TITE ' MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAT, JUNE . 2T, 1919. 23 HELf W A N TK D M A LE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office of Secretary Advisory and Emptor mrnt Department y. m. c. a. Twang mm, stranger, out of work ft bis total rash assets t. If I par you $3 for tnen hers hip in the Y. M. C. A. I will have oiv $15 lft between m and starvation. Seeretarv If you tske, out mtmbenhip In the asscition you will have the Y. M. C. A. with alt its Influence, strength and resources her we n you and starvation. ResuJt Youni ma foined the assocla sn. iq iesa than a iK he hud satis factory employment, and a mmbrhl card In his pocket, which iuuri him. -- with Y. M. ". A. privileges, employ anent Insurance for on a year. The etcuae the T. M. C. A. hs for ex igence is that tt serves young men, and h function of this department Is to serve tham s!onf a most vital line: tha riothea tine, the bretd-ilne. the life-line. rails for man since Jan. 1. 1919 8r Positions fiiled 479 Shy the kind of men wanted 31 I The standing this department has with Port. and emp.oyers ia due to the ducrim Inatlnr service we have rendered them for a period of 15 years. if you wlli be guided by oar Instructions we will guarantee that you will secure em- proyment or refund membership fee. Sol diera and sailors given three months' com- p imentary membership. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIERS wanted for the following Ore- soman rnntri to be own July 1: Grand and Ankeny ...$30 profit ut Side North 4S profit Weft Side North 40 profit West Side South 40 profit Wondlmn 2 nroflt Union and Alberta 3d profit I nlon and Stanton. 35 prortt Iaurelhurst 40 profit Grnd and Morrison 4i profit Brooklyn 25 profit mh and Glisan profit Application should be made at onr. Boy must be at least 14 yeans of age. References required and some capital necessary. Apply in person at room 2U3, hegnlan bids;. WANTED First-class, experienced farmer, married man preferred; state age. number in family, waxes wanted per month ana iuh particulars regarding your farming ex perience. This la permanent, attractive po aitfon : houwe, wood, milk, garden fur nished, will be In Portland Friday and Saturday and again next week. AO 377, Oregonian. MAKE MONKY Reliable men t bande the famous Indiana Silo tn terrifortea In Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Does not re am re an Investment. A bona flda money-making" proposition. Writ for further Information, giving data aa to expenenre and capabilities. References required. s CHAfi. JT. "PALDTVI rnMPANT, SALEM. OREGON. TARE AITVA-NCirD. 600 MILES EAST. Fig mtrrtnc company can uee ft men to en machine men and ior mucKinr. -. hra; board $1 per day. rooms $4 per mo. Fnperlntendent will be in tne city ior i av or o and vou can see him at our o' ii-e. Married men can get houses $10 per mo. Fare mill he advanced If need ed and will be free to those staying three xnonLhs or longer. SKINNER "WHITE, N. 2d. FT N RET for mlntng camp (WW miles east. $. room and hrd.; fare advsnced. Two millwrights, $550. hra; repair work. SKINNER A WHITE, Si N. 2d. VPTTOT.-TERERS $10 PUR DAT. We want flrrt -class men on ver-stuffed davenports and chair, stso good couch and leather chair makers, steady work guaranteed. M. B. THOMPSON, 4U Prrunt St. San FranHacn. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 4 hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday nights; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. RASPBERRY PIKKRi WANTED Flrst rlasa arrommnditinrxi, cabins, stove, wood, ci'y water free; close In. 6e carfare; will take pickers to and from car every day. rail at :t1 Railway Exchange bldg-. or phone Tabor S-'O. Delfcl Bros. UK'iE insurance agency wants office boy, 16 to IS yean, permanent position for re liable boy. Saiary email, but excellent op portunity for advancement and business train m a:. Address, own handwriting, P IT1. Oregon ian. W A NT K P 1 or I first-claws mechanics and machine shop men, capable of doing high grade automotile, marine engine repair and lathe murk; beat of references re quired. Ilwaco Garage A Marine works, llwaco. Wah. WANTED Energetic yonng man In larice wholesale business as floor salesman, ex perience not essential; splendid opportun ity tor advance-nent; furnish reference and state experience. A hi 166. orego-man. WANTED Cook for highest clas mountain report; must be all-around chef and abso lutely AI; you can bring your own kitch en helper. I will be In Portland all day Friday and Saturday. AO 37b. Oregonian. EN'ERO KT I O night clerk for" ont-of-town hotel. $75 and board; must be experienced and have references. Portland Labor Agency. II N. 2d st. FREE RENT Man and wife to do janitor work for 3-room steam -heated furnished apt. In new brick building of only 9 apart ment; man can do other work during day. Wood lawn iit after A. M. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk by wholesale grocery tore; state age. expe rience. nd give references. BC 110, Ore gonian. REAL. ESTATE salesman wanted with auto, rail at 27 Stark or Main 3052, Thomas i irara. tNIOX BARBER WANTED, plde st. Help Wanted halesmen. LIVE MEN with cars, here's your chance, aelf-demoruitratlng accessory needed on, very car; If you know autoa experience unnecessary; money maker for good men. 204 Main st., between 6 and B evenings. Phone Main S477. WANTED Agents city and country to sell aepenaable line brushes and fibre brooms bonne to house and to merchants. Pays highest rommiHonn. Live men and wom en can earn $10 to $20 per day. Your op portunity. AN 2S8, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED. One competent as saleamanager, with experience and references: best of firm connection snd contract offered; salesmen with automobile also wanted. Write AN oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO WOMEN of nnouestloned culture and refinement, over 2i. preference given to i nose wno tnrougn misfortune, or rinanciai reverse find It necessary to enter the business world: position we offer does not require previous business experience nor ine investment or any money, as we pay from the start. For interview call at mom 22. Henry bidg-. 10 to 11 and 4 to 6.30 P. M. EDrCATlOAL THE OLDS, WORTMAN KINO STORE requires the services of an experienced hosiery saleswoman. Apply superintend ent's office, U to 10:30 A. M. WANTED Woman to patch second-hand grain sacks: preference given experienced packer. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Bag Co 15th and Hoyt sta WANTED For first-class mountain resort immediately: 1 first-class, experienced cook, $90: 1 dishwasher. $50: 1 waitress. $4A; 1 chambermaid, $45; all with room and board. Call long distance or write Mrs. E. Fraiizetti, Rhododendron Inn. ill Hood, box , Zigzag, Or. LIPMAX WOLFE & CO. require the serv- i-t?B oi an experienced nemstitcner. Ap ply supt's office, between 9 and 10:30 Friday morning. LEARN ATJTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DATS FREE TRIAL. PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto A Tractor school. Dept. K, Union tv. and Wasco St., Portland, Or. Phone East 7445. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now is the time to prepare for a better position. Our successful students prove that our methods are right. Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermens bldg., 6th and StarK. Broadway 3464. Mi&s F. Bursal 1. principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 461 Hawthorne Ave, Automobiles, trucks, tractors, fgnltfot, and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer raJes. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. PirrATlONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. MAN, competent bookkeeper, experienced In waiting on trade, wholesale and retail, done some collecting, can drive car. Is willing and honest; references. Tabor 2789. COMPETENT office man with 15 years cost accounting experience, wants per m amen t position; references and bond. Art -o. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CALL MAIN 313. Soldiers and Sailors. BY discharged soldier; would like position driving or earaee Job: am competent anv' er and know the city; would consider any other kind of employment where hon esty and reliability count; am married aneV have good education ; I want some thing permanent. What have you? Call Woodlawn S.i'M. TWO live agent for games; good commis sion witn sa.ia.ry guarantee; oniy those ambitious and full of pep need apply. See Mr. Gamble, arrow dart booth, Columbia beach. WANTED Saleslady lor ladles' and chil dren s hosiery and underwear; one who is capable of taking charge of the dept. must be thoroughly experienced. Levitt's. 4tn ana wasnington. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weidlng. automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subject. Write for one you want. Seattle Engineer ing School. Seattle, Wash. DISCHARGED soldier, overseas service, d sires office position; strong, pleasing per sonality, college graduate; executive anil ity, expert stenographer; can dictate cor respondence. Experienced. References. H 2S3. O regon 1 an. ENERGETIC, live young man. ex-army officer with good nersonalitv wishes post tlon as clerk or salesman, experienced: references furnished; prefer salesmanship with salary and commission, jl tm, ure gonian. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF B E HNKE- W A LK E R. Business College, Portland. Enrol any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue, LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Hallway bxcnange oiog. splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph institute. EXPERIENCED or Inexperienced girls wanted for machine or hand sewing, good pay. Apply 31 N 6th st., JanUen Knit ting Mills. WANTED Experienced floor lady to take cnarge and tie for one mangle; country lannary; wages sis per week; state ex- perience. AL 261. Oregonian. PHONOGRAPH SALESWOMAN with experience, good appearance; answer. stating experience ana salary wanted, etc am jimp, oregonian. RELIABLE office girl, a good accountant one iamiuar wttn Underwood typewriter prererrea. Jau office oaks Amusement i'ark. SALEFVAN for house-to-house campaign on .bcuutu cieaners ana washing machines iLerai commissions. Slunos Electric Co. oui ana fine sis. WANTED Salesmen to sell rope a Addreea J. Armengol, Laredo, i side line. Texas. WANTED AGENTS, MAN with Ford car to sell 2 fast-sellina- neiea; exclusive territory to right man. AGENTS st once. Sell SOc per month hoe- pusi ucKeia, zus (jorostt bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WE WISH to make a home for a a-ood aHrl rmn no general nouworic and take care oi children; you will be treated as one of the family and receive good wages. rax .Ni: Monroe su PUBLIC stenographer ran get free office '" mn wnme salary, snjendid orrice, mat floor. 2,0 stark it Main 3052, call for nomas Igars. FOUR bright, capable girls. 1 to 20 years oin. tor crew work. $12 per week and commission; 6 hours a day. Call After 3, mi rirai il WAMKH A girl for cook in inH Htwn stairs work, one willing to go to beach for Miiy nn August. I'none Marshall 1010. i ivo v esiQver road. WANTED Woman to work In pantry from hv u ij a. j. ana i to o t . At. Aljun CAPABLE. Intelligent woman for position m -m lectins; idu on a toil road. AO 37tt, EXPERIENCED girl for elevator operator In apt. house, $50 and room. Apply 705 MAKE MORE MON EV. Tnunx men in various occupations earn nctra money handling Oreconiati routes; leitn en lovable work, out of dcors: a good side line for office man. Get particulars at room 2"3 Oregonian bldg. ie.ACHhK.s wanting an outing with chance y mr wages, can .Marshall 36o4. be tArMUb.NUhl) stenographers law. Xlint R. R., $100; timber. $100; bookkeeper, $100 EXPERIENCED 2-needle operators: - good 'tt f- "vuum. mi. uom factory, GOOD all-around man capable of making cabinets and showcase. screens and trucks: murt be familiar with wood worslnr machinery. Apply Peterson & "Mulholland. 41st and Division sU WANTED On auto bus and driver to carry aoout 21 school children, four miles over fairly good country rock road for the next term of school. Aanresa t-iern. r-cniwi District lo:. Carrolls. Wash.. Route 1. FOR POSITIONS in South America, Pacific islands and China, enroll with "Pacific ierviee Institute." Subscription 15. Send detailed Qualifications for positions de sired. P. o. Bui 13, Honolulu, TiWO salesmen and missionary men wantec by large manufacturing concern; only reai workers net-t apply: in answering, state sue; salary $.'5 week to start. AG 2&U, Ore gonian. a l anted Rovs or men to Insert the Sun dar Oregonian Saturday night only; boys must be 16 years old. See E. D. Dewey basement Oregonian bidg., Friday or Sat urday afternoon. EXPERIENCED stationery man for Inside work; a steady, reliable and energetic man can advance rapidly and have desir able and permanent position. Kubli How ell Co.. M 4th at. WANTED Several young men. ex -soldiers snd sailors given preference: good pay. See Mr. NerUnim. 8 to 10 and 4 to S, 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. T.XPERIENCED stove repair man. good wages, stead y work for right man ; none but eipenemed reed apply. Levin HUwr. A Furnace Co.. Front st. WANTED First-class automobile washer: steady day work ; highest pay to right man- Cot ey Motor Car Co. 21st and Washington. WANTED Men to work In wood-working factory: wages $3 75. 