23 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THUItSDAT, JUNE 26, 1919. TO REORGANIZE JULY 1 Uniform System Desired for Fitting Out Vessels. FRED SMITH IS INSPECTOR Iortlan4 Will Be Under Setmle Of fice, With General Supervisor , Stationed at San Francisco. Reorganisation of the working force of the division or construction and re pairs of the division of operation of is necessary to have one of the large steamers there, tbe Nahcotta. which is there in all seasons, not having suffi cient capacity. It was safd yesterday there was no truth In reports that the liner Rose City was to be laid up soon to have a new cylinder head installed. One has been ordered and some time will be required to turn it out, so at an oppor tune period the ship will be out of service for a short time, but that is not expected to be during the vacation-; season. Pacific Commt Shipping- Vvttm. ASTORIA. Or.. June -'. The tug- Sam son, from Portland., sailed at 4 o'clock till mornlna- for Grays Harbor. I He tmrvenr tiert steamer Fort Bntll- tnr arrived from Portland and sailed at 3:30 this moraine for Grays Harbor to load ties and lumber. The emergency fleet steamer Mahanna arrived from Portland at 10:30 this morning- and is awaiting the arrival of her pa pers from the Portland custom bouse, ir Ihey arrive, she will sail early tomorrow morning: for Grays Harbor. ABERDEEN-, Wash.. June I J. (Special.) The steamer Tahoe. reported yesterday on a mud bank la the lower harbor, lies In a position from which it max be diffi cult to extricate her. The Tahoe lies about mile and a half below the Black tank. and Is on a sandspit several feet outside the channel. At low tide she Is high ana dry. An attempt to pull her off at high tide last night failed. Two other tugs will try again today. D.-cdglnr to the main E SEEKS FOB FOE TREACHERY Deputies Ask Inquiry Into Loss of Teuton Fleet. ADMIRAL WILL BE TRIED Board of Experts Will Decide Armistice Provisions Were Vio lated by Scuttling. if the shipping board will take place July I charnel may have to be resorted to to 1. the step being mainly one for per fecting a uniform system as regards vessels and their fitting out. C. 11 Klipgaard of San Francisco, now chief inspector, will have general supervision along the. coast and nextj in point of executive authority will be A. R. Hunt, chief Inspector at fceattie. while Portland will be under the Seat- Let the Tahoe into the wster again The Sarkentine Makaweli, in tow of the rug Peerless, arrived late yesterday from San Francisco and Is at the Endresen shipyard, i where two masts wHl be In r tailed. This work will taks sbout two weeks. Thereafter the Makaweli will pro ceed to the Aberdeen lumber and shingle mllle to load a earn for Callao. Steamer Grays Harbor sailed at a o'clock tie office with Fred Smith, now port '' '"L'i'Si.! l,iub" ' " , I pen y mill. Hoquiamu serving as assistant inspector. Here-1 fleet steamer Fort Snelllng ar- t of ore Robert Brown haa been inspect-1 rived this afternoon, snd will load ties at or at Portland, but he recently tendered the Grays Harbor Lumber company's plant his resignation and It was determined I Hoquiam. to abolish the position. i I TACOMA. Wash., June 15. (Special.) The reorganization onngs ino portion sccount of the large amount of freigh- captain and port steward of the di- out from Tacoma on the Governor, this ves vision of operation under the division sel will not get away from here before of construction and repairs. The some time tomorrow. The vessel is loading change does not alter th4 position of 1r mount ".""."i ' v,'.,! . t. -..,.. . , .K voyage. The Governor is stopping here sbout C. D. Kennedy. Portland agent of the ',,.