Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Read "In Secret" When You Want to Be Thrilled by Desperate Adventure and Lovely Romance $1.50, Book Store, Main Floor
Portland Agency for Gossard, Nemo and Bien Jolie Corsets Richardson's Quality Linens Carter's Knit Underwear Coolmor Porch Shades Szveeper-Vac Electric Cleaners Detroit Stoves
Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Rest Rooms, Public Telephones, Writing Rooms, Second Floor Shoe Shining Parlors in Basement Grocery and Bakery, 4th Floor
All Charge
made Friday and the remainder
of this month, will go on July
accounts, payable August 1.
keep a record of the scenes
and incidents of your vacation
trip with a kodak. All sizes
and styles on Fourth Floon
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods '
Tub Waists
Second Floor Lately received
and very charming are these new
Tub Waists. Some are of plain
voile, others of fancy voile in a
variety of pretty striped effects.
Also Waists of lawn and batiste
with organdie collars and cuffs.
Tailored and novelty CM 1Q
styles. Priced special tyA --
.White Shoe
Warm days are ahead and you
will want to be ready with cool,
comfortable footwear. Our Great
3-Day Sale of White Shoes and
Oxfords offers great savings on
best of warm weather footwear.
Sale Extraordinary !
Women's Dresses
Special $19.98
Second Floor A feature offering in the Garment Store for Friday.
This group of Dresses embraces all the season's best selling styles
lines that have been depleted to only a few of a kind. Smart models
made op in serge and wool jersey embroidered, tucked and braided
effects also Dresses of Georgette crepe and taffeta com- Q1 Q QQ
bined. Splendid range of desirable colors. On" sale Friday 3X770
Bathing Suits
$2.49 to $15.00
Second Floor We have a large and comprehensive
showing of Women's and Children's Bathing Suits,
from the inexpensive cotton ones at $2.49, up to
the better garments of fine wool at $8.50 to $15.
Many new styles are shown, including the smart
belted effects, and the colorings are more attractive
and varied than ever before. Full lines, Shoes,
Bathing Caps, Bags, Wings. Dept, Second Floor.
Headquarters for Outing Apparel
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Khaki
apparel Suits, Coats, Breeches, Skirts,
Leggings, Caps, Hats, Middies, etc., etc
Khaki Outing Suits $6.95 to $25.00
Khaki Outing Coats $5.00 to $15.00
Khaki Outing Skirts at $3.05 to $4.50
Khaki Outing Breeches $2.50 to $4.50
Khaki Middy Blouses $2.25 to $3.50
Khaki Outing Hats at $1.25 to $2.25
Khaki Leggings priced $1.50 to $2.25
Khaki Outing Caps priced at only 750
We also show an excellent stock of the
famous Duxbak an4 Kamp-It Outing
Clothing. Department on Second Floor.
. Sale of
Girls' Wash
Second Floor Friday and Saturday
we shall feature a great disposal of
200 Children's Wash Frocks at
splendid savings. Delightful new
styles made up in pretty ginghams
in newest colorings. Ages 6 to 14.
Sale prices $1.79 up to $7.98
Girls' Sweaters
At $5.98
Second Floor Good warm Sweat
ers for beach, outing and sport
wear. Shown in belted style with
pockets.' Excellent range Oft QQ
desirable colors; special -Dtl.0
Girls' Middies
At $1.79
Second Floor Girls' Plain White
Middy Blouses of good quality ma
terial. Laced front styles. J1 rJQ
While they last at only 3J- 4 U
Girls' Skirts $1.98
Second Floor Plain White Cotton
Skirts in plaited style fastened to
waist. Priced special for fi- QQ
Friday's selling, at only D-L.t70
All$10to$35 Millinery
Friday and Saturday you may take your choice of any Trimmed or Un-
trimmed Hat on display in our Millinery Salons, selling heretofore at $10.00
to $35.00, and pay just half. Beautiful Georgette Hats, White Leghorns,
Milans. Combinations of Crepe and Milan, Black Lisere and Novelty Braids.