9 hours: steady work with chance for advancement. Give phone number and address. W i:6. Oregonian. WANTED Mn for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards: good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co, Weed, Cal. b ADVERTISING solicitors, secure ads. for Index pages Rand. McNlly pocket map and auto guide. Apply 210 Slock Exchange. WANTED Ctok for country hotel; man and wife prererraa; tine pace ami long jou call or pnon room 546 Portland hotel. SENIOR accountant, by firm of certified ac countant: etate experience and references: responses confidential. A V 157. Oregonian. a KBEB Steady job; two Saturday men. Apply Sam H Howard, sec Master Bar bers' Assn.. 110 Fourth St. MlI.LI.MiKI Trimmers snd mMkera .TrKrl. eiced, wanted for c!ty and out of city po- GIRLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, steady work. Apply American Can ittn anu r roni sis. ANT girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 382 East f au vr pngne asi , j. TOUNG WOMAN collector, solicit accounts rum uotiwi ana aen Lists, o 720, Ore- THE FRANCO-AMERICAN HYGIENE CO. seeks women to retail their preparations. um.iPLeiiigcnt. xi a ia,ure gonian. WANTED A good girl for cook I no- an housework: good Wages. Mrs. A. F. Hax- wA.Mhi-Homin to be companion to uung wne; gooa nome and good wages. Main 17)14, 842 Corbett st. JANITRES3 for morning and evening work. Apply superintendent Oregon bldg., 5th aim isuk. WANTED Waitress: must be experienced, good wrages, room and board. Hal lory OIK l. to care for boy age 4 and do very light housework. 3o4 12th st. Call after o tr. 31. FIRST-CLASS waitress, room and board fur- r.isnea, witn gooa pay. Alexandra Court. WANTED Expert hemstltcher operators; top wages. McCreery Mtg. Co., 600 Royal EXPERIENCED working housekeeper: must nae reirreucek noom -tui. isew Houston noiei. G1KL or woman for helper In kitchen and dining room . small hospital. Phone rironnway lt. YuUNG lady wanted for confectionery (ore. ws i. weex. o . oin. xsroaa- MARRIED woman for chamber work; two h. k. rooms and $;15 per month. Call 306 f ; att o i d g. 10 to 4. TWO experienced a la carte waitresses. .;(, room ana meals. Hotel Marion. Salem. Or. WANTED Experienced maid. Nortonia ho tel. 11th and Stark. EXPERIENCED milliner Apparel. 134 3d st. maker. Liberty HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2606 E. Take Richmond car. Tabor 5.'61. 43d St. WAITRESS wanted from 12 to 2 P. M. Uni versity club, bth and jerierson. MANGLE girls and Ironers. Apply laundry department, t'oruana aoieu WANTED Experienced colored man as an African dodger for a park. Call 24S Second SU YOUNG n-an IS years old operate tele phone exchnnae and pntiv In private cub; $55 pr nionttt. AB 4.1. On onuia. WANTED Bov over li years of age. Apply Log ibm Hsking Co.. -"tvi Ivy st. Ak for Mr. WriKL KKGISTEKKt pharmacist, downtown alure; state fpTience and salary expected. AO U4L. ITrkulliaa. W ANTED-- Sain and door tnarhine men and -uio;,-ra. .h.ircs K. i'iiidius Log i'otnpau. Ale Alinnvi.ie. or. WANTED- V ill liands. cabinet makers; t.i.a J fob, furniture facior. Klopjtock tr-s.." Sau Francisco. BASKET makers at Multnomah Lumber A Box Co., foot of Bancroft are. WANT t Apply g'-K to work In confectionery. Washington. EXPERIENCED fitter wanted. Apply 394 Washington street- WANTED Fxperienced lady elevator op erator. AP -sO, Oregonian. GIRL to work evenings In confectionery store, experienced preferred. 145 N. 6th. WANTED Saleslady; good money to right party. 2oS Fliedner bldg. HOUSEKEEPER for beach cottage: must be good cook. Phone East 34'J. LADY for work In stationery store; must be anie to do billing and general store work: one with sales experience preferred. Kubli noweu o., 4tn su ELDERLY woman to stny night with lone woman, help cook meals. Board, room and $10 month. Good home. Moota- vrila. Address or call 112 E. 11th, W A NT several bright women to solicit: guarantee and commission, work six hours daily, permanent position. See Mr. Bark ley. 10 to n only, at Henry bldg. EXPERIENCED woman to manage hlgh- ciass apt. nous; salary gdu and iumisned apt. Give experience and references in answer. BD 424. Oregonian. YOUNG lady to take orders over telephone and assist office work; must know the ci ty and be pleaMng to customers. AP 29 5, Ore gon lan. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist; wnoiesaie lumber office; state experience and refe-ences, salary expected, etc. AM 35. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman to keep house for gentleman with two sons; good home and wages. Call between 8 A. hi. and 3 P. M. 4' Ivy st. BOOKKERPER, stenographer, experienced in ins. work; state salary, references, age: good permanent position assured. BD 411, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS and dictaphone operat ors register xor work eU THK DICTA PHONE, 429 Wash at.; positions open, no fee. GIRL to assist with upstairs and dining room at oeacn notei; easy hours, rerined helpers, nice outing for girl with good references. Main 654, mornings. THE American Hat Works desires the serv ices of a young lady In the hat trimming dept.; light and steady work; chance for advancement. 34 3d st. WANTED Applications from girls to work in wood -working iactory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. J 796. Oregonian. LADIES, LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE We teach everything, night school. 7 to o'clock; learn a trade, good wages when finished. Sanitary Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. Marshall 1-702. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside st. Broadway 1731. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day, night school. Aiisky Diag.. a ana Mor. .am d-4. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guarantee a. m uoucti st. MEN. WOMEN, lesrn barber trade free, wages while learning: position guaranteed. Oregon Haroer college, -zaa Madison st. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State SudU. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Misa Buckel's private school: individual Instruction. 122 Grand ave. East 427. WANTED To study bookkeeping under pri vate instructor. Address Ab iti, Oregonian. TEACHERS wanted; registration free. Inter Mountaln West Service. Inc.. Ogden. Utah. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School; $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893. TEACHING position, free registration. Main 4x;v msK jeacners- Agency, journal bldg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. ll Broadway. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PROPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION. I specialize in all kinds of roof painting and repairing, clean off moss, repair s round chimney, vent pipes and gutters; put on a good waterproof paint on store bldgs. or garage roofs. For reliable work call C. En os, Wdln. f084. References galore. 8 years in Portland. All work gvaranteea. BUSINESSMEN 1 want work; I am a dis charged soldier, college graduate, general office experience, good at meeting the puoiic. i want a permanent position wnere applied energy and judgment count. AJ 4j'l. oregonian. LIVE young man, 25, desires an opportunity with a wholesale house or similar place where he may progress In the sales de partment: competent tn clerical work; i typewriter. BC Oregonian. YOUNG married man, 18 months service In France, would like job driving car or truck; 7 years' experience, best of refer ence. AN 289, Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier with overseas serv ice desires clerical position. graduate bookkeeper, good at figures; can give rcf- rences. AP asw. Oregonian YOUNG man with good references wants out-door work to do mornings or after noons. W 227, Oregonian. WOULD like private chauffeur job, can give good reference, can do own repair -work; can leave city. E. 3737, Apt. 6. SOLDIER, student, desires work after school hours. Room 6-. Y. M. C. A. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. LADY wishes position where Initiative is re quired; experienced and conscientious, order and billing clerk, typing, book keeping and general office routine. Tabor 471. W ANTED By young woman former Oberlln student of exceptional ability, position playing piano in music store, moving pic ture theater, or would like work in records. P 179. Oregonian. WANTED -Position by elderly woman as companion and helper in congenial home where worth would be appreciated; no objection to country. T 347. oregonian. BY REFINED, experienced young lady. place in small family to do housework and to assist with cooking; treated as one in the family preferred. AN 291, Oregonian. GOOD, kind woman wants good home and what wages the services rendered earn. write or apply to G. orawiora, room 230 Burntiide st. Business Places. WANTED Window space 0x6, 4xS or sim ilar sisa, good location up town, per manent. AC 705, Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Mod era e-Prices; Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Oil ford is the principal eat side hotel and U a hctel dignity and refine ment. Dally rates $1.0O up; two tn room. ti.ia; weekiy rates. $a and pp. FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. THE STELWYN, HIGH CLASS. 2 and 3-rm. apts. with sleeping porches, furnished In beautiful Chinese rugs, wil low and mahogany; a piea.-snt summer home ; also suite of rooms, exceptions 1.1 y choice ; references req u i red. Mar. TITE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes" walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly moderm, 2 and 3-room furnished apis., a tl outsMs. with French doors and haeany. VILLA FT. CLARA. Twelfth and Tayior. Most modern furnished apartment on the Pacific coast. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 Alder, under new management; we are at present offering modern, clean rooms at very reduced rates: single rooms $3.50 week up. with bath $0 week: II looking ior rooms it will pay you to look at these; absolutely respectable. Broadway 2804. f CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17tb. 5 minute dus. center, -room front cor., 2-room back. $35; both phones free, nnw, modern, clean; save car fare; references. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-cinss family hotel; rooms en su'te or singie, with or without board, for families and business men and women. Wa glvs you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. $3 to $5 Per Week, THE GARLAND, Desirable modern outside rooms, 25 Trinity st., cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 2th. Main 1135. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. ELEVENTH AND STARK STS. Modern up-to-date brick building, pri vate phone in every room, elevator, lobby, $4 per week and up; $1 per day and up. THE GEM HOTEL. 065 First St. Transient and housekeeping rooms, 2 day- and up; $1.50 a week and up; week's rent free to start. one HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder street at Eleventh, central loca tion, elegantly furnished rooms; rales by week. HOTEL EVERETT. Broadway and Everett sts.. modern con veniences, 2 blocks from new pos toff ice. Transient, $1 up; weekly, $4 up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at Tenth- Kates $1 per day up; weekly. $4 up; run Ding wAter. free phone and bath. CLINTON APTS.. 523 East lth at. Tlis rooms, furnished, modern, two beds, riean; take Woodstock or Richmond car at 2d and Alder. Phone Soil wood 1032. THE eTeRETT, 644 EVERETT. Furnished three-room apartment; all modern conveniences, $50. BONNIE BRAE. Three rooms, bath and dressing room, large closets; white enamel finifh, Irving ton district. East 4010. FURNISHED 3-room court apts.. $25 and $27.50. facing street, $".5 and $40. Last. 2M6. Jackson Apts., 51 Union ave. VERY desirable, clean, well furnished front, suite of 2 rooms, suitable lor quiet couple; also I rear npt. 247 5th. KINGS BUR Y APTS. lsG VISTA AVE. 3-room apt., with outside balcony. From $50 up. Call Main ."svi. 3 OTl 4 OUTSIDE rooms, heat, hot water, light and garbage, IJ&.50. No children. 240 East Itith at. East 358 L FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment until September: "Stiver Court," Irving ton; rent $45. Call F&st 8704. 2 AND S-room furnished h, k. a part mems; walking distance to principal business sec tion. .102 E. Burns.de. DON MARCO A UTS. 4ti4 East Uoiieh. Modern, 3-room, nicely furnished PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern, steam heat; rooms large, clean. ONE or two sleeping rooms, one H. K. apartment, delightful surroundings, rnooa Broadway 2266. v DELIGHTFUL room with bath for two re fined young men. PhoneBroadway2208. SARGENT HOTEL, 271 Grand ave, h, k. apt. and sleeping rooms. n,ast LARRABEE HOTEL. 227 Larrabee: moA, ciean. steam haat; s.au up. bait tsv. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th, all conveniences; $4 ana ia week; 11 day. MODERN sleeping rooms for rent. New ball hotel. 40J tj. Washington. 