- k .,,.i sh. arrived Tuesday division of operation, the construction I night- ) and repairs branch being really an off-I when the Eldridge sslls from Tacoma xer shoot of the operating division and I Vladivostok tomorrow she will take an un- he shipping board the parent of both. I usual amount of heavy rreignt out irom The present arrangement la for aere. This Is made up of auto trucks and ; , , , . - I h.avy machinery. Longshoremen have had .vii.i,; u. w.u . I considerable difficulty In handling the cargo. tentative or tne construction aivision. Th. Nome city is scheduled to sail for one of the performance division and I pn Francisco Thursdsy with a full carfco of another of.the conatruction and repairs i lumber, while the Fred Baxter and Daven division to nasa on new shins before I Dort from San Francisco are due. The Daven- their acceptance- from the builders Port Is going to pick up lumber from the A":.17T1',f.r.0rr.1'r.fkM!?U.'hP; 'h.O.en. the 11th ste.mer put out at the ment is then taken care of under the T(d(1 ,nt4,y,.rd.. was successfully Isunched direction of the construction division, ner. th evening. The Osslntng. from this of which Fred B. Pape is in charge in yard, will be turned over to the shipping Portland. I board Thursday and Friday the Quittacas It la said experience at Sari Francis-I undergoes trial runs. P.,. .r,H n Pni sntmri h.s First Officer Brown, of the stesmshlp varied in some respects, both in deal- nr with builders and in the final equipment furnished vessels, so by vir tue of the reorganisation it is hoped to make the system uniform. Governor, bss been sssigned ss skipper to one of the United States shipping board's Urge steel ships, sccording to word Just re ceived here. Brown will tske command of his new charge some time next week In Portland. Brown Is known ss one of the best first officers on sny of the- coast liners, and his promotion comes to him unsolicited. It Is said. He is sn old sesman and knows all the rudiments of the operstion of the bridge. SEATTLE. Willi.. June SS. (Special.) I After a stormy cruise off Goose Island He- I cate strsits. the fishing schooner Mable -A STEW STEAMER MAKES AVERAGE I Captain B. Jacebeon. arrived In Seattle this I morning. The vessel was twelve days on tne PARIS, June 25. (By the Associated Press.) France has decided to require complete reparation from Germany for the sinking of the German warships at Scapa Flow. This announcement was made by the minister of marine to the naval committee of the chamber of deputies yesterday.-' It was declared that the act of the Germans violated both the armistice and the peace treaty. v iscount Gustave Lie Kerguezec, mem ber of the naval committee of the chamber of deputies, told the budget committee of - the chamber Monday that he had warned the French min istry of marine previously that the German fleet interned in Scapa Flow was not being watched with sufficient care. The budget committee decided to ask Premier Clemenceau for further infor mation on the 'Subject of the sinking of the ships, and the- steps the French government proposed to take to have the loss made good.. Some criticism is directed at the British admiralty, the Journal saying: "No article in the armistice forbade the maintenance of British guards aboard the German ships. . It is likely that the whole subject ill come up for discussion In par liament, ' The council of three has referred the question relative to the sinking of the German fleet in Scapa Flow to a com mission of experts, which will deter mine whether the armistice conditions were violated. - COMET SETS NEW RECORD OF l.tS MILES AX HOCR. Captain E. D. Parsons Acts as Trial- Trip Master . and Charles . Anderson as Pilot. Making I mi Ves over a measured course on the Columbia river yester day, that being the average both down and upstream, the 9390-ton steamer 4'oaxet takes first place for speed In that fleet. The ship was ' light, her wheel being four feet out of water, so when loaded a better showing Is looked for. She left the Vancouver steel yard of the G. M. Standifer Construction corporation at $:3S o'clock and at 11:2C o'clock anchored at Rainier to test her alienor gear, getting under way again al 12:04 o'clock. Captain H. K. Lyon, who is to be master of the vessel on the Portland-Oriental run. said she waa just the ahip he dreamed of .having, both as to speed and handling. Captain E. D. Parsons, acted as trial trip master and Captain Charles J. Anderson was pilot. Chief Kngineer tirr m-aa aboard, but Acting Chlf Huntley, of the Standifer force, was in charge. Others were M. P. Gregg of the American bureau of shipping. C. A. Jordon of the division of construction, William Quell of the divlafon of opera tion. J. J. Muir of the division of per formance and representatives of the builders. E. E. Larrimore waa on hand and served a course dinner that was voted one of the successes of the trip. fishing benks snd brought ?,000 pounds of halibut. 