750. $2500. xx. ueshon. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. oLnn h'iLlari1rin the DMt location in Oregon. Address BC ISO, Oregonian. $1DroDlrtvERBNT- on Proved residence EMt 6329 Uestmorl1d- value $4000. $3500 ON 165-ACRE irrigated farm. in"fo'll VillXaVon Including 100 acres in alfalfa. 743 Fein ave. Main S46S. rREGN XNV MORTGAGE CO.. Vl vwrnnierct. etn ana stark. PERSON AU , ii a GAS. it ''ow dreamed the other night ne as -aomewhere in France, And that he had been fighting And took an awful chance. He dreamed there was a gas attack vn.d hJ wiie called him to task, f f na the oeeu around his neck And used them for a mask. And while the fight was going on wis w lie commenced to wrangel. TOB,eet,the het 'rom off his head. For fear that he might strangle, from humor, remember this: That we will save you more WAiSTeW'SU1T' COAT RBS3 and At the PETERSON "UPSTAIRS 8TORE. 2d l loor Plttock Block. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in wah melon or Ore gon. H. K. Noble, 316 Lumbermen's bldg. Mouey to Loin on Ileal Estate. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mincellaneouft. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 1 4 ii organ buiiding. up to 12 o'clock noon, of Monday. June 30, 1919. for stock nu macmnery ot a bakery located at 776 Williams av., consisting of bakerv sup plies. $020.59; Tixtures and machinery, $1549.97. Terms caeh. Certified check for 10?j of amount offered must accom pany each bid. Right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. Inventory may be eeen at my ofiice and property Inspected on application -only. R. L. SAB1N. I WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracted oy Anna Hamilton. D. A, Hamil ton. June 26. 1919. I WILL no longer pay debts brought against Jim uy jHiKuerue cnerman. x". Sherman, June 22. 1919. WISH to leave city, will sell" half interest an. bi a oargain. m V miniature ml .i Columbia Bt-ach, or my dancing business known as Apollo Temple; act quick. East CAUTION. BUYERS Before rmsing deal of so-called Interes in established real estate business, get it-w ui runiana rteauy rfoara. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. ISl.NKSS Small business school, well es tablished, splendid location, tn eood mtmntt. ing, on good paying basis, ready for some. one 10 step in ana iakb noia: w oh tn I quickly; party leaving city. C 449. Ore- KOinau. RJ-;STAURANT In a good business town, do ing a gooa oustness; taken in J75 per day: must sell by Juiy 1. For particulars see J rrry J'inpi at i -: iKIh hsrvun " Bun n o ciock r. in. ROTERi and meats, finest place on the ea-si sine, aoing sikki a month: will in voice about $4oo. Atlas Business Agency w rp;ny y p.. , m rtoarq or Trade bldg. 3-ROOM modern houte. beautifully fur nished, for rvnt fur the summer seauo. W din. 5."-'.V It'll KENT Modern furnished me)ms. two Sie ping purvbes; piano! house, 6 ri'i!MHKD. modern. H-rom house. V.O per month. 425 57; h st. Mt. Scott rsr. t-ROPM furntohed house for rent for about 4 month.. EaM 4 3 JO. j C-KOM furnished hous 40; In lringtoni 'trK; piano. J 22t K. :ilst V. 1 A DANDY LITTLE STORE. See me at once if you want a snap: rent $15; living rooms. Owner says sell today gfnita fnee .ono. 4w swetiand bidg. $S.'rf BUYS grocery store on Alder St.; rent 130 a month; living room. If you have ""',"," ren i. sen or exchange see ..-na prown. a. i;anway Exchange bldg FOR SALE Battline works, soda water. neer peer, ciaer, bottle tluing. eL.h- )ihed IS yeaxs, C A, FUher, Nam pa. FOR PALE One 40 M. Cap. mill, tnree donkeys and complete rlg-rlng. plaaiag ml'L A. A. La us m an n. Timber. Or. "Ai.Aith. on hitnway. finest location ; has ins repair ana sccetsory trade. Show you a nig money-maker. oil Railway Ex chanpe. tti auio repair snop. un-to-dat eniijp, ment : se; tlre. accesores; clear $4(4 month: good lease. Call 511 Railway Ex- cnang-e. ROOM iumlehed bungalow; 1114 E. Carrurhers no children 4 E. 24TH N 2 mom reserved uptttairs no children preferred. East 62t4. 4 K'mi KURV1SHCD HOfSB FOR RKNT, .2 ftTH ST. CALL TABOR tK HK.T H-room furnished house, south n-rt:vi1. 