4-HOOM furniMied apt. ; ciean, airy; hardwood floors; adults. lie ht and Main T422. CHOIUB furnished apt. shower bath and gum villi sleeping pin h, e. Phone East v"4. I nfnrnished Apartments. FURNISHED and 401 loth st.; 2 Main 4fn. unfurnished apartments, and 3-room apartments. GARFIELD 1-room modern apartment. Stil East Failing, 1 block west Union. STRONG woman wajits ol&ce in sawmill logging or iisntng camp; good cook ana cook for 30 or 40 men: good references. Woodlawn 164. AM oregonian. YOUNG LA DY wishes position in office. clerical work or meeting the .public; gooa reference. Write AN Zoa. oregonian. MARRIED man wants work, steady, clean and neat, handy with any kind of tools gardener or janitor work preferred: will tatce any kind. John Fitzgerald, 304 JUadl son st., near am at., city. CARPENTER contracts, new or old work. plans and estimates cheerfully given. 1 can save you money: satisfaction guaran teed ; house raising and concrete. Phone Marshall 126. MIDDLE-AGED man. maker of doors and windows by hand, wants to work in some woodworking shop; small wages to atari with; trad a learned in old country M. ttUBsen, 33 N. 17th su city. HIGH scale of wages. 48-hour week, for ex perienced operators on overalls, shirts. waterproof clothing, tents. Hlrsch-Wels ftirg. uo.. zoo Hurnslde st. WANTED A dependable girl to assist with nousework, small Tamtly. good home and wages. Go to Seaside in August; must like children. 7SZ Kearney st. Main 106L WANTED Operator for power sewing ma chine, must nave experience. Oregon 'op Co.. 14th and Couch. AatoTjip JTENOURA STENOGRAPHER wanted, some experience. state age, experience and salary expected. BC 181, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Wholesale house; state age. experience, references and phone number. AB 365, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper, good home; no ob jection to one or two children. 0o Bald win; take St. Johns car. WANTED Woman to make her home here and care lor Invalid lady; easy, perma nent place, wages. AE 138, O re gonian. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements; no traveling, uasino tneater. Wanted Domestics. WANTED An experienced second maid. Apply by phone Main 5214, or call at 169 King st. YOUNG couple with small children desire competent girl to relieve mother of cook ing and assist her In care of bungalow; surroundings convenient and pleasant; want somewne desiring permanent home. Woodlawn 4097. GENERAL jobbing and repair work: car penter contracting: garages, both concrete ana wooa ; plans anu estimate on applica tion. Hance A Lindley. 1877 Van Houten su 1,01. YOUNG man of executive ability, with man agerial and general office experience, de sires maKe connection witn going concern. jesc or references lurnisaed- T 310, Oregonian. SALESMAN of middle age wants staple line for city or good specialty. I am willing to put my car and time up against your gooa a; a-i references. AM 173, oregonian. CARPENTER Is prepared to do all kinds repair an a new worK. day or contract. Fast worker and reasonable. Phone W dln 4006 and I will call. HARVESTER MECHANIC 15 years' experi ence nous oc .es i comoinea narvesiers. wants repair work In country. W. Treisler, 332 Gllsan st,. city. COMPETENT landscape gardener wants steady work on private place, city or coun try; best of references. Room 415 Helvetia hoteL. 24tt salmon st. ALL kinds carpenter work done, general repair, contracts xaxen. large or sin an first-class work; prices right. East 7820. 69 East Alder sL LANDSCAPE gardener wishes a few more places to look after, do new work and take care of lawn and flowers. Call Ta bor 122. BY man and wife, to take full charge of apartment house or hotel; man has three days a week to do Janitor work. Marshall 34f a. WANTED Work as helper In saw filing room witn opportunity to learn tne tradv. Address Millman, I0e Union ave., city. WANTED Active, middle-aged housekeep er ior widower and -year-old daugnter; must be congenial with children and have best character references. V 331, Oregonian. SMALL family In Cordova, Alaska, want maid lor general nousework: references given and required. Apply 428 Columbia st. Victorian apartment 23. WANTED Girl to assist with light house work; good wages; good noma. Z3U rt. 24th st., phone Marshall 1321. MAN and wife, general management of hotel. resort or commercial or clerk and house keeper ; references. P 212, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants repairing, remodeling or new work. In or out of city. Phone East 1726. YOUNG married man wants position as sales man or buyer; also have some office ex perience. Phone Tabor 1336. ENGINEER and mechanic wants steady work In or out of city. Phone E. 1830. Address Engineer, 876 East Ankeny. WANTED A maid for small family at the beaca ; an modern conveniences. wood lawn 2296. WANTED Strong girl or young woman fond of children to assist motner in nome; good home and wages. Wdln. 4268. GIRL, general housework, plain cooking; no washing or ironing; 3 children; wages -H per month. Woodlawn 37 14. GIRL to assist with general housework; small family, no coo King, no washing. 6-S6 Lovejoy. ANTED Girl for general housework. Sun day of f : beach in August ; good wages. Phone Marshall 4415. WANTED A practical nurse to take care 2-yr-old child; good wages. bOa Northrup. Main 1S79. oC.NG girl to help with housework after noons snd evenings. Appiy iu tu. rian ders or Tabor 3938. ANTED Competent cook in small family; good wages; no washing. Main 32. 769 North rup, COMPETENT maid second work, willing to go to beacn.MaiQ 14. or t ars: ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: 3 in family; no wasning. wooaiawn ioo. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages. Phone last l4. ANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no upstairs work. Main 6339. Glltl S wanted. Portland Paper Box Co S: Front "t. ,,TKI Mm in packing department. A P- il superintendent. Jottv-s tiul) Store. M) t rout t. WANTKI Chauffeur. able to do little nous-work and gardening; room and lord. muntn. A.N Orguu:an. WANTED Toung man. one who under inde m-chn;cl worn, handy with tooia. rpo office Ottk Amusenivni Para.. WANTED Experienced bakt-rs helper; good p nshi man. App.y t--.2 Fuaier.toad. KXrKKfKM'Kl hotel clerk. gie references, pr.:iwe. HU 42U, Orvgotiiao. WANTED Under pressor on coats Good job. Kay Burkhurst. frh and Stark. BArmrr w mni-i. . 4. w irrica. an M:n. aneuuver. BAKERY drii perience nec W asb. and lU tunan wanted : ex V ti 4ol. oregonian. BARBER Muet be good workman, steady job. Address Ernest Anderson. Salem. Or. W ANTED A Japanese or American dish washer. 