1000 pounds of red cod and fiv klng salmon, esrh of which weighed fifty pounds The Mabel A. encountered nine days of heavy southeast squalls during her cruise on the fishing banks. After delivering more than 4O0 passengers snd brf consignments of cargo In Nome snd St. Michael, the Alaska Steamship com pany's liner Victoria. Captain Fred Warner, her way to Seattle. The vessel steamed from the roadstead off Nome at 10 o'clock last Monday morning, and Is ex pected In Seattle July 1. She will sail on her next voyage to Nome and St. Michael at P. M. July 4. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. June ;s. Sailed at noon Steamer Port Sill, for St. Helens. Sailed st S P. M. Steamer West Celeron, for Atlsntic coast. At midnight Steamer Daisy Mat thews, from Prescott. for Ssa Pedro. ASTORIA. June SS. Sailed st 4:30 P. M. Steamer Fort Snelling. for Grays Harbor. Arrived down at 10:20 p. u s aaana, for Grays Harbor. IONDOX, June !5. Admiral von Reu- ter. in command of the German fleet scuttled and sunk in the Scapa Flow, ill be court-martialed for having broken the armistice conditions, says the Daily Mail. The newspaper adds that the details of the trial will be arranged by the allied council In Paris. v The German admiralty denies a ru mor in circulation today in Paris and elsewhere that the Germans had sunk the remainder of their warships in Ger man harbors. pany to end its obligations at the yard and it will then be turned over to the government, part of it already being used for the storage of material and equipment remaining from the ship building programme since 33 vessels were canceled. 1th the delivery of the steamer) Jtangl, yesterday by the G. M. Stand ifer Construction Corporation, there were seven vessels turned over so far this month and It is hoped by the wood ship division of the Emergency Fleet Corporation to make the total for June at least 10 steamers. There were nine delivered in May and during July there will be 10. while 12 are slated for turn ing over in August and three in Sep tember, which will leave seven steam era, seven barges, 12 hulls only and two six-masted schooners for which no de livery dates have been indicated. Up to June, J t there had been 67 complet ed steamers delivered. The original contracts called for 154 steamers of 569,000 deadweight tons and the 38 canceled represented 144,000 tons, so deliveries to date and those to be made represent 425,000 tons. On the ways now are seven vessels of 28,000 tons. t ' FLIER FIGHTS TO DEATH Brave Foe EDITORS' PLAN COMPLETE ' A ATIOAAIi ASSOCIATION IS TO MEET HERE SEXT ACGCST.. Visit Should Result In Tremendous Publicity for City of Portland and the Northwest. Yankee Kills Six of Grave Is Identified. PARIS. .The final chapter can now be added to the story of Lieutenant Frank Luke, Jr., the young Arizonia flier, who after a meteoric career among foremost American aviators, vanished from sight over the German lines in the first days of the Argonne drive. His grave has been found In the cemetery of the village of Murvaux, east of DiMi-sur-Meuse, says the Stars and Stripes. From the stories of the villagers can be tpieced together a narrative which shows that he fought to the last mo ment and, as always, fought alone and fought hard. Lieutenant T.uke Mcnrerl nlM first rtf- ficial victory on September 12, the first day of the St. Mihiel drive. He was killed 17 days later . after bringing down his 18 Boche. The observers said of him that he seemed possessed of a strange notion that he must tie Fonck's record In one season. There was no holding Luke In check.' He picked fights against heavy odds, flew alone when he was under orders not to, flew when he was supposed to be safe in camp, and, toward the end, went to strange fields for gas and am munition lest he be held at his own airdrome. Indeed on that last day there were orders out to sentence him to a month of ground work as soon as he showed up. mat was September 29. Late that afternoon an observer reported that a Spar had dropped a message reading, "look for burning balloons." It was signed "Luke." At 5:05 o'clock two Docne balloons were seen to fall names, beven-nninutes later a third blazed and