Large or small styles. Take advantage of this opportunity AND SAVE!
$10.00 Hats on sale, only $ 5.00
$12.00 Hats on sale, only $ 6.00
$15.00 Hats on sale, only $ 7.50
$17.50 Hats on sale, only $ 8.75
$20.00 Hats on sale, only $10.00
$25.00 Hats on sale, only $12.50
$27.50 Hats on sale, only $13.75
$30.00 Hats on sale, only $15.00
$35.00 Hats on sale, only $17.50
-Shop during the morning hours!
White Basket Weave Sport Hats $3.50
Nestle Hair
By means of the
Improved Nestle, -
Process you may
have hair which can
not be distinguished
from naturally wavy.
It will withstand fre
nnATit. eham nooinff.
sea bathing or foggy atmosphere
without diminishing in' beauty. Our
experts know how to do this work
the way it should be done.
Beauty Parlors
Second Floor
Maurine Toilet
Beauty Lotion 50 and $1.00
Satin Cream 25t, 50e, $1.00
Maurine Skin Food 50t, $1.00
Rosebud Rouge at 250 and 50t
Maurine Depilatory priced 500
5c paid for all empty Maurine
Jars. Drug Dept., First Floor.
Third Floor
large assortment of new patterns
and. colors. Regulation f tyle
prices range from $2.50 to $10
Porch Swings $10 up to $35
Hickory Swings $13 up to $17
Center Circle Friday
Imported Pongee Silks
Special 89c Yard
1000 yards of these good Silks go out on the Center Circle Friday
at a price that should clean up the entire lot before the day is half
over. Fresh new shipment just received. Genuine Imported Pongee
of splendid weight and quality for women's dresses, skirts, jackets,
men's shirts, pajamas and other wearables. Full 33 inches QQ
wide. Make it a point to see these. On safe Friday; the yard OJC
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Choice Hams
45c Pound
This is the fa
nious Columbia
brand. Cured just
right. Medium sizes
ranging from 10
to 12 pounds. On
sale Friday, A7f
special, a lb. itJ-'
Martin's N. Y. Cheese
a new shipment just in. Deli
catessen Dept on Fourth Floor.
Smoking Stand
Special $5
The MAN of
would surely
appreciate one
of these hand
some Stands.
They are made
of real mahog
any, beautiful
ly finished and
removable ash
tray; 27 inches
high. As we
have only a
limited number
of these stands
those who shop
early will have
the advantage.
Special showing of Desk Sets,
Calendars and many other ar
ticles suitable for a man's gift.
Jewel Stoves and Ranges
Illustration above shows the famous Detroit Jewel "SPECIAL" Gas
Range. Over 60,000 of them have been purchased by housewives
within the, last two years. The patented two-burner oven construc
tion makes it the finest baking gas range money can buy. On display,
Sold Easy Payment Plan
Men's $1.50 Belmont Shirts at $1
Men's $2.00
Night Shirts
Main Floor Made up of good firm
quality muslin cut in full gener
ous sizes and nicely finished. You
will recognize these as standard
?2 Night Shirts. Nearly C"l rO
all sizes. Priced special DJ-tlO
$2.50 Pajamas
At $1.59
Main Floor Stripes, figures and
plain colors. Excellent quality ma
terial. Sizes 15 to 18. (PI PQ
Men's $2.50 Pajamas for tD J-eJI
Bathing Suits $1.50 to $7.50
All Sizes, 14 to 18
Main Floor Men who have worn Belmont Shirts'know
all about their good fitting qualities. They also know
Belmont Shirts are made of dependable materials and
that for all-around service they will
hold their own with the best $1.50
shirt in town. Great assortment of
neat patterns to select (PI flfl
from. On sale Friday at DJ-.VU
25c Wash Ties
3 for 50c
Main Floor Men's Wash Ties in as
sorted striped patterns. Neckwear
usually selling at 25c, priced Kftp
special for Friday, at 3 for
Men's Union Suits at $1.39
Grade Usually Selling at $1.75
Main Floor Cool, comfortable, light weight Union Suits of ecru and
regular yn
white cotton. Short sleeve and ankle length style.
