so TOE MORXTXG OKEGOXTAX, FRIDAY, JVSE 27, 1919. F ATHER-IN-LAW AIDS IN CONLEY'S ARREST Picture of Suspected Bank Robber Leads to Arrest. YOUTH'S TALE IS DOUBTED TVuhongmJ Man Starts Investigation of Son-ln-Law's Trip South That Results In Capture. How Charlrs Conley m revealed ljr hs unreconciled father-in-law, F. A. Hennlnic. of WashouKal. Wash., as the man suspected as the bandit and now In custody on suspicion of having; robbed tbe Bank of Beaverton on June 10. was told yesterday by Frank M. Riley, locay manager of the Pinker, ton detective airency. It develops, from the story, that the father-in-law, when his suspicions were aroused, immediately took to Portland and Beaverton a picture of the son-in-law, which Is said to have been posi tively Identified as that of the man who held up the bank cashier and rot away with more than IJ800. Mr. Ben Bins; fare other assistance In tracing Co 111 ey , whose wife was with him when he was arrested In Los Angeles Wednesday. Conley was arrested In Los Angeles en Information sent there by Riley. At the time of his apprehension he had In his possession. 11700 of which was In American Bankers' association checks. He Is said to have denied all knowledge of tbe affair, although it is declared he has been positively identi fied as the highwayman by Lillian Kvans. cashier of the bank, through a photograph furnished by the fatber- in-law. Dees! Deliberately Done. According to Riley, Conley Is said to have stolen an anto from the Columbia Shipbuilding company early on the morning of Jnne 10. He is said to have driven this car to Beaverton, where he spent some time looking over the situ ation. He was apparently calm through out the whole performance, and was In no hurry about breaking into the bank. After he had forced the girl cashier at the point of his revolver to hand over 13839, It is said, he leisurely walked to his auto and disappeared. He is then said to bave gone to tbe home of F. A. Henning. bis father-in-law. In Washougal. where he joined Ms wife. There, It ts reported, they told his wife's parents that Conley grandparents, who resided at Cottage throve, supposedly wealthy, were taking . them on a trip to California. Henning. however, was suspicious of tbe tale, and later, when he received a letter from his daughter in San Fran cisco telling of what a delightful time they were having, and how much mon ey they were spending, he determined to find out the truth. A trip to Cottage throve, given as the home of Conley s grandparenta. proved that no relations of his had ever lived there. ith bis suspicions more more than aroused. Henning went to Beaverton witb a photograph of Conley. There the photo graph was recognised by Miss Evans, cashier of the bank. tea ley Arrest Follows. Conley was apprehended by the Los Angeles branch of the Pinkerton agency, after receiving a telegram from Riley. Sheriff George Alexander of Washington county is waiting: to hear whether Conley ts going to fight extra dition before taking any definite steps toward having him brought to Hllis boro for trial. It Is believed that Conley was never very high in the favor of his parents-in-law. His wife is said to have mar ried against their wishes, when she was quite young. Her present age is given as 17. while Conley is only 24. It Is thought that the Idea of rob bing the Beaverton bank came to Con ley through reading of the daring bold tip at Washougal a short time ago, per petrated by the Lewis brothers. RESPONSIBILITY THE SAME Philadelphia Business Men See Need for Better Industrial Relations. PHILADELPHIA. Declaring that until labor organizations are made to bear the same responsibility, both legally and financially, as organiza tions) of capital, it is useless to attempt to put into practice any specific prin ciples governing Industrial relations, directors of the Philadelphia bourse re fused to vote on 13 of the 13 recom mendations of the Industrial relations committee of the chamber of commerce of the United States. While bourse directors have taken this attitude, they are not opposed to the general principle of the commit tee's recommendations, which were de signed to bring about a betterment in tho relations between employers and employes. Industrial enterprise, as a source of livelihood or both employer and em ploye, should be so conducted, that due consideration Is given to the situation of all persona dependent upon it. Public Interest requires adjustment of Industrial relations by peaceful methods. Regularity and continuity of employ ment should be sought to the fullest extent possible, and constitute a re sponsibility resting alike upon employ ers, wage earners and tbe public The right of the workers to organize Is as clearly recognized as that of any other element or part of the com munity. Industrial harmony and prosperity will be most effectually promoted by adequote representation of the parties In Interest. Whenever agreements are made with reaped to industrial relations they should be faithfully observed. GIRARD BUILT COMMERCE Historian Credit Wealthy Pennsj-l-Tanian With Great Work. PHILADELPHIA. Stephen Girard, remembered now chttfly as the founder of a Philadelphia college, through