fell. Luke was not seen again. On October 18. a teles-ram from tho international Ked Cross reported him as 'killed in action." Late In December an American officer, returning from a prison camp in Germany, reported that n Aiurvaux and the countryside round aoout mere was a legend of a youns rican flier who, just before sun n on' tne iourth dav of the Croat battle, wrought great destruction among the German balloons and then mortally wounded, came to earth. It is added that gun in hand, he stood off the enemy until he fell dead in the riein. He was buried, they said, in the vuiage churchyard. "From that legend, as enlarged and corrected by the affidavits of 15 French men. womne and children, the Luke identification has been ; made. They aw nis piane streak across the sky, headed straight for German balloon and chased by a German escadrille mat had picked him up the moment ne crossed me lines. i-ripping. wheeling, dodging. he persuers. He destroyed though the chase N Preliminary Injunction Granted! Benjamin Plug ClusterPatentNo. 759962 J The Benjamin Two-Way Plug (or Benjamin No. 92), an American device, manufactured by an American Company, is being infringed upon bya Japanese device, manufactured by a Japanese company. A preliminary injunction has recently been granted by the United States Dis trict Court for the North ern District' of Califor nia, at San Francisco, in a suit brought by the Benjamin Electric Man ufacturing Company against Samuel Ran for infringement of Benja min Patent No. 759962. Benjaunln 82 A similar injunction Was also recently granted by the United States Dis trict Court for the W esl em District of Washing ton, at Seattle, against R. M. Burton for in fringement of the same patent The plug clus ters marketed by Ran and Burton, and enjoined by the courts, were of Japanese manufacture. The Benjamin Hectric Manufacturing Company is the owner of Benjamin Patent No. 759962 and the Benjamin Company and its licensees (Harvey HubDelL Inc., Bryant Electric Co., Ajax Electric Specialty Co.) are the only ones authorized to make and sell devices embodying the. invention oHhe above patent Infringers of the patent will be vigorously prosecuted. eluded his that balloon, and X.EWISTO.V SERVICE IS HALTED Low Water in Snake River Precludes Further Trips East. Low water on the Snake river and the expectation that it will continue la fall, a condition attributed to the usa of the flow of the river for irriza- Governor, irom Ban rrancisco; neicniaan. i mm n i3svs SAM FRANCISCO. June 2. Arrived mt 9 . M. Stemrr Johan Poulion. from Port land. Sailed at A. M. Steamer Celilo. for Portland. Arrived at noon Steamer Rose City, from Portland. Sailed at noon Steam er F. 8. Isoop. for Portland. June 24. aailed t 3 P. M. Steamer Santa Barbara, for Co lumbla river, and ateamer Ernest H. Meyer, for Portland. COOS BAT. Juna 24. Sailed P. M Steamer City of Topeka. from Portland, for Dan r riaciicg, vi aur cavav. 8A FRANCISCO. June 23. Arrived Steamers Ketfuku Mam (Jap.), from Bal boa: Johan Poulson. from Astoria: Lyman Stewart and Admiral Farras;ut. from S attle: Rosa City, from Portland; Brooklyn and- Elisabeth, from Bandon. Sailed Steamers west Alcoa, for Hono lulu; Saatnaw and May fair, for Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 25. Arrived: Stra. Fred X. Baxter, ArryU. from San Francisco Kaithlma Mam. from Kobe; Barkentlna Mary rWlnkleman. from Mollendo. Sailed: Stra. Cray son. for Liverpool: Curacao, for Kodlak; Tomei Maru, for 8ncapore. TACOMA. Wash., June 25. Arrived: Stra. "vTHI "vTilke,. chairman of the trans portation committee of the National Kdttorial association, has ' comnletH the details for .the 8000-mlle trip of more than 300 persons who will coma to Portland the second week of August, grew hotter and the fire from scores Editor Wilke. when not ensraared in the I of machine (runs and sntiaipoft kq association of American editors, ore- I teries was bv thai- tim r,rn-; . ays Harbor. I sides over the public welfare an chief an almost solid barrier of bullets he learner Ma-( of the Gazette, published at Gray Eagle, destroyed another. In this last dash auiiiu. biiivcu in roruana i uesaay ne was wounded. Darkness was com-morning- and spent the day with E. E. ing on and he was ten kilometers in- Vl wsw.i v-ny r.iucrpriHe. i siue me enemy lines. :i.Bfie.n..: he done v. ..v: ..." r"r "na inat ne meant to do as much ia u. wViV . J , .i. . . V." aamaBe as Possible in the last few ca.u ..... , a.,,;, BIIU .lie l.UL llljtl tion. may brine- about a suspension of the service of the Yellow stack line to lwiston. according to Captain 'A. V. tirshem. manager of the company. He fays if warm weather causes a rise hat will permit navigation the serv ice will be continued, but the outlook now is for only one more trip, and that will be with the steamer espelem which left the East Wa.