$1.75 grade. Priced very special for Friday's selling, at only
Sale of -Butter
At $1.25
Third Floor Glass Butter Dishes
with silver-plated top, as illustrated
below. On sale Friday at $1.25
Basement Sale
Sport Sailors.
At $3.50
Basement Large Sailors and medium rolling
brims, also small Sailors and small drooping
brims. Most of these are trimmed with bands
of grosgrain ribbons. Good quality braids in
black, white and colors. Worth up CJO FA
to $5.48. On sale Friday at only DO0J
Striped Outing Hats
Special at 50c
Junior Suits
$8.50 to $15
For little fellows 4 to 10 years of
age. We have the much -wanted
straight pant styles, also Sailor
Middy Suits with long or 6hort
pants. Ask to see these new arrivals.
Boys' Wash Suits
$1.25 to $7.50
Main Floor Middy and Junior
styles for boys 2 to 10 years. Great
assortment to select from in all the
wanted materials; $1.25 to $7.50
Bathing Suits
$2.50 to $5
Main Floor Boys' Bathing Suits
in one-piece or drop-skirt effect.
All wool or wool mixtures. The
sizes range from 24 on up to 36.
SPECIAL Boys' $155 QQ
Khaki Pants, at the pair
I ' " 1 ' ' l
Local Ucr-nse Keeords Fail to Show
That Shipyard Worker's Affec
tions Were Transferred.
-We would appreciate it very much
If you would discontinue sending-, such
mushy letten to my husband. If you
could see how he makes fun of them
you would send no more. Try to get
your money ack that you paid for
your marriage llcgnae. as it won't do
you any good."
Thie la the letter Mrs. Mary E. Do
herty. divorced, declares ehe received
from Mrs. Bessie Stevens of Portland,
whom she had known In Wichita, Kan.,
referring; to correspondence with Wal
ter C Marchael. who came to Portland
from Wichita to work ia the shipyards
nd prepare a home for Mrs. Doherty,
whom he was pledged to marry, according-
to a letter received by County
Clerk Beverldne yesterday from Mrs.
Doherty, who is still in Kansas.
Mrs. Doherty desired to know If her
nueband and Mrs. Stevens had secured
marriage license In Portland and
really were married, as the letter from
Mrs. Stevens would have indicated. Mr.
Beveridge searched the records for two
years back and could find no trace of
such a license being: Issued.
According; to the Kansas woman she
had a license to marry Marchael, but
he decided to come to Portland and
make a home for her before making; her
his wife, she declared. He Is supposed
to hare come to thia city more than six
r""" E"i and ah Jiaa written, him In
care general delivery almost every day,
she says.
Police authorities are said to be look
ing; into the matter.
Record Crowd Turns Out to 'Wel
come Returning 14 6th Artillery.
WALLA. WALLA. Wash.. June 26.
The biggest crowd ever seen in Walla
Walla gathered here today to do honor
to the men of the 146th field artillery
and other service men. The 146th ar
rived about noon and escorted by the
boy scouts. Spanish War Veterans and
G. A. R.. the service men of all
branches to the number of nearly 800
marched for a mile through etreeui
thronged with people who wildly dem
onstrated their enthusiasm.
Address of welcome was given by
Rev. CX H. Holmes, Walla Walla's
fighting parson, and replied to "by Col
onel Paul T. Weyrauch, commander of
the 146th.
Senator Jndd of Chehalls, Purchases
Fine Business Block.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) The old Chehalis public school
black in the heart of the city's busi
ness center, which has been unoccupied
for several years, is to be the site of a
fine new building. A: garage will be
erected by Senator" A. E. Judd. who
recently purchased the tract. The
building will be modern in every way.