whose gateways "no ecclesiastic mis sionary or minister of any denomina tion is ever allowed to enter, was also the man who built up our maritime commerce and made American shipping a great power early ln the nineteenth centuary- So he is pictured in John Bach McMaster's book. "The Life and Times of Stephen Girard." Girard was born ln France and began bis shipping career in 1771 with a finan cially disastrous voyage to the West Indies. Porty-two years later he had achieved such fame and wealth that Jo seph Bonaparte, in ned of money, tried to pat Girard in permanent possession of his vast French estates. In spite of recurrent losses from the depredations of pirates and privateers. Girard'a for tuns grew to be the greatest in his adoptsd country. His fundamental theory of trade which brought his chief profits was that wars and uprisings bring starvation, and that the vital need of any country at war is wheat. During the war of 1811, when the government seems dabout to faU in its attempt to L float a public loan of tK.000.000. fully two-thirds of the amount was sub scribed by three rich men, David Par rish, John Jacob Astor and Girard, who contributed the largest amount, and in whose bank the loan payments were placed. Read The1 Oreronlsn classified ads. AstrsEKntirrs. This Week That Teasing. Tantalizing, Andadeoe lares. THE UNKISSED BRIDE With Versa Fettoa u4 Her Clerer (Supporting Company. Tbe b! steal laugh of the season- . A KTBAm from start to finish. Uc, SOc Mat. Wed., Sat. Xbc (Tax) Next Wee "Mereiy Mar? Ann COOLEST THEATER IX TOWN. MAT. TOMORROW. ALCAZAR MUSICAL. PLAYERS. With Mabel Wllber and Oscar Flgmaa in the Merry Musical Comedy. Flora Bella Beaottrol Mnsfci Bright Wit. Evenliura. 60c. TSe. 11. Wed, and Bat. Mats. 23a. Bon. Next THE SPRING MAID." k2 COME IJT OCT OF THE BEIT. ffPODROME TODAY TONIGHT Marietta Crafe & Co. -The Glad Hand." hans"hanke Celebrated Pianist. RT1t1f MKRRII.L, AM COMPAWY, Military Bur lesque "Tinlac." KTFM.E . RAM SKY. Gifted Planologlst. TO ACT, PA1HKR AND TRACY, Singing, Dancing, Piano Eccentricities. kola rtro. Novelty Balancing. MARGARITA FISCHER "Charge It to .Me" Hip" Snnshine Cheers bat Doesn't Overheat. CHAT NO. 37 Patrons of THE OAKS who are aise will reserve the evening; of July in aas nark It aa a red letter day on their calendars. Par at THK O AKS on that evenlna will be presented to Portland aeople. aa well as to visitors from afar, the n(M( elaborate display of modern fireworks money has been able to obtain la the United States. A naval battle. wHh all of the fhrllllna- woadera of the 'real thine added to by tbe beanty of a-ora-eooa displays of fire, will be one feature. Klsrht fla-htlna- In the trenches of France will bo shown as true to life aa It can be reproduced. By all means let nothing Interfere with yonr be Ibst at THE OAKS on the btar aia-ht. In tbe meantime Bate admissions at tbe beautiful park are free nntll S P. M. every day except Sunday and holidays. Every Wednesday is chil dren's day and every day I a hap py day. Come oat today and ace the Arm strong; Folly company In "Gay Coney Isle." Cara at First and Alder. Slx ceat fare. JOH.M F. CORDRAY, Manaaer. Kewa of The Oaks here dally. Bathing Season is on on the White Sand Beach. COLUMBIA BEACH Miniature Kaflway, Merry-Go-Roand, Iota of sand; ponies for the youngsters. Bathing on the mile of beach Dancing on the largest floor of all Vancouver Cars Every Fer Minutes OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK NOW OPEN Lars' est and Finest Skating E ma in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Bealth and Exercise. Afternoon and Evening. Cars First and Aider; Get That Happy. Healthy Habit Hop a CC Car Today to c OUNCIL CREST PARK an Amuitements Start at 1 P. JL Dan cing Evenings Except Sunday Con- I Bare-aim I Mat. Bak. XSe. I I is mi AMrSKMKVTS. Seats Selllna -Rnraarnpst Special Price-. MAT. TOMORROW WpTT Jfl Broadway at Taylor. ULilLilU Main 1 and A 1133. TONIGHT, 8:1 5 LAST TIME AT. EVK. Special Price Mat. Tomorrow. FAREWELL TOUR PRIOR TO WORLD TRIP JULIAN ELTINGE IW HIS SEW REVUE OF 1919 INCLUDING Sydney Grant. Leo Beers, Gandsmlth Bros, The Llttlrjnhas. Clee Gaaeofgae. Virginia Waltaun, Marjorle Carvllle, Gorhada, Marioaae. Marjorie Bennett, Arthur Shirley. Sins Nakada. . KAOirjt GIRLS. SPECIAL ORCHESTRA. eVE'S Floor 2. last i rows $1.60: Balcony, 5 rows $1.50. last 17 rows SI; Gallery, reserved. 60c SPF.CIAL SAT. MAT. Floor, J1.50; Balcony, 9 rows SI, 13 rows 50c. PANTACEQ MAT. DAILY 2:30 Tbe Ther Anannement Company, Intu. rreaeots "SOlie RARY " Tandevniee atopendoas Moftlesl Comedy, Agnes Dorr, soannie leenan and 1919 Beanty (horns. S OTHER BIO ACTS Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at i and v. LYRIC MTSTCAI. COMEDY Matinee Dally, lOe Only. Tbe bie lanrhtna show et th v.. DILLON I KAi k S Bis Company of SO in Wanted-A Wife All the latest song hits the Rosebud Glrla horns Girls' Contest Tonight. Fourth at Waahlngton. A-- m m TODAY ONLY Dorothy Gish ln "BOOTS" Also thfl official nletur of th VirtnT-v nnvj rwuvi paraaes ana unruue comedy. ODen from Q o'clock Id tht mrmlnir until o ciock m ioiiowiDff mornitif. Bates for v Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. Imily and Sandajw Per lint. fT Hfr-A. .............12 Two conpatiTe timfn .133 ThrM oniruUv timra ...SOc biz or M-vsm conncrutivf tlmra s:io Tbe followinc claArtlfirations xrptd, the rate of which is 7c pT lin prr day: 8ituatioru Wanted Male. Sit nations Wanted iemaie. o ad taken tor lens than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advertienienta (except " Tentorial") will ho taken over the telephone if the advertiser Is a suberiber to either phone. ISo prices will be quoted over the phone, bat statement will be rendered tbe fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken fur The Daily Orerooian until 8 P. M.; for The Hun day OreKooua until F. j. baturdaj. ACCTIOX SALES TODAY. at Wilson's Auction House. 