-hincton street terminal last mcht. If business offers the company will continue to operate to Kennewick until the stage of the Miaka river permits Lewtston being- reached again. The steamer Nespelem was secured to replace the Grahamona. as the latter truck a boulder Tuesday when off Mounted House shoal, in the Snake, and had to be beached. A bulkhead ia be ins; built around the break and he will continue her trip here and undergo repairs. The Grahamona had made her second trip to Lewiston. COOS. BAY RCX PROFITABLE Admlsal Line Develops Good San 'ranclco Trade, Tn the service which the Admiral Jine maintains wiih the steamer City of Topeka. plying from Portland via Coos and Humboldt baya to un Francisco, which was Inaugurated several months ago. u is said a trade haa now been developed which Is greater than ever before on that route, and is more pro ductive for the City of Topeka than anv steady run she haa served. In the past there waa a service be tween Portland and Coos bay with the ateamer Breakwater, operated by the Southern Pacific, and for a time the Northern Pacific Steamship company piled from Portland to Coos and Hum boldt bays, with a limited service as far as San Francisco. The present schedule is rated most Satisfactory and in the way of passenger travel the steamer has carried-capacity lists from this city for some time. HASSALO GOES TO , ASTORIA Sailed: Stesmer Ketchikan, for Alaska via Seattle. Meamer 'Will Aid in North Bcacb ' Simsirr Service. On tha O.-W. R. v. steamer Haa salo being inspected Monday she will be ordered to Astoria to ply between there and Megler jn connection with tbe North Beach, service. Travelers for the beach on the Washington aide pro ceed by railroad to Astoria, as well as by steamer, to transfer, and with the summer season on in earnest it Marine Notes. The outlook as to wster conditions in the Willamette here is for the stream to rise slightly today snd remain nearly stationary tomorrow and Ssturdsy. There was a gain of four-tenths of a foot reported yesterday at Wenatchee and one-tenth at Umatilla, but the stream fell two-tenths st Lewiston snd one-tenth at The Dalles. Official delivery of the steamer Glyndon. by the Albina Engine Ar Machine works, has placed snother 300-tonner on the berth for Honolulu snd a portion of a cargo is as sembled for the vessel en the Fifteenth street terminal. The Merld.n and Doyles town, which are being completed at the Al bina yard, will also go to Honolulu, to be placed under the flag of the Matson Naviga tion company. Carrying a full cargo of lumber for San Pedro the stesmer Palsy Mathews got swsy from Prescott at midnight. The steamer Kort Sill was detained a day moving from the Inman-Poulsen mill to St. Helens, shifting yesterday. She will com plet. ber cargo there for the Atlantic. Tbe steamer Kanaaee, wnicb as working ties, moved yesterday from Prescott to Wsuna to finish. The new ateamer Aimwell. which the Standifer Construction corporation built, leaves the Vancouver yard for ber Si-hour sea trial this morning. The McCormirk steamer Wapami moved from St. Helens to the harbor yesterday, berthing at th. North Pacific mill to finish her lumber cargo. A. B. Hsmer of Seattle; special agent of the treasury department, was in the city yssterdsy on his way to Newport and Marsh field to check the custom house transactions. 