2. East 7i70 after 5 H. M. Hummer Reworta. ' M.Nt.Vi f tra-ie for a hme; ivmk) store bldg and $1JiN stock, near Portantl, for omall farm r city property. ieForcsu -,Q iienr bill g. jft.R RENT Rv month or for season, beau tiful furnisher! cottage Cn rittge. facing tn. at Hprmnajr oeacn. V . tUuuchfr. In", park st. KOOiis. Long Beach. Wash., close to oeacn snn oenot ; comp ete; y Turn :shed except si'verware and bed linen; $50 for season. Phone Main 476L VoR RRNT at Goarhart. over looking ocean no.npetely fum:shed H-room cottage, wirti garage and all modern conveniences. Phone Laac i."4. MK"RKNT At Seaview, Wash., a nicely furnished 7 -room house on the boulevard and b-aih, $125 for the swasoa. Phone East 265L frrlA V IE W, Wostt. tfnian. completely f urn. cottage; all have ocesn view; sddreas Seacre st Cottage (formerly Shepards). C A XNON BE ACH Furnli-hed camp. 2 dou Me h-de. ruuuing water, delightful ur- rouudlags. M. U. McKay, Ecula. Or. O' EANLAKE Tillamook beach. 1 J room apartment. n-ar depot, reasouabiev Tabor ; aitcr ;:3u P. M. CASH and carry gro.-erv. Invoke $100; room furniture, $375 : rent $25. Manu- "'""8 uinfp. inquire 25 riatiway ttcnang b.dg. HANDY man with a little money can buy half lmret In garage and repair shop w ii n a mernwnic: can maKe good profits. UARAGK and repair shop. 34 cars torise: alpo sell gHsoline. etc $140". Room 4Q1 TVkum blilg. l"aJ Price LI IHT groce-rv bargain. low rent. big irrne. uniy i o"v. tail oil rtaiiway EX' chance. WILL consider buying men's furnishing gooa snon. wan iocaten : must stand closest Investigation. K SOS. Oregonian. WANTED Partner: have two studios or wiP seil cheap; both doing good business. Main TWO regulation bowling alleys and equip ment, line conaiuoa. J. w . xsianey, o6 Broadway. FOR SALE Confectionery. candv and lunches, town of 7MH people; take $40H0 to handle. Inquire Gray, McLean tk Percy. $475 BUYS best little grocery and notion iore in t oruanq, living room. Alain 9052. APPENDICITIS and stomach trouble cured without the knife; circular free. Hizs .. 75 Swetland bldg.. Portland. WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers Supply Co.. 271 Washington at. FOR SALE: Well established millinerv store In good thriving town; reason for selling, poor health. AV 195, Oregonian. ESTABLISHED dental practice for sale, in cluding -ne complete outfit: best location In town. AV 196, Oregonian. BAKERY for sale, no other near. Called eai,u Worth $900, will sell tor $500. AH 391. Oregonian. i -room flat, completely furnished, clean as a pin; makes a lovely home and five rooms to rent; rent only $25.60, very clo&e IB gOOU. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1U07 YEON BLDG. 36- ROOM rooming houco elecrant lv fT mehed; all light rooms with large clos ets and running water, steam heat; fine brick building: real $125 a month; clears over $im net: jrlce only $40mi, $500 down, balance to suit. De Forest, 320 BIG SNAP. Complete furnishings of a 4-room anart. ment, in a modern apt. house, close in on ut.ior rent, inis is iirat-ciass; iuti vie -i.i. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. FOR QUICK SALE List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses with us. We are doing ths ' SER MRS. KELLER. Geo, T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WE MAKE a specialty of handltne ths ht class hotels and are In position to quote rj wnjervauve prices. vv e often help finance propositions. SES MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon BJdg. THE North Bank highway la now open. 42 nines irom Vancouver, on said highway, the best hotel on the Columbia river Is for sale. For particulars write on phone Hoi Springs Hotel. Stevenson, Wash. JOO CASH handles the furnishings and 3 year lease of a 65-room modern apart, ment house, fireproof, strictly modern building. West Side; rent $300 a month; price $5500. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg 23 ROOMS, furnished complete for light iiuun-ivrrius, iuva iwtj in neari Or City v-tfttis jjcr monia, price S2.50; agents. 