19 A. Pvrnttnre. 1.171 Second st. AL KADKR TEMPLE. A. A. t-'. n. M. Ceremonial ss slon Saturday. June 28, com mcncinic at 2:30 P. M-. municipal auditorium. Third and Market streets. Business session will be held ln Masonic Temole at 10 A. M. Petition should be Riven to the re corder as soon as possible. Candidates will report at the auditorium at 1:30 E. M. j-irs section will commence at 2:30 P. M. Sec ond sectionyat 8 P. M. A parade wilt take ptace irotn trie Masonic Temple at i:av sr. m. Nobles should wear full-dress and fez. Vis iting nobles cordially Invited. By order of the potentate. II UUH J. BOY v. i Recorder. EAST GATK LODGE, NO. 153, A. P. AND A- M. Special com municatlon Monday evenins;. June 30. East 80th and Gllsan sts.. 7:30 o'clock. Work ln E, deeree. AH members of East Gate lodce ureently requested to be presen to make final srranKementa for our visit to Wasco Indite, No. 15, The Dalles. Or., on Saturday. July o. to confer the M. M. de cree. All members of Portland lodges art very cordially Invited to accompany us to The Dalies on that date. Wasco lodpo. No. 15, requested specially that all lodgres be notified of thla visit. Notice later in re gard to time of leaving. Please communi cate with the undersigned. E. P. MEHTZ, W. M. CHAS. P. NELSON, Sec. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55. A. P. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) even ing at 5 and 8 o'clock. Masonic . i.Tnni, Wnrk In P. C. decree. ViaiUng brethren welcome. By M. H. J. HOUGHTON, sec ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. 162. A. F. AND A. M. special communication today rriaa) i..n. j7r ftflrnoon. 2 oclock; v.nlni 7 o'clock. F. C degree. : Visiting Dretnren welcome 8EUWOOD LODGE, NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Stated meet Ins this (Friday) evenins at 8 nVlnck. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec, wn-TT.R CHAPTER NO. 15, O. B. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at me wjuoiuu Temple at 8 o'clock. Degrees and social. isv order JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. MIILTNOMAH CAMP. NO. T7, W. W.. meets at their hal, 7t Slain and East Alder streets, every Friday evening at s o cioca. it lng neighbors always wel come. J. O. WILSON. Clerk. hl f-Pridav even ing at 8 o'clock at 229 Alder street. Work In the initiatory re.M. Candidates are noti 'MSlS fied to be present- Visitors . iaaE are welcomed. i t n a V KVPORT. N. G. FREDERICK COiENS. Rec. Sec .mT,. orient lodob no. it, -il.HTLOf),-. . , , , , c Attention. Ku- : ( , n iic. u v. - . . . Toeos at East 6tn ana ai rtr street today at l:sll P.M. Ail Odd F.1 low. se. ROYAL "ARCANUM, meets the second and ..-,). KViuva of each moaxn in mo hall, at llli and Alder sts.. at 8 P. M. a. V. KENNEDY. Regent. S. G. HERL1NGER. Sec. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 6S. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meeu every Friday night at W. O. W. temple. 128 11th street. All members welcome. Kumto Kamp Friday H. U BAKJBUii. Ulara. THB MACCABEES, PORTLAND TBXT. n . mvi.w avwt Thursday svsa- las at haal. 409 Alder street. All members arxed ts bearesent Vuiting sir knights we.- argea m. Bike a. a. K. EMBLKat Jewelry, ent'ons. charms, wlaa ajaw aaalgna, Jaeger Bros. 1U-4 sUata SC. fTRlED LANDER'S tor lodge emblenas, pins and medala 110 Waahlagtoa at. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offle. Boom IKS CoartbMM., Itk . ntrmnoB. rfaaM from 8 to A. hlMin Horn phm A ZSi. Nisi.w caU miter ulilom bwn. .ta Ktri all ' off rrovltr to the Klfctrs lethtU rbambetr for inU gvniaiAltv. Ilor soibuiaoc lor sick ad du ablsd Mlmal St iiM-iiient'a aotio. Any m dwlrliiB m doc f Uier pt com muni cm with Vmii for all lot or trmo etock. m w look after tbo lmpoun(iln. Tber to m mora citjr poaad. Ju4 UmtM J8L HASSALO DIED. PERKINS In thla citv. at his late resi dence, 5629 Forty-fourth street Southeast. June 24, Alonzo Perkins, aged 92 years, father of Mr.- E. Rorera. Mrs. Fannie 6!ipp, Dudley and Charles Perkins of this cuy. ine remains are at nniesra. jnoni somery at Fifth. Nolle of funeral here- aiter. mrcMrgnJ'iiuL'brhtl- in-iaw of Mary e. Mathiw. of this city, Hied at his late home Tuesday, June 24. Besides his wife. Lucy Mathews cooper, hi Toss. Ul TV Tn I -1 ,w- famlt pmI. dence. 