9 Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. M feet'7:Ot A. M 12 feet M feet I M P. M 1.0 feet Portland is to entertain the imperial council of the Shrine next year is going to be one of the big factors in stimu lating interest." "Meeting at Chicago July 26," Mr. wilke continued, "the party will pro ceed to Winnipeg and will travel to Edmonton, thence to Vancouver and arrive ax Portland August 8 will be spent here, leaving August for Medford and spending the night of August 11 at Crater Lake. Leaving Victoria, B. C, August 19, for the re turn, the trip through the Rockies will be made entirely In daylight. minutes of his life. riying low over Mnrviiir h poured all the ammunition his machine gun had into enemy troops. In that last descend he killed six Germans and wounded as many more. Then he landed in a field. The villar iu. -uvrmans rnntiin. ........ .i Two days ae,end himself ind then tni. UlgUSt 10 The Village. .v.. T " ' , . " ; j vjci iiiiiu com mandant of Mruvauz would not alloir " ' " pmcea in tne cart that uraggea JUKe to the BUGS CAUSE OF ROMANCE ENTOMOLOGISTS STCDY PESTS IX CRANBERRY BOGS. that he drove off some women who brought a sheet to vnn u . body. ' " O'LEARY SCORES BRITONS Propaganda Held Responsible for . Many Prosecutions. NEW YORK. "It th am in. r aurv T n (h. i ; of America, America would h. hann Miss Flora Frieze Becomes Bride of J pdy. altogether unconcerned about mc iiuniicai reactions of Europe. inai was tne declaration nf t.,. miah A. O'Leary to a cheering, shout ing (enthusiastic audience of 5000 in the Lexington opera house. They had SEAVIEW. Wash.. June 25. (Spe- recently relea.ri h..i ,T- mf" cial.) How a lot of bugs were respon- agreement by a jurv in the federal " " j . ....... auu u. nim. bride, formerly Miss Flora Frieze. I The The Two -Way Plug, made by the Benjamin Company, is known to the trade and public as Benjamin "92" and Benjamin Two -Way Plug. In imitation of this, the Japanese de vice has been marketed under the name "Benjamin 92" or "No. 92." . Be sure you get the genuine Benja min Two -Way Plug the "Benja- min 92." The Benjamin Company has a Pacific Coast House at 590 Howard Street, San Francisco, and the genuine article is handled by all electrical distributors -and dealers. In addition to the Benjamin Two Way Plug, the Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company has facil ities for supplying high grade reflec tors, industrial lighting fixtures, wiring devices and other electrical apparatus, enameled ware, castings, stampings and spinnings in steel, all of which are manufactured in America by skilled American workmen, who re ceive America's standard of just compensation. CHICAGO BENJAMIN ELECTRIC MFG. CO. 590 Howard Street SAN FRANCISCO Benjamin Electric Mfg. Co. of Canada, Ltd, Torant. Canada : Tha Benjamin Electric, Ltd, London. England NEW YORK -jjT f'-'i-adw,) rMr, um ,, Makers of Things More Useful rn UNJ the most important organization of its kind in England, that women are now admitted to the society on the same terms as men. So far, the president said. the women who had presented them selves for membership were of excellent education and good qualifications. Harold Plank at South Bend. -Work Is Resumed. Both young persons are entomolo gists. Mr. Plank having been sent out recently by the United States depart ment of agriculture from Washington, D. C, to investigate an insect pest the cranberry bogs. Hia bride repre sented the state of Washington in the same work. Being "swamped" with occasion was a rerentlnn tn O'Leary by a 'joint committee of the Irish societies of New York. The an- pearance of the former editor of the publication. Bull, was greeted by cheers wmcn couia oe neard In the street. u Leary continued: "To-day I regard with more susnlrinn than ever the British. proDaeanda. In 1 :05 'A .3i P. A Matter of Propinquity. Kansaa "City Journal. "Propinquity la what brings about marriages," declared pa in didactic mood. 'Huhr "It works this way. From among tha men who call most frequently at a house the daughter of the bouse nat urally selects a husband." "In that case, said ma. "I fear our daughter is doomed to 'marry a bill col Ich Kiin NIolit Vcrstahen, Brooklyn Eagle. It has leaked out that Indians, under orders In Fance. used Choctaw to com municate things over the telephone wires when Germans were known to' be listening in. Choctaw puziled the Huns. Another Tankee trick ia thus! exposed without shame and without I ways that are not to be finished. 