34 W Mamgton. WANTED Presser wlrh some r r,rience7n Ul.onnC- 4.i Jefferon a. COOK w an i ! . L'niv ferson. rrmiiy club. 6th and Jsf- WANTED How carpenters and t'ourh. au re I hurst BARBER wanted for Saturday; $7 guaran teed. 152 411 st. sARoKR wasAsd- 264 Couch". EXPERIENCED chambermaid. New Houston hotel. YOUNG lady to work In confectionery store. Apply K.ist .viorrieon St. GIRLS vnni'l to work on concessions Oo.umbi beach. Ask for Mr. JarohJon. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by casing Alain iu.'. A l'7. WANT Br August ; Waitress. Beach hotel. July and nice place to worn. .ast 7 419. WAITRESS wanted la a restaurant, 295 B. Morrison. WANTED Waitresses. Call $ P. M $45 Va.hii igto n MAID f r private Hospital for 2 months. Call Broadway 11S6. Girlie for folding, mailing, typing, photo graphing. 316 Spalding bldg. WANT EI Girl to work In dining room 5:30 to J P. M. Main 7514, WANTKI Two chambermaids, Chesterbury hotel. 2tl N. 2th: CAPABLE lady for kitchen steward; resort hotel Call Broadway 11MJ. WANTED Tschers for mission sehool. Ap ply 17 First St.. 7 o'clock P. M. W ANTED A woman to work night snd morning for room and board. Tabor 46fl. WAN TED A Tabor 4VWV lomin to do plain cooking. L.ui barber wanted. 50 V h at, F-x pLAmLr3 wanted. 114 N. Ad stT WANTED Woman for general housework. $50 a mo. Call Wdln. 36S. GENERAL housework and cooking, country home, no laundry. $00. Call VZS Alderjjt. ANTED -Competent girl for general hoane work; good wages. Apply b08 Northrup. Tesvchera. YOUNG man wants position, experienced salesman; best references, bond if neces sary. BO 186, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cafeteria man wants posi tion as manager. Address box 51. R. D. 27, Wrights, Cal. YOUNG carpenter wishes small jobs of car peter work; rates very reasonable. 165 Stout St. Phone Marshall 677. SITUATION wanted by active, energetic man. handy with tools; also very good with team.- BD 418, Oregonian. LUMBERMAN desires position as manager or mill foreman; understands the buai ness. AP 298, Oregonian. COLLEGE STUDENT wants position in store or office during summer, quick at figures. BD 428. Oregonian. HAVE your automobile truck, tractor over hauled at your home by first-class me chanic Marshall lttb5. GOOD all-around cook and pastry wants work immediately. Phone Broadway 2675, R 36. COOK'S helper and flunkey, working camp: economical. Address Cook, 2857 5th st. Southeast. YOUTH, 20, wants job evenings from 6 P. M. on. BD 430, Oregonian. A TRUSTWORTHY elderly lady wishes Ugh work or housekeeping lor 1 or z.. tes. Marshall 2618. NEAT, refined young lady. 27. experienced elevator operator, desires steady position. No Sunday worK. v oregonian. WANTED Work at home addressing en velopes and folding circulars, write plain business nana, rnone wain. odd. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator and office assistant wishes position. Can give references. i 342, Oregonian. YOUNG girl wants to take care of smaller children at Gearnart in is summer, jux 2 S tl, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evening while mother is away; references. Woodlawn ion. EXPERIENCED lady wants housecleanlng. washing, other work, nour or day. Woodlawn 6J0d. COLLEGE fc'irl wishes position. Broadway 4,114. RELIABLE lady wants day work. Phi E ast 4992. HIGH-CLASS stenographer and secretary. Main 23J i. BILLING clerk, experienced In lumber, elec trie and commercial. Main 2817 WANTED To do cooking at the seashore. Sellwood 1146. REFINED mother will care for children dur ing day; references. Mrs, bmith. Main 1403 CLEANING or Ironing Wednesday, work. Broadway 2697. good Bookkeepers Stcnograpneni, Office. EXPERIENCED and efficient stenographer wants position with future; knows bow to work and thinK. At; iy, oregonian EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires a position until September iy. can coi. liuo. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING is an art; we are artists; fitting stout women my specialty; most reasonable prices. Phone Main 7007. apt. B. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; prices reasonable. Q- i. Zlst st. Main ooua. WANTED Sewing, plain dresses for ladles t 25 cents to vz; children. n.ast 3s. GRADUATE nurse wishes position as as sistant to doctor or dentist. uu 4oo, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED By neat widow with the best of character and wno nas a email son, origm and liked by all who know him, a position as housekeeper in beautiful home in city or country. Address 720 N. 11th bL, Cor vallis. Or. M CAPABLE WOMAN would like position as housekeeper in notei or take cnarge oi apartment house ; can furnish references. H 287, Oregonian. NEAT, refined young lady, with quiet boy of 9, desires position as nousxeeper ior clean, fatherly, elderly gentleman, with nice home. V 388, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AG-ED lady wishes housekeeping for widower without cniidren, or'cook ror not more than 4 men. Call at Manitou, 261 S. 13th st. Phone Main 2670. Domestic. YOUNG woman will do general housework for small family at seasnore., av oregonian. HILLCREST HOTEL Private bath, phone. $25 and $30 par mo. 733 wasn. ATTIC room, nice home, cheap. 1025. 120 N. 1'jth st. 225 11TH ST., The Lendora; pleasant fur nished housekeeping rooms; otner rooms. NICELY furnished room, $14; near 2 car lines. 708 E. Burnside. East 7-37. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE unfurnished room for rent, ground floor, private entrance. $12 a month. Call East 72vJ7, or 22S E. 20th. TWO unfurnished rooms with bath and kitchenette, west side. Tabor 9129 after 6. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. WELL-FURNISHED rooms in private fam ily, with or without housekeeping priv ilege, west side, on carline. Call Monday. Main 6354. LA RGE furnished room ; running water, home surroundings, with all conveniences; close in; very desirable for men. Main 57 1. FURNISHED room In private family, with or without board; modern conveniences; use of piano. Tabor 1340. 1040 Arnold. NICELY furnished room in private family for gentlemen; 15 min. waiit to center oi city. Phone C 1066., FOR 1 or 1 2 young men, large front room. hot and cold water; door opens on porcn; 1 st-claas home. 351 W. Park. Mar. 4215. FURNISHED room in private home for one or two gentlemen. Call alter o:30 r. JO, or Sunday. 826 Tenth st, LARGE furnished room with sleeping porch, suitable for two or more. Main i023, 393 W. Park. LARGE clean front room, close in, choice location, reasonable. Main 1263. 389 10th street. FOR RFNT Unfurnished 3-rooin upper flat. 512 Mary st. Brooklyn car. 4-ROOM lower flat, walking distance. Agent, 844 Tillamook. FLAT for rent. Tabor 6800. $12 55 Alberta. Call Furnished Flats. MONTHS of July and Aug.. furnished four rot m fat. bath, water, gas and lights. $rtO; two blocks from Broadway bridge. 