The new building will be occupied by
J. p. Kortz. manager of the southwest
Washington Auto company.
Drink a cup of Nurare. tea every day,
Oosset Jt Devera, Portland Adv,
Day's Programme to Open With In
dustrial Parade and End With
Dancing- Near Park.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) A day of activity awaits Van
couver at the Fourth of July celebra
tion. Committees have arranged a list
of amusements which promises to keep
the time of the visitor fully occupied.
The day's events will start with an
industrial and civic parade headed by
Colonel F. J. Koester. commanding of
ficer at the barracks. Immediately fol
lowing the parade patriotic exercises
will be held In the park, at which Mayor
Q. R, Fercival will preside. Music will
be furnished by the Prunarian band.
Reading of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, singing and an address by
Thomas G. Ryan of Portland are listed.
From 12 o'clock to 1:30 a band concert
will be given in the park by the
Prunarian band.
Beginning at 1:30 a programme of
sports will be held, consisting of a
loo-yard dash, 60-yard dash, roller
skating race, three-legged race, bicycle
race, broad Jump, potato race and fat
man's race. First and second prizes
will be given In each event. At 2:30,
at the Clarke county fair grounds, au
tomobile and motorcycle races will be
held under the auspices of the Liberty
Auto company
At 2:30 at the city park a contest for
the northwest riveting championship
will be held. During the afternoon the
crowds will be entertained by the
Portland, Bagpipe band. At SUQ there
will be a log-rolling contest below the
city dock. The day's .festivities will
close with dancing at 8 o'clock on
Kighth street, north of the park.
Seattle to Name Legion Post After
Lieutenant Elmer Noble.
CENTRAL! A, Wash.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) Lieutenant Elmer Noble, a
graduate of the Centralia high school
and University of Washington athlete,
who was killed in action in the Ar
gonne forest in September, 1918, will
be honored. The Seattle post of the
American Legion will be named after
him, according to word received by
William Scales, chairman of the Cen
tralia branch of the legion, from the
secretary of the Seattle organization.
The letter apologized to the Centralia
veterans for having adopted the name
of a Centralia comrade, but stated that
Seattle aleo claimed the dead hero,
owing to his prominence in university
activities before he entered the army.
Alleged Murderer Taken.
GRASS VALLEY. Cal.. June 26. An
nouncement that a man giving the
name of Thomas Grotton, under ar
real on a migdemeanor charge, is Dan
Merrigan, wanted In Butte, Mont, In
connection with a murder there, was
made by Sheriff John R. Martin here
today. A Butte officer was said to be
on the way here.
Health Crusade Popular.
CHEHALIS, Wash., June 26. (Spe
cial.) Approximately 1064 new mem
ben have been added to the Lewis
county branch of the Anti-Tuberculo-
eis league as the result of the recent
The funds obtained will be used to
continue the work of the health cru
sade already started in the public
schools. Children in the schools have
taken great Interest thus far in the
health crueade.
Read The Orfronian classified ads.
For years this store has faithfully eupplied
its patrons with the best in Boys' Clothing
at a moderate price.
We are showing now the newest belted and
waist-seam models in every available fabric
that assures hard wear combined with good
appearance. Sizes range from 2V4 to 18 years.
$1150, $15, $1650 to $25
Shoes, for Strenuous Boys
Alden'e, Excelsior, "Boy Scouts," Dugan &
Hudson's, Acrobats in fact, all that's good
in Children's Footwear is here. Careful fit
ting and, moderate prices prevail.
Outfitters yC"- Childrgry
. 14? Sixth
A liter aid
Heal Skin Diseases
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes
and similar skin troubles. Zemo, ob
tained at any drug store for 35c, or
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
is easily applied and costs little. Get
it today and save all further distress.
The E. W. Rose Ox, Cleveland, O.
Cleanse thoroughly
reduce inflammation
by cold wet compres
ses apply lightly, without