1IULV. . w.rk In h nncrtt Mf Pl.nlr V.J fn, . : , , . . . " n.u.ci it., ueuause i Know mat my coun- a laboratory assistant while he con- try waa used bv KnrlanH .., ducted investigations. around me a wild and evil storv The state sent Miss Flora Frieze, signed to -imnrison r Vai.r. . t.i. graduated last year from the Washing, brave associates in Ireland, and at t he ton State college, where she majored in same time to destroy all svmnathv tnr entomology. . Ireland jn America. The two knew each other but a few "It was auite loeical during- tn. weeks. The study of the cranberry pest I events of the past five years that Irish proved Interesting. men in America should be persecuted. Mr. Plank and his young assistant What the Irish race in America nsorta went to South Bend Monday and were Is political persecution. Politics and married. work. They have returned to their TO BE L MRS. RUPERT HAT7SER TO SPOX. SOR SEW VESSEL. Last of Thirty-One Grant. Smith Porter Ships M ill Take Water -This Afternoon. ' r, A carman is the name of the last ves sel to be floated by the Grant Smith Porter Ship company and she will be launched at the-Jit. Johns plant at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. sponsored by Mrs. Rupert Haueer, daughter-in-law of Eric rHauser, general manager of the company. The company has launched 11 ships there to date and when the A carman la In . the water there will remain two hulls on the finances have enervated and enslaved it. Political persecution should Durere and strengthen It. Political persecution of Irishmen in Ireland developed able and courageous soldiers to beat down British tyranny in America. , One of the most striking features of the world war, one of its most extraordinary aspects was this: That despite the traditional hatred of men of Irish blood for the British empire that despite the fact that the United States sacrificed its holiest, traditions and saved the empire from which we wrung our liberty no Irishman In America lifted the hand of violence or disored against the United States. lf George Washington or Thomas Jefferson had gone to Paris, the Irish question would have been placed before the peace conference." Among prominent - Irishmen present on the platform were: John C. Moore, who presided; Lian Mellowes, member of the Sinn Fein parliament;. Peter Golden, sec etary of the Irish league; Dr. Patrick J. McCarton, the Rev. John Dooley and Mgr. John" Powers; FAST AIR LINE PLANNED Engineer Expects to Fly to London In Three Hours. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Commercial flying of the future will be done at an altitude of six miles. Aviators will be trained to get above the storm zone so that weather may' be eliminated from the aerial "log" But the best" is to come, hold your breath. The air voyage from New Tork to London soon may require only three ours, about the running time on the Pennsylvania railroad between New York -and this city. All of this, seemingly incredible as It is, will be a ccomplished with the "Allplane." a new high-powered craft conceived by Samuel D. Mott, M. E., ah Edison pioneer and charter member of the Aero Club of America, who ad dressed the second Pan-American aero nautical congress here tonight on what he regarded as the certain future of attainments in aviation. Mr. Mott declared that with the de velopment of his altoplane Idea there will be an antithesis of the submarine. The process of reasoning that Holland applied a craft to go beneath the sea to 15 or 20 miles aloft if necessary. It Is obviously a matter of equipment plus climbing ability of aircraft designed for the purpose. "Where is the storm limit? As moisture and varying temperature is the fundamental of storms, their great est development is near the surface and wholly confined to the storm limit. Wind state is a varying temperature. Over the hottest regions of Africa zero conditions have been detected within 1500 feet of the ground." TRAVELERS' GUIDE, Mr. Mott has utilized in his effort to provide his altoplane, There will be no more waits for clement weather In connection with transatlantic flights of the day to come once Mr. Mott gets his plan into nractical operation In the course of bis addresses Mr. Mott said "We have read of many men tarrying in New Foundland for several weeks waiting, waiting, for the weather. That trial was a glorious undertaking, our navy's expedience was wise and