103 W. P. Proposals Invited. SEALED bids for fuel oil for the school year 1919-20 will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, 401 Courthouse, Portland. Or until 4 P. M., July 3, 1913. Certified check for Two Hundred Do 1 1 Arn (t-nuauw ble to the undersigned, must accompany each proposal. Specifications mav be ob tained at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAA School Clerk and Business Manfger. OUR Installment plan Is the best, and surest iiicLMou oi paying a loan. S32.2H per month lor 3A mont-h $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 ior vo montns pays a fiuou loan and in Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. No Com m ins inn rhtrreri EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. pwra at., .foriiana. Or. RESIDENCE l.riAMS From 6W to 7 ner cent fnw flv ua. YOU MAY PAY $100 or any amount on ytiuujpa.1 ana reauce interest, ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us tor loweat interest rates on uuAiuess property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Mala 2541. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance cnmninv mnnov tn in. n lowest current rales on" Willamette valley ....;. Aw t-um iHiBviuns, io aeiavs. DEVEKBAUX MORTGAGE CuilPANY, 87 Sixth SL, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER UNION ABSTRACT CO., CorbeLt Bldg. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS made on improved city property; prompt PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON iera can a tsia g. $300, $400, $500, $730, $1000 and up at lowest t,r,., 7,VM rru v v . wrman Co., 7J2 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445 $100,000 TO LOAN on tarma. No deiay. no ley Mortgage Loan Co., Aurora. Or. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. K. L. DEVEREAUX & COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. 0 ROOMS, h. k. and sleeping; woman can run, nriB i oo or Dener: lU'lest Investiga tion invited: price $2000: $1200 cash ban dies. Broadway 3540. Owner. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house see members or the Realty Board. latfs neany uo., em at. - MART E. LENT HOTEL APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER. GROCERY and confectionery, good location rtrictly cash. $10u0 will handle. 474 Hawthorne ave. BAKERY for rent, modern oven, located In live residential dlstricL Inquire 193 Gibbs, or phone .Main 2:tl7. A CASH grocery with 3 livina rooms for '-'"'"j. 4l1 Dekum bldg. SOUTH BEND steam laundry for Rale or it am. pox t. i, oovin cena, wash. FOR SALE Tailor shop, good location; will leave city. rt .Mississippi avenue. FOR SALE or trade. International hotel. 100 ruuiiiB. wiin-c. uiniiig-runm, Mitrnen ground floor; rent reasonable. 72 N. 3d st. ROOMING and H. K. place for sale; will trade for propertj-, or stU. 209 A II sky oiug. ROOMING HOUSE for sale, 14 rooms, all occupied, furnace heat. 146 N. 17th sc. near nuju ROOMY house. 15 rooms, good furniture, cheap lor $1000. 15 Swetland bldg. VULCANIZING shop; f20"0 cash will nan uie. 4an siain im- aiier t f. M. 'OR SALE or trade, paying newspaper F.ot 5, Culdesae, Idaho. 10 ROOMS, all H. K.. fine furniture, ceo. ral, leaving city. 344 Salmon. OLD established plumbing shop, or will take partner. Main 6233. Invoice $2000. HAVE good paying business: must take part- ner. or e!l n.l once. AH 478. Q r e gon ian. LOST AND FOrND. LOST Deputy sheriff knows party who took auto gloves from car 5SS6 Wed. eve.. Ma cadam road. If not returned to 702 North rup at. Immediately prosecution will follow. FOUND Wheel, owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad, 998 East 19th N. LOST Wishbone and leaf pin. diamond In c. nter. Knight Templar pendant. East 5336. Reward. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD If you must sell your BONDS and partially paid RECEIPTS, sell to us. We BUY and SELL all issues at highest mar ket price. BONDS THURSDAY WERE WORTH' is avt'fc witn interest...! 99.40 2d 4 with interest 94.60 3d 4U- with interest... 96.32 4th 4hi with interest... 05 04 Victory 46 with interest 100.47 Less 37c brokerage on a $50 bond. Oth ers may pay less, none pay more. Checks mailed out-of-town customers dv hnnrti Money loaned on BONDS. Money loaned on lmnroi-ed ! Real estate mortgage for sale. Several small mortgages to net 7 and 6 for Financial advice cheerfully given.- NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, ' Second Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington. Established 1909. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real MONEY to loan on real estate security goin? rate of Interest. Otto & Harkaon .10 imuioer 01 commerce. iu,uu iu ujan in luni to suit; bulldlnr loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck 'lS-'Mii . . "uun M.IU SiUl $300. J400. S00. $850. 7S0. 1000 AND UP lowest rates; quick action. Uordon Invest; ment Co.. 631 Cham, of Com. Main 13 ;o. LOANS on city and farm propertj SZr cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Chim. ot Com. P SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGB-CO-Chamber or Commerce. 4th and Stark.' MORTGAGB loans, lowest rates, "a u Harping, 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on farm and improved eitv property. K. K. Baxter. 704 tlpalding bldg. $1."00 to loan on city property. K. H. F7t- poarq oi traqe bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. S and T PER' CE VT "ww wg oeiiing bldg. TO LOAN S3500. or will divide: farm - vurny preierreo. jjf Jst St. oAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES 20-inch wavy switch. 3 sep .'11 40 iAround t-'ansformatlon i-75 Hairdresslng. shampooing, faca mas'aaga. hair bobbins, manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by electric needle; switch mada of combings. Koc Sanitary parlors, 400-411 IJetumJ!ldg.. 3d and Wash. Marshal' 1702. nn.KtSAU BATHS, unexcelled lor rheumatism, paralysis, dropsy, gout, blood, poor circulation; one trial convinces; o:d people and invalids boarded. Mrs Vr W neatly Howe. Indian doctor. 2.12 Monro v",muveI v. VV. A. car to Mon roe. VVoodlawn 27ti. N. LADIES -If we hav. vniir aiu ..nn several sample leather tex coats returned ..tiBiut-n jou can save j.-s of ra tal price by purchasing on. at our whole sale salesroom. 72S Morgan bldg. United KuDDer Co. MRS. ROSE BOWMAN holds circles Tues- day. Thursday, Sunday at 8 P. M also lecture foi.owed by messages; readings daily; all welcome. 3S5 4th st. S. Main HONOR BRIGHT! THE EKDEl, HAIft CERATE. Does grow hair, vv rtt or call 600 Union ave. North for positie proof. $1 will tjet both your leet fixed up good at Dr. -ri ifturuuiri j . w ho doesn't hurt you; u years here; eAam. free. oobe theater bldg.. 11th and Waah. Bdwy J4 AlKa. blfiaVENS, 23 years Portland, re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing; ha crystals foe sale; also her book -Palmistry Made Easy." 375 Taylor r ivc.1 magnetic treatment; all treatments isi.en at your home; one trial free- 27 years experience; chronic diseases pre terred. King Marshall ly33. G. K. Horton tiitiaKf ii L rooms, food prepared by dieti tians ior conva.eacents and rest patieuts; medical gymnastic; musia-ge, 143 North 10th street. Buwy. 4314, GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, super- uuu. ,au vciuiuueni.iy removed, lace, specialiat: lames, gentlemen. 61U liuah Af. Lane bldg. MRS. M. L. LAMAR, 235 5TU. bT. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health, sue cesa and harmony. ATTENTION, business women, open 9 A. ii. to h f. M., hairdressing parlor, Portland Hutet Shampooing, scalp treatment, fa cials, etc. Main u30l. BEST STEAM BATH. Massage, vibration, electric and chiroprac tic in city. Dr. Margaret Haynle. 215 Swetland bldg. Main l.tii. EBVET st HANNEBUT. leading wig and iuf .iiiest, stocK numan hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 34U Alder. Main 646. UPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods. Indorsed by phy siciana 04 Swetland bidg.. 5th at Wash. uxi. rvuiu ulcoun, bwedish drugless meth- i& aucceaaiui experience. bg Wash, bidg., 4th and Wash. Mam 634. GOITRE, enlarged glands, cure yourself per- tiia.uvui.iy , a. xv. ouavenan, nouie 9. Uilia- boro. Oregon. ADAME JEANXETTE. tea.che f lb try, rooms 11-10 orn hotel, corner Fifth and MornaOTi. UPEKFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Fin ley, 614 Bush &. Lane bldg. Main 6368. 5?9- i2.00 and up. no commission. Main liBb. v. a. ueshon, 613 Cha. of Com. bldg. Money to Loan Cltattels and Salaries. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED THURSDAY AS FOLLOWS: FIUST 3c-f SECOND 4 THIRD 4! . FOURTH 4"4 FIFTH 41 .. WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET rnii r, rui. iui K tJO.N US. WE LOAN 907c ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 IX. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P M IDDED THURSDAY 1 99.40 .... 04.40 06.31 . . . . 05 .2 100.46 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010. 384 Stark Street, Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolaa pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warrants cashed faca value. " CARRIE MTERS-HERRMAN. Manager. ,EV. MRS. J. C. SCHOR1. spiritual adviser. n r-. jotn bl. ino., cor. uurnside. question meeting Tuea Thura.. 8 P. M. East 3064. DR. ELNA SOREVSEN, 508 Panama bldg. ii n uiciuvua. oiuuiftuu, aiaueys, rheumatism, constipation, etc Mam $0e4V COUPLE going to Med ford. Or.. Monday, have room lor 2 or 3 more pasaenger. Call Main 3175. evenings or Sunuay. Uli. NELSON cures corns, bunions, lugrow ing nails without pain; consultation free; very reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. GERTRUDE .DANIELS, superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, face and scalp, 53 Fliedner bidg. Broadway 602. SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual adviser, 200 Gooduough bldg. Question meetings, Tuea Fri., 8 f . M. Marshall 2503. GRADUATE -nurse treats lumbago. ete Hours 2 to 5, or by appointment. Phone Mam 1040. Office 308 C 3d. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, v let ral as. etc. Security left In your possession. timaU weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed), Third and Washington sta 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286 GEO. HARVEY loans money on household Kooua. iL.egai rates. i aoor .-tow. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an op- erauon. r ree Dooklet. P. O. box 1105. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; be no. ior tree oooaiei.. r. yj. rwi inia. FRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sellwood 2212 mornings. LAD V"B A R B E RS S have. 15c; naircut, 20e; face massage, 35c. 35 Glisan, near 6th. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youT See Vlereck. collections. Dekum bidg. MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card reading. 182 Park st. Main 7548. DEMORE, F. P. Facts If known would re move doubt and supposed wrong. WANTED To adopt a brown-eyed boy, 1 or 2 years. K 404, Oregonian. LAWYER. Cases not opposed $35. 5100. BE individual, comfortable, stylish; have a Barciay corset maae ior you, wain, otto. LET US give you something to cure your go 1 1 re in your nome. sue, fneqner Didg. KH'lKDKNlR1N cottage wanted about Ju;y 15 lor lew weeks, adults; best tax. retVrynocs given. Taotw G.-AKH ART Completely furnished modern H-room house: sua port h; fr e minutes f rom ocesn. M rs. N orrte. Gear hart. Or. cii' a. i .-v i rv t a Tin on fcath. open u i , tvuaini. v rite A. r. Patten. Ecola. r. CANNON BEACH. tor rent. co" furnished cottage for . i j . rrnt . r m'pr cajt tt,. LN i he r'tige. Sea view. 8-room house, fur- nisnen., win, 91 tit lor the sea son. Main 274'J. bLUr hfAilOA,, 6-room furnished collage, 1 1 re place, piano. Data. Main M04. MEALS, family style. 50c. Anders, mrth of poatofficc Seaside, Or. LIGHT H. K.. Ocean Crept anta. rates rea- iw.naDie KovKawsy Kn. l bik from beach, S-i;oLrM furnished house. Sea view. WaahT; goo4 water, fireplace. Phone East 8, OK RENT Furnished house. Seavirw. Wash. Inquire Swart. SO Fourth st. b-KiH'M fnrnished cot tags, fireplace. Ocean Park. NVash., Mars.aii .3613. KASiLE. modem 7-revrn cottage on ridge ovur.ooking ocean. Ma:n 54t4. EASI DE Koom. private family, good lo cauoB. Box 411, Seaside, or. -ROOM furwisbed cottage near Long Beach. Pone Eaet 1.151. fet-JdJbs&ii reports. Marshsui $612. POLLY AND HER PALS lAiTERAjL C9B.KaIS. J5t2S So Ul j II "OPE- SraJR. Gui I U ". ' I TP t . J? A up ' H g or, if Snrs sCy : 'StiLL P- She. r4iArir c?oT "ThH wss i vWti rr 1 7, Copyrifht, 1919, by Nwspapar Faatur Sarrica. lac Croat Britaia Rights Runrd. Rcgistsrad in U. S. Ptmt Otfia HE'S LOOKING FOR A CAR WITH A KICK. HI CLIFF sl'ERRETl. V ....." l. ...... . . . .