2H2 McMillan St. ENTIRE lower floor of modern Irvingtori home, 4 rooms and den, furnished, includ ing fuel, light, phono and water; $50. East 3147. 5-ROOM well furnished fiat, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, f i replace, furnaie ; Irv Ington district: rent reasonable to right people.544 E.7th N. NICELY furnished 4-room flat, close in, west side. 625 Main st.. near Multno mah club; rent $55. Main 115. 4 ROOMS furnished completely, everything new and clean; Nob Hill district. Call Broadway 5450 till 1 P. M. MODERN 3-room furnished flat. v-ry ric siraMe. beautiful yard. Sellwood 7US. 604 E. 20th st. FURNISHED 3-roora flat for rent, In cluding light and water. Long & Silva, 452 Hawthorne ave. -ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; a bargain if taken hL onco. 64 E. 10th, near Stark. Call Friday and Saturday. 3-ROOM furnished flat, near Piedmont car barns. $15. Ph one Wdln. 3537. EXPENSIVELY furnished 6-room flat for rent. Main 1973. FURNISHED flat for July and August, $40. tan n.ast 5-ROOM furnished flat, 8 min. walk to busi ness center. Alain 1122. A LARGE, light room, with kitchenette. $18; couple employed only. 4nj Park. NEWLY furnished large rooms, walking dis tance, modern, very reasonable. lct loth. FURNISHED sleeping room, one housekeep lng room, suitable lor one; reasonanie, Kast iooz. NICE front room in Irvington home; man preferred. Phone i-ast -iuia. FURNISHED rooms $8 and $10 per month. .Ia0 2i. loth st,, cor. Johnson. LARGE front room for gentleman. 161 met. Broadway zus7. LARGE, pleasant room, with, board. Irving st, FINE room in one of best apt, houses, west side; private entrance. Alain 7444. FURNISHED rooms In private family. Hoyt st,. Marshall 195. FURNISHED room In modern private home. 742 Kearney st. Main 18i2. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, private fam ily; meals if desired. 3w .Benton. NICELY furnished room in homelike place. suitable for 1 or people. 414 Market st. Booms With Board. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel; American Plan. Excellent Dining Room Service. On Carline, Near Garage. Reasonable Rates. Day Week Month, BAIRN BRAE A beautiful country home for children; large grounds, scientific home care: tutoring if desired; a dealra ble place for desirable children. Phone Main 3939. , WANTED -TO RENT. WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE; MUST JK tUAJUJTiAaLtHi. SAiJN 313 AFTER. 9 . A. M, JAPANESE boy wants any kind of work; hotel or restaurant, S 712, Oregonian. DARKROOM man wants work in kodak fin ishing shop. JjavisL Aiaer notei. EXPERIENCED M. P. operator wants posi tion out of city. Jtt. au jaauison ml. ALL-AROUND BAKER wants position, coun try preferred, rsu iso, oregonian. CARPENTER, A-l mechanic, remodeling or new worit. rnona a a dot uoaw. DOMESTIC SCIENCE teacher to represent educational depart ment well-known firm; salary and ex miiiii: no selling: commercial demon strators need not apply. Add r ass box O 704. Oregonian. giving age, training, sal ary expected. H E L PJW ANT E D M ALK O R FE MA LE. CHERRY Dickers wanted: will sell cherries to pickers; fine Royal Anns at 9 cents per pound tn ou-pouna tots; pica mem your self Friday, Saturday and Sunday eu.y, rain or shine. The Cotton Farm, 1 mile west of G res ham on Powell Valley road. H. W. Strong. WEAVERS AND SPINNERS WANTED. Steady work: 4S-hour week11, good wages Apply Portland Woolen Mills. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations August 23: $1100-11600 year; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 376 U, Rochester, N. Y. EVERY newsboy, schoolboy and girls to make from i to sj axternoons. guaranteed, respectable business. Call room t. 387 First street. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. CH ERRY pickers wanted, bring buckets. Douglas (arm, mile s. ox xroutdaia. HOUSE PAINTING, good work and reason able price. a ova. u ,r to 0:U. W ANT BD Position by experienced man or janitor or watchman. Sellwood 3716. PAPE RHA NGING. painting and tinting; good work; right prices. Mar. 2493. lOUNG MAN wants kitchen work, $2.50 per day. BC 187. Oregonian. CEMENT WORK of any kind, anywhere; j taction guaranteed. East 3514. PAINTING, kalsominlng. neat work. Main 4107. RESPONSIBLE business man wishes to lease modern furnished bungalow witn garage by July 5. Phone Res. Mar. 1662, office. Broadway 533. . BY RESPONSIBLE couple, 5 or 6-room flat or modern house (to rent); will ad vance one year's rent if necessary: west side preferred. Broadway 4244. WANTED To lease for year or more, by reliable business man. a modern unfur nished nous of 6 rooms or more in good district. Phone Tabor 7974. WANTED Beginning July 1, permanently, small furnished house not too far out. BD 434, Oregonian. WANTED To lease for 1 year, Irvington district, house, 7-8 rooms. 4 bedrooms. sleeping porch, garage. East 5195 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow type preferred with garage or space to ereui (iua.9, u. Winters. Marshall 1241. ' HEREFORD hotel. 735 Hoyt. modern resi dential hotel, excellent table; meals served to transients; reasonable rates. Phone Main 3305. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th at, For business girls and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 12ol. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, wanting dis tance. CHESTERBURY HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH American plan hotel; desirable rooms excellent table; meals served transients. ROOM and board for business girls. modern conveniences; walking distance $4 per week. East 4i32. l2K.7tn st. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board. excellent table; close in. 3so Montgomery, near west Park. AIRY rooms, single or double; good board close in. 261 13th st. SUMMER home for boys; terms reasonable. 324 South Main, roreat orove. ur. Rooms With Board in Private Family. CORNER room, suitable for 2 men; lots of hot water and shower natn ; gooa nome cooking, or will give table board without room, 6S1 unsan st. WANTED A 4 or 5-room bungalow by re liable party with no children; east side preferred. Call Sellwood 2b02. FUMED oak furniture, complete four rooms, $8 month. Will sell $350. East 3729. 3-ROOM furnished cottage, modern. 42d st. East side, r'nooe oo--i. Vancouver. MODERN 6-room bungalow, garage. CaU Mrs. Coote. Main 6296. 