all honor to the brave men attempting the test. But I submit that waiting indefi nitely for ldeael weather conditions for long-distance flying over land or sea will not do for the demands of com- "The problem evidently is not of equipment for planes to function in rarefied air, and protection of naviga tors against its tenuity. Likewise pro tection of the body warmth and com fort 1 nextremes of temperature. How high we may sro none may know until tested. Personally I believe it possible British Society Admits Women. LONDON. Announcement was made at the annual meeting of the Society of By July IS it is hoped by the com-I Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Safe for the children. Brings last ing cheer. Benefits the whole family MODfcR.N APPLIANCE! CO. Seattle. H. A. Conger. No. 3 N. 6th St, Portland, Or. LANSING ; STIRS COHALAN Justin Asserts Britanic Fear of Irish Question Influenced Secretary, NEW YORK. England's- fear to bring the Irish question before th peace conference, because of the injus tice of her occupation of Ireland, led to Secretary Lansing's refusal of hearing to delegates of the Irish Re public. This charge was made by Jus tice Daniel F. Cohalan. He said: The action of Mr. Lansing with ref erence to the Irish delegates is typica of the conditions which prevail in Paris. The influence of England on the work ing of the peace conference is over shadowing. Not alone has the form of the league of nationa as proposed by her statesmen been adopted, but practically every question that has come up for consideration has been settled in a way that will contribute most to the strengthening at least tern porarily, of the British empire.- "The case of Ireland Is to be denied a hearing to Its representatives, be cause Messrs. Walsh, Dunee and Ryan, when they went to Ireland, talked about Irish independence. I wonder whether Mr. Lansing thought these gentlemen went to Ireland to view the scenery, or to praise the rule of Dublin Castle. "The truth is that Lloyd George the artful dodger of British oolitic: frightened by the storm raised by the Tories of England, sought some way to refuse a hearing to the Irish delegates. "England fears to bring the question before the peace conference because she knows, as the Irish contend, that her rule in Ireland is founded only upon mignt ana naxea xorce. if she had good case, she would not hesitate to submit to a court dominated by herself and made up of Japan, France, Italy, cieigium, Portugal and others, even though the greVt liberty loving coun try ot America were a member of it.' Because We Were Unprepared. Omaha Bee. Lest we forget, if General Wood's warning had been heeded, the cost of the war to America in dollars and cents would Wave been very much less than it was and we would not have been forced to depend upon England to clothe our troops and France to supply them with cannon ammunition. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. for SAN FRANXISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO SAILING FRIDAY.' 5 P. M. M. Boliam. Agent, 122 Third St. - , Phone Main i'S, ' - -, CPS OS SAILINGS-RATES Orient acroaa tkt Pacific JAPAN in 10 days CHINA in 14 day MANILA in 18 days Freaatat Ssibp frta Yascsmr, B. C EUROPE St rES MONTREAL QUEBEC LTVEHPOOL TWO SAILINGS WEEKLY -Cabin fare f5 up third-class $56.25 and 57.50. Further Information from K. E. Ptmn. General A cent, 55 Third Street. Portland. CANADIAN PACIFIC .OCEAN SERVICES. S. F. & P. S. S. Lines S. S. Rose City 13 XOOTf. JVLY 3 Fares Include berth and meals. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE. . - Tklrd and Waahlnartam 8ta rhonesi Main 3530 A6611. Freight, Alnsworth Dork Phones) Bdwy. 288 A1234. . STEAMERS The Dalles and Way Point. Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays -and Saturdays, 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St- Dock. Broadway 3454 Lewiston -Portland Boat Str. Grahamona Municipal Dock No. 2 East Oak St. . Phone East 2808 HONOLULU Suva, Now Zealand. Australia The Palatial Passenger Steamers SL M. S. "NIAGARA," K. M. S. "MAKUBA" ZO.ow ions la.ajoo Tons Sail From Vancouver, B. C. For Fares and sailings apply Can. Pae. Pal! way, 55 Third St.. Portland, or Canadian Australian Royal AlaU Line. 440 6eymoir bC, Vancouver, B. C.