7 Willamette Moorage. June 26. "La. V '. .I: '' ',. J . , ,f Jl '. t! -T I" i"r, f .,l hereafter. BARBOW At Los Angeles. "CaL. Jnne 22, Sylvia K. Barbow, aged 56 years, wife me jate joseon m. $aroow ana moiner of John L. Spellman of Los Angeles. nl The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery H ANNUM In this cltj, June 26, Horace Silas Hannum, aged 61 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residen tial parlors of Miller at Tracey. COON In this city. June 2. William Coon, age 59 years, late of Baker. Idaho. The remains are at Flnley's, Montgomery at .f lltn. .Notice or xuneraj hereafter. FCVERAL NOTICES. 8CHEBLE At the reildence of her daujph- ter. Mrs. I. W. Perking 704 East Seventy- sixth North. Mrs. Prudence J. Scheble, atred 76 years, beloved mother of Mrs. V, iTuna CL Prkln and Mm. Al theft Black burn of this city, Mrs, Ada Constance of Aioee. or. in- lunerai services wui do neia today (Friday). June 27. at 2 P. M., in the Monta villa Baptist church. Krtenas in vird. Tnrarmpnf In Ram dtv Park cem etery. The remains are at R. W. able A co. i znnerai parlors. lVia isaat uusan su saccessors 10 w. ti. Hamilton. JOHNSON June 22, at the Roowevelt hospi tal, Berkeley. CaL, Captain Martin juutner Johnson, aed 38 years 9 months 18 days; beloved husband of Mrs. Madge Johnson, brother of Miss Dora, George, Edward and Will Johnson, all of this city. Remains at Pearson's undertaJclntr narlors. Kusseu street at Union avenue. Funeral services will be conducted today (Friday). June a., at 10 A. M.. from Our- Savior Lutheran church, corner East 10th and Grant streets. Friends respectfully invrted. Interment family plot, Lone Fir cemetery, SOMMARSTROM In this city at his late rosMpnrs 471 T vlnr street. March 28, Captain Johannes M.. Sommarstrom. aged 45 years, nusoana or airs. iuaa oommu-r- Strom, brother of Axel. Edward, Felix and fiugo commwriruiu u. " . V, . w... ana Agoa aommarsirom oi , - - v- " ; ,s. rrt,, Jn. 2. at 3 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery, GALVIN At residence. 893 B. Bumside St., June lOllzabetn tiaivm. agea years. nilhr nf Mm Marr&nt LhSDIIItn Ot Run Diem f'nl and Mrs. Blof Johnson of this city and grandmother of Mrs. L. O. "Vivi-lit, B COX. asoptlo chiropodist, of Potter. Funeral will be held from Mc- !'c 4?J Rale gh bldg., Bth and Washing Kntee ft Bilers' parlors, 18th and Ev- Hours U A. M. to ti P. aL. Sundays erett sts.. Saturday, June 28, at 8:30 A. M , thence to All Saints cnurcn, si. m ana unnan sis., ar w a. m. wnwr. iwiuwm mais will be offered. Friends Invited. luiviiucu .juiid . i, cuiobc. ZANGARO In this city, June 23, 191H, at m. interns doiphi, lwhuuivu J today (Friday) at 9 A. M. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking company, cor ner Third and Clay streets, thence to St Michael's church. Fourth and Mill streets, where services will be said at 9:30 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Cal vary cemetery. CHEN'ERT In this city, at his late res! nC?:H".e.H.dt-MJavn..rJ3-hu:brnd0iof Ph'A...r, ... .( Mr. h.i. v, rushing and brother of Mrs. Charles E. cushlng or Seattle, wain. TprldaWt MnntaTJ-? ;n:!taf?eS services will be held todav 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's. V'".1?;," .h'.""" ' XT A D Did fetsaa TiletstHl assnrlrxiss nf iha lata I a.avT.Aian a .. . " " " ' i Eugene Harris or Seattle, v.asn., xormeriy i of Ritsvllle. Wash,, will be held Friday morning, June 27. at 10:30 A. M. from Viniev'a tindertaklnr carlo ra Montgomery at ftrh rtt. Interment at Mount Scott 1 Park cemetery. I TOP3VS The funeral services of the late J- rank F. Toevs will be held Irom the conservatory chapel of the F. 8. Dunning;, Inc. 414 Bast Alder st., today (Friday) at 1:30 P. M. under the auoplces of Orient lodge, I. o. u. ir. jmenos invitea. in terment ln ML Scott Park cemetery. STAUCH At the rsldencs, 58 Delay st. Ho tel Tivoli, June 2s, Krnest btaucn, agea M vears: beloved husband of Edith Stauch. Funeral services will be held tomorrow 8aturdav). June 28. at 3 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Riverview cemetery. JOHNSTON Th funeral services of the late Margaret Ann Johnston will be held today (Friday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the Portland crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee streets. Friends invited. J. P. Finley & Son. directors. HARRIS The funeral services of the late 1 Eu Irene Harris will oe held this (Friday) morning at 10:30 o'clock at Flnley's, Mont-I gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Inter. I ment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. FUNERAL UIBECTOB8v HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directora Established 187T. Third and Salmon Streets. Main EOT. A 1511. Ladr Aaslstant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Services for Lees. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. st. beu 20th and 21st. West Side. Mala 2t91. Lady Assistant. A liii. WILSON ROSS. Residential Funeral Home. East 7th and Multnoftah Sts, 18V1NGTON DISTRICT. USf ASSISTANT. East 64. E. S185. J. P. FINLEY & SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DlRBCTOKi Main 9. Montgomery at otn. a iq. McKNTER A ELLER& Funeral parlors, with all the prlvacr m borne. 