8-ROOM house, furniture for sale. Main 61L Mr. i-.eona.ru. WANTED Work for 2-ton truck. Sellwood 2454. WANTED Piece work on work that can be taken home, ajm -s, oregonian. EXPERIENCED office manager and book keeper. Main 2ttl7. HIGH -CLASS traveling salesman; best of references. Main 2hl". WANTED Work, two men with Ford tour ing car. V 387. Oregonian. E maker, band sawyer and shaper wants work. Call Sellwood 210U. POSITION as night watchman. Tabor 655L Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office, BOOKKEEPER familiar with modern theory ajid practice in accounting ana office management will accept position any lo cation. East 3843. COMPETENT stenographer. $60 per month. s hours. j?iate age. rerrus ana expe rience. BU 179. Oregonian. GRADUATE BOOKKEEPER DESIRES WOKS. A. ai.4, fxvc4jv- A-a-M. 1 2 OR 3-ROOM house, furnished or partly furnished. Call Woodlawn 2280. " Apartments. WANTED A 3 or 5-room furnished apart ment, walking distance from Public Library; adults. Call Marshall 1159. " Rooms. ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water. bath, reasfnable rent. Salvation Army Hut. Vancouver. Wash, YOUNG man wsnts room in private family. AB 477, Oregonian. ROOM and board for gentleman in strictly private family; references. Broadway 1782. . LARGE, pleasant room with board. Irving st. ROOMS, with meals. 320 11th corner Clay. Furnished Apartments. clean, moaern. very handy. 2 or 3-room apartments. Kelso apt., 3&2 Hawthorne ave. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; pnon Broadway 401. Alert Transfer, 411 Star, GRAND OAK apt,. 2 and 3 rooms, str.ctly modern. Grana ave. uan. .cast awz. PENINSULA APTS., 1135 Alblna ave. Con crete bldg., 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln. 1352, MODERN. 3 rooms and private bath, n-ar Wdln and Vancouver cars. Phone East 4267 POjttTNOMAH 4 rooms, hardwood floors. walking distance, auuita zuu Kast 13th. FOR RENT Modern 3-room apartment. Grandesta Apartments, .case sua. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room apartment. Ho y Lomparu, ql .lomi car. HOUSEKEEPING apartments. Alexander hotel. 10th and Aider. LAM BROOK apts.. E. 7th and Yamhill; two room apt. East 4062. Rooms With Boau-d. WOULD like room In private family for elderly lady where there are no other boarders; Portland Heights or near that section of city. AP 287, Oregonian. BY WIDOW lady, couple without children living in country near Portland to board 2 gins, 8, 7, during vacation. AO 389. Ore gonian. 1 YOUNG MAN wants room, with or near private garage, private family. B 693, Ore gonian. " COMPLETE apartment, $19, concrete bldg. Wooaiawn oi. S-ROOM partly furnished apartment. See S haf fer. 861 Sandy road. 2-ROOM furnished apt., facing street. Car los apt., cor. 14th and Market. 3-ROOM apartment, light and phone. 170 Tenth St. Marshall 15U8- 4-ROOM furnished apartment ; steam heat, $30. Cottel Drug Co.. Main 792. THE MORTON APTS., King and Wash,; - modern,- walking disiaao. -Main 1082. 5-ROOM flat, sleeping porch, steam furnace. fireplace, adults. Last Idia. 4-ROOM fur. flat, $35, including phone, lights, gaa. Tabor luoi. Housekeeping Rooms. $20 PER MONTH; well-f urnifhed 2 house keeping rooms; light and place to wash; no objection to children; also bachelor's quarters, $15 per month, outside room. 293 Union ave., 1 block south of Hawthorne. -ROOM suite and private bath, and 2 sin gie housekeeping rooms, ground floor; hot and cold water; close In. 564 Flanders, near 17th. Broadway losift. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, $15 up per month; clean H. K. rooms, including electric lights, hot water, gas range. 12th and MarnhaU. FOUR completely furnished houcekeeping rooms In rear of store, near shipyards, in South Portland; rent $20.75. Telephone Main 2317. TWO fine furnished H. K. rooms, private bath room, sleeping porch, cloae in, em ployed preferred. Ea.t 6381. TWO very nice, clean H. K. rooms; lariS yard; $16; 2 blocks off Washington. Out Davis. SINGLE H. K. rooms, suitable for bachelors. ff-t to gin per month. .4 - .tn. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 4u. Alert rranaier, 4iii ptara. DORMER, 283 l.TTH ST., Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. Call 205 N. 23d st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Park. FOR RENT 3 or 4-room unfurnished. 44S Hall. TWO nice, large housekeeping rooms, $11 month. 244 Montgomery. TWO nice basement housekeeping rooms, $12 . month. 244 .Montgomery. UNFURNISHED 3 Hall st. or 4 rooms. Apply 418 461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. Sth Furnished 1 and 2-room li. .. apis.; aun. 3 ROOMS, near car. Phone wdln. 2GC2. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ENTIRE lower floor or modem Irvington home. 4 rooms ana aen, iurmsnen. niciun ing fuel, light, phone and water; $50, East 3147. , XEATLY furnished, large, airy housekeep ing rooms; running water, phone, gas ana. light furnished: couple employed preferred. 34.'t 10th st., cor. Market. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping; am tame ior annua, n children; walking distance downiuwn, 421 3d st,. corner Hall. TWO H. K. rooms and sleeping porch, 2 beds, adults, 2j. 3U3 tonego, ueiween 5th and 6th. LIGHT housekeeping privileges for respon sible couple in an aiiractive mini-, m.i.iwiu conveniences; reasonable. Tabor S44 3-ROOM suite with private bath, ydi) : aio 2-room auite, o. jmiuii ,.-. i. i 20th, just off Wawh. THREE partly furnished housi -keopt rig rooms, first rioor. iuo oranu norm. Woodlawn 4141. TWO large clean and well furnished h. k. rooms. bum"ic mi . - - near Washington. . TWO well furnished h. k. rooms on lower floor at looo r-aai iu. u l"" tly. Call Tabor S709. RENT for 7 weeks. 3 furnished rooms; no children, '.an uciwwu v -i. 20 East 8th N. LARGE living room with kitciien and pan try, nice Stove who gas, iuniianu i per month. 527 Taylor St.. Main 2443. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate ramiiy, cnuurwu c-v w ' 365 Hal eey. FURNISHED H. K. suite, clean, cozy, pri vate family. . t in, w. - 12tf-. . ONE furnished nousekeeplng room: heat. lights, hot ana oia waier uw - -nfshd. 6!9 Everett st. DLbIHABLE furnlfTied housekeeping rooms. 174 13tn, cor. i unmiiL diVims evorv convenience. 781 Kearney I very reasonaote, jihui ni-i. CHEERY rooms. 1st floor; walking dis tance. 315 unerry St.. cor, r.. jai. THREE furnished housekeeping room ,; pri vate enimnc. - FOUR housekeeping rooms, partly furnished $15 per monin. ow ura"u w.c.-. TWO basement H. J rooms, plenty of light. 1U. Ot'T ivj.nu 331 14TH Two downstairs n. j rooms. walking msranc-, rwgiMi;q. URN ISHKD 2 front-room apt., suitable for 2 empioyea, vTJ'" i . WO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. with piano. us a v wen wr. bA.