16U and Everett sts. Pbone Broad- way 2133; Home. A 2183. F. & DUNNING. INC at. R Alder. Phone East 62. Pertect service, personal direction, free U8e 0i liora am. .uim. .jwimioMW ... v-.-ivn a McNTfi. xuneral directors. u, .. . )hn.. hm.A.a4 ISroauway j . P.L. LERCH East 11th and Clay 3 la East 7BL tt 1S(U. ERICSON and Morrlaon Sta, Broadway 2Mi A n KZN'WORTHS CO- 6802-04 2d u. Lenta. Tabor 5207. BREEZE & SNOOK Ta8fTKSfc A. R. 2ELLER CO. 692 Williams Ave. East ion. C loss. SKSWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Id and Clay. M. A 221. Laay sssunajt. FLORISTS. T.ITBLINBR. FLORIST. R9K UorrluD 1 Portland hotel. Mar. T53. S4S Morrison. beC Bdy. and Park. Mar. 261. MARTIN A FORBES CO., florists. 864 Waanincton. joain -ot,. a a.v. r"J"'i lor all occaalona artUealiy arranged. n.inlCE BROS., florista. 287 Morrison Main or a aouo. ruie no.w. vim designa. Jo orancn stores. ciznpr.K'S FLORAL SHOP. 24S Alder. Flow ers and designs very reaaonaoi.. aaar. o.. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO 4U and Yamhill, f uneral qeaignora, ipwest ptuivm. HAX M. SMITH. Uain 7215, A. Z121. Sailing bldg.. otn ana aioer mim. TONSETH FLORAL, CO.. 287 Waahtnffton u. ou tn ana otn. rin viv. . siw. MONTMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ZM 4th St. Op P. City HalU Neu Bros. TT THIRD AT MADISON STREET NEW TODAT. MnvTireire Tnono frt w'"" s-aa O vrl Edward E. Goudey Co. A, JyJ n bl rank Ri n nixn aW O. B. BANK. BCUaUSU MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSUTESS AND REIIDEHCB PKOrEBTT, ROBER'ilso.M as iSWINO. nnnu unncr three: lots soxioo i-njum nuuoL each at seaside, OREGON. CHEAP. CaU At J 01 Gsriinaer BuUdinit. directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, . i . , . , . nrr?i or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or 1 A Mouse 29, I ACCOKDIOX PLEATING. MKMST1ICHXSG. WJ rLEAT skirts, any stylo, SI: hemstitch i "? ic per yard; buttons covered, feaslern novelty Mfg. Co.. So 5th St. Hawy. 2uutf. AGATE CCTTKBS AN1 MFG. JtBtLEKS. 1 JEWELRY and watch repairing. Miller's. oil . ooo wash, at. Majestic theater blag. i ...... MiAX.. GKOtM) IttU, mi I WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. HiXl. AS8AVERS ASB ANALYSTS. M2NT,-A-N"A ASSAT OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum 'bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice in all courts. 8Q2 Northwestern Bank bids. CANCER TREATEB. L- M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. CAKfKT n; I FOR Rkvt-Fr -r r t , -Ta7T -i u n fa ERythpSIywk n?f tv I nVk 7( VVS CAKPET WEAVING. Rlffi? The kind that wear tae best are " made from your wnmnut carDets by - rttktnweat Kug Co. tlormer aaaress, lod Union ave.) Ra& ruKs wovtn all sizes. carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited, lb a J5. bti. PHOeNk. FLUFF BUGS FROM OLD CARPETS rag uugm. all sizes Mall orders prompt. - , oena lor booklet. XA3 rags steam or dry cleaned. $1-50. . . FLUFy RUG CO. -op Union ave. N. East 6314 B 14T5. CELLULOID BUTTONS. .THE IRWIN-HODSON" COMPACT. 7 Washingtog. Broadway A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300,000 KNOW McMahon. 100 chiropractor. . ... 6. pronouncing treatment easiest. Pest permanent. 31 ueats" $15. Tel. I DR. w. L. HOLLO WAY. Chiropractor and , ui ugieas metnoda lOo-tui lleuum I aiain 4133. Kcs.. Woodiawn 617-. I CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle De Veny. the only scientific chironodists and arch soe- ciaiists in the city, parlors Mi Gerlinger Sr ,?v,.w- or- 2d and Aid.r. Phoue Main 1301. I ..i,ii..i..,-. I .TTt : 1 ov appointment. i irt. liAKTNER, specialist, foot arches ihh.u. io oraer, . corns and bunions cured. 1 aiu Swetland t-log. 0th and Washington. .... .. 1 Graduate lady chiropodist. 610 Bush-Lane I - "'" cor, jaroao way-Alder. Open sundaya CIKCt LAR LETTERS. LETTER taTTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal - ssutiu oi;j, muitigrapning, mim eographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. WANTED Collections. Postoffice box 233, or iaoor KK CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 170(1. o cnargea J.stao. lauo. I DANCING. THERINB M. ROWN guarantees to teach fl1 dan,ces 12 private iebons. 12 lessons. l5! hours 10 A. M. to 10 & !? " bldg.. bet.. 4th and 5th I vn naunineion St.. Alain " . ALiNKV niincino' lalAn,i. i i . - . " fL. v 1 J,U1 ' 1? F.V day. 1 yenm. Class social dances held in M. W. A. hall, 11th and Burnside sts.. Saturday evenings. libRKBLEY Darrint Arnriomv . 1 9Q a.h 3d floor. Main 3318. Mrs. bummers. Lessons by apt.; personal attention. Dances Fri. MRS. BATH' 3 DANCING academy. 8d floor uu l"ub. rnvaie lessons, aay ana eve. Social dance Friday eve. Main 1345. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d at. Ball- ' "-i" eiage oancing; class Tues., Fri. eve.; children specialty. Main 2100. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ' HOSPITAL Dr. G. H. Huthman. veterlna- rian. 314 East 7th at. East 1S47, B iy2. FUEL. C0RDW000 Multnomah Fuel Co. Main KSo a 911s P(1B , F.ii2 5 00 cords of mill wood. 5 cord, iZ' , CaIJ f'Ma.p- w- l-oler. Good service by discharged soldier. WHOLESALERS AND ACIO TOPS. DUBRPIL.1.E TOP CO.. Bth and Oak sts. DBT GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO.;???.? GRAIN MKKCHANT8. PACIFIC GRAIN CO Board of Trade bldg. HATS AXD CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO, 58-55 Front st. BIDES, WOOL. CAKCARA BAKK. KAHN BROS., 195 Front street. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. W. P. FULLER OO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. NATURAL PARK One of the most beautiful, exclusive, natural parks, improved as a summer home, containing 40 acres, 30 minutes' drive from center of Portland. This .1... 1 iA O n C TXT tmm K , I OsWegO On the WllSonVllle TOad and TnalaKn rivpr whirh affords fishing, swimming, also fine crawfish ing and boating. The natural trees, shrubs and lawn make a beautiful setting for the log bungalow, inclosed with a massive rustic fence. Why go miles for a summer home when it can be had so close to the city? For fur ther particulars see E. B. HOLMES, 272 Stark St, Railway Exchange Bldg. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rngra and Woolen Clothing. We Make ReTeraible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS ThpT Wear l,ike Iron Mail OTdera. Send for Booklet Rag; RngTS Woven. Ail sues Carpet Gleaning 9x12 It 11 IT. Steamed Clenned. 91.GO WSTEB.i FLUFF Hl'G CO. 64 Jnion Ave. N. Kast SS1S, B 1475 Garages Call for Illustrated Price List. 354 Ankesy St. Phone Broadway 140. Sam Conneli Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS In proved elty and farm property. Installment repayment privtiese it referred i prompt reliable service. I A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Bnildina alarsaau 4114. A ma rl lirr nilOO ft n.urr nuua From old carpets. Carpet cleaning and refitting-. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Mail orders solicited. NORTHWEST FLUFF BUG CO- EASf3580 Former address 163 union Ave. E. stk B I28Q JOHN B. COFFEY, MORTGAGS LOANS. - c.,rptv pnnr inSUTanCe, O U T C I y j- rOTJUS CMS WILCOX BUM, .Main 10. A XV HARDWOOD FLOORING GET estimate for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W. Park st. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAaS. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Pittock block. Broadway 1099. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. PACIFIC Landscape Gardener. All kinds of landscape work, jfnone Taoor tw. Ml SIC. KMIL THIELHORN. violin, viola teacher; pupir Sbvcik. 2U7 Filed rie r bldg. Bdy. 1&3, OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANI4. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tbi basis of capable service. Tnou- aanda of sat is tied customers. trial will convince. Charles W. Goodman optometrist. 2Qtf AlorrtBon. Slain 2124- BACK from th. war service. Now at your service, ior the scienuiic examination of your eyes and fitting of eyeglaattes at moderate prices. Dr. George Rubensteln, expert optician. 22H Morriboa su bo t ween 1st ana 2a sts. Main PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience, U. S. ana loreign patents, qui XJeaum Diag. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg.. Main 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg, RhainutABm. stomach. boweL lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, Iemaie aisoroers. akin aixecuona, lugn. dukki plea sure. DR. R. E. WATERS, 806 Swetland Bldg. increased eixiciency ar ugiess treat 'Oment, goitre, paralysis, headache, ap- pendicitis. liver, Kiqney. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. btark-uavin io aua intra, main PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. S. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing ana linotyping. uu ront su. corner Stark. Main or Auiia. F. W. BALTES1& COMPANY, 1st and Oak sts. Main lt5, A 1165 SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO ZZX rTom BLreeu We buv and sell everything in the ha -4 ware and lurniture line. Phone Maia HU70. A 7174. SHOW CARDS AND SLIDES. Washington Slide Co., 351 Washington. Mezzaiili noor. iuajeeuc oiag. wur. a. TRsNSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The service with a Reputation. MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE-BAGGAGU lath and Kearney, wrancn nn rsroaaway. PHONE BUWY. &m WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO intral Tranater and forwarding Agents. TRACKAGE, STORAGE AN4 TRANSFER 1 "4-126 N. 5TH ST. BROADWAY 454. nwirHM TRANSFER CO.. 474 GLISAN ST., corner OI latn. ieiepnono croou wjty i.o or 1160. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracaa Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINS. MimsnN-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OF- ICO, 1 JUaUlfcOU B iucii.ii.uuii and lOrWaruiUg BOUU. x-uu..v maiu aw. Pirk'ING. MOVING. STORING. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 Park eL Main 61U5. A 105L CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. TRACKAGE, STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-454 Glisan st HAULING of all kinds; wood hauling, car- Joaa iou WATCH REPAIRING. .,-iit rri r f.n Dald. old watches and Jew elry Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 44tf wash, st. WOODS AW 8. WOODSAW WOODSAW Phone Woodiawn 810L MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. FIFE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-8B Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, &4-8tt Front street. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co... 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d street. NEW TODAT. At Standard Factory No. 2 Grand Ave. and East Taylor Sta. POWER MACHINE OPERATORS to learn on Shirts and Overalls Mackinaws and Overcoats 10.00 per week while learning. Forty-four-honr week. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY Experienced operators are earning from $15 to $20 weekly PORTABLE $37-$48.50-$58.00andUp Modern Construction Company 315 E. 11th St. East 5114 aw MORTGAGE LOANS On ImproTed Farm nnd City Property. Favorable Repayment Privileges. So Commission or Delay. ME OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 60A-51A Plat Bid. Mala 5371. REAL ESTATE. FOR A LIMITED TIME aU real estate owned by the estate of Ed son M. Row tey will be offered for sale at a material reduction of price. This includes city ad ditiors as a whole or single lots in same, . residences, acreage, farm properties and water frontage. Reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Mabel A. Rowley, 10 E. 10th at., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 5 acres improved, 2 bouses, S barn a 2 blocks from Metzger station. Price $4500, make terms. Tel. Main 4480. For Sale Lota $20 CASH, $7 MONTHLY; $350. 100x200; gas, electricity, water. C. MAR8TER5. 201 WILCOX BLDG. FINE lot, 50x100, in Rossmere, on the Beaumont carun, J ice resiaence dis trict. BO 177. Oregonian. ALAMEDA LOT, street paid, $800. JOHN- SON-OUUSU uv., o in. w . rtAfsjy oiqg. LOT 50x100 on East Oak street, west of yw-flft a fa- 1 at r u werungar ouuE REAL ESTATE, For Sale Lota FOR BALE 2 lots 50x100 each. 18-ft alley. Pettlcord Hurlburt addition, lots 1 and 2, block 2; 2 blocks from Jefferson high school; street Improvements iih0 each; business lots 23x2(3. block oO. Bayocaan, Tillamook, Or.. $700. Address J. J. Byrnes, 52T Franklin St.. San Francisco. Cal. : - $300 LOTS M100 800. City water, gradd streeta cement walks In and paid; Alberta car; no restrictions, close to school: easy trma F. B. HOL BROOK CO 214 LUB1R JEXCHANlilC BLDG. ' For Sale Beach Property. GUT A BEACH HOME now at Seaside, Or., ln beautiful "Cartwright Pars," at re duced prices; $26 to $700; easy Install ments, 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000-foot pier, 'will make "Cartwright Park" on of the moat attractive sppta on Pacific coast. Whaune really Co 414 Pittok block. SaVLTAIR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lot. SOxlOu, at baltAir sta tion, TilUmook Bemch ; near depot end hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces Pacific ocean; suit able for business or residence; value $5M; will consider trade for auto, property or merchandise. Address BP i07. Oreconlan. FOR SALE Sunset Beach lots cheap, own er Uvea In Idaho; Inside lots $-60. corners $75; will take liberty bonds at lull value. Buy a lot. take your tent and spend your vacation at tbe beach. AC tU&, Ore Ionian. ON ridge, overlooking ocean, two modern houses on oOxluO lot. Sell or exchanse. Wain 6404. BATOCEAN real estate agent. H. U King; at Hotel Carlton, short time. Flat and Apartment Property. 23 BOOMS, furnished complete for light housekeeping; located in heart of city; clears $160 per month. Price $'iW0. No agents. 193 W. Park it. corner Taylor. $9000 VERT attractive west side income property, l(tn between iovejoy ana sasir shalL For terms, phone owner. East 38v9. For Sale Business Property. WHOLESALE buiincsa, factory or industrial site; quarter block, close In. east side, trackage: sacrifice and easy terms Xor quick sale. Owner, R 814. Oregonian. 10-ROOM rooming house for sale on account or sickness; must ceti cneap; income rent 125; good furniture. CaU at 240 Montgomery. For Sale Haea. JOB 6NAP INVESTMENT $4ft0. E. TJavis. near 5Mh ; own your own home, lot with building that can be re modeled into bungalow, water, eewer, toi let, gas in ; lumber on lot worth price asked; why pay rent; work evening and own your own home; for quick action $000. terms. Owner J. C Barnes. Tabor edit, call at 1314 Sandy blvd. . DELIGHTFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Complete ln every detail. This modern home of 9 rooms meets tbe most exact ing taste. Built by the present owner, no detail was overlooked that would add to the charm and comfort of a real home, from the artistic ballroom to a hot-watr heating system ; two large fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, extra larxe sleeping porch. Priced low at $SMK), terms 1" desired. MaclNXES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade bldg. Main 83, $3000 EAST MT. TABOR. ' To one wanting a first-class home 2S minutes out on M t. Tabor car wit h a Kiuxioo lot, we offer this beautiful 6-room bungalow, aieeping porch, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, oak floors, fireplace, ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays. 24 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, fine place for chickens and cow; 2 blocks Mt. Tabor car. Terms. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK "SPECIAL." NEW NEW NEW. JCST COMPLETING $5500. Beautiful borne below hill, extra large living room, old ivory, trimmed mahog any, large plate-glass windows, a beveled plate-glass buffet that ii a dream, break fast room, eastern oak floors, solid brass hardware. Phone owner. Tabor 100. Ro"i?E CITT -BARGAIN 43400. Tou know how scarce those nifty up-to-date bungalow ln R C. P. are. Here's one up to the minute, large living and dining rooms, built-in buffet, beautiful wood work, oak floors, fireplace, fire beth, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, large range and gas plate included in prire, -tsoxioo lot with garden and berries. 3 blocks R,. C. car; $1000 cash. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $23( $2fl.V. HAWTHORNE CIsORW IN, A REAL ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. Five large, light rooms, well decorated, built-ins, elegant plumbing, cement base ment, gas and electricity, paving and sewer paid; bet. ML Tabor and Haw. cars. Lo4k and you'll buy. Terms. G. C GOLDENBBRO, Ablngton Bldg.' "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. ROPE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $3500. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, etc; exceptionally large living room; you'll appreciate the downright value in this home; very liberal terms. . A. G. TEEPE CO., 24 Stark St., nr. 8d. Main 3002. Main Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor Wett. KING'S HEIGHTS. 7 ROOMS $7600. Splendid home on King's Heights with wonderful view of city, mountains and river; modern to the last detail; steam heating plant. Located 128 MacLeay blvd. A. G. TEEPK OX. Let us show you. 24 Stark st.. nr. 3d. Main 3092. Main 8519, HAWTHORNE NEW BUNGALOW. You would not believe it, but I can setl you a new bungalow with all assessments paid, for $4000. Yes, with the large din ing and drawing room in front, witb long plats glass windows. Will take, nearly new auto as part payment. 403 E. 60th st., rear Lincoln st. Owner and builder, Weller, Tabor 8743. FIVE-ROOM HOUSH. Just south of car shops, Milwaulds ave, $3200 $500 CASH. Balance $30 monthly, including 6 Pr cent. Good house, full basement, fins view lot; paving, city liens all paid. GEORGE E. ENGLISH ART, Main T2&6. 64 Henry Bldg-. ENGLISH HOME. Irvlngton, swell 8 rooms, hall, living, library, dining, all oak finished, 4 bed rooms ln white, enclosed sleeping porch, tile baths, billiard and servants' quarters, garage, beautiful grounds, corner. lOOx 100; cost $16,000, sell for 65e on $1; have to vacate. East 1347. ROCS CITY PARK. 2-story home, absolutely modem, being painted, on a spleidid large corner lot. cannot be duplicated for $1000 more than asked; price $4850. 1090 Knott st.. comer S-ith, Beaumont car; mornings and svs nlngs. . $2250 BUNGALOW $2250. $250 CASH. $25 PER MONTH. S-room modern, full basement, laundry trays, Woodiawn. Alberta district. A. H. Akerson, Henry bldg.. Mar. 4079, or Main 7248. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3000. 5 rooms, built-in conveniences, 43d St., 1 block from Hawthorne, east front. 50x67. 5vrge fruit trees. - MITCHELL A RIPPEY. 205 Gerlinger Bldg., Second and Alder. $2O00. $1300 DOWN Lot 125x50. S-room aemi-bungaiow, garage, xine 01s l"uon, chicken house, choice roses and flowers, berries and fruit, all in good shape. Take Won Lav a la car to 63d, 2 blks. north to 1669 Oregon si Phone Tabor 732, ATTRACTIVE, modern, 6-room bungalow. all bullt-lns ana conveniences, garage, corner lot. 100x127; improvements paid; on carline; $2100 cash, balance, $1650, on e asy terms. Owner, Sellwood 15 1 5. NEW 4-room bouse, chicken house and barn. bearing zruit trees, all ainas ox oemes; one acre In cultivation, all fenced In. one block from carline. gzauo; soma terms. 91 Richardson street North. MT. TABOR WEST SLOPE. Beautiful home with 3 bedrooms, sleep ing pore h, h ard w ood f 1 00 rs, fireplace, furnace, built-ins, attic, basement, garage, paved St., fruit. $5150. Owner. Tabor ft Mi 4. DO YOU want a home? I have one for sale on your own terms; ouu oown, oti.iu.ui-e iu suit; 7 rooms, on paved street, near car and school; would consider part trade. In quire owner, East 4050. GOOD 6-room house, newly decorated througnout, gooa ju. . location. iarg r round, for sale on terms, or will rent to good tenant at $25. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 43000. 5-room modern, whits enamel Inside, furnace, fireplace, cement basement and laundry trays. Mar. 4079. - FINE 6-room house, lot 50x100, paved street, fruit trees, chicken house, $2800; for sals by -owner. 897 E. 8th st. N. Woodiawn 84l5. FOR SALE by owner. Main 934. that well built modern house, southwast corner ot Skldmore-Haight. near hfgh school. B-ROOM, MODERN LARGE LOT. Close to car, school, etc.; a borne; $1700, terms. Main 5231. IRVINGTO N Charming bungalow-styla horns, choice location; garage. Main 6078. East 94. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. HoIUday add.; walking distance; cheap; by owner Terms. Phone Tabor 492. $100 CASH. $15 MONTHLY $1250. Half acre (nearly), 4 rooms, plastered. C MAR3TE&S, 201 Wilcox iiidg. 1191 f f